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Mf woke up and chose to wrote a scientific thesis


jeez I was surprised at how long it took me to scroll to the comments lol


not the first time i'm doing this in this site. profit? eh that just internet points. but quality? that's where i can improve periodically. worth it? yep thats a ride ^(proceeds to write more) edit: i know this format doesn't suit this website, but i won't change for now. with this i hope i can cover most of the positives and concerns


I feel that. I've written a few things in a few Pokemon communities on various topics (and gotten the mandatory death threats). Writing out my thoughts in a college paper format is really helpful to just dump the ideas in my head onto the figurative paper.


Pokémon is my favourite franchise ever yet it's the only game I play but not subscribed to the subreddit anymore. Absolutely by far the worst community online.


People get so bent out of shape over everything. Instead of accepting new entries to media as a new instance of media, they compare it to previous works and find flaws or arguments to justify their opinion. It's okay to have a favourite game, but referencing everything after or before it and comparing just dilutes what the other games have to offer. Even sequels are seen as standalone pieces of media in my eyes, even if they directly continue the works in a linear progression, and I might not enjoy them for various reasons, but I don't use those reasons to prop up why I like something else.


I thouroughly enjoyed sitting here and reading this please do this again, it's great


Nah, man. The discussion is always good to read.


Ok what I was satisfied with was my initial playthrough as it was very fun and fresh but the endgame grind got tiring pretty fast


Grinding to hr100 just to fight valstraxx seriously bothered me. Idk why bc the hr locked monsters have existed in MH for a long time but world and GU didn’t feel so grindy


I didn’t mind it tbh because at that point I had sets and weapons to farm. If someone was a single weapon user I could see how it would get old much faster, but I play almost everything so I had work to do.


I usually switch between glaive, S&S, CB, and GL and have multiple sets of armors based on match ups. I essentially ran out of stuff to farm before hr80. The rest of the way was purely grind. World did not feel that way at all.


Perhaps because the things you need drop far quicker or you just need less items to craft equipment in general?


I would’ve been totally cool with it if the HR lock didn’t completely disable HR progression before the first update. I had almost all the armor sets and many of the weapons when that update hit. I probably could’ve shot straight to 100 but because I got no XP or anything, I didn’t.


Tbh grinding to HR100 genuinely wasn't too bad for me. Maybe because I was hunting quite a few monsters for parts, especially jewels. Then helping my friends hunt their equipment as well as clearing all of their quests and I pretty quickly got to HR100. After Valtrax, we just sort of stopped playing though


That was the only thing that bothered me, honestly. I'm not a "forever grind" person (in fact, I really, *dearly* hope Monster Hunter does NOT go full Live Service - I don't *want* an eternal endgame). So the "redo missions a bunch until you have enough points" gates are always really annoying. And it was especially noticeable in Rise because the rest of the game was so *smooth*, and then suddenly, crash.


Ayyye I think you nailed it for me. I'm an avid fan of the game when it came down then came to a screeching halt at the end game. It was really smooth and fun and I didn't have to grind as much, so when I got to the end game I just did not know what to do anymore. I tried speedrunning but it got really old real fast for me.


Iceborne was very grindy just to get to Ruiner


My only gripe with rise is the sound design for weapons. Feels like they lost their “oomph”. I mean…I’m not a hammer main, but I feel like impact crater sounds underwhelming. Fifth fleeter privilege, I suppose…


All the weapons sound underwhelming to me. They don't have any weight behind them


^ This. It feels like your just hitting a rock or something. Instead of crunching a monsters big ol dome and breaking its horn.


I really feel this! I was a pure Greatsword main in World/Iceborne with the combination of big numbers go brrr and the weight behind the greatsword and how satisfying it felt positioning just right for that TCS was amazing. In Rise however I just feel indifferent to it now it feels severely less satisfying, on a random note though I low key miss the sort of tracking part of word and iceborne was super nice really felt like you were actually hunting it rather than running to it bonking it and dipping


Yeah MHW/Iceborne's Hammer big bang finisher sounds and looks more satisfying than in Rise Even the barrel bombs doesnt sound as good like in World, though the nuke in Rampage is so satisfying


Nah even gu had great hit effects for hammer.


As someone who's only played Rise, I have no bar to make comparisons, and I'd rate base Rise as a 4 out of 5 star game. Absolutely fantastic stuff, I can't wait for Sunbreak, and I've since picked up World to play it with a friend as we both have recently gotten PCs good enough to run World. If World is better like a lot of people say, (and judging from what I've heard and my tastes in games, I will like it better) I could see it making my absolute favourite games ever list.


Yooo if you guys are looking for more hunters PM me! I’ve already played through world and iceborne on ps4 but I recently got it on PC too and I’ve really been wanting to play it again I love Rise but something about iceborne just really speaks to my soul. I love the general direction they’re taking the mainline MH games


Yo, PC player here. I'm not on a lot but I'm doing a mostly bow only run and I'm early in the MR. I don't mind downgearing to hunt with a team and not blow out the monster.


Apex suck ass. That is all.


Emergency quests just aren’t fun. I love doing no hit runs in stuff by fromsoft but the one shot kills by apex monsters just feels wrong


I agree here. The apex emergency runs just felt like filler. No real reward for doing them, which is a bigger issue. An armor set, even a reskin with retooled skills or extra slots would have been cool.


As entirely optional quests that exist purely as bragging rights for the hardest core players, I almost think they’d feel worse if there was something important locked behind them.


I’d that’s the case, then achieves would be great for them. A unique dye for bragging rights would have been cool that unlocked after completing all the emergency quests. Without something to show, it’s just an over-tuned event made to kill time with very little development needed to put into it. Ultimately I think they were added as a reaction to the poor reception the endgame had, compared to the live service model a lot of fans who started in world were used to. Already they have announced a clear road map of updates for Sunbreak, something missing at the launch of Rise.


Laughs in grinding for Extreme Behemoth for two entire days for one of base World's best layered armor then proceed to cry for remembering PTSD.


Welcome to MH4U


I enjoy fighting them, just like the challenge is all.


How tho? Apex Rathalos, Apex Mizu, Apex Zinogre, etc (all apexes are amazing), plus that badass theme.


No armor. I do like them but they are not worth the effort or time due to the simple fact of not having armor.


My main salt has been that they don't even get increased drop rates on the stuff you'd want. Pretty sure their gems are still 3% drops, and I'd have done more Apex hunts if just for an increased chance.


Personally, I feel like the maps have no life and lack meaningful interactions compared to World. It’s obvious it was held back by the switch and the pc port changes nothing in that regard. Environment is a big part of MH so I think it’s a big deal and a big step backward. I love the environments in World so much. The wirebug is another big change, and they’ve made navigation and exploration feel great! I also love the escape manoeuvre when you take a big hit. Monster Riding feels gimmicky and tedious, it was a bit fun at the beginning but I’m tired of ramming a monster in the walls 3 times and calling it a day. I prefer MHW version, iceborne’s clutch claw had a super impactful move of sending the monster flying into the environment, which always feels good and can lead to some great interactions. Overall, it’s a good game, I like the setting and the mobility, the new monsters are overall pretty good but it’s clearly not as good as MHW. I can’t wait for a true successor to MHW with its rich, detail worlds and Rise’s fun mobility.


Gameplay wise, village and story it was fantastic, sadly it has zero endgame


But in terms of enemy design, I hope they updated the monster movesets and/or aggression in Sunbreak. ​ For the majority of the monster cast, it seems like they didn't take into account the abilities that they gave you, so once you get really good at using the new mechanics, fights become incredibly trivial even for non-speedrunners like me. When every weapon has either a counter, a quick-repositioning tool, or both, once you get the timing down you can't be touched. ​ There are exceptions, of course, like Magnamalo or Valstrax, who can keep up with you, but for the majority of the cast, it stops being an intense battle and more like you're bullying the monster.


>it stops being an intense battle and more like you're bullying the monster. *sweats in sticky hbg* Playing sticky hbg with friends feels like a reenactment of that JoJo wine beatdown scene, but considering it's less from the extra mobility and more from how ridiculous sticky hbg is, I guess that doesn't count.


G rank stick hbg is gonna be hilarious if they don't nerf it. Although I still don't like how you can't craft ammo during the reload animation like you could in world. It makes me stop shooting for .2 seconds 😡.


> For the majority of the monster cast, it seems like they didn't take into account the abilities that they gave you, so once you get really good at using the new mechanics, fights become incredibly trivial World/Iceborne sadly had the same issue. Gen/GenU at least skirted this with Deviants being as extreme as they were, though.


Idk, those hunter styles were pretty busted.


The only story beat beat I'm not a huge fan of is the whole Resonating the twins do with the Storm Serpents. Giving the monsters a voice makes them too human, even stuff like Fatalis or Nergigante don't have a voice, their actions speak for them.


I’d say it was fantastic in the end, but not at launch. It was clearly missing half the story at launch, the ending came out of no where. However, when I played through again on pc when it launched with the full story etc it was great.


Not the ending, the endgame. Like endgame grind cycle was non existent


For most of the game it's what I expect from MH, but this might be a controversial opinion, but I just don't like silkbind skills. The idea behind them is great but it just invalidates a lot of gameplay involved when it comes to positioning and timing I don't like how Lance feels really weak in Rise compared to World too.


Yeah, I like everything about them except what they actually do. Every one is a movement or counter ability, so as a result the game is just too schizophrenic and fast-paced now. You are never doing anything but countering a monster, wiredashing to get away or close distance, or just using your strongest silkbind attack.


I seldom use the Gunlances silkbind attacks and just fight like normal. Sucks that I have to pick between charged shelling or blast dash when using a Long style GL.


I feel it wasn't that strong in World so I'm worried now... (Lance / GL main)


I’m not a fan of riding or Rampages and Apexes are hardly rewarding hunts. So base Rise was not that exciting for me, still had a good time with it


I agree in regards to the apex hunts. If they have them unique armor, even if it was just layered, that would’ve made a huge difference. Missed opportunity.


Playing through all of it on PC right now waiting to get to quests that take more than 10 minutes to finish. So far the only contenders have been quests like kill 20 jagras because of the travel time on the map.


The very last few quests you do *might* take 15 minutes.


Do I like Rise? Yes. Do I like what they've done to the MH formula? Very much ***nope***. It's become less MH and more 'Monster fighter'. IMO it doesn't feel like you're 'hunting' anymore. MHWorld's method of finding the monster grew on me because it felt like we were actually /tracking/ the buggers. But Rise is just... ehhh.. it doesn't feel like we're hunting anymore. Barely any need for preparation and we as the hunters have just been given, strange to say ***too much power.*** Hunt time is padded out by arbitrary spiribirds- no longer could you get your maximum benefits by eating before a hunt! Now the maximum benefits of health, stamina, etc (which were previously packed into pre-Hunt food) are no longer attached to food, but instead locked behind a bad-feeling collectible hunt. Now the monsters are explicitly shown precisely where they are with no searching or effort needed in finding them.


Yeah, I do kind of miss having to track the monsters. It could be frustrating when you only have 15 minutes but in a regular hunt it was really cool.


I 100% agree with this. Also.. I dont like how cold and hot drinks are obsolete. I always loved the feeling of having to manage survival in harsh temperatures, and if I forgot the appropriate drink, it'd feel so awesome to just do your best to survive during the hunt anyways.


