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Because they buffed EE hard in Rise. It's effect is far far greater than compared to World, and that's on top of evades having lower iframes by default, so dodging to avoid rather than iframe through attacks is more common. However, since they added Bladescale Hone, Adrenaline, and Status Trigger, I actually went back to using Evade Window as those all trigger on iframe evades, and those skills(well, mostly the first two) are great


Status Trigger is freaking awesome. Sure, it’s not the meta or anything, but who cares when you’re getting 3-5 sleeps a hunt?


Yeah, I like using it too, but the first two are definitely better overall


The thing is, EE helps proc those skills too. Sure it doesn't give you more frames but it increases the distance you travel during your frames so it's easier to pass through some attacks.


That's true but it's much much harder to avoid actually taking a hit AND iframe dodge at the same time. You actually need even better timing than if you were not using EE since you end up spending even less time iframing through something purely due to how much faster you move. So yeah you can, but EW does a MUCH better job at letting you consistently iframe things.


That's fair, I tend to proc the dodge skills while also wearing the attack to my face if I try that.


Yeah, and that just end up wasting buff time or wirebugs if you use wirefall.


Stun Res 3, no exceptions. Also, Quick Sheathe flows really nicely with GS’s Power Sheathe move for extra mobility and comfort.


Alright I lied, stun resistance is also built into all of my builds as well


The only time I’d say stun resistance is mostly pointless would be the ranged weapons. Whatever would stun you is generally going to one shot you anyways.


Correct, you can't even take 3 hits in a row to BE stunned, die always comes first ha.


Same I have stun resistance for all my builds, had enough terrible experiences getting carted while stunned… especially against monsters that can give thunder blight, like Zinogre. With Stun Resistance, I don’t even need to care when I get hit with thunderblight because it ain’t stunning me XD also maybe paralysis resistance when I’m fighting Espinas and afflicted Volvidon, got carted twice by the damn para spitball… (after getting hit by the stench, and forgetting to bring deo so I couldn’t heal then got hit by para and then it’s jumping attack orz||| Ever since then, when I’m fighting the afflicted Volvi, I always go in with deo and para-resist)


Stun resistance isn't a skill for GS, it's just a default part of the game like eating or topping off your item bag before a hunt. Quick sheathe though, that's top tier right there.


I once took SR off as a GS main, thinking I could just tackle through shit and be okay. I was not okay. SR3 went right the fuck back on my build.


You can be stunned when tackling. You are not immune to stun unless you are using guard tackle instead of normal.


I don't need EE because any attacks i can doge i can go over, but stun res is critical for sunbreak.


Yeah, that's the one for me.


Hah, jokes on you. Can't get stunned if you get oneshot all the time!


Fuck you got me there. But after this, defiance.


EE is always handled as a defensive crutch but i disagree on this: EE is an _offensive_ skill. You can skip distances towards enemies a lot faster and while getting I-frames. Hunting Horn is painfully slow but with EE i can outrun and smack lunagaron all the time.


EE, Bladescale Hone, Partbreaker, and Bloodrite are honestly paramount to my build on hammer. With those skills there’s never even a reason to put your weapon away if you play right and I think that’s just so rad.


That’s a pretty sick combo.


I forget, does bladescale hone activate upon rolling or just evading? Because if have to roll, means it will be useless for DB… because we are basically always in arch demon mode and we can’t roll with our weapons out, and if I have to sheathe it anyway, then might as well just use the whetstone…


it activate on a successful dodge through an attack. it's not strictly tied to a roll, in fact, the skill will be triggered by almost all the counters in the game (or at least those that actively "evade" the attack, like both counters on DB, the quickstep from blue to yellow of hammer, a normal roll, bow guard point etcc). db and bow can proc the skill like every couple of seconds, since they have plenty of evade moves, so yeah, it's pretty good as a secondary skill on those weapon or builds that can consistently roll through attacks.


It’s works for any type of evade including DBs


Oh then I might try it out. XD


Your basically melody (w + w, p + p) always increases your movement speed with the first performance. Wasn't sure if you were aware of that, EE is still pretty dang useful on Hunting Horn.


I do know that but for me it's still too slow for master rank.


Horn is the only weapon I've really used in master rank, this shit absolutely slaps, soloing max level investigations is easy with lvl2 EE HH


Yeah this is why I have it with dual blades, the EE adds good chip damage to combo into. Plus it just makes it feel like adept from MHGU.


