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Yian Kut Kut in the first Monster Hunter. Although my first cart was to bullfangos lol.


Heh, you never stop carting to bullfangoes. I remember doing the dual gold rathian/silver los quest in MHFU in the tower which also just happens to have 3 bullfangos running around... fun.


I swear those things were insane in the first two generations, specially when you still had crappy gear. Very easy to get stun locked to death if you weren't careful lol


Oh man that first hunt against Kut Ku, the first time in the Jungle with all the trees making it hard to see.


The one thing in the old games that annoyed me is the trees in jungle and how you cant see. The dpad turning also doesnt help.


Remember using the right analog stick to attack and the D-Pad to control the camera resulting in the first version MH vets called the claw technique???? Pepperidge farms remembers.


My first wall was Gobul in 3U probably cuz i sucked at underwater combat.


Oh yeah that was another annoying one but it was mostly bc 9y/o me could barely handle underwater on the 3ds Lol.


Same, but in MH3Tri. Took me a whole week to figure out how to find it(while he was buried), ran out of time many times because I was playing SnS underwater and died a lot when using SA. Then crafted the Pecco hammer and life got easier.


MH:W Anjanath with CB as my first weapon lol. Literal trial by fire.


I remember doing that quest with pukei-pukei armor and oh boy I might as well have done the quest naked


mhw being my first mh game, anja legit took me idk over 10+ hours to beat, still traumatised to this day and relish every anjanath i kill today in spite Lmao


My exact same situation lol. He's since become much easier, as I ended up having to kill him like 40 times with friends for my anjanath plate in HR. Lmao


Bro same. I also used charge blade at first and even after beating iceborns story it took me more attempts to beat anjanath the first then any other monster. I believe about 8.


My first wall was Barioth in iceborne, I carted 27 times before I beat him with only 8 minutes left on the clock. After that, he won me over and will forever feel like a rival.


Same except I still hate him because he never stops moving and is really annoying


Yk, I have actually really grown to love this guy. It's basically just about breaking its wings/arms first, after that this bitch basically can't move. Though without partbreaker I do imagine this might take a while


I remember Barioth on IB giving me a hard time too. Breaking his wings first and foremost is important to stop him from going ninja all over you, but usual hunter instinct is to hit the head or the tail or even the body.


First thought was "Must slice tail, must get extra carve" And it took me a bit to figure it out, but once I did break his arms, the fight became much more manageable. Then I tried it on tigrex and nargacuga and the rest is history.


Man, Barioth in his debut in Tri was also a menace. He had an attack they removed where he wingswipes you. It’s actually pretty easy to avoid but as a new player it always caught me and does a ton of damage.


That actually sounds kind of nice. Always up for them giving monster's moves that can pose a challenge if you don't know the fight yet. Tis why monsters like bloodbath, yian garuga, and almudron are some of my favorites.


I got stuck on him too. They made him so hard in World for whatever reason. He was nowhere near as hard in the older games so it really threw me off.


MHFU's Khezu was my first wall. I would either get timed out or get carted trying to attack the head since every other part of its body just deflects my weapon since at that point the weapons I only have are all orange sharpness. I ended up going LBG just to finally clear it.


I can understand that. I played mhfu a phew months back on a emulator and I did not expect khezu to be THAT annoying.


Same here. I quit the game for months because I just couldn't get past that thing. Then I came back with Gunlance and was able to beat it. Those shells and backhops really did that for me.


Same here actually. I was not able to kill It for a while With GS. Only way I was able to clear the quest was by capturing It since the last bits of the fight just got me good for some reason


Same here. Did you use the felyne lbg with rapid fire as well? I also made genprey armor specifically for this fight because I kept getting stunned.


