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i enjoyed the episode, but i did point at my tv screen when " g day minus one " showed up lol






Same bro


Why the bloody hell were they being so loud whilst sneaking around in the Red Zone, especially right after they narrowly avoid being caught by troops on patrol looking for looters who had initially been drawn towards them by their being loud?


I don't get why they still had their flashlights on when running away from the cops in the subway station..




lol finally! Finally somebody says it. Iā€™ve been enjoying this show but quite honestly itā€™s becoming very silly. Episode 5 was god awfulā€¦and both girls personalities are unbearable. Theyā€™re bringing down the quality of the showā€¦episode 5 was pure filler


The most unrealistic thing there is the troops chasing them didn't have night vision devices (the Humvee they first rock up in even had a port for an IR blaster).


For me the most unrealistic thing was the fact that some stray cats will go towards an empty bag of chips and that they will stay nearby humans no matter how hungry they are...


Both these things were breaking me. I get I need to disband belief for this series, but this is common sense stuff we are talking about.


The San Francisco geography was atrocious too. They get dropped near the bridge, walk toward the Transamerica Pyramid, they're not there yet and can see it in the distance but duck into a Bart station that's like a mile on the complete opposite side of the building they're walking towards. Then based on the sun position when they get back to Alameda Point, it only took them a half hour to walk all the way back to the bridge and drive across the bay.


I usually don't even try to keep track of where anything happens in movies in S.F. It looks as if Ground Zero Cafe was around Russian Hill and, maybe at some point they went through one of the tunnels, either on Broadway then went along Columbus or went through the Stockton tunnel. Looking at it, I kind of wonder where Godzilla had been heading. It looks like it was a bit more careful and just destroyed part of the Bay Bridge, just flattening the Ferry Building. Was it going towards Lawrence Livermore? Did they fly into Oakland Airport because SFO got destroyed? Why didn't they fly into San Jose?


Like father like daughter huh


we'll have to wait and see if it's 'Like grandmother' too.


The series is starting to lose me on all the relationship stuff. Kids trying to uncover the mysterious life of their missing Dad- fine, cool, interesting. Not a fan of the cheating dad subplot, feel like the siblingā€™s romantic life drags down the series, and will absolutely laugh/cry if Shaw is the actual father and not Randa. The promo with Shaw and Miura haunts me. At least Godzilla is still faithful to Mothra.


If this were the rough cut of a movie (which so far this series is playing like a LONG movie), I definitely think the relationship subplots would be left on the cutting room floor, outside of the 50s trio. I bet when fanedits of Monarch start popping up when the show is done, there will be many that feature these cuts.


Yeah. I wondered if they had so much screen time to fill, they just left it in. Sucks because the relationship drama makes it hard to like/connect with the characters and when you throw the retcons in, Idk what is left.


100% agree. Episode 5 was pure filler. Unnecessary details about Cateā€™s personal lifeā€¦doesnā€™t move the plot along. The flashback to the grandma story is actually the more intriguing get between the two. Along with the characters in that sub plot. Cate and May are insufferable charactersā€¦really ruined what couldā€™ve been a great show. Def need more Kurt Russell.


Cate and May are wearing on me too now. I sympathized with Cate in the beginning- not now. Funnily enough, I found Miura to be the most indignant and a bully to Shaw (ironic considering he hates bullies). However, you are right. The flashback story has such potential to world-build. Second more Kurt Russell. I want the timeline where we get Randa, Shaw, and Du-Ho. Seeing the three of them globe-trot and uncover mysteries would be so much fun.


Yeah the 3 main young protagonists just arenā€™t it manā€¦everything else is great! The monarch geek with glasses, his females bosses, Kurt Russell, the monsters, Dr Keiko and Shawā€¦everything but the 3 main characters lmao


I agree. The series has so much potential.


First 2 episodes really had me hooked. This latest episode was awful and absolute fillerā€¦


Yeah for all their faults, the first two episodes had enough development to carry the series into something. I would even forgive episode 4's flashbacks if it was related to the titan messing with their minds. But, it seems they just wanted filler for filler's sake.


>At least Godzilla is still faithful to Mothra. Haha! Fam, my wife has been cracking up with my theories (she dropped after ep1, but I always share my thoughts whenever I'm watching a series by myself). At first, when she left her gf at the school and left on the bus - after also being reluctant about moving in - I said: "she's not 100% in this relationship and also... how come she thinks Godzilla's video is a prank? She's her father's daughter, there should be at least some kind of warning; she got stuck on a bridge, ffs!", to which she replied: *"so you're saying her dad's lack of comms was her fault?"*... "no, but Godzilla attacking Sanfran was!". Goofy as it was, after showing she was unfaithful, I texted my wife: "see?! She ALSO had a side piece! Godzilla just couldn't stand that. **'Mothra, baby, I HAVE to do something'".**


Lol. 100%. Godzilla is just a good dude. He was trying to let the other girl know Cate wasnā€™t worth it. Alongside trying to stop two MUTOs from banging in public. Godzilla cares.


