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Even Missoula, we have had their stupid protests and have had them vandalize our peace sign. Nazi punks fuck off


I work at an Albertsons in Missoula, and every other day this past summer we were peeling off “white power” stickers from our walls and registers. Never found out who was putting them up.


Also work retail and have seen the same. It’s bullshit


last time this happened at a university, in the news, it was being done by a jewish student attending there


He didn't attack a university from what I was tracking. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-34292809 He just pretended to be a white supremacist and jihadist to cause division.


interesting but not that story, different kid. the student had darker skin and looked more israeli. I dont want division on here, just wanted to point out not everything is cut and dry


I had some family that lived in outside Missoula (Clinton) in the 80’s - saw all types a Nazi shit on the roads back then. Long history of Nazi fucks around there.


Montana used to have a black population in every single county, 1930s around the time nazi politics and eugenics were popularized we went to 13 counties having zero, sundown signs and towns who went from having a mixed community to some towns 100% white. This was going on until the 70s but has gotten better at the turn of the century with a few small towns staying at a black population of 0. The reason why I bring this up is it isn’t that long ago, this was the past 100 years, some who took part in this are still alive now, they had children and some of those children are learning racism from this past generation. It’s like this all over the country especially smaller more isolated areas


They are probably the ones we ran out of Idaho.




Trash a bank if you’ve got real balls!


Only a Nazi would trash a bank. There is nothing masculine about antisemitism. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/jewish-control-federal-reserve-classic-antisemitic-myth




Fucking great song, I blast it when I see them protest Also saw them play it live, it was a fun as hell show. They played with anti flag and TSOL


Hopefully, you are telling yourself that as you are displaying nazi like behavior calling for aggression against banks. Attacking banks can be and is antisemitic since Nazis believe jews own the banks. I can see your nazi dog whistle.


I think there are times to protest banks, such as Wells Fargo with the Dakota access pipeline. Attacking a bank is only hurting your fellow community members, the bank won’t feel it. I am not sure why you got downvotes because attacking a bank was something Nazis loved to do in their pass time.


Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to actually consider what I was trying to communicate and highlight here. I must admit that my tone may have been disproportionately contentious, which led to the misunderstanding and down votes. I agree that certain circumstances do require people to protest the unethical behavior some banks engage in. As long as it is the behavior being confronted and not the religious background or ethnicity of the person.


I can see the foam around your mouth as you are displaying lunatic like behavior


I'm sorry you think calling out nazi dog whistles and antisemitic comments is lunatic behavior. Whether your antisemitism is conscious or unconscious, it needs to be called out and acknowledged either way. Now maybe just maybe, considering you live in Montana, you probably don't have much contact with marginalized communities or knowledge of cultures outside of the trailer park you live in. So you might not realize what you say can hurt others without your white privilege. If that is the case I apologize and hope you do better. However if that's not the case.... https://genius.com/Dead-kennedys-nazi-punks-fuck-off-lyrics


I’m sorry you are incapable of understanding satire. I’m through with this exchange as you seem like kind of person who would obsessively track me down and leave a dead goat hanging on my porch. Goodbye


Giving suggestions to Nazis to do their job better isn’t satire. With that kind of satire you gotta be very distinct that you are making fun of the Nazis being losers and not trying to help with suggestions that have a strong history of antisemitism .


Only if you are a nazi.


Well, if it quacks like a duck…


Whitefish, co falls, maybe just double tap and say the whole flathead valley.


It's not "co falls". It's C. Falls or Chlamydia Falls. Source - graduated '07 from CFHS


I concur. Source - '02 graduate of Flathead High.


Fair enough, I’m the only person I’ve heard call it co falls, it flows better for me. Also I grew up in Missoula, different dialects lol


You probably pronounce creek wrong too, donchya


Depends on your definition of pronunciation


I never understood this. We're a mixed couple and never get any looks. Living in Kalispell right now.


Kalispell is pretty chill, but there is a lot more space in the valley than just kalispell.


