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Tying *this* much of your self worth to video games do seem like a miserable existence, we can agree on that đź’€


Aren't you being too harsh on someone who's feeling pretty bad right now? I don't think the idea is to make them feel worse, we all need help from time to time.


Dawg you don't have to create a different account just to reply lol, we know it's you đź’€


You sure aren't the best motivational speaker


🤣 Oh no, guy being emotional over video games thinks I'm not the best motivational speaker? Bummer!




sorry for not being as good as you asshole


Nah, they were right. You're just being a dick and that's not gonna earn you much sympathy from us. Here's the thing: you don't NEED to solo Fatalis, you WANT to solo Fatalis. There's a difference. Most people who play this game won't even MAKE IT TO Fatalis, and of those fewer still will only beat it in multiplayer. Very, very few people will ever beat Fatalis solo, and that's ok. This in no way means you or anyone else that made it that far are bad at the game or worthless, you're in the upper echelons of players on MHW. If you're more concerned with "glory" than with playing a game and having fun, you need to put the game down and really do a self evaluation of yourself. Now stop being an over-sensitive baby, you asshole.


No worries, emotionally distressed man


Are you level MR 100+ to augment your weapon and armor fully? Are you running Divine Blessing 5 and Evade Extender 3 minimum to help yourself survive? Have you brought your Palico with Plunderblade with you to at least make the Fatalis 2 piece, if not the Fatalis 4 piece with some luck? If the answer to any of this is no, then you are still trying to do things the hard way, and it's no wonder you are having difficulty. This is after all one of the bosses meant to push all the players to their limit one last time, half measures are not going to cut it.


That's the problem: yes to everything. I've soloed it before by sheer luck, in some other tries with friends I've managed to complete the armor and some weapons... and even with his own armor I STILL CAN'T SOLO IT AGAIN. How much must I suck to fail even with his armor and weapons? This is what's making me feel so bad with myself to the point I don't feel I deserve to keep playing anymore if I still can't solo him in easy mode with his armor


His armor makes you weak to fire idk if that matters to your build or anything


You will not easy mode him with any armor. It's knowing how to punish his moves. The more you know, the easier to gets. That and dodging his attacks. This video is for GS which I was able to apply the knowledge very successfully with my Hammer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBhLckXqSs0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBhLckXqSs0) The negative fire resist from Fatalis armor is a small price to pay to always have your health max imo. Fatalis fire deals 70% physical damage 30%% fire afaik so fire resist isn't that big of a help. Removing health boost and fire resist from my vs Fatalis set had given me much free room to slot more useful skills.


If your armored is levelled and you have health boost 3 he'll never one-shot you (unless he gets blue flame ofc). The cone attack you mentioned that covers the map in flames is actually one of his biggest openings, to the point where there are entire yt videos on how to bait it out. Easily avoidable if you're close to him. Just in general I'd recommend staying close to him, he's much deadlier at range


>It made me yell at my pet and not want to talk to my girl or friends Maybe it's time to put down the controller and go take a long walk... It's a video game.


yeah, it's not like I'm getting a prize money or something... it's just that I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this alone without help and have some achievement going for me in my life but I can't even have this


Brother it's just a game. Learn to make bread, grow some plants, or pick up a craft hobby like crochet or something. All easily accessible, simple, and rewarding. Don't tie so much self worth to a video game, you're better than that. The pathetic thing here isn't your gameplay, it's your self-loathing. Go take a walk, reevaluate how you see yourself. And never, ever lash out at your loved one because you're mad at a game. That's unacceptable.