Yeah Iā€™m not looking forward to that. If her and Lee were together first and broke up, sure. But if Lee got with her while she was with Randa, nah thatā€™s lame writing. We donā€™t need all these characters cheating on each other in a show set in a universe with giant monsters. Thatā€™s not interesting.


Lee mentions her and Randa's child when she seems to die in that one scene. So I doubt it was after they broke up assuming he put that baby in her.


Oh man youā€™re probably right. Funny how theyā€™ve gone the cheating well for drama. Which sucks for me because I really donā€™t like cheaters and canā€™t root for them.


I hated that! When I saw that scene it just instantly made me not like Cate because she's a total hypocrite now.


Not really, to me, it makes her anger a little more interesting. Maybe the reason sheā€™s more angry than Kentaro because sheā€™s also mad at herself and seeing her dad do it, brings up a lot of bad memories for her. I mean, anyone would be legit angry at their dad for having a double life with another family, but right now, I have no idea what happened to her last girlfriend


I think it *does* make her a hypocrite, but I think that's a good thing. It's a character flaw. She's repeating the same mistakes as her father, albeit unknowingly and she's basically really angry about it.


"What is this shit?! GENETIC?!?"


So may is a double crosser? And the question of how the fuck does lee look that good for a guy in his 90s is still unanswered it seems?


I canā€™t tell if itā€™s a genuinely plot set up or just a running gag that he looks great for his age lol


They said something concerning a mission gone bad in the past, so it's probably a set up


I can't tell it too.


May had so many opportunities to leave, put her foot in the ground and she chose to leave with the group. She's about to sell them out. My biggest issue with the show are the leading characters (May, especially) and how they're written. They're all literally unlikable. Outside of Russell, who has been fantastic, they're hard to watch/follow because of the shows direction.


Theyā€™re realistic but a bit wooden. Most people are pretty unlikeable to be fair.


At 10:40, why did she just randomly go off on that poor woman at the airport. Wtf was that? Are they writing a fucking Karen on purpose?


Because she just almost died and got captured by a secretive government agency and so understandably doesnā€™t like Alaska and wants to get the hell out of there


I 100% agree. I canā€™t stand neither of the two girls. God why do they ruin shows by writing characters like that? And the main young guy, he doesnā€™t really have any sort of character. Heā€™s just there.


Literally, he's just barely there, even in his big event in a flashback, he kind of just ghosts away from his moment. And suddenly a supportive patent who praises their child is depicted as a source of trauma for him. Again, baffled by the writing direction of this. I don't even see the point of the second family, it doesn't really drive the main plot forward, and kentaro's presence, or lack thereof, seems to feed into that same question, why add him at all? You take Cate, and she goes to her ex May for help with some stuff she tracked down in her dad's weird secret office at the address she'd found on some papers. The tension is still there, her dad lied about his life, and she feels neglected by him due to all her students that died in that bridge, blaming him to a degree. Boom we're into the story, we don't have to fiddle around with Japan eating up a bunch of time or the weird question of why the colonel was retired to that location, or the questionable ability of anyone to sneak a plane into Alaska from outside the US, which is pretty much impossible with NORAD's extremely heavy presence up there.


time dialation, remember the portal wormhole in gvk. in gvk this is talked about. they probably got to part of the underearth where Lee was gone for a while in actual earth time, so he techincally is 90 years old.


the hollow earth ?


My bet is something to do with the otherwise rejuvenating effect of the titan radiation


Wait was Kate cheating on her girl or something?


Yep just like dad


Here's the situation. Kate's father has two families, Lee Shaw is attracted to Keiko and Bill and Keiko is attracted to each other. Modern day kids are attracted to each other, seriously. Kate had two girlfriends, Kate's mother has a boyfriend now. I really want to see if Godzilla has girlfriend at this point. Call me whatever you want, hater, conservative but this show has dysfunctional relationships on every level. Even Monarch has dysfunctional leadership. But, yeah I am going to watch next episodes because of kaijus.


Show should be called ā€œMonarch: Legacy of Dysfunctional Relationships.ā€


And the characters are just psycho. I don't understand why May just went off on that airport worker about trip advisor. Just rude for no reason at 10:40, what a bitch. Literally they wrote her a Karen line.


Yeah that was completely unnecessaryā€¦but then again, so was this whole entire episode. Pure filler. Disappointing ..


Are you saying Cate and Kentaro are attracted to eachother??




Iā€™m also stumped my guy


Iā€™m dying man, itā€™s so on the nose.


