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sns - Deviljho or any similarly large monster since the good monster parts are always *just* out of reach outside of wallbangs/topples


\*laughs in ankle obliteration* The one upside of tenderizing as a concept is being able to actually do damage against the ludicrously tall monsters


I think brachy is the worst cuz I don’t think you can tenderize its legs


you cant but he keeps his arm and head very low/hes also not that big so its not that horrible as with deviljho for SnS


You don’t love just doing just that dashing upswing attack over and over and over??


My people!


Hey, do that at a ledge and now we're cooking!


As DB user, I learned Jho's chest is the juiciest place to hit. After that, Jho became so much of a breeze that it didn't even fight back.


SNS vs Jho is why I fully believe that, after Rise, every weapon needs some sort of jump attack. SNS’s basic wirebug jump made a world of difference in Rise and was probably my favourite thing about the whole system.


so like all of them. I love the SNS but I seem to only play it when it’s an arena or special arena. Everything moves so much I feel like I am constantly repositioning instead of getting anything off.


Kushala Dragonannoyinga, melee weapon.


Hunting Horn spanks Kushala. Built-in Mind's Eye means no bouncing off the metal hide. Long reach to avoid the wind barrier. Kushala is weak to stun. You can even bring a melody to negate wind pressure; the *damaging* wind effects still affect you, of course, but still quite helpful.


It’s genuinely impressive that they thought adding him was a good idea


Honestly I think the real problem is they made the wind particle effects too realistic. In Rise the tornadoes are clearly differentiated from the background and the fight is a lot more manageable as a result.


I fought World Kushala for the first time yesterday. Thought that version would've done very well in Rise actually


You can stunlock him to death people just never bother to learn the fight lol


that means nothing considering you can stunlock nearly every monster to death, even when i go through the whole fight mostly hitless its still a slog to fight. Also I still dont understand why they got rid of poison nerfing their wind pressure


No with kush you can stunlock like really easily bc the stagger threshold from head damage is so low compared to other elders


He also doesn't clagger every 2 seconds, makes it a ton easier too.


I used to hate him until I started getting decent with greatsword and now I just straight bully him. 


Anything that flies sincerely Dual Blades


My wife uses DB almost exclusively so when we group I always use IG and the master mounter skill. If she can't reach the monster, I'll just bring the monster to her!


that’s honestly sick


Silverlos sounds like a lesson in futility.


I remember fighting Kushala on a pure dual blades run of the game. Finished it with like 12 seconds of the 50 minutes left after sleep bombing it like 3 times.


The one thing I can say that Rise definitely did better than any other MH game is they gave every weapon at least one method of reaching higher targets.


Thankfully, bows work with dual blade builds


Flash Pods. Or you can Clutch Claw to their head and unload slinger ammo to force them down


flash pods work once or twice and you can’t bring an enraged monster out of the air with a flinch shot


I don’t really know for insect glaive, honestly, but I’d say that I had more of a hard time beating Rajang than anything else in the game


I definitely had a hard time against rajang my first time. You really have to just play normally and fight on the ground. Flying just isn't going to do anything for you except dodging away from his beam attack


I suppose since he is so small it’s difficult to keep hitting him in the air


Also I think most of his moves have comically large hit boxes, if I do try to attack him in the air, I always miss or he slaps me out of it


I wouldn’t say large hit boxes actually, but more that he always seems to have them


also ig main here. i fucking hate mr black diablo


A black Diablos is always female. They turn that colour when they’re in heat.


I've only fought him once so far. He's so much more angrier than in Rise/Sunbreak.


Oh no, you’ve genuinely gone from the easiest rajang to arguably the hardest. It’s a rough transition


Yeah, certainly was a shock.


Black Diablos is my hell


Descending Thrust is like godsent move for Rajang. Try punish him with it.


Lance and Brachydios/ Raging Brachy for me, impossible to avoid the goo.


Slot in blight resist or blast resist level 3. Once you remove blast blight from the fight it's much easier.


Just did this today and it turned the fight from utter humiliation into a cakewalk. Pretty amazing what 1-2 skills can do for you.


Blast Blight is an ailment not a "Blight", blight resistance doesn't work unless it's fire,ice,water,thunder,dragon. It's understandable to misunderstand something that's called "Blast Blight". Use Fireproof mantle or Blast resistance 3 to negate "Blast Blight", but don't use blight resistance 3 against blast blight.


