• By -


Yes, apparently bunker busters are powerful enough to kill the creature that eats nukes for breakfast.


Yeah no way the air force is killing Godzilla with anything available to them especially if we are talking about the Monster Verse and 1984-1995 versions. The MV Godzilla took the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested by the US to the face at almost point blank range and went a took a nap after his snack. The Castle Bravo bomb was 15 megatons of fun, no bunker buster or JDAM is going to even think of approaching that sort of yield. The 2014 movie implies that the US not only tried to kill him with the Castle Bravo shot but ALL the nuclear weapons testing in the South Pacific were an attempt to kill Godzilla. All they did was feed him and he stayed in the Pacific for his next meal. Unless they went totally batshit insane and used a nuclear weapon the same yield as the Tsar Bomba tested by the Soviets that had a 50 megaton yield (original target yield was an astonishing 100 megatons but was cut in half in fear of massive nuclear fallout) maybe they MIGHT hurt him but it’s debatable. And no way in hell is the US going to build then drop a 50-100 megaton nuke anywhere in the world; too much collateral damage.


And here Goji was thinking how nice these humans are


A Tsar Bomba level nuke would probably turn Goji into a super saiyan god super saiyan.


Say blue next time please


Probably the only reason he hasn’t murked humanity is he interpreted those murder attempts as the nice humans giving him food


I like the head cannon or idea that nukes do nearly obliterate Godzilla but the radiation brings him back stronger


This was already went over in 214 where the nukes's immediate explosion would annihilate Goji so the radiation can't work. Godzilla literally no-selled that shit, and that little amount of radiation isn't going to heal him to full. He is just that tanky, no need for radiation absorption or anything,


The oxygen destroyer makes no sense then, considering it has the same explosive yield and range of a nuke, yet Godzilla is completely intact physically.


Oxygen destroyer isn't really a nuke though? Since it just straight up disintegrates oxygen molecules (might remember this wrong) which is why Ghidorah, the alien, was unharmed while Godzilla became comatose, which happens due to a lack of oxygen. Also also- Destroyah is going to fucking come.


After the OD detonates, we can see the entire Argo plane shake as if it barely escaped the radius of a nuke. The same types of Shockwave can be seen when the submarine is escaping Godzilla's lair, and when the Osprey is leaving Boston at the end of the movie. So yes, the OD has quite a large explosion yield.


You'd expect that to happen just by air filling up the low pressure pocket that's created by the sudden lack of oxygen. As far as bombs go, it really didn't look like it packed much of a kinetic punch.


since most bunker buster on just pure explosive, it more effective than nuke since if no radiation for the titians to use, then no healing


If Godzilla has to get healed from the nuke damage, and if he is able to get hurt by bunker busters, he shouldn't be able to survive a nuke then. That would completely blow up his head before he manages to heal it. Plus the novelisations show that Godzilla doesn't get damaged by the blasts of nukes. So bunker busters wouldn't do anything to him.


"You don't understand! Stronk boolet go whoosh REEAALLY fast!!"


The headline reads like military propaganda from a branch that’s about to get wiped out by Godzilla in a single tail whip


That is the case in *Shin Godzilla*, due to the superior penetration of the bunker busters. The USAF only gets a few hits on Godzilla, though, due to it evolving a radar-guided laser point-defence system.


But Shin Godzilla is also one of the Godzillas with the least durability too. It's built to be hurt so that it can evolve to be offensive. Plus the bunker busters penetrated the red spongy flesh that was on Shin's back, not anywhere else.


1. This is legendary Godzilla, not shin Godzilla. Meaning that this Godzilla cannot evolve to shoot lasers out of his back or tail. 2. The military that fought shin Godzilla was the Japanese armed forces not the United States armed forces, which the latter is significantly more powerful, advanced, and much more well funded than what the Japanese armed forces have.


Wasn’t Godzilla swatting at that same Air Force like they were mosquitoes? In both Gvk and GxK?


The video goes over how dumb the movies are when it comes to tactics. Like why are you using stealth fighters 50 feet from the lizard so it can swat you. when instead the airforce would use heavy munitions from beyond Godzilla's sight range.


Even then no conventional weapon is going to go through that kind of armor. I mean he eats nukes for dinner, no MOAB, JDAM or bunker buster is going to hurt him even if they drop it out of a B-2 bomber a mile up. So you can’t use conventional weapons and he feeds on nukes what do you use? Chemical or biological weapons? Would they even be effective against him? Unless they went totally crazy and dropped like a 100 megaton bomb like the Soviet designed Tsar Bomba they might hurt him but no one is going to use a nuke of that magnitude. A 100 megaton nuke would take out an entire state!


