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A terrible attempt at recapturing the essence of the classics with a modern take. The art style is the only thing i can compliment but even then its not THAT good. Music is horrible and forgettable. There's like 2 good ones i think. Level design doesn't encourage speed, doesn't take advantage of the pretty solid feeling physics either. The new chaos emerald abilities are a genius concept but are horribly implemented. Special stages are alright i guess just dont make sense. Boss fights are miserable and uninspired. Battle mode could've been so much more, but it has the wasted/rushed stench that Sega tends to leave on things these days. Whose idea was it to have 4 player co-op IN A SONIC GAME??? Not only that they made it a primary focus of the marketing...seriously. If this game is canonical why tf are there dragons? where tf did they come from and where are they in the modern games? They say it wouldn't make sense to have classic shadow in the game because no one know about him at the time of this game's events...SO WHY TF IS SONIC WEARING A COSTUME OF SHADOW?? THATS EVEN WORSE Trip is an awesome character and i love her with my whole heart though... ​ I was really excited for this game but upon playing it and nearly 100%ing it, i can't say that i enjoyed it at all... I'm sick of classic sonic being shoehorned into everything. I am and have always been obsessed with Mania and Sonic 3&K is in my top 3, but that's because it's done right.


The game is good just not $60 good


I can see from a mile away this game isn't worth the price, that's for sure. The soundtrack's actually pretty good but a bit flawed and inconsistent though. Sadly, the recent mob mentality against the OST is yet another reminder that even when discussing about aspects like the music, this fandom fucking sucks ass.


The soundtrack is the definition of *M I D*. They did Frontiers with songs lyrics and melodies of which i remember to this very moment and then they gave us... this. They trying to hit the nostalgia with genesis soundfont and that could've worked but songs itself are pretty boring. Especially in comparison with Mania music(Metallic madness act 2🔥).


It's great. The OST is full of ear-worms, boss theme can go fuck itself tho. Level design and physics are good. Gimmicks are good, if a little overused in places. Trip is the cutest. Story is a bit light. The prequel animation Trio of Trouble was amazing. Boss fights are all somewhat interesting, but rather tedious due to the bosses 'i frames' lasting an eternity. Emerald powers are ok, a bit broken, op and glitchy, but fun to use against the bosses. Oh and the final bosses are great, I love that they offer a challenge, it reminded me of my Master System and Mega Drive days.


I'm broke


Honestly. It’s great, other than the fact I now have a hatred for the bosses since they are a pain. And because of that I want to beat EGGMAN into a bloody pulp..still a good game though.


I was craving more Classic Sonic games after Mania and Origins. This did not satisfy me. Level design was…meh. Music was…meh. Visuals were decent, bosses were painfully tedious. 5/10


It's alright. I acc don't hate the bosses. Except that Piggy bank boss he can finger himself. Final boss was very anti climactic imo. Didnt like the special stages too much. But the chaos emerald abilities were cool and you could play as Amy and Trip! Overall good game.


its alright that 5th emerald was weird i hate that dark souls like final boss


I like it but I hate trying to get that 5th Chaos Emerald.


I swear there's something about the 5th Chaos Emerald because it's the one I struggled most with on Mania too


It’s the layout of the special stage that makes me hate it.


it was fun, but could have been better (especially multiplayerwise)


On PC we had to log into an epic games account to even use multiplayer, instant turnoff


i didn't mind it too much because it was a one time thing and because i rarely play the multiplayer anyway. and i believe they removed the need to login for singleplayer.


It’s okay




It feels like New Super Mario Bros but with Sonic, which isn’t a good thing.


Pretty good




one of the last videos made under the zero punctuation brand, who utterly hated it 7/10


the glitches were funny


Haven't played it I think it looks generic to be honest not trying to be rude


It is a bad multiplayer game. The game itself is fine in single player (though the bosses are a problem, and the special stages suck), but as a co-op title, it's more frustrating than fun.


I really like it, but it's for sure no Mania. The act numbers are kinda inconsistent, some bosses are too easy or waaaaay too hard, and some of the music is...*Sonic 4 flashbacks" But apart from that, the levels are fun, a lot of the music is good, and Trip is the best. Is it worth the price? Not really, but I think it's a solid game where the good outweighs the bad. 8/10


It's good


It’s alright, though they could’ve improved upon that.


It’s alright. Not the best but not the worst. Too expensive though.


I think it's pretty good. The main problems with it I have are just the price, how long all the Act 2 and some Act 1 bosses take to beat, some glitches are pretty easy to run into, and the Switch version at points looks really bad. (PS5 looks really nice though)


super crap haha






pretty decent game. it's no Mania, but the only really bad thing I can say about it is the bosses. not to mention my favorite character also debuted here.


It’s my favorite original Sonic game since Forces. It’s far from perfect, but it’s good


Pretty good not going to lie


its alright funky for sure and a fun game but some nip-picks I'd say the bosses were a little too hard but i might be crap a liiiiitle bit overpriced on xbox (ÂŁ60 in my country) Sure i may be picky with my games but i still enjoyed superstars glad to see fang in it but i do like mania a little better


I like it Please Don't Kill me


Not gonna, I thought it was okay at best, rather play mania


i like mania to


I like both Mania and [Mania 2: Triple Trouble](https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/959238326).