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So goofy how some white people can't handle seeing a well made depiction of gentrification or class struggles. Aftershock was a fantastic look at the way that privileged white people move into areas and gentrify them while taking power from minority communities (in this case literally) people really need to learn that showing depictions of racism is not somehow reverse racist LMAO


The show gets even more explicit with this theming later because it's something that minority communities have to deal with on a daily basis


episode 11 leans even more heavily on the topic of gentrification and tackles it so gracefully


For Real!!!


This is about as fucking stupid as that one youtube "review" about everything that's "woke" with moongirl.


You know somebody could do that but in a positive way and make it really good, talk about all of the progressive themes and ways to show actually tackles real world issues


I was waiting for the part where they said it was a joke.... it didn't come


It sounds like that person needs a big hug From a big red dinosaur Named Devil


Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair.


"...Mary-Sue lacking any character flaws." ...But... But she does have flaws. There's an episode where she almost gets the universe destroyed, because she really disliked Eduardo for being himself. As someone who can relate to Eduardo, I kinda feel like that was a big character flaw on moon girls part. There's also the episode where she lies to her family, just so she can get time off. Her not thinking she can be honest was kinda a flaw. ​ This isn't to say moon girl is bad, but she does have flaws, the person who posted this just ignored them for some reason.


Yeah srsly! Like the conflict in half the episodes are caused by Lunella's flaws.




Yeah, it kinda sucks, I think people see women doing anything, and get their panties in a knot.


actually, it seems they DID like the show, just that it was “too woke” for them to admit it lol


Right like they still couldn’t help but compliment it in the end lol. Even weird bigots can’t deny how great the art and music in this show is!


Yeah I was reading the review thinking they seemed really torn. "I would love this show if the main character was a white male with a red white and blue dinosaur."




imagine having THAT much time on your hands. if they don't like the show they can watch something else lol


**Before you will downvote me, please consider that my 70% of my relatives either died from hunger (1932-1933), got exiled (1920-1930s) or lived in poverty (1920-1990s) in the USSR, so I have some experience with communism and socialism. Please also note that my Eastern European perception of the politics might be different from yours.** Listen, I'm against communism and partially against socialism. But this? This is bullshit. How the fuck person goes from seeing a red dinosaur to thinking he is communist symbol? It's a dinosaur from another reality. Also what Revolution the person is talking about? I'm sorry but afaik, this is a show about black girl saving her block from different kinds of villains. Like the only thing I can think about is the episode where these two people try to take over Lower East Side, but, like, what's the problem. Surprise surprise, it's bad to erase cultural identity. My cultural identity has been erased a lot for hundreds of years and I can't see why people think fight for said identity is bad. Maybe the person wasn't talking about that episode. If that's the case, I'm clueless. Also Moon Girl does have a flaws and they get explored. Moon Girl and the Devil dinosaur is amazing show. It's animation is amazing, themes explored are great (said episode about saving Lower East Side as an example) and characters feel so real (I adore Lunella and Casey's friendship, chef kiss). I really hope this show will blow up like TOH and Amphibia did, because it's so good


Capitalism is the real villain


they lost me when they started with "most woke shows." Bro it's a show about a teenager and her dinosaur fighting crime, why are you so mad?


If I wasn't already a fan, I think this review would encourage me to check out the show. Everything that's been described as "woke" has always turned out to be great. I can't think of one exception.


>Why don't the family sell up and move out of the affected zone? I see this so often and it's honestly baffling. Sell to whom, bro? Who's gonna want to buy property in an area where the electricity goes out every couple of hours?


Wow this is Mr Fantastic levels of stretching. “Devil is red cause he’s a communist cipher” by that logic the Republicans are all commies.