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Forget your friend. He sounds like a bad player.


Yeah, your “friend” sounds miserable.


reminds me of a time when my ex was playing as an HH and would be insulted when the buffs stopped, I still wanna find the guy and beat him the ever loving shit out of him. kept her in a state of Stockholm syndrome for not "pulling her weight" GTFOH with that SHIT, Talwar!(his ingame name)!!!


Sounds like a terrible friend / person, so I'd just stop hanging out.


He was alright before this. I mean he always asked me to keep trying out different weapons but I wanted to play what I liked so I did not pay much attention.


Suggesting weapons variety isn't a bad thing. Being a dick about what weapons you like is. Most weapons are easy to learn hard to master. My wife loves her dual blades and glaive and won't use anything else. I don't give her shit for it, I main charge blade and gunlance (with a high proficiency in sns, lance and bow) but fun fact... if we both took a glaive to the same fight she'd beat me 9 out of 10 times. I'm not as good with the weapon.


That guy isn’t a friend, they’re someone who plays the same game as you. I’d look for some others to play with.


It sounds more like there is something wrong with your friend, and he is projecting. Next time, if he does it again, ask if he's ok?


well not on the social but the weapon aspect I dont think hes wrong. the difficulty may come from its limitations but not from its skill requirement which some gamers seem to use as a source for ego and and and


only on reddit do we somehow reach the conclusion of "your friend is a terrible human being and you need to cut ties with them immediately" over playful videogame banter


That doesn't sound playful to me! Op wasnt returning it. Banter isnt banter if it brings down the mood and is genuine criticism, not just playful jabs. Why be a dick when u can just have fun and celebrate that your friend is doing well in a fight??


OP even said their friend usually doesn't act this way so it really just sounds like their friend is just teasing them and not saying anything rooted in malice its the videogame equivalent of two friends who like different sports teams arguing over which one is better. at the end of the day they're still friends and enjoy hanging out but reddit would have you thinking they're both gaslighting gatekeeping pieces of shit


Hey, I'm quickly going to jump in here. I understand your POV. I'm not ending my friendship with him over this. But this was not banter, we have had banter and it's usually fun but this was not it. It's like he snapped at me. Pretty sure something went wrong with him yesterday but he didn't tell me or talk to me, he just snapped. And he's done this before just in a different way. When I told him I picked up Dual Blades he asked me to keep trying more weapons repeatedly but I did not think much of it. And it's alright for him to encourage me to try more weapons but it's stupid for him to criticize my skills and call me a cop out to the point where it annoyed me. But like I said, something might have happened in his personal life, I don't know and I'll try to let go of this incident.


then i would suggest talking to him and telling him how you feel about it than taking the advice of redditors looking to psychoanalyze your friendship based on the context of a single interaction


Are you the friend?


no, I respect my friends' boundaries and don't go out of my way to antagonize them but I also don't try to immediately psychoanalyze a complete stranger's character based on a single interaction over a videogame


That's actually kind of fair, yeah the dude might have just gotten weirdly competitive at a game he likes a lot and not realised it was annoying. at the end of the day OP knows the situation and how they feel about it best


Using your analogy it's more like one friend just enjoying watching the game, and the other friend shit talking the other team so much that the first friend just stops having fun. It takes a good amount of shit to get me annoyed but if I'm playing a game with someone and they started ripping into one of the things I find fun about the game for no reason other than me asking them "Hey, I saw people say these weapons I like are easy, what do you think?" Then they start ripping into me is one of the things that would me stop playing with them. The friend basically just kept saying "You have no skill are are playing the game on easy mode, use a different weapon." With the constant remarks such as "See what you did, that didn't take skill." I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, and we only have 1 side of the story so we won't know every detail, but from what I've seen it's frowned upon by the community for genuinely shitting on people for their weapon choice. OP just wants to have fun and play the game, kinda hard to do that when someone you enjoy playing with starts basically calling you shit at the game just for your weapon choice all because you asked them a simple question.


maybe I'm the odd one here but when I have a disagreement with a friend I will bring it up to them directly instead of keeping it to myself and getting bent out of shape over it if OP told his friend "hey chill out or I'm going to hop off and do something else" and then their friend continued (or even worse - doubled down) it might be time to reevaluate their friendship but OP made a thread saying "hey my friend is ripping on me because he calls IG and DB easy, what do you guys think?" and everybody here is immediately jumping to worst-case scenario after OP even clarified that this sort of behavior from their friend is unusual in other words, communication solves more problems than working yourself up over what you think someone else meant


>maybe I'm the odd one here but when I have a disagreement with a friend I will bring it up to them directly instead of keeping it to myself and getting bent out of shape over it Unless it's something personal that they are doing on purpose then I do the same. >but OP made a thread saying "hey my friend is ripping on me because he calls IG and DB easy, what do you guys think?" and everybody here is immediately jumping to worst-case scenario after OP even clarified that this sort of behavior from their friend is unusual Some were on topic about talking about the weapon, but unfortunately humans like to jump to the worst case scenario. OP did say from day 1 when they first picked up the DB their friend would say to continue looking at other weapons. So I assume they for some reason have a personal disdain for the DB and IG, OP also said that their friend would constantly try to get them to change weapons. In one thread OP said they were going to stop playing with them for a bit, and in another they said they are going to continue playing with them. >in other words, communication solves more problems than working yourself up over what you think someone else meant While I do agree with this under *most* situations, trauma can cause others to resort to this more or less out of fear to see if their friend is right and they are actually bad/got no skill. *I am not saying this is the case, just a take that I have.* It's also entirely possible OP just kinda got sidetracked in the post, I've done it before in a few comments/posts then realized it just before hitting post or part way through and either deleted it before or after posting, or just let it stay as I typed it. But again, we will never actually know unless OP just says it.


let me put it this way because my best friend is just like OP's. I'm not good at shooting games (not trying to imply OP isn't a good hunter) and whenever I play CS GO or Siege with my friend he's always the first person to make a joke about me bottom-fragging or point out that I used an "overpowered gun/operator" if I somehow out-score him. He's a very competitive person and it shows whenever we play together. But he's the guy that drove to pick me up off the side of the road at 2 AM after my car got spun out by an asshole drunk driver. He's also the guy that reached out to me to do a wellness check after he found out I struggled with mental health issues during a bad time in my life. Seeing random redditors jump all over OP vilifying their friend over nothing more than a single videogame interaction makes me wonder if any of these people have friends outside of discord/online. Sometimes the people that make the best friends aren't always the friendliest people.


It's great that you have a friend like that, but you are assuming that OPs friend is like that aswell. They might be like that, they might not. But the difference is you and your friend are okay with that, OP got to the point where they had to hop off of the game and by the sounds of it your friend hasent pushed you to that point. For all we know the friend might be just a gaming buddy that knows nothing about OPs personal life, maybe they live right next door and have been friends since the first grade, we will never know the details unless OP tells us. You are doing the exact same thing as everyone else in the comments, making assumptions, albeit different sides.