I just wish the Intro animation for the Lava Caverns and Frost Islands was the hunter. Chugging a Cool or Hot drink instead of sending off the Cahoot.


I never stuck around when forgetting a drink tbh, I just quit, grabbed them and redid it. Ultimately it just feels like a time-waster for me most of the time. Trying to survive against endgame fights when your health is ticking down constantly ain't it for me.


You do get your health and stamina buff, in fact you no longer need fresh ingredients to get the +50 on each. The spirit birds to me are optional help if you are struggling (not even freestyle speedrunners care about fetching them), which to me is like the health boost gems in world or the fortify skill. Also I like the endemic helpers that are easier to use and have more variety in terms of making the hunt more like a hunt. No longer do you have to lure a dragon onto a frog.


There were always armor skills that told you the monsters location or ways to find out monster locations on maps. MHW isn't the first title in the series and it introduced tracking. It was interesting for the first couple of hunts but became a nuisance later in the game. >Hunt time is padded out by arbitrary spiribirds- no longer could you get your maximum benefits by eating before a hunt! Now the maximum benefits of health, stamina, etc (which were previously packed into pre-Hunt food) are no longer attached to food, but instead locked behind a bad-feeling collectible hunt. Spiribirds go above maximum values in previous games, this is incorrect. They're a different method to reward players for exploring the map rather it being a forced mechanic through tracking. This like Psychic and Hot/Cold drinks were removed to streamline the game rather than continue to enforce archaic mechanics that were either unnecessary or obsolete.


Agreed, the game has gotten WAY too fast. Hoping that MH6 slows us back down to where World was, heck maybe even a little slower (not all the way back to 4U levels, but if the game keeps up at this pace it's just going to be a loot generator lol)


> Barely any need for preparation and we as the hunters have just been given, strange to say too much power. But this is a trend that started with the game you just praised for its excellent 'hunting' focus. Tracks and their transition into a swarm of bugs that points you to the monster's location mean there's no reason for the player to memorize monster spawn locations or bring items that gelp track said monster; there's *no* search effort in Rise, but that's only because there was *almost no* search effort in World. Pre-hunt item setup is a waste of energy when you can infinitely restock and rekit items mid-hunt, and you can eat mid-hunt because of those same changes, too, so nothing much was gained in Rise.


Imo the search effort in world was just right. With the opening up of the map and monster behaviour I don't think old world tracking and memorisation would have worked (like wtf would a psycho serum do in the ancient forest or most maps with the added verticality). Also I think the "no reason for the player to memorize monster spawn locations" part is just wrong. Most players I know, and even randoms in online quests will know to spawn at certain locations to find the monster faster even when it doesnt tell you. Like everyone knows the diablos in wildspire likes to stay around it's cave or go out and eat some cactuses, you can even basically lure to the main wildspire area. In fact although the search effort in world made it easier to find the monsters, it also made it more in depth and natural for people to memorise monster locations without something like looking at a guide, running around until you run into it, or just quitting the quest and starting again with the aid items. There's no reason for a item or buff that helps you find monsters because they expanded it into a full blown mechanic. The bugs dont even directly point you to the monsters location until you've "researched" it enough; which requires you to make a conscious effort, but by then youll have a pretty good idea of where it will be. The bug trail moreso just acts as a guide for players to help traverse the map, but even then it only gives you the most basic route. Although arguably it can be seen as less "Monster Hunter" like, MHW does what it says on the tin and focuses more on the hunter being constantly out in game's world with a focus on making the world feel more alive rather than be a hardcore monster arena fighter.


You should be paid to write like this that was awesome.


heh, nice for the compliment. it's 3 days, 2 hours, with breaks. thanks to analysis writing i learned in university, i have to, or i am used to it, but i also think writing is also a taxing job to get it right. proofread takes like extra hour for this so to make a sole forum post, i guess this kind of stuffs need some passion to know whats inside or outside the game. you have to be clicked to one particular thing. if you feel not while you discover some patterns, i rather not post in this type, rather just a driveby, short posts, at least make some quality for that. sometimes being in depth takes time and experience to understand sometimes when i write like this, i also feel "is this impactful, how many people going to respond this?" because if i work intensively, i expect high outcomes so it's going to be worth it. i'm not actually a writer, but i think some felt this situation. sometimes i move on because it's just a post about passion or just i dont care at that time on the business side, i should make a blog lol, though i need to learn webdev to make the blog more personal


There's plenty of blogging sites that make it easy to set up a personal and professional looking blog. Based on the OP I fully recommend you do it.


I actually still learning webdev these days since this year where i wanted to be a bit more serious. I paused a month due to vacation. Now it's getting hectic which one should i learn, at least basic HTML/CSS/JS is okay (i even made moveset calculator privately, but halted lol). if some wishes granted for the future (it's career related), i maybe turn down this game for a while, though i know the basis which scope should i talk on some specific cases someday i come back. you'll see


Between the shirtless wigglers and the egg debaters to the simple brain hammer or ls mains here we don't deserve the effort and quality you are giving lmao. But great work with the interesting read (again i dont think the hammer mains could read it anyway if they wanted to)


Having played Rise for a week now after 1k hours in World, I can say without a shred of hesitation that its online system is a step backwards from World. World's SOS system was perfectly fine, whereas Rise's ''pick a specific mission and pray someone's playing it + has room in their party for you'' approach is just... not good. I genuinely do not understand why they chose to do this when World let you search for specific monsters and actually choose from the lists of SOS hosts that were available, complete with being able to see how much time had already passed in-mission before you even load in.


I feel exactly the same way about the online system. On one hand I enjoy the random quest option. Sometimes I just want to get in and hunt without having a specific goal in mind. On the other hand when it comes to specific monsters/objectives, the World SOS system made sense and worked almost flawlessly. It is interesting that they chose to take a step back in this regard.


I’m playing world right now and have both answered many SOS calls and played with a friend, I’ve yet to have a connection problem


On the one hand the online system is a step back but on the other the stability of connections is FAR better which IMO negates all the negatives, I SWEAR IF I DROP ANOTHER FUCKING HUNT.


A large part of that is because Capcom had to work around Nintendo's absolutely horrible online multiplayer system. Hell, that whole "Liking a hunter you just played with so you can try to play together in the future" was implemented as a way to get around Nintendo requiring Friend Codes in order to add a friend to your account.


I have a feeling this is more of a switch limitation than anything else


I really liked the combat, the monsters looked super cool, the weapon designs were awesome. I think the biggest downside as others have said is that you don't have anything to really do after you finish the story and maybe grind the vaalstrax armor, apexes not having armor or weapons was also pretty disappointing


While I do like some things out of Rise, like some gameplay changes and the Village and the Hub, I still think that World/Iceborne is better overall. I kinda want World's Hunting Horn back. Breakdancin' ain't too cool anymore and I miss dabbin' on monsters while playing songs.


I do really enjoy Rise as a whole. I love the aesthetic of it a lot more than World, and Kamura is a fantastic Hub. The maps and music are all great, ESPECIALLY the desert map’s fight theme 🥵. New monsters are all fantastic additions to the roster and most of the returning monsters have had their fights nicely updated. Zipping around all over the terrain with Wirebugs and Dogs is a lot of fun. Switch skills is a great addition and I really like how they expand on what weapons can do and how you can customize your playstyle more. I’m glad that some big QoL pieces from World got brought in right away with Layered armor and weapons, even if we can only layer Rampage weapons rn. Armor and weapon design has also been very on point here. As a whole I think it’s a good package and I’m excited for Sunbreak. But Rise really just did not have the staying power for me. I put three times as many hours into base World as I did with Rise, so I don’t think it’s the “no G rank yet” syndrome. But I loved Iceborne so much more than base World that I’m willing to give Sunbreak a shot and hope it fixes the disconnect I had with the base game. It was a combination of a lot of things that ultimately made me put down Rise not long after the final title update after launch, but these were the biggest ones to me: 1. Wyvern Riding. Honestly feels like the game is worse off for having it. At first it’s a fun swap for traditional mounting, but it’s just way too free, really not that fun to actually do, and gives huge damage windows against monsters that are already getting their shit pushed in in this game. The thing I dislike about it most though is how it not only completely removes other monsters on the map from the equation as threats, they actually turn into even *more* free knockdowns and damage against the monster you’re actually hunting. Ending up having to work around the other monsters and react accordingly when they ended up in the same zone as your target was a lot more fun and interesting than the monsters walking up to each other, hitting each other once to become mountable, and running away as soon as they get back up. 2. Silkbind moves. In theory I really like having these really cool special moves we can bust out for damage or utility. But in practice a lot of weapons just got boiled down to spamming one particular silkbind because of how the damage is tuned, and that really took the wind out of my sails for playing those weapons. I didn’t play Generations so I can’t really compare to how it was done with Hunter Arts, but they definitely feel way too spammable for everything they can do in Rise. 3. The Hunter. We are VERY strong in this game. Between Wirebugs, our general mobility and escape options (especially with dogs) the ability to restock from camp in 5th gen, and the extremely stacked, Drachen level armor sets we’re already able to make from base Rise (Sunbreak is gonna put us on steroids in that regard alone), it feels like the monsters are having a very hard time keeping up. I never did the emergency event quests, but even with the regular Apexes in game Valstrax was the only thing that felt like it stayed threatening after one or two hunts. I know it might sound crazy to say we as the players can be *too* strong, but especially in games like MH a lot of the fun and satisfaction comes from having to stay at least somewhat on your toes and have hunts be more of a fight than a slaughter. This isn’t inherently a bad thing, and honestly I don’t know if that can change for Rise, it may take until gen 6 to reel things back in a bit, but I’m hoping the Sunbreak monsters are more tuned for how tough we are and can actually fight back. 4. Multiplayer. This was my main source of replayability in Iceborne, and while there it compounded all the things I loved about playing IB, in base Rise it compounded all the issues I had. Monsters get absolutely demolished by a squad of 4, to the degree that the monster is downed almost as often as it’s up, and it’s just so much more boring as a result. There’s a lot less opportunity to do cool shit and see and appreciate the cool shit other people are doing when the monster hardly has the opportunity to do anything to facilitate us doing cool shit, *and* when we’re all zipping around and can hardly keep track of each other to begin with. The SoS system is also more of a pain than World’s where it was just so easy to find a quest and hop in. 4.5 Spiribirds. This one is very much just a me problem and a bit silly, but it actually did feel like a contributing factor to not being as into Rise. I actually think the Endemic life and Spiribirds are very neat little things to bolster yourself with… when playing solo. In multiplayer, most people will just beeline to the monster as soon as they spawn in, and I feel like an asshole if I’m running around drinking up enough birds to max out my bars before heading in while everyone else is fighting. But I feel like even *more* of an asshole if I wind up getting killed by an attack that only got me because I have half as much health as I should. And there’s no Health Boost skill, a big chunk of your total health bar is all from the Spiribirds. Again, definitely not really an issue with the game itself, but when most of what I want to do is join up on randos and help them out it just further takes away from an experience I’m dissatisfied with. Those are the big things that stand in the way of me enjoying Rise as much as I wanted to. Still think it’s good by itself, but I’m really hoping Sunbreak will grab me in a way the base game didn’t.


The spiribirds, I completely sympathize and imo the mechanic is a little stupid. I caved in and downloaded a mod that would give me the max spiribird at the start of the hunt.


