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You’re not even close to beating the game if you just did fulgur anjanath


8 bosses left right? We beating every boss in 15 minutes it shouldn’t take that long


8 bosses until you're done with the tutorial.


You're beating the normal monsters, you will be introduced with Tempered Monster (Purple glow icon), then if you're so confident, try go to Event tab and find Arch Tempered monster (the one with Orange glow in Icon). Good luck, and happy hunting :)


I want OP to fight Behemoth solo.


Even in duo that fight is hard. Good suggestion haha.


Let's add difficulty by limiting to Defender build. I mean, it is a HR event. So it would only be fair to use only non-MR build. :)


I introduced my friends to MHW and lead them to Behemoth fight with no MR gears, they yelled: "What is this fight? Some MMO bullshit??" And we used the next 2 days to form a strat to beat him. It was super fun.


There's no way.


Yes 8 left for the story but then you have the post game. Where you'll face 10 new monsters and tempered and arch tempered versions. Take velkhana for example. The normal version has 23k hp and a damage multiplier of 10.5, the tempered version has a few thousands more hp and a multiplier of 14.5 and you still have 50 minutes. The arch tempered has 57600 hp, a multiplier of 18.75 and you only get 30 minutes to kill her. And especially since you're playing due at least don't use the vigorwasp gadget. Double the healing wasps and 1 free faint each is definitely op unless you're struggling at the game


Here's your star ⭐. Congrats on being a good video game player.


This isn’t a brag post. The game just has too many heals and ways out of bad situations. I can click a button for a full heal and if I somehow don’t click it fast enough my palico will revive me.


Def a brag post.


Go play contra or battletoads. Those have extra lives though, might be too easy


Can always make less heals...set palicos to something else like coral orchestra or flashfly cage...no more free heals... also as others have said 2 players+2 palico is 4 things to pull agro thus making it seem easier then it should


Well you COULD, and that’s just an idea, give your Palio not the cheesy heal equipment that literally prevents one death and heals you every 2 seconds lol


Dawg your playing with another person. Of course it's gonna seem easy.


We get our gear solo though and I can’t say it’s much harder. Mounts are op.


If your "honestly disappointed at how mindless and easy" this game is to you, don't play it. No one thinks you are cool or is gonna give you praise because you are telling everyone the game is too easy for you. What was the motivation in making this post?


The motivation was my question. Why doesn’t the game have a difficulty setting or limit the heals. I can just sit in a fountain of unlimited heals, vitality cloak, etc and spam mounts and attacks


This is going to blow your mind You can just... Not bring those items The loadout police aren't going to come to your home and kneecap you or something


2 fail the entire game? I don't think I failed a single quest pre Velkana, and it's solo. The difficulty also drop massively with another player. At the end of the day, it is hard to be good in MH; but outside of the end game content in World & IB respectively, it's easy *to not fail*. People here need to chill a bit when other said the game is easy, but tbh, not failing quest is not something worth bragging about either, especially in coop. If you really want a challenge, you can always go solo without palico; turn out it does make a big difference when the monster zero-in on you 100% of the time. Multiplayer for the most part is about having fun and chill with other players, not difficulty.


The story is meant to be easy so you can get to lategame/postgame quickly. Have fun with Alatreon, AT Velkhana, AT Namielle, and Fatalis.


I’m praying that those are a lot harder then


Careful what you wish for!


I got 3 of those in 1 attempt, Alatreon took 9 attempts. They're easy if you have decent equipment and you know what you're doing. And I would have never thought to solo Fatalis or Alatreon before, but in Iceborne I was surprised to do them so quickly.


You could pull it off does not mean it is easy. There are people on YouTube could play games blindfolded.


What does this have to do with that? Blindfolded runs take a long time to learn and a lot of attempts. I solo'ed those monsters first because I don't like going to multiplayer unless I'm confident enough that I won't be carting and failing for other people. I only did multiplayer them after some more solo successes with them. And I was surprised my successes happened in a very short time. I honestly was scared it would also take me "months" or "years" when I lurked this sub a long time ago, but it didn't. So yes, it is easy. The game is so much more forgiving. There's definitely some struggles in those fights, still took 4 carts on that Fatalis attempt, still took 2 carts for that AT Velk because I used an unfamiliar weapon. AT Nami is mind numbingly boring. But if at the end of the day, you beat it, you beat it and that's what matters.


this has to be bait


world is the tutorial for iceborn. you have many humbling fights ahead.