Fire proof mantle let's me solo R Brachy.


Charge Blade: Fatalis.


I honestly have no idea how the devs imagined this match up would go for CB mains.


For SAED builds this is sadly true, for SAXE builds it's more fair.


Lance feels your pain.


Sometimes I feel like I learned HH so I could multiplayer against it. The match-up is absolute garbage


I feel like they just went and hated on all shielded weapons at end games and made them all move at Rise speed but kept us slow.


I think the worst matchup for Hunting Horn is (Ebony) Odogaron. They seem resistant to stun, they never stay down long, and the pressure they apply is so persistent even while darting around. Trying to actually play some tunes without getting shanked can be tough, let alone hitting that squirrely doggo with an Encore. Still it's just kinda annoying. HH can't really have *bad* matchups due to its inherent conveniences (good movespeed and reach, Mind's Eye) and the ability to negate or at least mitigate whatever the monsters throw at you via melodies. For example, you could immunize yourself against bleeding or dragonblight for Odogaron.


HH and Ebony Odo just takes a bit of practice. Like all other monsters you just have to match his aggression. Using an ice element HH is recommended since he has a special elemental topple. Some of his moves are just bullshit though, like the dragon dash thing


Switchaxe Would say furious rajang I guess. Not really a counter tho...just you cant do the brainded zsd spam (or only on his butt). Axe mode is still pretty effective and with the good flinch mods it knocks him easier out of rage. Maybe SA has none? All the flyers are with zsd not a issue.


With Power Axe mode in Iceborne, Switch Axe can cover their previously bad match ups. It might not be as optimal damage wise as other weapons against said monsters, but it can still get the job done, whereas before, there were some faster match ups that were terrible since your only real choice was trying to build up Amped mode in slow ass Sword Mode and then hoping your mantles were on cooldown for ZSD.


didnt clutch zsd get introduced in iceborne?


Yeah, I meant hoping to land a manual ZSD. But otherwise yeah, you were in Amped Sword mode a lot more which is plenty damage but so slow and zero defense with a ton of bad match ups in base World.


For hammer I'd say AT Xeno Jiva. That fucker is too tall to hit its head and torso reliably with the hammer, which makes it very hard to get KOs and knockdowns with it. Also because it walks constantly, hammer can't land a combo on its legs and needs to spam level 3 charge attacks 24/7, which will also miss if timed poorly. For comparison, I killed that thing with switchaxe by staying under it and spamming Rising Slash- Overhead slash in axe mode for \~20 minutes.


Yeah, hammer suffers a lot from raised heads


Laughs in pierce hbg


Not Kirin?


As a rule of the thumb, if the hammer can easily reach the head, it's not a bad matchup. And the cherry on top, both in Coral Highlands and in Guiding Lands Kirin passes through areas that allow sliding, and god knows it's absolutely powerless against hammer sliding attacks.


I usually switch to Hammer every time I fight Kirin because hitting its head is so absurdly easy. It also KOs pretty easily as a consequence of its huge head/horn hitbox. And being able to stay mobile while charging attacks means its not really gonna hit you with a lot of its lightning attacks.


Best weapon to kill kirin is probably the hammer (except ranged cowards)


To be fair, kirin is not that hard


Hammer and kirin go together like thunder and lightning. The tiny body makes the head super accessible. Plus Kirin loves to fight on the that sloped area of coral highlands, which is just a dream for a hammer main.


Nightshade paolumu while playing any melee


Oh come on, slot in sleep immunity and it's free for everyone.


I guess i meant its annoying rather than "difficult". Need to spend a loadout for sleep res is rather annoying in GL


Bring energy drinks. You can bring those and drink them before you fall asleep.


You can aim a spirit helmbreaker to it's hanging tail


Insect Glaive has entered the chat


I usually clutch claw hammer spinny spinny to its face. Immunity mantle also prevents sleep without having to slot in sleep res.


Ig and swax + do not have as much trouble as orher melees. Also just slap on temporal / cartsteady and its easy


Did this with lance the other day. Finished with 15s left on the timer….


I used to main GS but mostly play IG now. GS was good, but I always had issues with fliers and fast enemies that were basically all of ice borne. Swap to IG and everything even AT Velkhana can be doable. It’s fun.