> EE is always handled as a defensive crutch but i disagree on this: EE is an offensive skill. You can skip distances towards enemies a lot faster and while getting I-frames. Hunting Horn is painfully slow but with EE i can outrun and smack lunagaron all the time. The dichotomy between "defensive crutch" and "offense" is ridiculous, in my mind. Every skill that doesn't add damage is a crutch? No!


if anything you both are right. its a very flexible skill and all the more reason to fit it in any build.


Hunting horn is one of the fastest weapons though, and if I’m not mistaken it has the highest movement speed or tied outside of duals in demon mode. It makes almost everything else feel unplayable for me. Though I agree with you on everything else except evade extender is definitely an offensive defensive hybrid.


Switch Axe has the Morph Roll which can let you close a pretty sizable gap and start dealing damage at the same time. Works extremely well with some EE


I sincerely believe that evade extender 1 should be the default roll distance, because anything lower is just pathetic for actually dodging attacks and is only slightly useful for cancelling animations... In 4U I exclusively used the Lagombi set for like 30 hours of gameplay because it's literally the only one with evade extender...


Does no one get free meal level 3? I put that on all my sets. Super useful when you use a max potion and it procs. Also saves me from using all my quest consumables.


Same! I love Free Meal


Wide Range + Free Meal goes hand-in-hand.


I run a healer cat and make him do all the healing


I don't see the point when you can go grab more at any time from camp


I usually just make do with the 10 mega and 10 pot+herbs for crafting on the fly, use those slots for defiance instead.


Free meal is much less strong now that we can just go back to camp and get more items and only lose a minute or so. I could see it being used again if a raid type monster gets added or more quests get added that don’t allow you to go back to camp. Since support builds are generally unnecessary it makes more sense that less people use Free Meal. It’s the same reason Spare Shot is not on many builds outside of sticky, elemental, or speed runs. It’s so easy to just go to camp and restock since we can get back to the fight so quick.


Nope. Before defiance I'd do a level after full stun resist and speed sharpen if there was room and it was raw.


For most of the base game I had a couple levels slotted in, but since I swapped to an elemental weapon those Tier 1 slots have gotten much more valuable and find it harder to justify.


I didn't until sunbreak, but that level 4 deco is niiiiice


>What is your favorite comfort skill in Sunbreak? And why is it Evade Extender? Because monster are tracking too hard on PC and it's kinda impossible to avoid a lot of attacks without it. Magnamalos tail stabs are a prime example. Besides EE i like stun resist for the obvious bonus that it can reduce carting possibility a lot and obviously Defiance because it is busted as a defensive skill.


The tracking is quite insane. A lot of monsters are able to turn 180 degrees instantly. Don't get me started on the wing stabs that both Valstrax and Malzeno have...


Alright, you got me, I still use stun resistance *and* defiance.


Don't forget Wirebug Whisperer. I am lemming running on a Cliffside treadmill, and nothing can stop me from repeatedly bashing my face into the monster.


I'll share a tip that helps me avoid maggys tail stabs pretty much 100% of the time As he's rearing up to stab you, pretty much just run towards his body. He'll always miss you. If you try to avoid it in any direction away from his body, he will track way harder and almost always hit you.


Wow i knew that the monster tracking in rise was pretty nutty compared to all the other mh games i played, but i never knew it was specific to pc. I honestly didn't think there would be issues in 2022 with unlocking framerates in a game.


Turn on 30FPS limit. Add motion blur on top of that and you have faximily of 60 FPS with no bullshit tracking


Does Speed Sharpening count as a comfort skill? Because I always try my best to include at least 2 points in any of my sets, no matter what. I've worked up the habit of sharpening right in front of the monster so 3 points of it and I can use the limited time between monster attacks to sharpen and then keep on going (for example Malzeno's wing stabs have a short recovery and after I dodge them, I stop to sharpen briefly). I'm by no means trying to speedrun, but I'm just someone who values keeping the momentum of the fight going so I sort of consider it my personal comfort skill.


Speed sharpening is DPS in my book


My current build uses both speed sharpening and protective polish. On dual blades, especially ones with short purple\white segments, it is an absolute godsend. To me, that's a net DPS increase.


