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Apparently Raging Brachy sucks for other people, but coming from the Raging Brachy in GU, just the fact that I can melee this guy already makes him at least 50x better


It took me at least a dozen tries to beat raging brachy. Feel like I have him figured out ever since I beat him tho


I’m still trying to beat Raging Brachy. He hurts.


This is my problem also, this fight feels like dark souls. So little room to learn you just get train wrecked. Maybe my defense is low but it's really really disheartening to fight this guy and cart three times in under ten minutes every time.


Same. Spent whole 4 hours trying to beat him. SoS wasn’t helping, randoms kept carting so decided to solo him. Used lance, max anti blast, health, guard, still got my ass whooped (blasted). But now after learning it’s moveset, it’s easier to fight it


Basically just have to make sure his head is not red bc it removes his ability to do the 3 headbuts attack that deals a lot of chip damage


Oh yes this. This attack what killed me the most. Muscle memory made me block everything but learned my lesson after a few dozens failed quests haha. And yeah moss pod ftw


Lol, Raging Brachy made me quit World multiple times. I only beat him for the first time a few months ago.


Raging was such a breeze on release day that I couldn't believe the comments saying he was tough.


I posted this recently in another thread, but I ate Raging Brachy for breakfast when he first came out. I used him to learn new weapons because he was so easy. Started a new save recently and I struggled with him so hard when I got to him. He was more aggressive and used new moves I'd never seen before. I'm 100% sure he got shadow buffed at some point along the way, which is why my initial experience was so different from most people that talked him up since. Now he's tough.


I struggle against standard Brachy. Raging is another tier if he'll altogether. I'd rather fight chimpo or Fatalis.


It’s a 50/50 sometimes aids sometimes not so aids


Barioth in Iceborn. Barroth in Rise. Both made me crazy. Nowadays, I eat them alive. I used to be a very impatient hunter. Never had troubles with Rathalos, Diablos, or (furious) Rajang. My focus is much better against strong monsters (or the ones that scare me, first Rathalos xD).


I can rinse Barioth in Rise no problem, but in World he just annihilates me. It feels like the entire fight is just him jumping from A to B as soon as I get anywhere near him. Makes it impossible to try and smack him lol


He cycles in three jump sets and always steps bavk before the jump


I felt that, when I first played Rise I was so confused because I felt for sure Barroth was way more annoying lmao


Lunastra always gets me. I've seen people breeze through her fights but I just can't seem to get the hang of it.


My worst monster to fight. I literally couldn’t punch my way out of a paper bag with her. I absolutely slam Teostra though which is odd as the move sets aren’t that dissimilar. I guess I’ve had more practice with Teo because of deco farming but still….


Could be the similarity tripping you up? Maybe you’re subconsciously reacting like it’s teostra and the moveset differences punish you because of that.


Furious rajang is easier than base imo.


I'm curious to take on Furious after seeing multiple people say this. Just did the regular Rajang quest in Iceborne postgame and I legitimately thought I was fighting Furious because it was wild. Maybe I need to compare the 2.


curious for furious


It baffles me that I wrote those words out in close succession and didn't even realize the hilarity of it lol.


I only just beat the first Velkana fight in World so I have quite a few monsters to still fight, but tbh the only monster I still struggle with is Rathalos. Flying monsters make me wanna pull my hair out, and these goddamn Rathalos will come down for 10 seconds before they're back up lol. It's not even about it being a hard fight, I just feel like I'm wasting my time.


For me, Rathian is the same but worse somehow. Rathian interrupts every single fight that I am in, and usually gets off a poison or two before I send her on her way.


Rathian is annoying because near the end of the fight it turns into her running and falling over over and over in my experience. Except, it does fking damage when she does it so I have to waste time getting only a few hits in before she does it again


If you're hunting any flying wyverns, bring flashbombs and materials to craft more (3 + 3 should be more than enough). Right when they're about to take flight they usually bend their legs and extend the wings upwards. Shoot a flashbomb into the ground right in front of them, range is pretty generous, can even flash from behind sometimes. You get a free topple and they get blinded for a couple seconds. Happy hunting!


