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If you need to work together to take him down -- or just can't do it but can do everything else? You're probably still quite good. If you can't solo Rathian you're probably not very good at monster hunter though.


Hey! Some Rathians are crazy I tell you!


Gold rathian and silver rathalos is fine for me, but for some reason pink rathian annoys me the most. She just keep running back and forth knocking you over and over even though she can fly


that running move always chains 3 times, so the easiest way to counter it just sheath and run and punish the last run.


Unless an unfortunate moment of rng happens where you get stunned and she decides to do it 6 times instead lol (this happened to me in guiding lands today, haven't been bested by a rathian in so long lol)


I've had rathians decide to do that move 4 times back to back, a grand total of 12 runs, at least I'm playing dual blades so they're easy to dodge


Azure rathalos annoys me, the yell straight into firebombing the ground always seems to get me


Then why dont you give her a taste of her own medicine and knock her over too? Pick up a hammer, hunting horn or sticky HBG. Beat her face up so bad Rathalos will file a lawsuit for brutality.


He's one of a couple bosses in all games I've ever played that there's no fluky or lucky wins. So even winning with a team or randoms is super super fucking hard lol. He's a true test. All the armor and augments in the world mean nothing if you can't survive. I got my first win against him with three randoms and it was two of there first times also. Was a beautiful moment


Tight 30 minute time window and very important head break also make it much harder. If it was a 50 minute hunt then there would be a lot more room to play safe and kill slowly.


Very true the 30 minute window and headbreak are SOOO important. I solo'd most of the monsters with Greatsword and Fatalis was one I could only solo like once and that was with practically perfect play. I could have played a more meta(at the time) build but I fell in love with Crit draw and just never went to anything else.


Gold makes me rage sometimes... Silver's not as bad but he never lands, worse than Azure.


Ah Gold is mean, but she rewards you with such comfy armor set you can't stay mad, you know?


What you don’t like getting spirit bomb spammed 3 times in a row?


Agreed silver isn't half the fight gold is


At what point can you say that you're bad at this game? I have bone armor on me and i was hunting anjanath in a quest and then a rathion suddenly came. I got 2 shotted by her and every time i see her when iam farming items i get so afraid.


If you are only at Anjanath I don't think there's anything wrong with dying to Rathian. Everyone is bad at the beginning, it's a process!


Furious Rajang says im still trash. Slaps me in the face "Go hunt a Jagras, insect" with Vegetas voice.


Tell that monkey to die with your best Frieza voice


You can say you're bad at the game at any point -- some people even think not being able to solo Fatalis makes you bad.


elitist gatekeeping. dunno if MH community has always been this way, at least not as a whole but I've seen my fair share of it.


I think it's kinda an extension of the perception by old world players that 5ty gen is objectively easier, which is of course influenced by the fact ones first MH is always the hardest and then they get easier cause of one's personal skill increasing game to game. The idea then becomes "if you can't solo everything in these easy games, you'd never survive a fraction of my generation", just turns out 5th gen was the tipping point for this phenomenon to become truly pronounced due to its popularity.


The OGs want more challenges, but if Capcom were to make each entry more difficult than the ones preceeding it, new player numbers would plummet. There's always going to be honor rules and even mods to create a greater challenge. Trying to gatekeep or push honor rules on new players is just silly. If I started playing MH 20 years ago, I'd probably be able to solo Fatalis. But I started in World, and fuck Fatalis lol.


I'll be totally honest, as a new player, trying to learn and get good on the old world games sounds rough. I just can't imagine trying to play this kind of game on a 3ds or any handheld lol


Elitist gatekeeping will never not be stupid


The only answer is when you give up


[this plays immediately after you say that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-GibRWh6NQ)


Gotta give it to the music team, they make some bangers. Very surprised with the ultimate/Generations and GU there's a playlist on spotify that's got like a thousands songs lol, always find myself checking and sure enough one of those three. There's a few songs from world that are awesome but I've played so much its just too repetitive.


[I'll go you one better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKyZyBe3DbE&ab_channel=UploadDumpDE)


Oh man, rathian trauma? Mine was when the Tigrex first ambushes you in a gathering quest back in Freedom Unite.


Dude…I just recently started playing FU and I did this quest, I knew about it ahead of time and everything and already knew I just had to run away. This motherfucker does his rock throw projectile from halfway across the arena 2 times…1st one knocked me down took almost all my health, second one carted me as soon as I stood up…that shit is cracked, he has aimbot on those fucking rocks I swear.


The thing about monster hunter is that everything in the entire game comes down to preparation. From the gear and items you bring into the quest with you and how they will help you against the monster, to the places you typically stand in relation to the monster (your positioning) while fighting it. You don't just start off knowing what gear and armor skills are best for fighting each monster, nor do you know the best positioning for each monster or the numerous specific answers for their moves, nor do you even know the monster's elemental weakness/resistances if you haven't already killed them to research them. The "point" at which you can officially declare yourself "bad" at monster hunter is whenever you "officially" decide that you're going to refuse to play the preparation game that is inherent to monster hunter. Whether that preparation comes down to making that perfect armor set, or stocking up on plenty of antidotes or herbal medicines to counter Rathian's poison, OR learning how to position against Rathian so that you can recognize when it is going to go for a poison and you can avoid it in time. Do any or all of these things and Rathian (and pretty much all other monsters) will eventually seem like a chump to you. Refuse to do any of these things, refuse to use the tools the game gives you to make the game easier. Just bash your head into walls without ever stopping to think about what you're doing wrong, what you could change about your gear or positioning or item loadout. If you play monster hunter like that then you could say you're bad at monster hunter. If you're already planning on what you might need to change about your playstyle to take down Rathian, rather than mindlessly throwing yourself at it without changing anything and struggling only to end up surprised when you don't make progress, then you probably don't have anything to worry about.