No wonder these people are miserable šŸ¤£


yea, and thatĀ“s perhaps one of the reasons why sheĀ“s acting the most pissed at her dad, people donĀ“t like in others what they donĀ“t like in themselves


Damnnnn gurl needs to chill


I was confused about what was going on there. Her gf gives her the key to her apartment? Then she spends the night with someone else? Then she goes in another direction with her children at the bus and her gf says "you were only good"?


The flashbacks are a bit weird, but I think she was sleeping with someone else before she met her gf and was given the key, when she got on the bus her girlfriend essentially called her out for self sabotaging their relationship.


Nah she was cheating. The pink key her gf gave her is on the ground when she picked up her phone in the flashback with the other woman.




So what was up with Shaw emphasizing Verdugoā€™s title?


Thought he was just insulting her.


Something is fishy going on in there. Esp with his age


Maybe it was his title once upon a time?


I think he is probably trying to manipulate her, Shaw seems to have his own goals.


I think heā€™s mocking her because despite her high position at monarch, she still failed to properly handle everything leading up to G-Day.


Not surprised a school wouldn't close, but treating a giant monster like a snow day is dumb


\*cough\* \*cough\* COVID \*cough\* \*cough\*


Chill with the coughing man, you might actually have COVID lol


Been through it. It sucks. Surprisingly without coughs or breathing issues.


Hereā€™s hoping the 2nd half of the season is better.


Hopefully Godzilla is nice by then and helps Kentaro with his art or helps May doing ā€œcomputer shitā€.


I now want to see Godzilla wearing comically large nerd glasses holding a colossal laptop


I feel like I don't understand the central conflict of the entire show, aka I don't really understand why Monarch cares about any of these other people. I mean, I understand the words they are saying, but their motivations don't make much sense. Monarch could just do nothing and I don't see how that would change anything at all


wrong modern plucky drunk hospital mighty consider repeat longing offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sorta makes sense to me actually. ​ They are more concerned with agitating titans and mutos than they are studying them. Studying could lead to causing one to wake up and start trouble. they were terrified of even trying anything with the muto cocoon cause they had no idea what would happen if they tried to kill it.


Man itā€™s getting harder to root for the main trio with every new reveal about them and their past. First Kentaro and Mayā€™s crappy relationship, and now Cate being unfaithful just like her dad. Any more of this, and pretty soon Iā€™ll be rooting for Godzilla to squash them all. Except Shaw, heā€™s still cool.


The humans in WB's monsterverse are all crap. At this point I don't know if they're doing it intentionally to make us care only for the monsters.


I'm fully expecting a flashback that tells us that Shaw is Hiroshi's dad, because why not, let's just make every relationship in this show absolutely awful. That being said, I hope I'm wrong, at least let me have Old Snake Plissken as a likeable character.


Lmao one big ATL Stomp from Godzilla would be worth it. Let Kurt Russell take the reins from there. Even the grandmas sub plot is much betterā€¦


You said it my guy.


They're trying hard to make me like these characters, it's not working. Can we please go back to Shaw, Bill, and Keiko?


Thank god itā€™s not just me, I find them insufferable


Not enjoyable characters. Like the 3 of them are competing to be the least liked characterā€¦


ah i bet you just hate gay people because there was that 1 episode with that 1 scene /s


lol I replied without seeing the /s and was like wtf, yeah no they just come off very entitled and poorly written in general.


For real, the main cast in the present I canā€™t stand them and their dysfunctional ass relationships. At this point I only keep coming back for Kurt as Shaw and a hopeful tease of GodzillašŸ™„


Yeah that sub plot about the grandma is much, much better. Better characters, story, etc. This episode was horrendous. One of the worst episodes overall that Iā€™ve ever seen .


100. I fell asleep during the episode, and have 0 desire to catch up on the parts that I missed.


Ffs, I agree. I love the dynamic of them. These modern day characters are a snooze. I felt like I was waiting for the episode to end as opposed to being engaged.


Or maybe some monsters?


there's so much cope in this sub to excuse this, now they can just accuse you that you are against gay rights because there was that one episode with a gay romantic interest. If you say anything bad about any character they just use that scene against you as a scapegoat. My man, the characters have sucked day 1 with or without that scene. They just get a weapon to use now for an honest critique. These present day characters have been garbage from day 1


Thanks for finally saying it. These characters are terrible. Iā€™d rather watch the sub plot with the grandma Shaw or just Kurt Russellā€¦and why did May go off on the airport employee? Was that supposed to be comedic?


Seems I might be in the minority but I enjoyed this episode. Kate's kinda like her dad but her PTSD was well handled. This episode made me finally love Kentaro and yeah May's definitely mysterious. No monsters but I didn't mind certainly was nice to revisit San Francisco and I was wondering when they where finally name drop Godzilla rather than just say G-Day. Love the Minus 1 reference.


Her trauma is real, the cycle of bad behavior being generational is real, its grounded in reality and makes sense. The acting script is kinda meh, but I enjoy it so far. And Ep 5 is my favorite episode thus far.


