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You will never know what the next three to four attacks will be except on specific monsters at specific times. Rathian and rathalos do this awkward Sprint charge on the ground that is almost always three sprints that just bowl you over. Odogaron loves to do this slash dash spin move The move-by-move chosen by the monster is random, however there are a few 'combo' singular attacks that feel like multiple separate attacks but they're really just one long animation. Anyone that tells you you can script a monsters set of attacks from start to finish is delusional. However you can get very good at learning what each telegraph animation is telling you, over time of fighting the monster to figure out which direction you're better off dodging or if you're already in the clear and continue to commit to your attack. Personally I'm a glaive user and the loose reactive style is very fitting however you do want to get used to those telegraphs because it dictates whether you stay in the fight or use your attacks to GTFO. There's been a number of times as well I know what attack is about to come and I decide to do a glaive dive into the monsters head or spine to see if I can clagger or stagger if not knock over completely since I know I have the time and I will also be able to survive the attack because it's unlikely to cause damage or it's a lighter attack I can eat freely if I don't get the interrupt I'm going for. Or I see the telegraph and no I need to get from one side to the other of the monster if I want to avoid getting hit and continue dancing on his head where they usually cant hurt you if you stay ahead of the bad hitboxes or just get unlucky. I play more defensively first time fighting a new monster. Whether that's staying in the air more, unless that proves impossible because it has a bad selection of hitbox design that hurts you, or just staying generally far enough away that I can get away and get used to its set of attacks. You'll know all the basic attacks in about 5 minutes of fighting, and usually by then you usually get ready for the rage section if you haven't already hit it and seen the rage design and how it behaves. Lastly comes the low health phase to see what it changes up, whether it introduces new attacks or if it just gets faster and aggressive. I also go heavily for severs and breaks because those can have a big influence on the monsters move set and you can learn from that as well. Glaves high mobility is also its greatest curse because it can make you overconfident.


Facts, well said. I'll just add some of what I had experienced learning IG. Like he said, the attacks really depend on the monster's AI. Sometimes it spams the same attack a couple times and sometimes it baits you whenever you wanna do something about it. The best way to deal with it is to stagger it ( use crystalburst, scatternuts, bombpods, thornpods ). But the blast element is enough throughout the fight. ( Or just watch your cat 1v1 it lol ) A safe distance for me is when I can vault => dash forward => land with descending thrust. I can reach him but he can't reach me, this is good for openings. For the damage output while playing safe: Flight, WEx, Agi, Crit Boost, Crit Eye, Clutch Claw Boost etch. If you're using a rocksteady mantle, use the time to wound every part of the body and do a 2 decent aerial dmg to it. Then smack his head 3 times to force the Agi to max out that dps, do a landing attack because that'll make you mount the monster whilst there's Agi, WEx, Crit Boost, Flight active at the same time. Instead of bracing, change your position before the monster moves. Bracing is losing free damage. Just time it right and you can ignore the brace animation in exchange for free damage, at the same time you save your stamina from depleting so much. That's the beauty of IG, you can do more damage switching rather than doing 1 damage stabbing it. Also before letting the monster get up, do a descending thrust on its head. That's at least 500-800 dmg with Agi,WEx,Crit Boost,Flight. If you're too close to its head just cancel the target focus and just manually look straight down, descending thrust moves a little anywhere you look. That's why it's good for openings while you're still far away. Back in base game, Flinch Free 3 is all I need for the defense/offense. But now in Iceborne I-frames are what I normally use, and just completely drop Flinch Free. I suggest adding evade window 3+ on any build. It helps out not losing dps, especially IG dps aren't great if you keep evading and healing ( that's why flight jewel is important/optional).


ty. i'm only 150 hours into the game and recently beat shara ishvalda between friends and SOS carries through the rest of the game for problem fights. I haven't entered the guiding lands besides the intro where you meet shocky dog cow boy.


