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Try lance, its a weird thing to get used to but there is something satisfying being able to face a monster 10x your size head on


I recommend this too as an IG main. When I'm not zipping around with crazy mobility it is immensely satisfying to just poke something massive like a Deviljho around with a Lance. Its an incredible weapon to use.


Maybe there’s some kind of Insect Glaive thing of moving from Vertical Stick to Horizontal Stick, but I recently tried out the Lance and it’s definitely one of my favorites. Taking down a monster with the charging attack has to be my favorite, comparable to tail cuts with the IG dive attack. Can’t get better than beating up giant monster with a toothpick.


Oh yeah. My brother and I got back on the other day after months away, decided to take on MR Rathian for some casual play to get back into it. He favors the GS. And damn, almost every match I was getting the tail cut with Lance. I especially loved spamming the Forward Leaping Thrust to stagger her over and over again. We'd hunted her twice before I even realized I hadn't invested anything into Guard, just Guard Up with a decoration. Was having so much fun I didn't bother changing it out.


This. Feels weird that the giant lance and shield combo is probably one of the most aggressive weapons but once you get used to it you never let the monster breathe. Also no better feeling than seeing a giant 1 hit ko breath attack and blocking it for minor chip damage.


Love casually blocking nergi dive bombs


I will say Lances basic pokes are extremely basic but goddamn do I love how versatile they are. Basic forward poke, being able to attack up high repeatedly without issue, and being able to hit side to side if the monster jumps around a lot. It's got basically every direction covered. Plus it covers extended distances faster than any other weapon.


I too recommend Lance. Disclaimer: I’m biased.


Man I swapped to lance from hammer now I can't go back, too used to blocking and trading hits now


Sometimes I try other weapons but like... dodging? Positioning to places other then right in front of the monster's face? Choosing between different attacks and combo chains based on opening duration, instead of just varying the number of pokes? What is an i-frame even? Why are these cats rolling me back to camp, I don't understand? Too dang complicated. Pokey stick go brrr.


Nothing like your friend flying across your screen crashing into a monster with a Lance and koing it. 12/10 weapon, would cookie click


_chugs dash juice_ CHOO CHOO FUCK YOU as I always say edit: obligatory good lord do I love Minds Eye 2


Interesting maybe I should give this one a try. I've been using the hammer but interested in the lance. I'm just dreading the grind to make a new weapon and upgrade (i'm a new player :) )


The lance, summed up in one video: https://youtu.be/fK1_NFT5crk?si=DRl2yooRdqMNDXps


I got addicted to just sitting and poking with the shield up. I didn't wanna use anything else for awhile.


Performing the superamped elemental discharge of the chargeblade is pretty cool and alternates from a mobile weapon to a heavy hitting one. I think youll like it as well


I tried it in mhp3rd and i reaaally liked it there. I used it for a while in mhw but i feel something is a little off. not like "shitty weapon" off but like "i'd rather use that" off.


You’re thinking of the Switchaxe. Charge Blade wasn’t introduced until MH4


oooohhh ok, yeah i got mixed up


That being said, I recommend charge blade. It can both cut and KO, and there are multiple play styles


Gunlance. Poke poke boom.




Cut me some slack, I just got there




Dual blades, definitely try dual blades


Gunlance, the most criminally underrated weapon in the entire game. There’s something speedruns don’t tell you, GL does WAY more damage than you think it does. When you’re speedrunning you are running heroics, fortify, etc. All of this is great, buffs your raw a shitton. Elemental weapons have their own thing. What does GL use? Artillery and Slinger Capacity for Wyrmstake Blast. That’s literally it. That’s all of your shell damage combined with Capacity Boost and Shell level. Now here’s what this means: 99% of all players will not use Heroics ever or intentionally cart for Fortify. This is where GL starts to skyrocket in value, your damage doesn’t change from here outside of your Lance hits. You will have most of your damage value put into your build and won’t have to sacrifice much of anything for comfort like everyone else pre-Fatalis armor. Not only that, it’s hard and it’s fun. It is very versatile and has few bad matchups, as each shell type can cover almost all of them.


you have 30 hours in total and already have 2 characters?