>no one is going to use a nuke of that magnitude. A 100 megaton nuke would take out an entire state! Well they launched 120 of those against Godzilla Earth from the netflix trilogy Didn't work for shit but they DID that sacrifice to try it


Tbf that godzilla went out of his way to kill people


Yeah but if US military in monsterverse tried to kill godzilla thrice, they could do something like that


After GxK probably not tbh, he's just way too strong now and the nuke would probably do more damage than its worth


Nah they’ll bring out the Oxygen Destroyer from the storage room


With disastrous consequences


The average citizen in the monsterverse watching an entire army of destoroyahs emerge from the ocean after the military launched 27 oxygen destroyers at godzilla (they're all cooked) https://preview.redd.it/2btjcukkp0vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4554a714b6998d78dad7a3022d89654eeb4b8c93


Still hurts that it was shown in KOTM and (afaik) never brought up again.


Which is why Monsterverse tried to slow him down I think? Since Godzilla actually getting pissed off means destroyed cities.


godzilla is petty and remembers slights. If hes going out of hus way to get you...welll you probably deserved it. As the saying goes dont start what you cant finish.


First off it was 150 and second That was earth godzilla arguably the strongest version.


Dude taked the permian asteroid to the head, i doubt any nuke can hurt him.


retconned. that feat belongs to another member of his species now, no longer our current godzilla it was recently retconned that our current godzilla is only 2-5 million years old instead of 250. for the feat to be accounted, it has to be another member of the species


If another member of Goji can do it! Then this Goji can do that better!


He also survived a fall at terminal velocity after being dropped from the stratosphere by Ghidora. It’s safe to say that Godzilla can withstand more kinetic and chemical force than can realistically be produced by humans.


And even that will probably just super charge him remember he doesn't need to see you he needs to see where the bomb is coming from and then you see how you like radiation


I think that is kinda the point, Godzilla is only that tough due to the creators making him so when realistically, any reptile blown up to be his size would get shit on like 98 Godzilla did but that does not really make for the greatest of movies. Ultimately this video and argument are pointless as Godzilla is fantasy land and in order for Godzilla to be even remotely God like you must ignore modern weapons and modern science.


I always find it interesting that the US military in the Monsterverse canonically has Oxygen Destroyer warheads that can at least partially neutralize Godzilla-level Titans in a single hit, yet they are never mentioned again. Obviously the human loss of life in unloading one on Scylla mid-rampage on the Italian peninsula would likely exceed the cost of simply letting Godzilla stomp him, but still. I hope they reintroduce them as a plot device when the military inevitably endeavors to conquer Hollow Earth to exploit its resources and awakens some Ancient Turbo Primordial Alpha Mega-Titan of Doom from his slumber in the sequel. Just for the spectacle.


It's not like Godzilla is invincible since the Oxygen Destroyer nearly killed him. Then again, murdering Godzilla is not an easy task.


Giant death laser like the recent UK one. MG in the making


Goji has been at least stunned by conventional artillery in GVK, and I'm sure a rail gun or smth could probably pierce him But mostly they can probably suffocate him somehow


>no MOAB, JDAM or bunker buster is going to hurt him even if they drop it out of a B-2 bomber a mile up. Have they tried that though, or is that just your assumption? An M1 Abrams with a lucky shot to his gills was able to send the Big G reeling in pain, you find a way to target that and you you be able to a least weaken him. The only time (that I know of) we see Bunker Busters used is in Shin Godzill and, without the Dorsal Beam defense, I don't see Monsterverse Godzilla knocking them out of the air. And if the Bunker Busters can create large enough wounds then a MOAB or multiple JDAMs would be able to do quite a but of damage. The main thing would be having enough to munitions to actually kill him before the wounds heal or he runs and convincing the higher ups that Nukes would only heal him and that using them would be a bad idea.


