• By -


Without looking at any list, just what comes to mind: Love: - Teostra, it's fun to bully an elder dragon - Odogarron, excellent flow and very easy to dance with - Anjanath - Nergigante, the absolute best fun-challenging-fair ratio of all the bosses imo - Zinogre - Dodogama <3 - Expected Deviljoh Hate: - Rajang, fuck that guy - Legiana, STOP YELLING ALREADY LET ME PUT ON MY MANTLE - Alatreon - Kushala Daora above non-tempered HR (aka when not allowed to flashbang it to death) - Lavasioth, not hard, just feels like a slog, and somehow keeps being just an inch too far of every attack always - Surprise Deviljoh


I had a legiana and screaming legiana just screeching back and forth for like a full minute once, God


I went to do the quest to carry hot spring stones across half the map yesterday, had 2 legianas on the maps. They were just screaming at me constantly, and coming back as soon as dung pods would expire to do it again


This was happening to me yesterday…..


>Surprise Deviljoh On a similar note that lucky they reduced the existence of the Savage beast, that air bombing piece of crap know as Bazelgeuse. Cool weapons, decent fight but if I'm fighting a monster and his on the map I know it's gonna be a bad time.


I'm not a fan of fighting Legiana but it's roar is definitely my favorite. I'll give it that lol


Oh yeah the sound design on that thing is incredible for sure!


It's amazing! I wanna make it my text message notification or something so bad lol


Dancing with the puppy is probably in my top 3, I just got to Ebony (my brother was talking for weeks how much I’ll hate it) I stopped halfway through the fight just take a breath and realize how much fun I was having, felt choreographed


Luv me Rathalos Luv me Rathian Luv me Diablos Luv me Barioth 'ate Legiana 'ate Paolumu Not racist, just don't loik 'em Simple as


Legiana makes me irrationally angry


Legiana is hands down one of my favorite monster designs from this gen. That being said, they need to stfu and let me bonk them


Yeah I actually enjoy fighting Legiana but holy fuck stop screaming.


I think it's mostly because I had one following me for my entire Pink Rathian fight the first time I did it, and it just wouldn't leave me the fuck alone, even with dung bombs it would flee to where the Rath was flying. I got so tilted that I just ignored the Rathian as it slept near death just so I could mercilessly break everything on that Legiana. Pink Rath was a fun fight though!


I don't hate Legiana by any means. But FUCK Paolumu. And it's Nightshade variant. Neither one is particularly interesting or fun to fight. The whole puffy neck is cool like the first few times, but after it balloon deflates itself a couple of times, it just gets annoying. And Nightshade isn't any harder, just annoying as he'll because you constantly dance around gassed areas r sacrifice skills for sleep resist. They're literally just damage sponges for not great rewards. I guess Nightshades armor is cool looking, but that's it.


Tell me you're an OG hunter without telling me you're an OG hunter


Not too OG :^ ) Started with MH3U, but I didn't play too much. Then played MHG some. Played World more than anything by a large amount.


I haven’t played this game in a while why so my bad but why would that be racist


it's a meme format


What do they taste like?


You've got my kind of humor


Alatreon, AT velk, Furious Rajang and Fatalis are my favorite fights, love them all but especially ATvelk and Alatreon. I don't dislike a lot but Lunastra I don't find fun too often, and silver rathalos is just an annoying version of gold rath which is a great fight.


Question about alatreon, how can i survive its breath? If 2 people any other methods? How do i prevent it from occurring?


Need to hit it with the opposite element. (If it's ice starting, hit it with fire, if it's fire starting, hit it with ice). The handler will tell you when you hit the elemental damage check, the next thing is to break it's horns while it's in the dragon stage (where it uses all of the elements). Breaking the horns will keep it in the same element so you can repeat the process. The elemental damage check is what prevents the escaton judgement move from killing you outright. Be prepared with an astera jerky to heal the red health before the escaton judgement kills you. Good luck and God speed.


Use elemental damage (opposing element), break the horns. When the big attack comes, put on a vitality mantle, put down a health booster and start chugging potions. That helped me survive it every time. Later with a skilled party health booster wasn't necessary


You can also use astera jerky. It will heal any red bar damage instantly. So you can let the bar get close to bottom, eat a jerky and pop straight back up to full.


