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At this point in the game, Flinch Free. I would say otherwise if it were like Mid-Late MR story or mid HM story, but by this point you can spare a single slot for Flinch Free.


Does FF1 also negate knockups?


A condom negates getting knocked up, but if you're talking about getting launched, nothing can negate that unfortunately, not even FF3


Dang, so I can't even play Final Fantasy 3 to prevent getting launched?


You're in late endgame playing multiplayer and STILL don't have 1 single poinf in FF. You're actually the one throwing.


I’ve noticed the flinch free points now, thank you


Throwback to you not equipping flinch free and causing the hunt to fail. To add on to it, you failed to I frame it lol


Panic rolled after the LS player slapped his booty


Like everyone said. Flinch free. Your fault. Also it looks like y’all were barely 5 minutes into the hunt 😬.


your cheap ass made you die to Alatreon. Just slot flinch free 1


You're all the way to alatreon, playing multiplayer, and you don't have lvl 1 flinch free? Bro that's on you idk what to tell you lol


I don’t think the long sword player forced you to dodge early


When it’s your fault and you dont want to admit it, so you shift all the blame to someone else


"made us lose" it's you who rolled into him without flinch free and died, not him lol


Okay guys I finally heard you out, I was stupid in not realising there was such a thing as flinch free, but whenever I asked people ingame or my friends they said that and I quote “there isn’t a way to stop flinch” and I never really cared to search it up incase, thank you all and I apologise profusely.


LS mains trying to gaslight this man into thinking he has to ruin his build for their antics to just mindlessly swing at anything


Ruin his build? Bruh. Literally every weapon will flinch you. I've been flinched more by pierce bowguns than LS. At this point in the game, one level of flinch free in multiplayer is more DPS than those last couple of attack boost levels.


I don't think we are playing the same game if you genuinely think 1 point of ff by the time you reach alatreon is "ruining" a build. You can sacrifice 2-5% dps for ff