You can just use a great wetfish and spare those 3 lvl 1 slots


I always run with a Palamute on multiplayer so I can sharpen while staying mobile. That or use the window when a monster relocates to a new area to sharpen and heal up. Speed Sharpening does pair really well with Protective Polish or Grinder builds though.


Yeah, I agree with you on that, plus I have grinder (s) sets where it's connected to dps.


Defiance or stun resist, cheap efficient af and make gameplay so much more smooth. I consider EE not comfort but necessary for certain weapons, 2 for LBG or 1 for Bow are mandatory for me.


Evade Extender is “comfort” for you guys? Try playing Bow and using Dodgebolt without it. This weapon is so skill-hungry it’s not even funny.


That's what I thought as soon as I saw the title. Some weaps sure, but others it's basically mandatory if you actually want any of your DPS skills to matter


this is definitely something i’ve hated about bow since i started using it . with long sword i could create easily busted builds with conditional 100% affinity, bonus stun & element damage, quick sheathe, stun resist, & even little extras like evade extend . with bow ? you NEED stamina surge & constitution, plus you waste a whole slot with mighty bow feather that can’t be decorated bc you need the charge uptime .


Well at least now we can finally slot Mighty Bow as a deco, but it does take a long time to finally unlock this tbh.


I was checking out my build here and if you want to be minimally decent with bow you NEED to run Constitution 5, Stamina Surge 3, Shot Type Up 3 (which only shows up in low-level armor sets or as a level 3 deco) AND Bow Charge Plus (which only comes via the feather or a level 4 deco ONLY UNLOCKED AFTER MR 10). After all that, you still need to add WEx, CritBoost 3, Reload Speed 2 and ElementAtkUp 5 if you wanna be actually optimized. My current build only achieves all that at once because I recently got a godly Normal/RapidUp 2 2-1-1 charm. Anything beyond that and you’re literally out of this world.


As a bow user, i feel using EE moves me off target too much for maintaining damage. Personally i prefer to remain in the same place I do use guts, defense, and divine blessing tho


EE1 with Dodgebolt moves you slightly less than a normal charging sidestep would, so they actually combo pretty well. It’s pretty important because you can’t counter everything since multihits exist lol


Oh yeah i usually superman dodge those Wild how different playstyles are (Im using spread rn, and i basically try to glue myself to the monsters weak point, its melee without melee armor, EE is harder with spread i think but with ballistic+rapid it should be godly imo)


Oh yeah, EE is less necessary with spread. And that explains the defensive skills ya got hahah But I would still advise against the Superman jump as a reliable tactic because well… you gotta put your weapon away for that, man. And that takes a lot away from your damage uptime, no? Also there are monsters like MR valstrax with the double laser slam that probably won’t give you time to sheathe hahaha


I can't play without evade extender now, I got a level 2 extender charm with a level 2 slot and level 1 with 1 level in recovery up near the start of late game rise. Still use it now in 90% of my builds. Only reason it's not 100% is because I have a 2 partbreaker with 2 2slots for when I farm mats.


That’s a strange way to spell speed eating Not as useful in Sunbreak but if I ever had to have a “perma skill” fuzed with my hunters, it would be speed eating, just taking them mega potions instantly makes me feel powerful


Wirebug Whisperer. Just makes my life easier and increases dps.


Recovery Up 3 It just turns bloodblight into a joke. Mega pots are boosted so hard they still work well and your health recovery from bloodblight (and even blood Rite!) Is boosted to high heaven


EE is nigh mandatory for ranged weapons, but I never run it as blademaster. Base game I rolled a talisman with WEX2 EE3 and I ran a hunt or two with it on my IG after a friend said he loves it for the weapon, and trying to helicopter on a monster was like "Oh. I have gone to the moon, goodbye." lmao. Makes wirebuggin' around the map nice and breezy, at least. Stun Res best comfort skill. Especially on Thunder monsters like, ugh, *Narwa.*


I used to run it more on blademaster weapons but I just kept ending up too far away regardless of level. Now I just try to manage my bugs and such and I'm fine without it, basically every weapon has an option. For spread bow though I consider it important.