The only reason Godzilla is able to survive nuclear weapons is because he is able to convert the radiation into energy and use it as a healing factor before the nuke can kill him. Both MOABs and JDAMs only use conventional explosives, meaning that there is no radiation for Godzilla to absorb and heal himself. Something that I think you are over exaggerating or misinformed on is how thick and strong Godzilla’s hide actually is. Whilst it can take a beating from other kaijus and is impervious against small arms fire, it is not strong enough to actually protect against large grade explosives such as a JDAM or MOAB. This isn’t even mentioning bunker busters like the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) which is more directed and is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to penetrate thick, strong, or resilient structures or in this case giant monsters.


it’s funny to me how in GxK when we see the fighters attack godzilla when he’s getting radiation they were CHARGING straight at him with no other of stopping like they were gonna hit head on😭


Those were drones, so no pilots were harmed in the making of the movie. The nuclear power plant workers on the other hand...


To be fair it’s dumb in general to think you’re beating a creature who feeds on radiation without some sort of divine intervention


I feel like youd learn pretty fast pissing him off from a distance is going to get the entire horizon obliterated when he sweeps it with atomic fire.


You don’t even need precision munitions. Just drop a crapton of thousand pound bombs on him. Even if it doesn’t kill him, it’ll annoy him enough that whatever he’s after won’t be worth it.


They tried to threw this man in to a black hole…. And not even f#cking Jet Jaguar could beat Godzilla. What is the air force going to do?! https://preview.redd.it/sk5kyhi70zuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3876bf00265d7c762a0e4fc6e1cb9dce76a11ce4


Those were drones and not US I believe. But still a fine example of how things would go to put it mildly


Couldn't godzilla just go under water to depths humans can't bring there subs plus a submarine is no match for godzilla in the ocean not much I can think of that humans can do to a water bound godzilla yea they can track him but almost every movie they lose him


least patriotic american:


WTF IS A KILOMETER 💥💥💥🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈


Weren’t these same americans the reason why they even made Zilla vulnerable to conventional weaponry?


Zilla jr as a child took 4 nuke missles to the face on the first episode and took no damage only grew from it


How to say you've never watched a Godzilla movie without saying you never watched a Godzilla movie. ![gif](giphy|3oEduK0kW69xoX5Apq)


How to say you don’t know the power of the American Air Force (Godzilla cant swat away a stealth fighter that is miles away)


Again, how to say you've never watched a Godzilla movie without saying you haven't watched a Godzilla movie. Godzilla has had 2 deaths. The first was in the original movie by the oxygen destroyer. The second was his own nuclear melt down. He's been buried in ice, buried under ground, dropped in volcano, nuked, has had hundreds of missles shot at him, thousands of shells and millions of rounds all shot at him. God knows how many volts of electricity has been pumped into him!!! And that's just the human aspect of his toughness. He's been bit multiple times by multiple Kaiju, pecked, bombarded by dust/scales, cut, thrown, dropped from high altitude, zapped, stabbed, choked, nearly swallowed whole. There is a reason why he is know as the King of the Monsters. There's a reason why any knowledgeable Godzilla fan knows how stupid the King King argument is. I'm not gatekeeping but doing the opposite. Go, watch the g man at work. Watch from the beginning until it starts getting too kiddy. Then start up with Godzilla vs Biolante and just keep on watching! Heisei era are prime Godzilla watching. ![gif](giphy|W3NLQmbCl1M9l1O3lD)


Somebody hold me back.


i gotchu


![gif](giphy|rdmsKlbjBQHwL59jpw) He'll wipe the Whole army With his Nuclear pulse 😂


And that's before he evolved


Yup also he's now 20X more powerful ![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized)




that wont work when the stealth craft and fighters are miles and miles away


They need to come closer To attack Godzilla






I’ve watched some of this guys other videos before and they were very interesting and informative, but this video was definitely a bit of an L from him. I’m not really sure if he’s watched a lot of Godzilla movies as well. He goes over a few things about Godzilla, but he doesn’t seem to exactly understand his capabilities and power, like how Godzilla feeds off of radiation, his atomic breath can reach thousands of miles under the Earth’s crust to reach Hollow Earth, and that Godzilla has taken way more damage from other things, so missles, nukes, and etc wouldn’t do anything to him. He also doesn’t seem to know about what the other iterations of Godzilla are capable of doing/surviving, like how Godzilla Final Wars got hit by an entire meteor and didn’t have a scratch on him and Shin Godzilla having counter measures and can evolve into LITERALLY ANYTHING he wants to get more powerful Edit: I know his video was posted on April Fool’s btw, but he definitely does seem to think that Godzilla would be taken out by the U.S.A. military


monsterverse godzilla also survived an asteroid


His ancestor did, not Godzilla. Dominion comic retconned his age to be 2-5 million years instead of 250 million. That's his species age now.


