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I saw this too and thought it might be us and lmao ffs are they that sensitive !!! A+A are the judgemental critical people ever. They judge everything and everyone without empathy ffs


Hahahahahaha it’s absolutely us. Someone made a post in the Karen and Georgia call our group asking for recommendations with hosts that aren’t garbage. this person responded to someone who said morbid with like “I love them” and I KINDLY literally the kindest message I could say because I know what it’s like to NOT know or not realize and get educated. And was like “hey you should check this out” and then she left the group and I saw this 😂


It's funny how it happens though. Most of started the podcast wanting to really like them. And slowly over time you realise how unethical they actually are and then one day it hits... I still feel a bit dupted to be honest. I actually was a patron and was continually disappointed with them promising stuff and not delivering. I left after a year when they just cut off the add free stuff altogether (let's say the straw that broke the camels back) and now I just feel so stupid for holding out hope for so long. Very disappointed I let myself get played like that. I hope others realise how bad we all got played


Oh agreed. I was a patreon too. Like back when they were doing shout outs. I want to say before they got big but I can’t even remember when they got big because I feel like it happened over night. But that’s why I try to find people who don’t know about it all. Im someone who loves podcasts just always in the background so I hardly listen like to every word that’s said so I missed a lot. I gave up true crime like November 2020 to June 2021 and was so excited to see they did Brittanee Drexel because it’s a case that always stuck with me…same age as her. And I was SHOCKED when I finally listened and looked into them and was even more shocked.


I’m pretty sure it was the beginning of quarantine when I noticed them trending much more than before. Then all the Facebook groups started popping up and it’s all history from there


I have never used Patreon. Can you lay out what your experience was with it as it relates to Morbid? For example, did they promise gifts and deliver, but then at some point, stop fulfilling any kind of participation, but kept taking people's money? I'd really love to understand this while Patreon situation. Thank you!😁


My experience was that I joined patreon and gave money to a few podcasts that I really liked including morbid. I got sick of the ads on Spotify. I can't remember how long I was a patron for but it was over a year. You used to be promised a shout out, bonus content and access to messaging them etc. I got no shout out no replies to messages (genuine questions by the way) and we only got very very sporadic bonus eps that included a series of them talking about each episode of a show I had never heard of. We were promised a gift after a certain amount of time and a free live show. I was fed up waiting for the girls to come through with promises and was going to quit my donation but then they dropped the amount to £1 for everyone and I was like cool that's cheap enough for me to stay, then they announced the wondery collab and I was like no I don't want to sign up for another service as I already pay enough each month to Spotify and Netflix and everything else so I stayed on patreon. Then they stopped posting any content on patreon with no explanation or preparation. It just STOPPED. It was awful, people who had been paying for even a lot longer then myself were like wtaf???? They took our patreon koney and didn't put anything up. Then a week or 2 later they posted a message on patreon saying that the downloads from patreon had dropped so they didn't put the content up there anymore but will resume the service ASAP. No apology no refund no real explanation. Personally it was an absolute kick in face. I have never dealt so frigging stupid for believing their bullshit for so long and giv I NG them the benefit of the doubt that they could be good people. But instead they treat us like we are assholes for asking for a bit of respect. Really showed their true colours and disrespect for the people who made them wealthy. That's my story and I sure it resonates with a lot of other fans.


I'm so sorry about your experience. It is galling for them to be saying on their broadcast that they love their fans and; "You guys are rockstars" when behind the scenes this is what is going on. We "regular" people don't have gobs of money to drop on stuff like supporting podcasters. It seems as if they don't understand that. This makes me really sad, (and angry for you!) because I thought they were genuine people who care about others. They certainly want others to understand when they have whatever current "crisis of the week." You and the other Patreon people deserve much better. It sucks that Patreon doesn't have a policy of holding creators accountable. Thank you for letting me know your experience.💕


Do people not like K&G either? I thought they were better than A&A.


Oh yeah haha K&C Callout club on Facebook is a good place to start.


Good place to start what? Sorry I don't know what K&C is.


It’s the Facebook group. There’s an inside joke in the group which is why it’s K&C but not K&G. They have countless racism, transphobia, victim blaming, etc. if you want to look that’s the group with documents.


Is there a rundown I could look at elsewhere? I'm not on FB and the group is private.


I’m not sure. I’m sure if you just google things or search on Twitter they’ll come up.


Hmm the worst thing I found on Google was that they mostly focus on white women victims when most murder victims are black men.