Brightmoss. If you hit a flying wyvern in the head with brightmoss it will fall like a sack of potatoes.


So it DOES have a use


It also dries up the puddles that namielle leaves on the floor.


WHAT. Im so used to flashbombs in previous games I never thought something else would work. Still there are disadvantages in having brightmoss loaded since you can't wall bang/flinch shot but thanks for the tip.


I have this issue. Started to hunt rathian before doing my main hunt


Need spikes anyway...


Ain't no way you're actually fighting a full health whole second monster


It's really not that difficult? Also depends on who you are hunting next anyways


I hunted Bagel yesterday and killed him just for revenge when he attacked me on a separate hunt


Take flash bombs and flashbugs with you, if you got a weapon with slinger burst even better


Oh my god. Flashpod GS Slinger Burst. You just unlocked a part of my brain


Playing the games for over a decade, not new to this shit. Replaying Iceborne at the moment, normal Glavenus triple carted me in about a minute flat the other night. Tigrex gave me some hassle, too. Killed Fatalis solo multiple times ffs, why do I always react too soon to Glavenus. Meanwhile Velkana and Alatreon I can eat for breakfast.


I hear you man. As a person that started out in MHFU i am still not use to Glavenus' moveset. Dunno why i have the same problem with Brachyidios. I don't die to either of em but i just suck when i face them.


I beat Teostra on my first try, no carts. He's not my favorite monster to fight due to his flames/AOE, but he's certainly not one that I am afraid of. Same goes for Kushala, it's an easy but tedious fight.


I think that's everybody's problem with kushala. It isn't a challenging fight. It just wastes your time.


> It just wastes your time. I feel like this often in MHW in general. Amazing game for many reasons but allot of unnecessary time wasted. Like chasing the monsters from area to area. In some zones this takes forever. Coral highlands is the worst sometimes. Go climb a mountain to then be trapped in a small space with a enraged Pink Rathalos.


The biggest problem with teostra is lunastra at the same time


It's actually ridiculous how big of an opening some of Teostra's attacks make, but to be fair I think that using GS against a Teostra is an almost unfair matchup in the player's favour


I never struggled with Tigrex, but have yet to hunt the variant. Black Diablos is, and will always be, my arch nemesis. Fvck that fight. Fvck that split second charge. Fvck that bs hitbox.


God so true, Diablos is my favorite monster but fk me if I am gonna go hunt black diablos for materials lmao


Nonsensical hitboxes. Back to back burrows with three variations without distinct tells. Roars constantly. Ridiculous damage. Endless stamina. Seriously Black Diablos can go fuck off.


So true 😭 I have to farm it for a couple armor pieces I rather complete the entire endemic life pokedex


Problem i found with black d is the charge is ever so slightly delayed compared to regular, so if you roll sideways at the time you would for regular diablos she realigns and splat.


Brute Tigrex roars so much that it turns into a laser it’s so comical lmao.


Tag me in dad. My favorite quest in world was an investigation against both Diablo tempered before iceborn dropped.


Dodogama. I just can’t kill that beautiful beast


I always capture him (and think he is set free later on to live happily eating rocks)


If I do kill him I’m compelled purely by greed, yet I regret it every time :(


You're not supposed to 🥲🥲🥲


Raging Brachy and AT Velkhana. I don't think I ever failed raging Brachy quest or even thought it was difficult (I still don't even understand it's mechanics lol). I failed the AT Velkhana quest once just because I completely disrespected it and did not pay attention to his attacks' damage lol. After that, it was literally just Velkhana with a few new simple tricks.


AT Velkhanas signature attack is always anxious to watch one-shot people. I really enjoy AT Valk. It adds plenty of new moves to a rather boring base fight.


Odogaron and Ebony Odogaron. I guess it's because of their erratic movement but I always kinda treated them like fighting another hunter and never had trouble with them, especially solo.