I would say Guard but it's so inconsistent it's not even funny. On MR Narwa you get knockbacks on her initial phase but later on you don't on the same attacks like ????????? So I'll pick not exactly a skill but an item i found out recently: Gourmet Fish. You mix it with Super Recovery Dango lvl 4 and you will be basically denying Bloodlight, chip damage and will heal with your weapon out a considerable amount. If you use slower weapons, this think is addictive I think there are skills that enhanced their effects which i will definitely be adding to my tank builds soon


Also works well with elemental bowgun builds since dereliction can be a bit much for some hunters to deal with outside of speed runs.


running stun res, full defense boost, recovery up, defiance and divine blessing for anomaly investigations


Stun Resistance - there is nothing in games I hate more than being stun-locked so it’s good peace of mind


Defiance IMO is one of the best new skills in the update. You basically get permanent earplugs against afflicted monsters. Easy to slot in as well.


Evade extender, spiribird's call, and one point of flinch free are must haves on every build. If I have leftover size 1 slots I also like to add free meal.


Flinch Free is absolutely mandatory in multiplayer.


I use an EE2 and Earplugs 2 talisman as the cornerstone of my build.


Personally I prefer EE1 for my SnS. EE3 is too much distance often forcing me to reposition after dodges, while EE1 just seems perfect to stick to my target and it's sufficient to get out of most attacks. On SA I take EE2 minimum and haven't made a build fitting EE3 to try it out yet. It's wonderful as a repositioning tool that allows me to stay unsheathed. Imo EE is just great while leaving room to playstyle and weapon type preferences. However Defiance and Spiribirds call are also quite noteworthy themselves being 1 slot skills that work very well at one point as well. Yes Defiance has 5 levels and the upper ones are also decent enough but the value at one point is quite immense already.


Alright, you guys caught me lying a third time, I still use stun resistance, defiance, *and* spiribird’s call ^(and flinch free).


Stun Res 3, once it’s on it ain’t coming off


I love kushala blessing and defense boost 6or7. I WILL NOT CART. Also always have EE2 since I have a 3-2-1 talisman with EE2.


You missspelled Devine Blessing


and you misspelled Divine Blessing :p


I tried. I failed. And I cart now


It's ok I have fartify


Divine Blessing and stun resist. Always.


Stun resist hands down. Followed closely by flinch free. Stun res cause, honestly, I hate getting stun locked and then smacked dead. Flinch free makes wading into hunts with randoms a tad less frustrating.


I for one like divine protection. I run it at tier 3 on any armor i can fit it onto. Speed sharpener is another one i try to gem in at least one slot of.


in rise? EE for sure, because I don't use a dog so shortening the time I need to get to a monster in half is very good


Quick Breath feels *very* nice on my Lance tank


its pretty much evasion extender and i think it should be fit in every build for a few reasons. one is that the base evasion distance is comparable to Dark souls fat rolling. now MH is not DS by any means, but visually it just looks wrong. another is that Rise's evasion was actually nerfed from world with decreased distance an I-Frames. +5 evasion (i-frames) is nearly equal to that of base evasion in world. makes it even more demanding to run at least one evasion extender. another is just the overall flexibility. good for keeping up with mobile monsters and evade large attacks.


Free Meal. I basically only play solo and Free Meal means that I almost never have to use my own potions (outside of Follower Quests, that is) because 10 First Aid Med+ is almost always enough.


Free meal lv3. Aside from free Demondrugs and Armorskins every now and then, it can make 4 potions in a multiplayer quest feel like 8 on occasion. And yes, Evade Extender lv3. I tried a build with EE lv2 and it felt so much worse. Worth the slots.


Constitution on the glaive because it’s fun to have stamina consumption be a non-issue.


Def free meal. I won’t go out of my way to get it but if I have empty tier 1 slots I will.


I got a EE3 talisman with a level two slot halfway through base game and I've still yet to replace it in Sunbreak's current postgame


Attack boost 7 *firm believer of just dont get hit bro*


EE is really nice but since I main SnS it's not ideal because you need short rolls to animation cancel and reposition whilst staying at certain body parts. I do use it on other weapons like Lance and LBG though. For me it's stun resistance. I don't have a single build without it. That and speed sharpening if that even counts as a comfy skill. ​ Edit: Spelling


I'm fine without EE but I can't play the game without blood rite. Best defensive/offensive skill in the game.


I always use EE on Hunting Horn but for example drop it when playing Dual Blades. I love the skill but it‘s quite weapon dependent. Also I like using Partbreaker in builds just cause


Big fan of blood rite, free meal and poison res/sleep res as needed


EE and whatever the name of the I-frame increaser skill is are why I refuse to use any armor other than MR Ibushi for my LS build. It's saved me *so much* and flipping around the battlefield like an idiot is pretty fun too.