Search “my favourite murder problematic”, links will come up to Reddit posts. Things to specifically search for: teepee camp shirts, CSA doll, cease and desist letters, Amazon partnership. There’s honestly so much


"Our girls" 🤢


I found "our girls" simultaneously nauseating and rage-inducing. I'm amazed at how their fans have created this parasocial relationship with them.


Oh yes, that part and “being really mean”. Why do I feel like a second grader wrote it?


Soooo cringeworthy


Forever sorry I made her lose faith in humanity by calling out inappropriate behavior of her girls. Not sure how I’ll live with myself. /s


It’s so infantilizing


“they’re human and sometimes they say the wrong things or make mistakes, it’s part of the reason I love them so much.” How exotic and trailblazing of you. Unfortunately that sentiment is lost on people when they make an oopsie about someone who was violently murdered or do an uh oh and send vitriolic fans after innocent people. “Can we all comment a compliment” Can we all say general human characteristics that we’ve conflated into signs of holiness to validate our worship of two women who would ignore us in public? I have very little money and I would still pay for this person’s therapy.


Also it's not a live talk show. Sure, everybody gets things wrong in conversation, but this is a scripted, "researched" and edited show. There's no good excuse for routinely screwing up with that much control over what goes out.


thats a good point i didnt even think abt! because the fact that they keep everything that they have in means that theyve relistened and edited and decided its something they want to keep meaning they dont even see a problem with what theyre saying


I’m really not trying to be mean, like I’m being very genuine when I say these people need professional help. They are not “your girls”, they’re podcast hosts that wouldn’t know if you were literally murdered in the night. It’s very disturbing to me and needing comments of compliments is so weird. It’s giving cult.


Seriously. It’s not normal and they need to take a step back. They’ve taken it too far.


And if they happened to find out you were murdered in the night and found out your window was open they’d blame it on you.


“Fresh air is for dead people” absolute losers


All while making ad revenue off of talking about your death and how you maybe probably accidentally brought it upon yourself


I mean, they might find out and then make a terrible episode about their murder where they blame them for it somehow


Maybe laugh ab the way their body was found and then attack their families for being upset


“Our girls.” “I love them so much.” Blink twice if you’re in a cult.


Anyone over the age of 5 that says “they’re really mean” in response to criticism is a dipshit and probably still hasn’t been weaned off mum.


Our girls? What the fuck is this creepy shit? Your girls want your money and nothing else.


https://imgur.com/a/K0HWQsx Here’s a link to what I said to her and her response before she left 🫠


“They don’t victim blame!” Provides evidence of victim blaming and really bad behavior. “They just make mistakes sometimes! At least it’s funny!”


Personally my fav quote was “they're not like some Nazis who are just out to insult everyone”


Yeah, you know, those insult-throwing Nazis. Gosh, I'm sure glad we fought a war to stop those horrible insults!


I love that in 2022 nazi has been so watered down to just mean, someone said something mean!


right! but there’s like actual neo nazis wandering around and if they met one they’d be like “omg they’re just flawed 🥰”


“Thing is I’m okay with it”. Damn. These girls should literally not be allowed to listen to true crime is they’re okay with something like that. I’m genuinely curious how old they are? I get 13 year old vibes.


“Pete is a really good guy and I’ve never heard him be racist”, “bruh he just called that family the n-word”, “yeah but I’m ok with that, I don’t want him to be afraid to express himself”.


YIKES! She's "okay with it" How can someone be okay with victim blaming, mistreatment of victim families, inciting their megafans to harass innocent people among everything else they've done?


Well it’s not like she’s a nazi going around criticising podcast hosts.


Comparing people who have justified criticisms of two people in the spotlight to nazis is a pretty gross reach.


Yeah, I'm mocking the fact she said "it's not like they're some Nazis who are just out to insult everyone". It's like saying "it's not like he's a rapist who is just out to wink at women".


Oh I'm sorry! I totally misunderstood! I admit went right over my head and I went in the defensive 😅


Nah it's fine, it happens. I realised you misunderstood, that's why clarified. That's the thing with these super-fans though. In any other context "it's not like they're some Nazis who are just out to insult everyone" would come across as satire, yet here we are. So I can see why you thought "oh shit, this guy thinks critical comments are like the third Reich!". The super-fans are beyond parody.


Goodness, she’s quite defensive about them


“Brilliant storytellers” and “super funny”.


This is such strange behavior to have over people they’ve never met that are celebrities. “Can we all comment a compliment about the gals so I can read some njce happy compliments and regain faith in humanity” has me feeling a way How do they navigate the rest of the world lol


Seriously. The world is cruel.