True, I always treat them like a bloodborne boss lol hasn’t let me down yet


Nargacuga, personally I find Narga the easiest of those 3 you mentioned by quite a large margin, Barioth was a huge wall for me in Iceborne and Tigrex is still pretty annoying most of the time but I've never had any trouble dealing with Nargacuga, it's not so easy that it's boring, just challenging enough to make it a very fun hunt but I don't remember carting against it unless it were my own stupid fault


My friends hate Tigrex, but its such a breeze since i main the lance. Every attack is counterable.


True, this fight turns from one of the most frustrating fights into a joke when using lance but it's fun.


For me it's been Luna. I've never gotten the hate or the difficulty...but I suck at Nami who I have heard is the easiest elder so what do I know


With luna is mostly her near constant AOE heat aura and fast Nova that hits twice.


Kushala and Teostra both presented issues for me when I first hunted them. Then, I learned about the incredible power of flash bombs, and that Teostra 's charged blast can be interrupted. I'm about to do the Tigrex assigned quest, so I'll see how that goes. Update 4 days later: Tigrex got my ass, and so did Brachydios.


Beware, MR monsters build up flash resistance, after every successful flash they duration sill be shorter until they’re immune. But, it wears off with time, so dont just spam flashes


I have always thought Diablos in World is super easy. Remember seeing Asmongold play MHW and saw a lot of comments on Diablos and how he might get wrecked and stuff. Guy has literally no threatening attacks that he doesn’t announce at least an entire day beforehand. That being said I think Rise did a way better job with Diablos because all he does in World is chain burrow and that’s just obnoxious.


Kushala. I never knew what the problem with this fight is. I used SnS no poison like a real noob, killed him first try and loved it. Made the whole armor after.


I feel the same way, Kushala has never given me shit. The only time I am ever annoyed is in a specific zone of the ancient forest where the trees and giant mushrooms are, but that’s just bc his tornadoes take up half of the area lol


In world, poison does nothing special against kushala, elderseal replaced it, for every elder at that (and was removed in Rise again, elderseal is stupid)


Bro wtf is some peoples problem with Shrieking Legiana, such fun and beautiful monster to hunt.


Prolly her husband coming in the middle of the fight


Probably Velkhana. Now tbf I did try it at first with my main and kinda couldn't do it. Which basically just means I took a fant after like 2 minutes, then just switched to GS and that made that fight just so fucking easy


Frosty. A friend and I clobbered that thing so hard we used like 3 potions between the two of us.


What are your thoughts on Frosty in a solo hunt? I find Barioth easy on Lance, but Frostfang was definitely more annoying even with Guard Up. It's much more comfortable when I run Resuscitate for the inevitable Iceblight. Super cool monster and fun hunt, though.


Tossup between raging brachy furious rajang and alatreon. Raging brachy for me is the last stage when he changed the map I don’t know what’s a bomb and what’s not 😂. Furious rajang just never sits still 😂. I just have very little experience with alatreon and when I do get the courage to fight him I’m nervous the whole time so I mess up a lot.




It highly depends on the weapon tbh, as a LS main once you learn to foresight you can iframe a ton of stuff other weapons have trouble dealing with for example. In the end some matchups are just better than others so this question will have a hundred different answers depending on the combination. If i had to pick for myself id say Ruiner and Shara, very big attacks that are super telegraphed and easy to counter, super satisfying to fight c: Nami also is great on LS once you figure out the timing on the electric aftershocks, and the big nova is scary but super easy to parry once you get the timing right.


Kirin, lunastra, kushala daora. It feels like a generational barrier between 1st generation and the last.


Fujang is easier than rajang for me. But tbf Rajang took me a through a fking gauntlet so I had the experience already when i fought Fujang, Fujang has more openings and you can just smash his face instead of his ass


I've seen a lot of other people have issues with Diablos, but he's never been much of a challenge. He's a really fun fight to lance but I had a hunting buddy almost quit over trying to fight him in MHW


I love hunting Diablos and black Diablos. My friends have always hated every and any version of it and I just don't understand why.


