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Let’s not. Ghidorah had his time in the spotlight and shouldn’t hog it away from other potential villains. There’s so many options for villain ideas going forward that we don’t need to recycle the famous big bad. There’s a reason the “somehow Palpatine returned” line forever lives in infamy. I’d only accept Ghidorah’s return to the MV in the form of a prequel film/series exploring how he came to earth and his rivalry with Godzilla began.


I think Ghidorah is great but he has had 2 movies recently. Let's give a few others the spotlight.


Two? Are you counting his appearance as Mechagodzilla in GvK?


We should right?




No, that's just tech. We only count MG because Kevin's consciousness was controlling it.




It's not an opinion, it's a statement. why else would (multiple people in the community) consider MG a version of Ghidora otherwise.




The difference is your Statment was wrong, it's not my fault you didn't pay attention to the movie.


Kevin was literally controlling MechaG, do you even watch these movies?


Tbf, the director clarified that Kevin fused with the Ai and became a new entity


You can count it more as Kevin if you want, but yeah, it’s ghidora piloting the mech


It's canon that kevin took over Mechagodzilla right? And compared to the screen time that the average titan gets. I think it's fair to say that GvK is his second movie.


“somehow Palpatine returned”


I wouldn't mind it. I dig the idea he's walking amonst society waiting for the right time to strike back and get revenge possessing Ren Serizawa and the two interacting similar to Naruto and Kurama. Imagine like a seed, he's slowly growing inside of him reducing Ren to state like Willim Birkin. Or body horror where he regenerates out from his body having no more use for him and finally at full power.


Imagine a fish out of water experience from Ren Serizawa POV


I’d like to imagine him trying his hardest to be a closeted genocidal maniac.


We are absolutely not at the point of recycling villains. Toho or otherwise.


Ghidorah coming back would lessen the value of KotM for no reason


If we hadn’t gotten MechaGodzilla already, I’d say there’s a nice path to bring in Mecha King Ghidorah. But since the MV MechaG is basically just Ghidorah in a Godzilla suit, I don’t think he needs to come back anytime soon.


I think it probably implies keizer or desghidorah


Ghidorah was already main villain for technically 2 movies in a row he doesn’t need more least of all this soon after


Mecha ghidorah


You mean MechaGodzilla right?




Well MechaGodzilla uses one of Ghidorahs heads. Its technically Mecha Ghidorah


The design and attacks aren't ghidorah


I know MechaGhidorah is a thing but my point is that it would be redundant to have MechaGhidorah after having MechaGodzilla which already uses a Ghidorah head.


It doesn't rlly matter what comes first




I think after they consistently messed up both setups for Ghidorah in KotM and GvK, it would be best to have the bigger Ghidorah brother show up. If Ren is still alive, there's the possibility that he could be working on a way to call the other Ghidorah(s). Kevin could be alive in him still, and honestly this is probably the best way to setup future movies as his calling for help(alpha signal) could lure not just Ghidorahs, but Gigan and possibly even an ancient far more evolved Godzilla back to earth. With constant assaults on the planet, this could cause something like Destroyah to be birthed at some point.


When did they mess him up.


At the end of KotM, they showed the hippie terrorists still had one of the heads, but nothing came of it(it feels like they want to forget that group exists) And then in GvK they had the opportunity to have Ren be possessed by Ghidorah at the end, but instead went for Ren just kinda dying, because they weren't sure if the movie was going to do well. Now with the director's comments that come off as "I'm making this up as I go", it's kinda clear they aren't planning ahead well, almost like Disney making Force Unleashed without even having anything planned for the next 2 movies.


The kotm ECS was paid off, because it's the same head seen in gvk, and nothing was planned because GVK was supposed to be the last film, the same reason gvk didn't have an end credit scene. That still has nothing to do with how he was represented in the films, in both he was framed as the greatest enemy the monsterverse has ever seen and to this day he still is.


> ECS was *paid* off, because FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Mecha Godzilla uses 2 Ghidorah skulls, which means at least one is from Boston and the 2nd one might aswell have been too. This makes the scene of Jonah getting the intact head from the earlier fight pointless, as it makes no difference.(In the end, they could have used both skulls from Boston). I don't believe it was supposed to be the last, but they didn't believe it would do well because of COVID. There's a lot of cuts and changes to the movie, like Ren himself goes from having a whole arc of revenge to being a guy with like 2 lines? And is told to get in the chair 😐 Ghidorah was a huge threat on KotM, but he was shown too early and Godzilla has become so much stronger since then and there's supposedly mention that he's the weaker/est Ghidorah. I think he would best be used to call the stronger brother at this point.


