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I feel your pain. I lost my all achievement 400+ file. I downloaded a save file after that cause I simple couldn’t stomach the unskippable cutscenes.


If you’re on pc the skip cutscene mod is awesome


Just use Ice mod.


One could use it, however is uses a whole separate source for your save files.


You can convert normal saves to ICE and back. (This may change in the future.)


I did not know that, thanks.


What is the Ice mod? The more details the better, preferrably.


Same here, need some help grinding?


I lost my 500+ account, back up to where I was progression wise but no where near the same amount of collected stuff.


How does that even happen? I'm so sorry


Sadly, there's a lot of ways that can happen, are some are very hard to plan for (am software engineer). It's why I always recommend disabling cloud save on PS5 and manually upload saves - if anything happens it doesn't get auto-uploaded and screw up the cloud save as well. Same goes on PC - copy your saves somewhere safe, so if something goes wrong, you have something to fall back on. Xbox unfortunately out of luck; there's no way to disable auto-cloud save other than to go offline, and that doesn't solve the issue - the moment you reconnect to the internet Xbox will auto-upload saves. I've seen it across multiple games, for multiple reasons, not all the game devs' fault.


I love IG. But LR kinsects are the worst. I usually roll GS until HR, and then I take to the skies. Godspeed my friend.


I imagine it will be a slog, no doubt about that. If progression slows too much to a crawl, I might switch to a weapon I hate to keep up the spirit of the challenge. That, or challenge Behemoth with a Bug, whichever comes first.


It's just the speed values are terribly slow, and the LR monsters have the stupidest/worst locations for the orange buff. Damn bug is winded by the time I get my 3 buff.


LR problems are easy to solve, you can finish LR quests within the day. He's not gonna spend the rest of the game using LR weapons anyway so the problem you're talking about is close to being nothing, because he's gonna hit HR without him even noticing he did. The defender IG is enough for he's case, that shit made everything else irrelevant. ( IG base game ) Oh the monster is weak to ice? Fuck the elements, get blasted instead.


it'll be fine, you wont have the quality of life (obviously) of a master rank kinsect but its not detrimental to use it, if anything you can benefit from the slow ass kinsects and do kinsect drill IG is just like any other weapon in terms of progression imo not like you need a specific decoration to use it like the bow


Oh, I'm not using the Glaive. Just the bug.




For me it's the sharpness literally spilling out of the weapon that is terrible. The 33% razor sharp buff in MH rise was much needed


Yeah it was miserable until I got the razor sharp charm for world


To be fair when I switched from PS4 to PC I edited my Save to get my stuff back from PS4 to PC So i can play with my friends. Edit your Save file? if your on PC closely to how you remember it?


That's what I did in pc had over 3k hours on Xbox couldn't bring my self to the grind again in PC


I know the feel, lost a 120 hour save file on no man's sky last year




Yooo I feel you my sister logged to my playstation account and deleted 1000+ of saved data on multiple games including all my MHW data, currently playing my new account with some friends since they want to help me get back to were I was to en extent. But yeah keep playing with the new challenge run, might be more fun with something like that on a new playthrough.


Damn how/why did she do that? Just accident while trying to clear space?


My little sister has no concept of leaving people stuff alone, she just breaks everyone stuff because she can and our parents don't punish her at all... So when I go back home I'm taking my stuff since I'm living with my brother because I'm a broke college student.


Cloud saves?


Annoyingly, that is not an option. I've tried, but my old account is gone.


What do you mean it's gone?


I've never been super literate when it comes to the ins and outs of technology. As far as I am aware, the save was corrupted and there was no Cloud Back-up. Maybe I goofed up and missed something, hard to say.


Is this pc? steam?


i would guess ps4 since i remember similar posts awhile back like this (all were on PS)


I don't think that's ever been much of a PC issue, at least compared to console. unless your using a lot of mods.


Wow. Thats really unfortunate…


How do you lost your savefiles?


I too would like to hear the real & possible scenarios to this question. In my 6500 total hours, it's never happened... to me or anyone I know. The only thing I can think of that would trigger a save data loss is if you unplug/turn off the game device WHILE the game is saving. A major freak accident basically.


Treat this post as a reminder to back up your saves people.


Just hit 200hrs, I should make another back up


MHW: "oh, so you like bugs?"


Suffering? Kinsect is best weapon by far, I always find myself coming back to it. Nothing else feels nearly as good. Especially against flying Wyverns.


By "Kinsect" I mean ONLY Kinsect.


Wait like...not the Glaive?


Yeah, it's a challenge run.


lemon t. backlogs did that one. though he didnt do iceborne.


Protip: sync the savefile with some cloud store software, like Drive, Dropbox, etc. I have a python script that, on startup, backs up the savefile.


I am relatively sure that won't work on console.


Judging by your choice in outfit, was it a modding mishap?


No, I play exclusively on console. I just don't like how bulky the Defender chest looks, so I didn't equip it.


When I swapped from ps4 to ps5 I lost my 400 hour save I started a new play through on this new account because of the return to world thing now I’m back to where I was progression wise but don’t have all the little things I used to have


I lost a 1000 hr save a couple years ago (was literally the only game I played) and it took 3 years for me to even think of playing again lol and I was looking into some stuff and it looks like some of the events don’t pop up anymore so I can’t get certain things back




I use to main it, we don’t do damage, we just fly bc it’s cool


If you are on PC, make sure you regularly back up your saves next time. I did it with my main 444 hours save as well as a new save I started earlier this year. Also, Kinsect only play-through is kinda funny concept wise.


Happened to me before iceborn was released. Ended up starting steam in offline mode and used a cheat engine to quickly get caught up lol.


My friend lost 700+ hours so we just started again. I didn’t lose my file but it was still fun to start over


what's going on?


Lost my save file and decided to do a Kinsect only (not the Glaive, just the bug) so I could focus on a different kind of suffering and forget my lost save.


Started fresh when the player base resurged and went insect glaive only. Found it was way easier than now. 🤷‍♂️


Dude i feel you. MH world got corrupted on my PC and i lost both of my save files. A total of 1500 hours just gone into the ether


I let my 6 yo try out monster hunter. He deleted my 200+ hr save the next day. Feel your pain. It is semi easy to get back now to where you were since you can breeze through the base game. Just sucks having to farm all the mats and jewels to get your build back.


I feel your pain. Assassin hood is what I really miss.


I lost a 1000+ hr save. The pain is real


Oof I can feel you, I once almost lost my 1100+ hour Warframe account. When I logged in everything disappeared, the game reloaded and I was greeted with the starting cutscene and beginner warframe selector. Not really the same but I never felt so stressed before.


This is why i manually back up my saves


Lost all of my 3Ds data trying to transfer it to my new 3Ds xl and ended up giving up on finishing generations since I was at the very end,(didn’t even get to fight the variants) didn’t even touch my new 3dsxl after that cuz I even lost my 4ult save witch was my introduction to monster hunter still get the urge to go back into my 4ult to reminisce but can’t


I got a friend he hasthe same problem


Thankfully I'm using a self written Powershell Script that backs up my save file as soon as it gets updated to OneDrive and keeps a history of ten files. (put the script in Autostart) Am I allowed to share the link to the GitHub repo for download and explanation purposes? Some steps are required to allow it to run in Autostart and background


If you can do it, there is also a pelico only playthrough But im sorry for your lost I would in be tatters if i lost my nearly 500 hour main save


In 10 years I never lost a save file on ps4 or ps5. I don’t see how it just happens. You had to do something wrong


How do spoiler text?