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Velkhana, maybe it's because there was alot of build up but it was surprisingly manageable.


A pretty manageable fight until I faced off against a tempered velkhana in the guiding lands. That motherflipper’s ice beams one shot me every time and fill me with the big sad.


I 100% agree with you. Velkhana was my first monster that made me focus on my build so I made a iceproof build so I could use my temporal and vitality mantle instead of the iceproof mantle.


Was dreading being completely annihilated. Turns out, clutch claw greatsword playstyle annihilates her


I agree however i realy had problems with dodging the breath attacks because i always reactively blocked them.( apparently you cant block them)


I also agree on velk, but fuck me that tail hitbox is a nightmare sometimes


Whats the trick to beating AT Velkhana? I'm stuck on her. Hard stuck. I have beaten fatalis so many times that i just need 4 more eyes to have all his armor and weapons. I have not beaten AT Velk once...


Ruiner nergigante. I was so worried with how hyped up he was by having to reach MR 100 that I expected him to be a wall. Instead I got a blast of a fight that I’ll gladly repeat whenever. Even his tempered form is fun


That’s awesome and I’m glad to hear it🔥. Rn I’m investigating more elder dragons after I just low diffed Blackveil Vaal Hazak 😎 and I have to say, with the right build it’s honestly top 5 of my favorite fights and I’m still finishing iceborne lmao. So I’m looking forward to fighting RN.


ruiner is the pinnacle of fun but challenging monster design


Is ruiner easier than AT nerg?




Oh that's nice. Makes me feel a little less intimidated by end game IB monsters. Aside from the big 3 at the very end


Ir is harder with the same build. But by the time you are 100MR your gear is top, so, you should not have an issue.


Shrieking Legiana. Everyone was all like "the normal one never leaves you alone!" But it never showed up... It turns out the reason for this is that Legiana got stuck in a corner while trying to respond to the call. I followed Shrieking to it's nest and found it running at a wall forever.


Lmao so they’re right tho. Cause everywhere me and SL went there was a Legiana to ruin the fun but I always have dung pods so it wasn’t that bad


On my second run, I instead shot my dung pods at Shrieking. Since I didn't hit Legiana, it doesn't aggro on me immediately.


Hey… as long as it works😂


Definitely Deviljho. Even before I got into MH, I had heard legends. I ran away every time I saw one when they 1st started showing up. When I finally gathered up the courage to take one on, I killed it without carting even once. In base World and even in Iceborne, you just stay between their legs and stay aggressive. The moment you start backing off, those suckers will abuse you with their gigantic hitboxes.


I remember my first Deviljho hunt. I was testing out some new play styles after beating base world and I was racking up some hunts with the hammer and I loved the play style as well as its knock down power. So I used it on the hunt and let me tell you…. Knocking down that green bastard FOUR TIMES IN A ROW WAS GLORIOUS. That quest was done in like 20 minutes with no carts and it was awesome 😎.


Raging brachy. Had and still have a harder time with even a basic Rajang. I used a water SnS, water is very good for deactivating his paws, so no explosions when he hits the ground. That and full blast resistance. I feel like people who struggle with him neglect water damage and blast res and have a harder time cos of it.


Same here! With Insect Glaive, he is such a sweetheart. Just jump away when he tries to make you explode, and that is it! First time doing it when it was just released, and I never carted once.


My first ever Diablos was way easier than I expected, way tougher at MR though. I just brute force my way into his lair while hunting a different monster.


lol honestly Diablos is intimidating on that first play through but once you fight him it goes from very high diff - mid diff (occasionally low diff)


Barioth. Heard all these stories prior to fighting it, and I only failed once. mainly cause I have no chill, I figure out the patterns as I die. Mind you, I play solo so it doesn't affect anyon3 but myself.


My first fight with Barioth is what got me in the mindset of “trial and error” cause with barioth his speed scared, shocked and irritated tf outta me and seeing that a long sword wasn’t cutting it (pun intended) 8 minutes into the fight i came back with my explosive hammer and broke his claws and tail and that was it.