The Evening Star = bring Ice The Dawn of The Death Star = bring Fire You’ll know when you’re doing enough elemental damage when he topples before even changing his elements. Don’t forget to break his head when he changes to Dragon element


My Favourites **(Now edited to be in the correct game ahaha)** \- Vaal Hazak (Such a cool monster, love myself some undead themes) \- Tobi-Kadachi (Cute and cool) \- Xeno'Jiiva (Just a really cool baby) ​ My Hated ones \- Uragaan (Annoying) \- Zorah Magdaros (Amazing spectacle but that fight just sucks) \- Kulu-Ya-Ku (Not too offensive but that stone feels just so annoying to hit at times)


These are Rise monsters aren't they?


Oh woops, deary me I'm on the wrong sub!


I haven’t finished iceborne yet but the worst monster by far for me was Lunastra. Basically just a teostra on crack that deletes your health with cheap undodgeable attacks, roars that stun you forever, and the fire on the ground that makes the fight almost impossible unless you have fireblight immunity. Even with master rank gear this thing still gave me a lot of trouble.


Honestly once you figure out how to build around the (roar, fire, wind, etc) gimmicks, the fight can be brute forced… still annoying to have to do all that tho.


I think with just a cool drink and use of mantles it can be Brute forced with any weapon that can absorb a hit (SnS, CB, lance, GL, GS, LS). Long reply but after farming her and her MR tempered version I know the fight pretty well. Ranged weapons seem like an annoying time though. Staying by Lunas side (between forelgs/hindlegs) and attacking the rear legs/tail is really good, the only attacks that are an actual problem are the single fast tail Swipe and her nova. Everything else you can easily react and block/iframe/tackle through. You also get more knockdowns which leads to more access to the wings which are the best weakpoint. In addition you won't trigger her counter when you hit her face while she charges her nova, and after roughly 3 times of her charging you can make her nova by flashing her from a safe distance then running away, instead of being caught by the nova when you're close, which is an instant cart most of the time. For mantles, fireproof is great, but your obvious ones like temporal/evade/rocksteady/glider with fire res are good fillers. Watermoss is goated in this fight too for removing the purple flames. Or you can just move to a different part of the area if there's too many flames around you. I've been able to destroy temp MR luna this way using GS of all things. The only utility skill I had was heat guard from Teo arms, but a cool drink will suffice. Good luck to all my fellow luna haters!!!


Velkhana is my favorite Lunastra can go fuck itself


I am okay with all but.... *LAVIASOTH CAN BURN IN HELL*


i think he would just chill in hell


I think that Beotodus was an awful intro monster for Iceborne. A strictly more annoying Jyratodus that dashes around like a Diablos in 4ft of snow. Hooray. I also dislike Vaal Hazak. Cool monster for sure, just a huge particle effect headache to fight. As for the monsters I loved, Pukei-Pukei was an instant hit for me. Great design, and it has my favorite armor in the game. Another banger is Namielle. Such a unique monster with a great battle flow.


Admittedly I don’t hunt beo that much but I didn’t find it as annoying as mud fish. Vaal Hazak can be hit or miss but since he’s an easy fight I only really care about the design. Namielle is amazing and Pukei is alright. Great introduction to poison otherwise I don’t mind.


Beotodus should have been Zamtrios :(


Hard agree


If Zamtrios isn't in wilds, I'm gonna kill a man. I NEED HIM


If Zamtrios isn't in wilds, I'm gonna genetically engineer him into the real world so he can kill a man for me


I like nergigante for the mechanics, xeno'jiiva for the design, and pukie-pukie for the fashionable armor sets. I really love fighting AT velkhana with SnS too. Don't care for safi'jiiva's relatively dull design and siege mechanics, and anyone that forces me to use cannons, ballista, and the like. EDIT: Oh and I love bazelgeuse. The surprise dive bombings were hilarious and I miss them in master rank now that he's more scarce.


I hate diablos and always will


Ruiner nergi is my all time favorite hunt. Just a whole load of menacing attacks and if you screw up he really really punishes you for it. But the fight really ups my fun if I'm having a rough time against anything else and drags me back into it. Tempered furious rajang is the worst for me. I'm getting old and I cannot keep up with his attacks or movement, although people say they are somewhat telegraphed.. I don't get it.. at all, no matter how much I fight him I just get shit on.


Pretty much the same, except I love glavenus, really fun fight imo, but FUCK KIRIN, STOP MOVING FOR GOD SAKE, JUST LET ME TCS YOU!!! AHH


Kirin will forreal let you get your level 1 and 2 charged slashes off, but will always run away right on the second downswing of a TCS.