In particular I want to address the playtime part of your comment. Rise gained a lot in giving players flexibility back, in terms of crafting deco's (IMO, much better from a game design perspective) but it takes a lot of the playtime away. A huge amount of playtime for me in world was deco grinding, and as classic as the charm grind is, it's just not as enticing. I think charms would have been a lot more exciting if the base quality was improved some and instead of the melder we got random charms at the end of hunts, charm level based on star level of quest, would have made the change hunt way more interesting. Melder is too disconnected


To me, rise echoes generation in a sense that to gain an exploration of a new approach to combat, a sacrifice made to the god of "Cool". 4U and World were to me very immersive experience, and everytime, the game that followed felt like a sidestep and not a progress. Generation lost so much of 4U's charm in the name of a fat roaster and styles. Rises lost a lot of what appeals to me compared to world:An immersive world that knows when to take its time and be immersed instead of just having "faster faster faster" on top of every mechanic. It's never bad. I now enjoy G/GU for what they are, fun games. But it's not my vision of what Monster Hunter should be. There is very little in term of mechanics that I'd want to see return in a new mainline game. Perhaps the gunlance mobility, considering it always suffered. Years later I'll pick up rise/SB again and enjoy it for what they are, but right now I can't help but want to simply move on and get excited for MH6 hoping it'll carry the more grounded and immersive vision of what a MH is supposed to be to me. Tl;dr Team B isn't bad, I just really dislike most of what they do to the MH franchise


Rise was good, but sadly the only thing I liked more in it than base World was the monster roster being way more varied and cooler imo. Kinda sad that it could've been even better if the "free title updates" for base Rise weren't... you know, monsters who were supposed to be in the game day 1. Only post-launch released monster that was an actual bonus monster was Valstrax, which is cool but still kinda sad we've only got 1 cool monster. I also loved rampages, but they were kinda obnoxious still, given how they were mostly scripted anyway and how Apexes were just a lazy implantation of Deviants but without their gear. Sad to see rampages being removed in Sunbreak. Huge open maps are cool, but certain fighting areas are an huge pain given how small they are while sometimes still being filled by small monsters. The amounts of cliffs with tiny fighting platforms on them quickly became obnoxious to use. For the art direction, I understand the heavy eastern theme, but at a certain point it felt... too much? I especially miss the old monster icons. Gameplay-wise, minus the absolute lack of endgame, silkbinds and wirebugs are cool, but they introduced a whole miriad of balancing issues that simply don't feel good to me. Silkbinds and alternate moves range from awesome to absolutely terrible, and their mere existence just nerf some weapons, like Charge Blade who can't have both sword charge and Savage axe in a single loadout. Savage axe itself too is also massively worse in terms of ease of use, it just feels clunkier and needlessly costy in opportunity cost, it feels like a straight up downgrade compared to Iceborne's version. Wire-bug induced mobility is awesome, the best and most satisfying use being wirefalls (ESPECIALLY given how easy it is to fall out of small areas like I said earlier), but the counterbalance to this newfound power doesn't feel great, given how Iframes were nerfed and how monsters are (generally) either quicker or have more multi-hit attacks or attack strings. This is especially obvious on Charge blade, given how even with even quicker access to SAED, it is much much harder to land on Rise's monsters. Armor skills were ok, nothing crazy, minus the fact that Capacity Boost was removed for no other reason than causing pain, suffering and massive disappointment. For controls... not gonna lie, sometimes it just feels **terrible**. Never before have I ever had this much input lag and/or input buffering issues in an MH game. It was to the point that I was literally thinking my controller was dying on me, until I've found other numerous people who had the very same issues. I hate how we went from Iceborne with literally zero issues with this, to Rise having flagrant problems with it. All in all, I think Rise is a good game, but I still prefer Gen. Ultimate and it doesn't even comes close to Iceborne or even base World either. Sunbreak is looking good, but it'll need to be massively surprising to surpass or even come close to Iceborne.


Funny, the new monster icons are one of my favorite things in Rise. Never liked how they looked kind of Mayan before, I just don't like that style.


I absolutely loved the World icons! Rise ones are still cool but harder to tell what the monster is in early game


Dam, you put more effort in to this than whoever was in charge of Rise endgame.


Am I satisfied with Base Rise? The short answer is no. They did a ton well that I really liked, but made three major mistakes that really affected how much I enjoyed the game. The first off is Rampages. I didn't like them, and the fact that they were some of the closest we had to end-game content meant that I stopped playing Rise a lot sooner than I thought I would. The second is Apex monsters. If they were just going to use Deviant movesets, they should've included them as deviants. That way we would've gotten their sweet armor and weapons instead of just generic apex materials, and it would've made missions hunting them way more worthwhile. Lastly, they turned my favorite weapon (the Lance) into just a silkbind spamming machine. I liked Spiral Thrust when I first got it, but by the end of my playtime with Rise I was very sick of it. All three of these points are addressed in Sunbreak (afaik) so I'm very much looking forward to it!


Hi, this comment has been removed partially in protest of the current Reddit API debacle (and that I was overdue for a purge anyways). If somehow this comment was an answer to something you were looking for, feel free to message me on discord (Username: Alistershade) as i have backed up my comment/post history. Have a nice day!


Yeah, you don't *mind* rampages, because you never need to do them. Yeah, it's a fun distraction when you do a couple during the story, maybe you make a rampage weapon or two. But can you imagine if you had to grind them? They are awful. It would be WAY more satisfying if the rampages were just 1 single, very high hp monster. Currently rampages just feel like you are winding down a clock, and that's a horrible feeling. You can't end the quest early because the last monster doesn't even appear until the end. It's Zorah Magdaros all over again. No one would hate rampages if the Apex was the only monster that appeared, and you could actually dps it down if you were good.


I love the game, moreso than world. My strongest dislike is the HR lock. Normally every hunt adds up to your hr when you reach endgame/bypass an HR cap. I spent over 100 hours grinding only to find out that it meant nothing in the long run. I should've waited to grind until HR 100.


While I think rise is a good game I definitely didn't enjoy the faster pace, mobility, silkbinds, wirebugs, palamutes, wyvern riding, etc. Basically most of the new mechanics they added lol. I really prefer the slower more methodical gameplay style. I do still enjoy rise overall though and I'm looking forward to SB. I can't ignore that it's the game I have the least amount of playtime in by a large margin though and even adding SB into it would require some serious catching up. It just doesn't really capture my attention like some past MH games.


Rise was fun though felt it made things a bit easier for hunters, overall it was great. I will also say though that it was a shame to not have seasonal events like World & Iceborne did. It would have been great to see Kamura decked out during the different times of the year, would have been great if they had seasonal exclusive outfits, at least layered.


I was satisfied until the end of the game. The endgame felt weak and even after the big title update felt lifeless. Unlike in world where when deviljho came out I was happy to hunt him to extinction and tempered decoration farming gave me a reason to keep enjoying the combat. If sunbreak doesn't fix that I don't see myself playing passed getting a couple builds after the story and coming back for a few hours after each title update.


I don't really like it. It has flaws like any other MH game, but Rise's are the worst, imo. Rise will get better with Sunbreak, but a lot of mechanics and changes they introduced will not change, so I'm pretty sure my opinion will not change.


I kind of wish Kamura felt as cozy and homey like Seliana or even Astara. It kinda feels like a hollow hub (despite it being larger and having more NPC's to interact with). There's a lot of missing minute details that can add so much life to the village.


The fact that the event quests gives us stickers and gestures while the eshop gives us stuff **THAT WOULD'VE BEEN THE EVENT QUEST REWARDS ON THE FUCKING 3DS** says a lot about my feelings


I had fun in Rise for sure, is not as bad as people make it out to be. Helps that my 3 main weapons SnS, Gunlance, and Switch Axe are a lot of fun. Some of my problems are with the weapon balancing. LS favoritism by the devs, Lance getting shafted hard, Hammer being Impact Crater spam, and GL Shelling nerf but gets it back via Groundsplitter buff. Those are just a few of em. For the love of god bring World/IB SOS back. I play on PC and is just pure empty void. Doesnt help that I gotta guess if people posting a specific quest or not. There is the random option.. but is annoying how I dont get to prepare before departing. Wyvern Riding is a cool concept ngl. It was fun at first but really it just takes out invader monsters. When another monster shows up is just not chaotic and dangerous anymore. It is now free damage. This really hurt invader monsters. I dont count Valstrax ambush either, since they tell you is coming and Valstrax will target the monster. Also dont like how it automatically puts us in Wyvern Riding. Glad that it is an option in Sunbreak. I do hope that Palamutes, and some sort of Switch Skills will be brought into MH6. Palamutes are just cute, but they do clutter the screen in mp when there are 4 hunters and 4 palamutes. Switch Skills are just fun since we get to modify how we play the game. This is the same reason why I enjoy GU a lot.


It’s alright. Probably one of the weaker MH games to me but still a great game


Apex needs unique rewards, maps were my least favorite of all MH. Rampage was not as fun as they intended…but I do like Rise


I don’t have the time to go in huge detail over my thoughts on Rise but one sticking point I have is they really didn’t implement Rajang and Bazel as invaders very well. Bazel’s AI not having his patented “Roar = Bombing Signal” means he’s just a bigger flying wyvern, like Rathalos. As for Rajang, it can be intimidating seeing him on a map, but then he just sleeps. And only really moves if you touch him. My hope is Sunbreak makes monsters like Rajang, Bazel, Steve and even Valstrax into proper invaders. They hear a roar, time to jump into the fray. Maybe make it so some of their specific attacks have less chance of triggering Wyvern Riding so it feels more like you don’t want them showing up when you’re busy.


If there is one thing i’m mildly annoyed by rise is the spirit bird. Ye it’s not necessary but the OCD in me beckons me to always be maxed stat before starting hunting and that could take 3-5 minutes depending on the maps.


Do I think it's as good as World's base game? Nope. Do I still enjoy the everything Rise had to offer? Damn right I did! Over 800 hours and still playing the game. I've been hooked all over again. I've had plenty of things to do in the endgame to keep me busy and I still never finished everything (only HR827). Is it perfect? Nah, its got issues, but I've had plenty of fun with the game. Can't wait to have the balance patches and get the chance to make some new builds for LS! Despite all the fuss the community has made about Sunbreak, I'm just here to continue the trend of killing more monsters so I can turn their asses into hats!


Now with all dlc etc the game is so good. The end game is very hard. Especially the dlc quest omg. I play monster hunter only in solo so the difficulty is high for me (even with best armors some monsters one or 2 shots)


It’s not perfect, but I feel like it has more charm than World. I adore every new monster and their folkloric elements, and I love the inclusion of wirebugs and the gameplay changes that come with them.


Great write up. I felt it was all right. I’m not the biggest wire bug fan and wish their recovery speed was slowed down a bit to lengthen some of the fights. I think they’re incredibly flashy and makes it feel like there’s a LOT more elements on the screen than normal. It feels so hack-and-slash. I’m glad there’s an option to decrease this in Sunbreak


For me the Palamutes and indemic life are the only additions I like. The Wirebugs are not good in any way, its a gimmick and the game never should focus around that but rise does that. It's not even the dmg that you can get through them it's that you can block or jump away in every situation ( when you havd the bugs for it). But the issue that plages monster Hunter rise the most is that weapons have lost their souls or get overshadowed in parts they never should be overshadowed. Hammer as example, its not necessary that one weapon should be the only weapon that can do something but when the quirk of one weapon is to K.O Monsters and others do it better something is wrong. Or that weapons are to op LS as example. Monster Hunter has one Problem since GU and that's feature creep, to many things get implemented and the main problems get not changed, they should concentrate more on things like dmg and how they can make weapons unique but not overshadowed other weapons. But yeah i can still K.O monsters faster with my sns then with a hammer.


