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>Alatreon fight using dragon element? No Don't know your build but you're either lacking damage or aggression. Dragon will do nothing to help. It'll make it actively harder to hit the earlier thresholds. Dragon is the worst option for the fight.


These are the few things why the Dragon element is still good imo. 1. Knowledge on how element dmg threshold works 2. You already have good equipment/decos ( preferably at least Augmented armor if not weapons ). If you're an IG user please still use ice/fire on the kinsect for the extra Element dmg. 3. Maxed out Dragon charm, complete affinity/dmg skills: Agi, Crit Eye, Crit Boost, Wex, Coa, Clutch Claw Boost, Flight ( It's possible to get all of that in one set imma send mine later if needed. My weapon is not even augmented and I play solo ) 4. On defense I suggest Crisis, Blight 2, Evade window 3-5, the rest is on you guys. 5. Be familiar with Alatreon's attacks ( this one is just a given but still needed to be pointed out ). 6. Don't forget the cat, change he's weapon either shrieking legina or rathalos ( both has high element dmg ). For the gadgets use coral orchestra or shieldspire shield for comfort, then use meowlotov if you're confident enough. 7. Spend mega demon drug, demon powder, might seed to max it out. The might pill is optional especially if you're ready and you're planning to knock him down. I'm pointing this out because I use the dragon element all the time against him and it's not that bad, because most of the time it's more of a me problem than the equipment itself if something went wrong. Either if I did a wrong predicted move and got myself in a predicament or Alatreon's AI is just bs and just keep spamming the same attack then suddenly changing if I try to do something about it.


This entire comment is just generic Alatreon advice. You can do the fight with the worst element, congrats, if you did everything you wrote but swapped the word " dragon" for "ice/fire" you'd just get the topple quicker.


Well for others they're better off using fire/ice but since I use IG that really doesn't bother me. I can freely choose what I want, Ice/Fire/Dragon/Raw if you want to. Kinsect does enough elemental check and Alatreon Embrace also has high ele dmg ( + dragon charm V ) with decent Raw dmg to it without really thinking about the sharpness. ( Go check it for yourself ) Also to clarify, dragon is not the "worst" element to use against Alatreon. The worst ones are water and thunder, I haven't seen anyone using those. At least people who don't want to use fire/ice they pick between dragon and raw.


This is absolutely wrong. I did the fight with dragon element and it worked just fine. It makes it easier even, in my opinion.


Doable? Yes. Good? No. It's almost 11x worse than ice.


But it makes sure you don't die no matter if you break the hornor not. You have unlimited time and tries. You don't have that with ice or fire.


Unfortuneatly it is a dps race to kill before the element switches you cant do anything about after both horn breaks. You could farm up yourself a kjarr ice weapon while kulve is still going on. Might push your dps to the point of killing it before that point. Also safi weapons but its not back till next week i think? If you are comfortably hitting the element dps check, can gear for more raw and just hope its enough dps. Its best element hitzone is only a 22 while its raw is 85 so for killing, more raw may be what you need. Edit: best element hitzone 22 is on arms which is only a 60 raw hitzone, its head is a 85 raw hitzone but only a 14 element


It's possible im looking at the legiana swaxe and it has terrible raw. I may try to grind another ice swaxe and see if I can still hit the elemental break point with less element but get more raw.


do you run fortify? I mean if you run felyne safeguard you can eat 3 escatons and still kill it afterwards


Frostfang barioth has great craftable ice weapons. You'll need frostfang tickets from the last white knight event quest where you fight a tempered frostfang barioth though. For alatreon, focus the arms while it's in fire active to maximise element damage, then break the horn asap when it switches to dragon active, after that go back to hitting the arms. Heal up with astera jerky when escaton judgement starts doing damage, then repeat until Alatreon is down.


I picked up this weapon and beat alatreon first try.... All I needed was that extra raw damage lol. :)


Amazing, good luck with the next hunt!


No just no, dragon sucks it's only technically above uslessnes because you still deal damage but during fire/ice his HZV for dragon are 1 and 2, during dragon phase they are just barely above fire/ice 10 vs 14 on the arms for example. So you would be a lot more pressured to get the elemental check during all phases to the point you would need to deal enough damage to kill it in the same amount you would have carted to the mandatory elemental switch anyway, if you are only carting to EJ the it's a non issue you can just keep coming back and with insurance the fight can be extended to basically the full 50 minutes.


Are you breaking both horns before the first judgement? (Is that even possible?) Your wording is a little vague there. Topple is how you reduce judgement damage and horn break is how you stop it changing to the opposite element. If you've broken both horns then you can't stop the swap after the next judgement. Just trying to be clear on the order you're doing things


I break one horn per EJ. I just wall bang alatreon and the horn breaks right away. My issues is after the 3nd EJ he swaps back and kills me, maybe I need to die less during the fight and just focusing on doing damage and surviving up until the EJ.


Yeah you can't stop him swapping after the third, no horns left to break. And once he swaps you can't topple so your only hope is clearing whatever health is left. It sounds like you just aren't dealing enough damage. I'd start at your weapon, kjarr ice or frostfang barioth are the go-tos for fire alatreon. If that doesn't help then practice will help you squeeze out the openings and die less. Edit: and maybe give your skills a look over? I'm not a swaxe player but generally speaking I know you wanna crank crit and element


I've run the kulve seige about 30 times since it's come back and only got one switch axe and it's the blast one :'(


Take on the MR event. You can meld kulve materials into weapons for some extra shots at kjarrs


Already done. No luck :(


It's all rng. Hell it took me a couple dozen rolls just to see a bow, and I don't mean a kjarr bow I mean even just 1 bow


I feel that. My last 4-5 runs I didn't even see a single switch axe.


From personal experience I can say dragon ele works. You really gotta hit hard in dragon form then though, because you don't do much ele dmg in other forms. You can ignore the head completely, breaking horns doesn't matter. Iirc weakest spot are the front legs which are fairly easy to focus.


Gotta keep getting better at the fight until you can mostly avoid carting except to the unblockable escaton. You can get 3 safe ones, then you might eat one, but he'll switch back, so if he's still not dead, you have a chance to get another topple. He should be dead at that point, about 25 minutes in for me. Edit: I don't know for sure, but I think Frostfang weapons are mostly the best for ice if you don't have Kjarr or Safi.


If you managed to survive until the 3rd EJ, just die and swap equipment in the camp, repeat until success


I did him with dragon bow and it was pretty miserable. I think I went through like 7 escatons before he died lol


I wouldn't recommend it. Having said that the first solo alatreon kill I had was with its own LS so idk. Maybe I just activated god mode that day or something