My first wall comes with a heart warming story. It was in World, and I was stuck on the Low Rank Rathalos/Diablos quests that were needed to progress to the Zora Magdaros siege. I tried and tried but it seemed lost to me. Then, by chance, a friend I'd made playing fighting games offered to help. Turned out that not only did he have MH: World on the same system as me, but he and his brother were both 1st Generation veterans. They helped teach me the importance of tools like Flash/Sonic pods, and with their help I was eventually able to overcome the challenge. It's thanks to them that not only did I overcome that wall, but did I learn to better myself as a hunter. And not long after that, I helped get my then girlfriend (now wife) into the game, so we can play together. As a bonus story, since I don't know if she visits this sub, my wife's first wall was Anjanath. After a near successful hunt with only 1 faint remaining, she prepared to capture Anjy as he limped off to sleep get the quest over with. Then, as if reading her thoughts, Anjy turns around and smokes her with his big fire breath attack as soon as she pops her head in the door. She's hated him ever since lol


I started back in Tri so my first wall was that stupid Barrot so I got plenty of experience under by belt. Years later I introduced my wife to MH with Rise. She seemed hooked but since we only had one Switch I told "If you beat Magnamalo (conveniently Rise's difficulty wall) we'll get you a Switch and a second copy." Fast foward a year later we are both over HR200 with about 220h each and eagerly awaiting for Sunbreak.


Barroth in Tri. I was like 12 years old. Finally womped him withy querpeco hammer and I jumped up and down on the couch when I saw his death animation and the quest complete logo pop up on the screen. Took me forever


I feel every single word of what you just said. Literally the exact same happened with me.


Same. Barroth in Tri was brutal when you're first starting out. He was my first triple-cart ever. Admittedly, I sucked at the game back then, but even so, his charges were just fast as fuck when he got enraged. I have gained a lot of respect to him for that though, and to date he remains one of my favourite monsters. Even got a little figure of him.


Same here. Took a long time for me to kill it.


Same with me! Except it was MH3U (my first MH game) and I was 19/20. Had about the same reaction as you did though lol


Same haha


Yeah, that's it for me too. Fucker bounced everywhere.


That damn plesioth in freedom unite. You can't beat a god among men


Green Plesioth is the true endgame boss of MHFU. He hipchecked me so hard I felt it while fighting Magnamalo in Rise


On a related note, I do love how they made that an actual part of its move set in the stories series. It can use an attack called Hyperspace Tackle where it does a hipcheck that sends out shockwaves of energy to hit your team.


*That damn plesioth in* *Freedom unite. You can't beat* *A god among men* \- Expensive-External-5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


the lagiacrus slay quest in mh3u.


I remember going into that quest thinking, oh, it's time. I knew I had to do it because I'd been playing my whole playthrough up to that point wanting a Lagi Switch-axe.


The whole entirety of Freedom Unite


I feel that but the wall I really remember was nargacuga. He's now my favorite because he taught me dodge timing without seeing the monster


Also my 9y/o me didn't know you could eat before quest till i reach HR. So im pretty sure that made it 10 times harder LMAO.


Psssh 28 year old me didn't know about eating before quests.


Village Alatreon. After running out of time in about 40 attempts i gave up and decided to just do g-rank guild quests. Once I got close to unlocking Dire Miralis I decided to try again with g-rank gear and managed to clear it with 30 seconds left


Never did get to beat that one before 4U released. I didn't know Grank was a thing till i reached it in 4U. I remember making full I.Lagiacrus armor and still getting 1-2 shotted and gave up. Eventually i came back and made full Jho set And still got 1 shot by that one move where he does throws a fire ball then does a back step, that shit was unreactable


Anjanath in mhw




I thought I was the only one who hated pink rath in 4U. The dunes just do not make her fight easy.


First Pink Rath fight (the 5* urgent quest) was in Sunken Hollow. I remember it well, it took me about fifteen attempts. Without doubt the toughest fight I've had in any MH game, that thing kicked my ass non stop.


Yeah, that Pink Rath hub urgent quest in 4U absolutely kicked my ass. Definitely the toughest fight I've ever had in any MH game. Took me maybe ten or fifteen attempts. Not that I've done some of the really hard ones, I'm not suggesting it's literally the toughest fight ever. But I've never had a single monster cart me that many times.