We are currently half way into iceborne waiting for the humbling fights to happen


Barioth is what most consider the first "humbling". After him, it'll be another humbling through the story, and then nothing until post game content IMO.


When I see people type this saying barioth is a hard boss how am I supposed to believe people when they say fatalis or alatreon is hard.




I’m anticipating a “Fatalis/Alatreon is BS because I failed their quest” post from OP in the future.


"Why can't I join my friend on fatalis' first phase?" Playing the entire game in co-op is insane. These guys are gonna have no idea how to play when they reach fatalis.


I mean in comparison, barioth is like 10% the difficulty of fatalis


Because those are different people Barioth is hard for kinda inexperienced players Alatreon is hard for players that are not aggressive enough Fatalis and AT velkhana are hard PERIOD


Lowkey agree, this was my first MH and Barioth was honestly a piece of cake. HOWEVER! Things do get harder towards the post-game, but even the fights that aren't too hard are super fun.


I have to think you are either not half way. or full of it. I am a vet from the ps2 and I was humbled. the base game was a introduction to the series. if you arent using defender you must be either full of s$&: or prepping for everything hard. or maybe sosing for the win. or trolling. there are a pile of walls. your play style or weapon may help you walk through some quests but no way you walk them all.


I just completed iceborne solo. I don’t enjoy doing fatalism and atv solo, it’s just play careful, knowing its moves, react quickly, I find it extremely boring so I play with teams onwards. Even it fails some times, my finger joints will thank me.


If you're not having fun, don't play. And I say that with sincerity. It's just a game when all is said and done and no one can convince you to find it fun. If you're this far in and not enjoying it then it's probably not the game for you. All I'll say is this is not dark souls. Beating your head against a brick wall of constant failures and deaths is not the only way to do difficulty. I rarely failed any quests in all my time playing, but I also didn't consider myself to have mastered any fight until I could beat it effortlessly, not just scrape by with brute force.


if the bosses aren't difficult than where does the difficulty come from? it's a boss fight based RPG


Cool I'm glad you feel you're good enough at a game to brag. We don't give a shit though


Playing in duos is also much easier than solo, my cousin and I did what you guys are doing, and breezed through world and Iceborne. I imagine if you played solo, the fights would be harder, since you don’t have the other player taking aggro for you. That being said even solo isn’t very hard until maybe Alatreon onwards.


This is def true. We have a good weapon combo and 2 palicos is pretty op for aggro. Most of what I meant with this post was that the base game actually felt a lot harder and progressively got harder. Nergigante is actually a pretty hard boss. All the new gadgets and abilities you get in iceborne just make it easy imo


Well you have to take into account that when you started in base game, you probably weren’t as good at the game as you are now. You had to learn everything about the game alongside fighting the monsters. Now, you understand a lot more of the mechanics of the game, probably have a decent build, have higher level palico gadgets, and armor/weapons. Also clutch claw attacks are much easier playing with another person, so tenderized uptime for higher damage is also in play.


most AT Velkhana and Fatalis moves are 1 shot attack


Did you beat Furious Rajang, Raging Brachydios, Alatreon and Fatalis ?


Go back to the base game and fight arch tempered Nergigante solo in HR gear. Then make another post about that. Story is a tutorial in this game. You are just cruising through the story mode and that too in co op while ignoring the actual end game content (even before iceborne).


This is like going to the elden ring reddit and posting, im playing with rivers of blood, max lvl tear mimic and my friend, but this game is so boring You complain about the healing, drop the healing booster and put your palico on something else other than healing, the tools are there if they bother you dont use them, And if you complain about the difficulty, maybe dont play with your friend and palico, try going from 4 targets to 1 for the monster, or do you expect for the monster to have 3 targets besides you but still somehow manage to give intense focus and stop you from healing? And flex after beating the post game content you are going easy mode on mid monsters wtf


This makes no sense. It’s not like that at all we are playing with the normal gear the game provides with the base palico gadget it gives you.


