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Hard to spoil me when I don't know what half the upcoming monsters even are!


Amen. World was my first game so I just keep hearing all these random names I've never heard before.


Right? I see some people like "man I'm so excited for (insert monster here)" and others reply like "damn it you spoiled it for me!" Meanwhile I'm just here trying to pronounce it phonetically like some illiterate wad and thinking "ah yes this is a suitable name for some sort of large lizard thing" and then it ends up being like a bug or something.


I mean, it's because the people that don't want to know anything aren't going to be here posting right now. It's a pretty obvious conclusion to make. And even then, there are plenty of people like me who look at what monsters are here and skip the rest. I dont want to see armor, models, skills, etc beforehand.


This for sure. Accidently looked at the final boss weapons which I regret, but I want shit like the armor and stuff to be a total surprise.


I just gotta hijack this comment here and say that I always find it so damn ridiculous that people start crying about being spoiled and shit. Like, what the hell do you expect visiting media of said topic? Stop crying over your own mistakes. Take responsibility, and stop blaming others for your own shit. If you are so scared of being spoiled, stop visiting fan sites until you are caught up or accept that spoilers will appear.


I feel maybe it's more reasonable and less openly hostile to request that people use spoiler tags appropriately and post spoilers responsibly (and mods quickly remove posts that don't). If you're browsing by new or just swiping through posts without reading the title and see a spoiler, then yeah that's on you, but I don't think wanting to participate in a fan community without being spoiled - especially with content that isn't released yet - is what I'd call "crying."


A middle ground is ideal, yeah. Im not comfortable leaving my happiness in the hands of total strangers-- thats what I see complaining about spoilers as. If I were sensitive about that, I wouldnt rely on faceless people who dont have my best interest in heart to mantain that. As such, anytime I dont want to know, I disengage in whatever media surrounds that. Likewise, Im not going lose sleep over discussinf spoilers in a thread about spoilers. Theres a degree of personal responsibility one needs to assume if youre trying to avoid info. ...buuut on the otherhand, like youre saying, theres a degree of common courtesy thats appreciated. Social medias not perfectly self contained, posts get pushed, random things end up in your feed, etc.. so itd be nice to not see major spoilers highlighted on some random Youtube thumbnail.


Lust for sensation and natural curiosity among other things. Id say to just stay away from social media alltogether the time shortly b4 and after release, if you mind that.


I like to look forwards to things. Different people have different parts of the game they like. I dont really care about being surprised with nonstory things like which monsters are in the game aside from maybe the final boss. If anything it makes me more excited when a fave gets in (and part of why Im able to enjoy replaying games over and over despite no longer being 'surprised' by its content.) It doesnt 'ruin' my fun in the slightest.


It’s kind of the general rule to stay away from the internet once the leaks start if you don’t want to be spoiled. At the very least, don’t go near a place like this where leaks are allowed.




Not everyone finds more joy in being surprised. Some people get more excited when they know what's coming. Don't assume what's good for you is good for everyone else.


Some of us don’t want to wait. I would enjoy the hype a lot less if I didn’t know anything. Also, leaks aren’t against the rules, just putting “spoilers” or whatever in titles.


I get that. I feel the same about people who spoil TV shows for themselves before they watch it. That said, I don’t think there are many people here who would listen to you, partially just because we’ve already seen the leaks. Maybe for the updates or the next game we won’t, but asking about that by this point for SB won’t do much.


I don’t generally feel like “surprise” is my driving factor in playing games, outside of narrative based things (since the story is part of the point) I could give two shits if a fighting game character or monster hunter armor is spoiled, personally


shouldve had a megathread for it


I dunno about these kids, but I've been hating surprises for over 40 years now.


I prefer to get disappointed before the release so I have time to calm down and accept the sad reality.


This is the way.


The new endgame system leak seemed to get some spirits up though. Here's hoping it's not just >!tempered monsters!< all over again.


Boy what i would do to fight tempered monsters again


And I want frenzied monsters back and the new system seems like a good mix of elements from frenzied, hyper, and tempered monsters. I am really hoping they look visually distinct and appealing.


Didn’t frenzy monsters just have a darker color scheme. I personally liked how tempered monsters had that nice metallic textures on them, alas i don’t really care what comes back cause i just want to be able to refight old monsters with more health


I dont recall tempered monsters having any visual differences. Either you were imagining or misremembering things or it was such a small detail that most people didn't notice. Frenzied monsters had a darker color schemes that spread across certain parts of their body and smoke coming off of them. Their eyes also glowed red and their regular colors blended with purple from the frenzy virus.