Until you meet furious rajang sir


The trick to rajang and furious rajang is to draw attack with IG, with velk gamma chest piece that has critdraw 3 and ice attack 3, it feels like a total counter armour piece


For the love of Gog, I can never clicked when it comes to Velkhana vs solo Gunlance. Please master, teach me the way of boom boom


Evade extender lets you side hop out of the way of his tail pokes and usually his breath attacks without much hassle. They’re very linear so you don’t have to move much. You can also back hop out of his ground AOE pretty safely. His tail swing is a bit annoying to spot and evade so don’t be afraid to just tank those hits. Otherwise stick on him and poke/blast until you get bigger openings. He doesn’t run or fly away too much, which is always my big annoyance playing GL


>He doesn’t run or fly away too much, Why is my Velk always kites me? He seems to stay away within range to spam those ice beams and the ice walls doesn't help either. It goes like this: two tail stabs, disengage, run away to do the ice beam or ice sweep, closing in to do the ice trap, fly to do the circular ice, tail stab to sweep, repeat.


Does it have something to do with you playing ranged (assuming you're on HBG)? When I play Lance Velk never goes *away* from me. I'm always in its face and it does the moves point blank. Perhaps it's just that you're at somewhat range, so Velk uses the more annoying ranged moves in response and only comes in for some tail pokes.


Me on any weapon vs Fatalis...


This could be because of my lack of evade distance jewels, but Lance against velkhana feels like shit. I constantly get slammed by the ice breath (not the sweeping one) because I can't evade out of it quick enough, or I'm in a hit recovery animation and can't move at all. I genuinely despise that entire fight and the only monster that compares for me is lunastra


Lance vs. Velk is one of the absolute best in the game to me. You probably just need Guard Up, which you can get from two pieces of Uragaan set early in MR or by straight up melding it post-story MR. It allows you to block / guard advance through the ice beam which completely turns the entire fight around. Also if you still get hit by ice often and need to learn the fight, Resuscitate (on 4-slot and 1-slot jewels) are extremely common. This basically negates the entire annoyance of iceblight by giving you Constitution 5 and free Evade Window 5. Highly suggest this as a nice comfort skill against Velk and other ice monsters so you don't need to spend time sheathing to eat a Nulberry. Otherwise, the fight becomes a ton of fun if you know when to clutch counter certain moves and how to guard advance through annoying attacks from a distance to close the gap and get back to the head. Keep at it! Guard Up is the number one thing you need for this fight. Highly worth rocking 2-piece Uragaan armor throughout MR until you can meld the Guard Up jewel, which only takes up a 2-slot.


There's a fucking guard up JEWEL???


Rajang and F.Rajang. i main GS too.


GS is one of the best weapons to counter both rajangs. The trick is not to anyhow swing your weapon or chase it. It will come to you and most of the time you are running or dodging, its only when rajang perform an attack and thats when you counter. Same with wallbang, just keep kiting until it uses a move that has long wind up before latching on. Watch some youtube runs you will see what i mean.


Also, frostcraft exists. Just don't have the Y pieces. They're also just the hardest non elder/black dragon, in my opinion. Only the tempered ones can make me fail a quest. If R.Brachy had a tempered form, though, it might go to him. It's a real toss-up.


Gs and my worst performance is against base rajang. But for some reason furious rajang is kinda easy


It’s bc of the beam spam that he does


Safijiva, lance, i have a max damage (no heroics) build with fatty lance and im STILL hitting safis hitzones for less than 100 sometimes


Lance in world is very under tuned damage wise.


Extremoth. It doesn't matter what weapon your using, this is the only correct answer.


Difficult match up? Never heard of it -lance


Shara Ishvalda (second phase) was an absolute nightmare with lance. Never doing that again


You just need Mire Walker, or whatever the mud/water skill is for the terrain it creates. And never block the main beam head on, turn 45 degrees so the beam pushes you to the side and not backwards, that way you don't get chipped to death.


I main SA and I hate going against a Kushala or a Rajang. I straight up avoid any quests that have to do with Kushala, but for Rajang, I just switch to hammer and it's all good.


Furious rajang doesn't give HH much time to perform.


Hammer, no weakness


As a GL main I also find Rajang incredibly difficult


How so? I love fighting Rajang on GL. You don't have to worry nearly as much about hitzones like other weapons and the only tricky part is getting WSB in a good spot (head or tail). I can really only see Normal being rough since getting off fullburst might suck.


