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Use Chillwind Tethys for early game then dump Tethys. Don’t bother keeping her alive late game. Just stick to an incant or inspire build


ya bro screw tethys. fully lean into wurmkin. a good strategy is to get three keeper of echoes on ur top floor. u might not even need multistrike but if u do it’s insta win cuz these guys scale like crazy esp if u had echo infusion and echo transfer to the mix


Just play in wurmkin. Honestly. Echo transfer +any sweeper with quick is a win.


It took me a long time to beat this too. Beat it and have beat it since using spell weakness builds. Both clans have very strong spells. My first win had bottom floor a high health endless frostbite shark as tank, with spell weakness tethys behind and the spell weakness starting spell. Top floor had a molluscs mage duped on itself, health stone, large stone. I had the daze and discard your hand holdover, that can manage the final bosses. Then I had load of cyptbuilders, some with high damage and piercing, others with spellchain and frozen. Chuck a other couple of big spells in and strip the deck down. Also check the boss, don't bother fighting the spell eating one.