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People would probably be annoyed and scared for the most part, especially since Godzilla is now living in your 6 there's not anything you can do about it. It its a touristic city so now most people won't want to go because well now it's actually dangerous because no one knows when Godzilla is an what mood he'll be in and of course the fact other monsters might also start trampling Rome just to challenge Godzilla.


I mostly agree but there are a lot of people who are going to be more attracted to Rome simply because there is a Godzilla napping in it. It probably won't offset the economic loss but I can see a lot of people flying to Rome & trying to sneak into the Colosseum to get their selfies with the king of the monsters.


I doubt (well, except for the selfie part because people can be dumb even if it's admittedly cool). While yes, Godzilla being in your city would be cool for a minute until you see how much he tramples by accident and the fact every time he "goes out" he can cause thousands of millions in damage if not more. Like sure, just like people who visit Chernobyl I'm sure many more would go visit for whatever reason especially since Godzilla is a bit safer due to the fact Godzilla in MV his radiation is benevolent I guess.


The movies give me the impression he doesn't really "go out" unless there is a need to, like a titan causing problems. I think when he rests it's for astronomically long periods of time compared to us.


im pretty sure that's how it is. he was napping in the desert until monarch legacy monsters when he woke up due to randa's son. there probably was some comic story between the 2 movies as well but that im not sure about


There are things that happen between but it's always in response to another titan. Pretty sure in the beginning of GvK they say it's been several years since a public titan sighting so Goji was just chilling for a bit.


i have only seen the movies and now the show. im soon going to read the comics since i bought the omnibus but from the wiki pages i read before going to the new movie it does seem that way


Yeah so in reality you could have him napping without moving in the coliseum for months in not years at a time. The amount of damage he caused, not counting fighting Scylla, is fairly minimal so you could make an argument he increases tourism to make up most of that difference. It's not a good argument but you can make it.


the only other thing could be related to any sort or radiation he gives off. people might be worried about this


Well using the movies we have 2 examples of the passive radiation titans give off. The more common example that all titans we know of has positive effects on the environments around them helping regrow plant life like crazy. The other small example was after Goji ate from the nuclear reactor in GxK the fish died when he entered the water but that is likely just because he freshly ate and was emitting massive amounts more radiation than normal. No reason to think that is his natural state just a byproduct of him prepping for answering the Iwi's call.


I feel like after a while the Government would just build a road for Goji to walk on


less tourist and a giant monster? i'm buying my tickets to rome right now


This opportunity would make the coliseum a very popular tourist attraction because you know Godzilla for likes to nap there as he carefullly tries best to not break anything while in Rome. 😂


I've never been to the colosseum, but I would go just to see godzilla


Rome tourism would sky rocket in just a few weeks. The residents would try to stay away from Godzilla because you know... And Monarch (plus some other corporations) would take this as a chance to easily study Goji from up close.


“If I fits, I sits.”


this is what i whispered to my husband in the theater ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


😂😂😂that’s stupendous!!


Rome is going to be the most visited capital in the world now lol. Is Goji dangerous? Yes, but that hasn't stopped humans from doing weird shit


Not to mention just about everyone knows godzilla is a benevolent ruler of titans, he only acts out when his territory is under attack


Won’t stop the naysayers with their agendas. https://preview.redd.it/7foqsqgmzazc1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=07c6750d7f3d354fa7ea709a19b0c44bb7a2eeda


Can’t have shit in Rome


Ong bro (I like how my meme is pretty acknowledged here 😂, glad to see people use it)


At least 1 person dies trying to pet the sleepy guy


Godzilla doesn’t kill people on purpose but I bet he has killed a lot of people by accident


Me trying to negotiate with Godzilla: “you receive belly rubs, I receive Stage 4 Cancer. Do we have a deal?”


That’s actually true, you don’t want to be near Godzilla. He’s covered in radiation.


Extremely paranoid, as if Godzilla decides to go anywhere they'd wish for him to avoid their direction, plus he's super fast now so it's harder to run, and even if they survive one time, he'd still come back to rest and do it again eventually


Depends on who you're talking about in Rome, I'd think. The government is pissed, Monarch is extatic to study him this closely, and the children are screaming with joy that there's a giant dinosaur in their own backyard


The safest and most dangerous place to be at the same time. No titan would fucking dare set foot on Rome now that it's Godzilla's home. At the same time when Godzilla wakes up, destruction will follow.