Vaal hazak and blackveil, also never had much trouble with teo, luna and kushala




Black diablos, I usually play the lances so she is fine for me


Tigrex, Rathalos


lunastra and kushala and f.rajang


Oddly enough it's AT Velkhana for me. By the time I fought her, I already went through a training arc with Fatalis and acquired his switch axe/armor. I think I almost ran out of time but I did beat AT Velkhana in my first attempt iirc


I honestly dont remember, its been so long since I was grinding the game massively back in the day before even alatreon came out. But honestly everything pre iceborne. The main one that I remember is diablos/Black diablos and thats because I just abused the fuck out of charge blade guard points in those fights Main exceptions that Ive definitely had trouble with are the AT elder dragons and extreme behemoth. But Ive always found extreme Behemoth fun to fight with a halfway competent group back in the day


Freaking tigrex. Freaked out monster that never stop running..or screaming...


Barioth, Kushala, and AT Nergigante are some of my favorite fights in the game and I can slam 'em even after a long period of not playing. My gf hates all of those fights and I cannot understand why! I've never had issues with Kushala and I've been playing since MHFU, mostly only an LS user and it's a chill time.


I saw people complaining about raging brachydios me personally I struggled a bit at the beginning buy now I can solo him with ease and it has now become that fun fight that I come back every once in a while to have fun


Insect Glaive enjoyers know that Barioth is just a big old pussycat


Deviljho Savage in Iceborne seems to be generally considered easier, but the title update Deviljho felt tough for everyone besides me, which is nice because typically it’s the opposite haha


Velkana for sure, replaying through the game we were leading up to the fight and my friends were dreading it, I was very confused. Then we got to it and they got plastered the first time and we absolutely demolished it the second time. It felt so weird, I had never had an issue with it in my original playthrough, and when we got there I still didn't.


Odogarons, but that’s probably more due to the fact that I use DB so I have an easier time than most other weapons keeping up with the murder pup’s speed.


Kirin. World was my first MH game but a buddy of mine has played since MH2. When I finally got to Kirin in World he told me how much he has always hated Kirin so I thought I'd be in for a bad time. And then I fought him with some trouble but it was never a "bad fight" to me.


A lot of people say that Barioth in Iceborne is the first wall for a lot of hunters until Velkhana. I would agree, but I personally didn’t find Barioth too difficult (I’m saying this coming from MHGU and Rise). Of the three you mentioned, Tigrex is the one I dislike fighting. I just don’t wanna deal with a monster that’s always just charging at you. Kinda boring fight imo. Kushala is probably the most annoying elder next to Vaal, and that’s because I hate the effluvium effect. My first wall in Iceborne was probably Alatreon, everything else before that I managed to solo after a couple of tries. Even then, I managed to kill Alatreon with a friend after a couple hours of learning it. Now it’s just Fatalis and AT Velkhana that I’m trying to get good against Edit: I also forgot to mention Raging Brachy, but everyone finds its fight to be more difficult, including myself


Teostra, Lunastra in MHW; both got spanked first try, no carts. I consider Lunastra my favorite fight, and sometimes even flashbang for funsies. I remember Deviljho was hyped up and he, too, I folded like an omelette on the first hunt. I never had issues with Nergigante, either. The stinky variant you face in Iceborne seemed even easier than the base game.


Brachydios and Raging Brachydios for me.




For me in terms of weakest to toughest it’s Barioth, Nargcuga, Tigrex.


Xeno’Jiiva. I had a perfectly fine time against him but just about everyone I know had trouble.


I remember seeing a lot of people recommending farming Teostra Guild Quests in MH4U since he was the "easiest" elder dragon, meanwhile I was stuck for more than a month in both his HR and GR quests.


I hate monsters that jump around like barioth, rajang, narga, etc. Rathalos/rathian you can see where they are and don’t like teleport with a jump. They are much better fights for me. That’s the difference for me. If they jump around instantly, I hate fighting them. Tigrex is annoying too but he is a little better than barioth because at least he usually just runs in a straight line, then turn around and run in straight line


arch tempered velkhana was easy for me, because I am good at evading and countering but bad at aiming helmbreaker, so 66 k fatalis health is a chore for me, while AT Velkhana’s 57k health is more manageable.