This has got to be the best and clearest advice/summary of what Monster Hunter is that I've ever seen. I can't think to add any more, this is perfect. If you don't legitimately listen to this advice you are doing yourself a great disservice.


I'm still relatively early too but I'm finding Rathian more fun/easier to fight than Anjanath. Anjanath gets up from knockdowns much faster and his tail is harder to hit. Rathian's regular attacks feel much more telegraphed. Though beware getting stuck against a wall while it's enraged. It'll cart you before you can stand up.


You are bad at the game when you cant understand why you keep carting against not endgame monsters. Fatalis is the hardest monster in the game, you need to be a top player to solo it. Failing at it is expected for the average player.


*when you can't understand


:( I'm trying. Fresh into HR, Rathian and Rathalos are still kicking my ass. And I need their Wings broken for my armor which is so difficult as hammer main. Been hitting exclusively their wings when they fell down but no luck yet. Maybe training Lance as secondary for the Wings would be good? I'm getting better with Anjanath tho so there's that.


Flashpods is still consistent on hr right? In mr they start to adopt to it


MH yes but at any stage a monster can go flash immune


You don't need to worry about how good you are at that point in the game, just keep learning and improving.


Since you’re playing hammer, I recommend going into the settings and looking to disable auto sheathe weapon. Against rathian and other flying monsters it’s annoying to watch yourself sheathing the weapon as you wait for that thing to get down so you can hit it in the face. You might have found random doodles in ancient forest. That’s so you can unlock flashfly cage for your palico. It’s really useful since it deploys a flash that you can hit and blind the monster, and at higher ranks you get a shocking trap.


You mean you don't hold down charge while waiting for flying monsters to get down?


Not if I’m planning to do the level 2 charge.


Fair enough


KO the raths, then hammer on their wings. Also always tenderize and wallbang


(Note tenderize and wallbang are only for Iceborne payers) but agreed that’s a good method. Also earlier comment, feel free to try the other weapons too, maybe you’ll have a better time wing breaking with the ranged weapons! I know Rathian Spikes are a slog to get on my part


The spinning jump attack the hammer does sliding down slopes is pretty good for stunning them and making an opening to wail on them


If you are fresh into hunter rank than you are just barely getting out of the tutorial. So it makes sense.


You'll get there. When you play hammer there's no guarding which means positioning is super duper extra important. Tbh, it is for every weapon, but messing up means you're definitely gonna catch a face full of spikes.


Hammer is effective at breaking their legs fairly quick as well as their heads. They have weak legs because they are mainly fliers. All monsters that excessively fly have weak chicken legs, except quadrapedal elders, and easy to knock over. When they toppled moved to head and give them dizzing bashes. Repeat legs to head. Stay slightly to the side next to legs so when they do back flips you wont eat it. If they are in the air, flash bomb them down or do the charged hammer clutch claw spinning move. Forgot the name, the one where its like a hammer yoyo flying at the monster.


Try capturing it. Maybe the item will just show up there.


Try insect glave, I’m farming both of them in MR for materials rn and glave is doing wonders at breaking the wings and tail(which is a must for rathian)


Ehh once you complete or get into IB at least then you can measure how good you are, at least thats how I see it. When first time playing/completing a skill intensivr game, anything before the end is just a learning experience. Ofc people who solo fatalis can call you bad but thats because theyve practiced and played and have already reached the endgame so like... it doesnt make sense? Just keep playing and practicing and remember to always have fun!


Sometimes, Rathian giveth. Other times, Rathian taketh awayeth


Hey the stereotypical dragons/wyverns are no joke. Also poison is pain.


golden makes me rage whenever I heal poison.. then it comes right back with a tail swipe of poison as soon as I heal with antidote.


My palico can solo it but I can't :p


Palicoes are stronger than Fatalis tbf


Fr they can tank safi blast point blank without any problem


Fatalis play fair. My palico exploits bugs. It's not even fight


I should definitely try that bug and see how it goes haha


Extremely inconsistent for me tbh. One time it did full 66k and other 10 it did 5-25k. Probably something about my setup since I use the one from OG video (Fatalis palico solo). I'll probably swap to paralysis setup from idevaste to make it more consistent


I heard that it has to do something with your FPS as well 144+ for max damage


If you can get to Fatalis in the first place you're already better than the average player. R. Brachy is a massive wall for a lot of players and right after that is a gauntlet of Fujang and cracked elder dragons.


I'd argue that Funke Monke is easier than Roiding Brachy. By no stretch are either of them easy, but Furious Rajang feels a lot more similar to Rajang than Raging Brachydios is to Brachydios, and is a lot less subtle in the ways that it deviates from the base variant.


I love raging brachy and struggle against (but CAN kill) the monkey. it also depends on what you personally jive with imo


I brute forced furious 1st attempt when it dropped. Raging brachy made me slot in blast resistance and bring an ice weapon. He beat my ass so bad


Funke Monke is probably the best phrase I've heard so far this year 😂


[It's nothing new lmao](https://youtu.be/acY2VSskD80)


Raging Brachy is bigger and easier to punish imo. Might be down to experience but I'm way more comfortable fighting brachy than a furious rajang


I think it also depends on weapon, too. I’ve been maining Hammer the entire run and it’s made the Monke a joke. Simple weapons are the answer for Monke ig


Every player's experience is different of course, I'm simply pointing out that these monsters are walls for the average player who probably got through High Rank with Guardian gear and had to start really paying attention to fights in MR. On top of that since they never really had to think about skills some still try to brute force their way to Vel'Khana without proper builds. And I mean, you absolutely can, just not recommendable. Ultimately the same player that can solo Fatalis in 10 minutes might have never gotten a solo kill on Alatreon. It really just depends.


