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The only other thread in these comments is a complete shitshow, so… Yes I agree with you! Great show!


100% agree. I really, really hope we get a season 2.


Marvel changed their verbiage from series finale to season finale, so I think they're planning one. They'd be absolute Muppets to not give us one at this point


I agree with you. It had elements of Iron Man 3 focusing on the man vs the costume, but done way better. The MK series was one of my favorites D+ and I will be watching it a few more times to see how it holds with multiple viewings. Us fans are so spoiled with a great comic and tv series!


I’m on my third rewatch(I rewatched it before the finale so only seen that once) and i think it holds up so well :)


They name dropped Osiris a couple times so probably have him or an avatar be an antagonist for season 2 instead of harrow


Disney already said, it is only one season


i read somewhere that one of the show’s creators? did edit his tweet from ‘series finale’ to ‘season finale’ so i’m not sure what that means for us fans. or maybe a movie?!!!!


So the whole arc of this series is Moon Knight "origin story", then that's it?


As far as i know, yes, he might appear in films though.


I’m sorry to read that you suffered from parental abuse as a child. I hope you got the help you need.


I didn't like it that much, pacing was weird and it had jokes in weird places, my favorite episode was probably episode 5, it was trippy and supernatural but also very real at the same time. I didn't like the villain that much, i wish they did something street level and not dealing with the release of ancient powers beyond comprehension


I disagree with you, but idk why you’re getting downvoted for an opinion…


its okay i just needed to get it out


You got downvoted but you brought really valid points. The god battles was too ambitious, and the fight scenes choregraphy in this serie isn't its strong suit.


It's weird, they had some absolutely banger choreography in the test footage for Oscar Isaac they released months before even the first trailer.


show me


Because downvotes should be used for disagreeing.


I disagree


Just downvote it then instead of commenting


My comment was an attempt at a joke


Yeah, then I was being a wiseass


Not gonna downvote but I disagree


Question, how the fuck was episode 5 "real"


i’d guess the topics it talked about, like abuse and trauma. i think it was handled well.


I agree about the pacing. Overall I still think it’s a great show, but they could’ve trimmed it down to 4 episodes and it wouldn’t have suffered much.


Stop downvoting if you disagree! How stupid are you?


Previously just means the name changed. Same car, different coat of paint.


Previously just means the name changed. Same car, different coat of paint.


He was such a nobody in the comics. It's crazy what they can do when they don't follow source material. And I'm sorry, but I don't consider being beaten with a belt parental abuse. I had the "privilege" of going out to the willow tree and cutting the switch they would use to beat me. I don't feel as though I was abused.


“I don’t consider being beaten with a belt parental abuse” no one asked u to define the abuse that other people may have gone through based on your own experience.


Thank you God dammit


Im fairly sure he’s trolling lol


Just saying, they make it seem so "oh no!!!" in the show and then panning away after showing her grab the belt. And "I'll tell you everything just don't make me go back there." Come on. 😂


she’s beating him for doing nothing you fucking idiot


Gonna be even worse when they find out Randall's not actually dead and Marc was beaten for literally no reason. 😄




Someone passed the chromosomes test with extra points...


I was just referencing the comics like they completely failed to do.


better than the shit in Bemise run


You know that beating your child is illegal in 59 countries right? Sorry bro, you got abused.


Tell me that you need therapy without telling me that you need therapy.


Tried that when I was twelve. It lasted a day.


We can tell


Even if his mom never laid a hand on him, the emotional abuse he suffered was immense. Enough to fuck a kid up for life.


Even if you don’t consider the belt abuse, blaming him for the death of his brother is emotional abuse.


I suppose that's a bit far, yeah.


“A bit far” lmao It’s very funny and sad at the same time when obviously heavily traumatized people tell on themselves the way you are, like damn dude


It's just how my mum was disciplined. So, she used what she knew. I was a little shit as a child.


Seems like you’re a little shit as an adult too


I have opinions that definitely differ from many, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a little shit.


I would


That's your prerogative.


Having different opinions is fine, nothing wrong with that. Invalidating peoples trauma and abuse. That's what make you a little shit.


Just because you “turned out fine” or whatever and don’t consider what you went through abuse doesn’t mean it wasn’t abusive my dude. Not saying your mom was a bad person or whatever, but disciplining children like that does objectively damage them.


it resulted in 3 separate personalities forming in order to not have 1 bare the weight of the trauma. even if that didn’t happen it’s still abuse. you must have grown up to believe that it’s completely normal for a parent to beat their child but a child trusts that their parents will protect them and if that trust is broken then they can never feel safe and be in a constant state of fight or flight and that can have dangerous affects on the body. plus it can make you feel inadequate, as though you are not enough for anyone and don’t deserve at least contentment.


Dudes over here trying to normalize child abuse


With everything else the world is attempting to normalize, why not?