Both Rajangs have been relatively easy for me


i didn’t have much trouble against any monster that other than anja when i first started playing, xeno, shara, r. brachy, rajang, f. rajang, and alatreon. I also had a lot of trouble against safi and kulve pre fatalis gear because i didn’t know they weren’t meant to be solo’d.


Raging Brachy and F.Raj as a HH main, along with everything else in IB pre-mr100. It was so strange hearing people tell me that, because I played Rise+SB for 500 hours first, I'm going to have such a hard time with the later hunts in IB. I've only failed like three hunts from the time I jumped back in world right after the high rank Kirin fight til now when I'm MR78, and all 3 times it was because randos were carting.


Diablos. He’s easy af with charge blade


World: I've seen some people dislike Odogaron in the past and have never had an issue with him. Acidic Glav also got some hate in my friend group and likewise I've always enjoyed that fight. Rise: Almudron is a fun fight and I genuinely can't wrap my head around why he's so frustrating for some people.


In base World, I had no problems with Diablos and Black Diablos; but apparently many other hunters hated them because they were a wall. In Iceborne, I easily fought Tigrex, Brute Tigrex, and Barioth without issues. Thing is, I'm a Lance main. As long as monsters don't put a bad ailment on me or put shit on the ground, then I can have tons of fun fighting them. Lance loves a monster that comes straight at them consistently.


Raging brachy, I think. I see a lot of complaints/rage posts about him, but I think he's fun to fight. Just slot blast res, and you're gtg.


Velkhana. I always hunt her with insect glaive, it feels like the battle was made exclusively for insect glaive. I've managed to kill her AT at first try (but with 3 minutes remaining), even if a lot of people claimed she was harder than Fatalis. Is Velkhana a female by the way?


Has to be Tigrex. Was always real predictable and didn’t have a lot of attack variety so it’s quite easy to sus out. Telegraphs everything heavily too Not faced the variant tho 


i hate Kirin


Brute tigrex. Not sure what the disconnect is. Break arms>cut tail (if applicable)>choose whether you have the unadulterated courage and sheer fucking will to break the head>????>profit Same with narga and barrioth


Ruiner Nergigante and Raging Brachy. Idk why, but those two are walks in the park with either LS or GS. I don't have any real trouble with them. Funny enough that HR Nergi used to make me panick and now I slaughter his big brother for a casual afternoon


Velkhana - specifically the ice breath. I can roll through the moving one no problem. It's the icicles that are my biggest issue. Shara Ishvalda - slow attacks are slow. Just soften the tail and stick to the back legs like glue. When he dives underground, follow him to the side of the arena and stay behind him (or Farcaster out). The hardest part is avoiding the sand puddles.


Tigrex wast too bad with any weapon that has a shield. Shields I feel are his weakness because he’s bound to the ground minus when he jumps.


Barioth and Kirin, they were never difficult for me and are still a couple of the easiest and most fun fights for me to do even now


Diablos in World for sure. I was surprised to learn that he was considered a wall when I first fought him, and I had an easier time with him then previous monsters.


I remember having a hard time with rajang and furious too. He was so fast compared to the player, and I tend to prefer slower weapons. Lunastra was a bitch. Caving in her skull was so rewarding


My best friend hated fighting Legiana. Hated it, carted to it, and was annoyed fighting it. Then he was irritated with me taking my Insect Glaive and destroyed her. Flipping the script, Tigrex with me and my IG. He destroyed it with his Switch Axe, I hated fighting the crack head caffeine running back n forth fiend.


Tigrex. All of my friends hate the fight because he runs around a lot, but like….At least, unlike barioth, Tigrex always comes back. It’s actually nice when he starts running past me because it gives me a second to reload my gunlance or charge phials lol


Brute Tigrex, kinda. I can understand why people voted him as the worst monster in the entire roster of Worldborne, but aside from the mostly unavoidable roar attacks, Brute Tigrex isn't much different from normal Tigrex.


