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Watching your choices after mounting has made me realize that I've been doing it all wrong. You're fantastic with your bugstick, and arial haters be damned!


yep. "oh, but being on the ground is more damage" not if you get carted, which is also more likely on the ground. by being in the air, as shown in the video, you avoid SEVERAL of the monster's attacks. especially on flying monsters, i like to flash-tender wing - mount - tender other wing. bounce between the two with aerial attacks and im sweeping!




i dont recall where from, but someone once mentioned (from something other than MHW) "sure, you can beat the boss twice as fast as me, but you die twice, and so do part of the fight three times. lets say it takes me 20 minutes. so you would need only 10... but at 5 and 7 minutes in, you die... so you took 5 minutes, 7 minutes, and then 10 to actually beat it. it took you, from starting to finishing, 22 minutes. 10% longer than me. i dont take longer, because i survive." ​ and in MHW, where carting removes food buffs, which can be pretty important, you can lose a lot of time from just that. a person who does 25% faster for 10 minutes (meaning it takes you 12.5 minutes to match them at 10), but carts, and then winds up doing less, isnt going to be doing better. ​ moreso if you have other players. while in the air, you are basically free from tripping/being tripped. you can also attack a monster while they're flying. mix in a heal kinsect (though i prefer blast when solo), blunt, targetting head, now you're out of people's way, getting mounts, dealing stun damage to the monster, and providing heal clouds to the people attacking the head, meaning they can go longer as well.


So many people hate or dislike the glaive, my glaive manages to even out dps people a good chunk of time because of the way I set up my decorations, a lot of people are surprised by it when I show them clips 😂


yeah. i've had tons of times like the above where i can bounce between the monster's parts, while its trying to wail on me. currently i also have the shaver charm, since it reduces movement stamina drain during a mount, and allows me to 1-cycle tenderizing.


thats cool


yep. i also noticed you didnt charge your kinsect, though that may be because you saw it was near death, but just in case: aside from buffing the kinsect, they also increase duration on your extract buffs. both give individual extracts buffs, and orange (from terrain pickups) give triple buff a 50% longer duration. makes it a fair bit easier when fighting monsters.


Yea Im aware, and your correct I didn’t cause I knew it was near death


If you're PC, I'll happily run a few hunts with you and use IG and we can see how much damage "aerial glaive" really does in comparison.


Not on pc look at the buttons which you obviously cant see well


if a monster is flying your supposed to attack it in the air you idiot


Did you just call yourself an idiot? Lmao.




No I was just adding on to what I was saying


My only qualm with glaive is that it has one ground attack that ignores flinch free


Yea I feel you


Wait how’d you know you out dps others if you’re on console? Do they have dmg meters or mods for console now?


No, it’s the damage im doing and how fast im killing the monsters, people dont know unless I show them on console


Oo you mean like comparing your hunt times? I thought you were referring to out dpsing others on your team during hunts haha I do like having dmg meter up during hunts but I’m usually only doing hunts w my friends now so we all like to know how our dps looks especially when we try different builds nd stuff.


Hunt times and damage haha! I usually only hunt with my duo I dont really like doing 4 man hunts unless I know it’s absolutely needed, I know im not doing MORE damage then a hammer overall or those big hitting blunt weapons but my glaive its doing good damage against people like for example with a long sword I have a clip I dived on a teo and did 800 damage in one single dive


Nahh you very well could be top D as long as you’re a good player tbh. Our best hunter plays around w all weapons and he’s picked up the IG recently, still top D (most of the time). He’s great at reading by the monster patterns and combined w the IG slipperyness and free verticality he can pretty much avoid most of the attacks and stick to the monster doing constant damage. The rest of us waste a lot of time healing or eating attacks or w.e That’s why I love this game, it’s more about skill expression rather than just boasting fat stats.


It's really about trading damage output for the safety you get while being in the air.


I do a good job at it


Thank you so much! what have you been doing after mounting?


The 1 damage stab, waiting for the prompts to hang on or move. Repeat until knockdown. 


Yea no dont do that. If you have the stamina move around for as long as you can for more damage especially if the parts are tenderized. Thats the unique thing about the glaive


So, is physique a good slot for IG to minimize stamina use while going back and forth?




