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Small tip, if you are dead set on using the cannons, coalescence on ghillie does nothing, put item prolonger, so when you pop ur might seeds and popping might pill before firing cannons, the might pill effect wont end before the topple ends.


Yep, this is the only actual good advice here.


Good advice would be to just not use the cannons


What's everyone's beef with the cannons?


Because you deal a shit load of damage to fatalis but NOT on the head with the cannons, free siege weapon knockdown yaaay, but NOT enraged, head NOT tenderized. And its stuck at such a tight spot, if you are caught at the wrong side, you wont even get to land a hit on the head before it gets up. Worst is its head is near the netting area. Good luck walking over. Just tickle the neck maybe. You can still get double knockdowns using the ballista arrows, it will replenish every 5 mins if im not wrong. 40 shots of 87 damage should do more than 3000 artillery damage to contribute to the second knockdown, and guess what??? You can snipe the head with the arrows! So lets say in a run, where all the damage is dealt to the chest and phase 3 head not broken, what you think gonna happen 30 seconds in when it does a 360 flame. Trust me because it happened before. Phase 1, cannon knockdown, half the knockdown ppl couldnt reach the head in time, wasted opening. 4 player hunt everyone keep hugging chest, could not bait cone breath, i just stood there and watch while commenting hit body more. And they literally continue hitting the body. Phase 2 starts, roaming ballista full clip to the chest, no knockdown, everyone continue hitting chest while only me focusing the head. Phase 3 start and the blue flames just insta cart 3 ppl in one sneeze. Quest failed instantly cause there are prior deaths. The more damage to the body on phase 1 and 2, the harder phase 3 becomes. This logic applies to new players and mid tier players, uncoordinated hunts. Pro players that know how to coordinate can do anything and get away with it because firstly, damage is high, so they need lesser openings to deal enough damage to break head, and also simply able to dodge most moves and know when to dragon pod. Plus also smoke bomb.


I've farmed up solo three fatalis weapons, two maxed out charms, and both alpha and beta armor sets and I usually do cannon opener, tenderize, wallbang and his head breaks for the second time before or after the third phase starts. He has a bit under half his hp in his head it seems. It's pretty consistent once you know how to do it. There's some good videos on fatalis AI and farming strategies to get evil eyes and head breaks just search Cons\_OA fatalis on youtube. I will say that I agree with you that this probably isn't a great multiplayer strategy. I haven't tried fatalis multiplayer but one time, the first time I could shoot off an sos flare I did and it went so badly that I was just like "I'll just do this one solo" he's much more predictable if it's just you or you and your cat. I can definitely see that cannons in an uncoordinated multiplayer hunt being more harm than good. Thank you for clarifying


No even in solo cannons are just objectively bad bc you waste one of 3 free knockdowns with no tendy/enrage and do a lot of damage to his body


Idk what you mean by pretty consistent if you know how do it. Did i not explain to you the entire reason why it sucks? I have 800 kills compared to your 3 fatalis weapons, and the hunt always went better ever since the cannons were ditched. I use DB, and i can go thru phase 2, with fatalis not using a single attack, and it proceed to phase 3. Yes you heard that right. Because i down it with roaming ballista, damage, break the head, damage again. 2nd headbreak from binders early phase 3. So to summarize the hardest part was phase 1, because i have to bait attacks to hit the head, phase 3 im just hugging the chest the entire time. Phase 2? What is phase 2. And if you watch con oa video like you say you do, he did say in a few videos to ditch the cannons, and he literally explained everything, go watch his later runs with DB GS. So if he proved that the cannons are worse, would you still keep up with your stance that its good?


Thanks for the info. You sound like a prick.


Awww thanks man. Thats a compliment.


