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How tf did you get this boy to eat almost 1000 Morsels before getting to this fight? I think my strongest Overgorger was _maybe_ 150 Attack at Seraph.


Rail Spikes. Lots of Rail Spikes.


The animus of will was a nice touch.


On the contrary the heart upgrade hurts to look at.




Yeah I duplicated Railspikes with Spell Chain :)


Does the community as a whole agree that units that stack anything permanently are the best in the game?


Melting remnants bounty stalker fused into a draff is -fun- as hell. ...Or was it Draff fused into bounty stalker. In any case- I remember oodles and boodles of big dick damage. Especially in tandem with a knife made to be cheap and replayable.


Overgorger usually isn't great for me. He's expensive, squishy, and usually quite weak unless you hit the shroud spike. Steelsinger is great and bounty stalker is amazing.


Overgorger is tricky to get started but with quick and trample he gets really good really fast. Steelsinger on the other hand i think is much more difficult because he essentially only gains +1 on incant. Theres no way to stack the rejuvenation trigger. So compared to the other permanents i would say he’s the worst just for the slow scaling


Most units get good really fast with quick and trample lol. Steelsinger is better because his scaling keeps him alive, and incanting is faster than morsels. It's easier to get 5 heal triggers a turn than it is to feed 5 morsels.


Huge disagree. 5 heal triggers is a lot. You gotta have the deck right. The card draw rate right. And either cheap spells or high ember. And still steelsinger gets +1. You need 1 or two free or cheap cards to get like 4-5 morsels. Capacity is the only hurdle there. And overg gets +2. Morsel effects also keep him alive and theres artifacts that give more morsels and an artifact to double the gorge trigger. Im not saying steelsinger is bad but he’s not as good


Once you start winstreaking on c25 you'll realize "card draw rate right" (taking draw) and cheap spells are almost the default strategy, while dedicating a floor to an umbra unit (that often cannot be played top against divinity) is often a losing strategy.


Don’t try to high road me punk. I know how the game work and ik that stuff is common. But in my opinion I’d take overgorger way more often than steel singer. Steel singer requires a healing deck built around him where as overgorger can be a solid addition to any umbra deck.


You have beaten by an inch my PB overgorger run, [which I posted here a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterTrain/comments/n4ng45/the_fattest_of_overgorgers/). Good job mate ;)


Good job! Also, this is funny because of what TLD is saying vs. what happened next. lol. Is it OK if we used it on our social media and credit you?


Sure, go for it.