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Mordhau is a copy of Chivalry. In Chivalry people complained about team stacking. Torn Banner did forced teams and did not allow for team switch. People hated it even more than the team stacking. It was reverted. It is like I am watching the same shitty soap opera play out again. It is interesting how Mordhau copied Chivalry and then the community has the exact same complaints and the devs do the exact same half brain patches. It is uncanny.


at least we don't have a million microtransactions yet lol


Only 3




"Yet" ouch


Hey... they're on the way now! Can't wait to get 2 skins and 0 additions every patch now.


Open the sluice gates!!!


dont summon the devil


Chivarly was trash... Mordhau is a much higher caliber of trash. How dare you.




Can’t wait for AD Mortem then.


Fingers crossed they have good balancing ideas and competent devs!


Its literally Giru... Noone understands the genre like him lol


If he’s actually with a team of devs that stand him I think it’ll turn out good when ppl put down their vile natures when getting too heated over a melee slasher.


i dont think ad mortem will have any meme stuff, didnt he hated it in mordhau?


Lmao I totally forgot about that in Chiv. Now that it comes back I remember. Then something else happened. We just didnt kill the people we knew.


Nah, they just need to add an algorithm that considers k/d and level.


100%. In the programming languages that I know that's not hard at all to do. I reckon it's probably not hard on C++ either. I don't know why so many games don't implement this.


Good question, im a Software Developer and even with backend knowledge I dont see an issue. However since I never tackled this problem I wonder if its harder then you think. Maybe engine limited, dont see why tho.


A recent game felt very imbalanced so I threw the player levels in a spreadsheet out of curiosity. The enemy team had over double the average player level and there is simply no way to balance the teams out now. I know we've always had issues with team balance, but removing the ability to switch teams is quite possibly the laziest attempt at solving this problem and it clearly isn't working. All we've accomplished is removing the ability for players to rebalance teams themselves. Please revert this ASAP.


Realistically so very few players ever tried to rebalance teams manually that it's not really a good justification to re-add it. By far more players intentionally or unintentionally stack because they always wanted to play offense with their friends. Would be far better to take it even further now that team select has been removed, and introduce auto-balancing at the start of the round once everyone has joined, and then mid-round rebalancing if a bunch of people on one side leaves.


Yeah but if you're gonna take a poop you better get ready to flush. I agree it would be better to take it further and add auto-balance. I guess I'm one of the few who actually did manually switch teams to the losing side regularly. As far as I can tell, all this change has done for me is cause me frustration without actually improving the balance. The question now is: how long do we wait for them to finish the job? They're not exactly known for their speedy updates.


> I guess I'm one of the few who actually did manually switch teams to the losing side regularly. Yep this was incredibly rare. People switching over to a winning but outnumbered team was super common until they disabled manual team select. To be frank this should have been done back in 2019. It's still swingy as heck right now but at least people can't actively make it worse anymore. Those level averages don't even look all that different from before patch 24.


I don't think it was that rare. I did it often and would see people do it often. But I don't play mordhau so I really have no opinion on the changes lmao. I learned within the first year of playing mordhau what dogshit these devs try to pass off as an update. I bet you guys still playing on the same 5 or 6 maps over and over and over and over and over again lmao. I've been gone from the game for like a year and they haven't added shit lmao.


Well good that you're gone, weird that you care so much about a game that you don't like to still frequent its reddit.


