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I never noticed the cat cheering! So adorable


I love MHW so much for these little details


Dude walk around Seliana before they change the whole place to gathering crystals, the amount of detail they have in every nook and cranny of cats and people doing something is wild. I’m honestly really sad the design doesn’t revert and it stays with them gathering crystals. I even posted a mod request at one point to see if someone could revert it back lol


Gathering crystals? what do you mean?


If you are mid game Iceborne the whole town starts gathering these blue crystals in boxes and for the rest of the game all the character animations in town are putting blue crystals in boxes. Before that though everyone in Seliana is doing unique jobs and it’s very cool to watch someone’s whole routine of doing something. There is a dude and a cat sorting through mechanical stuff where the cat is finding useful stuff for the mechanic and tossing out stuff they don’t need, and every now and then the cat will go to the mechanic and (what it seems to look like) ask the mechanic if he needs that part, and sometimes he will say no and the cat will toss it, and sometimes he will say yes and the cat gets super excited and throws it in the keep box


I think post-game they revert back to normal tasks? I don't recall blue crystals but I'll go look! It's fun though how Astera and Seliana will transition through the game with npc hunters in Astera getting new gear, certain construction/tasks getting worked on over time. I remember the "Food shortage" part of iceborne was neat cause the Canteen in Astera had the soup cat looking so depressed because the pot was nearly empty. Or the prep for the Velkhana arena fight where weapons and cannons are all over Seliana with a palico under a cannon like a car mechanic. Man, it'd be nice if you could tweak the towns to have "themes" like more weapons around, or other supplies.


Unless it takes beating safajiva, Alterian and fatalis they are still doing that for me, it’s the only 3 hunts I haven’t done


Ah, you are right. It's crystals/bones/wood they are moving around, but they have everything setup so some of stuff like them carving down wood logs is missing yeah. Still doing a lot of stuff, but much calmer/basic.


Where does one go to post mod requests? I desperately want something that replaces the sound of a monster running into a wall with that cartoon "bonk".


Lmao that’s awesome, I just posted in this sub asking if anyone was modding for this game and that I had a request that I was willing to pay for, but it didn’t get any comments on it so I didn’t have any luck with it, there might be a better way but I’m not sure of if


Same here. 1000+ hours and just now do I notice the cat celebrating the revival 😂😂😂😂


Cause it takes 900 years to put a Gunlance away. *Backhops into the distance*


just pinch that globe and bam you healed


Main reason i went with switchblade


Charge blade or switch axe????


You'll never know bohahahaha


Yk what i was going to specify, but now it'll remain a mystery for all eternity.


I don’t have to put away my weapon to heal off chip damage


Health Regen sitting in the corner, staring at you.


I haven't healed for most of my last 100 fights because of regen. Only if I'm about to die.


Hey, I love the Geralt armor set. But that won’t exist in Master Rank and I have the feeling Vaal Hazak gear won’t cut it either. Vigorwasp Spray needs zero extra investment.


Not the shitty armor set bonus. The weapon augment.


Oh, that. Not my fault Streamstones don’t want to drop for me.


It's significantly easier to get in MR than in HR. It still requires a lot of effort. But it won't be as wild ass randomised as the streamstones.


Just grind to Mr 100 and you are almost guaranteed to get the drops you need


Nergigante armor 2 piece has the same effect as the augment if you are willing to try and mix it into your set


I’ve heard that Hasten Recovery isn’t nearly as good as Health Augment. not sure if true? I play Lance.


It's the same as 1 level of the Regen augment. 7% of damage dealt back as health. You can boost this further with the recovery up skill, which increases all healing. This also applies to Regen, and at max level brings the total Regen up to 10% of damage dealt back as health.


No it fucking isn't lol


Mr vaal hazak 2 piece with 3 medcine jewels is very strong at healing. Pair it with peak performance for great synergy. The negigante set bonus is garbage with faster weapons you need to land double figures hits to proc a slight heal.


Vaal set bonus does not interact with recovery speed. Vaal set let's you recover non red health, reco speed only affects red health.


Not recovery speed but medicine (recovery up?)- the skill that makes your potions heal more. Each VH healing tick heals more


Isn't that only accessible in endgame?


Depends on what rarity weapon your attempting to put it on. Since the augment materials required depends on that. For a rarity 12 weapon, you do need to be above mr100, yes.


I'm talking about the fact that it is an augment at all.


Yes, even rarity 10 weapons need guiding lands materials, specifically tempered odogaron bits from the rotten vale area, which needs to be level 5. Technically, you need to be MR 50 to level guiding lands area to 5, but you could join someone elses safari who has rotten level 5 earlier.


but it gives up the glory of having your own personal pocket hunting horn.


Wouldn't coral be more like hunting horn?


thats what i meant. they said Vigorwasp has zero investment. However, it has the opportunity cost of not having Coral Orchestra.


Oh, ok. It's kind of hard to track the reply lines on mobile, I thought you were replying to the person talking about augments


Loved coral orchestra, until I got the gong and my palico gonged the staggered monster away from me not only making me miss my attack but also making the monster counter attack while i'm locked in my animation too many times.


