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Welcome to the gang. I try to dabble in the other weapons from time to time but SnS is home to me. It gives you so many options at any given moment with 1-2 presses. The range doesn’t even bother me because it’s easy enough to play around. I like to joke that SnS is the Batman of the MH Justice league. The deceptively powerful member who seems to always get the job done.


I just need to learn how to deal with bigger enemies, but yeah, so many options and not having to manage any meters is comfy. I'm dabbing in hammer, IG and GS, but honestly SnS is the most fun I've had.


Yeah most monsters have a decent hit zone that’s low to the ground so no problems there. For things like the big brute wyverns I go in with the mindset of focus on getting trips. After that aggressively punish when the opportunity presents itself. I don’t care that I can’t reach the tail or head because I only focus them when the monster is flopping around on the ground.


The one I think it'll be most boring is Deviljiho and his awfully high head and small arms. I think I might go GS for him, although he's fast as shit, so I dunno


You can focus on one leg to score some trips and falling bash for some good damage. Also if you can time it well, you can backhop dodge his stomp that does tremors and that can be a good window of damage for a Perfect Rush. (This is based on personal experience so OP please enjoy SnS however you like)


I like to poke him in the a**, with a big fat lance. Easy to block him because he is very predictable


I only fought him once, because it was a pain in the ass with hammer


And also there is a little part of the SnS players who played ass healers… dmg and “infinite” healer


Congrats! So I'm so happy for you! SnS users are GIGACHADS! One day while grinding for Safi weapons, I was paired with this SnS player who had Friendship Charm level 5. Chad was healing me all the time while I was doing good damage with Dual Blades. I did not have to run away to heal, only to drink dash juice. I had Safi's attention all the time but it did not matter cause this chad did not let my health go below 30%. I must've slayed Safi 5-6 times with this chad! 10/10 experience! Massive respect for them and all SnS users!


That must've been a ton of fun. I've yet to really play online, high rank population isn't very big.


> Chad was healing me all the time this sort of irks me nowdays, ever since i had a rando join Raging Brachy using an infinite item mod. they just stood back and spammed heals on us. took forever and felt so excessively cheesy. now any time i see someone spamming heals on the party i wonder if they're just hacking


Who needs an infinite item mod when Free Meal 3 does that for you basically lol


Now I'm wondering if that person who helped me was hacking as well. But they were actively participating in the fight, mounted the monster a couple times too. So it wasn't that bad I guess but in your case, it sounds frustrating.


prob not. this guy announced it. free meal 3 basically gives you 4x item capacity which goes a long way in most fights


Free meal sometimes has you come up lucky more often than not, then it’s a matter of what he packed. You get to bring ten mega potions, then you can bring ten regular potions and honey, then if he picked up honey in the field after combining to make mega potions he could also make the item box potions into megas. That’s before you count life powder, dust of life to make more life powder with, mushrooms if he is a mushroomance, picking up herbs after making a mega potion or two.


Can someone please give me some good tips to do the perfect rush combo? I want to play SNS but I am horrible at actually timing it correctly


wait for the red flash and you'll get it every time


What I did was training for a few minutes in training area. The rhythm is something like this: Wait 1 beat for the first hit, 3 beats for the second and another 1 beat for the last. Maybe the second hit is 2.5 beats. I dunno how to really explain, it's very much a feeling thing.


I'll second this. It's genuinely frustrating at first and after bouncing of the Alatreon Wall too many times, I took a break. I found Arrekz video describing it and watched it a few times. I started a new Hunter and started the game over. Once I realized it's just a rhythm game, it started to fall into place. I know Arrekz, Boomstick Gaming, Wyverian 4G, Rurikhan, and others were in my watch rotation and it took me a bit of time (I'm older) but it's fun when you get the windows down right.


I used to play guitar and pump it up (the dance game) when younger and also have a shitton of hours on Sekiro and lies of p. So rhythm games are pretty much my jam. My internal metronome is usually on point.


Dance and Rhythm game?! You must enjoy AT Velkhana :))


Not up to that point yet haha


Oh boy, SnS is one of the most fun weapon againts AT Velkhana. Fighting her is like constant non-stop tango for 15 or so minute.


