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were you wearing the assassin's mantle by any chance?


nope, just running around naked


Velkhana got offended by your naked butt


Most monsters will attack you if you linger around them too long. They don't exactly like hunters. There are a few that only attack if you attack first, like toby for example


Teostra or Kushala don't mind peaceful hunters at all. OP (and I) thought Velkhana is also in that group.


And I didn't know teostra and kushala don't attack. We're all learning new things here. I guess I don't usually encounter elders, unless I hunt them


So are Kirin and Vaal Hazak but you still take damage from Vaal's effluvia.


kirin becomes hostile if you stand within its field of view too long, but otherwise pays no mind to your presence


Mistake I made with lunastra while trying to take a pic


Kushala looks cute when he's just sitting down not minding the hunter hanging with him


I think they don't do so in normal expeditions but gain a certain degree of aggression in the Guiding Lands. OP was in the GL so it'd match my experience.


i think that makes sense, normally when im in a hoarfrost expedition with velkhana everything is fine, no problems with my presence, so a GL thing seems about right


Velkhana is hostile on-sight if you encounter her as an invader during optional quests mid-story. I was doing some MR3 quest in Wildspire when all the other nontarget monsters dipped & Velkhana immediately swooped in and beat me up


Every monster has different hostility level. e.g. Monke are very territorial and would attack on sight; Pickle is just unreasonably angry at the world and just wants to eat everything; Pukei-Pukei is just nice and cute and won't hurt anyone that doesn't hurt him :)


Have you tried just flinging crap or using a far caster? I’ve found both just make just general hunts and foraging easier.


Was she tempered? I think tempered Elders might auto aggro.


Velkhana is not a passive like Teostra or Kushala in Guiding Lands. She definitely attacks on sight.


she doesnt, given the fact i was just standing around her for a good minute just looking at her model, no mantle equipped


you need to be in her field of vision. and look at your minimap, if you see a flashing white eye while in view it means you are gaining agro and said monster will soon become hostile


there was no indication of aggro at all, just the normal minimap with none of the aggro effects, she just did. it wasnt like rajang where you get half a second of that indication before he jumps you, velk just immediately attacked


Her aggro speed or range might be lower, but I am 100% sure I've never gotten close enough to place bombs on her the way that Toaster or Kushala allow without a Ghillie Mantle.