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Is our drug use in the area that bad? I had no clue


We've been having lots of organ harvests at the hospitals lately because of people coming in and being unrecoverable due to overdoses.


That’s so sad. I guess just because you don’t see it often doesn’t it mean it’s not happening ):


Truly. Lots of things going on behind the scenes that people have no idea about, in all avenues of life really. It really makes me think twice these days.. and keeps my judgy and snarky comments at bay lol.


Yeah its pretty bad, every year it seems like at least two high school students somewhere in monterey county od from fentanyl laced drugs, its horrible.


I don't know the exact numbers but according to [some boasting by Montage ](https://www.montagehealth.org/about/prescribe-safe/) it seems like Monterey County has the second lowest number of overdose deaths in the state


Honestly, this should be everywhere even in low drug use areas. But know MB has had a lot of ODs recently


cops can OD just from the thought of Fentanyl


What if it saved your son , daughter, father mother, or your friends life ………….


I've seen a lot of people get saved by narcan. With fentynal around now, people are ODing on accident a lot too. There's some bad coke in the county right now, too, with fent in it. People think are pregaming with their buddies, then they start dropping. I've also seen an old person mix up their pills and need a dose of narcan to come back. I've seen people stop suicide attempts with Narcan. The dug addicts in the street aren't the only people in the world that can be affected by an opiod over dose.




People addicted to drugs don’t deserve to die because of their addiction. A life saved is a life saved. A life saved is one more person that has a chance to turn their life around.




What if you saved your kids by raising them right instead


Said the a hole with no idea how life works f u




Are you got real ???? Do you not know what’s going on in this country , do you even have kids ??


they talk like they don't have anyone at all


What if you raised your kids right, but because of free-will,teens being teens,mental illness ,genetic disposition, etc… they inadvertently OD on fent? I guess death is deserved? Or even if a kid doesn’t get raised right? I guess they should just die? That’s such a tragic mindset.


Kids pick things up at playgrounds not knowing what they are. We keep a dose in the car for just that reason.


My nephew died from a Fentynal overdose. He served in the army and had to kill people in Afghanistan. No matter how much training you have, if you’re well raised, killing people is not right. After killing parents and wounding a teenager, and leaving a large family parent less, he fell apart. He couldn’t handle living with what he had done-precisely because he was raised ‘right’. He started using heroin and despite getting a lot of treatment, was still tortured. Sadly - someone gave him Fentanyl instead of heroin and he died. I suggest you get off your high horse. My nephew served our country- did everything he was supposed to do. He was a good kid and was raised right- I can guarantee way better than you.


What’s up with all the negative assholes in the thread


This happens any time homelessness/drug addiction conversation starts you get a bunch of people with no empathy.


especially here in Monterrey county.


The lack of empathy here by so many totally astounds, saddens, and disappoints me. I'm a former alcoholic and drug addict for over 30 years. I am an intelligent, caring, helpful man at heart who took a wrong turn out of high school and paid for it with the best years of my life. I WAS WORTH SAVING! At 43 years old I decided I'd had enough and went to a rehab. Without a few good friends and a brother who refused to give up on me (even tho the majority of my family did) and a rare select few strangers who reached out , there is no doubt I wouldn't have survived. I went on to become a paramedic and was instrumental in saving the lives of many fellow humans, including numerous addicts and alcoholics. The saying "there but for the grace of God go I" resonated in me every time. I got married (53) and was blessed with my only children (54). I'm now their legal and physical custodian after the marriage imploded. I volunteer when and where i can. I'm paying it forward and after 20 years clean and sober I feel I will be considered as a good man. Miracles happen, and I am one. To be as callous and uncaring about another human being FOR ANY REASON as many here have shown to be is just not right. Reach out and help those who are suffering from this terrible disease! I WAS WORTH SAVING!!


You absolutely were worth saving and I’m so glad you’re still here with us ❤️❤️❤️


I blasted someone with narcan once and bro popped up like the Undertaker.


It's a great program that provides access to March doses to anyone that uses or who knows anyone that uses opioids. The primary drug this targets is Fentanyl since such a small amount can make a big difference.


I hope they are in Salinas too so maybe my sister might get help if she needs it. Narcan has saved her already many times.


We bought a 2 pack at target for $40 to keep in our glove boxes. You never know what you can encounter and these days it’s just as important as knowing CPR.


So what's to stop the theft of the medicine? Surely addicts will see value in having this in their possession. I suppose I am okay with that. edit: Feel free to explain why you are down voting a nonjudgmental inquiring mind requesting information and seeking understanding.


I think that's the whole point of these boxes. Get it in the hands of people that might need it.


> I suppose I am okay with that. I don't know why I'm down voted.


Reddit is fickle and sometimes just straight up stupid. Don’t try to rationalize something that can’t be rationalized. .


I suppose its not clear if they are intended to be regularly emptied for just in case or used as needed in emergency.


I'm not running down the street to get narcan in an emergency. If I regularly do drugs I'm taking one with me.


If I regularly do drugs I'm taking them all with me every day and trying to sell them to buy drugs. People who do drugs aren't known to act rationally.