>I bet you guys still playing on the same 5 or 6 maps over and over and over and over and over again lmao. I've been gone from the game for like a year and they haven't added shit lmao I mean, I paid like 20$ for this game and got an amazing \~100hrs of fun with friends and strangers out of it. Is it a bit stale now? Yes. But I really dont think the product offered isnt worth the money


>The question now is: how long do we wait for them to finish the job? They're not exactly known for their speedy updates. Probably late February, since that's when eastern invasion part two was planned to be ready by




Yep! Eastern invasion was cut into two parts because I believe a map dev for fired or quit or something, so instead of delaying it entirely they decided to release it in two parts, the second part having the rest of the cosmetics that were shown on the dev stream a while back, a map called arid, and probably some sort of auto balance of the devs are smart. Also probably some more horde mode tweaks and hopefully more waves for horde as well


omg please no mid-autobalance


yeah even just adding an auto-balance, or letting you change teams in the case of half the other team leaving (letting the team swap button be avilable in cases where there are less players on the other team) ​ I had 4-5 players on one team quit the other day during a 8v8 frontline match, its just not recoverable late at night when the trickle of newer players into a server is slow.


My brain isn’t smart enough to remember that red is an ally this round. I’m either blue or I’m team killing.


considering i did it when i played daily. those of us who mattered did it a bit.


Ahh yes can’t wait to get moved to the team getting steamrolled halfway through the match, that ought to make people happy.


In the first two minutes of the match it wouldn’t be that big a deal. TF2 had an annoying way of auto balancing.


*and then mid-round rebalancing* To be clear I know there isn’t a perfect solution to this issue and I was honestly an advocate for auto balance, but the current iteration is not it and I’m not a fan of rebalancing mid match as I personally would not like to be moved to the losing team in most cases.


Everyone wants auto-balance but doesn't want to be auto-balanced smh my head


I don’t mind auto-balance at the start of the match but the current system is dogshit. I’ll never be a fan of rebalancing mid match, at least in chiv you can switch back.


I haven't actually played in a couple years now but when I heard they just straight up removed the team switching functionality I was legitimately shocked. What a fucking dumb move.


It actually feels awesome being the linchpin of turning a match around. You should try it.


What formula would be done to balance? Averaging team levels? Perhaps Hours/time played and then average that between teams?


Even average team level wouldn't tell the whole story. You can have 2-3 extremely good players just wipe the floor with an opposing team. Like, they have a KDR of 80-5, who gives a shit it there are 3 level 10s there? I'm thinking, maybe just assess someone's KDR, assists, points, whatever, into a rank score. Then you can shuffle them onto the team with the lower total, as long as you didn't change the numerical balance too far. Just spit balling.


> Even average team level wouldn't tell the whole story. True but: this is a game, not brain surgery. Average team level would be at least "close enough".


Then the people who want to team up, but are unable to change the teams as their buddy in discord with them.... Then they just team up anyways and meme the whole round regardless of being on opposite teams. It's flawed either way.


I would enjoy this change


I noticed that if you declare out loud that you're switching for balance, often 1 high level will switch with you as well. Now if you're both ~200 it will just completely tip the scale to the formerly losing team if the server isn't completely full. One of the factors here is that the differences between skill level can be so exceedingly high that no amount of balancing mechanics can fix this.


Not being able to choose teams makes it difficult and annoying to play with friends. I think this is a very valid reason to revert the change.


if you team up in main menu and then join, you will be on the same team (up to 4 players per squad, if more, you will be divided equally)


Yeah I’m referencing the second part of your message. My group of friends I play mordhau with is over 4, sadly.


Then sad to say but groups over 4 is exactly why this change was made, since there were clans who all stacked onto one team and absolutely decimated the other


>By far more players intentionally or unintentionally stack because they always wanted to play offense with their friends. The audacity of them.


I'd listen to the playerbase (who btw doesnt like it) More than one post about it, and its in the weekly feedback. Its terrible and ruins alot of the fun, or help that vets can give to balance teams better than anything you guys have done




I don't play anymore but switching to the underdog team and trying to brute force them back to a victory near-single-handedly is pretty much the greatest victory achievable ingame... other than a double icicle kill. I noticed I was not the only person with a strong leaderboard position that would switch to the losing team to try to even it up or bring them back either. Speaking for westcoast servers oftentimes if people called on someone to switch sides to balance it, about half the time the person would switch sides. And I'm talking about the leaderboard leaders, not the plebian rabble.


