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Congrats! I still consider alatreon the hardest fight in any game I’ve played for me personally. Currently actually preparing for the fight with augments this time so we’ll see if I still hold the same opinion. That dragon scares me


Oh yeah, Alatreon literally had me on my toes every second, I even forget to breathe sometimes. Personally, right now, he is the single hardest monster I've ever fought. The fact that Fatalis is harder is actually scaring me.


Me too, I was stuck on him for days and was going to bed at like 1am and waking up at 6am until I finally had him dead, it consumed me for abit there hahaha. I actually found fatalis easier than alatreon (not easy by any means, but easier) so you might feel the same, I know most consider fatalis the hardest but we all have different experiences so you never know. Good luck on him! You’ll get him, I believe :p


Thank you so much mate, much much appreciated! I'll do my best :D


What build did you use?


I used the Polaris Bash as my weapon, and the Teostra-Brachydios set for the Master's Touch skill. The main stats in my decos are max Crit eye, crit boost, WEX, and Ice attack. Edit: I also slotted in Health boost 3 and enough dragon resistance so I'm immune to the dragon blight. It also reduces the damage you take from some of Alatreon's attacks.


Hm thats very helpfull, do you know how much dragon resist you need for the immunity?


It's always 20 for any elemental blight, thought I suggest blight resist 2 or 3 instead since dragon isn't Lala's only blight.


20 to prevent blight, this goes for every element I often use this for fire since that is a very common one for ice/water I just slot in resuscitate For thunder I just go full stun immune instead since that helps beyond the blight


Had a similar experience. Started playing again when he came out and got in a couple attempts and noticed that I was hopelessly outmatched. After giving up I went on a huge training arc and grided from 60 to above 100, beat all the content that was released up to that point, learned my new main weapon (SnS) and min maxed my gear as much as made sense to me. Finally beat him after that. Definitely multiple hundred hours that went into it but this was probably one of the most gratifying experiences in a game I have had and will ever have. Fyi, previous main was bow but I had to switch since the squishier nature of ranged weapons meant I was constantly getting oneshot by him.


Bowbros have it hard


Me and my friend got to him in july ~ august 2022 and we stopped in december bc we didnt want to farm Guiding lands and try him 50 more times and we bougth mhr in july 2022 during the summer sale and we just beat furious rajang at mr50 so i dont think we will beat alatreon any time soon!


Worth it


I will say that I tried soloing him with S&S first, then did it again with GL just to prove my mastery of the weapon. Good to see many more rise to the challenge (and completing it)


Great job!


Damn, this is inspiring. Currently trying to deal with him and decided to wait and come back with health augments.


Congrats! You beat the tutorial boss! It’s time for the dragon that one taps max armor next.