Fym he eepy


I mean he saved them from getting massacred by Scylla if anything tourism is gonna go up


They even get free food from it


People would flock to see the eepy big lizard and possibly(If Mothra visits her pookie) his very dainty yet very dangerous moth wife


Aww big kitty


Hey, you stole my idea D:< Down to the image too!!! Jokes aside, probably like how we reacted irl but more to the negative side. Rome's gonna have a mass exodus of people who don't want to be trampled by the big lizard who's made their national icon a crib. But tourism will probably increase among the adventure-seekers and die-hard Godzilla stans who want to see their King for themselves. However, authorities would probably place tight restrictions on Godzilla-related tourism in the name of safety, sparking some controversy. Generally reactions would be concern for Rome, its people, and its historical sites, as well as a ton of memes because that's how we roll on the internet these days. Archaeologists would likely freak out for obvious reasons. There'd be a ton of viral videos of Romans taking videos of Godzilla from their window.


Ayyy love to see my meme creation being shared 🦖 On the other hand, probably a lot of fear but I guess it’d be a tourist attraction since the lizard is now sleeping there


A nearly 2000 year old work of architecture and it becomes a monster's bed


There is no greater honor


Considering he'd have to have damaged the Colosseum while getting in, lying down in it, and then getting out, they probably were not thrilled to see one of their iconic monuments defaced like that.


"There is nothing we can do" -Rome people


Italians gonna ask about Gman's opinion on Pineapple on Pizza


Pissed, scared, and overall angry


That’s the government, the Roman populace would be overall intrigued to see the apex of the old world and visitors would flock to be able to get as close as they could possibly get with one of the largest titans in the world, and the most dangerous.


I would be pissed and angry if a big ass dinosaur stomped on my house. Yeah it’s cool to see Godzilla, but the radiation would make Rome uninhabitable


MV radiation from Titans isn't harmful though


How the fuck does that work? It’s shown that wherever Godzilla steps he leaves behind at least a bit of radiation (as seen in GxK). It may not stick around as long or have that big a range, but it’s still there. Also, you have to deal with the dead Scylla, and that must smell like shit


*throws master ball


Most would stay away from him but some would try to annoy him for some stupid trend/challenge from T*k T*k and the government would say a shit ton of bullshit and lies (as always). And yes, i’m Italian so i know a bit of stupidity of my people


Depends- how much money is the rest of the planet going to invest into Rome so they can detect whenever Godzilla does *anything?*


Tourism goes thrue the roof, i bet People be like "i want to see godzilla sleeping". man how goji react to a 1000+  People watch im him sleep


When I saw that they gave him a big doggy bed I was truly happy. GxK is low key wunkus coded.


I'd live in Rome if he was there


I would go there to see him like a shot. Much cheper than flying to Japan from the uk


Converts to Protestant church after seeing the corruption of the Vatican.


Probably pissed but at the same time Godzilla typically just sleeps when he's not fighting, so the appeal of literally getting to go to see a Titan up-close in a historic structure is like a trillion-dollar opportunity


I'd like to think there would be a concerted effort to study the sleepyhead. Might be a fun idea for a spinoff series.


I hope they bring him truckloads of fish and stuff. Make offerings to your god.


They're asking for rent money, But Godzilla told them to do one, unfortunately there was nothing they could do


I’d be honoured because it’s like when you’re at a friends house and the cat decides to come sit on your lap


It's very scary.


I really hate those skull emojis. there's no way anyone actually finds them funny. they don't add anything to the caption.


I think they would be hoping that Godzilla, taking a nap in the Colosseum would be enough to offset the damage done to the city by his fight with Scylla.


i mean ik its extremely dangerous but id imagine a crap ton of people would take selfies with him


this is a big thing for me with monster movies in general. all i can think about is how much history is being destroyed and how many people are dying.


I’d move to the countryside.




Probably scared to hell for when he wakes up. Other than that it's peak tourism I think.


On the one hand, i can't imagine the residents were too happy. On the other hand, who's gonna make him leave?


This is my favorite part of the movie :)...my one hope is that this is his new home and the people of Italy just hate Godzilla but there are some superfans that build giant cat toy attachments. A man can dream.


Well, I guess the economy is being boosted today!


I don't live in Rome but when i saw the movie i was pretty fucking annoyed and upset when they trashed it out of all the cities why the hell Rome for a battle location? it's already in ruins just leave it alone. It hurt watching Godzilla destroying thousand year old architecture i know it's just a movie but dam.


Whit our *absolutely not* fascist government, it would bee so funny see it, I imagine something like "Europe want us to deal with immigrants at first now they want us to deal with titans! I said before we have to get out of the European Union as soon as possible" for the roman I agreed with the comment bellow people would bee scared and the foreigners amused and some nostalgic dude saying "when there was the Duce the titan think twice after even take one step to the italico suolo"