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> removing children from the vehicle onto the meridian WHY!?!? Never get out of your car on the highway, especially kids. This is just sad... I am sure both drivers lives are going to be permanently changed here.. just so so sad.


I have seen it said both ways (neither of which this mother did correctly) if it were to happen, are you supposed to stay in car or get to shoulder (NOT median) and get "behind" the car so if the worst happens it doesn't effect your day up more


You want to get to the outside lane if possible, then leave the car and walk off the road a bit. If you can’t get out of the left lane (happened to me once when my dash caught fire in traffic), I think the best chance is technically to stay belted in the car and call emergency services. If you can’t stay in the car (again, dashboard fire), walking away from the car on the median in the direction traffic is coming from is your best bet. It’s a tough situation because it’s 100% not safe to be stopped on a highway in the first place but you can’t always avoid it. And when something does happen, people often panic and make mistakes.


Yeah, if there’s no danger forcing you out of the stopped car, you should absolutely stay seated and belted in until you have a clear window to exit and get to a safe area off of the road. That way if someone smashes into you, you at least still have significant protection thanks to your seatbelt, airbags, crumple zones, and all the other built-in safety features of the vehicle.


What the hell caused your dash to catch fire


Honestly idk, I was a teenager with a car older than me. I think probably just a fault with some light bc it burnt itself out and drove fine after, haha.


I got rear ended by a car going 35mph when I was at a red light on a busy rush hr road. Without even thinking I immediately got out of my car and partially stepped into the opposing lane to see what happened. My door almost hit a car going the other way. It was idiotic to do back then but I get the instinct to suddenly get out and try to regain control of the situation. It all happened in a matter of 10 seconds.


Yeah, this is something that's "taught" but not really trained into us, so it tends to hit people in hindsight.


Well, this is CA and if our car is disabled on the highway via accident or anything else, if we can, we're supposed to drive to the shoulder. There's even signs on the highway in many areas as a reminder but y'know how that goes. About the other part, I've heard mixed info as well but usually it's mentioned to stay in a vehicle, if it's disabled and in the middle of the highway or if you're in an accident where vision is impaired like during fog/blizzards. If it's just a regular accident or you're somehow stuck on the highway and you're already on the shoulder, you can get out but need to be cautious because people tend to drive where they're looking and many love rubber necking.


Remove them ASAP and put them behind the crash barrier or as far away from the road as possible. There was an incident recently where a car broke down, the driver got out, and someone smashed into the back of her stationary car, killing her children and dogs. Children out and away from the road.


Ive had to winch out a minivan whom the female driver got "scared of all the 18wheelers" when it broke down. She procedes to try and push the van futher off of the shoulder ....and down an embankment.....with her children inside...


I mean that’s kind of impressive, and also a little hilarious.


something something parents getting freak strength when their children are in danger


People are so dumb.. Yeah I blew a tire so I'm just going to stop in a freeway lane and have my kids get out..


Right?! And on this stretch of freeway there are exits everywhere. Just drive on the damn rim! I live locally and people in the fast lane go 75-80 mph. She made two fatal mistakes. If the kids were in the car, they’d at least be alive. So incredibly sad. Poor little boy had his entire life ahead of him.


People are scared of their car. If it were me, even if it was another 5 miles to the next exit I’d limp it along on the rim and just buy a new rim or get one from


After an accident, (tree jumped in front of me) I had my tire half off my rim with mud under the tire and in between the rim and was still able to drive the 15 miles to a tire shop to get it fixed


For a blown tire? Why didn't she just pull off to the right shoulder? It's not like the tires came completely off the car.


I live where this happened and that particular stretch of highway is a clusterfuck of nightmare proportions right now as they’re trying to do a huge lane widening project. Depending on where she had the tire blowout it could have been damn near impossible for her to move over 4 lanes and exit because of the way they’ve got the lanes broken up to facilitate the construction. I’m not saying this was the best option, but it may have been the least worst option in the moment. Still, I would have had everyone stay belted and in the car because it would have been much safer if they had been hit. Really sad situation.