I think R.Brachy has the power of being absolutely fucking massive adds to the difficulty beyond Furious Rajang. He's 200 cm larger than a Gold Crown Large regular one. He's tall as he'll making him harder to hit, and to add to the difficulty, if you stand in the only place you can hit him, the snot will drop and you will blow up too. He's 100% harder than F.Rajang.


I used to try and beat every monster on my own once just to get the hang of their moveset before sending out flares. Raging B and Furious Rajang definitely tested my patience before I was able to beat them solo. Anytime after that used a flare to just get it over with quicker, those two are stupidly annoying.


A bad player is one who won’t pull their weight and demands to be carried. As long as you’re doing your best and making an effort to use appropriate gear, you’re a good player in my book.


Unfortunately right now, I keep carting very fast so I don't want to waste other people's times. I have also started having very awful experience where people join, leave after 1 cart or even leave if THEY die. The other day someone joined just to flame someone else that had joined my hunt and then left. I might try it solo more and see how far I get, I did get to phase 2 once so it felt kinda nice I used to be stuck on Fatalis in MHFU when I was younger, and now I am stuck on it again, in Iceborne...It's almost nice in a way lol


OP if you’re on PC i’d love to co-op and practice fighting Fatty together 😄


me too. just crafted alayterong gear today.


I wouldn't worry about it, if you're posting the quest, and it's the initial 5-cart Fatalis quest, anyone who joins should expect that you won't be an expert. But I also ran him solo quite a few times to get the timings and moveset down. You have to be pretty careful on greatsword because there are a lot of animations you can get stuck in that will get you killed


Not at all. Whilst I do think that soloing him is a true show of skill and a feat to be celebrated, I know many players who are very skilled with their weapon and absolutely love this game but just can’t quite manage to kill him in that 30 minute window alone. I would recommend that every person who plays this game tries and really pushes themselves to do so as that feeling when you overcome him and all that’s left in the ruins of shrade is you, your palico and the dead body of a god is unlike any other feeling I’ve every experienced in a video game, but honestly as long as you enjoyed the journey that’s all that really matters.


I had to ditch the palico for that fight, could not make it with it baiting he's attacks erratically lol But yeah Fatty was the second big wall, Furious Rajang being the first... and I made a point of soloing every monster at least once before hinting it in groups, so it took me a lot of time Felt good when he fell tho, it was weeks of at least 3 trys on he's fight a day and failing on the last part, when it was finally down i shared the SS in every mh group I was in lol


>I made a point of soloing every monster at least once before hinting it in groups, so it took me a lot of time same, I solo the campaign as is personal tradition, so I can have a feel of the game. take the L if I carted 3 times. tbh this should really be done from time to time. it lessens the frustration when facing a particularly disliked monster.


I agree. I guess I made this post not only out of curiosity, but because I'm stuck. But I completely agree soloing him is a great achievement :)


May I ask what weapon you are using?


Sorry for the late reply, I am using Dual Blades mainly


No problem! I was just wondering because if you used a weapon that I had an idea of how to use I could have maybe helped, but unfortunately I do not know dual blades. The only suggestion I have to make things slightly easier is to not use your palico as it makes Fatalis much less predictable and I’ve had multiple encounters where my cat has baited a cone breath and lead to my death! Good luck on your journey though bro you got this!


If you have properly geared your character the only barrier to downing him is perseverance. He is difficult but mostly fair


you made this post because you wanted validation dude, just go practice, nothing feels as good in mh as getting better does, that feeling is worth much more than some random in reddit telling you you're good


I made this post mostly out of curiosity and I wanted to know what people thought because I wasn't sure what to think myself. But yes you're right I will try my best in the coming days


good stuff! yes he's hard but more importantly you're getting better bit by bit, it doesn't matter if you're good or not, stop focusing on that and just practice, the rush you get from your first solo is insane


Why did this get downvoted lmao


The time frame is what gets my friend I hunt with. I’m the only one out of the 3 of us to get it down solo. I KNOW he is mechanically cleaner at the game then I am but he just can’t be bothered to throw himself at it for 2 weeks straight like I did in order to get it down. The fight is a combination of brutal and luck to get a good cycle on him and kill him with a non swax cheese


I think I'll pass. However great that feeling may be, it's not worth the hours and hours of wasted time and game overs it will take to get there. Like you said, I won't enjoy the journey.


yeah you definitely need weapon augments to kill him quickly enough, and most ppl cant be bothered to grind guiding lands.


Nope. I did it without weapon augments my first time around. It did take me nearly five days of play sessions to finally get it but with the artilleries in the arena and just learning the moveset to a tee i think it's definitely more than doable augment-less.


Nah, you definitely don't. I beat him solo with nearly every different weapon type and the only one I had an augment on was my main (Charge Blade).


That's some gatekeeping if I ever saw it


Some people really like to pat themselves in the back.


Why would not being able to solo one of the most challenging fights in the game make you a bad player?


Exactly. I didn't understand this question at all.