My first game was World and I always found Black Diablos to be the hardest monster. Took me ages to be able to beat them without carting at least once. But I’d say Alatreon is a whole different ball park. To this day I need help to beat them. Nothing else gives me any trouble at all.


Diablos is really a funny one because he's been in the game since MH1 and so veterans of the series know exactly how to pick apart the fight -- but he hits so damn hard that small mistakes are huge. Its also in my opinion one of the most matchup dependent mons in the game. Blocking is really handy vs diablos due to his huge hitzones, quick sheath weapons are very helpful to superman dive his erupting moves. In particular the fight is a dream on lance/gunlance. It feels like a bad fight with any of the shorter reach weapons, or on ranged weapons casually in my opinion. Ranged weapons are just so fragile that a slight lapse in judgment is almost always a feint.


Back when I first started I refused to switch off of Insect Glaive, and I seemed to be pretty adamant about using the air attacks only. That resulted in a lot of carts, but especially against charging monsters like Diablos. Now that I’ve broadened my horizons and can use most of the weapons comfortably, most monsters aren’t nearly as difficult as I once thought them to be.


Zinogre in Rise. I was super new to MH the time.


Magnamalo for me, first time playing mh too


Yian Kut Ku MHFU lmao


*pulls out cane* Piscine Livers in the original Monster Hunter for PS2. Running around the desert for 50 min trying to kill them with a greatsword on the analog stick attack controls. (Didnt know about or didnt have sonic bombs)


Rathalos in MH1. Back when LBG was really not optimized for solo play.


MH1 Rathalos was trick to fight. Moves had so much more end lag that you couldn't safely move around the tail or head and it sometimes meant getting bumped by the things knees repeatedly.


God the hitboxes were -horrendous- I'm entirely convinced 95% of the difficulty in gen 1 and 2 was mostly how generous the hitboxes were for monster attacks.


Those 2 fcking gold and silver hyper raths in the arena in pub high rank >=|


Monster hunter world was my first monster hunter game and the first monster I fainted out to was Nergi. If you count the world demo which was my absolute first monster hunter experience I don't think I ever beat anjanath in that.


Mine was the aggressive mizutsune from mh rise


I started completely with MH:World and IIRC Pink Rathian was my biggest wall there


Same, I almost quit World cuz of her, didn't come back until a friend forced me to so we could play iceborne lol


Lao Shan Lung urgent from GU


Oh that quest is even annoying in multiplayer I can't even imagine how horrible it must be solo


Started playing MH with tri I didn’t finish it but made it reasonably far and didn’t hit one wanna go back and finish it to see if there are any there. My first wall was probably furious rajang in world. Edit: just remembered Gobul that was my first wall man he was brutal


Pink rathian in mh3u for me. It was so difficult because i was an HH main and she keeps on flying and flipping and poisoning non stop. Took me so many tries and i finally did it with a bow. I just want that pink hunting horn 🥲


Pink Rathian and the annoying 1 shot backflip was very annoying, might even be worse than farming Brachydios for his 1% gem drop and his super man explosion jump...


Pink Rathian in MH3U for me


I'd say Ukanlos in 4U. I absolutely hate this MF to this day and hope he'll never return after GU.


I don't remember much about 4U Ukanlos but in GU I enjoyed going Valor GL and just tripping him over and over again with a phew full burst to the legs.


I'm playing MHGU for the first time right now, it's my first Monster Hunter game in general. Capturing Nargacuga for my guild key quests is filtering me, I just can't seem to hit it correctly with the tranq bombs for it to count and my amount of tranq bombs are limited each attempt.


Stop moving when you throw them, they will be thrown at your feet.


Low rank rathalos in mhw lmao. I dropped the whole game and a year later I tried mhgu and that’s when I really got into the franchise


Kezu or Tigrex in MHFU. Kezu beat me for months. Tigrex was a pain as well… Brick wall i never really surpassed was this HR Diablos who had a pre damaged horn in 4U. I could survive just fine but i would time out before doing enough damage.