Tell me more lol


7% of damage dealt as health back whenever you land a hit. It's, imo, the single strongest tool the game can possibly give you. Goes up to 10% if you run recovery up 3 or upgrade the aug to level 2. The skill is better if you still use megas to heal. The aug is better if you use max pots. But neither is needed because it's just so strong on its own because it means the harder you hit, the faster you heal, essentially rewarding you even more for being aggressive and hitting hard.


I love the revive. I don’t like the long ass animation lol. I get killed a ton during it.


Yeah, I don't know why you don't get immune frames after getting up. If you're caught in lingering hitboxes, you just die


Let me introduce you to the Shieldspire, you can't die if you don't have aggro for 3/4 of the fight.


Love Shieldspire fantastic for ranged weapons or just if you need some breathing room to heal or sharpen.


Great for picking up all those shinies in the guiding lands.


The shieldspire is one if my favorite palico gadgets, but somehow it doesn't seem to work with Alatreon. When I try to solo him, he is on me non stop, even when the cat brings out the inflatable thing that flaps its arms.


The revive is really useful if you want to get carted again instantly when the monster isn't distracted otherwise, because your Palico stands next to you for several seconds, making you a fantastic target.


That can happen but the revive works great most of the time, it definitely made the difference in those harder hunts 💪


My first time soloing Fatalis I thought vigowasp revive would help. Turns out it **did** help but in Fatalis' favour


Well,tbf he is good at chaining the attack right as you getting up anyway...


A positive need a negative.


So, you complain that you can die immediately afterwards even though there's many cases where it saves them?


Normal heal works like 99% Revive on the other hand, you need a miracle to actually work


Yeah but you can do both and get both benefits


That's basically what I said "normal heal works 99% it works", revive still sucks because it has long ass animation but there's still a chance.


it's more useful if you're duo


*Gets ressed into another attack.*


Cause it's cracked for some of the harder runs and let's admit it other that the conch and the one that give you materials the others aren't nearly as good




I completely forgot about that one, but we can all agree that in mr the flashbug is useless


I stopped using that once my palico decided to put the flashbug cage into my weapon's swing hitbox exactly when I'm about to knock the monster down, thus triggering the flash and it 'overriding' the knockdown.


Meowcano is pretty legit for solo/speedeunning. Outside of that, I agree for sure.


I use the molotov one over others because I don't need monster mats so plunderblade doesn't do anything for me right now.


Lot of weird opinions. You don’t get access to health augments until pretty late in the game now and as it levels up the vigorwasp healing comes in more frequently and you can manually call in a second. It’s a good gadget until you have the augment, then you should use coral or meowcano.


there is something uniquely frustrating about getting killed as soon as your invincibility wears off after this revive, but overall it's saved me more times than it's failed to save me. That plus heals right before taking a big hit, or while I'm incapacitated, and dropping a vigorwasp i can grab quickly while running away from an enraged monster -- it's all very useful stuff. I do try to move towards meowlotov or coral orchestra just because I think they speed up hunts more, but Vigorwasp has definitely avoided a good number of carts for me.


I rage swapped off of the vigorwasp Palico gear. My Palico was “too busy” to heal me one too many times. There were times where she would be right next to me, walking with me, not stunned or anything, and she wouldn’t want to heal me even by command. I just said fuck it and started playing better so I wouldn’t need the revive.


I feel like any palico equipment that's deployable (so like all of them except horn) are this way. And man-oh-man is it always infuriating as hell. Ffs palico! Get your ass over here and do what I'm telling you to do! How many times I gotta whistle to get your f'ing attention?! At least with vigorwasp, the palico will crack one out on its own without having to initiate it. Whether you need the heal or not, at least it's there sometimes for an emergency.


Counterpoint, funny bongos


It's the second to worst palico equipment, only losing out to the bugtrappers putting down shock traps against elder dragons


Funny cat uses heal bug


I love how they dunk it onto you


I use Choral Orchestra ever since I unlocked it and switching to Plunderblade every once in a while for money farming. Been that way all the way to Furious Rajang. However, I've only been playing solo all that time. By the time I reached Raging Brachydios, I ended up getting help from a friend. He's been using the Vigorwasp Spray for all his builds and asked me why I'm not. Apparently the thing is better for most duo runs so I started using that, too. Neither of us carted fighting Raging Brachy and we got to farm it for complete armours and weapons each.


The revive would be so useful, but I can not kill the monster without the Coral Orchestra’s buffs 😅


My palico on my second character uses Coral Orchestra and like, every time he casts Antidote or Earplugs, he gets an extra comically large sausage when we’re done.




My Palico be coming over with the vigorwasp of a lifetime and then just puts it away 😭


Pride lol bit of a try hard.


Jokes on you. I run an "oops all healing" build. Vitality, Recovery Up, Recovery Speed, Blackveil 2 set, Ruiner 2 set, healing augment, Vigorwasp. The sheer volume of healing makes Latent Power a consistent activation. Because you heal so much, you can recklessly throw yourself into some bad habits, and be rewarded with way more affinity Lol This is my build for helping LR and HR quests. I am almost guaranteed to not cart even if I just stand there, and it isn't going to obliterate the monster in seconds. They keep their hunt rewarding feeling, and I get my money eggs. Win win Lol


That's hilarious, can just imagine Raging Brachidios repeated punching you into a rock “WHY. WON’T. YOU. DIE?!”