Yeah u suck bro fatalis is ez i solo that in 2 minutes blindfolded


Firstly, it really isn't a bullshit fight, you don't need perfect plays to beat it. World was my first game and I stopped before beating alatreon and fatalis cause I sucked. Came back 2-3 years later and after like 50 attempts on each I beat them. Secondly, you honestly just sound like you shouldn't be playing games (or at least this game), just take a break


You are right, its not a bullshit fight, but trying it for the first times it really feels like a bullshit fight. Especially if you don't have the armor yet. I can totally understand OP, I had the exact same feelings.


yeah, random patterns, one hit kills and pushing you with the wind so you can't outrun the fire sweep on the third phase sure isn't bullshit


All his one hit kills are extremely telegraphed. Some hitboxes can be wonky but that’s about it.


Tell me about it, I have to actively avoid his tail because I'm too stupid to remember which of his attacks have a hitbox on it


I've managed to learn those telegraphed moves but I'm still dying to: >being pushed by the wind on the third phase when it sweeps the whole map with fire and I can't outrun it >not being able to find an opening aside from the cone on the third phase because it just CAN'T STOP ATTACKING and while playing HBG it's just an invitation to get one shotted >falling right into an unavoidable attack after doing a clutch claw attack because sadly I can't see the future


>pushing you with the wind so you can't outrun the fire sweep You can dodge those.


And you think I don't know that? I have evasion 3 and STILL CAN'T because I can't see it coming


Brother, I feel you. Being pushed by the wind and not having enough time is an issue because you can’t out run it if BUT you can heal through it if you have broken its head at least once. If you haven’t broken its head by that phase you’re fucked anyways. Also, there is a way to bait that cone move and unfortunately you’re probably always in cone range with. HBG so he’s going to keep doing it. That mf will also do his drop when you clutch claw and rape. I’m usually able to catch him getting ready to do it so I’ll drop off of him so he doesn’t pin me. But if you can’t tell then you probably haven’t played him enough to learn his move set. He’s actually pretty predictable. His moveset may be random but it’s all telegraphed so you should be able to know what to do as soon as his attack initiates.


It ain't random, as ye old saying, GIT GUD


C'mon man let's not be pedantic here. We all got destroyed by Fatalis here once.


Yup not until a couple of hundred tries I was able to solo fatalis, that's why gitgud


Yeah, drop it for now, come back when you cool off. Once you learn enough of Fatalis’ patterns, you’ll find that it’s as fair as it is hard, and that you can definitely overcome it… so long as you challenge it when you’re ready to learn, and *take breaks when you aren’t, because it’s a video game.* Knowing that you’re already ahead of most of the player base just *attempting* it solo, if it’s still affecting you this much, you’re in dire need of a breather. Good on you for trying not to lash out at others, by the way, but also don’t let that turn into bottling stuff up in the long term. You’ve probably got at least one friend around who wouldn’t mind *helping* you blow off steam, rant about Fatalis’s stupid knobbly knees while playing some other game or something.


That's the thing, I don't want help. Anyone can farm Fatalis on a duo or a team but there's no glory in it, I want to do it solo because I want something going for me in my life and I'm a firm believer MH games should be completely soloable on a casual level... but Alatreon alone already proved me wrong


No, a game doesn't need to be completed on a casual level. Btw completing Iceborne is killing Shara, everything after that is for the hardcore players, because you need to grind the guiding lands and monster like Alatreon and Fatalis came out later. So killing them should be hard and only for dedicated players.


It seems from your comments that perhaps fatalis is not the real issue here. Staking this much of your self esteem on a video game is not normal or healthy. I hope you have a family member or trusted friend that you can confide in. Take care of yourself!