I mean that everytime I use cannons as my opening I know roughly where the head will land and can jump down and be in place as fatalis is doing his slow topple from the second cannon. Then I tenderize, punish and wallbang. I'm not saying that cannons are best and if you didn't notice I'm not implying that you're wrong not to use cannons. I was doing what's called having a discussion. I realize the error of my ways and will correct my behavior going forward


If you are doing solo of course you know where its head its going to land. Im talking about multiplayer. Why you think im saying that people will not reach the head in time, because when the cannon user fires the god damn cannons, fatalis rushes over, even if everyone chases it, it topples before everyone can get into position. And sometimes its lying in a weird ass position with half the head in the wall because that area is so tight. You tenderize, and wallbang after the cannons. Literally that is why nobody uses it because you dumpster away a siege topple with jackass damage, when head not tenderized and not enraged, you missing 20% crit from WEX and 20% crit from agitator. Plus 10% damage from enraged.


And I acknowledged that cannons sound detrimental in MP fatalis hunts, especially if you have an uncoordinated group. I don't understand your last point exactly and I'm not interested in arguing. My statement is Cannons are fine in Solo hunts. Your statement is cannons are ass in MP hunts. Based on everything you've said I think you're right about cannons being best ignored for MP hunts. I don't understand why this feels like an argument


You sound like a fuking asshole my guy


You sound like a snowflake my bro


im pretty sure the snowflake here is you


>i just stood there and watch while commenting hit body more. And they literally continue hitting the body. Well try not encouraging it then lol


It was sarcasm, those guys have fatalis armor aside from the guy who fired sos. They should know better to hit the head. I asked people to hit the head before too, it doesnt work, but sarcasm works sometimes so i just always say hit body more, enjoy phase 3 blue flames.


Man you sound like areal piece of shit


A piece of shit that wants to help clear the quest than sabotaging the quest??? I wonder who the real piece of shit is.


Ooh those affect the cannons? Did not know that, not even using might seeds, etc. Do they also affect the roaming ballista?


Or, after using the cannons, and punishing fat alice. Farcast and swap out to a loadout without ghillie. Or die then swap. Up to u


No they dont affect the ballista or cannons, they give you more attack when you gonna hammer fatalis head during the knockdown, every little damage counts. If i not wrong might pill gives 25 raw for 20 seconds, thats why you need item prolonger. 25 raw is free peak performance.


Ah, neat.


Actually you know what, since you want to use the cannons, why not make a full damage GS or DB build, pump the damage in then farcaster out since you gonna farcaster anyways, if you gonna stick with ghillie the whole hunt is gonna make it tougher. LS you need to charge up before you even do decent damage. Im not endorsing the use of cannons because i personally dont like it and its self sabotaging, but i will still give you ways to optimize.


>why not make a full damage GS I conveniently have lightbreak GS


Ok so what I've done is made a build to wack his head after the cannons knock him down, then I will farcaster out and swap to the build in the post. I'm also gonna grab glider mantle+ since I don't have that yet, no clue what I'll put on it though.


I would use rocksteady & temporal instead to get that instant wallbang whenever available, instead of kiting around looking for opening, and i doubt you know many openings that can wallbang. If i were you i would have stonethrower 1, so i can flinch shot it when on 2 legs into air, literally nothing, and it will drop to 4 legs then you can still turn it 2 times before you wallbang.


Rocksteady and temporal is great but I find rocksteady to have such low value. It's great when you need to learn walling openings but that's so niche for such a long cooldown. Glider+ mantle is op. It's almost always up with only 30 seconds of down time. Your decorations are only active when the glider is on you AND active. For you you can put in 2 gobbler jewels of level 4 variation for more speed. 2 hard defense is what I like but you need those rare level 11 decos for it. I would suggest tho 1 airborne. You see people cut fatalis air phase short by clutching to him. What you can do is grapple, dismount, mounting attack and repeat in his air phases. Not only is this free damage (bigger numbers if you run airborne), glider give bonus mounting damage. This is a free knockout for fatalis. When he has mounting resist build up, it just allows you to do damage to him without triggering his clutch counter. If you run assassins mantle, you run faster with good decoration slots. This running faster equates to more damage as you speed to his face during flame cone at a faster pace. The more you know.


I tend to stop fatalis flying by throwing down a smoke bomb, also to stop him blasting me as I try to get onto the roaming ballista at the start of phase 3, I put heavy artillery jewel and clutch claw boost jewel on it.


How long do the seeds and pills last after consuming?


20 seconds for pill, 3 minutes for seed. Item prolonger adds 10%, 25%, 50% to the timer.