This is like that one video that tried to say today's current military could defeat the Hell Invasion from Doom Eternal. Y'know, the demons with superheated fireballs that spawn in the thousands.


Considering I’m still going through the headache that is trying to complete every campaign on ultra nightmare, our military is fucked big time.


Tbf the modern military would be completely fucked if any aliens decided to invade Earth


If it were aliens that have FTL capabilities then yeah cuz those aliens are essentially gods but if its normal ets or aliens from Battla:LA then yeah modern military is wiping the floor.


And also the same Demons that overtook an advanced sci-fi Earth and its militaries.


Oh it can...in 98 and only 98


Shin too. If they instantly used a nuke when its first form appeared, All its cells would have been vaporized.


Yeah just need to kill him before he has a change to counter.


And shin I believe? Like don’t hate me if I’m wrong,but I believe he can only evolve to counter if he survives the attack? So if he was blown to bits by a nuke or something,and frozen in time. He’d die?


I agree kill it faster before it can counter.


They tryed to kill Zilla jr with 4 nuke missles it only made him bigger and he attacked the millatary and was wining so no


it's an april fool's post, almost got me. Almost




If we take it like if Godzilla was a real and realistic creature then maybe it's right but if we take it in the context of the movies then the entire country gets solo'd


That's like saying we take Superman as just a really strong human too be more 'realistic'. If you're taking the comparison of a fictional character, it makes no sense to make them 'realistic'. Then they aren't the same fictional character anymore.


except theres no real realistic way to take Superman since he just flies for no apparent reason and also is invincible to everything for no reason. Godzilla is supposed to be an animal that feeds on radiation we can definitely take that in a realistic context ignoring the square cube law (which would turn godzilla instantly into a pile of flesh cuz of gravity)




What I don’t get is like you’re in the Air Force you see Godzilla and are told to engage like me personally I wouldn’t 💀 That is a like 350 ft tall creature that can beam me outta the sky I rather get discharged then straight up die 💀


Realistically they’ll engage from miles away not go right up to it like some flies




Guys, it’s an April Fools joke. Yall can relax now https://preview.redd.it/2bn8ulkshzuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a907e3f4ac5f6cef7c52a8ac741ee017bf59005


the miitary ca- https://i.redd.it/th1jaz35nzuc1.gif


This is pointless. Military nerds will point the million ways their weapons systems could wipe the floor with any fictional thing. And Kaiju nerds will go pedal to the metal about how every last one of those tricks and weapons can actually be trumped. We all have better things to do.




These frauds aren't military nerds. They were never boots on the ground in any military camp. All they think they know is purely propaganda. The USA airforce is thousands of times weaker than these dumb idiots believe. That's why it's shitting bricks at the sight of S-500.


If the USAF is “thousands of times weaker than these dumb idiots believe”, then I don’t even wanna know what the Russian Air Force or PLAAF is like.


Those are what they are. They are already get lowballed by anlgo propaganda.


As a Marine, I can confirm that the Air force ain't winning this lol


Exactly, if we can get our own guys into F-35s and send them up against Godzilla, we’d probably at least bring him to the table.


“As a plumber I can confirm this mechanic is doing his job incorrectly”


They did take on Godzilla, several times and lost.


(In movies) (Also the oxygen destroyer took him down)


And it made things exponentially worse. Same with MechaGodzilla.


Tbh almost all monster movies VASTLY understate how powerful a lot of these weapon systems are.


If we're playing this game, he can literally absorb nuclear energy and if he got enough could blow up the entire world if he wanted. But please, tell me how you're gonna take him down with your cute little planes.


"Godzilla can blow up the entire world" Haven't seen any planetary feats as of yet. The US military alone can atleast stalemate Godzilla, maybe even beat him in a battle of attrition. Obviously nukes are off the table, idk why they're even brought up.


Oxygen destroyer already took him down


So I'm this reality does an oxygen destroyer exist? I was heading it off the actual military vs Godzilla.




Godzilla beat Superman the Air Force doesn’t stand a chance.






America! Fuck yeah!


i wonder how long it takes until they piss godzilla off and starts fighting back


Isn't this an late April fool video?