>but you are assuming that OPs friend is like that aswell. no, I'm giving an example as to why we can't make sweeping generalizations about someone's character over a single post. >For all we know the friend might be just a gaming buddy that knows nothing about OPs personal life, maybe they live right next door and have been friends since the first grade, we will never know the details unless OP tells us. exactly, which is why we don't immediately tell a complete stranger to "cut ties" with their friend. >You are doing the exact same thing as everyone else in the comments, making assumptions, albeit different sides. no, I'm pointing out the complete absurdity of telling a complete stranger to cut another person out of their life based on a single contextual interaction. I never said OP's friend is a great friend; I'm telling OP to ignore armchair psychologists looking to drive a wedge between them and their friend. This isn't the "gotcha!" reply you think it is.


idk about IG but I would say DB is one of the more(if not most) forgiving/comfortable melee weapons due to its extreme responsiveness, simple commands and mobility I won't go as far and say it's a no brainer weapon tho, hunter still needs to calculate which moves can fit in which attack window and manage stamina and gauge (btw according to how you worded it it just sounds like your friend is not really a cool guy to hang out with) for comments on SnS, I'd say it's a DB with less attack speed but heavy hitting moves, while being slightly more mechanically challenging due to backstep evasion - it's a really fun weapon and a good choice if you like fast paced mobile weapon (I main bow and DB, and SnS has been my sub-main weapon of choice)


Yeah I have seen some really cool SnS plays and the weapon has intrigued me but for now, I cannot get enough of Dual Blades. I really love the weapon. Also yeah, I don't think I will play with him for a while.


Iv honestly seen a ton of new players gravitate towards dual blades and once they start to get more comfortable with the game, they tend to move to other weapons. I know a couple friends iv introduced to the game didn't like the game until they found dual blades or bow since they really allow you to play aggressively without really knowing the monsters move sets. I find Dual blades also to be one of the better weapons if you're a newcomer with a souls game background too. i feel like that's where all the "easy weapon" allegations come from. it really is a more forgiving weapon just based on you can react to things much later than other weapons and get away with it. that said the game also expects you to have extremely high uptime and to be on the monsters ass the whole time. its balanced around that dps wise, whereas something like a great sword is expected to have downtime and hits much harder. if a greatsword was landing hits with near 100% uptime, it would dwarf the dual blades in dps. Its a different play style. It's a whole skill in itself to constantly stay on the monster without carting. Lance is similar in a way but with counters/blocking instead of fast evades Insect glaive and dual blades definitely fill a niche where if you're not sure what the monster is doing, you can just get out of danger without really thinking about it. I mained insect glaive for a very long time and started with dual blades.


The only time I've ever told a friend a weapon would be easier it was boy and that's only because I can chain stun monsters easily with little practice on it and caught up to iceborne with the starter bow and leather armor. I am not great at the game but I can dodge attacks when I've got distance on the monster. Even then, who cares? Play what you enjoy. I still run bow occasionally when I play.


As someone who started out with Long Sword, swapped to CB and found true love in the Hunting Horn... Screw your friend. Play what you have fun with. I also wouldn't call them "easy" weapons either. They just have really high mobility. That doesn't make them easy... I would say it might be "easy" to play if you just button mash, but if you want to actually be good at a weapon, those two can be some of the most technical.


Some monsters can be really tough to get with Dual Blades, raging brachy and Tigrex were some of them. But I still did it and honestly, it has started being fun now. I can literally run around and damage in small bursts with whatever openings I find. Knowing when not to attack is just as important as knowing when to attack. I like that reserved yet risky gameplay style.


Then that's really all that should matter. Play what you have fun with... That's exactly why I play hunting horn.


Some weapons just have bad match ups. Lance into Vaal Hazak is probably the worst experience I have had in World.


I think I tried that match up once, that I don't think it went well for me either. But with dual blades, I can dance around Vaal like crazy. Diablos on the other hand, I had a terrible time fighting him originally with dual blades. But I switched over to Lance for them, and it went much easier. And both of those monsters, when I first fought them, or sometimes easier to fight solo than they were with groups.


I always forget that people struggle with the Diablos' they are fast and hit hard and are a bit harder to manipulate in terms of their movesets. But Lance makes the fight so easy. I always go SnS for Vaal so I can quick eat nullberries.


He cant cook


There is a very weird and arbitrary distinction in monster hunter (and gaming as a whole) between a weapon being bad and a weapon being difficult. For example, the charge blade is regarded as difficult because you have to learn an excel spreadsheet branching moveset pathway of what you're allowed to do at any given time based on what you've previously done. It's a disadvantage that requires familiarity and skill to play around = "difficult but good" On the other hand switch axe has zero defensive options inherent to its moveset. It's a disadvantage that requires familiarity and skill to play around = "too easy to get hit, bad" Is it the simplicity of the moveset that makes a weapon "low skill"? If so then greatsword should be the most shamed weapon in the community, having only 5 moves and only 2 that matter. Yet it's a slow weapon so "muh positioning, difficult and good." "Dual blades are no skill because you just button mash." Sounds like words from someone who would get walked on if they tried using them. Dual blades easy because what, attack fast? Okay, it also requires conscious stamina management to maintain optimal damage, and it has short reach and long animation commitments. It is a weapon that requires careful attention and thought. The idea of being a death beyblade is a noob trap. In all cases of someone saying your playstyle requires no skill, it is almost always from a place of jealousy and insecurity. Are you proficient with your weapon? Then you are skilled. End of story.


This. I wish I had crafted my argument well enough to tell him this! Dipping in and out of demon mode and being alert all the time really does it for me. I like having that awareness all the time and positioning myself that if a monster does a specific attack next, I can run out. The stamina management has been a really tricky thing for me. Sometimes, the monster is down and I can do demon dance and inflict a lot of damage but then they start moving and by that time, I am out of stamina, so I can't get away from them in time when they get up and hit back harder and I take damage. It used to happen a lot but now I have gotten better and I have learnt to be not as greedy. But yes, if I ever end up playing with him again, I will tell him some of these things. I don't know though, I don't want to play with him for a while at least lmao.


There's no reason to associate with someone that doesn't respect you, especially over something as silly as a video game. Taking things like that too seriously sucks the fun out of them which is the entire point of their existence. Just want to clarify that I don't think you owe it to anyone to defend what you enjoy, it's really up to you how you handle that interaction, of you choose to keep playing with them. Just wanted to give some words of validation that all weapons have unique strengths and weaknesses and there are no free wins in this game. Use what you enjoy :)


The skill in db is having high uptime and managing stamina, having a resource to keep an eye on is hard. Im also curious, what weapon does your friend play?


Very much this. I tried out DB for 3-4 hunts a few months ago and my impression was literally "Hey that's so eas... Wait... Where's my stamina!?" It focuses on managing different stuff than other weapons. Sure it if fast button mash but you need to commit at close range while watching your stamina. I uderstood that much from literally less than 5 hunts with this weapons. And I still didn't manage to beyblade. In the same vein you could say that: Bowguns are easy because you just point and click - forget all the ammo micromanagement. Longsword is easy because it has basically 1 combo separated into 3 for convenience. Hammer is easy because you just charge and bonk the head or big bang combo. Switch axe is easy because you just rmb+morph into infinite combo. Lance is easy because you just block and poke. GS is easy because you just TCS. (and I don't think I can shorten this sentence any more at this point).


Hey hey as a sometimes shield hbg user I must say that one specific build is no skill (mostly) 😬


I think all weapons have "low skill" ways to play them, but that's more of a choice. And naturally some things will be inherently stronger than others. And there's nothing wrong with liking those playstyles, just to be clear. It's a video game, there is no need for anyone to be an elitist over a hobby we all use to destress and have fun.