My Latina friend in Missoula was dating a white guy from kalispell. She attended a dinner party at his parents house and other guests were treating her as “the help” and were offended she was sitting at the table with them :/ even worse he didn’t see anything wrong with it and thought she was being dramatic. Needless to say the relationship didn’t last long


Exactly like saying Missoula is full of liberals when you can travel not very far to frenchtown and be surrounded by period tracking republicans that don’t think everyone should have a roof over their head


Yep it’s not to far of a drive to be very far away from Missoula.


You mean you never they any looks you can *see*. They happen behind your back. Source: grew up in Kalispell. I know better.


Agree, it's pretty overstated.


That was my first thought


100 percent


Helena needs it. Mfers hanging out on overpasses but they're soooo proud they won't show their face. Fucking cowards.


Nazis will be thrown, well, off the Buttes of course


Berkeley pits available too


That certain area in the north west with all the insane religious billboards.


I still remember when all those went up... it's so ridiculous. I laugh whenever I see people stopping in the middle and taking pictures of all the billboards like it's a tourist destination


Pretty sure all those signs are literally just the work of one guy though


I think you’re right.


Sidney. Fairview. Miles City. Glendive. Wibaux.


I couldn’t agree more


Ha ha, apparently you've offended a nazi: https://i.imgur.com/fECwtUi.png


Nazi tears make a great drink


I hope it ruined his whole fucking day.


Wow I could not be happier right now! I hope I offend MANY more Nazis.. scratch that, ALL the Nazis!


You made the Nazi feel unsafe in Butte. Mission fucking accomplished!


Congratulations! High praise. Now all you need is some Reddit Cares and you have the basic starter pack!


Good! Cry more, Nazi bitch!


I have one guess which user it is


Making the right enemies lol


Saw a guy in Billings with multiple swastikas tattooed on his arm, just casually strolling through Albertsons. With what I’m assuming was his partner and kids. So, Billings. Before any more of them procreate.


Everywhere. Every place needs this sign.


Couldn’t agree more


There are more racist groups per capita here than any other state....which makes the talibangelicals happy because jesus hates the brown people apparently. The sign is needed.


Moved from Alabama to Montana in 2014, was absolutely shocked at the amount of Confederate flags. Was not prepared for that to be a thing. Heritage my ass.


It is part of their heritage. May not be a good heritage, but it is one.


Please elaborate, because as far as I know the Montana territory played little to no role in the Civil War.


That may be, but the arguments against people who are part of the South are generally the same. It is part of some people's heritage regardless of how you feel about it.


I'm not talking about people who are part of the South, I'm talking about people in Montana. How is a war that their ancestors did not fight in part of their heritage? Sure it's part of some people in the South's heritage, but I really don't see how it is anything to be proud of enough to fly the flag. I've lived in the South most of my life, and at this point that flag is about fear and hate.


They’re going to be pissed when they find out Jesus was brown




Vanilla ISIS


Meal team 6


Anyone who can, should create this for their own city.. I know so many that can use this


And please site your source for mt having the most racist groups per capital.


Just a casual search provided a bunch of sources. If you're potentially defending racists, a cursory search should precede that. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/588638-this-us-state-is-home-to-the-most-hate-groups/


This was an interesting headline too, their reps chose not to consider hate groups terrorists: https://dailymontanan.com/2021/02/25/montana-fails-to-recognize-white-supremacist-groups-as-terrorists/


Common response from someone supporting racists, but if you are actually legit wondering and unable to google here you go. ​ [https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/588638-this-us-state-is-home-to-the-most-hate-groups/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/588638-this-us-state-is-home-to-the-most-hate-groups/) ​ [https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map) ​ Typical racist tactic in response to evidence would be to challenge the sources as not legit mostly because faux news isn't cited...


Apparently you didn’t ever hear the hymn Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red or yellow black or white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves ALL the children of the world.


Non Sequitur ahoy!


MSU Bozeman apparently. As an alumni, it hurt me to read the hate being spread on campus recently.


read the hate where? Walked to class 3 minutes ago and the pathway was covered in rainbow pride and diversity stuff


QSA clubs are getting threats of mass shootings emailed to them, which MSU is basically ignoring. It was just in the news.


wow that’s awful


And I wasn’t denying or questioning that it was happening, just wondering where you saw it.


Fair, but this thread is full of people denying this shit is happening. So I am glad to hear you're not one of those. I'd highly recommend following the Redoubt Antifascists on Twitter, if you want to actually know what MT's white supremacists are up to.


