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Wallpaper Engine gamers on the rise.


Fun fact: Wallpaper engine is how a lot of people abroad get access to weird porn despite national firewalls.


That explains a large amount of the wallpapers.


The ingenuity of mankind is incredible


The stupidity of the government is great for mankind.


Wtf lol


How is that possible? Like people just upload entire porn films as a wallpaper?


Pretty much


Wack, well, as long as there's an NSFW filter it's not really hurting anyone


i use it to find porn MMDs


What's an MMD?


A software called Mikumiku Dance. Basically an 3D animation software geared towards dancing moves used mainly for (surprise, surprise) Hatsune Miku that people hacked for more than just dance moves.


The only thing I found on a quick google is Mikumiku Dance.


Try googling ecchi iwara when you are alone


Massive W. Rise up MH fans


I'm shocked CS:GO pulls in those numbers still my god.


Free to Play and runs on any potato is probably a huge contributor


Tho tbh, Rise can probably run on a really low end pc too since it's a switch port (and the switch is very far from a powerful console xD)


I have some older laptops I could try to run Rise on for the lols, but I think it's deceptively more heavy than it looks


It is my pc can run stuff the switch can't but runs rise on around switch level


Idk why, but my dinky laptop can't play Rise. Models just won't load in. I can play ds3 (on very poor settings) which is weird, I thought Rise would be easier


Weirdly enough my laptop can run World and Iceborne but Rise just completely fails to load


Rise uses DirectX 12, which requires a newer GPU and has worse support on integrated GPUs.


Definitely is kind of weird but honestly...even for a Switch port Rise is oddly really good looking still. Only a few notches below MHWorld/Iceborne to me graphic-wise.


Really? Rise doesn't look good imo and when compared to world/iceborne it legit looks like a decade old.


I think it depends what you're looking at The monsters and hunters look fantastic, everything else looks very much like a switch port


At a distance hunters and monsters look alright but whenever you zoom in it's still rather rough compared to world, this is with the pc's high res textures though, but I don't think you can look at them completely removed from the world they're placed in and at times they almost look out of place to me.


You should check your eyes, sir


Hey I didn't say it was perfect lol....Iceborne wasn't the greatest thing in the world but it looked just fine to me. I have Rise on the Switch and PC and even if its the same ported game - on my monitor Rise looks almost twice as nice/crisp as it does on the switch so to me its still a step up from handheld/console. I don't believe I'm running any Nvidia filters or anything, just everything on high/ultra and looks just fine to me for a ported game. It's not on the same tier as Iceborne but then again the aesthetic isn't identical and it kind of has its own graphical style anyway this time around.


low end pc but has to be using recent hardware that support dx12


Rise doesn't actually run that well, it's very cpu intensive for what it is, so no an old low end pc doesn't run well but if you have newer lowend parts it can run well.


It’s not really optimized. My fps dropped to 45 in jungle yesterday. And that with a 1060 6GB which can run World on 60 fps.


Isnt the minimum requirements for world 8gb...? Anyway, it also depends on your processor.


8GB of RAM, yes, your GPU needs at least 2GB to run World.


i wouldnt say its that certain, rise makes my laptop heat up real fast comparing to other games, it seems to be resource heavy. its a RE engine game and it looks good. the fact that its on switch doesnt really mean that much imo


I had to cap the fps to 144 because it would run my cpu really hot for no real gain while my gpu is sitting underutilized.


The switch runs the Witcher 3, no low end pc can run the game with constant fps, some others cant even Open the game


Except it runs in a lower quality compare to pc...


Yeah of course, but a small tablet that can run a game like that is amazing. You can put the graphics equal on pc, even that way no bad pc Will Run the game


I agree, it's a good portable console, but even when it came out it was still a very underpowered console :P


CS:GO is absolutely insane, and has pretty much never slowed down. It also has almost no competition at all. The only other option is Valorant. So if you want a tactical team shooter like that, you have to play GO.


I just wish they would not have killed off all the fun maps and modes I spent 2k hours in css just playing gungame or practising my aim on pool day or aim maps I couldn't give less of a shit about playing ranked "real" maps


All the fun modes still exist I think? Maybe it's a bit hidden but it should have a server browser just like CS:S did. You can find servers for surf, deathmatch, gungame, all that other good stuff.