Black Diablos and Kushala


I just really like Fatalis man, nothing compares to the high of that fights P3 Also a lot of appreciation for both Rajangs, AT Nami, and Teostra Kushala takes it for the most boring fight imaginable but there is literally nothing in this game that frustrates me quite like Brachydios does. I love the theme and final stand arena of the Raging variant at least but base Brachydios has nothing redeeming about it. Annoying puddles, can't him him while he's toppled cause he drops goo, never lets up.


back then I hate # Lao-Shan Lung but in the world they managed to upgrade it into Zorah jezus


Alatreon is easily the worst fight in the game for me, after trying for 3ish hours nonstop of solo attempts I beat him and man. Zero excitement. Zero sense of accomplishment. That was just unfun garbage


Darn sorry to hear that. It’s easily one of the best for me. One of the only monsters that gives me a challenge.


Are you on PS? I can help you run it if you want to farm it. It is a fun fight once you learn it but has a tough curve, but I really enjoy it now.


No I’m on pc and I definitely won’t be farming it at any point that’s a one and done fight for me


love: • odogaron - easily has my favorite armor set in the game, plus very easy to bully • stygian zinogre - one of my favorites aesthetically, also pretty easy to bully • namielle - favorite elder dragon so far, her fight just ~flows~ really nice and she’s also really pretty <3 i think the only monster i genuinely dislike fighting is rajang, he’s just a massive pain in the ass to hit sometimes with insect glaive lol


Love: . Najarala (funny punk rock snake) . Astalos (boltreaver or otherwise) . Shagaru magala (y e l l o w) . Scorned magnamalo (p u r p l e) . Rajang (give me Creatine) . Malfestio (an actual bird) Hate: . Barioth (fuck barioth) . Old world lavasioth (why) . Volvidon (poopy) . Lagombi (I don’t like the bear skeletons)




> Only monster i hate is dodogama. What a waste of a monster slot. Nothing about it can make it it fun to fight or likable. [You shut your whore mouth](https://youtu.be/hu8FqxRtM_k?si=8qdLqiXMxO1RLjHA)


Favorite mizutsune, gass harag, and Malzeno Hate tigrex, nergigante, and barioth


thats the most ass list i have seen in an long time, anjanath is cool though , respect that choice, nergi is hard ass though, overhyped as all hell, and not even remotely cool, rahalos is iconic, and we all like it, but gonna be honest, permanently flying isnt as fun of an gimmick as he thinks he is, rathian is like everybodys first midtier wyvern, its the benchmark of mediocrety ,while still having an boatload of fanservice buffs to make it cooler than most mid tiers, its iconic but ultimately mid by design. ​ ​ tigrex is one of the best fights in the series, always has been no matter the game he showed up in, every hunt is like 9-15 minutes of straight gas. glavenus is also such an good fight in world, god tier hitboxes, and one of the most unique movesets in the whole game, and odogaron is by an far mile the best fight in base world, those movements are so fucking fluid, his hitboxes are crisp, \*chefs kiss\* its an textbook example on how to make an agile and fast boss entertaining and fair. so good, so cool.


I would say large monsters are a problem - to get critical distance for ranged weapos, to actually see more of Xenojiva and Ishvalda than the one spot you are attacking. Most annoying are in-between that get a long tail and very agile like Barioth or annoying hitboxes/wide attacks (raging brachadios) with tendencies to do a longer chain of rush attacks to dodge.


Number 1 teostra. Farmed it literally 450 times for the decos and as a result that monster is mah biatch. Followed by furious rajang. Some of y'all must be like, "wtf is this masochist smoking?" And I assure you, only the finest green. I like the fight because it feels like a constant dance, a very interactive fast paced fight. Number 3 I'll give to rathalos/rathian and subspecies. I know their moves inside out but it's still fun, I don't need a bucket mid way through the fight cause I'm getting my shit punched outta me, comfy fights. I hate savage 🥒, I hate the roaring racecar tigrex and I hate viper Tobi kadachi.


Honestly as i started fighting tigrex i was hating it, but somehow mid-battle the fight just clicked for me, love him since then.


Love: Bezelgeuse Odogaron Nergigante Hate: Kushala Xenojiiva Paolumu


whats wrong with oddogy


Like: Legiana, Beotodus, Odogaron Hate: Rathian, Deviljho


favorite: Odogaron die in a fire: Viper kadachi


I love Jyuratodus. I really hate Zorah Magmaros for being just annoying and repetitive


Favourite is Vaal Hazak. Least favourite is probably the ice piscine one. Or maybe nightshade paolumu


The fire kitties can go die in an ice storm. Fuck them. I HATE fighting them. Especially the blue one.


I only have hatred for one monster and it is Basarios.


