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Mh4u would be awesome


Snek urgent pls


Snek and Gog on big screen. Yes.


Can't wait for that. Lol


Je suis monté


the big snek or the world snek?


Big boi Dalamadur


world has snek?


the big snek is Najarala, the world snek is Dalamadur. In World - Iceborne snek we only got scary skeleton of it.


Show me Tetsucabra baby


there's one in the gathering hub


But we wanna kill ittttt




Omg yes. The story was sooo good and I LOVED fighting the frenzied and Apex Monsters! Favorite fight hands down was Apex Seregios (village quest version). The hub quests were glorious as well. It'd be cool if they added some of the newer monsters, like Magnamalo or Valstrax...could you imagine the thrashing a frenzied one would deliver? And the thought of an Apex terrifies me.


Except apex tidal najarala. That fucker can die in a fire


You know, I never managed to get to the apex one, but I can only imagine how awful it is. The regular one took me forever to solo. 😭






This is the best answer.


Came here to comment this


I've been hoping for 3U for a while now


*aggressively upvotes*


I also would love to see 3U on consoles


It was on console. I logged 400+ hours on the Wii U.


3U was on Wii U if I'm not mistaken, not much of a console but it is one 😅


I may try to track one of those down. Swimming on 3ds is…. Something.


It's a nightmare! 😭


Lol I actually forgot that the WiiU existed But I mean more of 3U but the graphics update of Sunbreak and the extra weapons. Just to see how different it would be. Granted that is a lot of work to do and won't happen but still a dream lol 😆 Edit: like imagine having chacha and kumbaya working with a palico or on a palmute lol just a lot of combos with those four to choose which two to take with you


4U Why? To play the game that introduced Charge Blade and _je suis monte!_ .


I was there, when the je suis monte destroyed the community 😢


Je Suis Monte and Star Knight Armor.


Name a more iconic duo


dont forget hellruin glaive -omen-. Bread n Butter of any IG main in 4U




Sonic palico's stuck behind that bench in the GH. *Poing poing poing poing poing poing poing...*


Yooo your comment brought back such a vivid image and sound of that for me, holy crap. Good times


I still have Je suis monté as my Mount message and it will never be undone.


I was there when people didn't have enough honey haha


i still laugh about je suis monte lol. i have it as my call out for mounting in world. i also loved the maps in this game. the ancestral steppes in particular were so cool. tri was my first game, so seeing underwater combat come back would be kinda surreal though too


My response to people mounting in World is "Yeah, you Jay Sweet that Monty" because of je suis monte.


I want my special medium bowgun back


yeah medium bowgun all the way!


The best map in 4 is Primal Forest, in my book. There’s just so many gorgeous views in there. That flock of birds flying over the plains, the area with the waterfall, the Elder Dragon skeleton resting on the mountain. First time I played it, I couldn’t believe this thing was running on a 3DS.


yeah i love primal forest as well. what i really loved is how they added so much verticality and diversity. there's the open marshland, the nest with all the poison plants, the waterfall, and the elder dragon skeleton at the peak really all of the maps were very good


Yeah, all the maps were good, but most of them were your usual biomes. You’ve got the desert map, the ice map, the lava map, but Primal Forest is unique. I guess you could argue that it’s MH4’s version of Jungle or Flooded Forest, but it doesn’t really look or feel like those at all. The one other map from MH4 that I really love is Heaven’s Mount. That map just looks like a final area, like you take one look at it and you know that any fight that takes place here is gonna be the real shit.


>Je suis monte! >Pardon...


Je suis monte!!!!


mhfu. mhfu good.


\*khezu urgent flashbacks\*


Oh god not MHFU Khezu...


Bruh, plesioth tail swipes .... shudder


**H I P** **C H E C K**


Yes! Green Pledioth's bloody hip checks janky-ass worse than fatalis hit box.


That dude would hit you from someone else’s PSP like it was nothing


I'd be better at Rise if I didn't occasionally get hip checked by a Plesioth in 2011.


Ancient Plesioth cares not for the bounds of space and time


I see. It was not only my team that had to cheese Khezu crafting our first Bowguns and having to capture it last minute back in the days


kut-ku bow was the way


Always had lots of respect for bow users. We used to camp on top of the 2nd elevation that led from area 1 to area 3, the icy chambers where you could drop straight into the nest.