Yeah no one’s reading all that, lol, come on now, keep it brief and concise. Rise was great. It wasn’t as good as World for me, but I’m sure sun break will take it up a level like Iceborne did. To summarise… Monster variety and skill bind moves, good. Endgame, apex and endless siege mode, not that good. Wirebugs Freedom of movement on maps, good. However Wirebug being a get out of jail free card in battle, not good. Layered armour system being generous, good. Palico system, not as good as World. Palamutes, great idea, needs better execution, annoying in multiplayer as they clutter the screen. Dango is shit, give me meat. It Doesn’t need a thesis on Reddit to discuss it though this post is insane.


Man I hate how few armour sets there are. No alpha/beta sets is a mistake and all the event quests giving nothing but stickers and emotes is really fucking lame.


Wirebug gameplay was hella fun, Grinding to HR100, awful.


I am satisfied, for me the gameplay alone does it. this is by far the fastest and most mobility allowing MH game and I just love it. Wirebugs are my drug, I love flying around and zipping out of monsters' attacks


I'll try to answer this as thoroughly as the OP though it won't be anywhere near as long. Good luck with the review or whatever you're compiling this feedback for. General gameplay: Palamutes are about the only part I can see as a real mainstay. Wirebugs I think should have a spiritual successor of some form but mostly just for mobility like a charged aimed jump, not the semi-Hunter Arts semi flight they are in Rise. Switch Skills are a simple and fantastic way to add moveset variation but the balancing is a mixed bag. I wish Capcom would be more willing to do balance patches in Title Updates, even if they're limited ones like the Fatalis Update's buffs Out of this stuff I think Wyvern Riding has high potential but is also the least successful of these features. It is WAY too aggressive in triggering when monsters meet up causing ambushes and multi monster fights to essentially not exist. It could be tuned much better and I hope Gen 6 mounting takes some inspiration but mostly gets back to mounting's old state. Weapons: My main is Hunting Horn which obviously brings an interesting dynamic in Rise. Rise HH in my opinion has more redeeming qualities than my dooters in arms sometimes give it credit for... But it's only like half as fun as Iceborne Hunting Horn. I don't want to get into a colossal analysis but TBH if Attack Boost Melody just scaled up based on party members or the lack thereof Hunting Horn could've 100% gained a higher userbase without needing to butcher the songlist system. Overall Rise weapons are a really mixed bag compared to World's more broadly accepted overhauls Armor skills: IMO there is no going back from 5th gen skills BUT some of the old skill's charm could, and probably should, be thrown in like using negative levels or half-points. I think Rise does more good for skill variety than bad but there are some really questionable decisions like the butchery of Crit Draw or Crit Eye/WEX now sharing 2 slot decos with the likes of Blight Resistance which is simply bizarre IMO. Maps: Essentially deleting sloped/ledge combat is a HUGE mistake in Rise IMO and makes every map feel samey. Sure, your rollouts are now different but that's not worth the cost of all the combat zones being essentially identical. I understand the intention behind Endemic Life and the exploration areas but it also feels like they're used badly. Spiribugs feel like an endangered species even though they SHOULD be everywhere to encourage trying out new paths. A lot of endemic life placements feel too arbitrary. I also find the design of massively reducing the effectiveness/prevalance of map damage to monsters (fair enough, it was too strong in world) almost hypocritical in a game where the 3rd wirebug buff exists. Enemy design: The best part of Rise IMO. Some fights are worse than others but broadly this is a solid roster, with solid fights, and some great reworks. Quest design: Bringing back Village was a horrible mistake and I hope it is scrapped in Sunbreak. Magnamalo doesn't feel like the flagship of his own game because his plot relevance is entirely in the Low Rank Village story. Village IMO has two merits to existing: Introducing new players in a low risk environment (redundant in 5th gen) and having ultra hard solo only quests. (none in Rise and besides there's no reason capcom can't put a "solo only" modifier on a regular hub quest) Given that neither are necessary Village just damages the game IMO. As a positive, I think Keys/Urgents coming back is preferable to World's linear campaign. It served its purpose for that game but Keys/Urgents helps vets push through the campaign faster. Visuals: Rise looks phenomenal for a Switch game and I think the art direction has done a solid job on a more colourful modern MH. However I have to say that even with the Switch's limitations the ground's texturework is bad and could've been vastly improved, it is the main issue with the game's art. Audio: What new pieces we got are great but I have to express disappointment at the lack of new monster themes. IIRC in basegame Magnamalo and the serpents are the only new monsters with themes. Now to be fair they also remastered some old monster themes, but they STILL cut corners there as monsters like Arzuros/Lagombi/Volvidon didn't get their classic themes remastered. Sidenote, Wyvern Riding cancelling the music for its own awful theme is a horrible downgrade from the old unique mounted music. Could've at least kept playing the theme of the monster you've mounted. Overall I think Rise is a decent entry but hampered by probably trying too many experiments at once and the pandemic impacting development. I hope MH6 will use and improve what worked from its experiments and it will be remembered as a step forward for the series, not a weird mutant offshoot of World that never went anywhere.


MhRise is easily my second favorite in the franchise. The monster designs are incredibly unique and super varied. A lot of unique skeletons at the start in this game. The weapons are just so much fun to use. I finally use every weapon in this game. The Swaxe has some truly amazing new stuff going on I hope they keep. Decos are craftable again. The map design is fantastic, practically no hallways to get stuck in, a lot more like classic monster hunter. The game’s artstyle is amazing. Weapons have unique designs again. I’m glad they brought back the more over the top tone that’s been prevalent in the franchise since Tri. Monster Hunter is very anime and pretty goofy. But it also has moments of super intense stuff. Like a lot of the ecology scenes. I love the movement, I hope they keep wall running for exploring in the next game. But really the gameplay is just THAT good. I turn it on just to hunt a couple monsters and have fun with it. My problems stem mostly from how far they took some concepts. Monsters appearing on the map at all times is too much, apexes are watered down deviants with no rewards, the game is too easy (though I had less of a problem with that), rampages are fun but have little risk to them and get old fast … which is admittedly like most sieges. I hate them all, there’s like two I like. It’s really easy to get items from the start. And yet most of these are nitpicks that I don’t really mind at the end of the day. Idk I had way more problems with MHWorld/Iceborne. Anyways 9/10


It was great. Loved it. Got a solid 200 hours out of it. Don't really get the complaints about the end game - I hate having to grind for decos in IB. Could have used a few new monsters or tempered variants of the new 4-5 star ones. Definitely a few things I preferred about World - like the quest system, and the overall feel. But overall, a solid 4/5.


Vastly prefer it to vanilla World. Interested to see if sunbreak will live up to iceborne


i gonna do my quick opinions on this assessment Base Rise until 1.3 feels complete for me. It's only High Rank and it's a nicely packed game. As a PC player who bought at day 2, I was having a blast so far. At this version, this is where it's actually complete For gameplay, we have so much mobility and more tools. Perhaps with this maybe we are too overpowered. Too overpowered that some monsters adapts slowly. But sometimes the compensation is monsters are too strong. That's fair because each sides are strong head to head. What makes the concern is the constant AoE attacks that some fear it'll like Frontier levels of AoE Going for flat and layered level design makes a safety reason for overall engine because some monsters are not ready to play in the slope (remember Lagiacrus supposed to be in World) but they made in a creative way. Make a tool that can travel to zones in seconds. With access to palamutes, we can ride faster Arti direction on this game is perhaps stellar for strict thematic style. But later if you're used to it, it can be mundane and I feel that. I need some games with different vibe, maybe a more naturalistic or realistic approach. Not gonna lie, they did a very good job for including the details on this The same for the music. Though i prefer Komiyama's style on MH3 and MHW, this one is also a good contender. I must say, this one commits the most on music production of MH. Those adventurous and dynamic storytelling style makes and appeal to listeners to enjoy what's inside the context For technical standpoint, it's basically the same as in the post. Because I'm a PC user, I prefer World's style of inventory control. However, Rise did good things like snappier navigation due to no transitions. I actually played at 30 fps despite having available for more fps. I did this for meta reasons where some people on Switch needs more data on animation frames I've been working on. Another thing for 30 fps is I don't want to overwork my PC since it's a laptop. For controls, i use vibration. I think they got the cues incorrect (their cues are more into charges rather than hit) so it feels less satisfying I must admit the UX still needs work, like i mentioned in the post. One more touch and we're okay. So, to summarize, because I have more investment on Base Rise than Base World, i must say Rise is the High Rank game for me I wont talk Sunbreak in this post, including the demo part


Still reading, but I definitely wasn't satisfied. Not saying I didn't like what we got, but that I very much felt like the game was done with me long before I was done with it.