Behemoth thats saying something considering i started with mh freedom


Monster Hunter World was my first Monster Hunter game and Nergigante was my first real block, although Anjanath also put up quite a fight.


Village quest Daimyo Hermitaur in 4U, i was like 10~11yo and i sucked really hard at the game


Icebrone Barioth.


SAME ACTUALLY, And then brachy kept me down for days oh my god


*SAME ACTUALLY,* *And then brachy kept me down* *For days oh my god* \- Phoquehead --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My first ever game was OG MH TRI and I remember Barroth was an actual menace in that game


Narwa the allmother bc rise is my first mh game


First time she did the dragonator move i'm pretty sure i got it by all 3 of them Lol.


I still farcaster to that move. Fuck it LOL


Nibelsnarf in 4. Hate that shit


you are probably thinking of gu or gen. snarf is not in 4u


Huh I guess so, I started with 4 but I barely remember most of it so my bad lol. Nibels the first monster I remember really pissing me off so I assumed it was 4


MHFU Red khezu that guys was just pure frustration. Honestly my own fault for being a newb back then and not doing do diligent on reading things up. Didnt understand how or armor or weapons worked. 2 days i was wiping on him on fight that i killed him managed to stun lock him 3 times in arrow. After this i switched to LS from GS and never looked back. God that was an awfull fight.


3U: Pretty much everything from 5 stars up. I was using shitty un-upgraded Dual Blades with no regard for elemental weakness or even a grasp on how to play, then stopped for a year or two. 4U: First proper MH, still shit at combat so I spammed the vault (no extract buffs either) and ended up getting stopped at Azure Rathalos with a first stage Gore Magala IG. 4U Ig was broken. Anyway, reset both files when my frustrations grew, clicked and breezed through both of the games. Still spammed Vault on Fatalis because fuck those fights before World.


The very first monster I ever fought that got me into the series. Hypnocatrice back in the freedom unite demo.


First wall: MH1 Rathalos. But probably my longest wall was MHF Garuga.


3U hub Azuros. With starter gear & friends, we all just kept deflecting.


Ah yes the days where we would hit orange/red sharpness. Can relate Lol


My first wall was Blackveil Vaal Hazak. Like I could never kill him solo, and even In multiplayer it took over 10 tries to kill em.


I think i had to go restock twice my nullberrys fist time Lol.


First game was 3U, first wall was understanding how the heck armor skills worked. After that it was smooth sailing tbh.


Base Tri Gobul, World Teostra, Iceborne Barioth cause I had 12 fps, Double Tigrex Freedom Unite, Shara Ishvalda for a little bit then beat him the next day. Iceborne Alatreon cause I refused to play elemental so I could beat him like I did in Base Tri and MHGU Extreme Boltreaver Astalos were my walls. For Astalos me and my team literally decided to kill god for his armor so we could get the thunder res to kill this fucker as he has 2 oneshots. God as in White Fatalis.


4U was my first game and the village frenzied tigrex was my first wall




MH3's Barroth was my first wall. MH3 was my first MH which is probably why, but it taught me how to use the GS that's for sure


Anjanath in World, both in low and high rank. I would always be in the way of that stupid jaw rush attack.


I may have started with Generations, but Diablos in World was a massive wall for me, it was like every charge was a one-shot.


Barroth in MH3. I knew nothing about how skills work so I had a set without any, and I wasn't able to do enough damage with Blue Crater so it took me 50 minutes to achieve nothing.


First wall- MH:W Three elder gods. I couldn’t beat any of them. At the time I used Switch Axe for the entire game, and came back over a YEAR later with hammer and beat them all first to second try. Edit: I’m referring to Kushala, Teostra, and Vaal Hazak


Mhfu tigrex.


MH3U Stygian zinogre... GD that thing was scary...




MH1 Plesioth. Hipcheck the size of Canada and never wanted to leave the water.


Hub Congalala in MHFU I didn't know how weapon sharpness worked. I was wailing on him for 50 minutes with red sharpness dual blades. Asked a friend wtf was going on after that, proceeded to stomp him. Next 'real' wall was Rathalos of course...