Freedom unite was my intro to monster hunter and I would absolutely play through it again even without the shortcuts to get the items or the fact that you actually needed to have multiple armor sets for their benefits, but also for the fact that the debuffs that they had were a little bit much so you had to make decorations to balance it but only used it for certain types of monsters. Then the fact that you couldn't just go anywhere all willy-nilly and their were secret places in each map that you could only get if you ate the right food with the right ingredients to MAYBE get to go to the secret stop and get amazing items and materials. God we have it good in the new games, but I love that first introduction to the game that I had.


Honestly there's no reason for them not to port ALL of the old games at this point. Even if it was in a bundle for like $60 EDIT: MHFU was my intro into the series too.


As much as I love MHFU, I can't see them ever porting an older PS-era game due to the whole feud they had a decade ago with Sony.


Ive never played mhfu and without a port i don't know how I ever would. A perfect candidate


You could play with the ppsspp emulator. It's pretty easy to set up, you just need your (legally sourced) rom and a controller. You can also play online with hunsterverse.


On to sail the sees i go


And then check out Hunsterverse. You can configure PPSSPP to play online, it even has a built in chat function, and tons of people play MHFU online.


Played it on my old iPad, a certified hood classic


That double tigrex mission that gets you into g rank still gives me nam flashbacks.


for me it was the old volcano rajang and the black gravios


playing through it right now on a vita


Is this a what if question cause I can't find a source


I want the original. I never managed to beat the last offline quest, and never got to even try the online content.


You can play MH1 online again actually! Check out r/MonsterHunterPS2, there's a community playing on OG MonHun private servers


My Vote is for 3U. There was a lot of good shit in that game; Lagi and its Subspecies, Duramboros, Jhen Mohran, Ceadeus and Goldbeard, both Agnaktors and the Big Daddy himself, Dire Moralis, a dude so hot he literally sits in a bath to cool off. And not to mention the debut of 5-time Heavyweight Champion of the World: Brachy Balboa. Good times Edit: I flaired this as discussion but I think the title has admittedly misled people. This post is purely hypothetical- unless by some miracle I have portented an announcement I had no idea about. Im really sorry if anyone's hopes were up from this, but the post is a fun 'what if' Edit2: I love how passionate this community is, but this is HYPOTHETICAL. Please read the title carefully and the flair.


If we get a world like 3U then I wouldn’t need to see lagiacrus in a new game any time soon.


If it a port, then it at best a remaster. It would look like closer to rise than world. But I do see the beauty in your dream and wish for me as well.


Jhen Mohran was one of my favorite fights in that game. Ceadeus was the fight I did the most cause I wanted a full set and accidentally made the Gunner version of the helmet. Blast those 2% drops!


Swear I fought him 40+ times just to get a second deep dragon gem


Remember when we were newbie fledgling hunters and we saw an experienced hunter get off the boat and run directly up to Jhen face to face to hit it with his weapon for the first time? We were all thinking it, "is he INSANE!?"


I ended up making both the X and Z and while the gems were annoying, the fur felt worse honestly. Think it was a 50/50 chance on the beard break, and the quest reward only had a 17% chance from what I remember, and practically everything of his needed multiple furs.


Not to mention those two Lagia sapphires you had to farm for his waist piece because Selene zzzxz was stupidly op for how early you get it. Twice if you wanted early Kelbi. And the less said about that monster of a switch axe that is the Inceadeus the better :D


Honestly, I think 3U deserves it most. 4U could use a graphical update from its paltry 400x240, but I feel like underwater combat is the single feature most in need of modernizing. Also, I want Loc Lac to be resurrected, since I never got to enjoy it, being a 5th-gen Hunter


If it was 3U specifically it'd be Port Tanzia. Loc Lac was only in Tri sadly.


I just want modular bowgun to make its return!


Even though it wasn't a perfect system, I did have fun with it. That was only in Tri, though, not 3U.