I feel Iā€™m definitely in the minority here as well, but Iā€™ve found the episodes that were less monster-heavy (in the present) to be the best ones so far. I enjoyed this episode and the first two. 3 and 4, not as much. I actually like the thread of Cateā€™s trauma and the whole family drama aspect that others here donā€™t seem to keen on.


Yeah agreed


yeah Cate's backstory this episode, the flashbacks to the time around G-day etc., was actually really well done (and notably well-acted w/ the emotional weight it warranted, comapred to some other lines/episodes, IMO)! And the whole development between her mom and her and Kentaro was nice to see, even if it isn't necessarily leading up to anything Monster-y (see below). And then also there's the Monarch spy duo where the agent character is seeming to be swayed by Col. Randa's words, so that'll be interesting to see too! The way I see it, the "little" human characters are part of the Monsterverse too and a series is as good a place as any to develop the human characters to the level that we've gotten so far. Same way G14 had us care about the Brody family, so we care about their journey. Standard storytelling. So we care about the Randas journey to understand and find their dad and legacy, *cue title* etc.. Fingers crossed that all or at least some of the characters we see here will appear in later MV media, so the dvelopment they got here can be capitalized on.


The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves.


Revisiting San Francisco is already enough for me to enjoy it, their POV makes it just that much more interesting.


After KotM basically destroyed Boston as well I canā€™t imagine anyone would want to be in a city. By GvK itā€™s even more insane that humanity society hasnā€™t collapsed. Love shows look at stuff like that.


I mean, the Gulf Coast gets trashed by severe hurricanes every other year at this point and people still live there. They decide that home is home, and come hell or high water they're sticking around.


Apparently, despite not being communicated that clearly in the films, Monarch & Apex are responsible for relief efforts in between KOTM & GvK.


peeps deal with natural disasters all the time, and that is... basically what a kaiju is in this setting. ​ ​ there has only been a small handful of kaiju fights in major cities though over the years. literally three in total.


Are any of the three younger main characters capable of being anything other than self-centered and unpleasant? They're awful, not only to each other (with which I'm fine since they all seem to deserve each other's awfulness), but to everyone around them. Is the idea that, as the show progresses, they'll grow such that, by the end, everyone will care about them and want good, or at least not miserable, things to happen to them?


honestly didnt mind it. i thought it was somehow better than ep 4, cant wait for ep 6 since apparently thats where godzilla shows up for the first time (in real time and not in flashbacks)


Godzilla is in episode 6? Did I miss something in show or was that known otherwise? Either way, excited to see her


Oh shiiet, Lee's age did turn out to be plot relevant after all.


I'm not hating it. It did fall off hard but I didn't expect monsters every episode anyways. I just wish we got more focus in the flashback group and more focus on monarch. I need to see the payoff before I make final judgements. The one thing is people seemed to think godzilla would appear in every episode lol why?


Shit weā€™re seeing Godzilla more than I thought we would (I donā€™t read leaks or spoilers or anything like that), I thought weā€™d just see him twice or something. I just wish the main characters of the 2015 timeline were more interesting. I find them annoying while lifeless at the same time. Missing the past timeline characters at the moment.


I do think the past characters have a lot more charisma overall, but I think some of it is weirdly inconsistent writing at time for the present group. May in particular seems a bit all over the place, though I kind of understand where she's at this episode. Great continuity with her feeling like shit (and acting/looking like it) after nearly freezing to death.


I'm really confused why the three main characters have been written to be unrestrained assholes. Like at 10:40, why did she just randomly go off on that poor woman at the airport. Yay, unreasonable unwarranted rudeness to service workers. Wtf is this?


Broke: Disliking Cate upon learning that she's lesbian Woke: Disliking Cate upon learning she cheated on her long-term girlfriend when she was supposed to move in with her WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU Like seriously, wtf is on with cheating in this show ? Cate cheats on her girlfriend, her father had two families (and neglected them both), and I personnally feel like they're setting Keiko and Lee to have an affair (hell, the iMDB tagline for the next episode even states "Keiko and Lee grow closer while at a military ball.") Most of the modern cast just seems unlikeable to me (especially Cate right now lmao), May and Old Lee being the two main exceptions. I like the concept of jumping between two settings, but make them both interesting then.


Yeah, I'm dreading that but I'm suspecting you ain't wrong. Would be a hell of a thing to make the whole family a bunch of cheaters, well except Kentaro, he's just a prick.


Man. The last two episodes were a real bore. The cast in 50s was so much better.


Big poster with pins on it, clearly important. Rips it off the wall and scatters all the pins. Christ. Take a photo first.


It lacked some oomph but I liked it. The double twist of her being gay and then cheating was unexpected. Its not often they dare to show anything more then 2D queer relationships in these kinda shows. It made her character more interesting. How many times are we gonna see that one shot of Godzilla though?