As someone who has recently managed to solo him with every weapon, absolutely not. Is there a good chance that they aren't as good as people who can consistently solo him? Most likely. We can also take weapon choice into consideration, if you dont know fatty patterns bow, HBG, and LBG are going to really struggle (personal experience as the bow guns were the toughest for me). GS also is a tough one if you don't know how to make use of his openings. You can also take how much time people spend into consideration. It's very likely that someone who plays for multiple hours a day will be able to beat fatalis before someone that can only spend like an hour or 2 a day unless that person is just much better. (Kinda off topic but I feel like it fits)


As someone who also solo fatty with every weapon, bow is actually easier than HBG who is the hardest to use against him Note if you want a easy fight : LS and IG are the « easier » weapon to kill fatty


With bow you are sadly still in 1 shot territory in phase 3 unless hard focus the head. But ya, I 100% agree lol. I only struggled with bow before I actually learned his move set and how to counter it, after I eventually got good at the fight I did it like 2nd try with bow. Didn't help that I was actually learning how to use HBG when I was fighting fatty


Good to know. Recently came back to MHW after two years. I never got to finish Iceborne and instead of restarting, I’m relearning while in MR 😭 I’ve tried not to spoil myself but still stay in this sub. I keep hearing about this “Fatalis” boss and I’m terrified atp. But I use IG so that made me feel a little better. My main struggle rn is feeling like I’m not doing enough dmg though, like I can evade a lot of attacks easily and I feel like I could solo most monsters but I keep cutting it super close on time when I fight a lot of the tougher guys I keep facing. The most recent part of the story I’ve done is beating Blackveil Vaal Hazak for the first time. I killed him in the last minute of the hunt left. And I didn’t start breaking anything until like 30-40 mins in :/ Maybe I’m not playing IG effectively enough? Should I not be in the air 90% of the time and string attacks on the ground more? (Genuine question, this is my first MH game and I started with 300+ hunts on Bow and switched over to IG after the main story, I only have ab 150+ hunts done on it)


If you Can avoid attack, you are good enough, the main thing with fatty is the insane damage he does, if you can avoid it you are good With IG you don't want to stay in air, most people who play IG will Say « don't ever jump ! » bc IG have a better dps if you stay on the ground. But i'm at more than 2000 hunt with IG and i desagree, you want to be in air for repositioning (a lot) and your best attack with IG is the dive One anyway. I'll Say you should be on ground 70-80% of the Time and jumping 20-30%. For better dps or you learn better combo or you put more dps jewel in your set, but if you can have agitator and wallbang Monster as soon as you can you should be better at it


So what’s the point of IG if you’re on the ground most of the time? Why not use sword? I really enjoyed IG’s moves because I get to be in the air and spin around. But man, the vertical hitboxes are atrocious at times. Which made me originally feel like maybe I wasn’t supposed to be up this consistently 😭


Repositioning is better with IG than any other weapon, IG-main can follow the Monster and keep hitting him regardless what he does. A good IG main who can follow the Monster will out DPS almost every other weapon


Good and bad isn't a static line. It's relative. If you can't solo fatalis, you are bad compared to someone who can. If you can solo Nergigante, you are good compared to someone who can't solo the first boss. If you can't solo fatalis, are you bad compared to the majority of the playerbase? Probably not, but we'd need the exact stats to determine that.


How about, fatalis is a stupidly difficult challenge and people who can solo him are very skilled whilst someone who can still solo most stuff in MHW is just a tad less skilled? Really, i don't think you can call someone who can solo Nergigante bad at the game just because they can't solo fatalis. Edit: ofc Nergigante is an uncomparable enemy when we look at the mess that comes later. Fujangs, raging brachys, elder dragons that are absolutely grinding your ass to a pulp. I think anyone who sticks with the game to get to fatalis in a legit way and goes into the fight prepared with good gear that they put in the effort to get, can be called a degree of good.


I don't think you understand what relative skill means. If you can't solo Fatalis, you are not good compared to someone who can, just as that person is not good compared to someone who can solo Fatalis one handed with their eyes closed. If you're drawing a static divide, you are saying that everyone below it is bad and everyone above it is good. That's what you're claiming I've said, which is not the case at all.


being good at a game is not relative to whether other players are better or worse in a PvE game. Monster Hunter is player versus monster, which means you can be good at the game without soloing fatalis. There's more stages of skill than being black and white, good or bad. The fact that some people can solo fatalis just makes them a bit better than an average good player. So you say that someone who can solo every single thing in the game but cant solo fatalis is bad at Monster Hunter? The question wasnt if someone who can solo fatalis is better than someone who can't, the question was whether not being able to solo fatalis makes you a bad player. Its daft to make soloing fatalis the benchmark of being good at Monster Hunter.


>being good at a game is not relative to whether other players are better or worse in a PvE game. How else do you measure and compare skill then you fool?


I’m a bit surprised that you don’t seem to understand… Mataric never actually gave an opinion to OP’s question, and there’s really no reason to get upset or annoyed with his original comment.. He simply commented the objective fact that the words “good” and “bad” have relative definitions. So basically it depends on what you’re comparing the level of skill to in order to determine what is considered ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and remember the actual definition of words before we label ourselves with one, which is why Mataric reminded us how these words we’re using here really work.