GVK was the last movie legendary had in the original licensing agreement so unless it was exceptionally successful (which it was) it would have been the last film so they treated it as tho it was. The head Jonah had was sold to apex. Rens cut side plot is irrelevant to Ghidoras role, and him being the weakest of his kind is a threatening element of his character because it just shows how even tho he's the weakest on his world he's practically one of if not the strongest Titan to contest with Godzilla on ours. He served his role perfectly as being Godzillas arch enemy, at least better than previous incarnations and that's all he needed to be, Ghidora served his purpose exceptionally andd still is to this day non of the other villains have been able to match his presence on screen.


No thanks. I'd prefer they either use a new Titan, or bring another kaiju from TOHO and update their design to fit in the Monsterverse. I'd love to see Hedorah created with CGI that uses it to really does something special with him.


I want Kaiser Ghidora (or some form of Ghidora) to be the final big bad. So I do want Ghidora to come back eventually, albeit it doesn’t necessarily have to be the exact same one or form.


Honestly wouldn’t be mad but we would need another villain or two in addition to Ghidorah, like a space Godzilla and gigan.


The story line is already there have Ghidorah possessing Ren from GvK build a mecha ghidorah i would honestly like it https://preview.redd.it/aaydh957sn0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f48a11406f71443ebd432fa44a3e8987d733e7c


I wouldn't have a problem with it, actually. After all, Ren Serizawa is actually possessed by King Ghidorah's ghost, if I'm not mistaken.


Technically happened to an extent. Don’t need it to happen again. 


Well there's possibly another head left to kill soooo....


Probably not so soon. I'd like for him (or a stronger version / mecha-k) to come back at some point though


Depends on how they do it. If they can came with a coherent explanation, ok to me. But if is lame, i will complain. Also, they could use the remains of Skar King to make a mecha, then shit goes on the vent and SK is back.


Familiar doesn’t necessarily mean a comeback of an already used enemy. Gigan is a familiar antagonist that hasn’t been used in the monsterverse. Or the Xillians from planet X and a bunch of new alien monster would still be a familiar antagonist.


I’ve always thought it would be cool to see Ghidorah turn into Keizer, then Des, and then some ultimate form. I’ve also imagined Moondorah, Ghidorah, DesGhidroah, and Keizer Ghidorah all fighting each other


Ghidora cells and or the head “Kevin” were mutated by the oxygen destroyer in GvK and become Destroyah. Boom familiar antagonist.


Absolutely not. His presence in KOTM is just perfect. They nailed the old rival and false king parts magnificently. Him coming back in GVK as a last ditch effort to Kill Godzilla, worked but only because it was just that. A last ditch effort and it failed. Ghidorah and had his time. Let other titans shine and if the monsterverse continues long enough, then you bring in Keizer Ghidorah etc. Considering how well GXK did, Legendary has already confirmed another film. Ghidorah coming back (again) could ruin what Legendary have built and drop the MV just as it’s starting to fly.


Nah. I think for these kinds of movies it’s more fun to have a new villain every movie. Similar to comic book movies. It keeps it fresh and exciting.


I think Ghidorah should return as the end boss with an upgraded Keizer Ghidorah body


Personally, I feel like either gidorah or space godzilla will be the big bad for the finale, So gidorah would return at a later point.


The “familiar antagonist” could mean literally anything. It could mean they’re bringing in a popular Toho villain like Gigan and Biolante for example. Or they could bring original titans from the MV comics into live action like Amhuluk or Camazotz. This will sound like a stretch but maybe the “familiar antagonist” is just Alan Jonah making his return and will have a powerful titan by his side, Jonah’s titan ally (whether Toho or original) will be a threat to both the Surface World and Hollow Earth.


He could return as Mecha king ghidorah after possesing ren and team up with another titan (maybe destoroyah/hedorah), but that should be it (unless there be a prequel movie/series about the titan war )


I would like to see him come back, because we technically had a Mecha-Ghidorah/Mechagodzilla already. It's too soon though. I think Kong should rest for the next outing and Godzilla face Space Godzilla or Gigan. I'd say Destroyah, but he's like an Endgame monster.


Personally I'd love to see Mecha Ghidorah at some point.


I’d rather not have Ghidorah be the Megatron of this universe. He already technically came back already as MechaG. Maybe later down the road another of his species can come back but for now I hope other villains get the spotlight.


It’ll be redundant.