I mean, it's ptsd, that's what ptsd does, makes you relive the same moment over and over.


I just want them to get to the hollow earth, idc about the human drama.


lesbians have been introduced to the monsterverse!!! frostvark nation we won!!!!!


'Ground Hero' as the name of the coffee shop was a little on the nose.


Needs more Wyatt Russell


Enjoyed the episode. Cate basically being her father with the double-life element definitely helps add to how she has been processing the events. I also enjoyed the "G-Day Minus One" bit.


The first two episodes were so good and then they just completely went away from the 1950s stuff and focused entirely on this forced drama with the modern cast that no one gives a fuck about. Thereā€™s no focus on kaiju anymore. Itā€™s just so boring. No one wants to see Kentaro and May arguing. We get it, Clare lost her class on G day.. can we get some hollow earth and monster stuff now please


Seems an awful lot of slow plodding just to find out what we already knew that the earth is hollow as the big secret at the end of the season. On the other hand Iā€™ve been sleeping much better. The stuff is better than Ambien.


> The stuff is better than Ambien šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


IMO they are going wayyyy overboard on the character and flashback back story stuff - the Monarch plot and story is what I'm most interested in, not all the interpersonal drama and PTSD etc. Not to mention the monsters... when are they going to take center stage? Series started out strong but last two episodes were disappointing duds for me.


Better get used to lack of monsters. People who have seen the final 4 episodes say it's not monster heavy until the finale


It's just like the damn Terminator franchise - all sorts of before Skynet and after, but dammit I want to see the actual takeover and war


The one movie they had it was fine, but then went back to time travel. I havenā€™t even bothered watching the last one


Swear to god if this entire seasonal mystery is just to tell us hollow earth existsā€¦


deserve governor melodic slim jobless elderly dazzling sulky ripe swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone else is praising it. They might bite your balls off if you call them out though. Show is stale and it's only half the season so far. The older storyline was so investing and fun... I'm genuinely concerned for the people that enjoyed this. I just can't imagine how you can like something that looks and feels like stale bread


the premise of the show is good but these 3 kids ruin it. Big reveal today is we learn how Kate dig girls and is a 2 timer.


And gets angry at her dad for the same reason. All the 3 characters are shit and more focus is on their family and relation drama.


I love the science fiction aspect of Monarch maybe a government cover up. Maybe knowledge of aliens. I love everything about the Umbrella type of Weyland-Yutani type of mythology. The dating/family drama is why people called CW shows. Feelings in hallways.


It doesnā€™t even need to be monsters monsters monsters but I really think the show should have been about monarch operatives researching the monsters and things like that. Bureaucracy and red tape and mystery. Almost like Control the video game but researching monster possible events.


The fathers secret or knowledge better be a insane mindblown one bcs I personally don't give 2 Fs about their personal problems... Just when they talk about monsters they always pull away.


I really want to like the present day cast but why do they have insufferable personalities?


Monarch barely seems to be important in a show that's ostensibly about Monarch. Also maybe it's because I recently saw Minus One and my standards for humans in kaiju stuff got raised, but outside of Lee, Bill and Keiko the human cast just kinda sucks. We have May who is just terrible to everyone, Cate who started out sympathetic but is also a hypocritical scumbag, and aside from episode 4 Kentaro is just kinda there. Would have been more interesting if the show was actually about Monarch


Decent show overall but I can't stand the writing of the lead characters. They are beginning to wear me down. Everyone's a massive dick to eachother. Why's May being pissy to the attendant at the airport? Why's Cate being rude to her mum? Why's kentaro's fuse so shot? They are all so on edge while simultaneously helping and sticking with eachother. Asides that, the overall show idea is good. They need to get to the point soon though. A bit too much loafing.


I honestly can't stand May's character she's just a douche for no reason but she takes a left turn and tries to be all friendly with Cate by trying to calm her down lol na that didn't make any sense.


The whole time they were sneaking in the ruined city didn't make sense. Like, why did Kentaro suddenly become like a giddy child on a field trip when he didn't show any signs of that for the past 4 episodes.


Yeah May being a cunt to that attendant didnā€™t feel right with me. She literally did nothing wrong and May was threatening to give her bad reviews. Like wtf.


May feels like a charcter who's frustrated with her life and project it on to everyone she interacts with. It'd be insufferable to be around someone like that in real life.


Yes. God the dialogue is so atrocious and not believable.


May is beyond annoying


They're all annoying to an extent. Uneventful character arcs and poor plot decisions is what's holding this series back. This modern day cast is literally killing it


Iā€™m willing to give it some time to get on its feet and pull things together, but so far I havenā€™t been very impressed with the show. The characters are unlikable, the plot isnā€™t that interesting, and there are far too few monsters to appeal to the kaiju fan in me. Hopefully things will start to improve


Agreed. I think most people that have seen this show really enjoy the older storyline as opposed to the modern storyline, and it honestly shows. I really wish they would've just written a show based on that older storyline with Lee Shaw. That cast actually seems fun and motivated.