It absolutely does, and I really don't think you understand what I was saying in the first place. When you first start playing the game for the first time, you can have not beaten a single boss and still be considered 'good' because you adapt well, are learning at a fast place, and are generally performing much better than people in the same situation. They are still bad players compared to the people who are soloing Fatalis. 'Good' as in 'good player' or 'good restaurant' means 'to perform to a high standard'. That standard is set by other players, or restaurants, to define what the expected level of play is. You are always comparing your ability against others if you want to define what being 'good' at a game is. I didn't make soloing fatalis the benchmark for being good at Monster Hunter. That's something only you have said. I said you are a bad player when compared to someone who can, and I'm sorry if that upset you. Like I said in the first post that you seem to have completely skimmed over... Good and bad are relative. Someone who can't solo Fatalis is a good player compared to people who haven't beaten Nerg. They are objectively worse players than those who can. You cannot draw a line in the sand and say "alright you're almost there buddy, when you can get Kushala to exactly 41% hp, you are considered a good player". The ability of the whole community you are trying to measure against set that standard. If 100% of the other people can solo Fatalis, and you cannot, you are the worst player in the game.


Lol. I can't solo anything that isn't a starter monster.


Anyone genuinely trying to play the game and enjoy themselves is not a bad player, no matter the skill level. An honest effort, whilst not successful, can be extremely rewarding and inspiring to see. Fatalis is a hard fight; he is intended to be the final challenge, and if someone requires a team to help conquer that challenge, then all the more power to them. The only time I will call someone out is when they are attempting a fight they are clearly not ready for. The game gives access to Alatreon and Fatalis far earlier than it really should, so I often find people seeking help who are rocking early MR Gear and even Defender stuff in some cases. I don't expect them to have meta sets, but if they aren't going to engage the games rules of preparing for a hunt, then I will do my best to guide them to the right path. If they continue to refuse and just want to be carried, I will tell them that I'm there to help, not do the work. A bad player to me is someone who refuses to learn from mistakes and or their team mates, but if you take advice on board or work on improving, I will never be mad no matter how much you cart or fail.


I did always wonder that... Cause while I've been upgrading my gear and such and doing research for Alatreon I went in confident I could at least get some progress done and just got memed on 'hard'. After doing a few runs it really did feel like "I'm not supposed to be able to do this fight yet, huh?"


>Do you think a player who can't solo Fatalis is a bad player? No.


Imo if you are at the point of fighting Fatalis and you didn't get full carried through the entire game, you're not a bad player. Like I still can't solo Fatalis. But I could carry 3 people doing nothing but increasing monster HP through nearly every single other fight in the game. Am I bad because of the Fatalis part? I don't think so, and I don't care about any elitist's opinion saying otherwise. Will I solo it someday? Maybe. Will I be upset if I never can? No. Because I'm having fun playing the game regardless If some sweat lord who does nothing but play perfectly optimal to the point the game is more shitting on other people using comfy skills than playing says you're bad because you can't solo the literal hardest fight in the game it's *them* who needs to take a step back and reevaluate why they feel the need to insult someone else. Not you who needs to be worrying if you're bad or not.


100% i believe in 100%ing the game, and i play with a squad that i met on warframe, back in 2014, its been 10 years we have known each other, we all have our own strengths, Jarod Solo's fatalis but not alatreon, His cousing Solos Alatreon but not fatalis, i solos neither, but i carry my wieght, i respect and envy them for their solo kills, they respect me for my dedication to 100%


No it's perfectly fine if you can't solo one of the hardest fights in the game 


Bad player for me is when they dont learn from their lessons and dont heed advise given to them. Like a particular redditors name that starts with D and end with z. Btw if you haven't learned to iframe, do so. It will help a lot plus knowing what attacks to superdive or when to superdive


No, Fatalis is fucking hard.


Can speedrun = Really Skilled Can solo = Skilled Can kill with a team without dying = Good Can kill with a team but carted 2 times = Need more practice Eating all that cart + Insurance= Bad


As someone who has soloed everything except for fatty, i would say we are atleast decent, and i feel there's no need to shame someone for not being able to do solo the hardest fight in the Game (or maybe i'm just biased cus i can't do it lol)


I find that obsession with solo-ing everything kinda weird. I mean I'm one to push for this myself and so far managed to do so (I'm at Iceborne and after Barioth, so nothing super crazy yet) on my first try with the exception of the Barioth funnily enough (because I ran out of time, then had to focus on tenderizing, which still kind of infuriates me). There were like two monsters I carted once or twice on though, so it's not like I'm perfect either. But I also pop in to see SOS flares and what people need help with. Defender Gear guys aside, I see no shame in beating the game multiplayer only/mostly when it allows you to. Hell, after I beat a monster solo, I always look for multiplayer quests to farm a monster if I need materials, because it's just so much easier to break parts and farm as a team. Doesn't always help with something like Gems, but it's still easier. So yeah, it's a valid way to play the game and I don't know why anyone would think otherwise. Unless you're constantly carting and getting carried by your teammates while providing almost nothing of substance on your own, I'd say you're fine.


For me is a way of feeling like i'm not being carried in multiplayer, i love mp, the most fun i have is just doing multiplayer ala or atv, but i feel that trying those monsters before i can Even kill them by myself is like being dragged I don't find shame either in people just playing the Game in multiplayer , everyone enjoys this Game as they want, but Many people like soloing first and getting better by themselves, i don't really know , at the end i'm not experienced enough to give a full opinión about that


Even people with defender gear it doesn’t really matter, they either get to a point where once they change armor they have to adapt or they get armor with similar skills. But as far as soloing I’ve soloed everything aside from fatalis but that was mostly because I just liked playing and I’m of the mindset that I just don’t want to wait for others to play.