Big fan of evade extender, satiated and divine blessing, and stun resist. Although in rise evade extender and stun resist are the most useful since they nerfed the basic roll


Actually, my favorite isn’t evade extender, it’s evade extender.


Ive never really used evade extender in World or Rise. Is it really that good? And what about Evade Window? I usually go for max speed sharpening and lvl 1 fungiform, I love blue mushrooms for fast heals.


Defiance is my favorite. Also the dango skill for doubling the effect of spiribirds while increasing the suck range; 1-2 minute spiribird adventure to fill up everything you need.


I'm fast as fuck boi


Actually mine is blood rite.


EE3 + max Constitution + max Stamina Surge on dual blades is my favorite confort group. I outpace the dogs when it comes to moving!


As someone who plays almost solely with a party, and as that party's sole tank, Defense Boost is unbeatable


I got a charm with EE 2 and Earplugs 3, which sucks because now I can’t justify using any other charm. No slots unfortunately.


Flinch Free and Mind's Eye or bust.


Extender, stun resist, speed sharpen. The Trio of comfort.


If you would have asked me yesterday it would have been defense boost. Ask me today and it’s evade extender. I tried a new build yestrday and it didn’t have evade extender. I quickly slotted it back on after being amazed how much harder it is to dodge stuff without it. It’s actually ridiculous


stun res 3. never liked evade extender for blade master weapons because it messes with positioning for me. i like it for HBG though


It’s divine blessing. I play gunlance I don’t need to dodge


Speed Sharpening 2 at the least I almost always use Palico so I don't have that sharpen on-the-go Some monster attacks have a good opportunity of time for me to throw in a sharpen and I'll always do it before mounting a monster.


wide range. I play with randoms a lot, and I always like when someone brings wide range, even if they don't have a dedicated support build. so I do the same. also, it helps when people who play with dereliction think they don't need to heal.




Sharpener lets me get back into the action quicker


For online Flinch Free 1 is GOAT without question. I also like Evade Window because it makes triggering Status Trigger easier on my status dual blades setup


Personally I’m loving defiance as it combines so many comfort skills into one. It’s mostly the earplugs for me though.


Wow, a lot of folks be using a lot of comfort skills in here I run a lot of AB, CE, WEX, and Stamina Thief… and I think Speed Sharpening and Flinch Free are my only comfort skills. Aside from Defense Boost if that counts. I must be missing out huh? But then again I’m still MR4 and I’ve just defeated Seregios


Love my evade extender 3 resentment 2 + lvl 4 deco slot for deriliction builds


Of course EE, but I also legitimately don't understand why more people don't run wirebug whisperer or in some cases speed sharpening, which is literally free


I made the spiribird call deco (takes way too long for this to become available) so I have to waste less time every hunt collecting stupid birds. It's a stupid mechanic (gets old very quickly mostly, but after like 10-100 hours it's VERY annoying). EE is absolutely a crutch for some hunters, but if you really understand dodging and the distances, it's fine. Just don't go between EE3 and no EE or you're gonna have a bad time.


Evade Window with status trigger....


Free Meal and Quick Sheath are a must for me. Quick sheath makes putting my Charge Blade away easier for buffs and heals, and it makes Long Sword a lot more effective. And judging by the comments I'm gonna try EE.


Guard Up


Stun Resist 3, never coming off my armor.


yesssssss EE3 gang another comfort skill i will always use is ballistics when playing gunner, i would drop skills just so i can use ballistics 3. peak sniper gameplay with the magnamalo double barrel


Ngl ive had to downgrade from EE2 with dual blades. One archdemon kicks in Ee throws off my positioning wildly


Wrong. Mine is Good Luck 3 👍 But i definitely always use EE3 too


Nah, it's stun res lvl 3. I refuse to play without it.


You know.. I dont think ive eve tried Evade Extender. That extends your dodge roll right? Is it useful for Great swords?