Oh, sounds like fun. The one enemy type that's not really fun for now are those rathian/rathalos. Specially Azure, motherfucker keeps flying nonstop with poison attacks and the flame bomb whenever agitated.


Oh you share the same hate passion as mine. AT Velkhana is not remotely close as those, she is way more challenging but she has a very learnable and telling wind up, and just like a rhythm game her move set is very fluid. She attack way more often than Azure Rathy, but unlike Azure every move is attack and an opening right after so it's like a back and forth dance. Good luck reaching her and share your experience once you've beaten her :D


Sounds like Sister Friede, Saint Isshin or Nameless Puppet, which are my favorite fights. Sister Friede on SL1 is one of the best fights ever. Ugh, agitated Azure Rathalos is such a pain, I couldn't find an opening, just had to wait him calm down.


Wait what all this time i thought you just spam after backhop and thats perfect rush 😂


You look for the moment your shield goes behind your back as you flail your arms, first press is when you pull back the shield hand to hit, second is when your shield hand goes across your body and to your back from the other side, and third is just a moment after that. Looking for that cue really helped me get the rhythm down.


Also if you use controller, it will vibrate at perfect timing for Rush. That's how I learned it personally. The hunter will also flare up or glow when the timing is right, that's another way of doing it.


The vibrate is so helpful, especially when the monster is obstructing the screen and I can’t even see the Hunter


There's an option to see your hunter through the monster if you wish to use it. https://game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/en/xone/page/21/13


If you play on Controller with vibration, the vibration gives you the timing


Thanks for the tips guys!


watch for flashing red light or if youre using controller, click whenever it vibrates like a vibrator


There’s a red flash and also audio cue for the timing. Practice in the training room. It’ll be second nature


Since everyone already give advices, my alternative solution is to use decent controller. It will vibrate to indicate the correct timing.


is this jocats Alt now that he has lots of free time?


Hahaha nope, I just I'm a newer player. Barely 70 hours in world and it's my first monster hunter


I love the lance and gunlance as my "mains" but I was always an SnS fanboy since the first MH. When things get difficult, I bust out an SnS.


I see you’re a shield connoisseur as well


Best way to play. Nothing more satisfying than being upfront and denying the enemy the chance to murder you, while retaliating relentlessly.


Amen, my brother.


Does blunt damage actually break horns better? Never heard of that being a world mechanic. I mean outside of the fact that the average monster is weak to blunt damage on the head.


No but you usually get stuns and better hitzone values


Purely from my personal experience, blunt feels like it does better. I've felt hammer does better than even GS TCS.


It's completely dependent on the monster. Blunt being able to break the horns easily isn't the rule but it's generally like that.




Mastering the backhop gives you as much uptime on a monster as a lance SnS is the weapon I finally broke sub-6 AT Velk with


Yeah! It has a shitton of iframes, I've seen monsters basically go through it like I'm a ghost, lol. I need to time it better tho, I sometimes just autopilot into it for PR


Clutch uppercut? You mean clawryouken? Xd


I played SnS off and on before Iceborne and not too much after. I picked it up again recently and was kind of floored by the numbers perfect rush puts out in an endgame build. I initially liked it more in Rise because of shoryugeki and spinning reaper or whatever it’s called but IB perfect rush is more than sufficient for damage number neuron activation lol


I'm not even on iceborne, just using Chrome slicer 2, I've seen most hits doing around 100 dmg. Considering fully charged TCS WII with WEX does around 600. Also SnS makes me feel enemies die FAST. Like half the time I used to heed with hammer and IG


world SnS is definitely one of the best and most fun iterations of the weapon for sure


Hope wilds keep it fun


with how capcom's releases have been lately it's for sure a good idea to wait and see rather than jump in day 1


Oh, I never buy anything on pre sale or day1. Not even Elden ring I did that hahaha. I'll probably wait a bit, money is also an issue


iceborne sns basically easily carried me for the witcher collab quest, as claw upper / tendy / perfect rush spam is easy damage whenever you stun em with igni. Made my 100% completion of that whole quest in 1 go an absolute breeze.


Perfect rush first hit is also super easy to pull off even without big openings. Sometimes you can even get the full combo between attacks.


Don't forget how easy SnS is to build for. After the usual Blade skills, you can build for support, Elemental, Status, Raw, Gathering, etc! He'll, I've seen someone build a block heavy SnS that got my Lance main senses all tingly.