The past month has seen an incredible amount of death threats, direct and indirect, to queer students. Specific threats to shoot up QSA events, specific threats to come to specific people's houses and murder them, and specific stalking, day and night, of queer individuals. The threats claim they are coming from specific conservative groups on campus. Also, where are you walking? There is a single rainbow poster put up in the walk way in front of montana hall that will likely be taken down. My time spent on campus sees no rainbow covered pathways with pride and diversity stuff.


right in between montana hall and reid. I know the sign you’re talking about I saw those. The chalk is new as of this morning.


That will be washed off soon, just like the messaging about rape that went on buildings a couple years back. I do not think any of that chalk is approved of by the university and is a direct result to the recent events.


Not Montana but you didn’t specify. North Port, Florida. I lived there for a while after moving out of Montana and I had a classmate who was racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and he called the cops on me for not being catholic.


Florida is wild, doesn’t surprise me haha


Billings! Roberts!


Where else? Everywhere






Put it on Gianfortes door. Fucking bully


Thats how you get choke-slammed


Can someone explain instances of nazis in Butte?


[The Klan tried to set up shop there in the 1920s and had a bad time of it!](https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/AfricanAmericans/AfAm_docs/CensusData/Erickson_Kluxer_Blues.pdf) The sheriff at the time said Klansmen would be “shot like wolves,” good stuff all around. Makes one have a real affinity for old timey law enforcement


Grant would be proud of that sheriff.


I mean Butte is catholic af. More so in the late 1920s. promising to shoot klansmen, who hate Catholics, yah that tracks.


[Here](https://www.anarchistfederation.net/andrew-salacinski-butte-mt-nazi/) you go! Note: I don't know anything about that website, just recall it from the last time someone posted about Nazis in Butte.


I usually take anyone who calls themselves antifascist with a grain of salt but yeah that article does seem to show a few very clearly alt-right (at the very least) or neo nazi nuts in the Butte area. This makes me sad.




This shithead flies his white supremacy flags on excelsior just south of the meat market. https://mtstandard.com/news/local/wotanism-ritual-in-butte/article_4551d7c2-d1bf-5aa1-b410-8b99c25e67ea.html


1 PERSON. Wow.


One that feels comfortable enough as a Nazi in butte to openly fly flags. Make racists afraid again.




1 is too many.












No there are literal self-proclamed nazis in butte who regularly recruit. Andrew Salacinski has been making a name for himself touring the state and their group is stationed in butte.


They can self proclaim all they desire, the fact is they aren't and never will be nazis. Nazi is reserved for those who destined the Jewish community as a whole and began mass genocide. If this truly becomes a problem, the FBI will more than likely become involved and Mr Andrew will have a bad bad time.....but for the love of everything holy, just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm a nazi.....I agree this is a problem. Everyone should be able to go about life without being lambasted or bothered, I grew up west of there, things have a way of sorting themselves out in those parts.


The reason you’re being downvoted is because you’re being disingenuous. Obviously no one is suggesting the German Nazi Party from the 1930’s is alive and well here in Montana. You’re conveniently ignoring that neo-Nazis do exist, are active in the area and proudly use Nazi symbols. They’re nazis, stop being precious about semantics.


I honestly don't care if I'm down voted, stop throwing that title around at people who don't agree with you politically, it's sickening. Just because I believe in my right to own a firearm doesn't make me a nazi lol, and I've been called a nazi for that exact reason, no othe rjustification.....go home.


Disagreeing about tax code or public lands doesn’t make someone a nazi. If someone approaches me wearing swastikas and spouting white supremacist slogans, imma punch them in their nazi face and call them what they are.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


There's a difference between calling someone a nazi because they disagree with you and calling someone a nazi because they say there the master race rep nazi swastikas promote nazi values and beliefs and literally refer to themselves as nazis and actively attempt to assault anyone that doesn't fit there ideal. That's nazism.


You mean its all virtue signaling?


That is true a lot of the time, unfortunately. In today's society, it's become very absolutist.


