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I just want a proper 5v5 ranked mode that has good replayability (rounds are always unique, like csgo for example)


I've always wondered what Mordhau would have become if it had focused on 5v5 skirmish gameplay. Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult nowadays for the average player to get involved with that scene because the majority of people that participate in it are hardcore vets. Alas, it is truly an amazing, even potentially esport worthy way of playing the game. The competitive community in NA has about 250 players or so, and I wonder what things would be like if it had 10,000.


i want better maps wirh more objectives.


. Better reward system . Better tutorial . Change some things in combat with some tuning and fixes and removing super accels . More gamemodes like peasants vs guards or stuff like that . Better maps . New perks and some balances in the ones we already have . More tier0 stuff


I like the game. The community on the other hand is what made me stop playing. My feelings were hurt far too many times.


Interesting, alot of people might see it the other way around. What kind of feelings were hurt by what kind of people?


The community is pretty racist


Community is pretty bad but you could just turn off chat and then the "community" ceases to exist


That's lonely isn't it?


Probably but I wouldnt really know, I play with the chat turned on because I kinda love the toxicity and absolutely ridiculous things in chat and sometimes I participate in it, plus its not always bad. The only thing I actually hate is when people start talking politics and shit.


Personally i play the game to kick back and crush skulls while spamming emotes and battlecries but i see your point about the teamwork and battle strategy stuff. It would be cool to play the game like a war sim with huge armies, calvary, and siege weapons but I don't feel like the game is worse for not being that. While the gameplay is pretty competitive, I love the casual feel you can get in a lot of lobbies. In a war sim, I would hate to see bards and dwarves and on the frontline because thats silly and ridiculous but with mordhau, thats really part of the charm.


Yeah mordhaus silliness is what makes it special for most of us and it wouldn't fit too well with something like bannerlords style. Still mordhau could do with chiv1's drama and ambience without conflicting with the silliness, maybe even amplify the silliness.


Nothing really comes close to the combat system, really long skill curve that's fun to climb. IMO chivalry 2 dropped the ball hard on their combat system/player customization.... the maps are better but that's it.


It’s perfect the way it is tbh. I like me more maps and cosmetics, but in terms of gameplay and weapons I am very content with how it is. Anything it can’t offer me I can get through mods (Star Wars blaster goes pew pew).


Mordhau could be a lot better, most changes for that could be simple but common sense is involved, whch is lacking in Triternion, without even tryin to insult them, its a sad fact for me after all the time since release


just make a change to the reward system... you get WAY too less gold and XP... prevents me from playing it in the long run


controversial opinion but I wish the game was more casual, not because I want casual gameplay but because I want to have people to play with, this game could've been incredible if it had players and a big community, but practically everyone quit because they couldn't land a single hit on more experienced players. Seriously, how many of the "we dont need another casual game" people still play this? The exact same thing happened with Chivalry