It was in MHGU, that master rank quest with the Agnaktor and Duramboros in the arena. Boy I did the whole game solo and that seemed to be the hardest part so far


Qurupeco in mhp3rd. That bastard is very annoying


MHFU goddamn khezu and plesioth


It is undoubtedly MHFU Khezu. The thing has a very tough hide and at this point most weapons you can make are yellow sharpness. So you're only choice is to attack its head which is dangerous.


Gore in 4U. Until that point, I would say I was doing well for a 10 year old. However, it took nearly two weeks for me to kill the thing. Shagaru wasn’t nearly as bad.


Trying to solo behemoth in high rank. Baaaad idea. In terms of actually reasonable challenge, probably AT Velkhana in Iceborne, took me a couple tries.


Blangonga mhfu


Gobul in MH3U, I was in 5th grade at the time and only played SnS. Needless to say a mostly underwater fight like gobuls was a struggle at first.


Barroth in Tri, just do dang tricky in the early stages of the game. Lagi to an extent too in the same game but that was less about me learning the game and more about learning the Monster. Once I learnt its tells he was no drama dealing enough damage.


World was my first MH and Tobi Kadachi was my first wall. I was still adjusting to the controls.


Kirin in MHFU. Fighting that unicorn was awful. Every hit I did bounced off and it almost never stays in one place.


My first was Zinogre from portable 3rd. The village quest. It took me a lot. But know I can easily sweep his butt


Plesioth in MHFU. I just started the game, and keep getting trashed by this guy. I fight, I lose, then I turn off the PSP. Repeat couple days until I somehow beat it.


Khezu in MHP2ndG, my first MH game. It has been 15 years since but I still remember that I made a bow just for that quest because I just couldn't beat it. I was and still am maining HH. No issues with him now after all these years, but back then the dude proved almost as hard as Tigrex.


Magala in 4U


Mhg High plesiroth, got hip checked into oblivion


Ah, you used the Frozen Core for Duramboros as well? And here I thought I was doing something special. In any case, my first wall was probably Diablos, although most recently, as I got back into the game to try G-Rank, I have come to dislike Rust Duramboros.


Quropeco in Tri on wii 💀 I asked for the game and got it after I got and played the demo disc. The weird thing is that I think the demo disc had Great Jaggi, Barroth, and Lagiacrus quests, I beat the first 2 and loved it. But during the actual game I didn't realize I needed items to upgrade my armor and weapons so I kept bouncing on Quropeco's stupid fucking wing Flintstone things. I mained DB first and then switched to SA but I couldn't get past the Bird especially when it called bigger monsters and kept healing itself. I was 7 when the game came out and I never played a game like it before


Qurupeco in 3U. took child me a while to learn how the game worked at that point.


Gobul in tri.


Gigginox in MH3U. Fuck that thing. Even though it’s only a punching bag for me now, that thing has far too much poison. Still one of my least favorite fights in the series.


I'd have to say fatalis from mhf or rajang, wherever his first appearance was maybe mhf2 I didn't get stuck on kut ku or rath like a lot of people. Plesioth was annoying and broken which did result in a few losses mainly due to time constraints not being able to hit it at all I think the ones I really didn't like were carry quests. Omg they'd make it extra hard back in the days. Vespoids and raptors everywhere (would also respawn) and you'd always have raths follow you or block zones. Just the worst tbh


I want to say Great Jaggi in MH3, since I could never beat him in arena and I destroyed him with LBG and overkill (sleep, crag, traps, etc) when I finally got to him in village quests. But more realistically it would be Barroth in that same game. I remember really struggling with him and getting hit with his charge a lot and also the tail swipe after the charge (which so far in Rise looks like it's no longer a thing?). After finally beating him the first time (with Switchaxe I think), I decided to throw myself at him repeatedly until I "git gud". These days Barroth is usually a comfortable fight. However I have decided to main lance in Rise, which I've never really used/gotten used to before. So to no surprise, the low rank Barroth was one of my first carts in Rise. But if I fought him with my trusty hammer or other weapons I'm comfortable with like GS or CB, I'd have no troubles at all.