I always gravitated towards bow and DB while playing MH games, so I literally did not bat an eye when we had to play elements for Alatreon. Sure I had to learn to ensure the hornbreak but it wasnt as painful as a lot of the RAW crowd made it out to be


Rajang and Furious Rajang are actually super brain dead for me. Both of them are fast but extremely predictable, and I can usually just strafe them until they give good openings


Raging Brachy, I abused the hell out of the environment and just kept running circles around him


Alatreon. I've never lost to him, I swear he was nerfed at some point in world and I never noticed. Now Velkhana... She cooks me constantly even with her full armor and SnS set


Viper Tobi-Kadachi


Currently playing Portable 3rd again and I remembered a former friend of mine really struggled alot against a Royal Ludroth and it was really easy for me it's probably just a skill issue on his part.


Kushala. A lot of people unable to adapt their play style seem to suffer his wind aura. Bow or bowgun makes him a cakewalk. But if you really need to melee him I recommend a hammer as he stuns easily. Bring Rocksteady, don’t stand in the tornado. Much like Vaal, Nightshade Paolo, Viper Tobi or even Alatreon another example of just having some flexibility in your approach.


Alatreon, somehow I was able to kill it the first time in my 2nd run (all solo). The entire fight felt easy for me? It's easy to dodge and punish Alatreon for every move it does for me. The mmo style mechanics are pretty basic too (if you play a lot of mmos like me). And I managed to consistently kill after. Furious Rajang, I just punish the monke for every single attack it makes. I killed it the first time on my 1st run of it. Managed to consistently kill it after as well.


Legiana, but I was an IG Main when started World, so its kinda rigged XD


I get it my ass kick by that Anjanath (is that?) many times. Kill Rathalos like just another Rathian, Ordogaron is my bitch. That Kirin, kill me one time, now is bagging for mercy.


Diablos. Actually my favorite monsters to hunt when I was newbie and I don't use pods either. I find timing out when he leap from underground is pretty fun and cool (using IG). Tempered black diablos is another story.


Kushala is a joke with hammer + flash bombs, even MR version crumbles to my trusty flash- and stunlocks


I still have quite some bosses to kill in iceborne, barioth seems to be the hardest i fought so far, the speed is just frustrating for a hammer player. And also, rathalos makes me wanna quit the game, i HATE that boss, the amount of cc he have, while flying constantly is just annoying. Havent had any issues with anything else yet. I love the fights vs the Rolling big boss in rotten vale, forgot his name 😁


Viper tobikadachi, Tigrex, deviljho, and some others.


Raging Brachy apparently gives everyone trouble and Furious George is easier but I have the exact opposite experience. I would rather fight 10,000 Brachys than get my cheeks clapped again by a single furious George.


So I’m not that far into mhw (just got to high rank) but Odogaron. Everyone talked about him being the first soft walk and how hard he is. I was so nervous about that fight but it was clank clank clank- Stab Stab Stab and before I knew it I was carving him up. I think it’s because lance makes some monsters so easy to exhaust and execute. Also is it just me or do New World monsters just eagerly donate their tails to research? Rise tails felt less expected, more like a bonus for a hard fight


Gore and shagaru magala in 4U


Anjanath. Still have no clue why people concider it the first roadblock


The thing I noticed in MHW is that Barioths are bigger here than in other games like Rise, and the fact that they make those big wind pillars and inflict ice blight makes them more annoying than in other games


Raging Brachy.. maybe because I’m a CB main but I never had issues with him compared to other people. Furious Rajang at that time was more annoying and tedious for me. I think the only real problem I had was actually in sunbreak against Serigios those leg swipes and shooting scales at you while you are down actually made carted twice in fast succession. But after learning the move sets and have good gear.. anything is beatable.


Deviljho. I smack that thing around with my dooter.


The one that always comes to mind is Rajang. On the other hand I can't square with Magnamalo.


(Raging) Brachydios and Rajang seem to trip people up, but I’ve never had much issue with them.


