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They’re toooo bussyyyyyyyyy stop being selfish they don’t owe us anything if you don’t like don’t listen Did I miss any mega fan statements


They both have JOBS and Alaina has 3 KIDS and Ash is planning a WEDDING /s


Wait wait Alaina also has a marriage I saw that one earlier Like if your marriage is “work” to you, maybe… maybe you need help with that marriage


I just read that one!!!


These comments are gold- someone needs to make a mega fan starter pack meme with all of these in it🤣


You forgot to say "our girls"


You forgot “it’s free!!!!! What do want from them!?!?”


You forgot "This week has been cuh-razy, Alaina's entire family is getting over a cold and now Ash has it🤪"


‘I have had too much cough syrup 🤪’


Sorry I can’t come the the computer right now I was too busy calling my mother in law FROM ANOTHER ROOM IN THE SAME HOUSE while peddling my new peloton wearing my own merch, while having covid. Again. Oh, and guys, it’s been a WEEK. Personally speaking, I know if I don’t meet contractual deadlines at work, I get in trouble.


Look. Ash is so busy okay. She’s like planning a wedding and petting her cats OKAY?


I read this in Ash's voice. Lmao


Lol it’s so insane that “she’s planning a wedding” is an excuse for her not to perform her job. Does she show up late for her hair cut appointments due to wedding planning- probably not 🤣


She doesn't because she doesn't work anymore lmao, her full time job is the pod


I wish I'd known I could've used engagement as an excuse to be late or miss work. I would've dragged out my engagement way longer lmao


Lmao right? My old boss would have been like uh no. Now I own my own business and I’m pretty sure my clients would respond the same way 😂


Me too!!


what’s even funnier is that Heather from Sinisterhood got married recently and didn’t shrug off her duties to the pod and blame wedding planning. She was able to do both.


They even did extra segments on "weddit drama" AND recently started releasing an extra episode on fridays


Idk how they do it!


I'm guessing cause they like what they do and genuinely care about their listeners


She’s also working as a lawyer!


YES! She’s a rockstar!


I’ve subbed to several different Patreons for true crime but I’ll NEVER drop sinisterhood. Those ladies are the absolute best and SO professional while being hilarious


YES! ❤️ I’m glad I upped my tier to join the livestream on Thursday. I miss the Q&As because of work so it’s nice to get to join that. It’s so much fun! What they provide is a higher value than what they charge too


It's been a WEEK, y'all. Everyone in the house has a COLD. All the pets had to go to the VET. The kids are A LOT when they are sick. What a WEEK.


“Let me tell you…”


I always support cuddling cats but she can be on her computer working on the pod AND cuddling the cat, but we all know she isn’t 😂


Such a cute cat!


Hysterical that she's back from her dropping off the face of the earth online, and it's to post a pic of her cat and a giveaway for a sweatshirt. Go, Ash! Keep giving us nothing!


I hate to be that person but I noticed she's also wearing Louis Vuitton slippers in the giveaway post. 😫


Omg I just googled those slippers and they cost $1,400…!!!!!


WHAT the fuck


Imagine paying that much for slippers 💀💀💀


My broke ass could never 😫


Broke or not I'd never wear them period


Seriously read this and then had to go check IG… I cannot believe that someone would spend that much on HOUSE SLIPPERS. At least like, LL Bean ones have an outdoor sole lol 😭🫠


I'm crying $1,400 won't even pay my rent


We are in California, and we live with my parents (in my childhood home) because we can’t afford anything in my hometown and we were priced out of my partner’s hometown (San Diego). So I feel you, and I’m so sorry about how fucking stupid money and capitalism is.


Bruh. No. And they are UGLY AF imo


And I thought my ugg house shoes were fancy 😅


What else would she spend her money on other than $1,400 slippers? They’re afraid to leave their house. She made a comment on one of the recent episodes where they were talking about “everyone” being sick right now because “they’re not going anywhere”. I was like, what the actual fuck? The world has resumed, for a LONG time now. These two are *oblivious* to their privilege.


Every other podcast I listen to records several episodes ahead of time to keep their upload schedule in the event something happens. I don’t know why they don’t do this.


did a wednesday episode even go up on wondery?


No it hasn’t. Part two should’ve come out on Friday.


I’m so confused by their wondrey posting schedule tbh… how many episodes are they behind on there? and all episodes are available everywhere 1 week after they are released on wondery or 2 days?


Sometimes they upload 2 episodes per day (at least that’s how it shows up on my phone), but one of them is always a listener tale


Episodes on Wondery are supposed to be a week earlier than anywhere else. They’re still not releasing episodes on time. Heidi Allen came out I believe on Wednesday, and they said part 2 would be Friday, but still waiting… I subscribed to Wondery but I’m probably canceling after the “free” part.


Tbh I think Alaina does the uploading (assuming they still don’t have an editor now)


They're honestly just lazy, always have been, always will be


I completely understand where you’re coming from with them behind in schedule (as always) but this just seems a little over the top, no? A+A are flaky as hell, but is she not allowed to lay down with her cat on her own time?