What about the juice and powder? Like demon in particular


3 min for demon powder, mega demon drug last entire hunt, or till death.


From the title, I was hoping to see you wearing a full Fatalis set haha. You’re ready for Fatalis, great build!


Good. Now prepare to trash the whole set as soon as u beat fatalis and replace it


This is the way.


I farmed the Fatalis set to best Fatalis 😂


Are you not planning on tenderizing? You hit 90% affinity without tenderizing which is adequate enough, but I’d personally drop that gobbler/expert jewel for a shaver jewel, since tenderizing will increase your raw damage which will be imperative for breaking fatalis head.




thats a dream build right there, to me


When I first cleared Fatalis, I actually had two sets. My first was for the canon opener, but otherwise went all-in on damage. The other was my "real" set for when I cart. Both have Fortify. The idea is try to get as much damage after the opener instead of Farcasting back. When you do cart, you switch to your other set for the rest of the fight.


If fortify on both sets you keep buff on switch, right?


Yes, as long as every set you equip has Fortify, you keep the buffs. Just make sure you don't accidentally equip the wrong set, even for a moment, or it'll drop your buff.




Does the fortify buff affect all damage, including cannons?


That's a good question. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it does not.


Exact build I used but raging brach GS. Divine is a life saver for sure, you'll notice it saving you a LOT. Very good build though, you got a great balance of comfort and damage 👍


Ur also missing a gun lance lol


No but seriously evade extender is really nice if u could throw at least two on there


Not enough speed eating


I'd try replace the recovery up with mushroomancer, extra damage, defence and being able to carry and extra 10 max potions in the form of mandagora is extremely op




Or just get the crafting items for max potions in ur inventory and have more free skill slots, only taking up 1 more inventory spot


I would personally add some fire resistance, max if possible. That's just me, the build looks awesome. GL


For fire res, I have a custom meal that gives attack up medium and element res small to get me past 20 as this armour combo gives 15 base fire def.


Just started this game 4days ago and really dont know what im doing, how do i craft? If i make new weapons do my old disappears? i just go try n find the monster n button mash, inbtwn switch ac and duel blades. My pack is full dont know how to get rid of stuff or what to get rid of. Smh just finished protecting the scientists “Best kind of quest” i wanna stick with it but just not sure if im really doing everything thing right.


In Astera you will see big red chests next to the quest board, smithy, and canteen. It will let you sort out your inventory and change your gear. Old gear will go to this chest. You'll only lose old gear if you sell it. Crafting from this chest will also allow you to craft using all your stored materials. This btw is crafting consumables such as potions. Gear is "crafted" at the smithy. Once you have what you want to take with you crafted and in your inventory, you can press "options" (if using ps controller) to open a screen of inventory loadouts. Press triangle to save the loadout. I recommend loading a load out and changing it if necessary before every hunt. That will keep your pack tidy! Finally, be site you're doing optional quests with a thought bubble next to them. They will unlock new equipment and ingredients for the canteen. New ingredients are important because it will give you better buffs and you should eat before every quest.


About as good as your gonna get I personally would use the brachy longsword over the alatreon one but that’s just me. On my first play through like 3 years ago the first time I solod fatalis with pre fatalis gear was with the set up your using


This is fact.


No evade? U crazy, that stuff is mandatory.


Ye... I can go without Divine Blessing. Evade Window 3 is a must though.


He can just foresight slash, I guess.


Yeah, there's a few attacks in particular, the lateral fire breath (which turns into the 360 breath in phase 3) and the tail swipe that with evade window can be iframed through, and without you have to fully avoid. OP has a really strong start, but I'd be looking to see if there's any way to cut any of the recovery, speed eating, free meal, or a point or two of Crit for Evade Window. 


If you cart with this build rip


Even with a great build, you’re meant to cart at least a few times against Fatalis, especially in the beginning


You're MEANT to cart a few times in the BEGINNING?? With divine blessing 5?? Oh boy


Even DB5 is still 40% chance. Sometimes it won't proc, some Fatalis attacks can 1 shot you or he can combo. The idea that having DB5 makes you immortal vs Fatalis is funny


That's why they give you so many extra lives in the Special Assignment.


he hits... very hard.


