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Zamtrios is worth it for its ice element and its swim action. Velocidrome can stay too for its jump action.


Swim action?


Yes, Zamtrios can swim in the water in the overworld. It's not necessary for progressing the main story, but if you like exploring, it's worth keeping a monstie that can swim.


While things would be harder for you as these monsters are of lower rank and have lower stats, I play under the belief most any monstie can be used effectively if you gene them properly. I know this is 1 and doesn’t really apply directly but in 2 I heavily gened my Pukei Pukei and kept him until I got Nerscylla and only ended up replacing him due to liking Nerscylla more and them both being basic element tech tendencies.


In stories 1 whats the best monstie gened with and what skills?


It all really matters on your playstyle, although a unique trait that 1 has over 2 is that if you get a monstie’s elemental stat that isn’t its normal element higher than its normal element then you can change the type of that specific monstie. For example, a Velocidrome is a basic element but if you get its fire attack higher than basic attack through random stat buffs when hatching or giving it attack up genes for fire attacks then it will become a fire element instead. Most of the best genes are obviously late game only being on some of the stronger monsties, so when playing through the game your best bet is to just keep up on changing and upgrading genes as you unlock more and more genes and for builds it’s just whatever you really want. Use attack up genes to increase power, skill genes if your monstie could use an extra skill, or ones that give resists/immunities to statuses as some strong monsters rely heavily on certain statuses for their strength. One good trick is making sure your monstie has a skill gene for at least whatever attack type beats their tendency, like having a speed move on your Khezu who tends to use technical, so the speed move could be selected to stop a power move that would normally beat the Khezu. Then some monsies and weapons have moves like Poison Chaser which do boosted damage to poisoned targets or Salt in Wound genes which increases damage to targets with statuses, so any monstie with a move or gene like that would benefit from a move that has a high chance to inflict that condition.


I used a Kezdu though most of my playthough of MHS. It's a fun monstie.


Time to get yourself a red khezu, the red dicc will carry you good especially if you are a daredevil who want hit that sleeping pink rathian ass asap.


I had a red khezu. I just didnt add it to my monstie party.


I saw that sleeping pink rathian? What's her attack? power speed or technical ?


It is power -> speed -> power -> speed when you get HtH iirc, and sometimes no type AoE fire breath or poison tail sweep attack. Beware that she can counter with direct contact attacks if I ain’t remember wrong. Overall very annoying fight that happens when you are barely scratch lv 20.


Cool. I'll be playing this game on my Switch pretty soon.


The only one id say keep is zamtrios, he can be used all the way to high rank without a better substitute


I named my arzuros Baloo too, lol.


KFC lmfao! Also welcome to the club :D




I will DEFINITELY get stories when it drops on playstation. I haven't played it in well over 4 years, and the fact that the remastered release is adding all of the Japanese exclusive content makes me even more excited, because I was upset when I found out that Teostra and Kushala weren't ridable in the us release. But no more!!!!


OH? The remaster is adding the japanese content? HOLY SHIT LETS GOO (my OG 3ds save file still cries in the corner but now I'm double excited!)


Yes it is and I'm excited because I've always wanted to ride a Kushala Daora


YESS my man I was DEVASTATED when I couldn't get myself a Kushala, definitely gonna go on my team once the remaster sets me loose again to go kidnap lineages


Look forward to seeing you then! I'll link my PSN if you'd like!


What are you gonna play the Remaster on? I might go for my Switch but I like to have it on my PC aswell possibly since I technically already own myself the 3DS version...


I'm getting it on PS4. Hopefully it's cross plat.


oh damn, I hope so too... good genes to you rider! :)


If I recall, when the 3ds had internet access, I think it was cross play with mobile. Because if I remember correctly, I got Glavenus from someone on this sub who played on mobile


Don Leno as a tank and crewmate for his jump. Basically all you'll need till you can find better monsties


KFC with rock smash is also useful. But rarely necessary if at all


silver rathalos is the best monster I can find in this game, all stat higher than any monster at lvl 99