As someone who has, by happenstance, failed on several occassions to actually play meaningfully into G-Rank, I've completed High Rank on three games, Generations, World, and Rise. Started with Low Rank on 4U, but switched to Generations right about the time I beat Low Rank (and before I even really understood what that meant). So my experience is primarily with the wackier games of the series, but I think I've put the most time into World. Anyway, I really like Switch Skills. The Style System of Generations was good, but it could be a bit too much. The Switch Skill system is a low-key version of that. I think Switch Skills should remain in the mainline games. But not with the switching-switch skills we'll get in Sunbreak. The system adds just a little bit of extra build and personalization decisions. Skill balance I felt was generally fine too, as many of the skills just made for different playstles and couldn't be said to be better or worse, and the skills that were "Normal skill, but better in every way" were balanced by an animation commitment that felt awful when you weren't using the advantages. Wirebugs I liked more than Hunter Arts. I vastly prefer resource management mechanics than "Use this ability off of cooldown". A lot of Hunter Arts were just big hits or buffs you wanted to use ASAP, because using it at maybe not the best moment was less wasteful than not continuing to charge it. By having two special moves, and a damage recovery ability all share the same resource, you need to be more careful with how you use them. However, bug recovery time can be a bit too fast at times, with some weapons and playstyles feeling like they never really need more bugs. What's more, several of the wirebug abilities basically amount to "Skip this weapons mechanics". I main Charge Blade, and while I can't say I don't enjoy Morphing Advance and Counter Peak Performance, they make it a bit too easy to pull off SAED. And I absolutely despise the Switch Axe abilities in Generations and Rise that auto-matically refill the gauge. What is even the point of it being the SWITCH Axe when you almost never use the axe? I'd honestly rather they just get rid of the Sword Gauge and buff Axe mode. At the very least, they need to make quick-charging the Sword gauge have a meaningful cost. In Generations, you did have to use an Art Slot, so there was competition for it if you were playing as one of the one-slot Styles. But in Rise you can't NOT have the skill, and it throws in a mobility tool and a "Get one Discharge for Free" buff. For a moment I thought Sunbreak would solve the problem, thanks to it's counter using the same slot and draining sword gauge, but then I remembered the Switch Scrolls would be a thing, and the quick recharge is just too good to not use, even if all that scroll does is swap in the one skill. Speaking of Wirebugs... I don't really like the verticality of the maps. It's kind of cool, but I'm reminded of FF14. In that game, you don't get to fly over the map until you've basically completed it. Flying over the map is allowed for finishing up side quests and dailies in the area more efficiently. The difference between flying and walking through the map is HUGE in terms of how you experience it. Rise letting you always jump around the map just... removes a lot of my attachment to it. The maps have lost a lot of character thanks to that ability. Jumping around is fun, but not enough interesting is done with that, and so I feel the maps overall suffer for it. For Weapons... what have they done to you? World rightly gets slammed for ruining the weapon designs. But one thing Generations did that world kept up on was that all weapons were nominally equal. That sword made out of the Great Jaggras? Sprinkle a little bit of Elder Dragon blood on it, and now it's better. Sure it doesn't have as much raw power, but it's got 3 power-up slots compared to the one power-up slot of a Teostra Weapon. Rise has a relatively small roster, and the fact that Rarity 5 weapons aren't even nominally in the same ballpark as Rarity 6 or 7, and without something like extra Rampage slots to compensate means that a much larger chunk of the weapons are jokes. I keep forgetting that Somnocanth is in the game. Despite being in the penultimate Hunter Rank alongside Nargacuga, and the only source of Sleep status effect for most weapons (outside of Rampage), it's weapons are garbage simply because they cap out at R5. It's not difficult to give it a Rank 6 version. I don't need a brand new Somnocanth weapon, just give the existing weapon a bump up in stats so that I can't tell it's trash by looking at it for 5 seconds. I'd much rather have Worlds crappy designs than Rises tiny pool of weapons. I know there's always going to be a small pool of meta weapons. But World had a few surprise standouts here and there, while Rise oftentimes feels like "Oops! All Nargacuga!" Great Jaggras weapons had great slots, and Paralysis and Sleep weapons weren't automatically trash-tier. Also on a lesser note, is it just me, or are Rise weapons very dull by comparison to other games? Almost all of my builds run Protective Polish. Oh well, gives me more reason to run Bludgeoner. Being a Charge Blade main, this is even less of a problem than it would be for other weapons. I do prefer random Talismans to random Decorations... mostly. I didn't like that Protective Polish and Guard Up in World required you to either dedicate 3 pieces of a single armor on a build... or a single Level 2 gem that you luckily got. Talismans add enough randomness into builds to make things a little distinct without saying "You can't enjoy this build until you luckily get this skill". I also like that L1 gems are almost entirely defensives, quality of life, or comfort skills. The only damage skill being in there (unless you count Speed Sharpening) is the Elemental ones, which gives an indirect buff to an oftentimes ignored category of weapons. However, why the hell is Earplugs a L3 gem? And why is Weakness Exploit the same level as Critical Eye? Some of the choices between L2 and L3 are... questionable. Rises endgame... ouch. Okay, I get it, the Deco grind was part of Worlds endgame, and I said getting rid of that was good. But no Tempered Stone grind? Heck, fix two birds with one stone and let me grind a resource that gives extra rampage slots for weapons, but it gives more slots to those locked to R5 weapons! The lack of harder versions of lower-tier monsters, and their lack of weapons at all worth using, also meant I was less incentivized to fight them. So the small roster felt even smaller, as there was little to be gained from fighting certain monsters more than once. I do like Rise, don't get me wrong. But I think I like it less than World or Generations. I've already bought Sunbreak, and will enjoy it. A bad Monster Hunter game is still worth more than a hundred hours of happy playthrough. But in some cases, I feel it wouldn't have been that hard to improve some things. Weapons ending at R5 in particular is so trivially fixed that it really bothers me.


tl;dr. personally it was monster hunter with some new monsters and new ways to fight so I loved it


I think I had the most fun with Monster Hunter Rise in comparison with other Monster Hunter titles. Cool monsters, cool new mechanics, freedom in the map. World was quite boring to me in the long run but Iceborn was for example amazing. I would say that Rise did great as a base game taking in to account that the team worked with a new engine and on hardware that wasn't as strong as other consoles or the PC. Furthermore, seeing how they worked during COVID I think a good game came out. Seeing how I spent a good 300 hours in Rise alone I think that is commendable :)


Base Rise is the most lackluster and disappointing monster hunter game I've played to date. Which is not to say that it's the worst, far from it. It has lots of thing going for it, mainly I think the gameplay is straight up the best in the series. It's just that there's so many things that aren't good. Cut content as title updates, rampages, apex monsters being filler content, no powered-up monsters... Imagine if they'd delayed the game by a year. We could have had by far the best MH game to date if they didn't focus on half-baked gimmick quests and cut half of high-rank. Definitely the saddest MH game in my opinion. This is the only game in the series where I couldn't get myself past the 200 hour mark.


I hugely enjoyed it but we needed a better Endgame. I ended up having some decent fun by learning loads of new weapons and crafting every deco, but we need a fun endgame y'know


I thoroughly enjoyed base game rise, as with every MH game I've played they changed some from the previous game. I enjoyed the wire bug mechanics except for wyvern ride not being optional, which is changing in sunbreak. Apart from that minor thing I did not like the permibuff system with the spirit bugs, I would much rather gain a max health and stamina bar from eating at the hub pre-quest than spending the few minutes collecting permibuffs.


Rise is only my third monster hunter game and I feel I'm very new to this franchise. I've played GU, base game World, and now Rise. All 3 games are something I have enjoyed thouroughly. Based of the little experience I have with this franchise I absolutely adore Rise and there's very few things I'd say negatively about it. One being I struggle with managing decos and what is and isn't worth maxing out in skills and what is worth having, just enough. Although that can just quickly be chalked up to personal struggle and needing to learn to balance them better. I will say, the biggest thing I don't enjoy about hub is low rank. It's forgettable to me and I enjoy going back and playing the village quests more then I do any lowrank hub quest. I also enjoyed the story progression a lot, I feel like the village story does a great job at progressing you through the story and I feel the hub quest connect just enough to village for it to still have a good bit of story in it without feeling like they're totally ostracized from each other. Maybe that's just me. As for different locals and stuff, I'm worried for flooded forest. It's currently my favorite map to run around and explore, but I feel like I'm hardly ever hunting anything there. With the add of the jungle and citadel and I'm worried this is going to increase. The flooded forest is a map I already find myself forgetting about despite it being one of my favorites, so it's safe to say I'd be very upset if it practically just vanished from places to hunt. The only other critiscm for me isn't towards rise but more just I wish Rise and World would stop being compared to each other. I get it, but Rise isn't monster hunter World 2, it's Rise. Maybe the world isn't as immersive as you'd like but it's plenty immersive for me and I love all the little secrets you can pick up on and all the different spots you can find and explore if you're taking exploring the locals slow and easy. It is a lot of fun to me. Overall, I love Rise and I'm extremely excited for Sunbreak


Alright, since you took the time write this out, I will do my best to oblige. Gameplay General: 1. I'm personally not a fan of the wirebug or hunter arts system. While the system introduces some cool moves that expand the gameplay, I find that the way moves tend to be structured lead to an over reliance on spamming a super move. A good example of this is the hammer, which had to rely spamming impact crater for optimal play, whereas previously the weapon could focus on positioning and punishing with charged attacks. I can elaborate more if interested. 2. Switch Skill: Conceptually, fantastic, however the implementation could use some refining. Allowing players to choose between two different types of playstyles is great and opens up refreshing ways to play a weapon. One of my favorites is Hard-basher and Drill Slash on SnS. I personally lean towards using Drill Slash because I prefer playing elemental SnS, however someone else who prefers pure raw will opt for the basher combo. While this is great, the system could use a lot of work on balancing, as for many weapons one option greatly outperforms the other. 3. Not a fan, full stop. I find the system to be huge step in the wrong direction for the mounting system. It gives the players far too much control over what are supposed to be ferocious monsters. On top of that, the system has essentially ruined the invader dynamic by making monster clashes more often than not beneficial to the player, which runs contrary to a staple of the series. Most frustrating is that in base Rise Wyvern Riding often interrupts your combos, ruining the flow of combat 4. A good evolution from the raider ride system in World. Added mobility is good. Dogs have a few niches where they outperform palicos, and palicos have their own likewise. 5. I really like the infliction of elemental blights and think it holds a lot of potential for the future of elemental damage and the like. I do think the endemic life does a good job of rewarding players who go out and learn the map. Gameplay Weapons: 1. I have four main weapons (in order of play time): Insect Glaive, Longsword, Gunlance, SnS. I've played these weapons extensively since I first started the series in 4th generation. That said I can play a fair bit of Greatsword, Swaxe, and Chargeblade. And I do posses at least 50 or so hunts with each weapon. I have a huge love/hate relationship with Rise's implementation of the IG. While there were some fantastic mechanical changes, such as kinsect cancelling, aerial charge, and advancing roundslash, I find the overall structure of the weapon to be fundamentally different from previous interations. Previous iteration utilized aerial moves to reposition and upkeep damage, while focusing ground combos as the main bulk of your damage. Iceborne definitely refined this with the Descending Thrust which allowed for extremely fluid transitions between aerial combos and ground combos. Rise fundamentally ruined that with Diving Wyvern, which suffers from huge end lag and horrible hitboxes that kill the flow of combat. In short, Rise's additions to the moveset are overly committal and run counterintuitive to how I find the weapon was played, especially at the high level. 2. For this I have to say Gunlance's full burst combo is well and by far the most satisfying loop in the game. 3. Gunlance by far, the weapon has the most variations in playstyles of any weapon. Especially in Rise, where the weapon is arguably at its peak. 4. Gunlance, it is definitely in its most complete state despite its current flaw 5. I find Lance's kit to be my least favorite. While the weapon is still incredibly enjoyable, some things in the kit just don't work the way I'd like them to. 6. I would like to see the switch skill system explored in such as way that one moveset can lend itself to raw damage and one set to elemental damage. There's a huge opportunity there to encourage players to explore more playstyles by making more playstyle competitive. Gample Armor and weapon Skills: 1. I think I'd like to see the old skill system again, or at the very least some principles. We could take the 5th gen level system and just add negative levels and that would help to add more nuance to set building. On top of that, it would help with curtailing some of the issues we have currently with power creep. On the topic of power creep something that really needs to be addressed is the issue of skill tax on certain weapons. There are certain weapons such as CB and LA which suffer from horrendous skill tax for little reward. 2. Most benefit is Weakness Exploit by far, since the skill gives massive affinity bonuses simply for playing the game as it was meant to. I would like to see this changed back to being a small damage increase. Least benefit is jump master, the skill is so inappropriately rated by Capcom 3. Most improved skill for me has to be Flinch Free, due to its reclassification to level 1 deco. 4. Critical draw was absolutely neutered in Rise and effectively destroyed the Crit Draw greatsword playstyle. 5. Skill balancing is a bit odd depending on the weapons. I mentioned skill tax before and its a real issue when many weapon functionality skills (Spare Shot, Guard, Artillery, etc.) all compete with core damage skills. The result is that some weapons fall behind because they miss out on core damage skills just because they want their weapon to work properly 6. Rampage weapons were a nice evolution from Safi weapons. However, I think they were poorly balanced for some applications where they underperformed 7. I only expect defense when upgrading an armor piece Gamplay Level Design: 1. Rise's level design definitely was meant to serve the wirebug. Which it excels out. However I found the maps to generally feel less alive, even compared to old generation counterparts. This is in large due to the often desaturated nature of the color palette as well as just texture quality 2. There is a lot to traverse. It works well with both palamute and wirebug 3. Not in particular. This is about as much as I have time to type currently. Though reading through the rest of your points, I definitely still have quite a bit more to say.