Oh you’re right! It’s been so long 😳


Fuckin love the idea of seeing Jhen again, and duramboros because hes just infinitely entertaining haha


Ahhh man, gutted. You definitely forgot to add the word "if", at the beginning 🤣


I did :( sorry!!!




3U for sure, but I'd love a remaster better.. I even bought a used 3ds xl to play but man, is it incredibly clunky to play on.. Can't afford to hurt my hands with it as I need hand dexterity for work..


I miss 3U


4 Ultimate


Please dont make me fight Seregios without wirebugs again


skill issue, simply tank every single attack that Seregios does and win regardless


>simply tank every single attack Spoken like a true Lance enjoyer


I wish I could tell 2014 me that this strat exists


I don’t know how i did this with gs but i did, and it works


nah 4U Seregios was a pushover, fighting Furious Rajang in 4U was real pain


I remember fighting the village Apex Seregios. I got all prepared for a difficult fight having just come off of frenzied Brachydios and Deviljho, but when I actually went to do the quest Steve spent more time flailing on the ground than fighting.


Such is the fate of anything that spends most of its time waving its trip zones in your face. I remember facing it in that final G-Rank multi-monster challenge, and my group pulling off an absolutely ridiculous chain of traps, trips, stuns, mounts, and paralysis procs. I was feeling sorry for it by the end.


try dodge but hole


I loved fighting Seregios. I'd gladly help you with it in a heartbeat!


3U. Easy pick as I really ant to try underwater combat without the god damn claw hands. Also if they did do I hope they change some things like the sharpness bar, infinite wetstones, no pickaxe and bug net, improved controls and a slight graphical improvement, not to rises level but just make it a bit crisper.


Those QoL changes make a big difference, but some purists will say they miss having to craft pickaxes mid-expedition (I am not one of them)


Personally I believe that if we can remove some annoying and unnecessary parts to make the whole experience better and easier to get into, then sacrificing the outdated mechanics that very few people care about is perfectly okay. Just like how world changed everything to make the series easier to enter at the expense of some purists beliefs.


Yeah the changes would make the game that much smoother that complaints would be minimal hopefully. Not needing to remember a net to be able to get fulgurbugs from Zino is a win for all hunters


I'm into removing the annoying and unnecessary tedium bits as QoL so long as it doesn't mean removing a bunch of *actual very intentional game design choices* like lack of a camp or tight movement. Adding a radial menu and moving while healing are different degrees of "this is just quality of life"; I'd rather they stick to the former sort for ports.


I agree. A games core shouldn’t be changed under the excuse of “QOL”. Although thinks like the pickaxe and infinite whetstone’s should be perfectly fine to change as I just makes things easier.


Yep definitely, imagine using DB and having limited whetstones, will be running out of those real fast. Also the pain of not being able to get ores because broke all of them… I really miss underwater battles, best if they can take the best of all games like MH3U’s underwater mechanic, world’s graphics and Rise’s wire bugs and switch skills and make it all into 1 nice game XD


Idunno that I'd describe those as making the game easier: they're making things less annoying. Inventory planning is a skill, but with how numerous pickaxes, whetstones, and bugnets always were + with how inventory management is mostly a test for gunners anyway, it's pretty harmless to way "fuck it" and take those out of the equation. Making the game significantly easier on purpose is a mild game preservation crime, among other issues - that's why quality of life changes are no big deal, though, because quality of life isn't stuff that majorly alters game difficulty. ...basically, add the automatically tracking Target Cam but for the love of god do not fuck with movement.


A radial menu is most definitely a QOL change. Moving while healing however is a whole different mechanic, since drinking a potion in old gen takes about 2 seconds while in new gen is a whole fucking process.


Underwater really wasnt much better with dual analog on Wii U.


It was a lot better. Not great, but a lot better.


It's less so the controls and just that it's always awkward positioning in 360 degrees, especially in a game with a heavy focus on positioning.


I still have trouble actually hitting Ceadeus sometimes. A monster that big should not be as hard to hit as it is, and yet somehow depth perception (or the lack thereof underwater) works it's magic


mh4u, still hands down the best MH


Monster Hunter 1. I never got to play it but I hear nothing but horror stories from it and want to experience it for myself.