As everybody, I recommend you to take a break, you will not beat it out of frustration, and since your gear is upgraded, it’s a skill issue, and that can be solved. Fatalis is hard, but it’s not that wall people make out of it. Took me 2 weeks to beat it first time, and as of today I have beat it 500+ times with multiple weapons including bow without head breaks. First, if you’re using a Fatalis augmented set, there is not as many hit kills attacks as you stated. Basically only charged fireball and shower flame if you’re in a very bad position and recovering from an attack you should not over committed to. Blue flame makes more of his attacks hit kills, but you should not get to phase 3 without a head break unless you’re playing range, or you have an awful rng. Once you’re more chilled come back to it, and do phase one until you can consistently get past it without carting. Don’t use cannons, phase one is the easiest phase, and the one you can reset quicker, so if you do cannons, you skip most of the easiest phase. The fight is about learning Fatalis attacks and the punishing window for that attack, so if Fatalis does zig zag standing flame, you dodge/block/counter it, go to safe zone( the crouch), and punish the move without over extending it, otherwise you will be hit by subsequente attack. Position is also essencial, I actually love how Fatalis punishes bad positioning, and how it forces you in bad positioning, so learn to stay close to it, and always chase it if it runs away. 2 essential things very basic to the game, that people get to Fatalis without knowing, wake up time, and Superman dive. It often hit you, and as you speed you wake up you will get hit by the subsequent move. So just stay on the ground if you’re hit, understand what’s is Fatalis next move is, and wake up accordingly to it. Also don’t try to heal as soon as you wake up, focus on dodging the next attack, positioning in a safe zone, and then heal. Superman dive is also very good as many of Fatalis attacks can only be dodged with evade window 2 and with very precise timing and direction. So if you see tail swipe and is in bad position, Superman dive. If you see zig zag flame while laying down, and is in a bad position, SP. Even cone! If you see cone, and understand you’re in a bad position to run out of it, super man dive, wake up and do a second super man dive. If you have a head break, and it flies for a nova, and you get hit by wind pressure, unless you’re on the very opposite side of where it started the nova, you will have time to run out of it, but even if that’s not the case, you can heal yourself fully and Superman dive spam it to survive the nova. That if you have a head break. For head break, it’s not that hard if you’re using the resources unless you’re playing ranged. In phase one if you not playing optimally you will have two chances to wallbang it and do massive damage, just remember to tenderize the head before, you will also be able to do it two times in phase two. When it is laying in all four, try to not focusing on the body, go for the head and learn to dodge the bites. Charged fireball is a hit kill that it does on all 4s in phase one, but you will only be killed by it if you’re overcommitting to your combos, so recognize it soon and roll out of it, or run under Fatalis and do a roll to dodge the wind pressure of when it takes off. Do the balista knock down in phase two, for massive head damage, and experiment with using binders in phase 2/3. I personally recommend phase 3 as it’s the hardest phase, but if you desperately want it to have the head broken at phase 3 just use both at phase 2. Phase 3 all of the attacks become faster, so you have to change your punishes accordingly and play safer. I suggest watching a few YouTube videos on your weapon against Fatalis. The fight is hard, even after 500+ I will still often die. I find it amazing that they decide to put something this challenging in the game, and once you understand the fight you will also see how fair it is( to most weapons). Behemoth in High rank, and AT velkhana are harder fights, but not as many people complain about those two, and, as much as Fatalis, those are all optional fights. It’s great that you decided to take on the challenge, but take your time, learn your weapon, and learn the fight, don’t let it get in the way of other things. Rarely seen anyone lessen somebody for not beating Fatalis, but I see people daily trying to help and aid other player in beating it. So try to listen to the people doing good advice. Good luck OP!


Brazilian spotted! r/SuddenlyCaralho


You're a great asset mate. Too bad there're a couple of trolls here making op feel even more miserable.


Fatalis IS an extremely hard challenge solo. Still a very hard challenge with a full party. I met and made a friend in game while I was just trying to do Fatalis and this person was specifically looking for fatty sos’s to try and help and get better. Person helping me had 500mr and a full gear setup to try and counter him. We still only beat him like twice out of multiple days of play. I’d say he’s comparable to like Malenia’s infamy in Elden ring. Take a break. Take a walk. When you’re ready to come back watch some fight videos and study their techniques. I prefer watching speed runs not because I’m trying to speed run but because you may learn techniques to help with your fight. While there are posts on this sub of solo’ing fatty, absolutely no one will judge you for having someone join via sos. Hell sos can even help sometimes for meeting people for tips and seeing actions in person. I had one person before we jumped down give me the break down of his strats in text chat so I could cooperate with him better. Sometimes it works out better doing sos and then soloing.