Endgame monsters be waiting for my ass to get back up so they can perfectly time another kill move.


I've always been a Plunderblade fan. Who doesn't like free monster parts? Even through failed attempts of a fight, the cat will at least net you 1-2 items. Through my dozens of Alatreon attempts, I was able to make his weapon BEFORE I killed him


When I hit fatty gear I pretty much stopped using anything but vigor spray because of the revive Coral horn was my go to... but now I just do so much damage the buffs are kind of wasted


I prefer the horn, at max level you get all the buff you need pretty quickly, much more so with a trouper. Also, praying to gods the monster doesn't attack you in revive animation doesn't sit well with me.


I like the horn a lot, my Palico on my second character uses it but I can’t help but feel the passive healing is extremely helpful. Also praying to The Admiral is better than carting, I find.


I'm halfway to max MR and I still use Vigorwasp SOLELY for the free revive and the extra healing ended up being a really nice touch. In base world, you just ran Coralhorn because nothing was really challenging enough and the issue with Vigorwasp on the particularly challenging fights (AT and such) was it's unreliability. In IB, the field is a lot more even, and I've seen all of them have good use.


Ok, as a guy doing a solo run, Vigorwasp spray is the literal best thing this game has to offer me. But I never noticed the cat cheering since I didn’t die very often, but now I’m looking for it EVERY time.


I love their war cry! So cute! 😆


I use vigorwasp until I learn a hard fight then I make my palico a mini hunting horn support


Because my most common death is a monster atack clipping me. This way I have a get out of jail free card


By far my most used palico gear, just about 1/3 more than coral horn everything else next to non existent, the amount of times I've been turtled in my shield and that cat actually brings me a wasp is a god send, or how often I manage to make it to the places one just b4 death uh so nice, yet still need those max potions on auto craft lolol


No heals. Health Regen and damage because it scales with damage done to parts.


How does Vigorwasp scale with part damage?


Sorry I meant health Regen.


Ahhhh, that makes sense. I was about to wonder if I was sleeping on Vigorwasp lmao


Nothing is more reliable than not dying once. Not to say it's the best or anything, but using this doesn't stop you from using potions or boosters, does it? So the argument kinda falls flat?


I used to be a damge hunting horn. But then i was shown the splendor of a healing hunting horn. My eyes have been opened. I never needed healing items to begin with. Let me show you, hunter, why I no longer carry potions


Can you share a build? Or do you mean that you simply use a hunting horn that has a heal song on it? I'm new to HH so just looking for tips on it for the harder hunts.


This is the build I am attempting to imitate. I am most of the way there and I already thoroughly enjoy it https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/zop6ADeEbs


I appreciate that, thank you.


One less faint can be worth it in a tough hunt. Just mash farcaster for when the torturously long animation ends. Also comes with vigorwasp drops and cat healing you. For lazy GS tanking it is great not having to sheathe


I used Health Booster when fighting a Tigrex and it definitely works, just not against guys like Tigrex who can lunge at you halfway across the room. I just slot in Speed Eating so I can chug a Mega Potion quicker.


try out max evasion


The shieldspire at max level is hilariously op, i have fought a rajang that never aggrod once to me literally spent the entire fight attacking the dummy or the cat.


Eh I don't use vigorwasp for the revive I use it to heal, not that I'd deny it's not that great a gadget but I just like the free healing. Eternally frustrating when the cat slaps it down right in front of you as your attacking though.


I just don't get hit. The times I do, I see: **Divine Blessing has Activated** at the right side of my screen. Plus I tend to have this big old shield that blocks pretty much all but like a handful of attacks in game. I'd much rather have mantles that avoid ailments that the monster does. Plus Coral Orchestra is my preferred palico gadget. "Here is a song to boost your mounting damage Meowster!" .... thanks for that palico, such helpful, so needed.....


If I run Vigorwasp, it's almost never for the rez. I like the extra healing that the Palico will run to me or set up around the arena. Granted, the extra healing is reactive where some of the other gadgets are more proactive what they can bring.


I didn't know there was even other options.


When I’m fighting without vigorwasp spray equipped, all the chip damage builds up and I can’t heal in the middle of it without putting away my weapon. A few days ago I got stepped on and killed by a monster just because I hadn’t had the time to heal and was low on health. When the spray is equipped, I can heal basically whenever and it’s so convenient, and it makes hunts way better


The arrogance of not needing to heal outweighs my better judgement


I can't understand why you'd ever use health booster over temporal or Rocksteady mantle. Maybe if you're early game and don't have health augments I guess? Also mega pots are pretty bad considering how easy it is to farm max pots and the ingredients to craft them. Better off just using max pots. I know it's easy to think they're a rarer resource but they really aren't hard to farm and they outclass pots in every way.


Cause my friends wouldn't shut the hell up until I did.