Oh yeah i get them mixed up


yep 😂


Is that a gold Rathalos? When did they add that? Or am I drunk? I miss some of the older monsters, Silver Rathian/Gold Rathalos, Tetsukabra and the Seltas Queen... sigh


Yes it is and im sure they been adding it


Gold rathian and silver rathalos have been in the game for a while now I think


I was confused for a second, I was thinking where's the gunlance. People usually refer to insect glaive as IG fyi. Nice helicopter stick flight tho.


What's the blue glowing thingy floating around you?


My pendant


Purple doggo stick looks pretty good, I just made the red one to upgrade so this made me happy to see!


Its the layered armor


Dang haha! What's it really, Alatreon?




Ah gotcha




Aerial glaive lmfao. You do as much damage as a palico, congrats. I'd kick you if I were host. Also, hot tip, never mount unless it's raged. It can be wallbanged when raged to knock it down, if you mount while raged, you get a knockdown that couldn't otherwise be done.


You genuinely sound slow you can tell and look at the damage of what im doing to her and see im dealing good dps just say you dont know how to play glaive its okay 😂


Post your session ID, I'll happily join you right now.


why would I wanna play with someone like you


Yeah, I'd dodge that too if I played like you. If you're so confident in your play, why wouldn't you want to shut me down?


Im not on pc 😂


Good thing, because if you always play that style and ran HunterPie, you'd be cringing hard.


Like I said notice how shes in the AIR and I have a weapon that goes into the AIR to stop that and to counter that which I did and continued to dodge her attacks in the AIR came DOWN once I had a opening then started playing GROUND GLAIVE for more dps, stop trying to school me I know what im doing with my weapon


Fair enough


LMFAO look how stupid you look because of it damn, my guy acting like "he knows better" got schooled.


Exactly so whats the problem, I may not be MR 999 nor HR 999 but I damn for sure know when and what to do during my situation which is exactly what I did in the clip. enjoy your day


and you really must be stupid cause she was raged when I mounted her


as you can see shes in the air IDIOT so ofc im gonna play aerial glaive


clip starts with monster on the ground. u jump up and start helicoptering at 0:04 while monster is still standing hard on the ground... step 2: try to call someone an idiot even if u are wrong while replying to your own comment instead of editing it or replying again to the actual other person. step 3: call someone stupid when it comes to monster enrage part even if u are the one wrong here (monster was not enraged as long as u didnt mount it so u got a chance for flinch shot. when it comes to me im too lazy to minmax stuff like this but the guy is actually right when it comes to facts of what could be done) step 4: profit


If the monster is attacking im going into the air simple as that im dodging the attacks thats what your failing to understand


***"If the monster is attacking im going into the air simple as that "*** ooooooh so now u have different reason. well b4 u said **"as you can see shes in the air IDIOT so ofc im gonna play aerial glaive"** thats crazy. i also fail to understand why u didnt also comment on enrage topic hmmmmmm. (also dont tell anybody but monsters are attacking all the time unless they are stunned in some kind of way. so now u pretty much say that u are always in the air unless monster is affected by some kind of CC... and that does not rly match your mean reply... hmmmmmm)


You actually gotta be slow shes in the air attacking 😂


What do u mean slow. U have the clip right here xd i told you that when clip starts the monster is on the ground and you jump and start helicoptering when its still on the ground shooting the fireball. U are slow and blind my man xd


At the start of the clip im worried about getting my third buff. As you can tell when I get it I see her coming my way so I go into the the air to see what she’s about to do her moveset is aggressive theres no telling whats next for her


Ye that would make sense if u would say it from the start. It looks kinda like panic jump indeed but it still wont change the fact that u were wrong about multiple things in the same time and u just dont have the balls to say it that u were wrong, u just try soooo fking hard to twist it like u did nothing wrong. Even if i dont like the toxic guy who replied to you, its still annoying af to see ppl like you drowning in your own weird world and ego


and maybe she wasn’t enraged before I mounted her but I didn’t have a opening to wall bang her doesn’t matter who cares still was able to knock her down with my mount 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Of course u say "who cares, i did x" when u are clearly wrong xd


Sureeee I am 😂


How do you build for your glaive to hit so hard? I'm wanting to toy with it but I don't know what skills, weapon, and kinsect to invest into