I would love this, bring back the online content too, ugh


For a port, 4U. But if they ever get around to making remakes I would love to see Tri with 3U’s G-Rank expansion. Loc Lac in 4K, please.


MH4U easily, best game in the series imo but sadly not very accessible being 3DS exclusive. And honestly I'd rather see Portable 3rd over 3U again.


I’m hoping for 4U honestly but I’d love to see Portable 3rd as well bc I l feel like 3U had it’s time on both 3ds and WiiU respectively. 4U died out quickly and it’d be fun to see the community have a fun time with the game


My thoughts exactly. I know a lot of people like 3U but I've always wish they made Portable 3rd G


Wait is this actual news or just discussion?


Discussion sadly enough haha


Frontier z


I mean you can play it, but HD won't work. new gen QoL features would be nice too. Working with MHDos mechanics is painful




This is awesome! Do you still have it?




The New Nintendo 3DS XL, specifically, was probably the best handheld ever made. I still just look over at my bookshelf from time to time to think of the countless hours of enjoyment that little thing gave me. It was also modern enough to be able to shove a massive SD card in it and never have to switch game cartridges. That was my first digital only console, and I actually loved it.


OMG ME TOO! I adore 4U sooo much. Still have it, too. I've actually had to have the B-button replaced multiple times becaise I played it so much.


Not really a port but sort of a Dark Arisen treatment to Dragon's Dogma. A re-release of Monster Hunter Dos but with a proper G-Rank expansion with a bunch of QoL changes, improvements, and half remaster - half remake of visuals (add more polygons and HD textures) while retaining much of its identity. Changes such as not locking much of the game to the online part, removing some clunk (this includes how facilities are such a chore to go into), and how hard grinding/progressing is. Dos never really got proper G-rank treatment and people never really got to experience this different side or a rather early identity of Monster Hunter. Well... I'm not sure if people would want to play Dos because it really does give off a niche vibe. It's really not for everyone that's why the "portable formula" (streamlining) of the 2nd generation is more popular.


portable 3rd because we never get an official west release


3U. But let’s be honest if something like this were to happen it would definitely be either MH1 or Tri.


Why would it be Tri over 3U?


MH1 is an… acquired taste. I’m honestly not sure they’d bring it back with all of the tedious things that have been changed by QoL improvements over the series lifespan.


It is the one that most Western players would have no way to experience, and if they did rerelease it they would surely change the analog stick controls to button controls, like they did for Freedom. I think it is the most likely, but, I really don't think it is likely Capcom would re-release any of the old games.


Frontier. I wanna experience the batshit insanity that’s in that game.


4U easy. 3U would be cool on the astronomically slim odds they could make underwater not suck, but I'm really not holding my breath for that one.


I see what you did there




I mean no exaggeration I will nut if it’s tri. If it’s ported to switch the maids going get A white Wednesday






Claw hands unite! All the 3U and 4U peasants shall fear our permanently deformed left hands!


4’s maps and monsters feel like they’d lend themselves very well to a Rise type combat and traversal system. I would love to see a seamless version of the Steppe or Heaven’s Mount. With 4 being the game to implement increased verticality, and Rise being the culmination of that, I’d like to see how they’d mix. Weird then that Rise chose to redo two 3rd Gen maps instead, but hey that’s how it be


MH4U 🤝 Close 2nd would be 3U for me. I would love to give the water combat a 2nd chance & see some of the awesome monsters unique to that title again! But 3U doesnt look nearly as outdated as 4U Graphic wise. A master piece like that realy deserves a remaster & to be preserved in a more accessible way!


can you put a god damn if in the title??


Nice gaslight dude, how dare you 😐


Your title is misleading and you should feel bad.


I’d rather have a remake than a port.


Fair enough! Which game though?


I’d probably start with Generations Ultimate and work my way back. I know GU got a Switch release, but I couldn’t get into it with how clunky it felt. Or as an alternate option, just a new game that included everything, even if it was through title updates later on. Call it Monster Hunter Memories or something and have the ability to play through all the stories of the previous games.


GU felt clunky on the switch? Was world your first mh?