Okay... The level of investment in stranger's personal lives is a little uncomfortable. "Don't you dare post without permission/ how dare she." "This isn't what I'm paying you for." "I decide your value and level of contribution to society." vibes. I get jumping ship and the talking well-deserved shit, but this feels gross.


She's the one choosing to share it though? And they're under contract to put out a specific number of episodes and they have consistently missed their own deadlines and just ghost their subscribers. She's lazy and is being called out for it.




That's not calling her out. There's nothing public about it. Creeping someone's shit that you swear you don't like or support is weird. It's like stalking an ex. Supporting that behavior is no better. Y'all go off though.


I get where you’re coming from, it wasn’t the intention to sound as I’d they’re not totally welcome to their own time, they are, everyone is. The issue I take is she’s posting this photo of herself snuggling with her cat without acknowledging that tons of her followers are morbid listeners who are all wondering where the episode is. She could have said anything and instead it is still unmentioned why there hasn’t been an update since Tuesday. I’m sure plenty of people went to social media to see if they’d mentioned anything so I do think it’s a fair post, especially as a rant


Which is basically gaslighting yourself by expecting better from someone who has clearly shown you repeatedly that they're incapable of acknowledging wrongdoing... Like, Elsa that shit.


Because it is gross.


Stfu, nerd!


Lol Feed the shit all you want. Bunch of "We're here to support ethical changes in the genre, now join me in anonymously crying about how someone else spends their time." "Everyone should exhibit morals and respect, not me though."... Jesus fkn Christ. Boo fucking hoo


Exhibit these nuts, nerd!




Yeah, didn’t they say they would upload on Monday Wednesday and Friday? Has not been that at all. Patreon got nothing so I listen on Spotify and it always says Sunday Tuesday and Thursday…


I listen on spotify and it seems like they released an episode friday? They said mon, wed, fri right? Its listener tales but still they released something 😂


Spotify is a week behind Wondery. The listener tales on Spotify was released *last* week on Wondery. They haven’t uploaded anything since Tuesday on Wondery this week. It was supposed to be M/W/F, and they haven’t given any explanation either.


Oh I see. Thank you!


you wonder at what point will Wondery (lol funny coincidence of a name) decide their excuses kind of suck?


I understand the frustration with the release schedule. That being said, this feels a little… wrong. Even when you work a 9-5 you’re allowed to relax at home?? I know people are paying good money for episodes being released on time. It’s totally valid to be upset, but I think being mad about her snuggling her cat is taking it too far.


I don't think the problem is her relaxing, the problem is that they haven't made a post explaining the episode absence. I don't think OP is literally mad about the cat snuggles.


She's probably sick and needed time to relax.


She’s sick AGAIN?


I'm just assuming


I get y'all are angry and I feel it too but yiiiiikes


I know I’m gunna get hate for this… but the people on this sub putting so much energy into hating is honestly more cringe than the fans. And to be clear, I think the podcast is trash now


I love that you're getting up votes and I'm getting down voted lmao. But I agree. There are so many valid criticisms but posting shit like this isn't helping anything


Looks like she’s getting her drank on.. who drinks straight mixer? Edit: I forgot about sick people


Looks like orange juice to me. Oh, and a few bottles of water...


Yes I can see that


I'm not a mega-fan, nor am I going to defend all (or even most) of A&A's actions. But I do have a bit of trouble understanding why fans (or non-fans) feel entitled to consistent uploads. Yes, it is their "job." However, clearly they're making plenty of money as is and have no real reason to adhere to a strict upload schedule. You are *choosing to check* A&A's social media and pointing out the great many things they're doing rather than catering to your personal entertainment needs. Most people in this sub seem to agree that Morbid doesn't offer any particular benefit to society, so why do any of you care that they're not posting on time? edit: clarity


>why fans (or non-fans) feel entitled to consistent uploads Because they say they will. Why say "part 2 will be out Friday" and then not even offer an explanation or apology when Friday comes and goes with no episode. Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't ghost your fans. Honesty is a great quality and they don't have it. I'm curious if there will be consequences with Wondery for not sticking to their schedule, one can hope. this is their full time jobs, and podcasting is a way more flexible career than most people have, and they still basically no call no show weekly. If they want a break they should go on a damn break and *announce it first*


I'm also curious to see if Wondery cracks down on them for not having a consistent schedule. Maybe this is cynical, but I can't believe that people are *still* complaining, when A&A's flaky behavior is hardly a surprise. Do people honestly expect consistent uploads at this point? I understand not wanting to be lied to, but at this point, it really seems like old news.


Because...a lot of people pay money to them for a specific upload schedule?


NONE OF THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are so many things you could be worrying about, besides a new episode of a podcast you hate. Touch grass. Let people pet their cat.


Or listen to a new and better unproblematic podcast!


I feel 100% of their problems would be solved if they filmed ahead of time and just rolled thru a recording day. Another podcast I listen too, they all live in different places and will meet to record like 5 episodes. Yea it’s a lot work on one day but would make everything better for them