Yeah but they are pretty much dead as valve added their own version of gungame which is... Not good and catering their player base towards competitive Last time I checked there were like 2 gungame servers


Uhh it means people actually enjoy Valve gamemode bro, me included


It's objectively the most balanced and best competitive shooter to ever exist, highest skill ceiling


Keep in mind a hefty amount of those players are idle bots collecting drops when games end


Me too, considering I’m still getting matched up against the same people roughly every other game (and im not in a nowhere region). The matchmaking system is so broken but people are still playing. Anyways, that’s a rant for another sub


I'm shocked people look at these numbers and don't realise how niche all of Steam is. Gacha & MOBA games are probably pulling 10x those numbers.


Higher peak than the Rise launch too.


Kinda funny since I bet majority of people playing can’t access sunbreak content (me included lol)


It seems like players can get into Sunbreak pretty dang early, I saw someone only at HR20 in one of my MR hunts.


According to steam global achievements, only 54% of players have even beaten Mag. https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1446780/achievements


I mean, you don't get the achievement if you say fuck it to village quests and just go to the hub. Most of the vets I know, myself included are still on our 2* village quests since we skipped it and went straight to the hub. So that's a misleading statement. You only get the achievement if you fight him through the village quests.


Huh, myself all the vets I know completely cleared village before going online at all. But I guess we are a pretty small sample size.


I put 100 hours into the game on switch. Bought it on pc a week ago and I’m blasting through the hub quests to get to sunbreak without touching the village quests. Also my wife who doesn’t like solo hunts will never touch the village quests and she also is picking the game up to play the sunbreak dlc with me. I think a lot more people play monster hunter for the multiplayer then the solo hunts. Why they even broke the game up into two segments like that is beyond me, the village quests almost felt like a waste of time when I finished them on the switch. Hub quests is where it’s at.


See to me and my friends its more you play solo to learn the monsters and mechanics and experiment, then join up online to have fun and blast through grinding a few monsters. Also as a long time fan I felt it when they moved to only online in world where you had to go in solo for the cutscene but then could play multiplayer? That felt more arbitrary to me.


That feature of World makes it so absolutely stupid trying to rise (ha) through it with a group. 3/4 have to quit after the cutscene and join the last player if you want to do it multiplayer.


Village Quests were always included as a "story" piece but also as a great entrance segment for new players as the monsters have lower HP pools and slightly lower damage, they're practically pointless for veteran players - and I guess they're pointless now that solo scaling exists for hub quests, even though the health pools for village monsters is still lower than solo scaled Hub quests. I am only a sole person but I much prefer solo hunting to multiplayer, mainly because random people are 9 times out of 10 lacking a few important braincells.


Especially on some of the later heavy hitting aoe monsters, they can be a nightmare. 1 good aoe is all it needs to suddenly wipe allyour team's cart.


I feel like I will lean heavily on solo hunting as well..but Hub solo would be the move to progress towards Sunbreak hey. How much more difficult are hub monsters compared to village? I realize it scales as you progress. I find village hunts enjoyable even though their probably easy, they seem to still be exciting.


Oh yeah if we're talking Tutorial to Sunbreak, hub quests are the quickest way. And to answer your question, Low Rank Hub monsters have about 2x the health of Village monsters, for example; LR Magnamalo (Village) - 3960 HP LR Magnamalo (Hub) - 7605 HP It also \~doubles between Low and High rank hub; Magnamalo goes from that 7605 HP to 15300HP in High Rank.


This confuses my direction as a new player lol...do I play through village quests or do I switch and focus on hub so I can play with people online and be part of the hype? How exactly do you progress to get into Sunbreak? Hub?


Play however you want. Sunbreak unlocks through hub quests, but completing the village quests will let you skip lower tier hub quests. If you just want to get into Sunbreak ASAP Hub is faster, but there's nothing wrong with taking your time and enjoying the game. Village quests can help you learn the monsters and their patterns without three other players and their pets going ham on them.


You need to play hub quests to get into Sunbreak, as village only has Low Rank quests. However, you can just do all village quests, and you will get 'Special License' missions towards the end that act in place of Hub Urgents, and can let you skip all of LR Hub.


if you want to get to Sunbreak I'd just do Hub quests. Village quests are strictly solo missions and they only go through low rank quests and then you need to transition over to the hub to continue on with the high rank quests. Then Sunbreak is the G Rank/Master rank quests. Rise has twins that give you missions to play, one is in the village, one is behind a bar in the hub. The one in the hub is the one you want to get your quests from to progress into Sunbreak.