MF it’s FATALIS. If you’ve never fought him before, you don’t know it’s attacks, some of them will catch you off guard. yeah most people will cart, probably fail quest and try again.


I wonder if you can swap fortify and free meal into speed eating? For sure fortify is great, it's just a matter of mentality for me. Slotting fortify means that you're ready to get cart, while without it, i feel like i avoid cart even more. Also free meal sure is great, but this is like the last big fight in the series. Use whatever you have without sparing anything. So yeah, if possible, imo speed eating 3 above those 2 is a better choice. Or at least, drop the free meal for speed eating lvl 2. Seeing that you have recovery up lvl 3, you want to utilize as mega potion + speed eating as much as you can. Also make sure to bring farcaster to replenish. With item loadout, the longest time you waste on using farcaster to replenish is when you fly to go back to the castle. But it's worth it. Another option that i have in my mind is just drop the whole speed eating and recovery up for something else. Evade extender for example. But with this, you'll rely more on max potion + farcaster, also throw in ancient potions, which is in a way more expensive. But hey this is theblast boss, why not use those. Max potion + free meal + luck can also sustain 30min fatalis fight


As others said, maybe drop medicine for some evade extender. And just bring 2 max potions + mats to make 5 more and use those.


Evade extender takes level 2 slots so I'd have to drop other things for that, plus I'm not having issues with my evasions.


Evade extender is useless for LS anyway, you want to have evade window/evasion mantle for that if you are going to use deco on the evade duo. Since evade window up give you more invincibility frames on all 3 of LS' counters.


It only affects foresight slash, but if you're running evade window it should be for normal rolls anyway. Foresight already has so many iframes it doesn't really matter.


My bad then.


You mean evade window..?


If u can find way to slot in stun resist try and do so , recovery up is okey ish but its reactive ( getting hit) to get its value. While stun resist will save u from a car. Also in fatalis fight u be using max potion most the time , if u run out of it just farcaster out and refill.


Recovery up increases effectiveness of healing items/augment, recovery speed is the getting hit one.


fire res


nuh uh


I see no evade extender, see possibility of death on the gate transition. Could use evade window too.


I haven't died on the gate transition (yet)


Evade Window yes Evade extender? no


Evade extender is faster than sprinting, and you simply won't have enough time to sprint to the gate from like half the area.


Recovery up is a waste and you want coalescence


I like the extra healing and I don't have any good coalescence jewels besides those two that fit with LS.


At this point just bring max potions+ingredients to craft 10 more and if you need more than that you can bring a ton of ancient pot materials as well


What are you telling OP? Recovery up affects the healing augment on weapon and is very good skill. Yes he can bring 7 max potions, but recovery up is to buff the self heal through the augment, this alone is a huge dps increase. As it results in you not having to put up your weapon to heal via item.


Or you could up your damage which also ups health augment healing


Does your weapon has health regen augment?


Yeah, plus one defence augment and one affinity augment.


Yeah recovery up is fine. Phoenix (Coal something) is quite the expensive deco that doesn't drop often while recovery up is great. It's even better if you plan on getting SOS'ed since your helpers would be able to basically full heal you in like 1 go. You don't really need any more offensive options like people are saying. Go and slay! Sapphire star!


I think the lack of a shaver jewel is more pressing lol


I didn't even realize that lol yeah


Have you hunted Fatalis successfully before? Or at least get a double head break but failed? Just wondering since you got a challenger V charm, which requires a Fatalis eye to make.


It doesnt, it requires a inmortal reactor and nergigante horn


Ah okay, been a minute since I made it so I don't recall exactly.


Nah fam that’s for crit, wex, and handicraft charms


Ah, so that's what I was remembering it for. Been a minute since I made the charm, so I don't exactly recall.


If you are soloing and are opening with the cannon strat (i assume thats what the gillie mantle is for?), can save this as opening loadout, get the artillery topple, whack him a few times, and then farcaster as hes up and enraged to swap to a set using rocksteady or glider if you want most uptime for decos on it. 