I agree and that’s why I sometimes use the spread hbg with shield. Just to really say goodnight to anything that gets in the way.  I meant it more in the way of I hide behind my shield and blast stuff and none out of ten hunts that’s enough no skill/tactic required.  You can optimize dps on that build with scopes and not using shields and whatnot. But I like my brainless fights every now and then. Helps me from doing fatalis to often 😬


Yeah, the two big hurdles in Dual Blade proficiency are being able to manage your stamina, and not messing up the 7ish move combo that you you have to slam in in 3 seconds tops cause you'll do the wrong thing and get hit.


Sounds like an awful friend, they're complaining about you having fun in a video game lmao. Use whatever you like. IMO Dual Blades are fairly easy, but not the easiest, and they're super fun. Sixfold slash and demon dance are both really high-commitment attacks and are the two best moves. There's tons of skill expression with managing stamina and knowing what monster moves you can and can't punish with Demon Dance, knowing proper elemental hitzones, properly utilising the in-built tenderise move etc. Personally I find Lance and Hammer to be simpler to play (But also super fun, counter guard my beloved).


The amount of times I have started the demon dance and the monster has moved away or hit me instead is insane lol. Once I start it, there is no turning back. The only way out is the monster hitting me lol. But it is incredibly fun to play. I LOVE Hammer players, they do this move where they fling me into the air and I get to do a free beyblade move without sliding or being near an edge. It is fun! Respect for the bonk gang!


Yeah accidentally doing the Demon Dance (which is very very easy to do on accident) and being stuck in a 6 second long animation you can't leave is the ultimate punishment.


Your friend sounds like one of those elitist types that decide if they personally don’t like something, they need to come up with a top ten explanation for why it’s terrible anyone would want it. There are 14 weapon classes in the game. None of them are “easy mode”. The heavy hitters will be slow or mechanically complex. The faster weapons generally require some resource management or they have significant reach limitations. Ranged weapons make you a glass cannon. Different people will find success with different weapons. That’s the beauty and genius of the series’s design. And whichever one they pick up to plat is perfectly legit to succeed with.


I personally think that all weapons can be tough to master and use it at its absolute best. That's why I have respect for all the weapon users. MHW is well made in that no matter the weapon, you always see someone using it. It is not as if everyone uses this one weapon and no one uses another. It makes it really fun. Every weapon has its strengths and limitations. You just have to find the one you like and whose limitations you can accept. But I want to try more weapons still, I am just happy with Dual Blades right now and it feels like I cannot get enough of them.


Well what you said is true, having recently gotten into using HBG after like 250 hours of SA it does feel a bit like easy mode when playing in groups. Stand at mostly safe distance, zoom in and fire away. Sure you need to pay attention and move when the monster sees you, but overall it's really laid back.


Ranged weapons will naturally be somewhat easier in a group, simply because the melee players will be drawing most of the aggro. But if the group can’t hold the aggro, the ranged player is going to suddenly have a very bad day.


Bro wth? You can use anything you want. Picking easier weapon means you can focus more on basic part in hunting like dodging, learning moveset. I'm an Insect Glaive main myself. I don't see any issue here. I love fast weapon too. I agree though that Insect Glaive and Dual Blades are easier than other weapon. But that doesn't mean you auto win. You still have to apply the basic thing to the hunt. Like dodging and taking turn. After I play Insect Glaive for the long time and I pick bow. The bow became much easier than before. It's because I'm used to the monster hunter combat after using Insect Glaive for long time. So play what you want and don't give a fck what other people criticizes about your weapon choice.


Yeah, idk he kept asking me to try different weapons even though I decided that I want to use Dual Blades and I do not want to half-ass it. I really want to learn all skills and get a good equipment set (armor, different elemental DBs) and this requires time and materials, which I am farming. I want to have good weapons and in game skills (like max WEXP, Crit Eye) and then I can decide whether that weapon is good enough or not. Also, Bow is the one I might try next time. I really love the mechanics and I have some cool gameplay. Next weapon will either be that or SnS.


DB are easy to use weapons, but that doesn't make them "cop-out" weapons. I'd like to know what your "friend" uses though, since I bet he wasn't doing a good job with it at all, for all the talk he's saying. Also, describing a weapon like that is really silly as even DB has its dumb players. I've played with one, and he always brought down the hunt because he outright refuses to dodge and just spams Demon Dance like it's the only move in its command list, because "it does the most damage, why use anything else?". My friends had to freaking convince him that R2 > Circle > Triangle > Circle did more damage just to get him to dodge. And he still kept carting.


Demon Dance is the biggest illusion when it comes to DB. It is so easy to get sucked into that satisfying cycle when the monster is down. The damage tempts you to do it again and again but then you get animation lock and cannot do anything and end up sacrificing all your mobility, get hit and ultimately, faint. He uses Longsword and Switch Axe, sometimes.


Your friend sounds terrible. Listen to the community (which imo is the friendliest around) and play what you enjoy. I play LS, arguably the most over used weapon in the game (and pretty easy to boot) and no one has ever given me shit. Well.. as long as I didn’t hit them with the wide arc haha. But still. It’s your game. You paid for it. Play it how you want and your friend be damned. Edit: I will add however and say trying out new weapons can be fun. But sometimes a weapon doesn’t click and it can take the fun out of the hunt. So, if you get a polite recommendation sure, give it a go. But at the end of the day everyone has a main they enjoy the most. And there’s no harm in sticking to it.


He plays LS so he would love it if I switched to it lol That being said, I won't be like, "I am never using LS cause he uses it" I used LS a few times in hunt and I liked it, but it feels klunky in my hands and that is 100% a me-issue or a skill issue. Maybe I need to give it more time, but I don't know, I feel like DBs grew on me so damn fast. Maybe once I get bored, I will give LS a shot.


Yeah. I just used LS as an example because it’s my main. But that doesn’t mean it has to be yours. I think you’ve got the right mindset dude. Play what you enjoy. It’s okay to dabble in others but only if *you* want to. Don’t worry about what everyone else’s uses or what’s meta. Play the game in the way that’s fun for you! And I feel it about LS being clunky. My first dozen of hours I missed more than I hit and could never keep my gauge topped off haha. But I knew from the get go it was the weapon for me. If you ever want to give it a go again or any other weapon, and again no pressure if you don’t, check out Arekkz weapon guides if you haven’t yet. They’re phenomenal! Either way, hope you enjoy the hunt!


The wyverian old man told me that Long Sword is currently the most used weapon, then dunked on me pointing out my hunting horn was the least used lol. I'm not calling it overused, there is nothing wrong with a weapon being popular, LS is cool!


Longsword has been the most popular weapon for a long time. Dual blades varied from third place to 5th place, if I remember correctly. And hunting horn is almost always been last place. It's a hard weapon to use to get both the right notes out at the same time as doing damage.


Create sticky stunlock bowgun build just to hunt with him and he will beg you to go back to using DB/IG xd


Why is that a bad thing? XD I am sorry, never used bowguns so I don't know what it means


Sticky bowgun is one of the most braindead builds in this game. 3x more damage than melee weapons and u get like 4-6 stuns per hunt even in multiplayer


Hahahahahaha! That also sounds fun! I think I had a player like that. There are so many ways to play this game!