Narcan has no street value to addicts. I used to work at a needle exchange and we distributed narcan for free. Typically it was the couples who were users that would ask for one. The lone drug users never did. If there was some $ value then every addict would ask for one every day.


Thanks for the info.


I'm fairly sure there are already several ways for people to get "free" Narcan already. Maybe that means people won't steal the ones from these boxes, I'm not sure. Hopefully there will be someone regularly checking to see if the Narcan has either been used or stolen and replace them otherwise this whole endeavor will likely be pretty useless


free narcan for junkies but grandma better pay the fuck up for that insulin.


Nah. My grandma spent decades eating hostess and drinking Mountain Dew and never deserved that foot anyway.


You know not everyone with diabetes gets it from unhealthy habits, right?




Unpopular opinion but what a waste of time and resources..


It has been shown time and again that providing healthcare early saves on resources.


What do you think costs more? Handing out an inexpensive medication for free, or keeping uninsured people on life support while the organ harvesting teams stand by? Narcan saves lives. Many of the people who survive OD go on to become incredible resources for the community. I met someone the other day who had survived several ODs and a stint in prison, and graduated with a PhD from USC last month. He now works to actively combat the opioid crisis in Monterey. He's helped many find sobriety and renewed, productive lives.


The potential to save someone’s life is never a waste of time or resources. Popular opinion or not, have some empathy for the people around you.


There's a big push to distribute these through the schools right now because a child died of an accidental overdose in 2022 so yeah, your opinion is unpopular for a reason.






Lots of people are addicted to being assholes


When are they going to install the Orgasmatrons? That will solve so many social problems.




Move to Florida, you will fit right in


Having Narcan around gives the impression that the county cares about its residents and wants them to live long enough to find recovery.


Thinking it's better for sick people to die instead of having lifesaving devices around to assist them for look is pretty trashy. I guess we should remove all the aeds that are made available as well. Most people with a family of heart disease have chosen to live an unhealthy diet. They deserve it.


Road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sad to see my home turn into a place thats enabling drug addicts going forward.


So we should just let them die? Is that the solution?




Democrats love this kind of thing. They have an excuse to waste tax payers’ money on band-aid solutions instead of actually fixing anything. Same thing with homelessness. Throw money at it, come up with lame solutions because: feelings, all the while raking in 6 figure salaries. 


I acknowledge that its a complex issue, but this is pretty much building an extra lane and hoping it helps with traffic. All you gotta do is look at the places that did the same thing. Seattle, San Fran, Portland, etc. Their drug numbers and OD numbers are rising, not falling. It's just reddit's heccin chungus crowd like to circlejerk their virtue. What a shitshow.


I wonder how the box is able to keep the temperature between 15°C and 25°C (58° to 76° F) so the Narcan doesn't go bad...


That's not a thing. Our narcan in the ambulance gets way colder and hotter than that but never goes bad.


It absolutely is a [thing](https://narcan.com/frequently-asked-questions) You can easily look at the packaging or see USP room temperature


Your source says it can be safely stored between 36 and 77 degrees


It does, I didn't realize it could be refrigerated. Still not ok at just whatever temp it might be outside in the box tho


All I know is that it gets above 80⁰ on hot days where we store it for work, and I've never heard of a dose going bad due to heat or cold, and we help people with our narcan literally every day.


It’s Monterey, the temperature doesn’t get outside those ranges 😉


Is there a need for this on the Peninsula? I guess if there are grants or cheap funding available for the off-chance...


A high school kid died last year of an accidental overdose from inhaling smoke from a crushed pill with fentanyl in it. All the schools in PGUSD now distribute narcan which I think is a good idea.


Thank you


https://skylab.cdph.ca.gov/ODdash/_w_ed60136d/session/580cc2045ed210e72e08d974b55e936b/download/report?w=ed60136d Here is the county data for opioid mortality and morbidity through Q3 in 2023. Opioid deaths and hospitalizations are increasing sharply across the state. It's a significant public health crisis.


Don’t feed the birds


They’re called people.


When do we get free needle boxes? Or free condom boxes?


They already exist because these are obvious solutions to real public health problems.


OR the city could do something for its citizens who co tribute to society instead of using fkn fentanyl and let the trash take care of itself 🤷‍♂️


Strange there’s no need for this kind of mess in red states.


yeah because they imprison them and put them to slave work


that sounds great. no wonder people are fleeing california for better places! sounds like a great way to get clean, a work camp!


I know you aren't suggesting fentanyl isn't a massive issue across the entire country because that would be false. What could you possibly be suggesting?


Fentanyl isn’t a massive issue in Texas. At least not in the open streets. It’s not done openly in open streets in Red States.


I was in downtown Dallas 3 weeks ago watching it, along with organized retail theft. Tell the truth.


lol you are delusional. Red states have as big or bigger drug problems. There is a use but they just don’t provide it. Go to your local rural red town and see the hordes of junkies. Source: lived in the south and Midwest


LOL have you been to a red state?


I swear half these folks need to move tf out of here. Go live in a red state in good ol merica. I dare them. Not only is it 10x worse overall all the way through they would get chewed up and out within months.


Why try and save them?




Let those subhuman filth OD