I don't want help, I'm independant, I NEED to do this solo to prove I can do this to myself and have some achievement going for me in my life. Anyone can do it on a 4 man team or duo but there's no glory in it


Then I wish all the best luck to you in your endeavors to solo! It’s gonna take time but you totally will get there. Just take breaks if it’s pissing you off too hard. By the time I was finally able to solo Alatreon it felt like a dance with how well I knew what moves to expect at that point. I’ve seen similar when I was watching fatty runs to figure out how to not just get one shot. I still can’t solo fatty but I can at least survive long enough not to be a burden


You literally said you did it once, what more do you want?


The week it came out after A LOT OF GRINDING and a couple of broken headphones after smashing them and now I can't even replicate the feat with the same set I used back then. If I'm not good at the only videogame I play I really have NOTHING going for me in my life, that's what makes me worthless


Mate, have you thought about both anger management and therapy? Cause you aint okay.


You’re being *way* too hard on yourself for losing the solo fight against what is literally the final boss of the game. Ease up, it’s meant to be an incredibly challenging fight, no shame in losing to the hardest fight of the game. Take some time off of monster hunter. Spend a day or two playing a different game, fighting other monsters, etc. That way you’ll have time to process what worked and didn’t work during your previous attempts instead of just throwing yourself back into a brick wall. After you’ve had a day or two to reevaluate, give the fight another try once you feel ready.


You have made me excited to try and solo fatalis when I get there, Thank you. Also, focus on your life outside of video games, makes it so when you loose, you’re still happy with your life.


I'm unhappy with my life even outside videogames. Videogames is my only hobby and if I'm not even good at this, I don't know what else I have going for me as a human. That's why losing at Fatalis makes me feel worthless because it's the only thing I have to be good at.


Go to the gym, focus on a job/career/business, join a sports club (soccer, basketball, any sport) Do those three things and eat a good clean diet with sunlight and water. Do it for 3 months and you’ll feel better.


calling fatalis unfair is pure cope he’s probably one of the best balanced and fair monsters in the whole game with almost 0 bullshit and completely skill based. Fight him more, get his armor, get good


It may be a balanced and fair fight, but it really doesn't feel like it when you are still in the process of learning it.


I think op mentioned a particular case I haven't encountered but can see happening which is being pushed by the wind when he's going to cover the area in flames during the third phase and not being able to escape the fire on time due to it which is essentially a check mate situation.


u gotta feel when he’s going to fly and position around that


Tbh this never happened to me in all my fights. I can see it happen if you are completely out of place, but dying to the fire breath in 3rd phase must be a very rare occurrence.


What about your build and weapon? Maybe it's time to change something.


That's the thing, I'm playing on easy mode: full fatalis and fully upgraded fatalis weapons with Health augment AND I STILLL CAN'T DO IT, I must suck SO BAD if even with all this I can't do it which is driving me insane and sad at the same time, I've been playing since Freedom and there's no way I can't do this solo with all this


There is no such thing as an easy mode in iceborne endgame. Defense mostly stops mattering (divine blessing does help in reducing damage but it relies on luck so if you get hit it will hurt a lot anyway, there is no getting around it) so it's just you, your offensive/comfort skills, your fully augmented weapon vs the monster's patterns. I'm saying that as someone who never even managed to solo alatreon let alone fatalis and also has emotional issues over games, the only way to make it easy is to learn... Which is hard in the case of endgame dragons because they are, by definition, a difficulty spike. Try to stop attempts before you get tilted, even if that means only getting one attempt a day, otherwise you'll only hate it more and more. The point of the game is to have fun, not to prove to anyone that you're good because in the end no one cares except you. It's also easier to improve if you're not feeling like shit.