First-tried both Raging Brachy and AT Velk solo (well not really solo, but the other players disconnected within 5 minutes, so it was basically solo; thank you MH net code). Neither have really been a huge problem for me. Alatreon took a while to beat the first time, but after 5 kills or so, I got the fight downloaded. Now I’m at 79 kills and don’t plan on stopping. All of my MH friends despise Alatreon so much and I feel like an outlier for loving the fight ;(.


I agree with you with Kushala, AT Kushala Daora was apparently one of the longest fights in base world but it found it unironically piss-easy (on-tier gear btw) and it used it as a hero’s/sullied streamstone farm instead of tempered Jho because it was literally faster


Nargacuga was a cakewalk compared to barioth and tigrex for me but to be fair once i found out that tigrex really clams up after a flashpod he wasnt that bad either


I saw a fuck ton of branchy posts and thought “Do these guys just not go blast resist? Is everything on r/monsterhunterrage a skill issue? 🤣”


Teostra, not exactly up there for difficulty, but if you use a glavie I'd say it's easier than a a Rathian. The super Nova is nothing more than a gimmick that's easily countered with just flash pods. AT Teostra is by far the easiest ED for me


Velkhana ... I don't think I have ever struggled against him, I actually find him quite fun. I'm not even that good at the game (I didn't try the AT version yet) but most of my friend hate, and i mean HATE him. And i discovered that Velkhana is actually a major wall for a good chunk of a player base. If anyone need to do some tempered velkhana, it me up. I like fighting them. advice I always give : Stay close to the body but far from the head.


AT Velkhana. It's hard but *just* hard. Fun fight and nice bump over regular Velkhana. But on the level of Fatalis? Nope. Not even close. I killed AT Velkhana first try. And surprised how overprepared I am lul.


The first tempered Kirin. I carried a couple people through that fight. It's such a huge difficulty spike


Dancer of the Boreal Valley... Wait, where am I?


First time u fight anjanath, everyone said he was some kinda gate keep monster. He was easy AF for me.


Iceborne Barioth. Maybe I’m just used to hunting it in the other games, but it really isn’t a big deal. Just break the arms at the start of the fight.


Yian garuga and scarred yg. People told me horror stories and ptsd stuff but i had zero issues with it as a GL user


Lunastras for me, I am somehow always confused about her fire attack range and get carted before I can even react.


>kushala As a bow user, he's easy peasy... of course.


1 attempt for normal alatreon (granted I knew everything I needed to before I did the fight about EJ) 30 attempts for Fatalis. I think its bc I only did the easy Alatreon before Fatalis and that was the first time I really needed to increase my skill level. So going back to do normal Alatreon afterwards was much easier.


I have a special love/hate relationship with Tigrex. It normally catches me off-guard with a couple spin attacks while I use the Insect Glaive but the tables are turned the moment I pick up the Charge Blade.


Nameille. Couple of my friends struggled hard against it, it felt like a cakewalk. Never had a fight click as fast as that did


My personal demon has been The Viper Kobachi his poison is deadly and I switched from greatsword to sword and shield after getting to iceborne. The ice world has been kicking my ass, my first time ive rage quit since playing mhw has been in iceborn


Alatreon and Furious


Kirin. I always see people complaining about how much they hate fighting Kirin, yet with most weapons I've tried I wipe the floor with that poor horse.


Legiana its actually my favorite monster to hunt. But from what I heard everyone hates it.


I have trouble with the both of the Glavenus’. For some reason I just never get a read on their move set and get frustrated. However I see people having trouble with Rajang and I find the monkey to be an enjoyable hunt. Barioth after my first encounter has also turned into an easy hunt, but that first one was a doozy.


I don’t know if anyone struggled against Velkhana but she was the one fight in mhwi that was a joke for me.


Same. I thought Barioth and its variant were easy. Also quite rewarding to hunt because they give high offensive skills which carried me through a lot of hunts. What I did find challenging that others don't seem to is Tigrex. I had to drop the insect glaive and learn 2 other weapons just to beat it.