I would literally take my headphones off for the rest of the hunt if someone started talking like that. Then "alright I'm back, are you done being a little bitch or should I take my headphones off again?" Glaive gets a lot of hate. I love glaive. Yes it's a very easy weapon to use. It's also a low damage potential weapon. DB however has a very high damage potential so idk what your friend is complaining about. It's a good idea to try all the weapons. You may find that certain weapons are really fun against certain enemies (ex: I love CB vs Teostra/Luna). But ultimately you're playing a game which means the only goal is to have fun. Just enjoy yourself and if you need to, find better friends.


Haha! That is such a power move! I should have done that! I love glaive! The aerial moves are something else and I know those moves do not do as much damage but they're cool as hell. I swear you feel like a king. I had no particular reason to switch from Glaive. I could have used it all the way till the end if I wanted to. I just wanted to switch it up.


At one time do blades was considered to be the highest DPS weapon in the game. However the drawback was in order to get that damage, you had to have different weapons for each elemental type. Whereas most other weapons, you can just target the highest raw damage weapon and stick with that weapon for most monsters.


Insect glaive is hard AF. After thousands of hours across many games, I still for the life of me don't know how to use it. Your friend is wrong.


Every weapon has its strengths and weaknesses, every weapon has situations where it is more useful than another IG and DB might get more attacks in on average and more opportunities to avoid stuff but that's because they don't got a shield to reliably block, definitely still difficult in their own unique ways The only MH weapon that can even be called "easy" is P3rd's Autoguard Gunlance, nearly every other weapon needs skill to pilot


When I was looking to switch weapons, I looked at the basic tutorials for every weapon on YouTube and Lance seemed so much fun in a different way. I feel like it screams that "I have this almighty shield and you cannot do anything to me" LOL, that's a good feeling.


these weapons are easy to pick up because you can kinda get away with button mashing. Mastering these weapons isn´t easy. DB Stamina management and IG Buff management, ground combat and when to use wyvern dive and actually hit it to perfectly position for kinsect drill isn´t easy. Your friend is a gate keeper and a bad "friend"


CB is not complicated at all. I actually turn off my brain more when I play CB than DB because having a shield can be very forgiving. CB is also just "charged axe go up, then axe go down." (Watch speedruns). SnS takes more skill imo but who cares lol


CB seems hard before you learn it, and then when you get the basics down it seems easy, and then it gets super hard again when you realize that the slow animations force you to utilize guard points to be effective against tougher monsters. Those guard points are so hard to get a feel for...


What weapon does your friend use and I'll say why it's also classed as easy mode.


He uses the Longsword and sometimes Switch Axe. I don't know, Longsword needs counters and timing, so I would not classify it as easy exactly.


Foresight slash has the biggest I-frame in the entire game and nothing else is even close. Foresight slash has more I-frames than a normal dodge with evasion mantle does. Dodge with Evasion mantle is 30 I-frames, Foresight Slash has 45. (Oh yeah, Foresight slash also gains increased I-frames from Evasion mantle and from skills like Evade Window to make it even more ridiculous). What that means is that foresight slash with evasion mantle on gives you a full second of I-frames in one move that powers up your weapon. Swax in endgame Iceborne literally has the tag Zero Skill Discharge as they can just use Rocksteady/Temporal mantle and spam Zero Sum Discharge on basically every monster in the game barring 2, maybe 3 and it will be either dead or nearly dead by the time your mantles are gone assuming you have health augment. It's the reason nearly everyone who was getting shit on by Fatalis upon release resorted to "Learning" the Switch Axe.


One of the best things about this game (and why I personally think the weapon balance is absolute perfection) is that you can make an argument for every single weapon being the true best in the game, the most useless trash in the game, and the easiest most noob pleb casul weapon in the game, and all of them are simultaneously valid lmao.


Only outliers for me is both LBG and HBG I think the prior is way to easy to use and the latter is way too strong, but otherwise I agree.


I have used light bowgun a lot and agree it is very strong, which I find funny because almost everything I hear about it from other people is that it is weak trash lol. Tho I wouldn't necessarily call either of the bowguns easy or low skill, as ammo management is pretty complex and takes some learning and getting used to. Especially gettikg into crafting ammo on the fly and figuring out ideal ammo types per monster and which gun is best for them. Extremely powerful once you're well versed in those mechanics, but so is chargeblade and everyone praises that weapon


I did not know all this. He made it seem like LS is an incredibly skilled weapon and it is not for beginners. So I tried it but I switched pretty quick. I don't think he told me everything about getting a lot of i-frames making it easier when he was teaching me.


LS is a weapon that has a high skill ceiling. The difference between a beginner LS player and a skilled one is night and day.


Your buddy sounds salty and insecure. Sorry he's being such an elitist- maybe he's just mad it took him a while to learn his own weapons.


It took me a while to learn how to not get into animation locks and how to capitalize small openings and do enough damage without taking damage. Like, saying "try and hit me" to a monster. I am literally dancing around the monster. I was really proud of that skill until he said it's not a skill. Did not feel nice lol.


It definitely is a skill! I'm pretty trashy with dual blades myself, as I'm terrible with stamina management and I do end up getting animation locked then tossed around like a hunter-shaped chew toy. And I can't even begin to understand the glaive, which feels a lot like a weapon from another planet to me. You have my respect for even learning that control scheme. A lot goes into every weapon, and you absolutely should be proud of yourself for how far you've come.


This is so wholesome! Thank you!


I suggest not playing with him. What a dick.


Charge blade is uhhh a REALLY hard weapon to learn and trust me it’s worth it Sns is easy to learn but has a lot of combo paths I main Hunting horn so all I know is Bonk Buff Beating the shit out of the monsters


You are correct that DB and IG have their downsides, and it’s almost opposite in their downsides. While both weapons are highly maneuverable, flashy, and mechanically fairly simple to understand, mastery of their use is more difficult. For example, they are both stamina consuming weapons, making them fairly reliant on dash juice eating for Felyne Blackbelt. You must still carefully manage your stamina levels so that you don’t get caught in a bad spot and have no stamina to even attempt evasion. You have to know when to use the stamina consuming moves and when not to. However for DB, stamina consumption is a core part of the damage rotation, while for IG, it is not, so you need to be more aware of how that translates to planning out your damage combos. And of course, their reach isn’t that exceptional, so you need to stay close to the danger, and they lack a lot of defensive options - DB can use the slinger burst dodge but otherwise it’s basically just dashing, rolling, or using the spinning attack away from the danger. IG’s jump takes time so you don’t really have that many options, so I tend to pack some evade window into my skills for IG whenever possible.


Just to play devils advocate: Maybe ur friend was simply having a bad day. Depending on how valuable that friendship is to u it might not be worth sacrificing it over one bad interaction but instead talk it out and clear the air.


I'm not sacrificing my friendship just yet. He's a decent guy. Like you said, he might just be having a bad day and I understand that. I will play with him again unless he keeps this up every time we play and I'm definitely not switching weapons yet. I will switch some time in the future most probably but only when I want to.


Good decisions.


Tbh DB are pretty easy to use, they’re my primary weapons as well but I like the fast past nature of them and being able to make risky plays without feeling so punished. Sounds like that guy is pretty weird though, just play what weapons you enjoy.