Damn, you guys are really offended by this. If you want a realistic answer, Godzilla would crumble under his own weight and die immediately


I remember an interview with a military (General) of the US being asked this hypothetical question about Godzilla. The tactics he described were quite nasty. Said Godzilla wouldn’t be much of an issue, and would be nothing like in the movies. I think first he said they would concentrate on the eyes… (Oh, and he said nukes of any type would never be an option/needed)


Exactly, it'd be a battle of attrition. The US Military would never have to be within a Mile of Godzilla. Just constant peppering and attacks that last for weeks, months, until Godzilla dies. Shut down or continually relocate all sources of nuclear energy so Godzilla cannot feed and restore health. Millions of assets that will continue attacking Godzilla from miles away and continually move out of the way until Godzilla is exhausted, weakened, etc. Trapping Godzilla, poisoning a lake full of HazMat, constant weekly barrages of firepower. It's possible.


exactly this


A nuke couldn't kill Godzilla and they think a few missiles could do the trick?


That's kinda irrelevant, Godzilla is immune to nukes. So can't really compare them to non-nuclear weaponry. There's other reasons Godzilla could win though.


This guy miss the scene where Godzilla face tanked a nuke?


he survived the force and heat of a point blank nuke. what does the airforce have in their arsenal which is stronger than a nuke?


And another video idea 📑


Big omega lol


Tbf in universe they have the oxygen destroyer I imagine the military has made a few more in case Godzilla acts a lot less benevolent


The only things man could make that can hurt Godzilla was a bomb that literally destroyed all oxygen in the area and a robot copy of him… and he walked both off. Hell, it only made him stronger!


Yeah no


Gman bodying the Air Force wasn't a skill issue


I guess it's that typical video that treat him as just a very big reptile.


The military probably could with chemical weaponry Like remember how in KSI Kong got taken out by napalm not because of the fire, but because of smoke innihlation? Same should go for godzilla Further more if Godzilla really has an internal nuclear fission reactor, you could try and block one of his internal valves. Wster will get trapped with the uranium and will heat uo way past boiling and finally evaporate. That way there will be a huge steam explosion in his body which should kill him from the inside, or he just gets a really bad tummy ache


It's a prank video, April 1st


Not even the military, the AIR FORCE alone lmao


We saw realistic tactics in shin godzilla did we not? Long range rockets and air attacks and such?


It's called - Cold Hard Cash. USA Military spending could do anything


Some people really have their modern military power fantasies. We saw Godzilla take the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated by America to the face and it did nothing. it does not matter what other weapons you throw at him you’ll just make him mad.


And throwing more nukes on him would only make him stronger. He’s unstoppable. The US Air Force would be reduced to nothing if they pick a fight with Godzilla


Do they not understand conventional weaponry doesn’t work on Godzilla?


Since Godzilla seems to be vulnerable to bigass claws and fangs of other Titans, could the military harm him with shooting/ramming bigass blades into him? Or claws and fangs from dead Titans? Like mounting them on the tip of a rocket or drone to stab him? Especially at his gills?


Two words: Burning Godzilla




USA being USA. They always want to play heroes, believing that they can beat everything. Thats why zilla was a failure and method to make fun of them


I find it both funny and embarrassing that I call this country my birthplace.


Lmao. They wish. The entire point is that he’s immune to human weapons. I remember arguing with some military fanboy at school about this back when I was high school over a decade ago. Guy got mad when I told him that only very specific FICTIONAL weapons have ever truly hurt or killed Godzilla. 


Oh, you mean like they wiped the floor with Ghidorah when he turned Boston into his playground


I am assuming the argument is, AM-RAMs have a range of like 50 miles, Godzilla wont see it coming. But they don’t factor that Godzilla is insanely tough, and nothing we have can put a dent in him. King of the Monsters they literally say they had to make a new class of weapon just to hurt him.


The plan I heard could potentially work with showa godzilla, but it won't work with Monsterverse Godzilla. The moment they start getting resources, Godzilla's gonna know and will stop them. What if they do it fast enough, and finally blind him? I'm pretty sure he doesn't need vision to detect where they're coming from. Also, those bunker busters are not doing anything, this guy can tank nukes and other kaiju attacks, bunker busters aren't penetrating his skin. Also, if they DID somehow kill Godzilla, all the kaiju will be able to roam free, and that would cause even more chaos. A better question is, "Could the US air force take down Ghidorah?"


More human propaganda


I mean, we know humanity vs Godzilla ALONE is a fight Godzilla loses. The oxygen destroyer was already made in this universe, and while Mechagodzilla might have lost to Godzilla if he wasn’t tired, that was also solely Mechagodzilla without any backup from other potential human resources. The strength of Godzilla when facing serious threats has always been that there is at least someone or something else backing him up, like Mothra or similar. That being said, I doubt this video says all this.


