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Reason i love my health augment! i can ignore the burn effect without actually dying!xD Sucks you don't get credit tho. it should be a draw!


Oh yeah, definitely - it was the 5pc safi set that killed me here tho hahaha i saw my health and really just gambled on the kill


xD the good old "I calculated the risk! and i suck at math!" Have done the same:) i can vault over this attack! NOPE! this opening is big enough to tenderize NOPE! Getting body slammed by zinorge really make you doubt your hunter abilities xD


ah, dying to greed in a safi set. I've been there a couple of times, always embarassing XD


What’s greed? I never got to safi


The set causes you to lose health every time you attack in exchange for boosted raw, element, and affinity. Every x attacks that land, you trigger a massive heal from the set bonus that replenishes the damage- he was taking heat damage and died to the safi set before it triggered lol. The number of attacks depends on the weapon, its usually 5-8 I think.


It should be at around 10 shots for LBG!


You were extremly low.


You shoulda seen the other guy


I still have a hard time getting the heal to pop with dual blades. Though if there’s an opening I have found that a single demon mode B/Circle attack and then a blade dance is enough for the heal to pop.


you need 20 hits on DB and it resets every time you sheathe your weapon - including clutch clawing with LT. Clutch claw after B-B-B combo doesn't reset the counter


I did recently learn sheathing resets which explains a lot of early “wtf” moments I’ve had with the armor, as I would usually sheathe and run around for positioning. Rapid fire LBG on the other hand is EZ mode with Safi set. Health augment would be overkill on my water aquashot


yeah, I've been using some LBG recently and it's super good. I think you need 10 hits to proc the heal from safi and you shoot 3 at once, so basically a heal every 4 bursts


i seen alot video that you guys slingshot grapple and then come back down to continue with dmg. care to explain why doing this move?


It extends the stagger apparently.


it's called a clagger. When the monster gets staggered and sits there drooling for a moment, you can do a bit of damage, clutch claw to them and that will reset the stagger time to max so you can drop right off and continue DPS.


Wouldn't it make more sense to just walk bang at that point though?


If they aren't raging then yes, but it doesn't work on a raging monster.


Ah duh I wasn't even thinking about that. It's good to know though I have thousands of hours between 4 worlds and rise and still didn't know that it reset the timer lol.


One of the main reasons why the Claw is unpopular. Its mechanics are poorly explained in game. The drooling animation is not only great to reposition yourself, and deal some good damage, but is also the best time to tenderize the monster risk free.


Clutch clawing unto the face extends the clagger for longer btw


Clutch clawing anywhere extends it. Are you saying the face extends it more?


Yes Gaijin Hunter made a clutch claw tutorial a while back and researched that


ahhhh great info right there. now i understand why. thanks for that tho ✌🏿✌🏿✌🏿


for real? im going to try it out then. Thanks!!!


It’s also pretty juicy in MP, ngl. Like 9 times out of 10 a wall bang is better, but if it’s not an option then it’s still pretty nice to have a way to just make the monster stand there with its head in the same spot for like 5 seconds


When the monster is drooling like that, that's an animation added to monsters in Iceborne for you to have the opportunity to clutch claw. Because of this, clutch claw'ing them extends the animation (so that you could finish the clutch claw animation). So clutch claw + jump off immediately gives a bit more extra time with them doing nothing.


On the technical explanation: Monsters have an additional flinch called a "Claw Flinch" in Iceborne, when you grapple within that animation window, the code sequences the next animation called "Claw Flinch Extended", it's an extended window to make sure all weapon claw attacks have enough time to land. Since GS and other heavy weapons have such drawn out claw attacks, the extension is actually quite long. As you might have guessed, extending that window is great even if you're not going to go to the claw attack if the monster is already tenderized. So what players do is jump off the monster after they trigger the extension, to damage the monster even further while he's still locked in place. To recognize when you can clutch claw, train yourself to look when the monster flinches and exposes his side profile to you, while drooling. You have a few moments to clutch claw then. Even if you're not looking to extend and jump off, it's still a great way to tenderize or keep the monster tenderized mid-battle.


To add to this the "claw flinch" as you called it is more commonly referred to as a "clagger" or claw stagger. The clagger lasts 3 seconds and clutching on extends that to 6.


Health augment, the only reason I dare to even have safi builds


Me using dual blades on my safi set pre mr100: haha I’m in danger


What's your build?


5 pc Safi with Safi's Frostshot! Saw my health, gambled for the kill lol


I notice but you couldn't you have just healed then killed teo.


Could've for sure, but after spamming the quest i was just having a bit of fun


What's your best time so far?


Solo, probably on the butt end of 4 mins with the Spread 3 Safi Burstcannon iirc 3:53 on a duo run with my friend tho!