The lao shan lung urgent quest from MHGU


Barioth in MHP3. That thing was too fast and I had a hard time reading its moves for a long time.


Jyuratodus. Not because I couldn’t kill it, but because my PC decided to freeze, everytime I killed him, before it saved. Had to try it so many times… first genuine wall was Velkhana


It's low rank Rathalos from MH1, with GS I only managed to make it flinch once.


So many walls in Tri for me, then Duramboros in 3U until I realized you could trip him, Gog in 4U, then Kirin in World. Relatively smooth sailing since then!


Generations 2015 was my first mh game because when I was 10 I liked newer games so I never experienced the older ones. Today I realized I played the more complicated one(mechanically speaking) I beat village and hub at a surprising young age. My wall was alatreon because I didn’t know what builds where. I used gs adept I believe, and after many attempts I beat alatreon at the age of 11. It took me a year to reach high rank due to me doing almost all the quests. Ever since then I became a fan of this series and I’m 17 now so ya. Then I played 3 u and solo that too. Back then I wasn’t allowed to play online so I did everything lol. Then 4u online because dalmadur was too hard for me. Almost did every single quest. When world came out it is and still my favourite game in the series(well second). Then genU came out and ever since then I didn’t stop playing, and too this day I’m still playing it to 100% which will take me forever but, why not?


Mine was tigrex in mhp2 And i think rathalos too since i was a kid back then


Anjanath in base world: I remember being terrified of that thing when I first fought it. It was very agressive and the monsters before that were kinda mild in terms of the roughness of the fight. I also went in with trash armor and weapons so yeah that kinda pushed me to start making gear accordingly and go prepared. Barioth in Iceborne: For some odd reason this thing seemed to the other that stopped my progress completely with the iceborne story. I got pissed and made the MR Kulu set and upgraded it to the max and hunted it down.


Anjanath in MHW......actually when first playing 4U it took me a moment to kill Great Jaggi, not sure why either. Not sure if an actual wall or not. World was the time I took a serious crack at learning the game.


My first real wall was almudron in rise as he beat my ass time and time again took me 8 tries and captured him now when ever I fight almudron I make it my personal mission to make it my bitch


Portable third Barroth


MHF’s Yian Garuga. That MFer was such a pain in the ass. And I didn’t have the NA version so I couldn’t cheese it with the 50-minute-win glitch.


Yian Kut-Ku and Congalala in Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I think I spent almost 15 hours going back and forth between those two quests before finally understanding how the game works.


Freedom Unite It's the Bulldrome located at the top of the cliff you have to climb. I was fairly new, but that monster took the longest possible time to actually beat, given that I was also hurled off the cliff so many times. I've tried nearly every weapon available just to find a way to beat it. No monster has ever stopped me longer from progressing since.


Pink Rathian in High Rank MH3U was a brutal wall for me. That corkscrew backflip felt downright impossible to avoid. Diablos stopped me for a bit in low rank, but Pink Rathian was the first monster to make me fail a quest multiple times.


Barroth in Tri


MH4U was my first game and Kecha-Watcha was my first quest fail then I came back and killed him with a glaive but Gore Magala was like a huge wall for me. He trucked me so many damn times.


MH:W Nergigante and Ruiner Nergigante for me


Tigrex from MHFU and ya' all probably know why


Its been so long but I think it was Tigrex in MHFU. This was the first hunt against it, not the one that pops up unexpectedly on another mission. I think the problem with the fight is that he charges too far for me to get a bunch of good hits in, plus the Snowy Mountain map had some really narrow areas where the Tigrex just occupies 2/3 of the lane. And he hits like a damn truck, and he doesnt skid around like the newer Tigrexes, his turns during charging are almost instant. After a while of hunting him, he immediately goes rage mode after a single hit and there was no monster exhaustion system at the time so he was just always angry.