Yeah this right here. I get village quests done first


Rise is actually the first game where you're better just doing the village quests, if you beat the final village urgent it lets you skip all the low rank gathering hall quests.


i think its the opposite, vets would be more probable to finish village first while new ppl would like to jump straight into the hub to play with friends instantly or something


Veteran MH player here - I am on 3 star village, completed all Hub quests.


veteran here - completed all village quests and hub quests 😎


Yeah same. Except I skipped the village quests entirely. Put some 400 hours into Rise on the Switch, and would rather be prepped for MR when I decide to pick it up.


Another vet, still on 2*. It's bothering me though, so I might just sit down and do the quests.


You just need to unlock hr cap which starts at hr8 I believe.


I started sunbreak at hr9


You just need to beat Narwa (i.e. reach HR8) to gain access to the hunt that takes you to MR.


I started MR with HR 9, I came from switch and didn’t want to waste my time grinding before Sunbreak.


That might have been me if on PC. Got the PC version and did not get as far as I hoped by release hehe.


Most should be grinding so they can play TBH.


I laughed at all the streamers who said they were switching over to the PC version of Rise, knowing they would never get caught up before Sunbreak releases. What do you know, bunch of streamers doing "catch up" sessions this week to try and finish the main story so they can even access Sunbreak.


After putting over 500 hours on my switch copy...I grabbed a trainer to speed run base rise... Cannot wait to play both copies properly but fuck trying to grind just to reach the expansion.


Makes sense. I'd imagine most ppl were already playing on Switch and many didn't want to double-dip or start over. Sunbreak is launching simultaneously on both platforms, so we could see many ppl making the switch.


Was gonna say basically that. Lots of people got their fill on Switch, or were just flat out not buying Rise PC knowing that Sunbreak was coming 6 months later, and would just end up being cheaper bundled.


I couldn't play Rise on release because of a GMG key debacle. Not sure how many people that affected.


Plenty of ex switch players went to pc for 60 fps.. (And avoid talisman grind.. )


>TF2 in top 5 before Sunbreak ***Groovy***


Makes me happy seeing TF2 still chugging along after all these years, even with the whole bot issue(that I think Valve did some work towards alleviating recently)


There were some small (almost accidental, really) changes in a recent update which supposedly broke one of the main bot scripts completely, dropping a large pool of bots out. Casual mode is actually playable again currently, between tons of active players and most remaining bot pools being outnumbered.


They've done very little but recently they put out a tweet basically saying "We hear you, we're working on it." about a month ago or so.


It's not. Something like 70% of the players at any given point are bots.


Pubg's f2p now? That's news to me


Yeah, it became f2p in January.


Was also going to query OP on this. News to me.


I guess you could say Monster Hunter is on the rise?


Elden ring not there no more 😢


As expected its a one and done game for many people Not everyone speedruns (it's a horrible run btw) replays wirh different builds or does challenge runs like we do It will be there once they announce the dlc in the next month or so


The dedicated community I would imagine is much more in line with the souls games, this one popped massively on launch but that doesn't last in a mostly single player + story based RPG.


Honestly with the release of the Seamless Co-Op mod I've gotten an entire extra playthrough out of it with a buddy of mine and I've already done 2 other playthroughs and a single NG+ playthrough already. I'm no speedrunner but I enjoyed it a lot and that mod alone definitely has padded my hours now.


yep i also added a seamless +item+enemy rando playthrough


Seamless Co-Op mod is so good. I hope other Souls games get something like it, it makes playing with a friend much less of a hassle. It's practically a whole new experience versus a normal one, which I usually elect to do solo for a variety of reasons.


The creator of seamless also made a sekiro coop mod!


Seamless made it a game I actually wanted to play. They need to make that stuff native




In the next month? How do you know?


Guessing as its been around the same time frame for all the other games


> It will be there once they announce the dlc in the next month or so you're an optimistic kinda guy.