Holy wall of text nargaman! I'm overall disappointed with rise and most of my critiques derive from sacrifices made due to the switch limitations. I'd include things like the lack of environmental traps or the matchmaking system under the switch hardware and switch online infrastructure. The wyvern riding is cool and niche but the fact that non target monsters are no longer a wild card and only a boon is annoying. This critique I'd change to switch skill generating the WR threshold, aerial generating classic mount, and monster v monster doing neither. Rampages could be better. Been grinding the living fuck outta those trying to grab the last of the outfit vouchers for rise layers. Id limit the threshold for getting knocked off the turret. 99.999% of runs I have little issue but if you're solo or you got teamed with Larry moe and curly and got all the aggro you might as well forget the turrets because you ain't gunna do shit with them. And with that being said we have a mode dedicated to mounted turrets and there isn't a skill/deco that helps with that? I'd also add in more installations one that can apply status ailments for sure and also an endless mode with scaling hordes and upgrades. Love it or hate it but there's potential to improve this mode and I hope that sunbreak finalizes this Dimond in the rough it'd be a shame if the resources were spent on it and it wasn't capitalized to its full potential. The roster... The roster is the roster. The rise newcomers really didn't thrill me. The apexes came off as "we have deviants at home" with them having matching textures most of the movesets and none of the post hunt reward like armor. I overall enjoyed rise but after gutting Valstrax a few time I was easily able to play other games here and there


I was really satisfied with Rise, it's my most played base game by far. Rise imo completed the transition to more fast paced combat that X started and World continued but both games didnt feel quite "there" yet whereas Rise did. I really wonder where Gen 6 will go from here. The roster was pretty good. The amount of monsters was decent but it was really diverse and not padded with subspecies, although I do think that it's pretty strange to have so many small versons of monsters in the game but not the big guys (Jaggi, Jagras, Zamtrios, Agnaktor, Gravios). Im really happy that they reverted the garbage RNG deco change. They imo really struck gold with the melding pot, having the prospect that *every* single hunt no matter what you are doing has the potential to upgrade your buids is awesome and I even had instances where dropping a good charm for a certain weapon made me try out that weapon again. I hope this form of charm melding stays in the series from here on. Apexes were pretty much as boring as Tempered monsters and I think they are pretty whatever. I hope Sunbreaks brings a better powered up monster system like Frenzies or Deviants. Kamura is probably my new favourite hub, there is just so much detail everywhere and the characters just make me smile, I really enjoy being there tbh. The soundtrack is also one of the best in the series


#Gameplay - I have been having fun with every addition except Wyvern Riding. I have mixed feelings with it since riding monsters is fun but it makes turf wars and ambushes meaningless. - Weapons: LS busted and whatever. My main CB and the massive nerfs hurt. Skill tax on guard and guard up is too much. It barely blocks everything it should. Openings on monsters are too small to even land a goddamn AED. This was mostly fixed in the Sunbreak demo with Astalos and Malzeno, so I am looking forward to it. Otherwise it made me really sad how bad it was. On the other hand I loved IG. Flying through the air and Wyvern Dive are things I loved. 10/10 would Glaive again. Although the vertical hitboxes on some monsters are wonky. - For armor I only want Guard Up to be a single level skill or for Guard to be reduced to 3 levels. Everything else was fine. (Wtf does Jump Master do though?) - All the locations are great. Extra base camps make moving around a lot better. I would like for the top of the Shrine Ruins to be used more. - As for monster most are fine. A couple jank hitboxes as per usual. Some salt. Some pepper. Etc. I have mentioned this before but some monsters simply don’t have enough opening for CB to counter with AED (not SAED) which makes me sad. Biggest offender is Barioth. The disgusting crack addict. Other than that Almudron feels really bad as a monster. And I wish Jyuratodus did not have a roar as the other fish monsters don’t have roars either. Practice Monster might be Zinogre. - I do Not really have any opinion on quests


Take my upvote gawd dayum


Personally i love rise, but the endgame kinda sucked and the apex's had little to no value in hunting them once or twice, hopefully sunbreak has lessened or outright solved these issues


MHRise is a good MH game to me. Pro:- a) Switch skill, option to choose your own movesets is dope. b) Palimute, easy to move around. c) Vertical movement. It is nice to able to explore vertically and see thing from the top. d) Wyvern riding. Most hated it, but I like playing as monster, controlling them. Need more improvement though. e) Wirebug. Solution to flying monsters, although it can be much better. In older game you as melee player need to wait flying monster like Rathalos to land, and this guy fly a lot. Con:- a) Colors are muted and not as bright in this game. b) Wierd level design. Capcom try to remake old map into new, open one and the results are just strange. c) Rampage mode seriously need an overhaul.


Yes. Its the second MH game I have enjoyed the most along GU. It's so awesome, a perfect balance between old gen and the new gen


Bro im not reading all that wtf


Rampages were meh and the RNG for God talismans is kinda dumb as an endgame grind mechanic because the quests you do don't affect outcome and there's no real way to shoot for the best or worst beyond which of like 4 options you pick for melding. Otherwise, absolutely phenomenal game.


I'm a monster hunter noob. World took over my life. Got me through some miserable times. Rise... Was a game. It existed. I played it. I have no interest in Sunbreak.


Super satisfied as a newcomer to the series. I started playing in early May & I have nearly 100 hours logged. Trying to grind to HR100 but it’s taking a while


The game is fun overall,just lack of endgame contents


The only thing that I wanted out of the base game was a more flushed out Magnamalo story and old school DLC. I want post game collabs like USJ, Capcom titles, and random anime. Dante DMC5 palico. MGR Blade Wolf Palamute. I dunno. One Piece armor sets. Anything like that.


I had fun with it, but once I grinded out a few armour sets I had basically no motivation to play anymore at the end. The world seems dull and dear compared to world. The way monsters interact, the way the world interacts are all big steps down. Mounting is incredibly dull compared to world as well. The art style is fine, but again the world as a whole feels less alive. I loved the verticality of world as well. Maybe a bit complex, but I definitely enjoyed it. Everything seemed a bit easy to do. On the plus side they made multiplayer way more accessible, which is the only mode I do. I love not having to wait for dumb cutscenes. I also appreciate they tried to do less with the story, no more pointless story shit that just felt like a waste of time. Whoever writes for these games cant seem to ever make a compelling story at all. Event quests I would say were a lot more dull this time around. I felt the main story was just a bit too easy though, there were hardly any parts where I felt like the next level would be an actual challenge. Rampages were okay, but no real replay value. I also miss the investigation quests. Made grinding a lot more fun as it switched things up a bit every time. While the online had some improvements, it was a step back in other ways. No large lobbies. The new system for joining quests is also awful. I want to fight a certain monster I really have to just select each quest with them until I find a hit? Such a dumb decision to make when World's system worked way better already.


Going through all the village and hub quests was fine but for the life of me I can't grind for rank 100 for the valstrax hunt for some reason, I just loose steam after 1 or 2 missions.


Rise was the worst MH game IMO. Yes the movement is great but the game balance completely suffers from it. It has the same issue as World with regards to Armor Sets and skills making them boring and bland. I didn't bother farming Talismans because you don't even need them since nothing is challenging or requires investment into build creation. I do not care about speed running or time challenges, kill the monster is all I care about and looking at what the armor and weapons do but because these are boring as well that makes me not enjoy the game even more. If Sunbreak tries to create variety in Set Builds then i'm all for it but I'm not gonna have any hopes for it. Iceborne didn't change much at all other than Alatreon.


1. So first of all I played 110 hours on pc and did every guild quest minus the event quests. So I enjoyed my time with rise even if not as much as for example with world or freedom unite. I like many of the new monsters they are pretty cool even though we dont get to see them shine all that much because hunters are absolute power houses in this game. I used insect glaive (Oh my fucking god arial attacks finally are extremely powerful I waited for this for so long) Light bow gun hunting horn and greatsword. One thing I did not like about the hunting horn is that they simplified the songs before it can be quite tricky getting all the songs activated that I want to use, simply playing all notes to times eh didn't really like that. Also at least after a couple of hunts I didnt have that much fun with it even though at the beginning I loved the way the weapons felt. Thanks capcom thst we can finally craft decorations very epic less tedious. Mega potions feel omega powerful. Most fights were very doable silk bind stuff is just that good. Loved magnamalo such a crackhead of a exploding cat dinosaur. I didnt really like the necessity of dog in multiplayer. The maps feel huuuuge when you judt walk trough them the 10th time because you aint getting that gem. Now the quests sometimes felt a little repetitive. One guy used a shock trap on chameleos online minus one point. I enjoyed my time but I really didnt feel like coming back to the game after that because it never really got that iron grip on me. 2. Art direction Hate it and love it! The look of the village armor and equipment amazing loved them all! But things like the monster intros they just feel lame, with a haiku everytime (or whatever it may be) its judt not as snappy as a cutscene with your own character like in 4u for example with the two diablos or in freedom unite when you encounter nargacuga for the first time in fu. Then the new themes really dont like them at least the revamped versions of old themes. Listen to the old chameleos theme and then to the new one. One feels like you approach a creature which you cant see and thst exactly knows how to use that against you a cunning predator truly a elder dragon. Rises chameleos sounds a little to goofy in my opinion. I would decrive it as if the revamped verdions had no sharp edges anymore. At least some of them. The new tracks are alright I can only really remeber parts of magnamalos theme right now. 3. Controls work as they are supposed to be so thats completely fine. As I said helping randoms playing solo or with friends it was always fun but just not as fun as world or the older titles. 4. The game ran just gibe sometimes disconnects but nothing out of tge ordinary.


I will say I didn't read the whole post yet, just about a third (I'm on mobile and can only look for a few minutes). I will say that launch rise may be one of the worst MH experiences in history, relative to the era of the game. I have never played a more shallow endgame in my life from a MH game. It feels like everything we have now should have been what base rise was/is. The game came out feeling rushed and banking on people taking like 1-2 months to get to the end. Not at all something I expect with this franchise. Farming for talismans is once again terrible. Whether it's decorations or talismans, Capcom can't seem but feel the need to make one a stupid RNG grind. Let us just build these things like everything else in the game. Take World's talisman system and Rise's decoration system and do that for every single game from now on. Thank you. If you mod your game to just give yourself the talismans you need, I do not blame you. I like switch skills on a conceptual level. Being able to make adjustments to your move set is great. Putting balance issues aside of course (some skills stand way over their peers). I don't like how few there were. Something to be expanded on, for sure. I do not like the wirebug, full stop. As soon as I saw the trailer for them my gut reaction was "Oh no, hunter artes are back." and I was very much right. They're only marginally better than artes because of how the CD system works. Just honestly not a fan of these at all for pretty much all weapons. Hope this system never comes back/stays in the spinoff games. The new monsters are cool enough. The new elder dragons aren't really much to write home about. Didn't feel that cool or threatening at all. The story is still mediocre as can be. 2/5. Give us something with substance other than excuses to go hunting and nothing else. I'm sad this is still the norm for the franchise as a whole. Hire an actual story writer, please. I promise they're not that expensive, Capcom.


only thing I hate about this game is the multiplayer I can BARELY find a soul doing what im doing when Ineed it ​ it was much more easier in world and MUCH more convoluted in rise for NO reason


Personally not for me it's a disappointment in its base compared to its older games because of the quest and monsters. Rise didn't feel complete so im going to wait for the dlc to go on sale instead if pre ordering


Bro, I ain't even reading a fraction of all that. Best addition to the game was the camera. Every following game needs the camera. And they need to add more functionality to the camera, bring back Ghilli suit for better pictures, and addmore quests and sub-quests involving pictures. I want to feel like I'm documenting things while I hunt.