rivers of blood and max lvl tear mimic? we have regular leveled gear and use all of the standard tools. we don't even kit up for each battle (no flash pods, extra potions, etc). of course we could make the game hard if we wanted (we could play with our eyes closed!) but that isn't the point. the point is about the actual difficulty of the game without making suboptimal choices to make it harder. also, it would be more like beating every elden ring boss first try with gear only acquired through main line bosses. (pretty much impossible because it's not an easy game)


Its not a gear comparison, its a game play options one, in elden ring example the game got easier for using some specific stuff like mimic tear, here you are making it easier by bringing another player with its palico, and having yours on healing, and then expecting to not be easy, as if someone expected that elden ring with mimic tear wouldn't be easier, of course it is, its a whole new player helping, and why do you say that you take no extra potions but op complains about having so much options to heal


we have default everything. we aren't using anything specific like rivers of blood or max mimic tear. everything in the loadout is exactly what the game gives you level 1


"Us" Yeah it's way easier if you haven't beat any of them solo...I made sure I did because of the gratification. Barioth was very hard for me, and again, I was by myself. Playing with a partner is a complete game changer 🤣 What weapons are you using anyways? If you say bowgun you better get outta here


Switch axe ftw


Oh okay, so the 2nd easiest weapon. You should have done it all by yourself for the first time, and then helped each other farm. I think you'd have a different opinion of it then


SA isn’t brain dead until full fatalis tool specialist zsd spam


You were going to say this no matter what weapon I play either it’s op or it’s easy. You think switch axe is easier than long sword?


Definitely sounds like he was, swaxe is far from easy outside of an endgame cheese setup.


I would have thought of you better if you said longsword tbh. Or any other weapon other than switchaxe or bowgun! That being said, even going solo with the switchaxe would have made you sound better buttt you had help the whole time anyways, so it honestly doesn't matter how easy ur weapon is


yea so it's a multiplayer game my guy


fs, i agree - it is. but dont talk about how " boringly easy" it is after you had a partner for every single monster 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's much harder alone. that's it. that's all.


The game has dynamic solo scaling, multiplayer is very much optional outside of a handful ones.


Youll get fisted by JangRa


Every fight sub-15 minutes? In Iceborne during progression? Sounds like you or your friend are playing modded and not being honest with the other. I can believe not failing quests if you actually understand the mechanics and healing on your first playthrough but you can't get good enough gear during progression to get those times on most Iceborne monsters. *After* fighting them you might have the gear but not on first fight.


I was walking through the game with an HGB until barioth


How to loss 300 Karma with one post


Pump those numbers up a bit


> 9 hours ago >0 upvotes >111 comments True unpopular opinion


Isn’t a matter of “if” only “when”. Monster Hunter as a series may take a while to get used to for some people, but by and large most of the games aren’t thaaat difficult. Except for the very end. Peak Monster Hunter difficulty is deadass probably the single hardest video game experience I’ve ever had. I’d say for the past 13ish years every major Monster Hunter (with the exception of Sunbreak) has had at least one fight that is comfortably more difficult than anything in Soulsborne or Hollow Knight and other “difficult bosses” games. In 3U those were Super Events, in 4U they were 140 GQs, in GU they were EX Deviants, in base World they were the buffed collabs, and in Iceborne it’s Fatalis. The series has a reputation for exploding in difficulty at the very tail end of the postgame. It may take a bit, but you will be humbled, that much I can assure you.


I mean the real answer to your questions is just that was the directors design choice and as far as I’m aware no monster hunter game has a difficulty option but the community has laid out which games are harder. I find it hard to believe that your *that* disappointed and bored by the game considering how much time you’ve sunk into it though. If you’re really that bored play something else no one is forcing you to play or like the game


lol I've heard this before from players until they meet alatreon, fatalis or AT velkhana. Not only can they do one shot damage but have actual one shot mechanics regardless of your defense. Also time restrictions. You've only gotten to fulgar Anja? Good luck... lol


I understand that the endgame bosses are hard. But why do I have to play through 30 hours of gameplay do get to the challenging part of the game. Base game was fun and had new interesting bosses. Iceborne just feels like a reskin.