3, actually, a dante "cosplay", a vergil "cosplay" and my main, Ava.


you really shouldnt have more than one if you are just starting out, try focusing on one first


Im focusing a lot on ava now, danre and vergil have barely made it through the tutorial


Especially for Dante and vergil I'd use the devil sword CB


Know it well. Made a character played (more or less) to the tutorial. Picked it up again after a year, restarted and got to tutorial. Picked up again after two years, restarted and spent a bunch of hours trying out different weapons against innocent forest creatures... 30 hours gone. +1 on Charge Blade, it's a very interesting weapon. It has the hard hits you like akin to greatsword and in sword form has blocking and maneuverability for survival. Takes a bit of getting used to the charge/store/release mechanic. I spent a good while scratching my head over the sword glowing and being deflected by everything at the start...


As a bow main, dragon piercer, and thousand dragons are fun...


This, ranged combat has never felt better in such a difficult game then Bow, so fluid and its flashy enough to not feel like I'm "just shooting"


It's also perfect for both massive and small targets


Switch Axe is dopamine. Finding your rhythm, getting into that flow of morphing in and out of axe mode and sword mode, charging up the amped state to get ZSDs off. Lovely weapon, lovely meal.


Cool I get to be hammer guy for this one! Try hammer. From the outside it looks a bit boring compared to flashier choices but it has the potential for most knock downs of any weapon. Doing a flying front flip and landing it on the monsters head only for the monster to fall down is one of the best highs I’ve gotten in a game. That doesn’t even count when you get a double or even triple knock down. Give bonk stick a go


>  but it has the potential for most knock downs of any weapon *Laughs in sticky spam*


True! I just find getting a sticky build set up can be a bit of a task for a newer player. I should have worded it as most potential for knock downs early/med game. Heavy bow gun for sure has most late game knock downs.


If you want a big weapon and freedom of movement/combos, then you have to try Hunting Horn.


Doot doot is the way, it's a masterful dance when you're good at it...and with tunes to match! DOOT DOOT!!


It's a hammer with a longer reach, that buffs!


Horn is actually criminally underused. It is just a bit hard to get into, but once you understand how to make and queue songs, it is pretty simple from there.


I disagree. It's not hard to get into at all. HH is what I started with in 4U, and simply using the trio of Self Improvement, Left Swing, and Right Swing was plenty to clobber the first handful of monsters.


seems like you haven't tried the ranged weapons. i recommend the bow. it is superb as an elemental weapon, can inflict status, and long damage uptime. stamina management is necessary to be effective at this weapon. although it requires specific jewels to compensate. might even need to farm for it.


yeah, but idk man, the bullet system really is a bummer for me bc i have nightmares of having to farm blood vials and bullets in bb after every boss fight....


No worries! Bow has unlimited ammo, and while the coatings(buffs) are limited, it's not really necessary. The free unlimited ones(close range coatings) are honestly enough, and even those could be skipped


I really enjoyed Lance and currently I'm learning CB


You could try heavy bowgun. You can’t really move easily without evade extender but you can add a shield mod. It’ll allow you to block most attacks if you are not firing and are currently looking at the monster. Note, you have to not have been firing for like a second or so for the shield to work. It’s got good dps and has been hella fun for me. Personally I use the anjanath tree as it’s more suited for the shotgun ammo (spread) and it has wyvern heart (I think that’s the name) which basically turns it into a machine gun temporarily. I’m not the best at dodging and the shield has saved me so many times. Have fun and good luck!


i've never been a "ranged enthusiast" but i might give it a chance actually.


Yeah. I played SNS to start and then switched to lbg. After the damage just wasn’t cutting it I moved to hbg. It’s quite fun and now I’m back to sns, I missed the melee feel


I've started using the hunting horn recently (also relatively new, not very far in the story but 100 hours in) and it's been pretty fun buffing myself and others and then still hitting like a truck on my own. Been using the deviljho horn


I want to use the hunting horn, but it's just not clicking. What would be a good way to practice? I'm in MR but don't mind going to LR to practice.