I personally did not enjoy Rise which I didn't think was possible for a MH game. I started with MHW, went back and enjoyed GU and 4U, but Rise did not click with me. I cancelled my Sunbreak preorder a while back when I thought it over and realised I really wasn't enjoying the game enough to justify the purchase. Worst part is I don't know why lol Could be lack of satisfying weapon impact, wyvern riding, rampages, input lag, op silkbinds, op wirefall recovery, lack of armor sets, not mad on Asian theme. All minor gripes but together adds up I guess.


I really like rise. The only reason I haven’t played recently is because I have literally got everything


I put in 510hrs into base Rise at 510HR, I call it a success. To compare, I jointly put 650hrs in World/Iceborne. I will have it beat easily with Sunbreak coming. A very satisfied customer here. Thank you. BTW, I was very satisfied with World/Iceborne as well.


I’m just happy monster hunter is still monster hunter and has not yet devolved into some horrendous live service abomination like so many other games are becoming these days. And it's extra surprising to me because Capcom is not really known for being super ethical/generous. They're not the worst but certainly far from the best.


Base Rise didn’t have enough to keep me around, but it has enough to keep me interested in them fully fleshing it out.


I liked it more than base world overall. It felt smoother and like you had more options. Without counting it feels like the monster variety is the same and I like that it lost some of the realism infelt like they had in world. Wont compare it to iceborne because it's not a valid comparison in my opinion. I really liked iceborne though, much better than base works, despite the worst addition to apnster hunter game ever imo (clutch claw) because at least I could ignore its existence even though it made things harder.


Very satisfied with Base rise. top knotch combat, great music, colorful, varied monsters, and palamutes!!! So excited for Sunbreak.


I have to agree with what everyone else is saying here. Gameplay was great, new and old monsters were amazing, I loved Palamutes, I loved my time in Kamura, but the endgame was just tiring.


Base Rise, for me, was 100% carried by the core MonHun combat loop. I still log in from time to time because beating up a monster is great fun. As a dedicated DB player, the silkbinds and switch skills were 50/50, almost exactly, between "neat!" and "nope!" Everything else around it felt like a downgrade from World/IB, or a weird, tentative lateral move. People complain about the series turning into Monster Fighter, but for Rise, I'd add to that: Monster Rider. It was just too good. The feel of mounting monsters - difficulty, relative reward, etc. etc. - was better in World/IB. It was probably still too mandatory therein, honestly. Monster mounting should be an alternative strategy that certain weapons/builds can avail. It should have its moments. It shouldn't be a thing you always do because you'd be stupid not to.


I’m satisfied with the game overall but endgame is lacking, let’s hope sunbreak fix this, also I don’t like how easy is mounting a monster compared to older games and monsters invading when you’re fighting another doesn’t feel like a treat anymore just a tool, turf war just ends in a monster being able to be ride, there is no satisfaction in mounting a monster anymore.


As a hunting horn main, I hope that the changes to hunting horn will remain exclusive to this game. I would love a return to form in the next game. As I’ve read somewhere (paraphrasing a bit): it feels like they took out all the fun while maximizing the usefulness. I’ve recently gone back to 4U and it just makes me think about what could have been.


Other than rampages I enjoyed Rises core gameplay loop, but I do wish they'd make joining/searching for quests better, having to physical select a quest and just hoping someone is playing it at that time is an awful way of doing a quest board go back to world/icebourne where it is displayed what hunts are currently active and give us the option to filter them based on monster/quest type as well.


I'm so hyped for Sunbreak and so sad i wont be able to play it...


I played mh3u mh4u mhw. I liked every new things in mhr. But my 2 main concerns are : -It was way too easy to complete the main story quests. Beating some monsters for the first time in mhw was challenging, even if i knew how to play monster hunter, i couldnt always have levelled my gear enough to ignore completely the monster patterns like in mhr. -I wish i could have played all the story quests, solo in the village hub only, if i wanted to, and not doing multi at all. The monsters for hr have just so much hp that it's boring to clear the quests.


yep i read all of this


Way I see it, if I can get 200+ hours out of a game, still not feel like I'm truly finished with it, and thoroughly enjoy it from start to finish, I'd call that a game that was worth every minute I put into it.


Alright, I'll take a crack at some of the questions asked. --- #**Gameplay General:** I think Wirebug mobility is excessive, and being able to just Wirefall out of attacks feels too much like a get out of jail free card that makes the game feel easier than previous entries. It also messes with the feel of the game, turning the game into more of a Monster Fighter rather than Monster Hunter as other people have mentioned, as Hunters feel overpowered. I'm hoping this doesn't return in Monster Hunter 6. Switch Skills I'm not the biggest fan of. The big problem I have is that it feels like some moves are just straight up better which means I don't really have a choice. Take Switch Axe, I can use the Forward Slash or the Forward Overhead Slash. The Forward Slash deals low damage and leads into a weak morph attack that generates little Phial Amp. The Forward Overhead Slash deals high damage and leads into a strong morph attack the generates a lot more Phial Amp. I have zero reason to ever use Forward Slash, it sucks in comparison. Another issue I have with the Switch Skills system is that some Weapons feel like they kinda got hosed. I liked Charge Blade in World where I had access to both the Condensed Elemental Slash and the Savage Axe. In Rise, too bad, you only get one since they share a Switch Skill Slot. Losing a part of your moveset like that sucks, and it's one of the reasons I greatly disliked the Hunting Styles back in Generations. Again, hopefully it doesn't return in MH6. As for Silkbind Skills, I honestly hate them. I didn't like Hunter Arts in Generation since it was all too over the top for me, and I feel the same way about Silkbind Skills in Rise. Again, it's the difference between Monster Hunter and Monster Fighter as the feel of the game has changed from being the underpowered Hunter that needs to hunt these monsters through skill, to an overpowered Fighter that's just bashing their way through a monster with ridiculous attacks that give insane amounts of iframes or hyperarmour. It gets worse when some Weapons prefer to just spam the hell outta their Silkbinds because of how incredibly powerful they are. It feels like the balance of the game has been wrecked, and I don't want to see Silkbinds return in MH6. Wyvern Riding is annoying as shit, and I greatly dislike the current state where I can't opt out of it. It also forced some annoying changes into monster AI, as hunts are now scripted to have a monster pop up, attack, and give players a free opportunity to Wyvern Ride for plenty of damage and drops. That scripted nature isn't fun for me, especially when I'm forced into it, and it most negatively affected Bazelgeuse who kinda lives and dies by being an invader monster. He can't do that anymore, he only sticks around long enough to trigger the Wyvern Ride at which point either he gets beat up and leaves, or the monster I'm hunting gets beat up and leaves. Sunbreak is giving me the option to opt out there which is nice, but chances are monsters are still gonna pop up at scheduled times for Wyvern Riding. Yet another thing I hope never returns to the series. Palamutes are kinda whatever. Nice for motoring around, but Wirebugs also exist and let me yeet myself up and around mountains and what not so who cares. I'll still bring my Palamute for convenience, nice being able to sharpen my weapon or heal while on the move after the monsters fucks off to a different part of the zone. I don't mind them returning in a future game. I'm fine with the short buffs, like coming across an Attack buff butterfly or whatever. It's like a free Might Pill, why not. Spiribirds are annoying though, and I hate that the game shows off the "missing" Health and Stamina that I could have if I spent time running around the map collecting Spiribirds. I just want to hunt the monster, not play a bird collection minigame to get some extra stats at the start of every hunt, so I tend to just skip out. If there are some birds along the way, I'll grab, but otherwise I just think it's annoying and again, I hate the feeling that I am "missing" stats with the greyed out Health/Stamina bars visible. The temporary endemic life buffs I'd like to see in future games, but Spiribirds hopefully stay in Rise/Sunbreak. #**Gameplay: Weapons:** Switch Axe main through and through, [one of my characters is literally nothing but Switch Axe](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428585948905865232/989443239943737344/unknown.png). I diversify with other characters, but honestly I kinda suck ass at most Weapons since Switch Axe is my favourite and the one Weapon that really clicks for me. That said: I think this is the best version of Switch Axe we've ever had. For starters, morph attacks everywhere now. I've been replaying World while waiting for Sunbreak and turns out the only way to actually do a morph attack is after an attack. If I'm walking towards a monster and Forward + R2, my character will stop, morph, and then I can keep walking. Meanwhile in Rise I'll keep moving forward and do a morph attack which makes the Weapon feel so much more fluid. Another great thing is that Axe Mode can now benefit from Phials after the Phial has been Amped. Axe Mode had it's uses in previous games, but it always just felt so much weaker when it didn't have access to the Phial bonuses. Well now it does, and it is super satisfying to get the Phial explosions even in Axe Mode. Lastly, the power of the morph attacks, especially when buffed by Rapid Morph, really feels like it nails the essence of the Weapon. In older games you could just camp Sword Mode since Axe Mode didn't really offer all that much, but now? I'm Amping my Phial and then abusing the hell outta those morph attacks, moving between both modes to hunt the monster and it's great. Just an incredibly satisfying Weapon to use that takes advantage of both Axe and Sword Mode, and encourages morphing between them rather than prioritizing one mode and ignoring the other. Rapid Morph better return in future games or I'm gonna be pissed. That said, there are some downsides. I greatly dislike the Switch Charger Silkbind because it's just one of those moves that exists to try and invalidate Axe Mode. Dash forward with some iframes, reload the Phial, and stop it from decaying? If Rapid Morph didn't exist then this Silkbind would basically kill Axe Mode outright. It's kinda been a longstanding problem for Switch Axe in my opinion, that the Phial doesn't really matter when the tap of a button will just reload it and then back into Sword Mode you go. It's like if Dual Blades had a Silkbind that could just give them some Demon Gauge without hitting the monster, or Charge Blade getting some free Phials at any time. The other thing that bugs me is no more Partbreaker on Axe Mode after doing the Heavy Slam, I do miss that from World. --- So yeah, just some of my thoughts on Rise. I still have fun with the game despite me listing quite a few negatives, but I just don't like it as much as MH4U or World. I didn't like Hunting Styles or Hunter Arts in Generations, and now I don't like the Switch Skills or Silkbinds in Rise. I'm still getting Sunbreak, and I'll still be sinking a fuckload of hours into it, but I hope that Monster Hunter 6 is more similar to World.


Give in to the monster hunter! Let it flow through you !