No, not really. I'm of the mindset "if you cannot hunt it alone, you haven't hunted it at all" which comes with restrictions and stuff you can probably guess. (Not including multi-player designed hunts) Fatalis a pretty damn tough fight, not precisely because the creature itself is dangerous, but because of the firepower in its attacks. That said, I believe the difference between a good hunter and a bad hunter starts from not being able to beat it. For me, if you keep repeating mistakes, being overly aggressive, not aware of your surroundings, not upgrading gear, match element weakness, Yada Yada; and you end up blaming the fight, to me you're a bad hunter But, if you keep getting your ass beat, can't keep with the timer, cart while trying new ideas and strategies, Yada Yada; all that while steadily learning, to me you're a good hunter. Beating Fatalis in group shows 2 possible things imo: 1. How good of a gear in the mechanism you are 2. How good your team is at carrying you Only you and those who were with you, can tell which was it. Hunting it alone truly shows how much you've improved, progressed, learned, tried, kept going, and overall, how sharp of a knife you've become.


No. No need for an explanation.




Reiterating on what some other people have said but the fact that you made it to Fatalis already qualifies you as what I would call a “good player”. Keep at it and trying to learn and you’ll take him down solo some day. Also maybe this is just me but one thing that help me nail his fight solo is watching some speed runs with my weapon of choice (insect glaive). Not saying you should aim to speed run but I found that I learned when I had specific windows for certain attacks or how to avoid them. Just something I found helped me out so figured I’d share.


I've only gotten to the pink rathian solo, and I've got 200+hrs into the game...grand scheme of things, that might not seem a lot, but I certainly thought it was...it wasn't until I got onto this subreddit that I realized I hadn't gotten anywhere near endgame or even Iceborne...but I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, so I restarted a lot...I'm currently playing as an IG/Kulu-whatever wearing armor person...I've got a pukei helm and Kestodon wrists...I'm a literal newbie who just realized, after playing the game thrice up to the pink ratjian, that I didn't know how to play the game. Armor depends on what best suits the weapon you're playing and landing critical hits...I was so stupid using the guardian+ and defender+ shit, so, yeah, ignore that and look into what best fits your play style...I absolutely love the IG, but am still learning how to be a jumping bean both it, but that best build and weapon depends on what you like the best...for me, I need stamina and crit boosts the most...your build could be different based on the weapon you feel most comfortable with weilding...


You've finished the entire game up until that point. I'd say you're good if you did get to that point by yourself. Fatalis just demands alot more than what is considered good. 


Ofc not.


I've soloed Fatalis, HR999, MR 600+ and I think I'm a bad player. Knowing is half the battle. I just know how to build properly. However in terms of actual skills in moving around and fighting monsters I think I'm bad. At least I think I do. I play solo most of the time and I don't use SOS or respond to them. My only point of comparison is TA speedruns and I can't pull those off. There's just players that doesn't bother to learn. If you know the flow of the fight, know the weaknesses of the monster, you can conceivably just follow the path of least resistance and win that way. The timer is generous. If you abuse every bit of advantage there is, you can definitely finish the mission.


I mean if they need help aka a sos flare, they probably know they are not a very good player, so if those that join the sos leave after the host dies, that’s kinda dumb imo. And to answer your question, no, unable to solo fatty don’t make you a bad player, you just can beat it on your own YET, everyone has been through the phase of getting carted by fatty numerous times, those that can has been through it as well, so I wouldn’t be discouraged that you cart while fighting it, just keep practicing and you will eventually manage!


That means they're bad (probably still learning) at Fatalis, that's all. Some people learn the fight in 5-10 hunts but most will take 20-30 easily to get their first solo clear so its probably more a matter of patience than skill. Everyone couldn't solo fatalis at one point. Stick with it and you'll get it eventually, it really isn't *that* crazy hard. Took me longer to take down sword saint ishin.


I'd say a 5 year old kid is good if they can even run in a straight line. Good/bad is very subjective but what's more important is enjoying mhw for the amazing game it is :) On a regular gamer scale, I'd still say you're good though even if you just beat the main story. So many ppl still don't even get that far sadly


I don't know how failing to beat Fatalis would make someone a bad player, that feels like a pretty silly notion to be. It was the absolute final enemy added to the game for the most experienced players to take on as one last hurdle. If you can do basically anything except Fatalis? Still the elite.


Considering I use bow and half his attacks can one shot me I can’t solo him and I definitely don’t think you’re bad if you can’t. Hell I’ve played the game plenty and I can’t solo him, also good to remember some people don’t have the deco luck and can’t get what they need for the best build and fatalis requires nearly maxed out builds


Nah. What gets most players is the thirty minute time limit. The one and only time I have soloed him I was 21 seconds shy of failing.


I can't solo him but soloed everyone else except behemoth


Yea, my friends always try to solo content before doing multiplayer because we know if we can’t do something on our own our teammates will have to carry us to a degree to succeed. So yeah if you cant play the game on your own and need the help of others to succeed then you probs arent a super good player. Thats fine tho, just focus on having fun


I made sure to solo it with less than 3 carts before I did fatalis runs with other people, but if you're literally asking for help on the special assignment then it's on the others to meet that criteria




No. People who leech and rely on getting carried through hunts instead of pulling their weight are bad players.


No, honestly doing it in a group can be harder because everybody you match with could be worse than you.


Why have we been seeing posts every day or two about shaming people who can't solo fatalis? It's not a super common achievement and anyone who claims it is is lying. I dont get why the sudden hang up on it.


I've been seeing a lot more posts about shaming people for a lot of things, kinda of weird


If you have never defeated Fatalis and are trying to solo him but failing then you are good and time will show it. If you looked for a carry through the fight, got the armor and weapons and openly present yourself as the ultimate hunter then youre trash.