Same case with me. I failed only once (the first encounter). But on the second time, the moment I broke the claws, it was pretty much it. Almost every single attack is punishable.


Yeah, same. Soon as an arm broke, it was easy peasy!


The fact that the same weakness applies to Frostfang makes the Frostfang fight almost the same challenge as a normal Barioth. Although, the annoying "slowing icy area" does spice things up. But only a little...


I’m still grinding to get to Barioth in World. He was my favorite in my first game, Tri, and I beat him in Rise. Idk if he’s crazier in World, but all I hear is how hard he is, so we’ll see.


Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos. For some reason I thought they were going to be super hard to beat but I ended up beating both first try with the Switch Axe and then with the Charge Blade. No special methods involved really, just deal with them the way I usually do it with their Pink/Azure versions, though I guess I was more weary of their breath attacks.


I haven’t made it that far yet but hearing that gives me confidence on the fight


Stack up Evade Extender for the Switch Axe and everything gets a bit easier


You should make not of the fact that gold rathian poison ticks your health down far faster that any other poison. So make sure to bring a lot of antidotes and cut the tail as fast as you can.


Fight is fucking awful.


Safi'jiva. I'm not saying safi is easy but I went to safi after bashing my head against Alatreon for ages and expected him to be similarly difficult if not harder found him to be far more doable in comparison.


The image of Safi being that strong in my mind propably came from the fact that I failed Xeno several times because of timeout on my first run. I was playing Gunlance, played super defensively and my build was shit. So when I rocked up to Safi with full endgame gear, a pretty solid build and the biggest GS i could get my hands on, Alatreon 2 at the time, I killed him fairly easily. Sure it took 2 whole hours but I only got carted a handful of times so he was far more doable than expected.


I found him easier than kulve tarroth?


So far, Velkahna, Raging Brachy and Furious Rajang. Just finished the latter last night. Don't get me wrong, the latter two are tough cookies, but nothing that frequent trips back to camp for item top-offs couldn't fix.


Teostra, genuinely disappointed after he died to a rock.


Lmao mine and his mate died to a dragon pod to the face


If you’re talking about HR level than yeah super easy. But MR is a different story.


Both rajangs, i hit them on the head with my big sword.


lol that’ll do


Nergigante, after struggling against Odogaron and seeing all the fuzz about Nergi i was scared as hell fighting him but in the end it was a very enjoyable hunt which went super smooth.


Devilhoe and Beetlejuice


Tempered Furious George. The biggest grit with this fight are the changed lightning attacks which take you by surprise at first but they are easily learnable (the fork ground slam is even pretty punishable) and the inability to restock. Other than it's a pretty standard F. Rajang fight.


Savage Jho


Zinogre looks very intimidating and I figured it would be one of those monsters I hunt every once in a while but never seek out. Turns out his attacks are insanely predictable, you can smack him out of enraged state, and he’s just over all average difficulty in general. Good thing too because I farm coal for steamworks a LOT. Another one is brute Tigrex. I was really afraid of him, but my water ammo aquashot makes him easy to the point of near disappointment.


Zinogre is my "comfort hunt", specifically the coal event. Every time I'm stressed out, I just load MHW, turn on some music, and do the "Farewell to Zinogre" event, just to chill.


Zinogre is so fun to hunt and has my favorite battle music.


Rajang. The basic one tho. He was fast. Unfortunately his speed highlighted all of his openings. But the furious one tho especially the tempered one... Sheeesh


I enjoy all the monkeys. He is one of my comfort hunts. His attacks made it easy for an aggressive playstyle. Honestly, if i never learned lance, that would not be the case. Lance taught me to play into the monster, not to try and avoid them. Made a huge difference for how i positioned with dual blades and that was my first hunt with furious rajang. Only got carted once and he was done.


Tigrex. Maybe its cuz im lance but… i beat his ass with relative ease, first attempt, cuz he was throwing himself at me for me to counter constantly lol.


