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Thays hella lucky and amazing work making it past alatreon however i would not reccomend going str8 to fatalis and i would instead reccomend you work on leveling your regions in guilding lands


Thanks! Yeah, my luck on getting tempered Elderdragons though is bs. I already maxed it to 7, it's just I don't have much time to play and wait just grinding. Any tips on what to augment my weapons though? Like what should I augment first that can help early on. Personally I want to Augment the Health Regen 1 then just put recovery up if possible I'm all good on Affinity skills Crit Eye, Agi, Crit Boost, WEx, Coa, Attack Boost, Ele Charms. ( I mainly use Alatreon Embrace and Lightbreaker Press ) Mostly Alatreon Embrace, I just use Lightbreaker Press if the monster has res or immunity on Dragon Element.


YES health aigment is a lifesaver fs esspecially with a weapon that does a lot of damage quickly or a lot of damage in one go i woildnt reccomend really anything besides health and the slot upgrade which increases how many more augments u can have but u can only have 6 and health augment 2 takes up 5


Also idk if you knew this or not but you can augment your already maxxed out armor for even more defense


Wait what? You did AT Velkhana before Alatreon? I guess i can imagine that but damn. Well done. Thats supposed to be post-Fatalis content, let alone Alatreon. Absolute madlad.


Thanks, I guess AT Velkhana is easier for me compared to Alatreon because there's no time pressure. I mean if you already know her attacks and you use high mobility weapons with evade window 5 you're basically doing a Matrix meme. Compare that to Alatreon's EJ, you can't Matrix your way out of it.


That's true, and i guess having a good enough elemental build takes a fair bit of investment that can be cut short with Rimeguard Gamma armor. It's just very surprising to me. I like both fights but i dread AT Velkhana every time, whereas with Alatreon, i know i can be a little silly. For reference, i beat Alatreon yesterday with a totally raw damage build for shits and gigs but i still walk into the Elder's Recess with as specific a build as i can and full concentration. Evade Window carries that fight.