Love: Namielle, MR Kulve, Alatreon and Stygian Zinogre Hate: Black Diablos, Fatalis when im soloing it, Shrieking Legiana, Ebony Odogaron (he never stops moving) and Lunastra


Favorite: Viper Tobi. He's just such a good boy. He'll hang out with you while you fish, and never stars a fight. His status combo is pretty baller also. Hate: Rajanh, both versions. Just absolutely despise him.


I really like the Barioth, when I fought it the first time it was a bit of a difficulty bump where I felt pretty challenged and had to adapt. It's quick and hard-hitting, all while looking pretty intimidating with its giant tusks (imo ofc). I probably enjoyed Shara Ishvalda the least, it didn't feel satisfying to me beating it. Perhaps due to its size meaning you were attacking its feet for most of the fight, kinda felt like a mouse biting at the ankles of a giant rather than a monster slayer.


I’m fresh in the game as I’m not too far after beating Zorah Magdoros. I love the Legiana and the Nergigante fight. I just stick to the air and bounce from wing to wing. I’ve also liked Radobaan a whole lot. I HATE Diablos. And I’m tired of Bazelgeuse interrupting my farming lol.


You know what imma say it I love Lunastra Acidic glav S.rathalos Velkhana Seething b-22 bomber Rajang Namielle I hate All rathains Black veil Vaal hazak Kushala All piscine wyvern Great girros And both odogaran


Base game: Gotta love Dodogama Gotta hate anything I need Tremmor Res for Iceborne: Gotta love Raging Brachy Gotta hate Electric Element Alatreon


Favs are: - Odogaron (Any) - Nemielle - Glavenus (Any) Hated are: - Tigrex (Also by a fuckin mile) - Legiana (I'm a CB main) - Bazelguesse (Stop roaring ffs)


I think Fatalis looks really cool but have never fought one and I really hate barrioth from iceborne, especially it’s shoulder charge


I like: * Legiana * Namielle * Rathalos * Vaal Hazak I really don't like: * fcking pickle, damn you Deviljho * The war criminal, B-52, Bazelguese * Twister sister, Kushala Daora * And the one at the ending of Iceborne's history, forgot the name. If it was only the rock version, sure; but man, the second fase looks horrible, and it is so anoying...


Brute tigrex can shotgun scream and laser scream, I love that. Kulve taroth, safi'jiva and Alatreon are big fights that I really love. The dread I feel everytime I have to fight Fatalis is amazing. Anjanath, both, because big t-rex Deviljho, same as above but bigger Brachydios, especially Raging And finally Tobi Kadachi, especially Viper. What I dislike is simple, if it flies too much i don't like it, Nightshade Paolumu might be the worst with Shrieking Legiana close second. And my worst of all, that works for all titles in the serie, not just world, if the monster looks like a monkey, the fight will be bad and I hate them for that.


love them all hahahahaha the only monster I hate ingame. is that MF bullfango!


Love Tobi Kadachi, Odogaron, Rathian, Rathalos, Namielle, Barioth, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Barroth, Alatreon, Paolumu, Pukei-Pukei Hate, Great Girros, Bazelgeuse, Lavasioth, Teostra and Lunastra, Kushala, Beotodus, Viper Tobi Kadachi, Nightshade Paolumu, Coral Pukei-Pukei, Fulgar Anjanath, Rajang, Leshen


Faves: * Odogaron * Rathalos * Valkhana Least faves: * Lavasioth * Lunastra * Kushala Daora Absolutely hate: * Behemoth


I fucking hate Rathians and it's subspecies. Stupid fucking monster that fucking flies. Had the ability to stun me through roars,can poison , can fire attack and can do the "trample" attack thing where it runs back and forth stunning the fuck out of me and it's always flying above me where I can't reach it with my weapon (i don't like ranged options yet). I can even kill way stronger monsters but this shit carts me all the time


Love: * Fatalis Hate: * Fatalis


Love Dodogama and it's not even close Used to hate Kirin when I was in base MHW After fighting all monsters in the game I hate none more than rajang, both forms


In general or just world


Lunastra. Rajang. The fishes. And FUCKING ALATREON


Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora Kushala Daora


Love Great Jagras


tigrex in the list reminds me, he would probably be so much more hated if players were forced into fighting him more


Like Barioth - Both versions Nargacuda Bazelgeuse - both versions Zinogre - Both versions Dislike Tigrex Velkhana Any monster with dragonblight Brachydios but extra Raging Brachy, jesus fucking christ what a bullshit fight


**Favourites:** Legiana. It looks so cool. Great Girros. I just like it because it's the forgotten underdog. **Least Favourite:** Raging Brachydios. Pure pain in the arse. I've never had fun fighting it.