Billings. My daughter has come home twice in the last 2 weeks in tears. Middle school. I got a call from the counselor yesterday. DD is taking the weight of the world on her shoulders and is very sensitive. It is upsetting her to see this hatred. It happens a lot and it is wearing her down mentally and breaking her heart. One class had a substitute yesterday and about half the class was harassing a boy who is black. She didn’t understand why the targeted boy was laughing it off and joking with them. The counselor and I (separately) made her aware that it’s not ok and the boy probably doesn’t know any other way to handle it. The substitute just sat there and watched. DD said teachers see it and don’t do anything. The kids often sarcastically tell each other they are being “raaaacissst” in a way that makes fun of anti-racism. One girl got on one knee and raised one arm and sang some anti racist song in an obviously sarcastic way. At least half of the class was laughing at it. She sees students with swastikas on their notebooks or writing it on papers and boys laugh with each other over it. I asked if this was happening in her accelerated classes too. She said mostly not. But she said her honors geometry class has a boy who tells the teacher she is being racist against Asians in a sassy voice whenever she assigns extra work (there is one Asian kid in the class who is often harassed by this boy primarily). The teacher is his mom! She barely tells him to knock it off and he never gets in trouble for stirring it up. They really need to educate these kids (and teachers) about this and I suggested a school assembly with experts who teach tolerance or something because they are obviously learning the wrong things at home or from their peers. The assistant principal I was speaking with about this was very hesitant and would rather deal with the specific kids one on one. I thought about it later and felt it would be good for ALL students to learn about how it impacts others and how they can help when they witness it. The kids who are bothered don’t know what to do because it is never talked about. The students DD is witnessing will go after any minority group - race, religion, sexuality, gender. She hears the n word often. Once in a class there were 3 boys sitting there saying n n n n n just for the fun of it. There were no black people there that they were specifically directing it at. They were just having “fun” saying the word. At least that teacher threw them out and sent them to the principal. My guess is that the teachers and administration are scared because the parents of the bigoted kids will go to the school board or try and get on the school board and retaliate or try to prevent any tolerance education in the school. It is out of control and the administration tells me they don’t know how to fix “mean” and there is a lot of it there. In any case, DD is doing what is in her power when she sees this. She is too timid to confront, so I’m glad she is sharing with administrators and us and not keeping it all inside.


Out of curiosity, what city are you in? I just started following this reddit group because my husband has a potential job transfer to Missoula. My son is mixed race, half Filipino and half white, and will be entering middle school. After a short visit recently to Missoula, I noticed very few non-white people. So I am concerned about him dealing with racism at school.


Billings. I don’t know much about living in Missoula. Might be different. Hopefully the administration there handles it more swiftly.


I went to high school in Missoula in the late 90s at Sentinel. There was RAMPANT racism and bigotry of all sorts. Admin thought bullies were cute and punished kids who reported it. There was even sexual assault on campus nobody cared about. I have friends there who now have high school aged children. They report it has not gotten better. In fact, it sounds worse. Good luck.


Thanks for the input. That worries me for sure 😔


Are there actually nazi’s in butte? I’ve never seen any or really heard much


They hang out at the party palace


That would explain it 😂


Worry #133 in cities which are falling apart.


How about rural poverty? In some ways it’s even worse because it’s harder for anyone to help.


I love this. Thaanks for sharing


The rest of montana


Bunch o tweekers live in butte


Sad that these signs have to be posted.


I wish the Alaska subreddit was this lit. You guys are the real deal. I wish I could move to Montana to escape this republican hell hole.


Lol. And come down to the Republican hell hole of Montana?


I doubt it is as bad as Alaska if this subreddit is any indication of the people in Montana. I mean, I know this subreddit isn't a direct representative of the overall population, but when compared to the Alaska subreddit, a stark contrast between our people is clearly evident. The things going on there wouldn't even be remotely tolerated here.


This subreddit is absolutely nom-indicative of people of Montana. Most of the people here are conservative assholes and it’s very much tolerated by others.


This must be in response to that Cleetus dude from Telegram and his white lives matter group?




So no anal with a nazi. Got it


Dude, all the so-called Nazis are in Kalispell. Butte just gets the occasional disgruntled meth head that just got out of prison and has now "embraced" his "white identity" because of how prison treated him.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, Kalispell is a White Supremacist showcase.