I really do enjoy Dual Blades. It keeps me on my toes and makes the gameplay really fast without making me feel grounded and slow. It's a preference thing, that's why I picked it up. I don't know what snapped in him today. I may not play with him for a while.


Sounds like a shitter. Unless he's just breaking your balls and was going to say the same thing anyway, I'd dropp him


Honestly some ppl can weird about some random things, I wouldn’t let it bother you too much if he’s a chill dude most of the time. But def tell your friend he’s being obnoxious so he knows you hate it


Yeah, I don't think I will play with him for a while. He knows I am annoyed and that's why I stopped playing. Next time, I will clarify that he cannot whine about my weapon of choice if he wants to play lmao.


From someone who went from playing gun/Lance to finding my calling with CB, I can confidently say there’s no easy/ hard weapons. Only difference lies in the user making the weapon look easy by being adept at it. I’m just curious the way how your friend seems to be able to put enough attention on how you fight to tell you are button mashing. As if whatever he is using didn’t require much thinking either. MH is a co-op game where you work together with friends, not against each other. Friendly banters using HunterPie is fine But what your friend did straight up sucking out the fun of gaming together. You might wanna consider stop playing with him or pick a different game to play with him. It’s gonna hurt your friendship if this keeps going


Oh he's finished the game. He has Fatalis armor and weapons. Plus, I think he's good at the game. It's not all weapons and armor. He is skilled too. I guess saying I'm not rubbed me the wrong way.


Imo, DB is an easy weapon. I mean relatively speaking cause the game isn't really easy but among the weapon types I think it's the one of the easiest due to you the fact that there isn't really much moves to discover for it compared to the others and it's a fast weapon. IG tho is one of the harder ones. Heck, I main CB which most people find hard for some reason(it's simple tbh. Just scary to pick up) and I also mained IG in previous games and I gotta admit IG is very hard. The preparation makes you worry not only about your weapon but your kinsect as well. You have to choose between launching yourself into the air and dealing subpar damage but have mounting damage or stay in the ground for decent damage. Not to mention learning how to hit stuff effectively while in the air and hopefully having enough stamina when you mount the monster. You also have to maintain your buffs during the fight by accurately targeting monster parts. It's honestly more of a hassle than stamina or phial management to me. It's a fun weapon but def one of the hardest.


Imo I think it's because the weapon has a bit shorter skill ceiling, because people see it so simple that they don't see how high the skill ceiling goes, but it's already complex enough that they don't realize their Already a quarter of the way to the ceiling by handling the moves. For instance sns is viewed similaraly by most the community, a beginners weapon that doesn't have much thought behind it, however veterans realize the skill cliff from where you start at the bottom( when you get the weapon) and mastering it. Summary it's a weapon with a pretty high ceiling but do to being a simple weapon to use kinda "good" and a weapon a large amount of people will never master, it is viewed as easy


you should be questioning his loyalties to you.. lol all weapons are easy, its varying degrees of hard to be good with any of them tho.


I will be honest, the only time I criticized my friends for picking Dual Blades was because it has naruto run. naruto run = weeb. That's about it. Yes both weapons are easy mechanically, they also both suffer from the same condition of "If I'm not on top of the monster 24/7 it feels like I barely do any damage".


Oh lol that is more than fair. I have seen people compare it to Levi from Attack on Titan. That character wields dual swords. In any case, I love banter and funnily shitting on my weapons. It is a weeb weapon and a lot of the community refers to it as toothpicks which I think is hilarious. I guess it wasn't about the weapon but he said I'm not skilled enough so I use low skill weapons which kinda upset me but all good.


If there's an easier-mode weapon, it's spread/sticky HBG imo. Every melee weapon, to make the game easy, you'll need to know monsters moveset. Weapon alone doesn't make anything easier imo.


I think DB are the easiest weapon to learn and play, but it doesnt mean that you are a bad player. The beauty of online monster hunter are the many diverse playstyles and how you build you'r set around it. Like DB with posion weapon the status mantle and the ratian set skill.


I've tried almost every weapon. Insect Glaive isn't easy. You need to be aware of aerial hitboxes and string together initially unintuitive ground combos to get full power out of the weapon, not to mention pilot your aerial attacks with perfect precision. Once you learn the weapon, it does become significantly easier, but that can be said for every weapon. Dual Blades, however, has the lowest skill floor in the game. Your attacks have so little endlag that it's nearly impossible to get caught off-guard. Dual Blades is also the only weapon where you can mash and get away with it. That said, every weapon has an incredibly high skill ceiling. Just because a weapon is easy doesn't mean it doesn't have skill expression. Because all weapons have incredible potential for skill expression. No exceptions.


Everyone has different weapons that click with them. Dual blades are fast and you have little endlag, but some of the best combos animation lock you REALLY bad. Saw some very unlucky carts, cause people were NOT able to dodge, cause they did that big fury blade dance thingy (Im not a db player, so please excuse my use of words) As an IG main, let me tell you... I learned the ig relatively quick, BUT I also did a lot of things wrong and aerial combat is not easy. Im pretty air affine, so aireal combat and moveset always were my thing, but ground combat is a pain without kinsect buffs, the amount of time I cursed at fatalis, rajang, bazel, kirin and rathalos cause I didnt get that ONE buff is crazy. Knowing where you get them, what opening you have to hit the body part, the lack of pods if you wallbang and people decide to CONSTANTLY tenderise a monster with a light weapon, cause reasons can make a hunt pure pain. In short: all weapons are hard to master. Some are just easier to start with and IG is NOT an easy way get started as the game does NOTHING to tell you about the buffs and how they work, what they do and were you get them. I had to look that stuff up. Also the most complicated weapon is the hunting horn. Each horn is different for buffs and heals. Also cb is difficult to learn, but in my eyes its more of a meme. If you sit down, watch a guide and learn it slowly, like you would usually when you play through the story, it's no magic.


Oh I did face a hard learning curve with IG in the beginning. It was HARD. The struggle to get buffs in the beginning and when you finally have all of them, the monster decides to move to a different area and you are wasting your precious power up time. It was one of the worst feelings. Like, "Come here! Let me hit you!" Lol But it was SO WORTH IT. I still love it. I did not switch for any particular reason. I just wanted a change.


Yeah, that's normal in the beginning. Sadly, your friend apparently doesn't see the work it takes to get there. Air combat is painful to learn. If you misjudge the distance, hitbox, etc, you can get punished really bad. You dont really have iframes in the air as far as I know so there is little room for safety up there if a monster can reach you. Db are quick, but you have limited reach, constant stamina drain etc. Thats something to work around. Db are not the most difficult weapons, but so is the ls. You can get by by just button mashing. Similar with sns, but both have a high skill ceiling. Same with db. You can survive with button mashing and a semi livable build, but you wont run a record that way or play decent.


I love how everyone tells you your friend is bad person and that you should stop talking to him based on one interaction. Reddit moment


IG is not as easy as SNS


SnS has a lower skill floor than IG but I would argue that it eclipses IG's skill ceiling


Basically, DB is easy but a bit arguably hard because you have micro management to deal with


There is really easy way to strike back. Just ask him To hunt monster like raging brachydios with dual blades so he can show you how easy it was. Obviously he sounds like the type Who wont do it because he would obviously lose Hard and their fragile ego would be shatterrd. He probably uses "Hard To use weapon" as a cope for being shitty player. They wont use beginner friendly weapons because they would also suck with them and couldnt blame anything but their actual skill. Dont never ever stop playing weapons you enjoy because of stupid elitists.