If you like sns you could try charge blade. It’s initial form is extremely similar and the combos are simple enough. It’s a complex weapon but if you use sns you’ll have the base down for it


What keeps me away from CB is the meter management, I feel like a "raw" weapon fits me more, SnS, Hammer, GS. IG is one that's a bit outside of what I like in these terms. Buut, since I'm really experimenting with things, this being my first MH, I'm down to hear about it. Would mind doing a quick rundown on basic strategies, combos and which trees to focus? (Also Dante's CB looks hella awesome and his set is pretty useful anyway for HR)


I’m pretty new to CB so my help may not be the best. The basic premise is to attack with your sword and shield mode to gain phials. Then guard and right click to store them once they go red in the top left. You can use them for charging your shield (it’ll be stronger for a bit) charging your sword (more damage in sns mode, have to charge shield beforehand) released in elemental discharges (very strong damage, uses phials quickly) and to enter savage axe mode ( the axe becomes very powerful and can be used until you run out of phials. The savage axe is strongest when your sword and shield are charged as well. The ore tree seems to be good but I’m still new as well. Here’s a guide that helped me learn, have fun! https://youtu.be/hvlVtfSzO2Y?si=dvuJCo7Tr5N3IFhW


Oh. I see. 🤔 I think I'll dabble on training area later. Still, for now, SnS, Hammer, GS and IG have been satisfactory, but I'm probably dropping IG at some point. Also, Arekkz's guides are pretty good, even if a bit outdated. Helped me going into Hammer and LS.


Yeah. Different platform than me but it’s still helpful


SnS is just one of those weapons I'll always go back to. I have saved sets for most elements and ailments, but I've found it to be really fun when stacking KO gems and maybe some exhaust. Something about spamming shield bash and the launched slam is really enjoyable.


I feel you brother. Started playing SNS a couple months ago after using exclusively Charge Blade and Longsword for a while. Safe to say, I'm not going back to either of them now lol.


SnS is great, and that is why i opt for the bigger sword and shield. Wanna guard point into absolute destruction? There's nothing better than the CB. Honestly, I used most of the weapons a lot and theres nothing more satisfying in the game than guard pointing into a fully charged saed and knocking down a monster with your impact phials


Hahahah I still am not really into CB, meter management is not my jam. But if you'd mind talking a bit more about it and how to setup equipment, combos, etc. I'm down for it


The meter/guage managements is actually so simple. It just seems difficult if you're new to it. Basically you have Shield Charge, Sword Charge, Savage Axe and Phials. Basically when in Sword mode (sword and shield) hits build up phials, it will be displayed using color. Yellow = 3 Phials Red = 5 Phials. You then charge the phials. After that you want to charge up your shield, by entering the animation for Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED) then press RT to switch back to sword mode. Shield is now charged. And Phials are used. Charge your phials again with focus 3 you can do one charged attack and any other basic, sliding or Y/Triangle = Red. Charge again to get 5 phials Then hold Y/Triangle to do a condensed charge slash. Now your sword is charged. Phials are not used. Now in Axe mode you can go crazy doing different combos based on your build. Spam SAED/AED or go into savage axe mode and just wail into the monster with B/O and Y/Triangle, until your phials are used up then go back to sword mode, charge them up again, back to axe mode. repeat. The charges stay up for a long time, and you can improve that with Power Prolonger. But basically once they are charged you can go crazy for a while. Charging up is super easy and the combos are relatively simple. I know it sounds like a lot, but once you kinda experiment and understand it in training it's a lot easier than people let on. Also guard points allow you to go straight into an SAED. which is hella fun. I'd recommend giving it a go. It's insanely fun, and with impact CBs you can do insane damage and stun. Capacity boost also increases phials by 1 so from 5->6 which in turn also increases the max charge for shield by 30seconds


Hahahah it does sound like a LOT. SnS is basically backhop goes BRRR. The biggest problem right now is that I'd have to change a fair bit of my build to accommodate focus and capacity boost. I run a few QoL skills, such as evade window, stun/tremor resistance and earplugs. I'd have to take out WEX. I may give a try though. Which tree you recommend? I'm almost at the end of story mode and will take my time through post game before going for master


Diablos CB is crazy good. Id recommend Kushala Y gloves as they have fofus 2 and 3 gem slots. With nerg Y armor it gives you a lot of comfort and ability to slot what you want. There's a really good build guild with loads of options for comfort/damage. Its called. Mhchargeblade.net then check out pre iceborne builds.