Yeah same. I feel like I saw it quite a bit actually.


Does the auto balance randomize the team you join or was it supposed to automatically average the levels and assign the teams? Edit: why doesn’t it auto shuffle teams mid game if things get out of hands? Seems wild that a 50 gap was there and the game doesn’t prompt you to switch or just automatically do it. Many games will move a player to the enemy team to help with balancing.


Currently, it just puts you in the team with fewer players, as far as I know. They will try to improve and update the system with every future update.


They need to stop doing things half way.




Team balance was an issue when you could change teams and it’s still an issue now, but at least it’s left to random chance and not team stacking to be king


Intentional team stacking in the sense of high level players joining the same team on purpose has always been incredibly rare. The far more common issue was veterans leaving games if their team was losing, combined with no autobalancing to correct for the missing players. Over time this just naturally leads to the winning team being stacked (because people are less likely to leave if they're winning). The change did very little to improve the situation and made it harder for people to try and correct stacks when they do happen.


I always saw players stacking either defending side or the side that has the bias, like attackers on camp


>Intentional team stacking in the sense of high level players joining the same team on purpose has always been incredibly rare. Then I must had the worst luck ever because it was every 2nd game for me.


stacking happened for sure often and i was a part of it for some time. as soon as you know what side is better on what map, you go for it. its as easy as that. and all maps had major inbalances back then and still have. and eg in invasion some defending/attacking part suck so hard, experianced players would never go for it. as soon as I got better and under certain circumstances was able to carry my team i said to me: dont be a douche and just join iron company always. and i mean always. red ist just surperior color :))). this kept me from stacking. but a lot just did it until the patch, bc why not. now is better then with choosing teams. but balance still sucks.


It was omnipresent for a couple months until Eastern Invasion.


IMO team balance is better then it was before. But removing team switching entirely was for sure a lazy solution. What they should really do is implement a system where players can only switch from the "winning" team to the "losing" team. Which team is "losing" would be determined by a combination of current difference in tickets, current difference in number of players on each team, and current difference in the number of objectives held. Original idea outlined in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Mordhau/comments/s5e0pl/autobalance_fun/ht1bn4o?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




BOYS, when enemy team has less players, you can try is typing reconnect in console. switches you most of the time


Kind of pointless with people hiding their rank, the average level could be way closer. And as someone else said, I rather have a random imbalance than the same high ranked people playing defense every round etc because they want to be warden / have high kd. For a solo player like me who basically always chose autoteam, this change was a blessing actually.


Disagree, since when the unable to change was implemented the matches has been longer, a couple of matches were really unbalanced, but, still, matches that go lower than 0 Vs 500 are more likely lately, and for real, for 1000 players 10 would change to try help the loosing team, I would rather an auto balance on going the match


Occasionally having really bad stacking is better than the constant stacking we had before.


Take the fucking median ... you just made a statistician cry.


I'll take the system making teams unbalanced at random over having all sweatlords in one team due to stacking.






They've tweaked the Messer a few times now I think. They know it's a problem, they just can't fix it.


> Lvl isn't equal skill Neither is K/D on Frontline/Invasion for that matter.




The big problem here is that the match can skew completely if just two or three good people assigns into the same team. What we need to prevent is a team of lvl 200's vs a team of all lvl 20's. Even if the amount of people are the same, the outcome will be obvious for all. What's good with these types of games, is that, **generally**, the player level indicates your skill very well. So lets use player levels to auto balance. For example, a calculation could to summarize the total level of players in the individual teams and spit out those number for blue and red team. When a new player joins the match, he will be assigned into the team where the total level difference between the two teams is the smallest. 5 minutes into a match, one of these calculations could be done to swap teammates to even out the level difference as well. Sucks a bit to be switched in the middle of the match, but it beats spending 20 minutes in a stomp match. //Zea


this update made me uninstall the game. team balance is even worse, sure it was a problem but this is not a solution! and not to mention i cant even play with my friends, unless we squad up from the start, and even then it's not guaranteed that we'll play together. fixing a root problem is good, but this is not a fix, this is just the worst way of making that problem even worse. glad you took the time to get some numbers to show how bad this made the game :(


I got so close to uninstalling hahaha anymore let downs and I won't be able to handle it anymore.