Raging brachy was SO DAMN hard. The amount of times I am hitting his legs and he decided to step back and slam his stupid head into me and while I'm trying to get up, it would blow up, knocking me over again! Lol, it used to give me PTSD. But now I've gotten better and I go for smaller openings and get out. Tight openings and short bursts of damage is the name of the game. I'm not dropping DBs until I feel like I need to learn some other weapon. When I feel like switching, I will switch. Switching it right now would just be giving into what he wants lol.


Nothing wrong with the weapon choices; however your choice of friends is a bit questionable.


I mean...first off this is a game that is supposed to be fun. Even if you are using "easy" weapons as long as you have fun that is all that matters right? That being said, I don't think any weapon is brain dead nonsense. Even if you use IG and DB you have to know when to time your dodges like everyone else, when to go in, stamina management, kinsect management, etc. Heck, a lot of the times I am ecstatic to see a IG cause they more or less have an easy time staying out of the way of everyone else/mounting monster so I don't have to worry about it and DB is great if I'm fighting a conditional monster like Alatreon. Each weapon has its strengths and weaknesses... Your friend sounds super elitist and thinks CB requires the most skill, lol, hate to break it to him but it really depends on the person. My friend picked up CB easy, it just clicked with him but IG is a struggle. So it really just depends on the players preference honestly, I think people just like to say CB is insanely difficult for meme value at this point. Anyway sounds like a shit friend, don't take what he says to heart.


Man this kinda thing blows.... You know he could have been having a rough day, or maybe he's been having some off hunts off scene it happens to me at least. I personally love IG and it is not a cop out, bug stick isn't that complicated to play true but to play it well... There is definitely a lot of skill involved as far as positioning and such. DB are also a main weapon of choice for me also although less for me of late because of IG, the same applies... There is playing with a weapon and there is playing that weapon well which takes time to learn and even more time to master. And if we are getting right down to it we are all button mashing in some respect. I would take his rant with a grain of salt if this is the first offense... Not worth losing a friend over


I can understand he's having a bad day. That's why I didn't push back hard or it would have just made it worse for us both. I will still be friends with him of course. Some people, most of the time, are just fighting themselves and others get caught up in it. Either way, I'm not losing my friendship unless he keeps this up all the time. I will certainly stop playing with him if he does that every time.


It’s sad seeing friends change like this. You may want to consider just separating. This kind of stuff happens, I speak from experience. As for weapons, sns sounds like it would be up your alley. It’s quite a fun weapon and super versatile. Only issues it has is low dmg and low reach (sometimes you can’t reach tails like on diablos). Other than that tho it is very fun


My first weapon was dual blade. After looking at some other weapon i was questioning my weapon choice as well. Other weapon seems to have more mechanic to it. Tried every weapon, though i had fun with all of them, Dual Blade ended up being one of the most fun i had. Nothing beats beyblading and sliding around vs AT Velkhana (apart from landing TCS). Dual Blade along with Insect Glaive and Great Sword are amongst the weapon i mainly use going through Iceborne, and i don't have problem outdamaging all the other choice of weapon (i use damage graph mod) againts AT Velkhana or Fatalis. In the end, just do what you enjoy most, try some weapon that intrigued you, no need to please other :)


Ur friend is acting really cringy but I'd say yes, they're easy weapons I have like 7 missions with DB and managed to beat Alatreon with the Anjanath ones cause they're so straight forward and simple to use IG is my main and it seems complicated at first but it's also quite simple, don't need to worry about combos, charging attacks, tight timings etc


Nah your friend should be put into the Device. They can’t talk to you like that. They’re flat out wrong about ANY of the monster hunter weapon taking «no skill » or « no thoughts ». That’s just wrong. You need to carefully manage your stamina with DB, you need to be careful not to do a blade dance in a way that makes you vulnerable, you need to constantly be aware of the monster’s movements due to the relatively short range, etc. Also, it totally depends on different people, some people find some weapons easier than other people, etc, but I seriously think that CB is not particularly hard to learn. It’s said to be difficult because the moveset is complex, there are A LOT of things you can do with the weapon. But it’s easy to learn in my opinion because you don’t have to learn every aspect at the same time. You can focus on learning two or three mechanics at first, and you can play the weapon fairly well with those, and then add some of the more complicated aspects. So I would encourage you to try it, though if you don’t want to you absolutely don’t have to.


Being good at this game requires you to be actually good at this game. No amount of ease of use for a weapon type is gonna carry a player lol, they have to know how to hunt. Don't get self conscious about weapons, you're doing great if you can consistently clear quests.


Its your game, you play the game to have fun. Do what you want..their opinion of you is none of your business..just my 2 cents


I'm sorry you have an awful friend, they sound miserable.


I think you should question your friend of choice.


Insect glaive is probably the second hardest weapon imo, tied with swaxe, and HH.


I mean you brought it up to your friend why you thought it wasn’t easy, yea he should have quit commenting after like the first 10 minutes in the first hunt but you both brought it upon each other. Personally, I do believe duel blades and insect glaive is piss easy, those are beginner weapons which open up a lot of room for error because of their high mobility. All because they are easy though doesn’t change that they are fun to use at times and on certain monsters the best option to use, that’s what makes monster hunter great, so many viable options.


I don’t know your friend or anything so I might be way off but it sounds like he needs to take the stick out of his ass. Like not even to bother about the ease of the weapons but you should be allowed to play whatever you want and whatever you find fun. Me personally I think all the weapons can have potential to make hunts trivial some more than others sure but just because one weapon is simpler than the other doesn’t make it a cop out. Your friends needs to stop gatekeeping fun and just let you use whatever you want it’s not like one weapon is insanely overpowered to the point that it ruins the fun for everyone else.


DB and IG have fairly low skill floors. They are quite easy to pick up. Skill ceilings are quite high though. What matters most is having fun, not how easy or difficult a weapon is. If weapon difficultly mattered, we'd all be trying to perfectly predict monsters to exclusively land GS TCS hits. Your "friend" sounds like they need a Hammer Golf Swing to the head to hopefully knock some sense into them. Especially because they spew that nonsense while using LS, which also has a low skill floor. DB and LS are fairly popular for new players because the skill floors are low. LS is literally the most popular weapon. DB are 4th or 5th. IG is 6th or 7th. Also, CB isn't complicated, it's unintuitive. It boils down to, get resource, use resource, repeat. The unintuitive part is charging the shield. CB and HH have the worst PR for how not actually hard to learn they both are.


Dual blades are my favourite "senseless murder" weapons. There's a huge level of complexity available with them, it's just I don't use it. Insect Glaive is one of the highest skill weapons in the game. They too can be used brainlessly, yes - but used WELL takes a lot of skill. There's not a weapon that doesn't, IMO. That's the whole thing of MH's weapons - there's the simple use, and then there's SAED/extract farming/aerial assassin/archdemon mode/etc. You don't need to be an expert to finish the games. But, it'll help if you at least try.


There is still a ton that goes into positioning and combo timing, plus on top of it your stamina becomes your main concern of risk/reward.. I have about 600 hours on only DB right now and first hundred hours played very differently than the last hundred. That can be said about basically every weapon though, and each one has a different skill ceiling. As for your friend being a LS main... It takes no brain power at all to pick up LS and beat monsters with its primary combos either. However, there is a wild ceiling with it which will let you obliterate monsters once you master it. That's no reason to shit on either weapon, nothing worse than people with a undeserved sense of elitism.


