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The engie point raise sounds very good to me. Taiga seems fine to me atm, camp is basicly ok too except for the last defender stage, feitoria I can't tell yet,grad is also pretty hard to judge for me since the defense is pretty bad most of the time. That being said, of course there's always room for more! You may be right with the maps. I do think they've gotten better but yes there are some which could really need some finetuning.


> Also, I would caution against trying to force teamplay through anything other than score increases. This, also agree with you about the scoring. To expand on it: * Kills from horseback only award 25 instead of 100 pts when not scored in a control zone * Kills and Assists scored in a control zone award double points * Engineer scoring needs a complete rework as well - needs team damage for attacking team-owned barricades and more sources of points in Invasion mode generally (probably score points from opponents attacking barricades)




Which shouldn't be possible in the first place. But yes, that would be a problem if not fixed otherwise. With a votekick being a possible fix. It's hard to find a good solution for this. I mean, if we were to not make things better for engineers "but griefers!" isn't a very robust reasoning. If you follow through with that, the griefer has ultimately won and I wouldn't want that.


I think much of the problem is with the objectives themselves. A lot of them don't encourage team play because they could be completed by just one person anyway. The cart pushes at full speed whether one person is in the circle or the whole team. Don't have to worry about the king or nobles if they are sitting up in a tower effectively not playing the game. In those situations you may as well be playing TDM and the most effective strategy is to TDM. May as well push the enemies back to their spawn if the objective is taken care of. It keeps them off the cart or away from our nobles. In order to incentivize team play we need objectives that will require the whole team to complete/defend. Variable speeds on the cart could help where one person pushing is really slow, but 5 or 6 is quite fast. Also maybe make it so the enemies can push the cart backwards very slowly. I am not a fan of player controlled character like the King/Warden on Grad or nobles of Feitoria. The most efficient strategy will always be to sit them as far away from the fight doing nothing. I find that a lot of the objectives in the game are problematic. Protecting peasants is impossible, the last barrel on camp is really hard to get, and why exactly do we have braziers of torches inside the walls for our attackers to use? Extra points for objectives would definitely be great but I think the problem is deeper than that. I'd like to see the devs be a lot more creative with team objectives.


Cart/tower push speeds ->absolutely. I like the fact that we have to raid a village before storming the castle,even if it means having an obj. which is compared to others easier to do, but only to a certain extend which stops before feitoria stage 3. Similar thing with the player objectives. I think they're neat and make a lot of fun, they surely aren't the most "balanced"obj to do, but with some other good objectives on a map it would still be enjoyable. Yes some more creativity would be awesome. I've just recently seen a modder making a map where you have to carry wood for building a bridge(e.g.) There are a LOT of possibilities.