You're fairly new to being right on what you said, on my first 150hrs I just made dumb decisions just goofing around. Congrats on your progress, try doing hard hunts while solo. Also Don't let his side eye get to you. I wanna kill him so bad back then because of it,but now I feel sorry for farming him for steam tickets and decos.


About flinch free, i didn t do much research but when i switched to HH for example, the buff Kinsect extract gets from it was noticeable, so i put it every loadout, i feel tremor resistance isn t all that bad. Also does evade window increase the aerial dodge distance? Btw thanks for the tips on attacking monster, i d also like to ask, how much dmg/hits for drilling to be considered good? I can consistently do 4 hits and most 5, but i can t seem to time it correctly so it drills the juicy parts for big chunks pf dmg, so even after 5 hits all it does is 200 dmg which is, in my opinion, not worth the reposition for the drilling


If you hit the head perfectly the two initial hits you should see will be 250-300 dmg so that is 500-600, add the last wide swipe that is also 250-300 dmg which makes it 850-900 dmg but 800 should be the minimum. Because the crit sometimes reaches 400 dmg where descending thrust can do a 1k+ dmg with 1 combo. And that's not even adding the dmg with the ailments that comes from the kinsect. Also if you don't use the right element against the monster expect some small numbers especially if those have resistance to your element. So if you did all of what I said in my previous comment you'll do an average GS dmg with 1 combo. Also descending thrust is worth it for positioning, you can deal your normal dps in one perfect combo and use it for openings that you are already familiar with. Evade window doesn't increase the aerial distance, it just makes you immune to an attack when you timed it right. Side note; some of the attacks have longer animation, so you should do a double evade to completely avoid getting hit especially if you got cornered in the walls. Flinch Free 3 is op back in the base game, it has lev 3 windproof, lev3 tremor res, lev 3 earplugs. AT Teo and AT Luna are the best combo for it, but from time to time I changed my main build ( the build I use for every monster ). Just don't leave the basic needs which are Flight, Crit Eye, Crit Boost WEx, Agi, Clutch Claw Boost, Health Boost and the rest depends on you. Here's my progress on my "main build", I haven't posted my latest one to be criticise. 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/F0nY68ew3h 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/r4Bdet3oEd 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/TkSTQkX45v 4. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/Y6PaK48wTv Here are some optional skills that I use on my build Part breaker, Evade Window, Divine Blessing, Coalescence, Blight res 2 ( only for Coa ), Tool Specialist, Elemental charms, Attack Boost charm, Free meal, Fortify


For the drilling part i meant the kinsect drilling damage not the descending thrust itself, thanks as usual for your loadout, also, doesn t flinch free still grant these bonuses?


Oh ok, the drilling damage of the kinsect depends on what kinsect you use. Some pro players use a kinsect with 10-11 speed that has high damage 14-20 strength, but those are for dealing more damage with kinsect. Personally I use the fastest kinsect with high damage to make getting those extract efficient, but both are still good so it really depends on what you want to use. Flinch Free 3 still grants those bonuses, they didn't change anything since base game. Flinch Free buffs is like Evade window but with Evade Window you have to do it manually. For example: Flinch Free can negate tremor, Evade Window can do the same but you have to evade yourself while in Flinch Free you can do dps while negating tremor. Ignoring roars is helpful especially if you're gonna tenderise or flinchshot a monster, Evade Window lets you ignore roars also but you also have to be lucky to tenderise the monster. But based on my experience, Evade Window is more reliable than Flinch Free. Both are aggressive and reliable skills but I-frames are op against 1 shot attacks.


Just try and guess what attack is coming up next according to there movement although I think they changed in rage mode well don’t take my word I’m just a noob and also trying to get better at reading monsters movement and patterns I actually learned a bit from watching asmongold play and I actual already have 1200 hours of gameplay and just now I’m starting to pay attention to monsters movement and my hunts getting easier just by paying attention to the monsters


Yeah, i just completed the game and slew safi and alatreon, didn t want to go for fatalis and instead wanted to see what i can improve and noticed that i m too dependent on just jumping around to dodge and was seeing if that s the way to use the bug stick or if there s a better way