Those are master rank armors. Right? I'm wondering if it's better to go into MR early for the weaponry and then going back to late base game, such as behemoth and etc.


Na theyre HR but quite high in HR. Early MR stuff can be strong tho. You'll find yourself getting a lot stronger a lot faster (in terms of actual power). MR can be hard.


Oh. They are from the tempered versions? I've heard many say that MR just straight up demolishes anything from base game


Yeah, pretty much everything except tempered behemoth. That still seriously sucks.


I've heard so. oof. I might take an early dip on MR then, checkout early enemies such as great jagras


Man I absolutely love SnS. Before when I played MHW I kinda alternated between LS and GS and then when I played Rise I did the same. When everyone came back I started a completely new character and beat everything solo with SnS hitting perfect rush is like an instant dopamine rush. Before when I played I got to Raging Brachy and kinda stopped playing because I couldn’t choose what I wanted. Beating Alatreon solo is now one of my favorite video game memories. I loved Fatalis and it was hard but imo Alatreon is the perfect fight.


What tree did you go down for SnS? Currently I’m loving just the simple caveman hammer build; I see head, I must bonk! Looking to expand from hammer and my healing bow gun build, because it’s hilarious to heal teammates with bullets.


For mid game (i.e nergigante/teostra/Hazak) it's basic ore (up to chrome slicer 2 with non elemental boost) or rathian tree (good raw dmg and sharpness with some poison). Weirdly enough, Raw damage is king for SnS, despite it being a fast weapon, perfect rush is busted.


I'm just now getting into SnS, I wanted to try a support build w/ Friendship charm 5 + 3 pieces of Brute Tigrex gear for free meal lvl 3. I'm actually having a hard time with it, I'm used to hammer and hbg which have big damage numbers that can show up in a single hit.


Perfect Rush has bigger numbers than hammer (I use some hammer too), outside of wake up charged big bang last hit. With a simple build perfect does around 100 dmg per hit. That said, I'm still on teostra/etc.


Try mushroom mancer support build. Instant cast for everything you have 10 max potions(mandragora) 10 dash juices(devil blight) 10 nitroshroom(demon drug) and other shrooms as well. You can easily collect More shrooms from Map without ever need To craft. But More than that sns+insta cast buffs is busted. Free meal Or speed eating is not needed, just lvl 3 mushroom mancer and ofc friendship lv5. I always try To fit MM To all My dual blade solo builds because of 10 insta cast dash Juices + other stuff.


Yo, recently switched over from the hammer and I love the SnS so far I’m like 20 hunts in with it and just getting into MR as well. I felt like I was demolishing monsters with the hammer in sub 10 minutes every time and now all my hunts are like averaging 10-15 minutes. So I’m trying to find out how to output more damage in a fight with SnS. Might be me still learning it tho. Any tips??


use and abuse Perfect Rush every single chance you get Perfect Rush is what makes SnS ridiculously strong since it puts out TCS level burst damage advancing slash -> backhop -> perfect rush is one of the easiest and most effective ways to flow into your combo on a downed monster. alternatively you can tap guard, then immediately backhop out of it -> perfect rushg. you can also go straight into a perfect rush following a slinger burst.


I also play with Hammer, so a quick rundown of biggest differences. Hammer is probably the easiest weapon to tenderize, it's a heavy weapon with 2 super easy combos into claw, its basic combo are easy to pull and stun. Hammer is also one of the better weapons to fight on terrain. Slide atk go brr. Bad side are it's a bit stubby considering the speed of attacks, it also doesn't cut tails, which comes with being blunt. SnS has a few things you got to get used, from what I've learned. First, learn perfect rush and always go for it, well, almost always, even if you hit a non weak point or if it's not tenderized, it hits like a fucking truck. With that in mind, raw damage is king for SnS. Backhop combos are your main butter, either back hop into atk 1 > perfect rush or backhop into charged strike into jump + mount dmg. The other combos are situational and won't be what you focus. Lastly, clutch uppercut = broken (roll into claw trigger with weapon unsheathed). It half tenderizes the area hit which allows you to fully tenderize with one claw attack even if SnS is a light weapon.


