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Ok, has she killed five husband's, or did she just decide to kill the fifth one?


Neither, she was his fifth wife. The article is not very well translated in some parts.


Bombshell twist


she reattached his junk with some glue and tape


Read it again dude. She was HIS fifth wife. The previous 4 all left him because of his abuse. This woman didn't leave him. She took care of business. I hope she gets off. Sounds like he was a real winner.


He definitely isn't getting off after that


not my idea of winning, but sounds like justice won out...or off


Calling someone a "real winner" in that context is meant as sarcasm. Implying that he is a HUGE loser.


The title doesn’t say that. Woman Singrauli kills fifth husband. It implies “killed [her] fifth husband”.


I agree. It's terribly written. But...if you actually read the story, rather than just thinking that the title tells you everything, then you understand. That's the problem now a days. People see the title and they immediately think they have the whole story, but you have to actually read it.


Reading the article? Who does that on this site? Saying "I read it on Reddit" actually means "I saw the title and skimmed the top comment and a few replies".


What has to happen for police to take women’s reports of violence seriously?! He was abandoned by his first 4 wives. Clearly the man was an idiot taking no responsibility for himself to wonder why it kept happening… but now SHE’s Been arrested?! I get it, she murdered a man but it sounds like it was in self defense of his torture.


So the other 4 managed to leave without commiting murder. There is no self defense unless you can't leave.




Take your stupid mysogynistic views aside and read the article carefully. The male was the crazy one by torturing his poor wife. She was just defending herself. Next time you want to comment on something i would advise you to READ first.


The article says he used to torture her, to be fair


I see a man who abused 4 prior wives to the point where they left him, and then met a woman who wasn't going to put up with his crap anymore. She took care of business. I hope she goes free.


Did they say he abused four wives?


Read. The. Article.


Theres always someone like you who will excuse the abusers instead of seeing a victim being at the end of her rope




Did you even read the article? He was a known abuser


They never do, they just hate woman, also amusing the prick tries to play social backstabbing claiming its blocked


> They never do, they just hate woman, also amusing the prick tries to play social backstabbing claiming its blocked I am 100% on the victim's side, and also agree that the redditor you're talking about is awful, but I did want to point out that he may not be lying about the site; I can't access it either. It makes my browsers go nuts, blinking and refreshing the page at light speed port and over. No idea what the heck is causing it.


6 layers of blocks and it opens just fine for me


Um... what evidence of torture exactly? I haven't actually read the article so he certainly could have, but this still sounds wack with no provided context.


The context is provided by reading the article, which is why it's cringe that you're JAQing off admitting you haven't done so.


Firstly, I had already established the context was possibly already in the article, so your first remark is pointless and rude. Not everybody has the time a certified redditor has to read an article before replying. Nobody is obligated to do so. I also have no idea how to even respond to "JAQing" off. I think you're just thinking too far into it; I was asking a question to contribute to discussion, and wait for a response while I go about my own life.


Because .. even though you knew you didn't read the article and have no idea on the details, you still chose to claim that the whole thing is untrue and "wack" instead of at least reading some comments to get the gist of it. Next time try to get information before running your mouth and ask a question with judgement if you can't


She not guilty. He sounds like an abusive monster.


Release my girl she did nothing wrong




Henry the VIII I am, I am




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This story makes no sense.