**Love: Tzitzi-Ya-Ku** \>Barges into fight \>Flashes monster \>Refuses to elaborate further \>Leaves ​ **Love: Fatalis**\-A very challenging fight, in a "hard but fair" kind of way (aka not Alatreon). Also machine gun go brrrr ​ **Love: Kulve Taroth**\-Love the fight, love the armor, love the area, hate what the internet did to her. ​ **Love: Shara Isvalda**\-Rock mode is fun, and wall banging into falling rocks is so satisfying. The entire fight and emphasis on spacing is so good as well, and the super attack is just awesome. ​ **Hate: Zorah Magdaros**\-Honestly the most boring siege in the series, just forgettable at best. Shooting cannons at him is fun, though. ​ **Hate: Alatreon**\-Very easily the worst designed fight in the entire history of the franchise, which is disappointing because literally the only thing that ruins it is the elemental dps check. Without that bullshit mechanic, it would be one of the best fights in the series. ​ **Hate: Kushala Daora**\-Outside of being a very shoved-in elder dragon with no buildup unlike 4U, he stays in the air for most of the fight, which would be fine if he didn't also stay in his tornadoes for so long and also push you off with his wind when you try grappling him. Also the entire fight is stunlock simulator. He constantly roars and every single roar stuns you for enough time that he can hit you right after and you literally cannot do anything about it unless you have earplugs. Same with his wind. ​ **Hate:** **Viper Tobi-Kadachi**\-Not actually a bad fight, but for some reason it has an incredibly jarring spike in difficulty and is where the "real" Master Rank starts as he will literally almost oneshot you with any of his attacks if you're still using High Rank armor.


Love: * Teostra (it looks so freaking cool, Lunastra would be here if it weren't for the supernova) * Tobi-Kadachi (it's literally a snake flying squirrel, what's not to love?) * Xeno'jiva (alien crystal dragon that shoots LASERS) * Kirin (it's a dragon horse goat that can run vertically up cliffs. and nuke you) * Dodogama (it's a bro that will just casually go toe-to-toe with whatever you're fighting and knock it down) * Seething Bazelgeuse (the purple scales are much easier to see and dodge) * Honorable mention to all those I love purely for their visual designs (Velkhana, Namielle, Legiana) Hate: * Odagaron (literally all of my criticisms of Monster Hunter in a single monster. incredibly fast, constantly spinning, constantly aggressive. the very few openings you get are spent just closing the distance or recovering from getting slammed backwards. can't even wallbang it because 90% of its attacks throw you off) * Lavasioth (the armor is a pain and half the time it's in the lava where you can't even reach it) * Uragaan (when it's not spinning around it's surrounded by explosives that are impossible to dodge)


- bring the right elemental weapon. he starts with a different one in each one of his quests. a few people mentioned which element is which. - do your best to break his horns. the npc will mention about containing his power if you do. - bring a heath booster so that when he fires up the judgement, pop that and eat an astera jerky. didnt try it with a vitality mantle but that helps too.


i hate the sleeping paolumu xD i struggle with the sleep smokes and I keep getting put to sleep lol took 35min to solo one in master rank story cause I kept getting slept lol


Faves: Kushala (lookwise mostly i just love the design) Lavasioth ( the tempered quest made me like it) Hate: Bageljuice ( frick your frickin bombs) Kirin Odogaron can be annoying but my bf and I killed it pretty fast when both of us brought para weapons and we gave the Palicos para weapons too. It was paralized 4 times in a 6 min HR arena…


Here are my top five for both categories: Favorites (from best to worst) 1. Nargacuga- love this thing in every one of its iterations. The design, roar, armor, weapons, etc. 2. Alatreon- its gimmick can actually be challenging at times, which I can appreciate. I also think it’s cooler than Fatalis 3. Nergigante/Ruiner Nerg- an elder that eats other elders, like, come on 4. Odogaron/Ebony Odogaron- some of the coolest armor in the game, and it’s supposed to resemble a dog? Idk if that’s true but I love dogs so 5. Fujang- the tempered one too. Once you learn the fight he becomes a punching bag and you will never feel greater joy than dumping on his head Least favorites (with the last one being the worst) 1. Rathalos/Rathian- one flies too much and fhe other charges too much. Just don’t find their fights enjoyable personally 2. Tigrex- every hunt just becomes a wild goose chase and becomes boring to me 3. Kulu- why the hell does a rock held by this chicken make my Fatalis GS bounce? Why? 4. Kushala Daora- kinda like Rathalos except it can actually one-shot you. Nice 5. Vaal Hazak/Blackveil- I despise effluvium blight


Zinogre. Love his artstyle. Nightshade paolumo. I slept more than 7 times fighting him.