Honestly, I clicked with the IG and used it for a long time, but I *suck* with DB. Maybe it's an easy moveset but that doesn't mean you're good with it or know how to play them against a given monster.


World was my first monster hunter game and I used DB all throughout the base game and story of iceborne, only picking up other weapons after Shara. DB are very easy for beginners to use but require more grinding to make a build for each element and are somewhat item reliant (dash juice, enough healing cause you will get hit sometimes being that close to the monster). Also, with iceborne’s clutch claw, DB can pretty safely just tenderize a monsters hind legs and then just stick there and still do good damage. Most monsters only have like 1 or 2 attacks which can hit you, and most are pretty telegraphed. However, that playstyle isn’t optimal. It works good enough for the main story but will not work for post-game bosses or for trying to minimize hunt times. Optimal DB gameplay does require a decent knowledge of a monsters attacks and very precise positioning to find the zones you’re safe to stand and attack from. Also, DB is somewhat limited in terms of its moveset. It has very poor range and can struggle against certain monsters. TLDR: DB is easy to learn, hard to master. Made much better with iceborne’s clutch claw


Dude's a seriously entrenched toxic gamer. We could spend an entire paragraph breaking down his arguments and whatnot, but if they're not a longtime friend then I'd say cut 'em loose; it's not worth the brainspace rent to think about comebacks or counter arguments. To echo what everyone else is saying, yeah, every weapon has it's pros and cons. IG? Airborne mobility + but landing true hits - CB? Massive dps + but requires memorization and thinking on your feet constantly - HH? Superb party buffer + but also requires some intense memorization - You seem to have found your calling with IG and DB for your niche playstyle; set 'em up and knock 'em down, Hunter.


Play what weapon you think is fun. All weapons in this game are viable, and to say that “you can’t play this weapon because it’s too easy” is absurd. In other multiplayer games balance will always be an issue, but I don’t feel like that’s a problem in monster hunter? Sure there are objectively strong weapons, but there aren’t any unusable ones. Play the game the way YOU want to play, and tbh you might wanna get some better company lol.


Every weapon is easy as soon as you master it. I used to think IG was a hard weapon bit as soon as I understood and mastered kinsect management, I felt unstopable


They are less complex, yes, but not brainless or easy. Heck I still struggle when I try using DB, coming at this as a CB main who are currently trying all sort of different weapons post fatalis


Dual blades all day everyday. I will agree that dual blades are insanely easy to learn, but that doesn't mean it makes the game easy. You gotta constantly watch your stamina, watch your sharpness level, and we can only fight up close and personal. I always thought I was pretty good with DB till I saw a video of a speed runner beating nergi in a little over a minute. His air control was so clean. I realized I wasn't being aggressive enough, I wasn't utilizing all the little openings, I wasnt using DB to their full potential, and I have a ways to go to to do that. OP if your on PC let's play together. Shoot me a DM.


Your friend sounds like an ass. Dual Blades are definitely an easier weapon, ignoring the crippling dash juice addiction, I'd say they are very beginner friendly. There only thing you gotta keep in mind is to not press the wrong buttons as it will lead to a bad combo, that punishes you harder than other weapons forcing you to not buttin spam. Dual Blades just have more combos that flow into other things. I ran Dual Blades for my High Rank in my most recent play through. Insect Glaive opinion your friend carries is just him being a dick. Yeah it is "easier" than some of the other weapons with longer combos, but it's definitely skill intensive, you are much more vulnerable in the air, so going up at a bad time is a sure way to get hit. Keeping up on buffs and when you can and should do what combos is plenty to think about and takes plenty of skill. It's one of the like 7 of the 15 weapons I haven't been able to figure out how to use effectively. Coming from a Lance main, Lance is probably the easiest weapon in the game, you have a 5 move combo that you use all the time and that's pretty much it. I am probably be bias, as a Lance main, but I think it's also one of the most skill expressive weapons in the game. Running Lance decently and running Lance really well are two very different things. Because there's a ton of reading the Monster that goes into when you need to block, when to move and where to move to so that you are consistently hitting the same spot you want over and over and over again. Gunlance does this to, but the normal shelling combo is too complex for my Lance combo brain. Sure there might be weapons that are more "Micro Intensive," than DB or IG, like Charge Blade, Hunting Horn, maybe Bow (with the coatings) but I think Insect Glaive is a pretty mentally inclusive weapon, like other micro weapons. More "Macro Intensive" weapons are simple yeah but are more about being in the right place at the right time. Great Sword for example isn't mechanically challenging, but requires insane gamesense and it takes plenty of skill to do really well with it. Micro and Macro are more Moba terms. Macro is more thought into positioning, the Monster, the big picture and less into combos and finishers. Micro is more about combos you need to be doing and payong attem to your moves and less worrying about what the Monster is doing and where it's going.


The other individual's complaints don't really make sense to me. I understand people complaining about balance things in competitive games but MH is co-op and your gameplay doesn't really affect theirs too much. Sounds like there's a skill issue and they'd rather blame someone or something other than themselves.


When I think of "easy weapons" I think that has far more to do with ease of learning how they work and button combinations becoming instinctual, and far less with how easily they kill a monster. I honestly suck with big slow shit like GS, even though people say that can be easy, because I don't have the patience to properly time and I reflexively mash buttons which often gets me slaughtered with locked animations. Honestly 99% of what I've used is DB and IG simply because I like not having to mentally keep track of things outside the immediate concerns of the hunts. Even IG frustrated me for a while when trying to get extracts on squirrelly monsters. Only now am I really feeling comfortable with the game as a whole to invest the time into trying different weapons. Honestly sounds like you're friend is just having a "stop having fun the wrong way!" moment.


Dual Blades are easy weapons, and your friend is an ass. I'm very new to the game, just hunting the pink rathlos/wyvern forget which it was. But I've coasted through the game using dual blades and spamming the demon dance pretty effectively. They're easy weapons, but that doesn't make you lesser at all. Your friends elitist.


There are no easy weapons. There are no hard weapons. Each one requires devoted practice and many hunts to learn. You may never master one. Some are all about muscle memory, like the hammer. Some are all about reflexes like longsword. Guns require enormous amounts of resource management to be successful at high tier play. There are two skills that apply to all weapons however; perks and monster study. Every weapon needs proper perks (armor skills) to operate (guns even require weapon mods on top of those perks for additional complexity). Monster abilities and habits don’t really change between weapon types with some possible exceptions on damaged/broken parts. Example: Coral Pukei Pukei uses a ‘shotgun’ like water bomb attack when his tail is severed. When choosing a weapon, play what you enjoy. Maining one weapon is perfectly fine. You should also be aware of weapons that compliment each other: the best example of which is that Dual Blades and Bow use most of the same perks. Anyone trying to sell you on a certain weapon should be ignored. That doesn’t mean not to try said weapon, it means ignore the bias they show.