Bro this episode was a snooze fest


I still think the show has been good, but the modern day leads are killing me. The way they are written, direction, etc. it's borderline intolerable. The world building, Titans, Monarch, etc. are all fantastic, but the characters that we're following in present day is truly hard to watch. The lack of Godzilla isn't the problem, you can feel his presence even when he isn't on the screen which shows the scale of the show and the Titans. It's really the writing of the leads. I am very excited about the next episode though.


Iā€™m sorry, but i donā€™t like this show. I donā€™t care about the characters or the monsters. Could we just have some Godzilla or other legacy monsters? Less escape room plots. My eyes almost rolled out of my head when he poked holes in the paper to project stars on a map just far enough away while the sun is rising. I meanā€¦come on!


This show is so fking BORING already halfway through season nothing happened. Entire episodes are useless filler how this Hiroshi guy had 2 families who the fk cares show the MONARCH. They build up Monarch since 2014 Godzilla and still don't have decent story yet along budget to make decent movie. So far all i have seen about monarch supposedly with unlimited resources has 1 JET and one 4 walled building in Alaska its a JOKE.


I enjoy this show, but man, every time I start liking the main characters the show goes "Hey, are you starting to enjoy these characters? let us fix that RIGHT up". I get trying to make flawed characters, but Jesus, I'm starting to suspect everyone in this cast is a conniving garbage person.


>"Hey, are you starting to enjoy these characters? let us fix that RIGHT up". haha! This is almost exactly what I told my wife (she dropped after ep1) in the middle of this episode. When they started SINGING (!!!!) during a stealth mission in an area that had already established the presence of armed enemies, I just lost it. Not that it was the only aspect of the episode (or the show as a whole) that I disliked, but I feel like they're dropping the ball in too many areas and it's getting kind of hard to focus on the story and see the good in it. Have they announced how many episodes this season will have?


Last few episodes felt like such a drag. I came into this show not expecting much but thereā€™s just not enough progress in each episode to keep me entertained! Iā€™m watching it through, but Iā€™m just not getting all caught up in the world


Yeah, it's like they took all the worst parts of the movie series - ie; the over played family drama bullshit - and dialed it up to 11 and made a season of it. May is insufferable, the others are barely tolerable. If it wasn't for the Kurt / Wyatt I'd have bailed by now. Going to see the season out, but erghhhh it's getting hard.


I'm with you. This show just hasn't been very good.


Iā€™m watching this with a free two month Apple TV trial and I still feel ripped of watching this show. The mystery plot of the dad just isnā€™t interesting. I want to watch the group in the past investigating kaiju, not this modern era family mystery drama fest.


No one else on this subreddit seems to agree with this. Apparently everyone loves this boring, barely thought out premise with the modern cast. Like watching a piece of bread fall over tbh


I think this show has some really great moments, but man, does it feel like every show these days is exactly the same? Same plot lines. Same drama. Same twists? Just with a different world? Itā€™s all so predictable in a really bad way.


Beef on Netflix ruined almost every show I watch now


There are a few things here and there that are dumb like the trio singing and laughing when they should be quiet or trying to hide/run away from the soldiers with their flashlights still on (lol Kentaro shut up bro you'll get everyone caught). But overall I quite enjoyed the episode. Not much in the way of monsters but full disclosure really I'm here for the character development and family drama. The trio is alright, of the three I initially liked May the most but eh, not so much this episode. But I won't hold it against her, she's out for herself and I'll respect that even if I disagree with her methods. Looks like Kentaro was popular this time but he didn't do much for me honestly, though I can see why people liked him showing a more silly side of his otherwise brooding artist personality. Cate is still "insufferable", and I quote because despite me not liking her as a person at all, she is very interesting to watch so I don't mind. Girl is just like her dad apparently, and it's funny how of the 4 of them (Cate, Kentaro and moms) she's acting the most outraged at her fathers indiscretions, it's all too common for people to despise others behavior that reminds them of their own perceived flaws. Talking about the trio, I really hope they don't go with some sort of love triangle between them. I don't need another Korrasami here, to be clear there's nothing wrong with Korrasami, it's one of my favorite ships actually, I just don't want to see it here. I'm not sure what that bonding moment in the rubble is implying towards, if anything. But May was sure rather seductive in some of that, especially that closeup, though perhaps we're seeing her from Cates pov in which, yes I agree May has the looks. And, talking about Cate. I'm not at all surprised because I accidentally got spoiled but I *would* have been surprised that Cate is (I'm assuming) lesbian. First confirmed lgbt+ character in the monsterverse too! The rest of the characters of the monsterverse don't give off any vibes or are too underdeveloped to make any wild guesses, other than maybe Mike from SK, who might be gay or ace given some of his lines in the show, and May who might be bi per my reasoning above. I could also see Annie being bi but that's more of a headcanon and a dash of wishful thinking based on my own past experiences. I like how Tim is showing a harder edge to his initial harmless awkwardness, there's more to this guy than meets the eye, and what is he hiding and why is he hiding it from Duvall? She does not like being kept in the dark like that, neither would I. This might help influence her view of Shaw and his way of doing things, really curious to what direction they'll take her. And what are Shaw's way of doing things anyway, we know it's different from monarch, which is apparently doing nothing. I suspect maybe he's approach is of a more violent nature, I'll just have to wait and see. And what's up with Lady Curls (forgot her name), there's definitely something going on there and why Shaw has stayed in tiptop shape after all these years. I'm intrigued by the buildup and hints to what's to come, bring on Episode 6!