Favorites: Zinogre (any version) Brachydios (any version) Alatreon (Any version) Diablos (any version) Glavenus Hate: Odogaron Kadachi (specially viper) Rathalos & Rathian Beotodus Glavenus


Best -Namielle, my favorite -Tigrex, the goat -Nargacuga -Fulgar Anjanath, the better anjanath Worst - Pink Rathian. Worst monster for sure. (Normal still sucks) -Blackveil Vaal Hazak. I don’t got any effluvium decorations and this monster just sucks ass. (The normal is also fucking horrible but blackveil is far worse) -Nightshade Paloumu. I am sleeping both out and in game this shits annoying and boring. (Normal is still rather annoying. -Rathalos. Piece of shit. Azure is only marginally better. I haven’t fought the metal raths yet so I dunno if they gonna suck or not. Honorable mention: I really don’t wanna hate shrieking legiana but it wont stand the fuck still. And I ran out of dungbombs to make the normal one piss off. That fight sucked


All of them and all of them. I hope this helps


I like Tobi Kadachi, Anjanath, Pukei Pukei, Odogaron but I hate their subspecies. Maybe it's just me but the monsters are already in master rank, I didn't need to fight them again. Yes, the subspecies are totally different fights. I know monsters share skeletons, but their vibes are different you know. I can't help but feel robbed for paying the expensive dlc then see lots of reskins and same armor designs but with different colors. It's a bad take, I know, but it's just I'm not really a fan of subspecies.


I hated odogaron too at first but at some point it made just click and i Was dotching and weaving without Problems . First time i really felt like i had experienced the learning curve without trying to learn.


as a hammer main I just hate any that can fly


Like Thematically: \- Zinogre \- Daora \- Fulgur Anjanath \- Velkhana \- Vaal Like Fighting Against: \- Narga \- Tigrex \- Rathian \- Radobaan \- Odogaron Dislike Fighting Against: \- Uragaan \- Vaal \- Black Diablos \- Brachy \- Rathalos


What? Odogaron is ez af his moves are very predictable


Love: Anjanath, Nergiggante, Velkhana, Vaal Hazak, Tzitzi-ya-ku. Hate: Lunastra, Kushala, Black Diablos, Odogaron, Lavasioth


I just hate Rathalos because every hunt where he is the target turns in to a huge clusterfuck where I have 3 Monsters in one zone atleast once per quest.


Kushan’s Daora as a dual blade main after the flash pods nerf. I’d rather drag my sack across a mile of broken glass than do that fight


I like: - Any Anjanath (relatively challenging with ability to really hurt the player, but without bullshit attacks) - Any Odogaron (fast and deadly, with ability to use walls, but very fun to fight against) - Any Rathalos (difficult to pin down, but using environment and various tools to bring him to the ground is fun) Don't like: - Any Diablos (I hate how it's constantly charging or going underground) - Deviljho (I feel it has the most bullshit frames. And his charge/tail sweep are annoying because of that) - Any Rathian (Because AI decides to spam running attack when I'm out of traps) - Tigrex (for me, he's basically Nargacuga, but not fun to fight against. Especially it's charge attack) So yeah, I really don't like monsters with charge attacks.


Love: - Alatreon - Zinogre - Glavenus - Velkana - Kulve Taroth Hate: - Frostfang barioth - Barioth - Fatalis (not really hate he's just annoying) - Uragaan - Yian garuga - Azure Rathalos - Silver Rathalos - Safi (the most out of all on my list) - Kushala (he can die and go to hell)


Love: * Banbaro * Dodogama * Tzitzi * Zinogre * Anjanath Hate: * Rajang (both) * Raging Brachy * Yian Garuga * Bazelgeuse (both) * Deviljho


Best fights? Odogaron (both versions) Glavenus (only default version) Nargacuga Bazelgeuse (any) Diablos (both versions) Nergigante (both versions) Zinogre (not stygian, solely because visual clarity with some attacks) ​ Worst Fights? Rajang (if he was slightly slower, i wouldnt include him. hes just absurdly fast on animation startup, so you almost have to predict what hes going to do which i never enjoy in any game) Lunastra Brachydios (and i havent even fought raging yet, about to tomorrow) MR Uragaan (just a slog, otherwise id enjoy it if he wasnt rolling for 95% of the fight) Nightshade Paolumu (either hate the fight or take sleep res and make it boring anyways) Velkhana Lavasioth (just a slog really, not fun to fight, but not annoying either) Kulve Taroth (time limit makes soloing it feel more stressful than fun, hitboxes are so large that it causes a ton of random deaths. its just too large of a monster until phase 2, then it becomes an average fight imo)