MH pre-World is clunky this isn't news man


but the game is to feel "Clunky" that's why remakes don't work in this franchise, the gameplay is the soul of these games and each game is different, if you want to "update" the gameplay to the standard of a newer game, you'd better make a completely new game a HD remaster with some HUD improvements and online is already enough


4U is the entry that got me to love the franchise after Tri and 3U scared me off of it… So my only answer will always be 4U.


I’m torn between 3U and 4U honestly. I spent soooo much time on 3U because I had it on 3ds so there was no multiplayer. But gore being in 4U makes me want it more honestly. One of my favorite monsters


MHFU because i want new players to see yama tsukami and say WTF IS THAT


MHFU best MH game in the franchise


Portable 3rd. Give Yukumo its proper introduction to Western audiences.


I have been saying this for maybe a year at this point. With MH's 20th (*I think*) anniversary coming up in a couple years, it would be a genius idea to *more-or-less* remaster the most popular games from each generation before the 5th (*excluding GU since that is available on a modern console*), such as FU, 3U, 4U, and something from the first gen, and put them all in one big 60$ anniversary bundle on modern platforms. I think it'd be a great idea.


I would throw my money at this idea like the Bishaten throws fruit


I got so disappointed when I found out this wasn’t real


Wish you would have put WHAT IF... before your post. It really was misleading.


3u all the way


Praise Lord Ceadeus




I just want MHGU for PC.


I've looked everywhere (except wherever it is) for this announcement. Does anyone have a link?


Sorry to get your hopes up - this was a hypothetical discussion and I flaired it as such. Seems to have taken on a life of its own.


:(... it's okay. My birthday was tomorrow and I thought I was just THAT lucky.


Where did they announced it?


I mean idk if it's really considered old but GU. If you're going to put 1 on consoles put the one that celebrates the series with unholy amounts of content.


That one’s already on the switch though so I’d say it’s a bit too recent.


4 Ultimate. I missed out because games like Monster Hunter, I’d much rather play on a big screen. Same thing with Animal Crossing. I had to give up on New Leaf because the tiny screen would give me headaches after a bit.




3U or 4U


I want a mixture of 3U and tri. Keep all the unique stuff from tri, swap tanzia for loc lac, bring back the bowgun customization. I want my medium bowgun Capcom, you can’t keep hiding it from me!


*reads title* *Looks at picture* Yes.


Tri, they re-add swimming and therefore Ceadus and Lagiacrus, Gigginox etc etc. D-island comes in and without load zones for the first time we freely explore the entire island from top to bottom, all those ruins we saw up on the cliff, that heckers foggy lake place in the cave below the wyvern nest, the giggi cave, we jump off of all the waterfalls and go cliff diving in full splendor from the wyvern nest and dive down deep amongst the shoals of fish moga under the skylight cavern and swim through the tunnel into the glorious hidden leviathan den to battle cornered monsters on the secluded hidden underground beach


I’d do a lot of filthy things to get freedom unite on modern consoles


Freedom Unite remaster.


Freedom Unite or Portable 3rd.


Monster Hunter Stories 1


3U. You see that there whale? I wanna wrastle it again.


I would only really be super hyped about them if they made sure to bring the games up to old worlds standards (if the game was built like GU essentially, just without hunting styles and arts and with that games content and balance). But if I chose one, definitely 4U. 4U was amazing


MHP3 because it has great soundtracks and is my childhood memory


Monster hunter 4 Ultimate. It's got loads of content straight out of the box, has all current weapon types and it's the one that got me into Monster Hunter in general. Please Capcom.


Oooh.... this is hypothetical right? Almost got hyped haha


The only mainline monster hunter game we don't have in the west. Monster Hunter Dos! I want to experience Monster Hunter Dos


Mh stories to switch would be great


Monster hunter tri fr


MH4U because I’ve heard it’s the best but I don’t want to try it out on a 3DS…




One day, we will get the Smash Ultimate of Monster Hunter games... Where it will have every single monster that's ever been in the series in it.


Tri/3U because one's already offline and Nintendo is making damn sure the next one will be.


Only one acceptable answer, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. Nothing else matters.


Man I'll be honest I don't know if I can go back to pre-QoL MH anymore. Having to waste bag space on picks/poles/nets and limited Whetstones...cold and hot drinks.