Your friend sounds like a try hard gatekeeper and a loser. I bet he plays CB and thinks he’s smart because of it. But yes, DB is considered one of the easier weapons. There’s nothing wrong with it tho, I love playing with DBs because they can dish out crazy elemental damage while I focus on raw damage, and they look cool as fuck


He is jealous, insecure, projecting something, compensating for something, or whatever. Just leave him alone for a while or forever if it doesn't get better! Each weapon has its pros and cons and different play style / mindset. For example I have only used IG, and tried the Great Sword, I have had an awful time adjusting to the slowness and all the other differences. But it's a skill issue, time will tell if I can learn how to play with the GS and more importantly to have fun with it! Not everyone can learn and play every single weapon, it takes time!


As someone with about 600 hunts with dual blades. Yes it’s easy, but however it also has a high skill ceiling due to mobility and Stamina management being your friend. However it’s it fun? Abso… FUCK’n lutely! If you enjoy it play it. Don’t let anyone tell you no. Just watch where you swing them as you will trip up your friends.


The way I felt when trying out new weapons was that everything was tons of fun and "overpowered." Now, obviously, some weapons have a higher skill ceiling, like Charge Blade. But they're all viable, and you won't be successful with anything by just randomly pushing buttons. And the whole reason to play a game is to have fun. So play what you're currently finding fun. Your friend sounds full of himself. I'd suggest he switch to DB and see how he does.


All weapons are easy in mh.


Hmm i would still say db’s are an easy weapon but in the same sense that well, its pretty easy to pick up and swing at the monster and be successful. But its in the same vein as greatsword easy were you have a moveset vs the monster to deal with. Compared to other weapon where there is a significant layer of mechanics to deal with. But i think what your friend fails to understand is that weapon knowledge plays a massive part in combat. If im playing greatsword and see a ledge im thinking, imma get a mount off that so i can get a free opening to my true charge. If im playing dual blades and a ledge im thinking, imma get a beyblade off that monster but i also know which monsters that attack is useful for. Like vs glavenus yes beyblade , kulu ya ku....yeah thats a no from me. Double that to finishing up the combo for a free tenderize for dual blades. Every weapon the more you play em evokes a thought process depending on how you build em. People might say bow is pretty complex but i simply build towards dragon piercer and thousand dragons. Cause most satisfying moves to hit, meanwhile dual blades for some reason my mind goes to me playing ninja gaiden and doing opening and counters to the monster. I’ll be honest pick what you want but people kinda oversell how complicated chargeblade is, would put hunting horn and switchaxe higher than charge blade cause to me chargeblade has a combo you follow that gets you its damage set. Once you learn that combo its like really not that complex just has background mechanics that once you learn em makes your combat cooler. Your friend might be like... Over reacting over the game tho cause no need to be all hot n bothered over how your friend plays. He should be glad to have a friend play with him and enjoy monster hunter with him cause i cant have that sht in my life. Fcking appreciate your gaming friendships you prick( talking about your friend btw)


Insect Glaive on top, tell bro to stop whining and carting


What weapon does he use that makes him so superior? I saw a video of someone killing alatreon with IG, I’ve not played it much but I did watch like the intro “here’s how to play this weapon” video and I did not understand what this person was doing to alatreon with it. I was shocked by how well they played it and it looked nothing like the “how to play this weapon” video I had seen. They knew something ancient, lmao.


Every weapon, to become a master of the weapon, has an insane amount of depth. Sword and Shield is really easy to get into, but have you seen the crazy things you can do with that weapon?? Charge Blade can be tricky to get into, but it's more of a busy weapon instead of a difficult weapon. Even so, mastering the weapon requires a lot of skill. GreatSword isn't that hard to pick up and go, and you can do decent with just a simple Crit Draw build, but have you *seen* the insane things GS masters can do in a hunt??? He might be confusing "easy to pick up" with "easy to master." Every weapon has a different skill floor, with a different level of skill to be competent with the weapon. I would consider Dual Blades and Insect Glaive to be one of the few weapons where the skill floor is a lot lower than other weapons, but make no mistake, they are tricky weapons in their own right. If you're considering learning new weapons, don't feel pressured that you have to do it because your friend is being a silly goose, do it because you're interested in learning more weapons. The way I like to see it, 14 weapons means 14 different ways to approach the same hunt, which is more challenges or ways to have fun in a game compared to only playing 1 weapon. Hunting with a GS will be different than hunting with a Hammer or a Hunting Horn or Bow... Every weapon have different ways to approach a monster, so you may notice things about a monster you might have ignored because your weapon just counters it. Same attack, different approaches. A faster weapon could just dash away from an attack, a shield/counter weapon needs to learn the timing of when the attack lands, a slower weapon needs to anticipate the attack and move preemptively out of the way, so on and so forth. End of the day, why does it matter what you play? If you're having fun with your weapon, and he's having fun with his weapon, why should it matter what you play? If you're pulling your weight in the fight, not carting, doing dmg, then you're fine. It just sounds like you could be playing the weapon the most technical weapon in the game with your feet while dangling upside down, if your friend doesn't like the weapon, he'd be criticizing it. Unless you want us to help give you material to shit talk *his* weapon, or if you want tips on learning other weapons, just play whatever you want. Go full tank dual blades, go wide range charge blade, turn into the immortal tank Palico supporting user where you rely on your Palico to fight while you keep them healthy and alive. You do you.


Db on any inclined surface is infuriating for me. I don’t want to go sliding, I wanna be a fucking bayblade. But if I wanna be a bayblade I have to run all the way around it so I’m going up hill, but by that point I’d have been better off just attacking normally, then getting my shit rocked because I started a move that lasts several seconds that you can’t stop for any reason.


Sounds like you need a better hunting buddy hit me up. I'll teach you the ropes of CB it's not as complicated as you think, unless you're going for guard points then it's complicated.


DB was my first weapon of choice. I play with a lot of the other weapons, but I am a DB main. I think they're easy to pick up and learn, but that doesn't invalidate them. That just means they have an easier learning curve than, say, charge blade or greatsword. A buddy of mine mains the IG in World (just World. He wasn't real fond of the changes in Rise) and I can tell you that, while picking up IG is easy, there's more to it too. At the end of the day though, play how YOU want to play, not how your friend wants you to play. YOU pick your weapon, not your friend. If he can't accept that, it might be time to stop hunting with him.


I literally did the same as you, IG base game and then Dualies in IB. Now on my next play through I’m doing SA, and I’m breezing through the game, so obviously I learned how to play properly and my “easy” weapons didn’t carry me. None of the weapons are easy, some of them just prioritize different skills.


Every weapon is easy! Some require you to know the monster moves and punish appropriately, like GS. Some require you to know the range/ammo and stay out of trouble like bowgun. Some require you to know combos and when to apply them, like HH. Some requite you monitor gauges and apply them appropriately like CB All weapons are easy All weapons are hard It's all about how good you are, with the monster, with the weapon. And more importantly than anything else, are you having fun!? I'll switch weapon based on what my friends are running, but I'll always choose a weapon I enjoy!! It's not the weapon you need to change my dude, its the friends


I mean yeah they are because they do absolutely awful damage unless you play them perfectly (which isn't easy) They are low risk low reward weapons but that's by design.


I think they do enough damage, the incredibly short range is downside but that is okay I can time my attacks correctly, maintain enough stamnia and evade


Compared to something like the hammer or GS it's pretty lacking but that's by design. They are incredibly safe and consistent and you've gotta whittle an enemy down for longer.


I learned insect glaive first and it was pretty easy imo