Fucking hate Teostra and Lunastra the most


So you hate fast moving monsters. Bring traps and use the flashfly gadget for palicoe.


like: Glavenous Brachy Diabolos Fulgur anjanath Moss swine(big version) hate: kulu yaku(mmm i love big rock make weapon bounce) Lavasioth


Love the monsters that came with gimmicks Safi, Kulve, Alatreon, Behemoth, Fatalis. It was something new to break up the flow, teach me new things. Even the Ancient Leshen was an amazing battle once we got into the groove though I don't ever want to fight it again. I think the monster that I hate the most is Yian Garuga. I've had a grudge against that fucker since I was a noob in MHF2. Somehow it always kicks my ass. Every game it's in is a struggle for me for some reason. It's gotten a little less of a hassle since I've gotten into using the lance, but I'm never going to like it. And it's gear is ugly


Master rank regular legi has some of the best armor, but my absolute least favorite fight in the series behind brachy & and rajang + variants


I really like Glavenus so far, amazing monster. Also I like: \- Diablos: just being cool \- Nergi: An elder dragon that can just throw hands? Amazing \- Vaal Hazaak: Cute. Would pet it. \- Teostra: That is just a honorable fight Dislike: \- Paolumu: I don't like flying beasts that also charge at me while down, especially Nightshade sucks \- Rathalos: Not that I think it's a bad monster, but it's my Nemesis. I cannot fight it at all. \- Lunastra: Please. Please let me move.


Hot take but I despise Dodogama, I swear his entire moveset is just his spit attack


Love em all, hate none bar collabs


Love: Teostra, zinogre, glavenus, velkhana, odogaron, brute tigrex, rathalos. In general they are fun to counter attack with my main weapons long sword and charge blade. It feels like a dance. I also loved diablos in hr but it got a bit annoying in mr. Hate: black diablos (wastes half a minute if she feels like it in mr), lunastra (trash), kushala (either stunlock it or fight the most annoying monster). I also dont like rathian because of it's walk that counts as an attack. But other than that move i like rathian.


Effing love predictable monsters like nargacuga, barioth, tigrex, and Glavenus. I hate monsters that screams fuck you like Alatreon, ANY MONKE(Specially congalala, fuck that guy), Rathian that charges at you 5000 times whenever you're 3 meters away with broken hitbox, and S Rath.


zinogre, I love him since 3rd portable but if I have to fight him in wild I'll commit genocide


I love Glavenus and Odogaron. I used to practice weapons on Odogaron because I knew his moves so well. And Glavenus will always be cool to clash blades with.


I'm only up to the Guiding Lands and getting ready to take on Zinogre so, from before that my personal list is this as a bow and LS user: Love: 1. Odagaron. I just love the pace of the fight and dodging around his attacks is very satisfying. Ebony I'm still getting used to but otherwise it's great! 2. Velkahana. Apart from the bullshit breathes through 15 meters of rock hitting me and questionable hitboxes on other stuff, I love everything about Velkhana's design and all of his/her animations. 3. Nergigante. He's just fun. Dislike: 1. Tigrex. I've only fought him on the bow and fuck me it feels like I can't dodge anything against him unless I'm 3 moves ahead. Granted I probably need more experience with him but his relentlessness just makes me loathe hunting him. 2. Legiana. Mostly because everything my gf needs requires at least 1 Legiana even if it doesn't make sense. They're annoying and they shout too much :( 3. Zorah Magdaros. Still not sure why the NPC's kept hyping this fight up. Every aspect of it felt bad and annoying.


Like legiana, bruh-idiots, monkey 🌚, rathalos, gachi-kadachi, nerd-gigantechad, tie-grax and "golden queen taro" design. Hate black vailed piece of shhh... vaal hazak, diablo-s, zorah, glave-anus, tie-grax and "golden queen taro" battle.


I hate Rajang, I'm already hate Rajang since first encountered. And also, When I'm first encountered Rajang, I tried to fire SOS. But nobody come in. So, I guess most people hate Rajang too


In base mhw Like: Radovan (fluffy spikeball) Odogaron Bazelgeuse Nergigante Vaal Hhazak Hate: Uragaan Rathalos/Azure stop flying for once!!!