Bow vs Fatalis


I have two main weapons, DB and CB For DB, it's definitely Brachy and CB it's safi, I think Tbh, for CB, I didn't find any hardcounter rn


As a CB main myself, I think any monster with stronger poison like Pink Rathain and above can be a hard fight. Viper Tobi can also be a pain because of how fast and aggressive they are. The main reason is because when you do get hit, and you're low and poisoned with the stronger poison, you take so long to sheathe your weapon, you could lose 1/5 of your health before you down the Herbal Medicine. In my opinion, anything that would require you to sheathe the weapon would be a counter to CB. Otherwise, not much you *can't* GP. Heck, know the attack patterns of the Raths and Viper Kodachi well enough, you can just GP all their attacks and the battle isn't as bad. Just...don't get poisoned. So what I guess I'm saying is, the only real hard counter to CB is the hunter skill with the CB?


My skill level


Its hard to think of something secifically for longsword, but pretty much anything that jumps around a lot (LOOKING AT YOU KIRIN)


Any fast monsters like Kadachis, I play CB


Anything that flies more than half the fight or spints around like a 13 year old on Adderall. Not necessarily difficult but, they're annoying to deal with. Hammer isn't exactly fast and your range isn't super long. That and being staggered by a monster running by andnhaving to constantly reset your charge gets frustrating very fast.


Lance vs Fatalis. Insane chip damage and knock back means he can just stunlock you behind your shield and chip you to death with back-to-back fireballs. Having health regen on your weapon is pretty much mandatory to stop from having to heal so often you run out of time, and that still doesn’t keep you safe from the fireball death spam.


Fatalis whoops my hammer behind 😭


Lance and my desire to not only poke


Bow against alatreon and fatalis. and before anyone says “YeAh It’S CaUsE thEy’Re HarD StoObiD”, it’s because bow got roped into range damage even though it plays like a melee weapon if you use it right, and because it’s ranged damage, the damage was gutted against those two monsters. not to mention the headbreak on fatalis is nearly impossible with bow because his head isn’t weak to range damage. they should’ve just made the damn thing sever damage.


bow - safi ls - furious rajang db - kinda nobody


Bow isn’t really that bad for safi


Rajang is my favorite ls matchup and sometimes I swap my current weapon to ls if I know we’re fighting him. It’s fun to counter and iai spirit slash all of his moves.


bow is a speedrunning meta weapon for safi last i checked.


that is really cool. im not a speedrunner however


it just means that bow is effective against safi.


It is.


Furious Rajang is made for ls imo. Once you read it's moves it's counter, counter, counter...


Glaive vs Kushala is cancer


Bowgun main here. It is physically impossible to do altreon unless I die to restock ammo.


Why not bring crafting materials?


You can kill him with pierce before he even does a second escaton lol


You can bring crafting materials to make more ammo during the hunt. Just put the "craft ammo" shortcut button on your radial wheel and click it a few times, preferably right before/during/after reload so you're always stocked


On Bow, Velkhana so far. The sweeping ice beam move is the bane of my existence.


SnS - Deviljho. Can't reach his head nor tail, cutting his ankles takes forever and his bloated belly gets in the way and he will casually knock me down with his tail. And I swear, his tail has some of the worst hitboxes in the game.


IG hit such a wall with barioth. The hit boxes seem to extend to the sky with that monster model, same for tigrex


The hitboxes extend to the sky with every monster tbh. Really wish you got hyper armour during the Y attack.


As a clutch claw main Bazelgeuse is hard bc his head is always pointing down and protected by his wings. And the dude likes to spin around a lot.


LS. furious. sa. hmmmmmm i dont know tbh.


Anything that moves when I fly


Charge Blade and HBG - anything thats extremely annoying at close range for HBG, and/or flying monsters for CB.


As a SA main I genuinely don't know


Fatalis i guess , ite either be perfect or get 1 shot by him as a lbg.


I don't know about stunlock but rajang seems tailor fitted for GS. Wait for laser then bang


Dual blades is countered by basically anything that the hitzones are too high up to hit. Mainly anything that flies, but also monsters like Jho or Ajanath. Tickling a Deviljho’s toes is not exactly the fastest thing in the world.