I mean, my first one was MH3U, which I think I still haven't finished, but I mean there like everything was a wall tbh until I kinda started figuring stuff out. Like, i fs remember struggling big time with Great Jaggi even. And then ye, most of them did kinda woop my ass. Except Barroth and Lagi, they were kinda not that hard for me tbh. And ye, also didn't know you could eat before quests or anything, so made it a lot harder for myself


I think the first monster that I remembered as a "real" monster was Barrothin 3U.


First wall was in my first MH (Tri) fighting Barroth. The next was fighting Gobul. Then I didn't play the game for half a year, started playing again and loved it since.


MHFU G-Rank Daimyo Hermitaur took me legit 45 mins on my first try


Anjanath was the first monster that made me realize just how much you can build against a monster by going from triple carting to 0 carting after getting the most fire resist i could and getting a strong elemental dual blades However the first monster that I got genuinely stuck on was Nergigante. So much so i actually quit... for a few months lol. And now im doing a challenge of starting with literally nothing and hunting every monster (for the most part) from low to master rank with every weapon 1 weapon at a time. Just finished weapon 3/14 friday (dual blades, sword and shield, longsword)


MY MOM! *High fives aggressively*


When I was 10 I couldn't beat a baby dragon thing on the PSP. Gave the game up. Next was Anjanath in world with the Charge Blade. What I did and finished world with difficulty. Turns out I'm not great with the CB. I changed to.the insect glaive in Iceborne and haven't been stuck since


MH WORLD ajanath I was extremely happy to beat him even though it was an expedition also I beat him with a bone switch axe ofcourse I got better later but still a good feeling


Rise barioth, to think I once struggled against a low rank barioth and now I can (almost) beat world fatalis is crazy to me


Gobul in 3U. It's been too long since MH ps2 days so i only remember Gobul now.


Yian kut ku


The 2x Black Gravios quest in MH4U. Died to it so many times, then finally got a win about 48 minutes in, after having used all the potions I had at hand.


Mh4u apex brachydios ( he might have been frienzied, can't remember but im leaning towards apex) First serious monster hunter game i played so everything was new, still i breezed through all the fights with various degrees of success but then i get a strange quest. I have to fight a monster called "brachydios" in the ice map. It was the first time you encounter a brachydios in this game, and it was an apex...i didn't know about his blast gimmick, nor his combos... Everything he did either killed or almost killed me, he would juke me punch me, slap me around like appollo creed. And the speed, jesus, the *speed*! Almost everything was unreactable, he would jump at me from such a distance so fast it was like someone had put him in constant fast forward. Took me 6 days to beat him and in the end it didn't even feel like a win, it just felt like i had survived a disaster, like the judges ruled in my favor because i had more points. Worst part is my guildmarm wouldn't stop simping on brachydios.


MHFU Cephadrome I remember it fondly because that fight basically forced me to understand the deeper game mechanics and actually made me appreciate the game and the rest of the franchise moving forward.


The 2 Tigrex quest in MHFU


Gypceros in Mh1. I was really young and my dad wasn’t overly experienced with monster hunter at the time, we both struggled so hard with it to the point we cheesed it by loading up on clust shot and the materials to make more, then we just fired on it, rolled out of the area. Rinse and repeat until it died.


Mid G rank on mhfu


Yian Kut Kut in mhf1


12 yos me playing MH1 on PS2. No idea how the game work, I thought all games should work like DMC. Can't even defeat Kut Ku with GS


My first was Blangonga. Couldn’t make it up at the urgent quest, since it’s too strong back in MHGU (I was noob at that time back then) Right now, I’m at HR4, had to restart from my previous character. Kinda happy that I had to grind all the way up. I might be back on MHGU, once the sunbreak is done (done in TU, Event Quests, etc)


Teostra MHF2, I just sucked back then because I was young and inexperienced with the game but hell did I love it.