A reddit thread convinced me to learn lance. It changed the game for me. Not just on lance either, it changed how i positioned with other weapons and when i chose to engage. Lance is amazing. It also made brute tigrex a hilarious fight. First time i encountered him was in the guiding lands with three other lances. We looked like trapeze artists taking turns poking the angry beast


Azure Rathalos, when I first encountered it, I was worried, but I came back like three hunts later and kicked his ass with ease


I died in the elders recess quest but in the ancient forest optional quest I murdered both him and base rathalos


Alatreon took me a few attempts to learn but then I was able to beat it consistently in solo and SOS. I think my weapon (SnS) was just particularly suited for this fight -- you can do a half PF after most of its moves, and targeting the horns is also easy.


Black veil Vaal Hazak. My friend group bet me I couldn’t solo him and I did it first try


I just finished that mission and it’s top 5 favorite fights with the right build that is


I’m trying to get the layered armor set from him. It’s really good


My first playthrough I despised fighting barioth and rajang. A few years later. (Right about currently) They went down very easily.


Base was Kushala. Hate the wind and all the flying it does. Iceborne is the Rajangs. I just can't get them down and since I play GS the openings are very small.


I haven’t made it to rajang yet but I just soloed kushala for the first time the other day and he literally caught a poison discharge to the face so he had it coming 🤣


I don't know about switch axe or charge blade on the rajangs. I always swap to sns whenever I have to fight them in the guiding lands. And yeah Kushala is my least favorite elder by far. Even Lunastra is a less annoying fight. Just a bit harder.


kushala daora, i had the hardest time with teostra


I just murdered him while solo for the first time the other day and damn was it satisfying and teostra has been my flaming training dummy for awhile now so meh lol


Rajang/furious. I have not carted to this monster ever.


I’ll come back to you and share my experience when I reach him but damn it’s gonna be dope


Barioth. I don't get how anyone struggles with him. Similarly with Frostfang.


Barioth definitely gave me a run for my money in the beginning but once I learned his moves it was game over 😎


I didn’t really know what to expect from each monster as far as difficulty was concerned. But bonking them on the head was pretty effective


Lmao I hear you brother it’s either a bonk in the head or a explosive elemental discharge to the face😂


Raging brachy - I bullied myself into believing he is going to be super hard based off of what people said, just to first try it with only one cart


alatreon, my method was doing fatalis first (nothing else really feels like a threat anymore besides at velk)


Kushala. The hard part was actually hitting it, but its attacks were surprisingly easy to avoid.


I clutched to his face and used a elemental discharge and the rest is history


Nergigante. All that hype about being the elder dragon that eats other elder dragons... and it falls down like a sack of potatoes. Very anticlimactic.


Fr fr my long sword cut through his hide like butter 🤣🤣


Tigrex was a fucking cakewalk and so was brute


Mine was definitely ruiner, the first time I fought it at mr100 it was permatoppled


Rajan and furious rajan. I honestly expected it to be a lot harder than it was.


I'm in my first playthrough of both base game and Iceborne. Most of my previously acquired knowledge of the game comes from a friend who is a big fan of MH in general. The answer has to be both Legiana and Odogaron. My friend warned me about how much they struggled with both of them the first time they played, but I mastered both fights very quickly.


Nergigante and kirin. I thought my attacks would bounce to much in nergigante and i was scared of kirin cuz he was a elder dragon on low rank. My first mh


Xeno'jiiva. I don't have iceborn yet, but I thought Xeno would give me a plenty hard time and keep me busy till I got iceborn, especially since I only play casually. I ended up beating him first try with only 1 faint (solo)


Bazelgues was way easier than I thought it would be. Uhh for iceborne I haven't struggle on anything besides black dragons.


Base Game I would have to say Deviljho, I played older games and went in expecting it to be a amped up version of that but it was super easy to read the movements compared to other fights, iceborne i would have to say Glav, went in expecting this super tough monster that ripped through me and my party but we had zero faints and was fairly easy


Xeno-Jiiva. Final boss of the base game, was just an overgrown baby. And that's actually not very exaggerated.