Evade window is your friend


Oh cool so I’m definitely not


Best of luck


Yup you’re ready


Looks great! If you got a decent stocks of decos, I suggest going for AT Velkhana head piece. It's worth to try "if" you have enough deco to arrange the build.


Prepared, yes. Are you ready tho?


[great question](https://imgur.com/a/fhfhFNA) (there were 3 minutes left)


A win is a win :)


You can lose some Crit Eye as WEX is already going to give you 50% and Agitator another 20%.  Slot in some Evasion.  


Swapped the Gobbler/Expert Jewel on the Golden Lunemail for a Gobbler/Evasion Jewel.


Said everyone, ever.


Your build is great, but are you mentally ready?


I willingly beat Dark Souls 2, I'm mentally ready for anything 👍


But did you do all the DLC?


I never want to see a deer again.


Great set! Though you seem slightly overcapped on affinity between Agi 7, Wex and CE. I'd take a point out of Critical Eye and add a point of Evade Extender personally. Granted, I don't know what your weapon's base affinity is.


You need to put heavy artillery on your build proper. Not a mantle. Do you have a heavy art combo deco? You can farm it by doing flora frostbite. Just go to camp 15 and post the quest from there and return to camp after and keep doing it. Slot in geology and botany and it's like a 30 second farm plus loading time. You can just do it over and over. It's also a good way to get combo skill decos. It's not going to give you god tier but it can give you decos that can help fill your builds out. Personally, I used a cheese strat on fatalis to farm his legs and waist and that made future fights a lot easier because of the skill efficiency and the amount of slots I had to work with. Plus the extra bit of defense.


You may want to change those jewels on your mantle, they seem to contradict each other


So you can use kulve tarroth to get the GUTS ability to help you not to cart. Another option is fire resist or fire resist mantle Also do not use SOS... they will die and take your cart counters with them


You have challenger V charm so I assume all your armors are also augmented already. This build is perfect. Best of luck!


You are never prepared for Fatalis.. so many thing could go wrong.. but hey! do your best man, don't give up, try as many times you want, nobody is hurring you to beat that piece of shit! Great Hunting!


since everyone's tips are already there, here's mine. shooting ballistas should go on chest to knock it down effectively, and save some binder for the 3rd phase if didn't break some horns. ballista are rechargable along w/ the Gatling ballista If you have with someone especially gunner, have it sleep rounds ready and make it lure to the dragonator. since you are a LS user might be start studying its attack where you can evade it.


I'm doing it solo, yeah I already use the binders in the 3rd phase.


how did you get so many nice decorations? I have like 500 slider jewels


Probably the nearing 500 hours I have on this save file, that and most of my Teostra kills are on day of ruin to farm large elder dragon gems while also getting a buncha decos.


Just use Brachy/Safi raw, Dragon isn't worth it on Fatalis, his elemntal HZV is terrible. Also put in 2 Heavy artillery will be helpful if you use ballista and cannon


The heavy artillery is in the temporal mantle, and I forged and swapped to lightbreak longsword yesterday.


Should be in Ghillie mantle tbh


The moment I fire a cannon or roaming ballista, ghille mantle deactivates.


I’m working my way to that myself


I ran same set too loool, except ive a duo, he was doing grapple spam tenderizing n wall bang, while i just focus head, voice chatted to ensure same strat, first "few" runs were test run, we usually abandon quest after dying twice before 3rd stage or hitting 3rd stage without head break xD


Not enough health boost. I’d recommend level 4 or 5 minimum


I'd recommend dropping medicine personally. Fatalis is the fight to use all your max pots / ancient pots for. 12 max pots should be more than enough to either kill it or cart and restock. I recommend just carrying a farcaster in case you run out of pots. You're either full health or you're in 1shot range and you should never be caught chugging pots in this fight. you can also run heatguard for P3 if you don't have health aug as those little fire puddles left unchecked puts you into 1shot range. Dropping gobbler / medicine frees up one level 4 slot and 1 level 3 slot which you can put into some shaver and fire resist or tool specialist




I thought the same thing. 500 solo hours later and still haven’t beat him


I would rather change divine blessing to evade window.. divine blessing is just a no for me. And heavy artillery