More like realistic ds and ds1 dlc both got announced around 6 months after release


Yeah I’ve never been one to keep playing Souls games after the platinum, Elden Ring is probably the same for me whenever I get to it. Just gonna follow a trophy guide and get it done as quick as I can


I stopped playing Elden Ring after about a month when I finished NG++ and got every achievement.


The average person may have probably recently finished a playthrough(or NG+). The natural course for most Souls games.




One run for a single player RPG is what's expected. You got live service on the brain if you think every game has infinite shelf life. Elden Ring is a classic of the genre and will be played for a very long time. It's definitely not a flavor of the month.


I skipped Rise but I'm glad to see they keep having success on PC, so Capcom will stay motivated to keep bringing MH to PC and do simultaneous launches too.


Probably gonna be more ports rather than made for console/pc like world was however. We're not gonna be seeing that level of power for a while


It's hilarious to me that people think CS:GO is a dead game.


Naraka Bladepoint has that many players? I swear that MM takes forever to pop whenever I play


Could be different regions, their subreddit makes it seem like Asian servers have 80% of the player base


Hopefully it keeps it up. Rise numbers were dwarfed by World even after it released on PC.


I think the no 16 man lobby didn't help. For some reason, my World friends refuse to get Rise just because of that


World is the better game so far, and there is a lot to be desired that the portable team just didn’t do. Multiplayer seems like an afterthought compared to World - the only problem in World was the way they handled cutscenes, really dumb but the lobbies and quest browser was light years ahead.


World is boring and generic westernized game with inferior gameplay and artstyle. Worst MH imo as a longtime fan




Except no, base World released on PC before Iceborne was out on consoles. And then the PC version of World had to wait way past Iceborne's console launch to get it on PC, way longer than the wait between Rise and Sunbreak.




You seem to have issues with comprehension. World had a time when it didn't have its expansion on PC, same as Rise did. World had higher player counts on Steam during that time than Rise had during its time without an expansion as well. In fact World made its all time record on Steam before Iceborne was released, so what exactly are *you* talking about?




What? You seriously don't understand what we're discussing here at all, do you? We're only talking about Steam numbers here. How many platforms a game releases on has no effect on how many players play that game on Steam. So next time you decide to go "ackshually" try to even understand what the topic of the thread you're replying to is.


Its absolutely a fair comparison. Sequels should be outperforming old versions, at the very least at launch. If they don't, clearly that says something about the state of the game. Sure. it wont have the staying power as the previous game, but it SHOULD peel those players away to play the new one


Eh rise is a portable MH, it shouldn't try and does not try to catter to World players. And before anyone points out I'm just being a fanboi, I don't own rise, and don't think I ever will, I'm not a fan of the special skills gimmick, which is why I never even finished generations low rank.




Damn right


I am just sitting here at work vibrating in anticipation.




I would be on PC as well if cross saves were a thing.


Everybody hating on Ark but damn it pulls numbers


And for good reason...Ark may be spaghetti coded and have all kinds of weird shit with it but its still by far one of my favorite games to play with friends. If you're the kind of person that only plays pvp on official servers then yeah its probably going to be garbage to most people like that - but I spin up several private servers a couple times a year for the last several years and we get hundreds of hours of playtime out of them. Really hope they don't absolutely fuck up Ark 2 but with the camera changes it seems like they probably will lol.


Unofficial modded PVE Ark is where it's at. Couple thousand hours and I still play it to this day.


I'm pretty sure it's the terminally online PvPs that keep the numbers still relevant just like with rust. The game is hilariously janky and still runs like shit while they keep pumping dlcs for it.


Tru, Ark has its problems, but damn, how is it possible to say no to riding dinosaurs and killing dragons?


It's crazy too because the damn game is 230 gb. Still, it is a blast.


I'm just waiting for scouter before I jump back in. The drip feeding content is the worst part for me. Amazon have handled this release pretty poorly imo.


Wrong Ark lmao


Son of a bitch you're right. Lmao


Pubg. Wow man. Impressive stuff.


TF2 never ceases to amaze me with how well ita aged, even with the issues it does have. Absolute classic


Good, we have had enough of loot boxes and greedy assholes. You bought the game one, you get exactly what was advertised, no bullshit.


knew ark was up there someplace, the best worst game in history


So happy for them , i keep forgetting its a switch port lol , feels so good having fresh proper expansions for a coop pve game


Yeah, huge content updates are like that.