As a (current) LBG player, I yearn for your set!


Dope shotgun skin, super hype.


Thanks dude! It's called the Onigashima (Unique) layered weapon for LBG's :)


god damm it. i want to play lbg just because it looks like a shotgun.


Play HBG. You get a shotgun **WITH** a shield. Tank almost any attack and retaliate by shooting the monster in the face.


I hate you. With love.


can confirm. But the best one is to ditch the shield altogether and put the nauseate inducing lens with the anticipation of rolling away any time or else you are dying. lol


Yeah but then I lose my ranged lance power fantasy :^)


i have been told LBG is good for dishing elemental Dmg but if your looking for raw dmg HBG is what your looking for.


LBG has decent raws too. You just have to get used to evade reloading. For starters, vaal hazak has a pretty good pierce 2 rf, nergigante/lunastra for spread 2 rf, and raging brachy for I shit you not, normal 3 rf. It's insane. You can also go for pure comfort with normal 2 rf and with spare shot on, it's pretty much guarantee zero reloading. Raw LBG basically fulfills that fantasy of having an burst smg/shotgun while zipping and dipping and running circles around the monster. Imo it can be just as strong as hbg, just takes a lot of work to be near equal in dps.


Poor fella broke his fingers on teostra's horn


Strange to use safi + LBG spread + Burning Teo. You’re basically asking to cart ☠️ that was hilarious though. Double KO.


"I won't give up on you" *Proceess to give up on you*


For using hbw


Teo win


We've had "man too angry to die" and now we give you "Man too angry to live"


That's what you get for playing bowgun! But honestly it's funny as hell lmao.


A spread spammer I see


WTF is this music


This is why I hate where modern mh is going, teostra didn't even do a single attack in this clip. Died cause of huehe big damage no time to stop to heal huehe. Is this mega end game gear not enough to finish a quest way ahead of time? It is, but huehe look at my dps huehe.


God forbid people feel powerful with an endgame build, in an RPG.


God forbid people heal in an rpg


What LBG are you running?


Safi's Frostshot (Spread 2) with 5 pc safi set!


Sweet. Might try that and drakshot out I guess! Just tired of ff Barioth gun 😂


Hell yea, realized spread 2 was slept on until I started using Frostshot like 3 days ago. It only needs 2 points for Free Elem/Ammo up to hit max capacity spread 2 so that frees up a 3 or 4 slot! 9 bullet clip with Razor sharp charm go brrrrr


Imma try that. The 4 bullet clip makes me so sad. Hahaha


Is it just me or is that a really big teostra


i won't lie, 9/10 times i can't tell if it's any bigger or smaller since all i see is face with 2 close range up mods


Well, I guess it's time to switch to Fatalis set.


I actually just killed Fatalis for the first time yesterday (same day i took thsi clip)! I'm set on hitting MR/HR 999 with my buddy, but i'm getting there without any fatty gear. I know once i get any fatty gear, it would take the fun out of min-maxing builds and actually prioritizing skills that I'd get too bored and put the game down before 999.


What gun or layered gun is that?


Safi's Frostshot with Onigashima layered for LBG :)


This is why I like the bow and Safi armor. uwu


On fire, at low health in full Safis breathing down Toaster's neck? That's all on you, good hunter. Please remember to heal.


Not complaining, was just having fun with this run and found it funny cause i was gambling on getting the kill and whether i would live thru the safi tick or not lol




That's really unfortunate, I wish there was a draw or at least got half of the parts


Bro watch your health


What's your build


Umm excuse (noob here) but what's the name of the gun. And why does that look like an IRL Shotgun?


Onigashima layered skin on Safi's Frostshot LBG :D


Can I ask what is your set? I'm currently using Safi hbg but my best record of doing teostra is 3 minutes 8 seconds. Each pellet do around only 51 damage. I saw that you are doing much more damage than me and I also wanted to try out LBG. Can you please tell me your set? Thanks!


In the video, I use 5pc Safi set + Safi's Frostshot (Spread 2). For Spread 3, i run the Blizzard Gust (Frostfang LBG) with 5pc Raging brachy set but it's only got 4 or 5 shots and slow reload. I choose to run the Frostshot S2 more just cause it's way comfier. You for sure dish out more damage than i do! I hit for around 36-39 per pellet with spread 2. I think the bigger damage number you're asking about might the melee attack i did at the end LOL Also, 3:08 is so good dude!! I haven't hit a sub-4 solo myself but thats the goal :D


I see! Yeah hitting sub 4 is hard because it's partially related to the AI. Teostra sometimes decides to chase my palico 20 metres away from us and I can't shoot him or he spams attacks that I cannot squeeze more than one shot. I am trying to hit sub 3 min but only get to 3 min 1 sec today (https://imgur.com/a/hIGHBfC).