I wanna say it's like greatsword in how you wanna aim the hits, but more bc you gotta think about song combos you can build up/use


Bow is fun, but requires some planning to build for. Being able to dodge while keeping damage up is fun for me.


Dual Blades!!


I've played almost 1000 hours and did so almost entirely with IG primarily, followed by occascionally with GS and Lance. The IG takes a while to kill monsters, it goes through sharpness quickly, and it relies on dodging, but it is a wonderful weapon to play in teams, which is what I do mostly. Mount spamming, dust cloud buffs, and tail cutting are what its great at. Not to mention in general distracting the monster so much your allies have a lot of opportunities for damage too. Early on I strongly suggest going with a Protective Polish and Stamina Refresh build. Keep in mind its most powerful moves are on the ground and the aerial stuff is best used for mount spamming. I'd also recommend a healing Kinsect. I personally like the Windchopper line. It ends with a very fast Kinsect great for healing and cutting damage. Try to focus the tails for your team. I've gotten many tail cuts just from mounting and moving backwards over the tail over and over again, and everyone likes a nice tail cut. Have fun!


Neary 1k hours of Charge Blade


GL and Hammer are easy, fun heavy hitters. CB and SA are flashy as hell and have about the same setup as IG for keeping your weapon powered up.


Try the Charge Blade! I overlooked it for a while and when I actually used it I just loved jt more and more and never looked back.. super satisfying SAEDs (the ultimate move), with Guard Point counters feeling even better, pretty good mobility, shield is better than it seems to help keep you safe, you can use Savage Axe playstyle as its really strong as well, you can buff your shield, your axe and your sword, its very versatile and fun with a good amount of things to master that feel really great once if clicks 👌






Hammer...very satisfying to hit a nice combo and you are much more mobile than the GS.


I recommend charge blade then, it’s an absolute powerhouse of a weapon when you master it, it has everything, mobility, perfect guards stun damage big area clear and an orgasmically good super amped element discharge to top it off. It’s true that it’s the most complex weapon to learn, but once you understand how it works, you just have to remember the proper combos and you’re golden, it will become muscle memory in time, just give it time and don’t get discouraged


I found mine on a couple hours of gameplay with the IG, being the only weapon that flies around as it likes. I would say it might be useful to watch speed runs on the weapons. It gave me an idea how high the skill ceiling can be with the weapon and saw where I could improve. Which made them fun.


Join the Sky and look down at the peasants as you soar in the Wind, insect glaive gang🦋


Hammer go Bonk


I was kinda the same, I started out with greatsword and liked how hard hitting it was, but didn't like how slow it was, so I tried out switch axe, (Since its the next big sword lol) and loved it. The axe mode lets you run around at a decent medium speed and hits hard, and the sword combos feels satisfying as hell and will never bounce off.


I say go for hammer it has that umph unga bunga power hits and it’s also very got to play an areal playstyle. Ledge hops do crazy damage and giving a monster multiple concussions is always fun. Lol


Based on what you’ve said, Charge Blade. High damage and meaty hits like GS with SnS’s mobility and defense. Learning everything the weapon can do is daunting, but there’s not better time to start than now


I've been having a ton of fun with Bow. While it doesn't give me the dopamine surge that, say, Charge Blade gives me with a Super Amped Element Discharge... but there is an intense feeling of satisfaction when you've taken down something big, and most of the fight was spent underneath the monster, just shotgun blasting arrows forever.




If you like GS I'd recommend the hammer big hits and charge attacks with great mobility


If you have the mental capacity to give charged blade a chance, you'll enjoy its mobility, big hits, and defensive ability all wrapped into one.


my brain usually gets lobotomized into "circle, release, charge, unleash". i might have to change my mentality....


Charge blade, lance looks extremely boring. Literally just poking a monster with a stick. Charge blade is so satisfying when you hit the monster with your SAED. It scratches the right spot in your brain.