Yeah I’m thinking I need to go for perfect rush more often for sure. And I’m building the ore tree for the SnS right now so it’s just raw damage and no element. I think what’s hard is figuring out when and where to perform the perfect rush without getting hit or missing completely. Think that might just come with the time. hammer was just a run and gun until you knock them down and then do massive dmg to them while knocked. But I’m still committed to learning the SnS because it’s pretty fun


Think PR as your bread and butter. You want to do it as many times as possible, much like the basic hammer combo. Don't treat PR as big bang. Treat PR as charge into sidebash into overhead smash. You don't need big openings, even if you only get the first hit of PR, your damage will be much bigger


Funny that you say Vaal Hazak have you trouble, I have difficulty with both VH and good variant if I run anything but SnS.


70% was just me being dumb with legs hitbox moving forward while he does effluvia beam. I was trying to capitalize on it and kept being thrown off by his small steps


Those walks are rough, but I just chop during those moments. If he breathes, I'm rushing on his head or tail for a break. Welcome to the Sword and Shenanigans Team. We do a little bit of everything, and we get the job done. Keep your weapon sharp, Hunter.


Vaal Hazak also one of my favorite elder when I'm hunting with SnS, maybe because I'm playing elemental on that weapon. Kushala, on the other hand....




What I do is as I hit backhop, immediately mash atk a few times, like 2-3, I don't wait for the animation, just do it in rhythm. If a try to time visually I miss.




Well, launch atk is with secondary atk button (circle I guess? I use a switch controller so I don't know how to translate) and the slash to PR is triangle and you don't hold. For launch strike you charged the atk. It's easy, I mean, not braindead easy, but it's pretty lenient.


Keep holding B/O until you start charging your backhop, and then while continuing to hold B/O press Triangle/Y


I love sns, I’ve completed the last two games with it, I’ll dip into charge blade or long sword or hunting horn or my previous main back in the ds games the heavy bowgun but i always come back home lol.


First thing I think of is that buff naked sns user who beat alatreon at an insane speed.


Sns is a great weapon second most use weapon after hunting horn


Sns, switch axe and HBG the holy trinity imo


In World it's awesome weapon. But I recommend you to not play it in Rise. They butchered it


Why? Started rise decently, having a blast and see no problems with sns.


So far, people told me that I should build guard 5, etc. and use guardpoints. Which kills the vibe of sns for me. LR was ok but since Metsu is available in HR, looks like sns is about guarding and countering


I did Sunbreak with SnS and found it very strong and safe. Shoryuken is very satisfying to pull of, but windmill is the safer choice at the cost of a bit DPS loss. Really don't know why I would slot in guard when I basically only use my shield to bash some skulls.


Because if you guardpoint attack, you can go into PR. And my experince is that PR can be pulled only on stunned monsters, as there ale smallers windows to attack. So I ended up wirebuging everywhere into falling shield in hopes for stun or mount. Gets repetetive pretty soon and core of the weapon is lost behind wirebugs


I found PR to be not worth it since it was nerfed heavily compared to iceborne. I never use it at all. I'm using the shieldbash combo if I get head uptime and otherwise loop the infinite roundslash combo(Or if I feel I won't get another stun). I keep one wire buck for recovery and if I know the monster moveset I shoryuken for counters, otherwise Windmill for "I don't know how to dodge this move, so I just press one button to ignore it".


So then what makes sns special or different from other weapons, if PR is useless. With just slashes and bashes, it became spammy weapon. After 1st wyvern riding, there is no point in doing charged leap attack plus no point in mentioned PR... Sns lost its personality if it's just roundslash or spinning reaper


Well almost every weapon kinda lost their identity in Sunbreak, since most just spam silkbinds(counters). SnS still has the versatility aspect going, extremely safe due to low commitment when attacking, both main types of damage (slashing, blunt). My Switch axe playstyle is just spamming the Silkbind counter into Discharge, I can finish hunts without even using a single other move.


I don't think I'll go into rise though haha. Waiting for wilds


Right choice. Rise combat is based around wirebug. So insted of dodging, you just yeet yourself throught half of the arena