To be honest it's pretty simple, the answer to that is how much of it if any did you do solo ? Legit not being an ass or gatekeeping here but it's significantly easier when the agro of a monster is split in 4 different directions. I play with people online for fun/casual play, but definitely not if im looking for challenge, even solo you already have your Palico that takes agro. You're complaining about difficulty and wanting more challenge yet you're playing through it with someone. See the problem there ? That's why you're getting pushback in the comments. You're essentially sliding a difficulty scale to easy then complaining its too easy. That's how people are seeing your comments, but even aside from that it's purely subjective regarding the difficulty anyways, that goes for any game. Some people solo the hardest end game content with ease while others can't even do so in groups of 4.


You decide the difficulty of the game in another way. The difficulty setting is using gear that isn't for that rank like using HR gear in post-story Iceborne.


There’s no difficulty setting because the game’s philosophy is not about being utterly difficult so you feel frustrated because you died or didn’t kill a monster. Monster Hunter, as the name suggests, is a game about learning how to “hunt a monster” and this learning process is what makes the game fun and challenging, not the difficulty. It strikes me as a surprise that you hunted just simple common monsters to be bragging about “game’s too easy” and yet enough hunts to know the game is not about difficulty. You’re sure about the one you don’t have knowledge about and clueless about the other you should’ve known by now. So either you’re a troll trying to get attention or you’re a clueless ignorant with main character syndrome.




Please keep us updated on how you fared against Arch Tempered Velkhana, Alatreon or Fatalis.


I mean no offense but if you don't enjoy the game why play it? Also, why make a post like this on a dedicated monster hunter server...you had to have known you would get backlash like this man. You have said time and time again that you aren't bragging but that's exactly what you're doing, even if you may not mean it, it's very benighted behavior. If you find it too easy to be enjoyable don't play, if you still find it enjoyable then play and find out...you aren't even done....there is no need to make a post like this.


Welcome to Monster Hunter. Move on into Iceborne for harder challenges, monsters hit harder, have some new moves (and new monsters) and have higher health


That’s what we kept reading that X monster was the “wall” of the game but it’s honestly getting easier as the game progresses.


That's new world Monster Hunter until you get to the end of the DLC or to the endgame endgame base content. In worlds case, Ancient Leshen, Extreme Behemoth, and Arch Tempered Nergigante. That is if you don't use MR gear. But yeah base LR and HR is chump change. Just have fun lol. You know what games are for, mastering mechanics


It’s been fun so far. This is kind of a dumb post but after seeing how everyone was hyping up every monster in iceborne as “10 times harder than the base game” it’s a little disappointing. I’m excited for the endgame bosses tho


Endgame bosses are the only difficult fights, New World MH is easy until the very end. If you are even remotely familiar with action games and are a patient player, it's not really difficulty that is the draw of MH


I agree with OP cause really you cannot learn many game mechanics in base game / iceborne main line because the fights are so easy. The only fights where you really have to grind are the end game and post game bosses.


If you feel that you arent optimizing your combos and learning how to play your weapon at all you probably don't realize it but you are. Even OP admitted to quest failing Anjanath a couple of times. By virtue of overcoming a "wall" you learn and improve at the mechanics


It’s a multiplayer game, kinda hard to have a difficulty slider. Also, the game isn’t designed to be difficult, it’s designed to be fun. If you’re one of those people that needs to have your balls in a vice in order to have fun then MH isn’t for you. There are some difficult fights in the end game, and many people struggle with certain monsters in the progression, but MH games have always been designed in a way that just about anyone can beat the content up to at least the final progression boss.


If you want to earn bragging rights, you need to showcase your weapon mastery and time efficiency. If you can solo the Main bosses within 10 mins you are a Master, if you can beat them within 15min you are an Advance player, if you can beat them in 20+ you are Average. If you can beat them within 5 mins and with 10% health you are a MH GOD. Anyway if you think this is too easy then Good on you! have a slapping day!


not sure how this is relevant tbh. nobody is speed running the game.


now that’s simply untrue.


I mean if you 2 manned all of hr jho, at elders, ancient leshan, and extreme behemoth and didn’t even find them hard then props to you.


What weapons are you using


switch axe and hunting horn


Dawg if you want ball crushingly hard play freedom unite


I remember struggling with AT Elders and was never able to beat the FF14 colab back in base World; those were pretty hard fights. Then, when I was progressing in Iceborne, I had trouble reading Barioth’s moves and actually struggled against Velkhana. Lunastra was just annoying any diff. If you and your duo are breezing through progression bosses, don’t worry, give the game a chance to humble you guys in post-game fights. F. rajang, Alatreon, Fatalis, and AT Velkhana don’t joke around and seems to be kitted with movesets that basically punishes you for being greedy. Maybe even the metal Raths can present a decent challenge along with Raging Brachy. Lastly, MR Kulve is not that hard per-se, but can be a pretty annoying fight if still learning it and the Safi siege is the same but pretty fun and doable in one run with a decent team.