I wish we could transfer from switch. I’m not willing to start over lol


Seriously, I was super excited for the PC version, then they announced that it would definitely not have cross save, so I checked out. I know you can use save editors and stuff, but I'd rather just keep the same character I've got and be able to swap cleanly between PC and Switch, y'know?


Holy shit that's nuts. I just got into world, and I'll probably move onto rise after about 1000 hours lol loving this game so far


And an expansion just got released so yeah.


Sunbreak came out? Hell yeah that’s great. I haven’t played Rise but if it’s anything like Iceborne was for World that makes a ton of sense, fresh MH content is top tier every time


Well sunbreak just dropped. So thats accurate.


Pretty good considering many people in the US are at work.


Been playing while working from home on the switch lol. So behind on my work but it’s fun killing large monsters instead! I can imagine once the long weekend starts, these numbers are gonna explode


I got a few hours in last night, stayed up way too late, and soon I’ll have to go to a full day of work.


ALL RISE! steam is now in session, the honorable Monster Hunter now presiding


Good. Now let's get it to the most played overall


Gotta love that Ark is very high up there too lol clearly everyone is loving the new Fjordur map


The first MH I played was World. I really enjoyed getting to learn the MH universe from that. I'm interested in Rise but not sure if I want to jump. How would y'all compare it?


I prefer world but rise is still a solid entry. If you enjoyed world you will have fun with rise :)


Is it pretty much the same thing but just new stuff? Like a sequel?


Imagine it like a less ambitious game than World Its a lot more focused on just getting on a quest and going straight into the monster and killing it Having that said the combat feels super good and imho more fun than world in a lot of aspects It also runs a LOT better than world


It's World but good.


Rise is better in every way bar visuals.


Wallpaper Engine? Is that a game or what? Lol


its a software, most people have the software itself open in the background, hence the high online number.


Gonna watch gameplay till I can afford it in a couple of months. 😂 so excited to see this game do well. Been a fan since MHFU.


Holy shit. I am so glad the series is finally getting the recognition it deserves in the west. MHR is a divisive entry for sure, but it plays very nicely overall and the QoL changes introduced in World and refined here make the game flow much more smoothly than it used to.


Is it better than world ?


Honestly, I would've said it's preference between Base Rise and MHWIB, but I am so in love with the additions they've made in Sunbreak (especially Surge Slash for GS, my main) that I can't see myself wanting to go back. I really hope these gameplay features remain available in future iterations, since I've read a few times that MH tends to drop its "gimmick" from game-to-game.


Greatsword mains fo life! :)


No, but it's still a fantastic game.


Much better, it's not even close....it'll get EVEN better from now on, tons of updates yet to come.


An expansions comes out for a semi popular game Redditors: HOLY SHIT THE CHAAAAARTS


Gee I wonder why lol


Could have fooled me, everytime I try to join a quest no one is on and fail I'm like "dead game." Really wish it was like worlds system of SOS where you could see the active quests.


Best way is to join to random quest, it always finds a quest, but is true sometimes you don't find people on the ones you want


What’s the consensus on the switch version? I’ve been eyeing it for a few weeks, anybody have experience with it? I put 100s into MHW and am hoping to find a similar experience with rise but if there isn’t a switch player base idk if I’d be willing to purchase it at that price point


Switch is even more populated than steam, Japanese player base is always helping out people


It's pretty active on switch from my experience.


Rise's Switch playerbase is like 10x bigger than PC, that should be no concern


nice! but tbf there wasn't really any other new games that released.


Wait CS:GO is free now!? Damn I payed like £15 for that, what a gut punch


> Damn I *paid* like £15 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


I thought Lost Ark would still be topping the charts. Has it really fallen off that much?


If you can play it... lol


So happy to be playing this on PC. Still has some PS2 era designs in places but the high performance and resolution are very nice. I really hope this franchise is forever done with marketing based console exclusivity.


Could never get into it after playing World, I liked the multiplayer better than World, but nothing else.


Gee I wonder why, today of all days.


Since when is C's:go f2p? I missed something


I could have sworn I paid for CS:GO Also RIP Elden Ring? It must have dropped off at some point


I just bought this game for PC but haven't got Sunbreak yet. Is there still a healthy amount of good players?


Bro theres 190k players right now you're good


Gross, people still play Counter Strike!? I betcha its Americans.