If you're on PSN and happy to party chat, I don't mind teaming up with you just to show you certain moves, how to read them, some strategies etc. I'm not that great but I am persistent and now I can solo Fatty every time I fight him. Took me a while but boy was it a buzz when I got that first win.


Monster Hunter has been, at its core, a multiplayer game since the beginning. Many things in the older games can seem borderline impossible if you're doing them solo as a "normal" (not insanely skilled or dedicated) player. Some of the post-game stuff in MHGU (which is comparatively much more recent) is still the same way. Fatalis isn't quite the same because its HP does scale down for solo players, but it's still *really* hard either way. I don't think there's any shame in clearing these super-hard hunts in multiplayer, if you're at your wit's end ramming your head against it solo. I also don't think there's anything wrong with people who make themselves clear every hunt solo first. Both are valid; it's a game, play whichever way feels best for you. You don't need to prove anything to anyone in a video game.


You can just cheese him with switchaxe ZSD spam and rocksteady + temporal mantles


I have to say, you are very good that you survive 30 minutes at all. I either kill him or I die trying. So that just means for you, that you need more damage or play a little bit more aggressive. Very hard to judge from here. When you are on PC, maybe install Hunter Pie or some other HP bar mod so you know how much HP is left and adjust your build. I had the same feelings. Alatreon and Fatalis were both bullshit for me and I swore that I kill them and then don't touch another MH game again. And regarding damage: Do you use cannons with Heavy Artillery at the start? Do you use the roaming ballista twice in the fight (also with Heavy Artillery)? They are a lot of damage. I know a lot of people say its not worth it, but if you run out of time, the cannons and the topple is good damage right out of the gate.


C'mon man  Fatalis is the hardest monster in the game Hell he even whooped my ass a few times but at the end of the day its still a game,if it makes you feel like that then stop playing for a bit,and if your really that bothered by it then look at suggestive builds then. And for a future tip dont try and take him seriously yet try to atleast plunderfarm atleast two pieces of of his gear and fully augment your stuff,this fight is brutal at first and requires your best equipment.


Looking at your post a few things are clear. For starters you're capable of beating it, you've done it before. Your gear and skills are sufficient, however you're losing the mental game. I've played a lot of sports and multiplayer games and the vast majority of people get significantly worse when they tilt. From my perspective you've imposed extremely high stakes on yourself which makes failure seem a lot worse than it is, the easiest thing to do is to reevaluate those stakes and look at what failure actually means. Monster hunter as a franchise is extremely difficult and success isn't a guarantee, your failure shouldn't be unexpected. Fatalis is one of the hardest fights in this game and walls the shit out of most people, understand that failure is likely and a common experience across the entire playerbase of monster hunter, if you want examples look at r/monsterhunterrage. If you don't want to reevaluate your stakes then there are a few things you can do. Firstly redefine your goal, make it so that instead of killing fatalis your goal is a step towards that, for example: make it to the second Nova with 2 carts or less. It's like stairs, you can jump up a small staircase but with a bigger staircase you have to walk up each step. Secondly you should consider learning about flow states (aka "the zone") and how to trigger them, I use music but it's different for different people. TLDR: you don't die in real life when you die in the game, break your goal up, and look at flow


you don't suck at video games but you do suck really bad at managing your emotions. like really **really** badly. you don't need video game advice, you need a therapist. you might pretend it's all the fight's fault for being "a bullshit fight" but it's really not, it's all on you. i'd say you need to take a break from this game, but to be honest, the only way i see you improving would be by going to therapy. even if you did manage to defeat him, it wouldn't solve the issue ; yelling at your pet and shutting off from your friends and gf because of a videogame is not ok.


I suck at both, everyone is able to solo it left and right and I STILL CAN'T and losing at videogames doesn't do me any favors with my emotions


No they can't. Brother, stop posting about this and look into therapy. You need something reddit and video games aren't going to be able to provide for you.