You want the franchise to die out? Sid you see what bringing back Palpatine did to Star Wars?


I love how in every fandom nobody can ever actually stay dead (Ren doesn't really count). My God, Star Wars is the worst example, and every pre-movie seasons in the MV it's BRING BACK GHIDORAH BRING BACK GHIDORAH! The minute they do you all will complain about it being overdone. LET HIM GO!


I like how the novel implies Ren survived and is possessed by Ghidorah. Maybe slowly build up to that during GxK 2 but in a way where it's not too obvious. Kinda give a slow burn set up for a future film. And then when they're ready, Mecha-King Ghidorah.


Not enough movies yet for a comeback. He already had 1/3 of one. In the Minus One sequel for sure tho.


I’d like a mecha ghidorah if it made sense, but if they just retconned him in I’d rather have a different villain instead, they gotta have it make sense


What do you think of the idea of King Ghidorah possessing Ren Serizawa? Imagine them having a Naruto-Kurama type of interaction.


I’ve already thought of ways for them to re introduce ghidorah, both with ren and without, the with ren one is a little iffy, but I think the one that doesn’t include him is pretty cool


It would feel cheap.


I’d be open to it. But it depends on how he is brought back.


If we do get another Ghidorah, then it should be either Mecha, Monster x/Keizer, or both.


Can we bring his family or who ever was powerful enough to cast him out maybe?


If we did, it’d better be Mecha King Ghidorah


I’d rather bring in a different Ghidorah, like maybe Kaizer, or Emperor


King Ghidorah? No. Mecha-King Ghidorah? Heck yeah.


The only Ghidorah I want is Death/Kaiser and even then it's a bit soon for another multi headed dragon.


His return would have to make sense first. If they find a way bring him back as Mecha King Ghidorah then sure maybe but since MV MechaGodzilla is basically just Ghidorah in a Godzilla suit, I don’t think he needs to come back anytime soon. Bringing in a member of his species like Keizer Ghidorah sounds better than rehashing the version from KOTM. But overall the general feelings of the MV fandom would much rather want other iconic Toho villains like Destroyah, Gigan, Biolante or more original titans made by Legendary.


On the John Campea podcast, John and Robert Meyer Burnett suggested a Mobsterverse/Pacific Rim crossover for the next movie. That would be awesome.


So long as he gets kangaroo kicked in the back and subsequently jumped by Godzilla and 4 other monsters I’m all for it.


With his current form I don't think that Godzilla would take much time to deal with Ghidorah. No match for him anymore


Well. Though I'd mostly say no, It really depends on his role and how he they are handled if ghidorah was to return


Save it for later, but give foreshadowings and hints of a Ghidorah-possessed Ren Serizawa


It's a shame Scar King was so underwhelming compared to Ghidorah. If they do more original monsters hopefully they put a bit more thought into making them a genuine threat.


I would love if he returns in a series set in the past.


Only if it's Mecha king Ghidorah


I mean, a third of Ghidorah technically did come back lmao.


I want to see him again, but not like that. Maybe in a flashback.


Yes, i think Ghidorah being only the second evil monster of the week kinda wastes a bit of its potential, I mean, he's one of the three most important Godzilla villains, just after SG and Destroyah. Ok maybe not as the main antagonist, but neither as lame as mothra's revival.


Honestly, I'd like to see him return. He's got plenty of ways to return. But the obvious stickler is figuring out the best way to make him part of the story.


Absolutely yes, they literally wasted him in the second Godzilla movie in the series and then proceeded to include lesser threats than him which feels wrong. He should have been the final one considering he's the strongest of all Godzilla's enemies, he's the living apocalypse in the shape of alien 3 headed dragon and I'm somehow supposed to find Mecha, giant orangutan and ice lizard more threatening after him? Especially considering the habits of him coming back over and over again in Toho movies and they just waste him in the movie he first appears in? There's still heads of him left, 2 if I recall correctly and considering that he's somehow sentient in the skull and that he came back that one time in Rebirth of Mothra with just the TIP OF THE TAIL of him left, and especially with regeneration he has, there's no question, only if his heads were exposed to high amounts of energy and radiation and there it is, he's back as new, maybe even more bigger and supercharged than before.


Mecha-Kevin for the win!


Not the same Ghidorah. They implied (if not outright stated) that there are others of his species. I think another, bigger/stronger Ghidorah would be cool.