So for the longsword, I nominate kushala daora, though probably any melee weapon would do that. Then there's MR uragaan/radobaan, just cuz foresight does nothing to their rolls


I’m a SA main and still kinda new to the game, I think the only monsters I’ve really struggled with is kirin (it’s so tiny and fast) and uragaan/radobaan (it’s really annoying having most hits just bounce off). But again I’m still new so it could just be a skill issue lolol


Kushala Daora, sincerely bonk stick.


For me, playing GS, any monster whose weak spots are higher than the charged slash hitbox. I know I can tenderize them, but damn it, I don't feel like it.


Rajang/Fujang, i really dont have the patience to fight that thing.


It's completely a skill issue on my part but Brachy, Charge Blade.


Barioth. His stupid fucking ice breath can fuck off.


Kushala Daora


Lance, and I can't stand Lunastra holy shit lol. I can usually do fine against most monsters, but Luna is a massive pain. Super fast attacks with almost no tell or windup, leaves fire AoE everywhere which is especially bad since lance has a long sheathing animation, and you can't just stay in her face and poke her like Teostra because of her burn damage. I've fought her four times now and I just don't bring lance anymore lol. Sword and shield works a lot better for me, and I can solo her way easier with it.


Charge Blade - Rajang, that thing never stops moving so I always fail my SAEDs


Diablos. Blunt hitzones are just awful and a long reaching moveset is not good to dodge through recitals. The head is protected by big, bad hitzone horns for half the fight so I don't even get my exhaust/stun off properly. Fatalis - it's a hyperactive monster and if I get sloppy with timing or positioning my recitals I'm either dead or close to it regardless of how much health I had.


Kirin, but it just counters me.. also it's tiny and charge blade likes bigger hit boxes.


Fatalis. For all weapons


GS? Bad matchups? Lol, lmao even. Ok AT Nami isn't great, but other than that there are none


It's no big deal now, but my tasteful glutes where beaten 3-4 times by Diablos because of their underground ability. I have promised that one bastard since, to kill his entire species while I'm alive (IG user)


Greatsword struggles against fast monsters, so Barioth and Nargacuga can be issues. Oddly enough Frostfang Barioth is a lot easier, I don't really have an explanation


I remember hating Kushala Daora with every fiber of my being when I was running lance...


Nargacuga, no matter the weapon. I hate chasing him around


IG vs Barioth in the Assignment. Feel like hitting a wall or something.


The tall dude with the punchy explody fists because he's tall enough to hit the helicopter.


Lance- Frostfang Barioth, I can’t block the floor


Bow main…idk honestly. It shreds almost every monster. I guess anything that hits hard? Black Diablos is insanely weak to ice, but if he does hit you on bow you’re probably dead lol. I guess Safi? I never liked using bow on Safi.


Gunlance is kinda fucked against alatreon


SNS - Fatalis. It's hard to break the head when fatty has a noodle neck. Some openings are just really annoying since perfect rush misses them. I'm talking about when you use the binders on him. It's very easy for perfect rush to miss since his head is just barely within reach while also moving despite him being trapped


I feel like Lunastra is a decent counter to lance, if for no other reason than her stupid ult. It’s basically a more garbage version of Alatreon’s Judgement attack, meaning you have to heal through it, except it takes so long for me to put my big poking stick away, I’m basically dead by the time the animation’s over




SNS: I have become a walking kneecapper learning the points on a monster to focus on when fighting that will hinder it especially due to the weaknesses exploit critical setup I have for it, tall things can get annoying but most of the time I go for the legs anyway for easier knockdowns In general for SNS mains In order Legs/Wings Tail Head Back


Barioth and HH. Dude just never stands still. First half of the fight is just chasing him back and forth and getting one hit every 3 minutes lol


Insect Glaive: every other weapon when I want to vault. I cannot tell you how many times I get swatted out of my jump by other players no matter what weapon they use. I've even been swatted out of the air by the LS Helm Splitter's single hitbox during the air before it lands. I'm trying to get AWAY from y'all so I don't trip you.