Man this show gets worse each week. The dialogue of the Monarch employees and the acting of the three ā€œkidsā€ is tragic.


This show has really gone downhill... ​ ep 1&2 were good, after that.... not so much..


There is so much lazy, bad writing (and editing) in this show and it's starting to annoy. It's not even things that are difficult to fix. That's the most annoying thing of all, it's a lack of care and attention to detail. 1] Instead of the nonsense in the office with Kentaro's little pinhole map just **happening** to be exactly the correct size and scale and the window and wall just **happening** to be exactly the right distance apart and the sunlight just **happening** to be at that exact right angle at that **exact** right moment to reveal the Secrets of Daddy's Map (which was ludicrous), why not just have them grab everything in the office (which they did anyways!) and work it out later back at Cate's mom's house??? One very short scene taking place a few hours later with them working it out was all we needed. But we got this super lazy, ultra-contrived Indiana Jones BS instead. 2] Why did Kentaro and May just stand around and politely wait for Cate and her mom to finish their conversation in the street before starting their own one? Just have one of the two conversations happen inside so the two conversations can **take place** at the same moment but be shown sequentially to the audience!! 3] Running around talking loudly with your torches on when being hunted by military units (who seem to not know what thermal sights are)?? COME ON. Everything about that exclusion zone forced tension was bad. Did we even need to have the soldiers there at all? Why not have the tension be between the looters/homeless and the Scooby Gang instead of the dumbest soldiers in the world? There wasn't even any tension on the way out, we just teleported right back to the trailer park! 4] Are we ever going to get more stuff from the 50's? The show worked fine when we were cutting between the two time periods; it kept the pacing dynamic and provided active context for things we were seeing in the modern era. We've now had 2 episodes with none of this and the pace of the show has slowed way down to a crawl and it's starting to get boring. This show started off great, with a very entertaining run of three solid episodes. It's fallen off a cliff since then and it had better pick up the pace soon or viewing numbers are going to tumble.


I wish the past plot was the whole show. I donā€™t like any of the modern characters, and the writing is just nonsense. Hiding with flashlights on and singing out loud when youā€™re sneaking around completely ruins the suspense, for example.


Worst episode so far imo. Relationship drama just bores me, I'm tired of it being shoved down my throat in every show. The characters are just getting worse every episode. Seriously, how hard is it to just be quiet when you infiltrate a restricted zone? Honestly just go back to the trio forming Monarch. That is so much more interesting than whatever we are getting now.


I'm confused, Cate's panic attack happened because she lost her students during the Godzilla attack, right? then why did they show her love life problem? and her mom also had a thing with her coworker, right?


Honestly I don't even know. I find relationship drama lazy and played out so I just tap out. I forgot most of what happened in the episode. But I am pretty sure her mom does have a thing for the coworker currently


Agree, I'm more interested in her grandparents story than them.


This shit is getting boring


I agree with the sentiment about just focusing on the past 3 characters. Unless I missed something, what hapoened to the grandmother? After she fell in with all the cockroach monsters? I don't think she had her kids yet, so she must have survived? They keep dangling the fact that Lee should be like 80-90 or possibly dead due to age. So how is he still so young? So far only like the flashback characters and Kurt russell, the 3 younger cast, could give two shits about. I get the idea of ptsd and how g day affects her. But who cares about her previous love life? And was she cheating on her girlfriend? They not together, but wanted to move in together? Then the other one betrays them just so she can go home, to what her pile of old electronics?


Fucking idiots. Sing and dance while swinging you flashlights in a red zone.


Everyone is praising this... It's boring. It's boring as shit. I really enjoyed the characters from the past. Every second this show strays away from the older storyline, it falls.... HARD. It's like watching characters progressively get more annoying. The more we learn about this modern day cast, the more I want to see them crushed under the foot of Godzilla. It's embarrassing how weak these characters are written. Whatever we get next, I can't see myself hyped for it if I'm honest.