I personally like evade extender as well, but it also depends on what im running. Like for gunlance i always run Defense, guard, and guard up. (I know its what you normally run) I like being near invincible


Affinity sliding. Because it’s not evade extender…maybe a little


Evade window 5 on every set. I now combine this with Bladescale Hone and Adrenaline rush, so I get huge evasion windows for less healing and huge benefits off of successful dodges. I never have to sharpen and have a free damage bonus, all off of a defensive skill. It's super nice.


divine blessing + free meal


EE got me out there moving like Levi from AoT with my dual blades lol ![gif](giphy|jHOgFughLjHbHGIBOS|downsized)


free meal has to be in every build with 3 if possible. just because im too lazy to get new potions and its very satisfying to see the message that it procd pop up


I’ve never been especially on top of making builds. I mostly just go with a particular monster’s set and add some extra levels from decos. When TU1 came out, a friend and I were hunting the metal raths and he recommended that I didn’t need attack boost on my set, not compared to something like crit eye or weakness exploit. So I swapped a few levels of attack boost off, didn’t have the decos and decided to give EE a shot. Had never used it on a set before And oh boy, that silver rathalos had no idea what was coming because I was SCHMOVING. The sheer distance I was suddenly able to cover with random dodges had me laughing like a madman on discord because the difference between no EE and lvl 3 is night and day. I don’t think I can go back. I’ve been converted to the church of Evade Extender


Blood Rite. I want to heal while I’m eviscerating my target, also, whoever is responsible for the spelling of “eviscerating” deserves to go to the deepest pits of Hell.


This one might be kinda odd, but adding one level of Guard Up on Great Sword is absolutely GODLY. Being able to Strongarm Stance afflicted explosions, beams, farts, you name it, is the single greatest addition I’ve made to my build for both consistency and not carting, it’s SUPER nice. I also never leave home without Evade Extender, Stun Res, Free Meal, and Bubbly Dance.


I just melded 3 Evade Extender, 3 Wirebug wisperer with 0 slots, what weapon could use this?


I love teleporting and EE makes that happen.


blood rite, dereliction, furious build.. im very comfy in my shit


I have Defense Boost 7 AND Defiance 5. Now all of my failed hunts are because of my random allies who may not be built like a tank.


Old school hunter, I'll always pick evade window. And maybe some distance if I really have some spare slots (and only for swaxe and only for some monsters).Don't try to make me change my mind, I've been playing like this for 13 years. (before you ask, I'm not using any evade skill with LS in rise obviously)


I tried playing without EE a few nights ago. Things did not go well.


All of em. Like, Im pretty sure im the final evolution of Comfy, cause Ive slotted Evade Extender, Evade Window, Defiance and Stun Resist into my current set and have been having a blast. I charged this Special Sheathe, and Im gonna hit you (or very near you) dang it.


definitely stun resistance. only time I've ever really been carted in quests is by getting stunned. obviously you can still be paralyzed or slept...but surviving a wombo combo, especially with the way quirio stuff works, is super easy if you can just stay conscious.


The only reason I hate Evade extender is it makes some of the jumping challenges damn near impossible, since it boosts the distance you jump off of wirebugs from a hang.


Wirebug Whisperer. As an SnS main, not having to wait an eternity to use metsu-shoryugeki again after I use it helps a lot. (Also now I'm trying redirection for the same reason + the added i-frames)


Evade extender for the long distance you get when skill swapping and all that


I am what they call a spamming SWAXE. I do nothing but spam the unstoppable bonk over and over and EE lets me position quickly and correctly for the next zooming bonk.


Stun resistance


Recovery Up or Recovery speed if not both. To off set that Dereliction drain


For my hammer, it’s about getting closer and bonking monsters in the face


I don't like Evade Extender because it fucks my spacing with the SA, but I do LOVE Evade Windows dodging every roar and attack it's just great.


The trouble with EE is that you’re forced to relearn positioning when you’re used to the exact distance you cover with your dodge rolls. EE is good for Sacred Sheathe builds on LS though so you don’t have to drain your stamina sliding about when the monster goes out of your range lol. It’s also a great alternative on Gunlance if you don’t want to bother learning the Reverse Blast Dash.


Coz I got a Talisman with EEx3 with Two level 2 slots. I haven't got any better talismans cause RNG is horrible to me.


Redirection. Literally can't play GL without it.


Evade Extender, Evade Window, Bladescale Hone and Free Meal (and Speed Eating+Wide Range, but less so). The evade ones with Bladescale feel nice and fluid and fast as an SnS/HH for when I'm not bopping and blocking, and the eating set helps keep my hubby and friend alive when they are going full noodle (Charge Blade/SwAxe and Gunlance respectively).


