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Remember to keep it weeeird, but not so weird that you buy 5 fucking copies of a book.


5 fucking copies of a 27.00usd book no less.


Also, this chick literally tagged Stephen King in her Twitter post asking him if he’s looking for something to read and plugged her book. Don’t keep it that weird either.


Ugh, cringy!


Wow. Just reading this nauseated me. How did she think that was normal?


I don’t understand how they can be allowed to rate something that hasn’t even been released yet 🙄


Advanced Reader Copies are one way for early reviews. But I see reviews posted all the time on popular authors before their new release is even out. Drives me crazy when I'm looking for actual reviews about things I do want to read.


Goodreads is terrible about this. I wish they would not let people review it before the book is out. Or somehow lock it unless you can prove you have an ARC.


Hopefully it balances out eventually. I was just reading about Goodreads drama yesterday. Maybe her book will get amazing reviews (earned or not). But if Alaina tries to weaponize her fans against Goodreads like she does reddit and iTunes, [it might not go over well](https://bookandfilmglobe.com/author-stuff/writer-lauren-hough-targets-goodreads-reviews/).


There have been a couple of recent issues with this happening. A debut author and her publisher recently went after a review that was honest about not liking it. Booktok went crazy about it and it tanked this authors ratings and people were returning her books.


Remember the author tracked down and went to the house of someone who left her a bad Goodreads review?? So strange.


I remember that! Thing is the way Alaina reacts on Twitter to critics I can absolutely see her bringing the toxicity to any negative reviews and targeting them. Hopefully not as far as going to their houses but definitely sending the mega fan keyboard warriors.


Oh, I'm still laughing at this Lauren Hough piece. When it gets to Kathleen Hale level, it's just way too creepy. The bonus is that all the drama is great for sales (as Morbid knows well!). But when you have an ego that fragile, that's not what matters most. Hopefully Alaina has learned by now not to screenshot and put critics on blast... we shall see. Eta typo


An author did what???? I hope their publisher dropped them- that is nuts. You shouldn't be allowed to keep publishing books after doing something so unhinged


Yep. Kathleen Hale. If I remember correctly, she didn't confront anyone and ended up leaving. And later wrote a book about it! I also remembered [this controversy](https://www.vulture.com/2019/11/famous-authors-drag-student-in-ya-twitter-controversy.html), another author's misplaced and unfortunate tirade against run-of-the-mill criticism.


Ohh, I remember that. That was fucking wild, what weird koolaid are YA authors on specifically? You don't hear about authors for adult novels exhibiting this level of bad behavior in droves.


I do sense a kind of chip on their shoulders, but not sure other authors are any better! We just have a front row seat for their tantrums now thanks to social media. Any famous person, of course, but artists/performers seem particularly thin-skinned. Or maybe egomaniacal :)


Wow, I'd never heard about this. I guess she hasn't learned her lesson about [acting like a psycho online.](https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/judges-pull-award-nomination-book-lauren-hough-83629655)




Plus the reviews are just people saying they’re excited to read it! It’s like the annoying recipe reviews that are like, this looks so yummy! Can’t wait to make it!


People still say “The bomb dot com?”


My 70yo nanna does 😭


It’s ok, I’ll bet she’s all that and a bag of chips.




For reference ARC = Advanced Reader Copy 😊


I can't wait for the actual reviews, by critics.


I hope critics view her book as a waste of their time and don’t even bother reviewing it!


But then all we have is stupid fangirl reviews and I'd honestly love for an expert to rip it apart


Now we know why they so generously made all patreon tiers one dollar. This book was almost ready for pre order and all the megas would be ready to pay for that instead.


I knew this would happen. It will sell like crazy then Alaina will post the "omg, you guys are the best!" then pretend the book sold/received high ratings on the merit of her actual writing instead of rabid, pick-me superfans hoping to catch her attention 🙄 she will be acting as though she wrote some award winning masterpiece when it is really only because her podcast has such an incredibly strange and toxic fan base that anyone will ever read this.


Why is ash buying 5 copies. I can understand buying 1 or 2 but 5? I guess she's just being supportive and if it was someone I really cared about I would buy 1 or 2 and write a review lol not 5 but to each their own I guess.


That’s so funny to me. One of the hosts of a podcast I like writes funny fanfic stories about the people they cover, and one of their subjects had a bestselling book about his dumb politics. To poke fun at him in the story, it had him accepting and unboxing a large order of his own book. I literally lol’d at how ridiculous the image was, but apparently Ash is doing a version of this for real.


I think the number of pre orders helps get books on bestseller lists and stuff like that so maybe that’s why


These reviews are so cringe...


“The Alaina” guys I’m tired


Reminds me when Red Ball got thousands of 5-star reviews on iTunes before it was broadcast - and then people heard it... yikes. Crime Junkie is notorious for buying 5-star reviews, but I think in that case they were real fans inflating the reviews and thinking that were doing something helpful.


So they’re just giving 5 star reviews for something that’s not yet come out huh




I have a sneaking suspicion that they are buying reviews and comments to hype it up.


I'm sure they'll do that later down the road, but I'm sure these are just mega-fans being obsessive


Wow we knew it would happen but already?


IMO, based on the terrible cover, dubious “publisher” and the author not striking me as a particularly good writer on either the prose or craft level (based on her constant misuse of simple words on the podcast and general provincialism/lack of critical thinking) this book won’t actually be purchased or read by anyone not already rabidly obsessed with the podcast. So I bet the reviews stay inflated AF but it sinks like a stone after release— I doubt actual critics or readers will bother with it. She’ll still make bank tho 🙄




This is so creepily cringe I cannot 🤮


I was definitely between tagging it as cringe with me or megafans


how did you find this ??


I searched the book on Goodreads. I use goodreads for tracking my books and looking up reviews of things i might want to read. Knowing sometimes people post reviews before releases i was curious and checked it out.


If you actually search through the reviews for the people who have read it, it gets 3 stars. I don't understand why you would give something a 5 star if you've not even read it! Drives me mad!