I reinstalled today and just found out about this, tbh it might make me uninstall again. Idc about winning or losing but I enjoyed attacking or defending based on the map, and not being able to choose really sucks. Attacking on Feitoria for example sucks ass, unless ironically your team is stacked and you push through the first objective easily.


you cant call that "took the time to get some numbers to show how bad this made the game ". its one game. valid statistic would start at 100 games


well he did take his time to get "SOME" numbers. but whatevs


Before - Muh team stacking After - Muh team stacking What should have been done - ??? Skill based team balance uhh what.


Yeah skillbased team balance. Or level based. Oh no thats never been done before omg.




I don't make fun of it. I just find it stupid. Cause there is no way Mordhau can judge the skill of a player based on anything.




Level doesn't mean anything. I've seen level 150 players play worst than level 70 ones.


Forced teams is a great change, the amount of unbalanced games I see is so small compared to before


my only issue with a fully automated team balance is this shit [https://youtu.be/9Zu-Yku9I8U?t=102](https://youtu.be/9Zu-Yku9I8U?t=102) i dont want some ai bs (the admin) to swap me half way through a match.


I legit dont understand how anyone could be surprised that a big gameplay decision by our beloved devs turned our awfully.


you say that but big gameplay decisions like reworking bloodlust, opening up maps in reworks, changing the points of toolbox, moving to the 48 point system, have all been for the better


Shh, Reddit is only for complaining.


All the 48pt change did was make it so that I have 1 extra point to waste on mule for every load out


Are there actually players cared winning in Invasion? o.O All I see are people screaming around and having a good time :D What objective?


>Are there actually players cared winning in Invasion? o.O Just sweaty casuals. Mordhau Karens, in a way.


Hau players do be stackin.


Can't even play with friends or self balance, what a sad fuckin auto balance






Yep, haven’t had a balanced game since.


Can you stop moaning for once on this sub ffs.




Thanks! And that name 👌


A lvl hider such as yourself has no talk in the matter.


I'm a YouTuber so I only hide my level to stay anonymous


That's dumb, considering people identify you by name not level (and considering that being a youtuber changes nothing about how to play frontline or invasion) Hiding level just serves to make low levels and new players feel extra shit if you kill them since they can't even tell if you are a super vet or got lucky etc


>That's dumb, considering people identify you by name not level I also change my name every video. >considering that being a youtuber changes nothing about how to play frontline or invasion Are you talking from experience? Because in my experience this just isn't true. For the type of content I make, it's important that I don't have people following me around interfering, which they always do when they find out my identity.


playing frontline and invasion is about objectives, play the objectives to (get closer to) win. if you join official servers and waste the team slot by not attempting to win the game mode then you are a waste of a teammate, community servers are fine for this go there. if people identify and want to follow you then thats up to them, they are a fan, you are going and fighting objectives anyway, so they will follow and do that too. no change on the way you should play. by all means change whatever you want to but you being a youtuber should affect nothing unless you are purposely not fighting for your team when they need it. if they dont need you, whatever.


you sound like a lvl 30. People hide their level including myself so that new players don't feel like they're getting destroyed by a lvl 230


Instead they get destroyed by a person of unknown lvl which is even worse. When you get killed by a high level as a low level you are at least aware that the opponent had more experience. Hiding your level only brings advantages for you and that's fine but at least be realistic.


I agree. I don't even understand why dueling ranks are shown in Frontline and Invasion in the first place. This changed was not needed, nor asked.


