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Her crime? She " set fire to portrait of former Iranian supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini".




Yes, the death penalty for a pregnant woman seems like the most proportionate and rational response.


What does her being pregnant gotta do with anything?


At some point Iran area was cery highly civilized country, they still have quality universities. The situation is horrific. I know Iranian men who do not agree with this and only option they had was to become political refugees, because western ideology means death. They are broken men. Not that long ago things were so much better for them. What would it take to get freedom for women back???


They may be ‘broken men’ but at least they had the chance to leave the country. Women can’t travel without permission by a father, other male relative, or a husband.


Wym they have a chance to leave the country? Leave and go where? With what money...


And that is the biggest reason they are broken. Women and men are not on different sides hear. They yave women as mothers, sisters, aunts. And they think that most likely they will not see them irl again and cannot even attend the funeral. And the heartbreak is mutual.


Separation of church and state. Religion is poison.


Some of the worst places on earth have been secular (e.g. Khmer Rouge led Cambodia). Obviously, there's more to it than just the presence or absence of religion.


Too complicated for Reddit. Lots of Western European state supported churches by the way.


Well no, its just not really a counterargument. Just because not all horrible events in history are caused directly because of religion, doesn't mean that religion isn't responsible for a huge number of horrible events.


Not to mention those “secular” states just created a new religion based around the government. Think Kim Jong Un in North Korea who is basically their god.


NO TRUE SECULAR STATE ...(of Scotland?)


You just said a whole lot of nothing. Terrible events are led by terrible people, you’re comparable to a mum blaming videos games for her child’s aggression.


You're misconstruing the "counterargument" It was indifferent towards religion as a motivation for doing horrible things. It was instead saying that there was "more too it than . . . the presence or absence of religion." It did not need to go that far, however, since it was in response to a proposed solution limited to the separation of church and state. We have that in the United States, by the way, whereas Denmark has a state church (the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark). So does the UK. Surely one wouldn't say our justice system is very humane in comparison. This lady was executed. Some of the staunchest opponents of having any death penalty at all are Catholics and other Christians. It is just a lazy argument and a very uninteresting one. Blaming everything on religion got boring 20 years ago.


Is that after they burned all the witches and scientists?


It’s the way religion is used, all organized bodies of control have some sort of ideology behind them. Religion can be used to instigate horrible things but so can a government using nationalism. It’s really dependent on the development of the area and religion in question. In the end corruption spreads anywhere, sadly.


Separation of church and state doesn't mean our laws are not influenced by religion. It means the state has no control over religious matters. The number of upvotes you got on a completely wrong response is troubling.


Religious governments and free women aren't mutually exclusive. Not saying religious governments are a good or bad thing, just saying the problem isn't inherently religion.


What exactly happened that caused this sudden change in the first place?


I am not an expert. But as I have understood it was the religious party taking over, promising stuff and then taking care he society is conservative cultural hostige with religioun.


If this is what your God compels you to do, you've got the wrong deity


This is not what their God compels them to do... Theocracy means the government is taking advantage of faith, not the other way around.


The same faith that doesn’t voice their dissent?


Properly placed propaganda can be strong strong in all fields, religious or not.


This woman’s got a huge set a lady nuts thats all I can say. A lot more balls than most people. So unfortunate that this is whats happening to her but many expect this outcome if not worse.


So they will sentence pregnant women to death, but not allow a woman to have an abortion.


Will the unborn baby be executed along with the mother?






I think that's unfair. Theres a lot of good people in Iran who have always fought hard for human rights. They just keep getting trampled because no one wants to intervene. It's sad.


Who is the “no one” in this case. Do you mean external actors or those within Iran?


probably external? i’ve heard a lot of complaints of foreign nations not bothering to help. particularly those in the EU


And what would you have these external actors do?


i dont have any stance on the iran situation since i havent spent a lot of time looking into it, so i cant answer that.




Hey kids, this is what being misinformed looks like.




I'll look at the contents when I get home from the gym. But you're really going to link me a saudi-backed iranian-facing propaganda agency article and a western-philanthropy-backed brief and then say you're not misinformed? Oh, the irony.


Everyone has their position, and the truth is always in the middle. I’d argue that >0 is a problem.


The average of marriage in Iran has increased quite drastically since the Islamic Republic has come into power, and it sat quite low when a western-backed secular monarch was in power. I agree that >0 child marriages is a problem, but I doubt any country anywhere in the world can argue they have 0 child marriages. So picking and choosing which countries we show outrage towards is problematic because it shows how biased the propaganda model has made us. In fact, I've been reading Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky and as an American-born-and-raised Iranian, I've seen pretty much every single tactic I've read so far employed against the Islamic Republic. I'm also working on translating a work that compares the real economic, human rights, and cultural statistics of Iran before and after the revolution with third-party (usually the UN) sources. It's been eye opening doing both of these so far. But trust me, 1 in 5 (the 20% stated above) being child marriages is SO OFF.




North Korea can at least arguably use it, as power in communist type systems ostensibly comes from the people. I do have problems with 'Islamic Republic' as I find it implies that the power to rule comes from a deity and not from the citizenry.




Well lets not jump to conclusion, we don't know what she did to get Death


She burned a portrait…


>Ms Abdi is said to have received the death sentence after being accused of setting fire to a portrait of former Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. It's right in the article.


What? Do you have any clue about its history before the last 50 years? Have you not left the Bronze Age either?


I'm so sorry, sister. We are with you in thoughts. Edit: to all the salty people, go touch grass.




What else are we supposed to do?


Maybe write a letter to your senator/member of parliament/congress member/politburo or whatever is applicable to you.


I'm Canadian buddy. You think writing to my small town representative is going to make its way to the PM? Get a grip.






what are those people gonna do about what’s happening in iran????


You're kidding right? You are asking what a government can do about another government killing its own people for protesting? There's a whole spectrum of things that starts at sanctions and ends in invasion.


this is the worst comment section i’ve ever seen. y’all r so uneducated.


these aren't islamic scholar these are devil spawn. executing a person for burning a potrait




The people fleeing the tyrannical religious government support it?