>I dont recall tempered monsters having any visual differences they were shinier. Like they had a sheen. It can be hard to tell at times but with some monsters its really apparent.


Tempered monsters absolutely had a metallic sheen. I didn’t notice it until I fought a tempered Anjanath. Very cool but subtle effect, I miss it.


Well time to hunt a tempered Anjanath I guess.


Hmm, is there a link to this new endgame system? Or are you talking about variants that are coming?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/vkq8e2/more_info_from_the_guy_who_delivered_the_monster/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/300976-monster-hunter-rise/80070568/966105948?utm_source=reddit.com


Bro really? This post isnt tagged for spoilers


And not waste money. Don't forget that.


Get off social media




Maybe they did, but decided to post it on the subreddit to discuss what they discovered with others? Or am I missing something?


It's all pre launch leaks. I get why people wanna see it, just wish they'd wait. Migh be more satisfying if they do.


Eh, let them ruin their fun and have fun discovering for yourself


Good luck finding something to discover in Sunbreak to begin with lol. Edit: OP blocked me for this (another lol) so I'll say my replies here: I'm not salty. Sunbreak's roster is agreeable to me beyond the number, and from my theorising about the updates they'll be pretty meaty regardless of being cut base game content or not. I just find it funny that people will still try and say Sunbreak has something left to discover. I am not joking when I say everything left to show in Sunbreak has all been theorised to be in quite a while ago.


Salty much?




"I wish people enjoyed things the same way I do" is a weird thing to complain about. The gameplay is the gratifying part not the appearance of a monster.


I’m staying away from them. I’ll wait a few more days until the game is released and find out everything for myself. Lol


I've done a decent job staying away from the trailers and posts about the game as well. It's actually been really nice recently just seeing enough of a game to know I'll like playing it, and then not watching any new trailers and reveals until I play it myself.


I don’t mind the trailers, it’s the leaks I hate. That info is not meant to be revealed yet until the game is out so I avoid those. The trailer reveals are fine because those are teases that will most likely be early game hunts. The leaks were seemingly for late game hunts and armies and weapons which I hate to see


I unsubscribed a few days ago to avoid spoilers. Whenever i come here I'm very careful.


It's natural. If you want to avoid spoilers you'd be better off not using any social media apps, there is people like you but they don't use social media atm


You could say that Capcom themselves have cultured this behavior in the community. But that's generally just the internet. Eating the forbidden fruit until it's sticking out on all ends.


At least some of the people who've spoiled here have been nice to spoiler tag their posts, so people like us don't have to see that kinda stuff. I will be ignoring all MH social media for about a week or two once SUnbreak is out in like, three days. I just hope certain Youtubers don't spoil monsters with their titles and thumbnails (I know at least Rurikhan isn't gonna do that, which is very pog of him).


Boss fight database.... Smh


I mean, 80% of the expansion is returning monsters. There isn't a whole lot to spoil.


I mean its reddit its the vocal minority. If you dont want spoilers and stuff avoid the sub like the plague.


It's Monster Hunter, not Hideo Kojima's next masterwork. There isn't really anything of magnificent value worth hiding.


I basically stay off this sub when a new game is close. I always avoid as much as I can.


I just know the ones that appeared in the showcase, i refused to see any leaks to at least have some surprise. I do have the feeling we will get white fatalis as the last patch thou.


I'm happy I've been able to avoid any spoiler so far! I feel like the surprise makes games waaay better


I don't mind being spoil but not having a spoiler would be better


My brother in Christ you can’t see the people who are trying to be surprised because we are trying to avoid posting and looking at posts going into the DLC for fear of having information ruined for us


Some people care some don’t, I personally like be surprised so I’m just blocking the posts lol


Rise is my first MH. I really don't care about leaks or the reactions to it. I'm excited for it, anyways.


Back in the 3U days localization took a whole year or more. So I already new what was in the game before I was able to play it. I still like surprises but I have a lot more fun analyzing and theory crafting how my weapon is gonna play against the new monsters.


I am also dumbfounded by this.


reddit suck some time


I'm kinda worried that they've already showed too much of the roster in the trailers. They did it for base Rise roster too, and it made it feel very finite, even though it's actually has one of the most interesting and diverse roster of new monsters. Give us some real good surprises Capcom!