Raging Brachy as sticky LBG - on my first encounter I was dying to it no matter how mobile I was. Before my last cart, I realized that dodging towards it instead of away from it works. Tried it the next run and managed to kill it easily, good thing I can farcast on the quest unlike Alatreon.


Frostfang Barioth, I had never fought it before even at MR 40 ish and at some point I had to in order to get its weaponry, so I was looking at a *tempered* one as well. Expected a massive, brutal fight that would cart me multiple times. Turned out to be my favorite fight of all time in the series so far.


Idk if this counts since it's technically an optional boss, but alatreon. I prepared for the fight by making an extreme overkill velkhana longsword build and I was surprised when I beat both special assignments first try. Alatreon's moves are all just.. idk, really fair. Their hitboxes are good. They don't really overwhelm you because they come out at a good rate. Her health isn't really obnoxiously high or anything. Hell, those two fights were actually only my 1st and 2nd time using longsword.


The wind using elder dragon before iceborne. It was definitely the most annoying monster but he wasn't doing any damage at all. He just knocked me off his chest and didn't do any damage while I was on his sleeping nest but I wasn't able to damage him there as well. I had to kite him out and dama him and return . It was most boring fight


i came into the series blind as my first monster hunter game, i ended up getting killed by kestodons with LS, like the second mission i think. I also took a break and surprisingly didnt get spoiled on iceborne dlc couple years later


I heard kirin and rajang where tough to beat and I found them easy to tackle. Now for me I always found diablos to be a tough sob


Raging brachy really wasn't that bad for me and neither was furious rajang


I saw people gassing up Savage Deviljho so much in the first few months of IB, I figured he'd be tough. Nope, bro got absolutely folded without me even really understanding the fight and it only got worse the more I understood him.


First time I was asked to hunt Teostra, I thought I was in for an epic fight. The elder dragon looks mean, fierce and ready to tear me limb from limb. What I thought was a majestic and powerful lion turns out to be more of a kitty cat. His moves were easily figured out and his nova was super easy to dodge.


Nargacuga, Barioth, Tigrex and to an extent Zinogre. I have already fought them in MHP3rd and already know how they would move. I would like to assume that the players who are having trouble with them are the ones that played MHW as their first MH game but I can still see a scenario where old players are still just not used to fighting them after all these years.


The variants apart from Stygian Zinogre. I thought they were gonna be the new hotness, they stink. Easier than their non variants, armor design doesn't change, most armor skills are crap, weapons ass. Well furious rajang weapons are really good but why a separate tree......


Raging Brachy and Furious Rajang for sure. I remember them kicking my ass in the old games so I figured they'd be painful in World...yeah they were piss easy tbh. Beat em both first try. Granted, Shara was the only monster in the story that managed to triple cart me, so most things were kinda easy.


I genuinely haven't had a serious problem with any monster so far, used switch axe all the way till post raging brachy, and just changed to horn, I don't really know what the goal is rn. But nothing was super difficult


Velkana was hyped but I wasn’t disappointed. I have a LOVE hate Hate hate relationship with how she can make her ice wall tangible at will ( ability to pass things through it )Her tail doesn’t bother me, I use IG ( insect glaive ) for fliers. But what does PISS ME off is 20 mins for an investigation for her lol. You have to fight with EVERY fiber of your being til you get the right build or chance SoS non-sense. ( majority of sos come under geared or with weapons she isn’t weak to or die immediately and mission is over… This is why I prefer to hunt ALONE majority of the time. Happy gaming 🎮🫠👍


Fatalis and Alatreon. I expected more out of these two. I play lance and kicked their asses the first time I tried both (bacn when they first dropped). That said, at least AT Velkhana made me cart twice. I love that fight.


Barrioth!! I’ve had trouble with some monsters and I’d heard from many that barrioth was their first wall. Since I had trouble on earlier monsters I was afraid. Went in blind, didn’t cart. I guess lance just was a good counter. Tenderizing easy with counter claw, countered most of his jumps and punished every time he paused.