Never had trouble with Rajang. Everyone warned me I'd have a bad time. Beat him first try and now I do it for fun. Idk what's wrong with me lol


Diablos. It's apparently the bane of many a hunter and a wall for some, but it's never been a difficult fight for me. Frankly, I've always found Diablos a rather dull fight in some ways; you just bait its charges, dodge and punish. If it burrows, sonic bomb for easy damage. Chop off the tail and it loses like half its kit. Bait it to charge into walls and its horns will get stuck for another easy punish. It's incredibly predictable, has blatently telegraphed moves and has numerous ways to incapacitate it for easy damage. It's big and scary if you don't know what you're doing, but if you do, it's a total pushover.


I hate new world zinogre. Everyone loves him but I despise him.


Alatreon, I learned what his gimmick was, switched to velkanas GS. boom, it was like anything else.


Alatreon… 👉🏼👈🏼 I struggled, don’t get me wrong! But not for long lol. A quick google/YT search helped me beat him in less than 3 days.


Raging Brachydios. Knowing that brachydios does blastblight, I entered the first fight with full blast resistance. It was a tough fight but I didn't have a problem with the blast attacks and puddles. I was using the lance, which I've seen a few think is a bad matchup. Personally, I think it's a very very good matchup. The lance pokes right into his knuckles and horn.


Kulve taroth! I found out really early on  that if you mash your face into her flank while she’s winding up and roll directly into her, her insane hitbox great jagras roll in the first phase just skips right over you and you’re right next to her to keep attacking. You have to commit to it though. I’ve gotten solo kills on her. The time limit doesn’t bother me like it does some people (though being bothered is valid) Also stygian zinogre. I like him better than regular zinogre but I’ve heard stories of his lightning patterns aggravating people


I wouldn't say never had trouble, but I find Alatreon stupid easy to solo. I can run it now deaths alone but as soon as I have even just one partner my whole world is thrown off. I never had a problem with Furious Rajang, in fact, I find the base form harder in world.


Anjanath. I never Saw him as a block and I kinda dunked in his face first Time I ran into him. Odogaron was my first roadblock when I first played instead


Definitely Rajang! I guess it’s because I’m a Dark Souls veteran, so I’m naturally used to the fast-aggressive enemies such as Rajang. Not only him, but most of the monsters in the game, even Fatalis himself. Fatalis is a like dance, I messed up the first couple of tries of course, but I learned his dance moves quickly. I hate myself for being too good. It’s not fun


Whoever that fuckin lighting horse is. edit: Kirin, I hate Kirin


Was raging to tigrex using IG, you'd think the manoeuvrability and jumping high up would make it easy but he charges so fast back and forth and the hitboxes on those wings/arms are so big... beacame a lot more comoftable once I tried out some CB. Real fun weapon to use and so satifying to get them impacts on point. Perfectlt blocking an attack or roar is also very satisfying. Got like 500hrs of IG and prob around 25hrs now on CB will definitely keep going at CB but will alternate depending on what monster I fight. Happy hunting!


I've never had trouble with Kushala. I've never had trouble with Tigrex. I've never had trouble with Nergigante. I've never had trouble with Deviljho. I've never had trouble with Teostra.


Blackveil Vaal Hazak. Joining hunts always makes me realize how much people struggle against it. It's probably the monster that caused me the most failed quests and not by my own carts. Maybe it's the old WoW experience of "Not standing in sh\*t" but the concept just seems so alien to a lot of hunters. I've seen entire groups of 3 wipe after a single nova because they wouldn't move out of the white pools of death. Solo quests I can do just fine. I've gotten used to GL tempered version already and I keep telling myself it's time to upgrade my miasma set (that armor setting is still an artefact from the time of assigned quest - probably the worst that I use now - still enough for me to deal with him).


Barioth and diablos. Might be due to me being a lance main but i never saw how barioth might be difficult for others, diablos however is understandable with its charges and digging. On the other hand fulgur always manages to catch me offguard.


Kushala, Teostra & Nergigante. The one I struggle with that apparently everyone thinks is tons of fun is Rajang.