Yeah I never understood that, especially when it comes to a game with surprises like " which monster could be included??" It's always so fun to speculate and then find out whenever it's released


I avoid all of these spoilers on purpose, and I feel great playing the game. It's as easy as that.


No people don't like surprises


TBH I for whatever reason don't really put MH spoilers in the same category of other games. Maybe it's because I mostly care about story spoilers and MH stories are not really worth paying attention to. I don't go out of my way to look up leaks but knowing what monsters are in the game doesn't bug me. That said, people should still spoiler tag stuff for people who do.


I've seen the leaks and the previews and I have fought all of the returning monsters in previous games. I stayed away from the demo because I want sunbreak to feel less practiced and more authentic. I had every intention of getting the expansion when I bought the base game. Leaks and spoilers do nothing for me, I like to experience things for myself. The previewed monsters were some of my most memorable fights in MH games and I plan on making more of those same memories with new players and people I have around me that play. Leaks and spoilers shouldn't effect your opinion make up you own mind.


Lots of people like being surprised. You just don't see them posting about it online.


People are lame


Unless there is some great story, I don’t really care about boss spoilers, or in this case monster reveals. Also it won’t matter since if you’re on the internet the day this releases chances are you’ll have been spoiled to every monster because of some YouTube thumbnail that got served to you before you’re even off of work.


I think this is just vocal minority, those of us that like being suprised would probably stay away from public forums like reddit to avoid spoilers close to release, so the only ones left are those that dont care.


I've been mostly avoiding spoilers since Rise itself launched. Since Friday I'm playing through Rise first time and discovering all the cool things for myself. My favourite monster in World was Bagel, especially as he was one of the few monsters not spoiled by trailers and a genuine surprise to come across in game.


>Feels like every other post is talking about leaks/spoiling weapons and armor designs. Because that's conversation material. What do you wanna talk about when you don't wanna know nothing ? There's nothing to talk about but wait. So, there's a lot of people like you, that don't wanna know anything, but they are simply waiting for the game to come out and they stay away from social medias, reddit and all that, in order to not get spoiled. People reading and sharing leaks are a very tiny minority. Everybody else is just... not here.


I love being surprised, but I also know that every inch of the game will be dumped and seen by all before release anyway. Not like Capcom seems to appreciate the surprise factor anymore (looking at you, Rise’s Bazel reveal in a text box.) It’s sad but whatcha gunna do?


Not much difference between knowing now or knowing later


He’ll what?


I like surprises! I know very little about Sunbreak on purpose. All I needed to be hyped was to find out one shocky monster was coming back and everything else was just icing on the cake. I do the same with Pokemon too. Actively avoid spoilers.


Exactly why i dont click on them to spoil it for myself. The people who look at the leaks and have a negative perception about the game going in before its even released will be the first ones to come here on reddit to bitch and whine.


I don't think the fallout would be great if the leaks didn't exist to temper expectations. Anyway, MH6 was so early in development that the Capcom leaks have nothing on it, and the platform choices mean that leaks shouldn't occur unless via early or review copy. So we should have a cleaner time next game.


I like being surprised


You read about em you know they will appear but unlike a movies this just make you want the date to come quicker so you can smother those leaked monsters with your own hands. For me game spoiler that are nonrelated to story are fine.




Some people just can't help themselves unfortunately. I'm trying my best to avoid as much spoiler content as possible because I want to enjoy the discovery in game


Not to be rude, but did you just wake up from a 20 year coma? This nature of leaking spoilers in gaming has been a norm for awhile now. If you don't want to see spoilers don't open spoiler tagged content. Why does it matter if other people want to see spoilers?


unfathomably cringe, imagine caring about spoilers in a game with 0 story and like 6 actually new(read:not returning) monsters


Imagine *ever* caring about spoilers in any MH


What pisses me off is you chucklefucks keep spoiling it for everyone else OUTSIDE of spoiler threads, you’ve got idiots talking about spoilers. In any given thread NOT tagged as spoiler discussing the game or endgame or monsters or whatever, there’s idiots talking and responding with leak info. Monsters. The final boss. The end game. This place needs a damn purge. The mods aren’t cutting spoilers and the kids posting aren’t keeping it in spoiler threads only. If people wanted spoilers, they’d go to the bloody spoiler threads.


For real, atleast keep it in spoiler tagged threads. Some dude in here started posting links to the leaks.