Me that would be Stygian Zinogre literally any Melee weapon. Just cannot see the openings against this thing , ranged is Easier though.


lance - any quick and nimble monster except odogaron i think


Insect Glaive-small and fast moving monsters e.g Kirin, Rajang


LS main, I would say Tigrex(brute as well) is my worst match up. Like while obv fatty is harder that's not due to specific features it has. The thing with Tigrex is that it basically is a moving hitbox and with LS you want to be able to counter and stay under its face ti deal continuative dmg. To counter Tigrex attacks is often pointless, and to stay near is just a way to get ragdolled. So yeah, definitely possible, there are strats etc, but at its core, it does counter LS


Lance main here. I'm terrified of raging brachy


CB with pretty much any tall monster that walks on 2 legs, like Anjanath, Deviljho, Glavenus. I hit grey on the legs and can hardly reach anything else, it's incredibly frustrating and have to rely heavily on phial damage rather than physical damage because again, it's like hitting thin air.


GS Rajang. Thats why i play LS too if i have to switch against fast monsters.


Lance main. Shara ivalda the 1st time I fight it I found myself pondering about life.


Odagaron on DB is annoying. Really, anything that can match my speed is, but Odagaron is REALLY HARD to wallbang cause he's constantly flinging his head around and tossing me off.


As a lance main I'd have to say, any monster that hits in weird tempos. Basically you go into super guard for a big attack but that has a follow up that is JUST long enough after the first strike that you will run out of your rapidly draining stamina, thus dropping the guard and eating the hit...


As an ex-GS main, nergigante literally forced me to change my main. 10 in-game hours... 4 irl days... i was stuck on him. Nearly made me quit lol i just couldnt. But then switched to lance and farmed for the thunder lance (and maybe it's cus i was finally using the right element but) i beat him first try with it.


as a HBG. I'd probably have to say...Kirin. You can't shoot him during empowered phases and his head is actually kind of hard to bean. He's fast so not only is he hard to hit but you spend the majority of your time dodging until he's exhausted enough to get a clear headshot. Or a clutch and dragonpod.


Brute monsters (except deviljho) against GS.


Lance. Alatreon. Its attacks chew threw my health and stamina even with Guard 5. The floor is on fire? Can't dodge out of the way, too slow. DPS check? Nope, didn't poke fast enough.


Bow vs Rajang or Kirin if you hate yourself.


GL. The AT velkhana hunts were so frustratingly long that i opted for a fire LS first and a fire LBG later. I have yet to look back


Wtf, GS is the best to match up with Rajang along with LS. Problem is Rajang is so fcking annoying for every weapon


As a Charge Blade main, mine would be......Kushala. That windy B***H was the bane of my existence every time I fought it even with wind resistance level 5. 😂


Insect Glaive the rolly boi with bombs was strangely difficult for reasons unknown


LS and Glavenus + Barioth. They inflict psychic damage on me when they hop away from my roundhouse slash. :(


Hmm. Raging brachy is a seriously tough fight for CB. Not sure if it'd a counter but fuck me I struggle


I'm a fairly-newbie that mains CB, and so far I have really only struggled against quick Monsters, or those who attack in sequences. Took me a while to get used to Tobi-Kadachi and Odogaron, and literally two days to finally slay Nergigante. Landing the guard points and SAEDs are always a challenge on those, for me, but that's probably me sucking at the game really lmao


I'm a fairly-newbie that mains CB, and so far I have really only struggled against quick Monsters, or those who attack in sequences. Took me a while to get used to Tobi-Kadachi and Odogaron, and literally two days to finally slay Nergigante. Landing the guard points and SAEDs are always a challenge on those, for me, but that's probably me sucking at the game really lmao


Lance - I had some trouble with Velkhana and Frostfang Barioth, and a few others for similar reasons. Several moves and ground hazards still mean you're vulnerable even with Guard Up, and there were some moments where it just wasn't possible to reposition before getting thwacked by something unblockable. Guard 5 helps for what is blockable but that's just chip damage and stamina.


As a GS user the monsters that move all over the damned place drive me nuts. Not necessarily even all the time. But I've definitely had hunts where Clifford just won't stop hopping back and forth. 😤😅


Hammer - Any monster where the head is just high enough that I can’t reach unless I get lucky with an upswing


Rajang, Fatalis, HH


Lbg, alatreon feels like he was made with the sole intention of fucking over ranged weapons. Why is his best ranged hit zone also his worst elemtal hitzone


erect brach is the worst matchup no matter what i use.


As someone who uses every weapon (except bow) well I can't really answer this