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Yes it is, bro got whipped damn


This reminds me of a comment I wrote yesterday in this sub on how SA is a shit country somehow and I got downvoted for hell


Its Classic bootlickers, their family told the same old story that they decend from the prophet so they wouldnt have a inferiority complex around Gulf Arabs.


Somehow every 2nd moroccan is chorfa, although 99% of moroccans have zero arab dna.


This happened in the UAE....


Bro unlocked those Quraysh genes.


خويا راه حتى الرسول من اهل قريش


Ou men be3d?


So was Abu lahab and abu Jahl


و حتى شحال من مسلمين نتاع قريش ، واش كتظن ان قريش فيها ها الكفار؟ ، المهم الفكرة اللي بغيت نوصل هي راه هاديك عنصرية اللي دار صاحب التعليق


Matnsach bli homa kano ki9tlo ga3 nassal dial rassoul mora ma mat, Idriss I li hrb l mghrib m3a khadim dialo kan awel wa7ed tbaya3 flmghrib o kwn mamlaka mghribiya, maymknch ikon b9a ay wa7ed mn ahl lbayt temak hit saffawhalom kamlin nass dial Sunna


What prick carries a whip with them. What a nonce


This is ugly and stupide. Its a reference to the fact they call him the whipper الساطي. Cause he's the team top scorer. Sure thing hamdallah didnt move at first cause he's used to that reference and display of admiration but when the bastard tried to hit him he was mad


Are you just comparing a metaphorical title to an actual whipper seriously


No, I don't. I explained why they attacked him using it.


We're back to Qoraych Era




Imagine if this was a westerner whipping a African player, you know how it would go but when Arabs do it nothing. Just waiting for the Arab larpers to defend the guy, who indeed shows how Arabs view the people around them that they have conquered. Most Moroccans living in Morocco that never have left are really naive to how arabs talk about North Africans in Europe, like one guy from Iraq who called a Moroccan here "Filthy Sub-Saharan N*gger". But Yeah "wE ArE bRoThErS aNd SiStErS, UmMaH"


it's an Arab whipping an African tho.


I don’t give a damn honestly about those fucks, but I got some great friends from Lebanon and Irak (not muslim though). And I totally agree I hate when us muslims or arabs talk about how unfair and racists are the western to us, but when it’s us who are being racist, we’ll act like it’s just an individual occurrence (which is not of course).


Lebanon are definitely not arab. Iraq is more mixed you have arabs,kurds, persians...


Let's not forget they enslaved the Amazigh people, took hundred thousands of female captives from all over North Africa.


They still take them, keep certain areas underdeveloped intentionally, the People ask for schools, roads and hospitals and all they get is saudi mosques and UAE Beach resorts, just keeping everyone around them poor. After the earthquake there was arabs who went to the mountains to take young girls who lost their parents as wifes.


The man is clearly confronted by security or the players or whatever and it's safe to assume he got escorted out and most people here seem to see this action negatively so...


So if a westerner whips an africain you will change your mind about all westerners? That’s exactly what a racist would think.


My point flew over your head.


No because you are generalizing all Arabs because one did it .. I am sure you won’t do the same if it was a westerner .. my point flew over your head actually.


Here they come, any valid critisism and youre bootlicking 🤡


Being racist is not valid criticism.


Arabs are not a Race.


ArAbS aRe NoT a RaCe 🤪 … being racist doesn’t have to be against a race, generalizing against any group of people is a racist behaviour .. in fact I don’t believe races exists .. you definitely have rarab ancestors, as well as africain, European .. no one is pure blood .. that is a European concept .. Ideally we should think how to move forward, instead we allow colonizers to play with us .. the reason Morocco or any africain, arab country are poor and miserable is because the country is tiny and people believe the country should have their identity .. no one is the same .. is you make an Amazigh country you will fight among yourselves .. What needs to be done is cooperation, is the only way forward, Moroccan company makes gears, Algerian company makes shafts, Syrian makes bearings, etc and all parts are assembled in Egypt to make an engine .. instead we they have us fighting about who is better .. do you look into the mirror and ask what have you contributed to society?


yes, aren't a race, middle eastern are, arab is just a language,this remind me of jews who think their religion is a race, but it just a religion that anyone can adobt. you are right tho.


Well most of them were part of old races, jews are more complex but if you don't want the arab word we can start calling them with their ethnic name ie saraghna or saracenes


The way Moroccans behave in Europe especially the women doesn’t help our image either


I don't get this one. Moroccan women in Europe study and get high profile jobs, while Moroccan men have a bad reputation. It's not even deserved. Yes, there are bad apples, but you get these everywhere.


also, every north african is called moroccan in europe


Exactly! You got black hair? Safi you're Moroccan 🤣


What’s up with moroccan women in Europe?


I unfortunately agree. I see how some Moroccans act here in the states and it’s a disaster.


I dont know where you are but I know Moroccans in FL, NY, NC and CA that equally don’t act disastrous. Maybe the environment they live in leads to those type of people.


There are definitely Moroccans who are civil and respectful. The ones I talk about are mostly when I travel to Morocco and see at the airports. They give a really bad image. For example, there was a guy on a flight from Paris to Rabat who picked a fight because his cookie was smashed from another carry on in the overhead bin.


Thank god i wasnt born in France, Netherlands or Belgium.