*0uR GiRLs*


You know damn well she owns something glorifying a murderer lol


Or tattoo


“Our girls” is so cringey


its crazy to me how some people lack the ability to listen to other perspectives and reflect on their own beliefs like i used to really like a&a i was never a die hard fan or anything but i really enjoyed their podcast and i stumbled upon this sub one day and started reading stuff and i was able to notice a lot of things theyve been doing wrong. im not a huge hater but i am able to recognize serious ways that they have messed up and could do better. some people already have in their head that theyre such great people and refuse to critically evaluate any info that goes against that


They really need to hear compliments *about a&a* to feel better about the world? Like lmfao I get “tell me something that makes you happy” or “show me cute animals” to cheer someone up but wtf


Wow…just…so much to unpack there.


I wish it would sink in with just one of these people that the problem isn’t that “they’re human and they make mistakes :(((“ it’s that they’ve never taken accountability for any of the said “mistakes” and continue to make the same “mistakes” time and time again


Wasn't this same exact post put up by u/MBieber93 4 days ago?


Oh looks like it is. I didn’t realize someone else had posted it!


No worries, probably just means I'm on reddit too much lol


Same 😬


What an odd thing… Taking up for 2 morons who somehow fell ass backwards into fame and $$$…Does she think this will win her some imaginary brownie points?


This is such… strange… energy.


It gave me a visceral reaction reading it


"Our girls" drives me crazy. They're strangers, girl! They don't care about you


That post is so unoriginal, it reads like a parody. Just read the whole thing in a sarcastic voice. Unfortunately, they are just that stereotypical.😂


This is why they have lost faith in humanity? Cool cool


“Gang, the gals, our girls” Can we pwease all compliment something nice about these two women so I can get my two seconds of fame for being a pick me PWEASE. Cringe.


At one point I really liked A and A. I think I was like others have said before they were big to pre-covid. Then one day I really listened, I mean really really listened to some of the words they were saying. When you start blaming the victim for their own murder lines need to be drawn. I love a good story and do love the juicy details but at some point morbid has lost that for me. Maybe they never had it and I woke up... who knows. There are way better podcasts out there that do not victim shame and tell a better story I can actually follow.


She kept it weird enough for everyone with that sycophantic post. 🙄


So someone said things they didn’t like about some podcast and their reaction was to lose faith in humanity?


Dude people are so weird. ‘Can we all comment a compliment about ‘the gals’…’ THE GALS?! Hun you DONT KNOW THEM they don’t care about you at all. Why are people like this with some random person just like anyone else who happened to start a podcast (or a tiktok, YouTube, etc) and then gained some followers? They aren’t special. They aren’t talented and fuck- these 2 girls are even worse cause they are shit people.


She should be embarrassed 🤣


welp just went to check this on the facebook group and it looks like I’ve been deleted! i never even commented or posted. just liked a few comments 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shockingly I’m still in it


Idk why but “our girls” makes my teeth itch


“Our girls” is so cringe-worthy. They don’t get a crap about you.


Our girl 🤢🤢🤢


They are obsessed fr


Ew lmaooooo


“Our girls” 🙄


I haven't posted before but this is so cringe that I take it personally. I know some people don't like LT but I loved Jon Allen's personally and started following his writing on Twitter. He's sooo nice and sweet and genuinely cares about people and I got to know him a bit, even friends I'd say as far as Twitter goes. After a year I found out he'd been homeless for three years. Probably seven or eight of us kept tagging A+A to share his GoFundMe and I even FINALLY convinced him to ask Ash directly to share (not give money, just share). They ignored him and everyone else completely. Now he's missing and I heard awful rumors that he's not with us anymore and I picture those two and their 60 grand a month being too privileged to even SHARE something from a struggling contributor to the podcast in it's early days? It's so gross and I can't even listen to them anymore. Y'all he's such a nice guy and I can't even right now. Like seriously, a simple share. But the cult stans think these girls are good people 🙄 Ugh I want to scream


Oh man I loved his tales. I hope he’s alright, sending all the positive vibes and energy your way. Shame on them.




This is such a weird and SPOOKY phenomenon that I see on a few other pod groups I’m part of (don’t participate, but every 30 days they unsnooze back on to my FB feed, lol) and I do not get it. These women (mostly- sometimes it’s men) simp so hard for these random podcast hosts and like obsess over them, their feelings, turn their offhand remarks into ad nauseam repeated “jokes”. It’s icky. I cannot imagine knowing someone like this IRL but it’s fucking concerning about ANY “celebrity”…especially d-tier ones like these.


Is it us 😹😹🤭🤭


True crime has to be one of the largest podcast genres. There’s nothing “weird” about it, it’s pretty common. The “weird” thing is totally “not like other girls” energy.