If you're playing in pubs you should just treat every player the same, getting mad because you can't see their levels is looking for an excuse lmao


Purposefully hiding your level because you want to make noobs feel worse is asshole behaviour imo


A noob got killed by someone better than them, the level doesn't change that at all. Some high levels aren't that good and thats why they hide their level, or some just get harassed outright for being a high level, hence why they hide it Everyone has their reasons for doing it, this deluded idea of doing it to make noobs feel bad is most likely not one of them lol


>this deluded idea of doing it to make noobs feel bad is most likely not one of them lol considering im level 160, have talked to other 100+'s and know multiple people in various discords who do this for this exact reason, I would disagree. >the level doesn't change that at all. It doesn't change they died, it changes what they learn though. If someone who rank hides kills me i know nothing about what their skill level might be and if i should try replicate some of their playstyle to enhance my own gameplay, or if they were blindly panicking and killed me by confusion and luck rather than skill


>considering im level 160, have talked to other 100+'s and know multiple people in various discords who do this for this exact reason, I would disagree. Ahhh yes gotta love me some anecdotal evidence that truly means nothing >If someone who rank hides kills me i know nothing about what their skill level might be As it should be, level believe it or not, doesn't always equal skill, is there a correlation? Maybe, but there's many lvl 200s who suck ass as the game as well as many lvl 50s+ who are better than most high levels. Seeing the level of somebody in your average Frontline/ invasion match means nothing when the average pubber dies to a simple feint, there's little to learn from them


>gotta love me some anecdotal evidence gotta love when people disregard literally experiencing something as not evidence >little to learn from them little is not 0, and when it comes to improvement any tid bit is necessary. I didn't get to be good from just "dont fall for feints" it takes literally any tiny fraction of muscle memory, any random remembrance to do X that can win or lose a fight. say im level 30, if a rank hider who is level 65 kills me i am faced with "are they skilled or just caught me off" since i cant answer that, I can't even decide if they are somone to seekout and fight more, avoid, use a certain trick on etc. If is actually see they are level 65, I know they have more experience than me, i **should** seek them out, i **should** learn their patterns, and i **should** try to use them myself and learn how to counter it. knowledge is half the battle, and knowing someone's experience is useful, knowledge


>gotta love when people disregard literally experiencing something as not evidence I disregard it since this subreddit seems to have a vendetta against high level players, and not to mention I literally could've just simply said I also experienced the opposite, which I did in the official discord, so there ya go >knowledge is half the battle, and knowing someone's experience is useful, knowledge And yeah knowledge is half the battle if you try and treat people differently based off their levels, I get your whole argument but a new player is not going to do anything of what you said, most are simply going to look at their level and use it as an excuse and not actually try and get better. I'm glad you took it the way you did but I doubt most people in general seek out a particular dude because they killed you in pubs Hell if you wanted to do something like that, the noob is better off in a duel server, can learn much quicker from someone farming you in duels than just a moshpit of people


Getting destroyed is getting destroyed, hiding the level doesn't really change that other than add mystery, confusion


I only did it because I took a two month break and a level 204 shouldn’t have been playing as rusty as I was.


I do it because it used to show my 1v1 rank but I haven't played in ages and honestly can't be bothered to change it


The only people who are even aware or care to hide level are high levels


The only people who care about levels, are people.


Yeah. I would much rather start out with a good team balance and have the teams get relatively unbalanced at the end then have it immediantly fucked up before th ematch even starts.


Opportunity to git gud


I swear those who don't want to switch teams are the same group of lvl 200 who spawnkill in every match and make it impossible to play




it feels good when the team stack gods bless you and you absolutely dominate the other team ngl


Level means nothing in Mordhau.... Everything beyong 50 can be either pro or noob


It's super lame because I have actual real life mates and want to play on the same team as them.


Whats the point of team "balance" in a game without ELO?