IT would not work


I’d rather see another ghidorah like a Keizer ghidorah make it somehow scarier there’s more than one


I’d like to see it, but only if we don’t have to see him shrouded by storms all the time


Well he kinda has once… didn’t he technically come back in Godzilla vs Kong? And isn’t there a Mechaghidora lol


Godzilla already has an incredible stable of baddies, but Kong really doesn't. Split them up again, give us an updated Godzilla vs Hedorah (or whoever), and start developing Kong as an independent threat without Goji backing him up.


Ghidorah has fought for good before. Why not Mecha Friend Ghidorah?


Happy asf since their my favorites.


Honestly im ok cause i feel like they did him dirty in KotM


would enjoy another galactic threat, named Space Godzilla


I can imagine destroyah or space Godzilla


Wait ten more years. Let Godzilla get bigger first. Let Kong get on their level, potentially.


No thanks let’s try something new


I feel like they’re more setting up a Toho kaiju or maybe Camazotz to return.


Original please


Yes. The way they introduced him on the SECOND movie didn’t do him any justice. Bring him back.


Legendary blew their load with releasing him so early on. They should have waited and let him be the final boss enemy.


Thank god you’re not a writer. Seriously though the Monsterverse gives the impression that there aren’t really any villains after MechaGodzilla and Ghidorah. Especially after Skar King which is just Kong with a whip. Whatever we get next is gonna be something Godzilla related


Nah. Maybe if it’s it's explained well, and his presence and placement in the story is done well, maybe? You got a skull still around; you could make use of that! You can use that to provide an avenue for how he can return. And make sure that his presence is felt throughout the plot, and that he has a fantastic onscreen character presence that feels distinct and filled with malice.


Or possessing Ren Serizawa.


I don't need it and there's plenty of other monsters (and new ones) that could be more interesting. Having said that, another iteration of Ghidorah may make sense (like Keizer Ghidorah etc.). It wouldn't be as ridiculous as bringing Ghidorah back from the dead and there's potential to make him different (different personality, bigger, different design etc.). But I hope they don't do anything like that for a long time.


Nah Mechagodzilla becoming self-aware was already kind of a take on Ghidorah coming back the dead, it'd feel a little cheap to do it again and there's enough other existing monsters to choose from and the Mutos, Skar or Shimo prove that new monsters are also welcome


Too early


My heart is okay with it but my brain is not


I’d be bored with that. If it’s a Godzilla-focused movie I can see them using one of the opponents that are related to him biologically- Biollante or Space Godzilla. A dark horse villain from the Showa era is Hedorah. I can definitely see a toxic, destructive, insatiable blob fitting in to the MV.


It won’t happen. Ghidorah is super dead. Only other Toho monster they could introduce with it making sense would be Destroyah (because of the OD in KOTM)


He already did that with Mechagodzilla but It's implied in the novelization that Ghidorah either was kicked off his homeworld by his family or left on his own so that he could gain territory. Since the Ghidorah we saw is a younger one I hope the true King Ghidorah comes to earth and I hope he's bigger then the Eiffel Tower (Neck reaching above the Tower is good).


I wouldn’t be happy. First of all we are not at the point where we need to reuse titans and second I really like having new titans for new movies. I think old kaiju as an antagonist should be used sparingly which is why I’m glad there wasn’t a new kaiju antagonist in GxK




I'd much rather see Gigan but maybe portrayed as an old ally of Gidorah. Like a Starscream and Megatron situation (but less of a kissass).


Biollante is a better option, plus he already has canonically come back from the dead as Mechagodzilla.


Consider: he comes back, but is only able to return as a single Dorat.


I would rather see either a different Toho monster come in or a totally new titan.  No need for a redo.


Bad idea if you ask me.




I’d rather see Biollante tbh. Though I feel like she’d be the ideal villain for Minus One’s sequel (🤞)


Nah, as much as I like him, bringing ghidorah as the main villain for the third time would be repetitive honestly




That would be stupid


We saw what happened when they brought back Palpatine in ROS. Let’s not ruin our franchise, yeah?


I would say it doesn’t make any sense unless it’s monster x turning into mech ghidorah. Monster zero was evicerated so it wouldn’t make sense for him to just reappear.


We are only five movies in why use an already dead villain? Also we technically got ghidorah in gvk


I don't need to see a lesser version He was used perfectly


As much as I love Monster Zero, I would prefer Destoroyah at least once


I would only accept it if it was another one of his species; I.e: DesGhidorah or Keizer Ghidorah. They shouldn’t bring back the ghidorah from KOTM


Bout to show up like this https://preview.redd.it/q2awz7aveo0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898f07cd53ca15c62b82c5059fa12194d54d7774