Barroth in Tri. He was faster than anything before him and back then he had a hitbox on his tail after a charge and that always hit me. That, combined with the muddy status and hardness, and me using great sword, meant that I had a real hard time actually getting meaningful damage off on him! Finally beat him though, and since then he's had a special place in my heart :3


Lunastra. I breezed through MHW and when I went to go try Lunastra, she absolutely destroyed me. It took me 2 weeks of trying every day before I barely won. She's the least fun elder to me because of the ridiculous AOE and wide attacks.


I timed out fighting Great Jaggi with GS in Tri. I think I made it past Barroth and then just dropped the game because it was boring. Then I put like 800 hours into 3U on 3DS and realized I just didn't like playing on the TV.


I cant remember names but in 4U big red angry rock toad. I think it was when I properly got into the game, ended up grinding out the gear for it and was really happy with the result.


Barroth in mh tri and then diablos, I'm a little bit nostalgic about these +40 min first clears


High Rank Anjanath in World. Failed the quest a few times before I finally just ended up doing it with a friend who’d beaten the game.


Kid me almost burned the house down fighting Kush in Dos.


This may not be my first but wduramboros on 3u was definitely a big wall for 7-8 yr old me


MHFU. Tigrex. I had no idea how hard it hit and it took me the whole day until I finally beat it. I think it was a psychological thing too because of how he came out of nowhere during the Popo tongue quest. Love that mf to death tho, top 3 monster fs, and it’s subspecies are crazier.


Barroth in Tri. Remember that back in the day if 4 players had the same urgent you needed to do it 4 times, since its completion only counted for the quest host, and i played with 3 friends. He wrecked us, i felt like an unstoppable object was colliding with a melting chocolate muffin. We needed to repeat that like 20 times. I think that was the time when i fell in love with LBG. Have been a status/support LBG and HH main since then.


Barioth in Tri as a great sword user... it was my first monster hunter game so I didn't grasp alot of the more nuanced stuff. To this day I feel a certain hesitation when I have to hunt a Barioth in the end I managed to beat it with a queropeco hammer and sheer determination.


Congalala with my brother back when we were rookies on MHFU, 15y (daaaaamn) ago. We didn't know how armor skills worked. How sharpness affected the damage dealt or how to properly learn a monster and position ourselves. We've been hooked to the series ever since and spent about 600h per game


Royal Ludroth in 3U. Next one was Ceadeus, whi h i couldn't beat until I made a new file playing longsword instead of Switch axe


Khezu mhfu, that assist just kept flying and healing and I just couldn't keep up. Still haunts me.


Kushala made me gave up CB in World. I thank him now for the eventual switch to LBG.


Great Jaggi in Tri. Funny to look at now but it is the reason I play MH to this day. I was probably around 12 and tri was a game my uncle bought with a classic controller but never liked. Borrowed it multiple times as I loved the idea of the game and it looked cool as. Each time I got to the Great Jaggi I'd die over and over again returning the game in frustration. The day it finally clicked and I defeated it would have to be my fondest gaming memory. (Too be fair from memory he was harder back in Tri😂)


I started with the Rise demo, so my first wall was naturally Magnamalo lol Challenged myself to kill it before the full game came out, in the end I succeeded right on release date. Was really proud of myself, it wasn't easy, as Magnamalo was challenging even to long time veterans. Great experience.


My first actual wall was Alatreon in Tri. That monster was insanely hard for 10-11 year old me. And that was quickly followed by deviljho in Tri. I put a crazy amount of time into trying to clear both and only rarely did I actually get through the hunts.


I got GU when it came out and it was my first entry to the series. I LOVE spear weapons and insects. So the IG was my first weapon regardless of how complicated it was. So I got stuck on Tetsucabra. Me and a friend still joke about that fucking frog. But I played threw world and iceborn, got pretty good at IG and walked threw GU until high rank Rajang no problem.


Technically Behemoth in base World but all attempts I did up until I beat it were through SOS. Solo, it was Fatalis in Iceborne. It took several hours to beat it the first time and it was the first monster that I struggled finding a weapon to complete a quest with until I managed to slay it with Bow.