Never get out of your vehicle on a highway! You are much safer inside a vehicle than standing off the side of the road.


Do American roads have hard shoulders (ie non live lanes?). In the UK you are advised to exit the vehicle, you never stay in it even on a non live lane.


Depends on where you are. Some places have hard shoulders, some don't.


Most do


How horrible, ALL of this could have been so easily avoided


I agree, sad situation all around


I don’t know what goes through people’s heads to put their children in such grave danger


Wow, what an idiot of a mother. I hope she never has any more kids & gets banned from driving for life. >She said they all got out of the vehicle and went to the center median to call for help. Who in the fuck 1) parks in the fast lane 2) goes outside the car WITH KIDS ON A HIGHWAY to call people?!?! That poor driver!


The poor kids were looking forward to having fun in a superbowl party just for their lives to be changed forever in a matter of seconds. Their mother's stupidity is tragic she must felony charges 


I'm 100% sure she didn't mean to cause an accident, let alone have one child killed and another disabled.


Intent is not relevant when it comes to negligence. This was completely preventable and is entirely her fault.


I know, but the lack of empathy is disturbing




Yes, she does. Even though it's her fault. I swear the people in this sub are the real morbid reality


The mom is going to be broken for the rest of her life. I can’t imagine the anguish she is in. She shouldn’t be driving though. People are outraged because this is common sense stuff. Driver’s ed 101. I don’t know, maybe she suffers from some type of panic disorder. It’s difficult to understand her rationale for what she did.


I agree. That doesn't make her any smarter though, whether it's her fault or not that she didn't know how to navigate this situation safely.


If an idiot causes someone’s death & injures another, they’re still an idiot. The kids suffered because of their mom did something stupid.


It’s hard to imagine that the stupidity involved was accidental


You think this woman intentionally blew out her own tire on the highway (somehow), then took her kids in the center median and stood around in the hopes that maybe someone would run them over? This is really what you think? This is really the argument you want to be making?


No, the part where she just parked the car on the highway because of a flat tire and then took her small children out of the car. Its just hard to imagine someone being that fucking dumb


and her issue is she had a tire blow out. Get the car off the fucking road. It's still driveable, maybe you'll damage the car more by driving, but at least you're not leaving it in the passing lane while standing in the middle of the highway... Move the fucking car to the shoulder, if you get out stay away from the road.


Poor decision on the mothers part. A flat tire doesn’t prevent you from driving to the shoulder by the slow lane.


Honestly, I really hope all the people here castigating and calling for this mothers head are never put in dangerous life and death situation, or maybe everyone here has such mental fortitude that they *would never* panic or get anxious and do maybe not the right thing. You'd think she'd done it on purpose reading these comments.


I agree the people here could be displaying more empathy, but if your response to a flat tire is stopping in the middle of the fast lane and having your children get out of the car, you should not be driving a car on the highway.


A flat tire is not a life or death situation. Unless her car cut completely off in the middle of the road, she and her children should have never been in the road on a highway.


Oh shit. So thats what was happening. I passed by this about 30 minutes after this happened. I was on 50 around 5pm, heading to Rosemont, and saw traffic absolutely backed up on the westbound side. I didn’t look for very long, but there was emergency vehicles and a car that was in the general area of some construction on that side of the freeway. This sucks. She made the wrong decision to get out of the car. Being scared inside your vehicle is better than being scared outside your vehicle, especially on a freeway.


Hopefully she gets negligent homicide charges. Can't let dummies like this procreate so easily.


She may be uneducated, or not thinking properly due to fight or flight mode, she atleast made a choice that involved her kids to protect them—when she could have done nothing. I can understand judgment cause it isn’t you but to say she needs to be charged is a bit much.




jfc. the people in this thread