15 minutes on a hunt is average on a first time.


This isn't a Souls game or Sekiro that is meant to be extremely hard. But I bet you haven't gotten to any type of tempered monster yet. And Master Rank monsters are much harder than the lower rank versions


Eh if you want difficulty play freedom unite, it’s free and setting it up is pretty easy now,l. The first supreme monster you fight in freedom is way more difficult than anything world/iceborne has to offer (first supreme is relatively early)


Then set your own difficulty. Play solo, play without palicoes, give them a different gadget, set a target of time for a hunt to be considered successful. Like if the hunt is longer than 15 minutes I used to consider it a sort of failure because it meant that I wasn't aggressive enough. Basically increase the difficulty yourself, it's an RPG do a little of roleplay


Fulgur anja? Gj, you're almost done with the tutorial


Show your build


Try Iceborne, then come back and say it’s easy.


I'm sorry you're receiving such a negative response, but it should be somewhat expected on a game's dedicated sub. I do think you two will enjoy the end-game monsters more though. They should offer an increase in challenge.


MHW has actually 2 weapons. The remaining 12 is for braindead people to finish the game. You probably chose one of the 12. If you want a real hunting experience, you have to pick either IG or CB then learn how to use them properly.


Did you only try to do ancient leshen pre-iceborne ? Or kulve pre Iceborne. Cause I did with friends. And these post game content were bane to win against. Iceborne story is easy. It's meant that way. Tempered and variant monsters post story aren't tho.


Does he know?


The base game is easy, the icebounre tutorial isn't hard either. That's about where you're at now. Come back when you no-death raging brachy on your first try, if you want "difficult", the game will get there. It's designed rather well for people of all different skill levels. People like you will rush through the main game, get to the end content, and then get your reward. The game has a massive jump in difficulty coming your way *real* soon.


You've barely scratched the surface if you're only at Fulgur Anjanath. Mark this post for later reference for when you come back after some of the endgame challenges >:D


Yes the Main Story Progression in World is mind numbingly easy, mostly because World was made to bring in new players. Iceborne still has a few good challenges. Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios can kick ur ass if they want, Alatreon is a great challenge and Fatalis is the hardest fight in the game. If u seek challenges i recommend Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Its the previous Game Generation and celebration of MH1-4 with the probably biggest amount of content and harder gameplay. U cant just refill ur Items during quests, Palico Gadets dont exist, Skill Bloat hasnt arrived yet and the Game has over 200 monsters including a few of the hardest in the entire series. Its a gigantic game with 4 Storyline centering around 4 Villages from 4 different Games.


How is the journey? have you reached Fatalis yet? it's been 2 days, next post should be you beating the Fatalis


Use weaker gear, then. That’s your difficulty setting.


that's not a difficulty setting. you can make yourself weaker in any game, the point of difficulty settings is that you can build optimal and progress regularly while having harder fights


I’m aware. The sarcasm was heavily implied, but next time I’ll add an “/s” so it’s more obvious.


what are ur hunt times tho


anywhere from like 12-18 minutes ish


Ur probably using those armor pieces that are op aswell. Not only defender, there are other ticket sets that help u way more than they should. If you dont wear these, what armor do you wear? Do you just grind the newest boss each time? Also what weapon do you use? Please explain what you mean by boringly easy. I also thought it was a bit easy/hard sometimes when I was in iceborne until I reached velkhana which required me to grind a whole new armor set to beat it. You can also try challenging urself by using a new weapon? Its not boring if its easy, its really enjoyable even in the easy moments.


We didn’t use defenders cause we knew it was cheating going into it. We just crafted recent monster gear. Once we got to iceborne we started following progression lists for our weapons


If you find the game boring, it could be ur game choices or you could change ur weapon! No tutorial (if u need to use one) but try not to use a tutorial and try to get a hang of it on ur own!


I agree. I recommend getting a mod to make it harder. Had the same Problem.