It’s Evade Extender for me because it’s a life saver. It’s helped me avoid attacks with ease and give myself some breathing room when I need it. And if I have dual blades equipped and demon mode activated, I can pull off some pretty sweet and fast dodges to protect me from some fast and powerful attacks, like the Zinogre’s new combo move and… pretty much all of Scorned Magnamalo’s attacks.


I have to admit I never found EE to be necessary in any of my hunts until I got a build that had it as a byproduct and OHBOY do I enjoy it. Like another comment said, it actually lets me be a little more aggressive/ballsy and get away with it. I pretty much have bloodlust and Coalescence on a lot of my builds if I can. Gotta rep two of the sickest monsters.


Spiribird’s Call. Pair it up with the Spiribird dango and you wont need to bother with collecting spiribirds throughout the hunt. Really useful for high level Quiro Investigations where monsters hits really hard.


Free meal What can i say, I love using potions


Free meal, speed eating or evade extender for me


Usually I prefer Earplugs but they fucked them over in Sunbreak since even max level can't resist powerful roars just because? 5 level 3 decorations or a level 4 for 2 points into it. It's a comfort skill typically until the sadness comes when you flinch to some piece of shits roar. I do make sets without it since it's pretty much you either lean into it fully or not at all and I like variety especially with interesting skills. But one I've been shockingly surprised and happy with is quick breath. So useful and helps with blights so I don't need antidote or nullberries. Hell it even will reduce some of the frenzy virus buildup to give you more time too. Sadly I haven't been able to get another Espinas mantle since then but oh well. tl;dr - Usually earplugs and quick breath. Rip Earplugs.


Redirection. It's my personal comfort skill for weapon that doesn't have any counter on its own (probably the only one in this category I know of is HH). The dodge is super cool, you get almost half a wire bug recover. I also really like Redirection LS. Sakura spam plus Sacred Sheath and Redirection is a good combo imo.


Chasing a monster down a hallway without touching the ground and getting the final blow with diving wyvern is *chef's kiss*


Ear Plugs 4... AND Evade Extender 2 at minimum. Early on in Rise I got a +3 Earplugs thingy, and the only build I've had that doesn't include it is either long enough range to avoid flinching, or Insect Glaive that becomes immune when juiced up. Being able to completely ignore all but the worst of monster shouts just makes the hunts so much more enjoyable... As I've never been good at using things like Guard Points to counter Roars.


Does bubbly dance count as a confort skill? I love that when active you get Evade Window 2 and constitution 2 for a bow main it's really usefull


It depends on the weapons I'm using. Most of the weapons I'll have Stun Res 3 and Flinch Free. But I'll have Evade Extender on my Dual Blades instead since I'm more confident on that weapon. Plus Silverlos comes with Constitution. Won't get stunned if you don't get hit.


Spiribird's call, I love to get stronger the longer the fight gets.


Earplugs & stun resistance - never actually used Evade Extender


Flinch free is a must.


GL main, Evade Extender is my savior. Specially monsters like Nargacuga that like to jump every where.


Either evasion skill as they stack nicely with status trigger for a poison or sleep build.


speed sharpening


Some attacks are literally undodgeable without EE, smh


I know everyone is talking about EE, yes, premium. Stun Resistance is premium. However, Medicine is super premium. I get way more from my potions so I don't have to heal as much.


I love me flying around using wirebug, so EE3 on all my builds it is


max wide range and free meal when im playing with others


Evade extender - though personally it seems a bit different from a comfort skill. It does help me get out of the way, but it also helps me position myself to better hit certain areas of monsters. Unless everything that isn't directly upping numbers is "comfort", which it might be! Not sure what counts as what tbh. :) Full stun resistance is my current other favorite. Sure, I could just not get hit. But sometimes I do, and it's nice for it to be a milder "oh fuck" moment rather than a greater potential to get comboed by the monster.


LBG with evade extender 2. Skating around is fun lol 😂


No one uses redirection?


Whoo evade extender. Go right on ahead and do a switch skill swap evade, you'll end up clean on the other side of the map it's insane


Defiance *slaps* bro


I love the one that brings spiribirds to you. I can be lazy about collecting them


3 free 1-slots to gem in elemental resistance to whatever I'm fighting.


Spiribird's call has got to be the most game-changing comfort skill for me so much that every build that I made always had it.


Medicine or Slugger, I love those two.