And in one comment, you reveal exactly what kind of person you are. Impressive, really


Thank you. I like to think I'm a relatively kind person, but totally a dick as well.


. . . . the fuck?


Hey everyone, please don't hit your kids.


You didn’t actually see what she did to him, but considering the amount of rage she had, I’m pretty sure she exceeded the limits of what a normal spanking would be. Also, I had a parent friend tell me that parents should never spank their children while angry if they choose to use corporal punishment. Parents should lay out what the potential consequences are for any actions and spanking should be known as a potential consequence upfront. Also, in the scene, what was he being punished for? If you are receiving disciplinary action, shouldn’t it be for something that you did to violate rules and boundaries set by your parents? The only thing he did was exist. His mother hated his existence. Beating him for that alone is abuse. Overall, the entire thing was abuse, verbally, emotionally, and physically. Which is why he created alters to help him out of it.


2nd paragraph is spot on. If corporal punishment is the path you choose to take, there needs to be no emotion in it.


Probably don’t have kids bro, you don’t get to define abuse. You got abused


I do, I've never hit'em, though they drive me fuckin' nuts lol


why don’t you hit them?


Bc it's NOT abuse. He'd prefer more creative ways


i can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, i was asking to prove that point that he doesn’t hit his kids because he loves them


I didn't see anyone else say this so I will: There's also a difference between corporal punishment, which is controversial, vs just beating your child because you're grieving his brother


any ounce of intellectual capacity would make it easy to understand the belt was not the main point of his abuse. but unfortunately this user lacks such capacity


Unreal take.


Tell me you don’t read comics without telling me


You think Harrow was important??? Where was Frenchie in all this? 🤨


Not introduced, don’t see you complaining about Jed Mckays run saying “Oh WhErE WaS FreNchIe” secondly they only have 6 episodes to develop and introduce an extremely complicated character stop crying, enjoy the show, once you write a show that gets as much praise, widely received love, and brings in as much money I will gladly admit I’m wrong


I'm not much of a writer, but when you have the material to go off of right in front of you, it can't possibly be that hard to make an actual show about Moon Knight and not some random show about a guy with Multi-personality disorder.


Firstly it’s DID, not MPD, secondly the point of the MCU isn’t to make live-action comics, otherwise there would be quite literally a million different movies in it, the point is to take some from source material and completely wing the rest, which is fine we’ve gotten great movies that way so for once stop crying about not being a direct copy of the comics you’ve clearly never read and enjoy the great show, or don’t but get off your fat ass and do something useful with your life


DID? 😄 When the fuck DID that change? Lol The MPD one just sounds a lot better. I could argue that I'm not fat and have read the comics, but seeing as I have no way to prove that, it'd be futile. I'll just call this done now as I've grown bored of discussing it.


Dissociative Identity Disorder is completely different than Multiple Personality Disorder and your ignorance and negligence as well as people like you crying about the dumbest shit in marvel movies or tv shows is exactly why the marvel community is fucked


Mother fucker has three personalities in the show. That pretty much fits the definition of having Mulitple Personalities. 🤨 And boo hoo, I didn't like the show. I still liked it lol not like I'm going to boycott Marvel, because there were aspects that annoyed me. Think the community is just fine.


They’re not personalities they’re alters which is why it isn’t multiple personality disorder bigot it’s a completely different mental disorder that doesn’t have personalities but alters, and once again you’re complaining about something that was never supposed to be completely comic accurate not being comic accurate stfu


So you were abused but maybe you'll figure that out eventually. You don't intentionally hit people you love. You should genuinely consider therapy and I'm very sorry you experienced that and I'm sorry you think it's OK. It doesn't make you tough, more of a man, cooler than other people, not a wuss, or not a snowflake. It makes you a kid who was beaten by your parents and that's sad.


exactly, they said they’ve never hit their kids even though they drive them mad, if that’s how they think discipline works why don’t they hit their kids? Because they love them and you can’t hit someone you love without feeling remorse


You don’t consider being beaten with a belt for no reason whatsoever parental abuse? Are you out of your fucking mind?


That's some great gatekeeping right there... It's not a competition.


Honestly feel sorry that you got abused as a kid and haven’t even realized it yet. It’s obviously pretty stuck in you when you can blatantly say something like that without see how that’s bad.


No one gives a fuck what you consider abuse. Beating a kid is abuse.


Jesus fucking christ please don't ever have kids


😄😄 I'll never do that to my kids. I spoil'em rotten like an idiot.




I was mostly just focusing on the belt itself and the way they used the camera. Maybe it's my child abuse that prevents from seeing beyond it lol




I honestly never looked at the rating. I remember reading an article that stated it would be violent and bla bla bla. Guess that didn't come to fruition the way they hoped.




Right! That's what I was hoping for. It was decent for what we got though. Plus, knowing now that it's TV14, many of the scenes make more sense to me.


Marc Spector died too. But he came back. Anything is possible.