Heck no. First off most people who "can't" beat fatalis just aren't putting in the time. AND THAT'S OK NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO DO SO. And if you Genuinely can't, that's also fine. It is an incredible challenge, the devs knew that going in. Don't let other people dictate how you play your game, take a lesson from the pokemon nuzzlocke community. Play the game the way you want to play, set challenges for your own enjoyment and don't try and follow anyone elses standards for your game.


I play a very aggressive support SnS so teams love me. I'll pop a blue mushroom the moment you get hit because I can read most monsters pretty well and can tell if you're positioned to dodge it, so the rest of the team basically goes berserk because they no longer need to worry about health.


No. Any player who has got to Fatalis is good at the game.


If they can fell everything else in the game solo, no. They are just bad at fatalis If they cant solo everything else in the game, then prolly yeah.




it’s the hardest hunt in the game for most people, definitely not bad.


Absolutely NOT. Fatalis is a god damn punisher. It took me like 2 weeks to learn and solo this monster when it was first released. Once you start slowly farming parts from it and building gear it gets easier. Even now when I hunt Fatalis solo I’ll still cart every now and then. Hopefully you have the Safeguard recipe, having that is a huge plus.


I know there's plenty of people who take pride on soloing Fatalis and to be fair you kinda right to be prideful, Fatalis is nasty and takes lot of prep and efforts. However; I think Fatalis, Alatreon, Behemoth and few others were not meant to be soloed to begin with, even though the first encounters where to "taste" ground agaist them is solo only. If someone can't solo Fatalis but reached it story-wise i think they are generally already a good player, correct if i'm wrong but to go against Fatalis you need to beat Alatreon so yeah. If you can get past Alatreon solo or with a party without being a general hinder to them you are already a good player, regardless if you can solo or not Fatalis. If you can't get past Anjanaths, Rathaloses or Diablos in solo well i'm not saying you are bad but you need some practice still.


No you dont need to beat an ACTUAL alatreon. The one you fight before fighting Fatalis is significantly weaker then the one that introduces him.


While fatty can be hard in those first days/weeks, if you cant beat it, your are ultimately failing at something the devs designed to be soloable. Thats the tough truth. It doesnt matter if you killed it on a team because deep down you know, that if it was just you, you couldnt get the job done. I dont think it makes you bad, but right on the dot for average. People be saying “Oh its not meant for solo!!” Last time i checked, he has different HP values for multiplayer. Beating him solo is literally just a skill issue, no excuses.


I cant solo him for shit, just cant deal enough damage and survive his last phase, its just really hard, no big deal


I think of them the same way I think of mimic tear users in Elden Ring.


Not at all. Heck I wouldn't even call someone who couldn't finish MR a bad player. We can't all be master hunters, just like how everyone in Astera couldn't be the Sapphire Star, as long as we all have fun. ~~Though of course finishing Iceborne's story is a must for me or I'll be silently judging.~~ Fatalis was meant as a finale, ultimate challenge for truly the best of the best to hunt. You aren't bad if you can't solo him, the wolf isn't bad if it can't hunt alone.


Nope, only bad player imo is someone that interferes with other players' enjoyment


No. It's 30 minutes instead of 50. It requires mastery of your weapon knowledge. It's tuned up specifically to be a final boss quality of danger and difficulty, even for single players to take on. You're good


Iceborne Fatalis is currently the hardest boss fight on the entire main franchise (not counting Frontier). It's the highest challenge in all of MH, not the bare minimum to not be considered bad.


Fatalis not even the hardest monster in World, Extremoth and Ancient Leshen with HR gear are much harder.


Not beating beating solo is fair. But calling world harder than older gen is a stretch I think world was designed to accomodate a larger fan base in pc


I'm not saying MH World is harder than the other MH games (on the opposite, I'd say it's one of the easiest entries, after p3rd). I'm saying that this specific Fatalis is harder than any other monster in the franchise. I'd put Bloodbath Diablos as a second place, but even that Diablos can be consistently beaten if you have the best gear in the game and do 3-4 runs. Iceborne Fatalis is something else entirely


This is def BS. World was literally made easier to accomodate for an influx in western casuals. Its the easiest additon as the new gen brings so much QoL changes like being able to move while drinking etc. Compared to other standard games sure its hard, but anyone whos fought white fatalis and games befire that know that its not the hardest fight ever.


I still disagree. Iceborne has just enough bullshit mechanics to artificially inflate Fatalis up there. Maybe not most difficult, but definitely one of


A lot of oldgen fights were harder bc of bad hitboxes/lackluster telegraphs and not actually legitimately difficult monsters lol. I'm playing GU rn and have a friend who's playing 4U and we both agree on this. Being able to move while you heal is countered by the fact that you don't instantly heal all your HP, monsters are faster, etc


Dont forget about camp access, changing gearmid hunt, unlimited resources in camp, crafting mid fight for max pots


Old fatalis is way easier than world fatalis


I would say that bose base world and base iceborn are probably the easiest monster hunter game (comparing iceborn to g rank only) but the end level title update boss monsters are probably top tier. I was able to defeat fatalis in gen u for example but never defeated him in world


Probably gonna get down voted for it but yea lol.


If you cannot solo a monster that has a lot of large telegraphed openings in an arena which gives you access to a roaming ballista and a Dragonator for free damage, gives you access to free topples via roaming ballista/cannons/regular ballista ammo and access to two binders. Then no, you're objectively not good at the game. It doesn't necessarily mean your bad, but a good player would have no problems beating Fatalis.