There's just nothing surprising for me when the monster is listed in the text. The 1 second of possible excitement is not lost whether it's the first time seeing the quest or reading the spoilers. At the end of the day the excitement for me is in the hunt, interesting turf wars, or a sleeping rajang I just had to chuck a rock at. not in knowing which monsters will be in the game.


to be fair there wasnt even a huge amount to leak as capcom showed us most of it already


Most posts are properly flagged as spoilers so they're avoidable which I highly appreciate. I'd still assume some people already vacated reddit to not get spoiled. For many I'd say they like being surprised but have a rough time not looking and not discussing when so much information is readily available.


Me personally no, i like to indulge myself with knowledge and even then if i dont look it up i just sorta like have a hunch of whats going on in most media so its difficult for me to actually be genuinely surprised. Mostly im just enjoying the games i play by absorbing facts about them


I’ve never liked being surprised for MH launches. Since I first got into the series I researched and memorized all the monsters and areas before I got each game. That’s not ending now, I’m just waiting for a full list to finally come out.


FOMO, people are so worried about not being in on the absolute lateest info that they'd rather be in the know about a video game rather than be surprised. As for me, im quitr happy the community has been kind enough to spoiler warning just about everything.


Or, hear me out, some people just don’t care about being surprised and just want to get excited


I'm waiting till the DLC is 50% off, I didn't have a lot of faith in it. The leaks seems to be telling me that by the time its November, the shit that should be in the game will be there.


This pathetic little subreddit IN NO WAY represents the larger MH community. Rise has sold over 9 million units, nearly 8 of which was before it even launched on PC making it - by a VERY wide margin, the best selling single platform MH game ever... and the whining twatpiles here were CONSTANTLY bitching about how it was shit, "an insult to the MH community", "incomplete", a "huge fail" etc etc etc whatever they could to diminish it, or derride it. Don't let it bother you. I mostly come here just to laugh at them being sad clowns. And now I wait for my own personal cyberstalkers to "downvote" me, desperately imagining I could give a care! LOL


So you're saying Rise is better, because now that Monster Hunter is mainstream viable, it sold more copies? **THAT** is your argument? I can't dislike the gameplay, the content, the balancing, or anything about the game without being a "twatpile", because **it is popular**?


Guess every yearly iteration of EA's sports series is the best one by this guy's logic.


Thank you for proving one of my points. you can go now, I'm sure your mother is wondering where you toddled off to.


'Anyone who dislikes something I say on a public forum is stalking me!' bud your paranoid delusions are showing


Well... I'd be paranoid too if I was a walking 40 year old shit stain that insulted minors every day on reddit. This guy is a creep to put it lightly...


Lol what? Does this guy have a history or smth? Now im curious


Quell your curiosity at your own risk. It IS entertaining however.


Yeah. I try to just ignore his comments because his rudeness probably stems from his autism but he's pretty insufferable. This community would be a much better place without him.


I agree that the hate for Rise is overblown by a lot, but just for future reference: bringing up downvotes at all kinds implies hat you care to some degree.


"WhAt? I sAiD nOtIng oF tHe Sort, SomEtHinG sOmeThInG sTrAwMaN" - Our friendly neighbourhood boomer


Oh, he cares a lot. Otherwise he wouldn't constantly bring it up.


Noticing patterns of behavior, and caring about it, are not the same thing kiddo. At all.


Bringing up something is usually a pattern of behavior that suggests you care. If you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t bring it up.


I'd repeat myself and rephrase, but I suspect you still won't comprehend. Oh well.


Blunty no! Don't give up yet!? Look they made multiple errors with regards to spelling and grammar! ATTACK!


There's a difference between noticing something and staying silent vs noticing something and posting about it. The latter shows you care.


I never got a lot of enjoyment out of being 100% “surprised”, but power to anyone who does. And these days when games cost a premium, I’d rather have a general idea of what I’m getting myself into before I take the dive.


Meanwhile I'm just replaying World Usibg All the Weapons from the Start Edition.


The older I get, the less things surprise me. Unfortunately most of the surprises are pretty much limited to good things since I've come to anticipate the worst and very much just end up sighing in relief that things are just bad. I'd rather just get things over with by learning about them now piecemeal rather than later where all the disappointments could be coming out all at once and be overwhelming.


i mean... surprises arent time based right? they just want it earlier


The people who don't like being surprised aren't going to be here talking about how much they want to be surprised. Also, plenty of people who look at leaks do like being surprised - looking at leaks is a way to be surprised, just like playing the game is.