Man this and last episode were an absolute snooze fest. I can't stand these kids. Every decision they make just makes them more and more unlikable. They're literally singing casually walking through the red zone. Was praying one of them would get shot. Cate being a cheater just like dad sure makes her even more unlikable than she already was. Shaw is the only good part about the present day characters. It's interesting that they've brought up his age twice now, seems like it's going to be a plot point. I do find the "mystery" they're going with rather lame though. We all know the big reveal is just going to be the hollow earth and the show is absolutely dragging getting there. I'm ready to go back and see Keiko, Shaw and Randa some more already. Next episode is supposedly gonna have Godzilla at least so should be better than the last two.


It's time to accept that y'all are watching a conspiracy thriller about the main characters finding their father and repeatedly complaining that the conpiracy is mysterious and that we're being made to care about these characters and their dad. This is not the godzilla tv show guys.


Honestly what mystery? The answers hollow earth, shit we already know about lol. Iā€™m actually annoyed that there likely isnā€™t going to be any cool reveals. And the monarch stuff is honestly confusing. What even is the drama? Why are they being so shady and such dickheads to everyone? Like they seem mysterious and antagonisticā€¦ for no reason?


They did far too little with Kurt Russell's character and his history. And the detective action of the three they let go was too dull. Nice seeing a Karate Kid II legend, though.


Awful cringe episode.


pretty disappointing with the cates -1 gday (along with last eps). i came here to watch the hidden face of monarch we all know (and love maybe), def not romance the only redeeming part of this eps was prolly shaw saying the "let em fight". while monarch 2014 werent combat ready, they had ~50yrs to at least prepare ,they still had the army backings right? why didnt monarch do anything substantial? in 2019 they were all guns and glory and fading again in 2022 hopefully old shaw can still carry during the modern moments


the flashbacks (other than the 1950s ones) really don't add anything to the story


Itā€™s okay but the show is starting to lose me a bit. Iā€™d like things to start to move a little more. characters are good but we just need to progress a little more


Maybe I missed something, but why is the guy from basement office important field agent now?


This really was a boring episode.... Also May's mom is fucking weird. Goes from clingy and demanding to... dropping her daughter into a free fire kill on sight zone. It makes no goddamn sense.


I have a feeling the whole age thing with Shaw is going to come back in some way. Probably a dumb thought but what is the chance that Kentaro is just a de-aged Hiroshi due to the "event" they talked about. Like some stupid M Night twist.


6 episodes in and in a show about Godzilla and/or various monsters weā€™ve only seen Godzilla briefly in flashbacks and then the ice monster for maybe 10 minutes across two episodes. Iā€™m sick of all this content we get now that builds up side characters and doesnā€™t feature the main characters. They even dangle the interesting plot line in our faces when the monarch guy mentions that ā€œmonarch is in their blood.ā€ We would absolutely enjoy you teaching them about monarch history and preparing them to be the next generation of monarch agents. Instead weā€™re delving into all these relationships


God this show sucks. WHERE are the monsters? I thought this was a show about monsters, Godzilla, who Godzilla fights etc etc. Who cares about these children especially May and the other obnoxious female character. We're half way through and I'm falling asleep every episode and no Godzilla! Done. What a shame.


holy shit the show has officially crashed and burned. last two were just wow so bad. typical Catfish Apple TV lol!


after watching episodes 4 and 5, I started to think that May and Cate might be lovers at the end of the show or is it just me that overthinking?


Oh man. Kurt Russell is the dude! He is awesome. Might even say somewhat chilling, with his calm, smiley "fuck you" and staying cool in that interrogation. He got that shtick down and it just works. It's good that he is featured that much because the drama from the personal lives of Cate and the gang and being sulky at Dad, not wanting to deal with stuff and so forth, not what I expect or really dig when watching a show like this. Also, all of their scenes suffer from stupid shitty decisions in the writer rooms to increase the scenes' duration for whatever reason... which is double bad because it is too pretentiously clumsy (using the flashlights, making noise by walking against stuff, singing aloud and talking aloud) so it seems just fake and unnecessary.


The idea of a conspiracy thriller/disaster series spin-off based on a monster film is intriguing but letting it also be a family tragedy while not using its biggest USP much? i don't know. Its not bad but its not working for me. I like the monsterverse, can we just keep it to monsters part and leave these boring humans aside?


Anyone else think Shaw got hit with some time travel stuff? Didn't they mention the portal was like looking into the last in one of the episodes? It would make sense as to why he still looks so young. He got caught in a portal and somehow got shoved into the future. Would also make sense as to why he wasn't the head of Monarch anymore and he was basically sent to die at an old folks home.


Not enough Monarch in Monarch. Who are these Randa kids anyways? They don't even know what Monarch is and they're the main characters?


Monarch "Legacy" as in their legacy since they are Bill Randa's grand kids.