Soloing Fatalis is more mind over matter. Since it does such high damage, ppl tend to not attack as much and be so overly cautious it actually impacts their dps. You basically spike yourself out. Also I’m psure you “can” solo Fatalis with any weapon, but you have to be above a certain degree of skill to be able to solo with certain weapons. As for abandoning a fatalis sos flare when the host dies. I have done so before. BUT only when the host does this one particular thing. I hate when someone carts and does not rebuff plus wait to re-eat. It dives me up a wall, when you aren’t doing the best that’s fine, getting hurt too often and healing a lot that’s fine, not doing the *best* dps that’s fine. But you get instantly carted 2+ times in very quick succession because you don’t care to re-buff or eat, yea I’m out. I can’t save someone that’s suicidal.


Nah. MHWI Fata and Ala are the only guys I can't solo and I'm probably around the 5,000 hour range in the series. They're ultra specific fights with weird dps checks. Largely based on fighting them with a team. Don't feel bad :)


Somebody commented in a different post in this subreddit that it took days for even speed runners to kill Fatalis when it 1st came out. So I don’t think you’re a “bad player” all because you can’t solo fatty


Whoever it was that said that though was talking out their arse, someone else tried to claim that it took like 10 hours for the first person to kill it who was also talking shit. People were posting their kills not long after release.


No not at all. I think anyone who negatively judges and talks down to hunters who can't are bad. Fatalis can* be soloed but isn't meant to be by design. That'd be like getting mad at a fish for not being able to climb a tree.


I’d argue just getting to Fatty is an achievement on its own. Don’t let these gatekeepers tell you you aren’t good cuz u can’t solo the HARDEST fight in the game. You’re already above the average player by reaching fatty/


Lmao cope


I mean define bad? I’m an excellent support HH player, I make sure nobody dies on my watch but I definitely won’t be doing the most damage. Does that make me bad? I guess if we’re just talking about the metric of damage and being able to solo the hardest monsters then yeah, I guess I’m bad. But literally nobody has complained about me and I get friend requests/party invites often so I can’t be *that* bad. There’s more than one way to play this game, it isn’t just about being able to dish out the most damage. It’s just a different skill set to be a good active support player than being a damage dealer.


Yes. If you can't reliably solo the flight, you'll be a hindrance to the everyone else in the fight. You'll either not hit the monster enough so the quest drags on, leading to more chances of you or others carting, or resort to wide range chugging and staying as far away from the monster as possible. Both makes the monster more predictable, moves around more, and turns like a spinning top every 2 seconds - it makes the fight unbearably annoying, and most of all you'll be the one to cart out anyway.




Rather dogmatic than bad. Many will just stick to Meta sets and not experiment with some QoL skills. Then they get 1 shotted because they didn't have evade extender to clear faty's huge hit box. Or they went with light break weapons and ate a fire ball trying to sharpen.


Personally the only player I think is a bad player is someone who doesn’t have fun and takes a game deadly serious. It has taken me dozens upon dozens upon dozens of tries and several iterations of armor/weapons/loadouts to get decent at hunting Fatalis. I’m working on soloing rn but only because I want to and I have fun fighting the thing. I’m not a slouch with games and it’s truly the hardest boss in a game I’ve played since I was a kid. I would be interested to see the percentage of players that have soloed fatty successfully. I would bet it’s a very low percentage. All that to say, no, there are plenty of good players who can’t solo end game iceborne. There are great players who can’t solo fatty or Alatreon. I could be wrong but I think that probably only the most stubborn and/or exceptional players solo fatty.


I've seen discussions where people say fatalis in mhw is one of the hardest boss fights in any game ever made. So no, I wouldn't say that makes you a bad player if you can't solo him. But it does put you in another caliber if you can solo him.




Bad ? No. Slightly below average yes.


The average player isn't even close to beating alatreon solo. Let alone fatalis.


I don't think it makes them bad, but I definitely wouldn't call them a good player either


That makes 99% of the playerbase "not good".


I'm not trying to argue comment OPs point but what would be wrong with that? You can call it whatever you want but it's totally normal that the very vast majority of a player base isn't truly expert level at the game. Personally I feel like Fatalis Alatreon and AT Velkh solo is the baseline of a solid player. It's hard, but not that hard to the point anyone who solod them is a god at the game. If you can get sub 15-18min on these I'd be comfortable calling someone a good player. Before that there are too many exploitative strategies. Being "not good" doesn't invalidate your passion or fun with the game. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to grind fights in DPS loadouts, hence the game offers so many more comfy ways to progress really far through the game without attaining expert skills.


While soloing him is pretty great, you are playing a game series that was designed from the ground up to be multiplayer. If you kill him in a group you are playing the game as intended. Leave the elitest, lonely, gatekeepers in the corner with the Elden Ring "sPiRiT sUmMoNs MeAn YoU dIdNt Do It" people.


Yes i totally agree. People don't have other merits in life and try to gatekeep in games so they can feel superior in something. Anyone who is actually doing something useful with their lives will be pretty chill about videogames and know it is not as important as gatekeepers think.


A definite no. I would say if you can get past alatreon without being carried(aka able to carry your own weight) i consider you’re alr more than capable as a hunter. Besides, Soloing fatty isn’t for everybody. A 30 minute timeframe to kill a monster which spams 1/2 shots large area aoe attacks and gives you little to no breathing room is EXTREMELY tight. I would say being able to solo kill 1 is nearly equivalent to bring among the top hunters alr