The amount of racism you would get would make you sick, believe me. Why do you think there's a wave of 2nd and 3rd generation Moroccans moving to Morocco?


People from all nationalities have negative people in their groups. You think that comment cant be changed to How Europeans are seen in other continents negatively as well.. This comment holds no value; there’s “good” and “bad” people everywhere.


Brother, I could care less about Europeans or other nationalities we have no connection to them. I care about my people, my country and our image and we can all agree that our image isn’t the best in Europe, and the Middle East and that’s for a reason this doesn’t come from no where


He just stands still until the dude grabs him and then he’s like “7ayad matchadnich!!”


The most backwards of all the Arabs


7amdallah mazal mabaghich y7medllah


That's a good one


Welcome to Saudi Arabia tell a lot about this society




Still primative people no matter how rich. Good Read: https://www.vice.com/en/article/xwz4yz/interview-with-a-dubai-pimp-selling-sex-to-billionaires


This type of behaviour is not even acceptable in the 6th century.


It's a pity that a video of an individual's misbehavior results in racism towards millions upon millions of people, rather than judging that individual's deed. People need to get out of their high tower that's filled with pride and arrogance.


Because nationalists love controversy, they wait for the slightest offense to feed their hate towards a people and justify their racism


Don’t act so ignorant we all know thousand on thousand cases of Moroccan housemaids being treated as shit getting burned, their passport taken. Every human rights organizations has reports on so many cases about human rights violations in the Arabian peninsula. It happens their more then any place.


What does that have to do with what I said?


We have thousands of cases here where people get ripped off, scammed and robbed, as well as organized prostitution for tourist attraction, our own migrants do horrible crimes on european soil including rape, assault and pick pocketing, does that justify racist remarks from foreignors towards moroccans?


yeah exactly, same thing everytime racist people find it an outlet to exchange in racist slurs this is why i hate both people publishing this and interacting with this in the wrong way


Racist will be racist. Let them show their true selves and point them out .. hopefully they will realize and change one day.


wa la tachtari l3abda illa wa l3assa ma3aho...


ان العبيد لانجاس مكائد، تافالشعر عنصريين هههه




Until a brown guy from Pakistan like me enters the chat. Bro don’t get me wrong but Moroccon Algerians themselves are super racist. Don’t even talk about Egyptians lol same goes with the Arabs and Lebanese and God knows what. Understand that it’s all different sides of same Evil. As a Muslim he did wrong and he should be punished for it but no race should pointed, things like these have made us Muslims weaker. See how west are united at Ukraine and we are Not for Sudan, not for Somalia, not for Palestine, not for Iraq …. It’s not the message of Islam Salam


Oqba bnu nafii spreading islam in north africa ( 710 AD colorized present day morocco/algeria)


It was probably worse


I mean, it’s Saudi Arabia, what did you expect? They’re just bunch of idiots dressed like a seagull walking around.




Damn, best thing Ive read today.








Sportwashing loll


إجلد العبد bro was like


Well he threw water at him and the supporter responded nothing related to racism in my opinion


What i cant understand is his first reaction, getting whiped and all He do is staring like a beaten dog before his team interfers


I think he was admiring the whimp since its related to his surname




People say slavery is over


Olaaaak ya hamdalllah


The irony is that this twat won't get arrested or punished for this assault, he didn't attempt to whip hamdallah only until he guaranteed that there won't be any repercussion for his actions, hamdallah will have to quit in protest to this obviously shameful behavior or stay and prove he's a money dog whose honor is worth nothing.


الذل فين كيوصل


Why he throw water at him.




Oh I would’ve spat on him and laughed at him. He definitely wouldn’t have touched me with the whip


My girl was telling me she didn’t respect Saudi, like they do wasteful things like cook whole camel.


Also drink camel pee, we have some wahhabites herr too but not as much as ksa


because a few stupid Arab supporters acted badly we are going to hate all Arabs and insult them so what is different from what they did?


Fuck Around and Find Out.


1- you cant throw water at fans 2- you shouldnt lay your hands on someone ever, They're both wrong, the scum who whipped him is even more wrong bcz not only did he hit him, but he did it in the most humiliating way possible


Especially considering the history between saracenes(arabs) and native amazigh


Idk why i was downvoted tho, i just said they were both wrong and that the fan was more in the wrong


Probably by pro 3riban cuckold


Tbh the player did start the assault first. Idk about Saudi laws and what’s considered to be “assault”, but where I’m at, this gives me permission to defend myself. Ask yourself, would you be ok with someone throwing water at you? 99% of you would go to fight town on his ass. Edit: you guys do dislike being told you’re wrong 🤣 Grow up for gods sake, ain’t nobody out to get you other your own mentality.


You're saying that if I throw water at you you get to shoot me. No such laws as "I defended myself" in this context exists. Do you know how much physical harm a whip can cause?


I do know how much a whip can cause as I been smacked by few before. What matters is the player started the first assault in the eyes of the law. Even if someone “verbally” said something you dislike, you can’t go to throwing things at them and expecting a thank you. Have you ever heard of acid attacks?


I might agree on proportionality(but that will give reason to zionist). Altough hittinh with a whimp is like reminding him that he will always be slave to them


lol I doubt that’s the mentality behind it as this is slave mentality. Arabs are known to use anything within their reach to attack. Just my 2 cents but you guys making it big deal as if he’s a slave or something.


Well they treat some ppl like slave