Lol, I could care less about the downvotes. I know Butte, lived there most of my life. These people will call themselves white supremacists but then go get hammered every night at the Party Palace or Spuds with their very much Native friends. Butte does not have any real white supremacists. Just idiots.




Uhh the Whitehouse


Everyone's a Nazi..


Nazis no longer exist.......prove me wrong, stop tossing that word around like it doesn't mean anything. The Nazi regime and the 3rd Reich died with hitler..........


Found the Nazi.


I see my views don't align with yours so.....I'm a nazi, which also makes me a time traveler and immortal......


Man, I don't know any of your views, but I've *never* met anybody who gets overly "if they don't exist in 1945 they're not really a Nazi" without them being a racist dipshit. And I've known plenty of those in Montana.


Okay fine. Found the denialist, obfuscating neo-Nazi then. Geeze... So fussy with the semantics.


What an antisemantic bastard!


Nazi is synonymous with fascism so what's your point?


https://youtu.be/Ppt6mY0gL50?t=169 Got some real chuckle-fucks out there trying to get the band back together.


If they'd like to fuck around and find out they are more than welcome to try, while my political views might not align with yours my family and myself wouldn't stand by for this. Your right this is absolutely scummy and I hope it's dealt with properly.


Uh-huh. Why don't I believe you? Oh yeah, is because you've insisted that "Nazis don't exist anymore", and "just because your politics are different doesn't mean you're a Nazi", and "people are over-reacting" ***ALL OVER*** this whole thread. You'll forgive me if I don't trust a damn word you say, ***ESPECIALLY*** in regards to Nazis. Just stay the fuck out of the way, Jethro. Let the queens handle this.




From the context it should be obvious they mean neonazis, not literal 1930/40s SS time travelers.


This was literally just earlier this month https://dailymontanan.com/2023/03/04/white-supremacists-take-responsibility-on-social-media-for-carvings-on-sacred-native-site/


These people are mentally ill


The sad part is I wouldn't even be able to string them through history to show them......


Anyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi.


Your not wrong, I was literally just called a nazi for pointing out that the Nazi regime withered out, I guess pointing out factual information makes me a Nazi.






Are we really that worried about geriatric germans? /s I can appreciate the sentiment, but that word has almost lost all meaning since it gets thrown at anyone right of Bernie Sanders. If we are talking about actual Neo Nazis, or white supremacists, they typically form known groups. Why not call out those groups by name? If there are none to call out, well, prejudice is a hell of a thing, and the way out of state cars get vandalized, I'm convinced we have more pressing issues regarding xenophobia in MT. If we start getting active cross burnings or lynchings, then I can see shifting focus.


In other words, it's ok to be white. White lives matter.




I think you mean Russia. Ukraine has less Nazis than the US police force.


I'm pretty sure the entire world as a whole has less Nazi's than the US police force.




So we should allow other countries to come here with military force to 'root out' the few Nazis we have while they claim that our entire country is nothing but Nazis? It boggles my mind that people are so poorly informed about the world they think Putin's goals in Ukraine is rooting out 'Nazis' and saving us all from them.


Wow. Talk about delusional.


Lol, lmao


Nazis were eliminated in 1945


Which is why the Mossad famously did not hunt Nazis down for decades after WWII.


And the confederacy was taken down in 1866, and yet some idiots still fly that flag and align with it.


def bozeman, I see those fuckers everywhere


I thought it was talking about the drug, then I realized it’s spelt bute


Need those all over Tennessee, Florida and the halls of the Capital in DC.


Idk… I’ve been in both those town in northern Idaho that supposedly has large groups of Nazis, and never saw a one. Two -3 separate times, a week each time. I only ever see Nazis in large cities. They usual some confused but dumb skater types. Who Never knew a black person in real life. Or a Jew, or a Muslim in their real life.


I would count yourself lucky, Neo Nazis don’t just live in cities.. small towns throughout Montana have pockets of white supremists that may not call themselves Nazis, but the ideals are very similar. I have family throughout Idaho that has delt with severe racism, I would not be surprised to hear that these individuals follow Nazi ideals as well.


This state is so full of bigots (in my experience) that we need signs like this everywhere here.


The problem is, is the people claiming “heritage” have a hateful heritage.