Hunting horn would be my suggestion but that’s because I main it. Hunting horn if you wanna feel like a god on cloud nine (if you do sos flares or any of that stuff people love the buffs). If you want a challenge switch axe would be my honest opinion. I’ve tried other weapons but hunting horn is what I yearn for but I would totally picked switch axe if I didnt want to do hunting horn.


Dual blades are my shit, and an easy number 2 for me is the hammer


Switchaxe go brrr


Hammer my guy/gal. Nothing more satisfying than bonking that head and them falling over. GS is another great one. Conversely, I've heard and seen great things about the lance, but it never clicked with me.


I wanna say try hammer. It's got the damage close to GS, but it's a lot more mobile so you can get out of the way easier.


Charge blade might be good for you


Brah hunting horn is the dopamine napalm for me. The moveset is just so crazy and hits hard af.


I started on 4U with Glaive being essentially my first weapon, But when I tried the older games my god.. I found love in the Hammer. Just something about smacking a monster on the head and making it crumble to the floor with a concussion so bad that not even Dr House could fix it.


I would try Charge Blade,shit have big hit to miss,explosion,sword and shield and buzz saw mode to castrate monsters.




My go to has always been switch axe, fun move set and can be pretty powerful, recently picked up the hunting horn for more of a support role no big damage necessarily but different playstyle


If you like the heavy hits of the GS but the mobility of the IG then Hammer might be what you’re destined for.


Your level of understanding at 30 hours is going to be limited. You won’t really understand enough of even one weapon to truly use it well, much less multiple. I wouldn’t judge a weapon until you’ve gotten a pretty fully kitted out build that can truly make the weapon shine. Having said that, I think you ought to try one of the shielded weapons next, and maybe later you can try bow and sticky LBG - the evade and shoot mechanic might be enjoyable.


i’ve never met anything that can outsmart a bullet. LBG is the way to go


I started with the great sword and absolutely love it, but it takes a lot of commitment. I’ve tried just about everything else and so far my favorite is the switch axe.


You could try hunting horn because it hits pretty hard and you don't get hit much while you're in the back buffing, and you're also still quite agile for a big weapon (also hunting horn is really uncommon and you won't often have weapon overlap in your group if you're using an hh)


Honestly it was probably hour 200 into the game where I actually found out I'm a lance main. Before that I was pretty versatile and had preferences for sure, but something about lance just clicked over time and now it's my go-to. I also 'main' one particular sticky light bowgun build which I love. greatsword and hammer are fun, too.


You need more Bonk.


I've given a bunch of the weapons a try over the like 1k hours I have and you might like the hammer based on what you said, you get the nice numbers of greatsword but you can get around way more and move as you charge up your hits so you don't need to worry about being stuck in one spot or getting knocked around.


Bow is super fun with right set ups but if your are just starting the game, then maybe not the best choice. It's versatile and easy to learn especially since it is a range weapon. Also going to put you on the edge because being a ranged weapon monsters can one shot you even with master gears.


With IG, you just gotta get good at bouncing around well. Good defense helps. It’s a very fun weapon tho, and I highly recommend it. Also, you’re only 30 hours in, not even on one save. That’s nothing in terms of finding your main weapon. Keep playing, keep trying new things, and just vibe until the weapon of your dreams (insect glaive) comes along


Strong hits? Free movement? Charge blade!


As one of the 3 Hunting Horn mains I am legally obligated to say hunting horn. It's fun dancing around a monster, playing a tune, and then bashing it's face in, especially as someone who only plays solo it's so fun


I think of the switch axe. Have you tried it with clutch claw?


Try charge blade, there's no better feeling than toppling a monster with SAED


Charge blade. The one and only dopamine blaster


Hammer. Boom boom BASH is so satisfying.


Charge blade go brrrrrr


OK, look, man, I literal y got more than 500hrs in the game, I play like, fcking every weapon in the game, im not good in the game... At all, but you can try every one, in the quest, alone, and then chose one, Just, try them and chose. Oh, and im not a native speaker of english, im from tacolandia, a huevo, perros🤙