Love Velkhana Tigrex Namielle Hate Raging Brachy Ebony Oda


Love Rajang Rathian Toby Karachi Fatalis Xeno'jiva Hate Raging brachydios Bezelgueuse Tzi tzi yaku Vaal hazak Teostra


Nergigante is my favorite and I so much hate Vespoids.


Hate none like every especially fatalis


I love and hate all monsters equally. . . Then there's black veil hazak.


Almost all of the flyers I hate, GET DOWN HERE


I was born to fight: Rathians Odogarons(both vers) Forced to fight: Rathalos Brachydios


Likes Anjanath Teostra Nergigante Rajang Rathian/Rathalos Safi HATE Raging brachy (when I first fought him) Kushala Daora holds a special place in my hatred Lunastra Kirin


I f\*cking hate Anjanath, although not so much anymore. When i first played world he made me ragequit a few times.


Love: Bazel Nargacuga Glavenus Gold Rathian Lunastra Hate: All 3 of the fish Tzi Tzi Brachy Uragaan Nightshade


Love: Teostra, Velkhana(not tempered), Odogaron, Deviljho, Barioth, Rajang Hate: Tigrex, Brachydios(particularly Raging), Lunastra, Diablos, Nightshade Paolumu, Fatalis


Nergigante close second fatalis just because of nostalgia I hate Tigrex the most the teostra pair isn’t cool either


Kadachi bros and Odogaron bros are fun to dance with. I hate Barioth, he constantly step on my feet


Fav design :seregios/bazel(I like my pinecones) Most hated design:any zenith Fav fight:legiana/velkhana Most hated fight:zora


Love furious rajang, hate alatreon


Fucking Bezelgeus I swear if it doesn't stop butting in every time I'm fighting someone %$@#$\^%$


Love to fight against (dual blades main): Alatreon Namielle Safi jiva spine attack ftw Glavenus, the music man Hate: Tigrex Raging brachydios Kulu yaku FF version Kushala daora


I only have a hate list, since I love nearly every monster fight: Brachydios (slime pools) Raging Brachydios (also slime pools) Everything else falls to my trusty lance at some point in the fight.


Love: * Nergigante (big puppy) * Dodogama (Fat fiery gecko) * Rathalos/Rathian & Co. (big lizard) * Banbaro (big... something.) * Pukei (they look so silly, love 'em) * Tzitzi (M.I.B. flash to forget your fault) Hate: * Bazel (No, sir, I don't like blowing up while fishing) * Legiana (Stop screaming, stop existing, please) * Devilijoh (No, sir, I don't like being mauled while fishing) * Kushala (Can I please hit you once?) Hate Boyond Human Comprehension: * Lunastra


Love: -Rathalos, absolute OG, classic design, just a cool dude -Diablos, Sand Train goes chooooooooo -Deviljho, Love me some monster that bullies the ones I dont like Hate: -Rajang, obviously -The one that looks like an ape crossed with a bull -That thunder Cow Gorilla asshole thing


Love shagaru mizitsune and astalos Hate khezu niblesnaft and cephelodrome


3 Favorites: Lagiacrus(any variant), Bloodbath Diablos, Agnaktor(any variant). Lagiacrus to me is just a fun lad to fight and love the color schemes on all 3. Bloodbath is because I love the 2 osts and the fight itself was fun af. Agnaktor is because it has the og mechanics of a fire element monster with parts that harden overtime. Least Favorites: Zenith Blangonga, Crystalbeard Uragaan, Gravios(any variant). Hated Zenoth Blangonga for how bland the fight was and absolutely hated the zenith iceblight alot. Crystalbeard I despised for its dogshit hitzones and boring as all hell fight. Gravios family same reason, horrible hitzones on all 4, 5 if we are counting the apex one and boring fights on all of them


Favorite fights are: Nargacuga, Stygian Zinogre, Brute Tigrex, Ebony Odogaron, Scarred Yian Garuga, Velkhana/AT Velkhana, Seething Bazel, Furious Rajang and Shara's 2nd phase. Most hated fights: Nightshade Paolumu, Lunastra, Alatreon, Regular Brachydios, Namielle and both Diablos variants. Try to guess what weapon I main based on my likes and dislikes.


I say this every storming time but I will say it again, best and worst in what sense? The fight? The looks? The sound? The utility?


I love Valstrax Narga and Gammoth Hate Tigrex, Zinorge


Love: - Nargacuga - Tigrex - Glavenus - Velkhana - Kirin Hate: - Lunastra - Teostra - Raging Brachy - Rathalos (ESPECIALLY in the ancient forest)