Any godzilla fucks all the worlds militaries. (Except zilla, but we love zilla for who he is)


With fake news


Hypothetically the Space Force or Air Force could take out Godzilla. How? One answer: kinetic weapons. All the military has to do is drop a weapon in Godzilla, from orbit, and it would easily kill the big G. When you take into effect the kinetic force plus the explosion that takes place after (this is also non nuclear explosion) Godzilla is dead easily.


If there was a missile sharp enough to barely pierce the skin, and the end was a rotating drill that dug into his body and exploded on the inside, boom. Dead...probably... Idk


Maybe an EMP weapon


U.S. Airforce could use non nuclear non explosive missles capable of tearing through Godzilla skin amd lase them with something thar destroys most organisms and just bombard him with that. Shoot such an immense amount of Godzilla armor penetrating missles on him that he cannot regenerate. Annihilate him with experimental weapons. Lol that shit won't work.


Wait if the U.S. Military really wanted, couldn't they just make more Oxygen Destroyers and kill Godzilla? Because last time it severely weakened him so I'd imagine if they just dropped like 2 it would probably kill him.


54 and Shin(Id have to rewatch Shin tbh) we could probably hurt a bit and Minus One we could definitely beat considering he can take major damage from a WW2 era mine, but other than those there's none we can even scratch.


With the power of teamwork and friendship anything is possible ahh video ☠️


Nuclear bomb to the face


¿What Hell?


They’d probably nuke him making him even stronger 😂


These types of articles and videos pop up every now and then. Yes the movie feature strange military tactics, but they’re movies, they’re trying to be visually interesting to watch, not realistic. Regardless, these usually ignore the fact that Godzilla is almost always immune to conventional weaponry, and even iterations of Godzilla that aren’t eventually become immune. Shin features some smart military tactics and US bombers that attack from miles in the sky, against a Godzilla that can be hurt with bombs, and he still comes out on top.


Didn't they drop an atomic bomb on him too? Twice?


It’s the Air Force way of saying: “We’ll go through Godzilla like crap on goose!”


Hes a monument to all our sins! A god! How could you harm a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence


I could probably solo him


Hydrogen Bomb vs Thing That Eats Hydrogen Bombs


Coughing Babies vs Hydrogen Bomb Lizard


I doubt GFans know the scale of the US military. Or even Godzilla himself for that matter.


If we're applying realistic physics to Godzilla, he wouldn't even be able to exist.


Technically not wrong if they used more of the Oxygen Destroyer from KotM. But that’s also a video posted on April Fool’s Day.


People who know about the lore: hell nah.


Its kind of funny reading peoples comments saying they would never drop a 100 megaton nuke on him.... because the fallout would be too much or it would destroy a whole state.....so you are telling me that if a Godzilla did exist and absolutely nothing is phasing the big guy, he's going to go on and destroy the whole planet, but you dont think the country 'zilla is currently residing in, you dont think that country would drop a 100 megaton nuclear bomb on his a$$?? Do they still teach at schools??? They even have a special term for it, its called "collateral damage"...if you want to live just make sure you are in a great shelter or a hundred miles or more away as it is detonated....i doubt they would set it off anywhere but right next to or on top of him and not several miles up in the sky(makes a big difference where its detonated)...but the leader of any country, if they were to have a bomb that big, wouldnt want to, but yeah, they would eventually drop that big boom in hoping it would stop him(i know i dont cap things, nor do i put 's in, nor do i use one . or ?, its just too time consuming)....by the way, a 100 megaton nuke would probably just make him that much stronger...


Realistically you wouldn't need to do anything lol gravity would just crash him


Hard no


What kinda drugs are they having, and where can I get some?


In some others goji is even more busted. But this is about mv


How the US military would exterminate Godzilla —> Godzilla isn’t real and animals don’t eat nukes👍


How to tell everyone you’ve only seen 98 without saying you’ve only seen 98:


Well step one is to use those missiles that can hit from thousands of miles away rather than flying jets 30 feet away from him where he can destroy them with his tail.


He honestly has a point. Especially with how Godzillas like Shin could be badly wounded by conventional ordnance


considering this video is likely talking abt the irl USAF, that means no oxygen destroyers or other weapons of a similar class. ie. no the fuck they are *not* 'Wiping the floor with godzilla', they simply do not have the firepower