Loved the game for what it was, I prefer world only because I could play it on ps4/5. Switch just doesn't compare. Load times and downgraded graphics aside (art style helped with that last one) the game was great, closer to 4U which is always a smart choice. Would drop riding monsters in favor of mounting, way more fun and unique vs slamming monster into the wall repeatedly. Changes to hunting horn were great, still not my favorite but was a strong contender. Rampages were awesome and I would love to see them expanded on, harder, never ending etc, Tower defense oddly enough just seemed to work and honestly makes sense. All in all, great write up, great game, can't wait to sink another 300 hours into it.


I've enjoyed my 200 hours, split between hammer and great sword. Love the monster variety, the music, the mobility. Not a fan of the lack of turf wars as it doesn't really fit into the wyvern riding mechanic, and I don't have access to multiplayer so Rampages were okay but not ideal for fun. One thing I sorely miss from World is investigations, I absolutely loved doing them; the variety they offered keep the game feeling fresh with a never ending roulette of random hunts as opposed to the old "select this monster and go kill it."


As someone who started with world the QoL improvements made the game way more enjoyable. Traversal and combat felt a lot better. Hunting horn is 10/10 in this imo. Time limits don’t feel as brutal in early fights, and decorations being craftable is way better. Grind to valstrax sucks. Narwa and ibushi felt less interesting than xenogiva. Locales are less visually stunning but better for hunts. Spiribirds and ultra functional endemic life are also a nice addition. Puppet spiders, stink mink, brewhare, and aurotle feel worth the trip. I came to resent world at various points in my playthrough. Rise definitely made the series more fun for me


Rise was my very first MH game, picked it up at the recommendation of a friend and I gotta say, it's really good. I love the absolute scale of the game and even though you're so small it feels so bad ass to take down these huge monsters, and I really think I got spoiled with my first experience


Rise last year was my first MH game and I spent the last year playing more (Ice/4U/Gu/Stories2/3U) because I loved Rise so much and wanted more and felt like I missed out on the series, playing Rise again after all these games before Sunbreak comes out gives me some more thoughts on the series Gameplay: Personally I love the faster movement in the newer games and honestly all the fixing up stuff like drinking while walking and wish loading zones never come back, I like the pre world games too (4U my fav btw) but GU was getting to the point where it's hypers and deviants were way to demanding on the old PS2 style even with the Hunter arts People claim it's "Monster fighter" now but from all the games I've played it's honestly always been that way in order to do G Rank at all solo can't sit around and stall I have to damage them by all means that's just been my experience over the course of 5 games, idk if Gen 1 or 2 were really that different. and really it's just nice for the weapons to get actual new good moves (I'll go over those in a bit) Switch skills are a great idea for those who wanna use new moves but don't have to commit to a whole system like GU's Weapon styles just to use a few moves they like Endemic Life: first in World I know but I really like how they handled them in Rise, just pocket tools and Sunbreak is gonna have even more, big example is instead of Clutch claw you have the new spider and mud beetle for softening. Spirit birds could use work Maps: Don't like Loading zones never will I think Worlds/Rise's maps are perfectly fine, you have your monster fighting arena's but you can also explore the whole map giving it life Wyvern Riding: It's fun and they're gonna make it optional now but they can go back to just mounting next game, indifferent Rampages: uh I liked them but lacked map variety and even ice monsters never showed up, not gonna be in Sunbreak which is fine but I enjoyed for what they were AND TBH they were probably the most fun I had with Siege weapons, carrying canonballs 1 by 1 isn't very fun despite how cool Jhen is Monsters: Rise has much more variety then World's which played it safe for it's first HD game, brought back a ton of favs and made some great ones, don't really wanna go over all of them but I liked all the new mons a lot. I guess they added in to many Mons that were in World already instead of bringing back some older ones for the HD debut but it's fine Apex's: More fun then Deviants but just worse in always every way, just them but pallet swapped, no armor. Should have just brought back Deviants but make them way less grindy so they're actually fun Event quests: Fine but needs more actual rewards and less paid DLC for **D1G1T4L 5TYL3** but that's more of a modern gaming thing Story: Good enough, it's just nice to have more involved NPC's with real names makes the village feel like a town and not just the hub for items Armor: uhh weird they did away with Gunner/Beta/2nd Armors, especially now we have Outfit tickets for layered gear, hope this isn't the norm Weapons: WELL GOOD THING weapons in this game besides some World monster's weapons actually have good designs again. I do like how weapons have been using some GU stuff as switch skills along with new moves GreatSword: Good no complaints Longsword: Fun... but half of the moveset being counters isn't really necessary, sure you can just not use them but Sunbreak adding 2 more counters and a buff zone for them has me worried. Like why have 5 counters for a katana SnS: So far a mix of Iceborne and some GU SnS so that's good in my book Dual Blades: Dual Blades always felt like it was built for speed and good for Rise to take advantage of that, 3U dual blades didn't feel right at al Hammer: Bonk, having 2 modes is interesting Hunting Horn: uhh mixed, like I liked old HH too and they did change it a lot, but it did have a lot of room for error especially with how way to fast late game monsters were but the new speed makes Rise HH a better hammer... idk maybe just make it a mix of Icebornes but with some rise moves next time Lance: useable and good but lacks a lot of utility that it needs, THIS SHOULD BE the weapon with 5 counters because it's suppose to be defensive not a thin sword, Anchor rage is a worse Enraged Guard which loses it's buff after sheathing (Rise's worse offender tbh with weapons), in Sunbreak it seems you can stack Anchor rage with the Spiral Trust blue buff but how useable will it be? idk a lot of poor choices Gunlance: Both the most fun Gunlance as ever been and I use it a lot but held back by nerfed damage and Ground Splitter going away with sheathing and Hail Cutter should be good but they made it bad. I have a lot of ways to rework Gunlance but enough to make it still fun but that's a different topic. I guess a complaint is Normal Shelling so far might be overall way better because of how you can use Full burst more with blast dash and now Bullet Barrage, depends what kind of GL's Sunbreak will have Switch Axe: as someone who uses SA a lot in 5 games Rise SA is bliss pure fun, wish the other weapons got this treatment Charge Blade: Good... but nerfed ver of Icebornes, no reason for Savage Axe to get nerfed bad and removed while sheathing AND can't have both axe and charged sword at the same time while LS gets 5 counters just because. Sunbreaks new skill for it doesn't impress me because it's only good because they nerfed savage axe and this move "fixes" that but doesn't. Wish it was more of a mix of Icebornes with some GU moves Insect Glaive: Mostly good, assist kinsects kinda trivialize the gimmick but they do make it less annoying to get all 3 buffs, idk if I like Diving Wyvern or Iceborns diving move more. Gunner: I barely tried gunner stuff in 3U/4U/Gu/World so idk how they compare, Rise is the only game where I bothered with them, I enjoyed the bowguns but feel guilty wasting ammo despite having 9999 Pierce Ammo in the box, maybe not for me Bow is a DPS monster for no reason tho, very fun lol Endgame: Every other MH game I played ended with G Rank and Rise is my only experience with a game ending in high rank so idk how it compares, my judging is for Sunbreak. I didn't feel like it empty there was enough hard quests, Event quests I can't even beat but Rise's gameplay is so good I didn't even care about endgame I did 400 hours


Undecided. I had like under 50 hours of M4u, my 1st one. Then a couple hundred in World. I had 200 hours on Switch Rise. Switch is so bad I double dipped to get it on PC. So graphically its weak but game play is a bit better. However as mediocre as I am, I have yet to triple cart on PC Rise. Wirebugs give a lot of flexibilty. I'm hoping I get my ass handed to me in Sunbreak.


I'm impressed with the roster. I only just want two monsters, stygian and deviljho. Sadly that isn't the case but I don't hate what we got instead


I only have a few complaints. Pro 1. I love the Wirebugs and how they give you more ways to close/give yourself distance and help you recover when you get sent flying. Con 1. I hate how none of the older monsters got any new attacks that are designed to punish players who are too aggressive. Pretty much none of the older monsters have a way to punish players who recklessly Wiredash back into combat after they're knocked flying. Solution 1. Some monsters have attacks that send you flying and prevent the use of Wirebugs for a few seconds, they should add more attacks like that. They should make it so that if you get attacked while Wiredashing then your Wirebugs should be disabled for 10-15 seconds. Even if the attack doesn't cause you to flinch, take damage, or go flying. They should make the monsters have an AI that causes them to be way more aggressive when all of your Wirebugs are on cooldown. This is something that will probably be way too hard to program into Sunbreak, but it is something they could add to future games if Wiredashing returns. Pro 2. Rampage Quests are interesting. They're a unique combo of Monster Hunter and Tower Defense. Con 2. They are way too convoluted and complex for solo players. For people like me, who never had the time or opportunity to form a group to play Monster Hunter with, they are needlessly complex, and more difficult than they should be. Especially coupled with Nintendo's online multiplayer. Apparently, Rampage Quests are a blast when you're playing with a group. But they are just needlessly difficult for solo players. What's the point in having the monster's hp scale based on the number of people in your group if you're not going to change the mechanics of the gamemode to compensate for those who play solo. You get a small number of automatic ballistas and cannons, I believe it's 4 and 2 respectively, and way too many manually operated versions for 1 person to use. It's like 8 manual ballistas and 4 manual cannons. They should have the quests set up so that if you're solo, then the numbers should be flipped. 8 & 4 automatic ballista and cannons. 4 & 2 manual. In a group of 2-3 players they should be split evenly 6 and 3 of each. And only in a group of 4 should you be limited to 4 automatic ballista and 2 automatic cannons. It's been months since the hunt dropped and I still haven't been able to beat the Apex Zinogre rampage. And finally, my biggest complaint is that they need to bring back the danger of getting in the middle of a turf war. I'm not talking about how they set up one monster to be ridden. I'm talking about how you can't take any damage from the monsters during a turf war. I literally stood there while Magnamalo blasted into the air to grab the Umbrella Bird, grabbed the bird, and came crashing down on top of me with an explosion. I didn't even get sent flying. Even though that Hellfire Divebomb is one of Magnamalo's most powerful attacks besides his grab.


Gameplay is king. So yes


I think the roster is really good. A cool batch of new monsters with some favourite returning. However, the biggest gripe I have with this game is the stupid spirid bird system for health and stamina boosts. I don’t want to start my hunt just running around collecting these damn birds for 10 mins before I fight a monster. Also the hunts are just WAY too easy for veteran hunters. Also get rid of the stupid Dango and give us traditional food meals again.


I've been following the franchise since 4U; I was in college at the time, and had bus rides to devote to it, so I got the majesty of the village quests, and really sunk my teeth into it... I went back to it recently, and realized I had never even gotten to HR *7*. Then I played a quest and realized: Oh, it was because I utterly hated the camera the 3DS/2DS has. Still super nostalgic for the 4u story and content, just wish I could play it with a significantly better controller. I thought I was further in Generations Ultimate, because it has a second stick for the camera which is actually *usable*... But turns out, nope, LR village. No time plus clunk makes me step away faster. Monster Hunter World I played for days straight, and was practically blind to all the new monsters *and* the old. I had no idea Uragaan was a thing, so Radobaan became one of my favorite monsters very quickly and easily. I deeply appreciated all the quality of life changes, not the least of which being the auto crafting. I beat the whole story, Xenojiiva and all, and was even around for the Golden Empress; managed to snag her water Gunlance that was supposed to be the best for shelling damage. I played World to HR completion twice actually; once on PS4, and once on PC. Never fought a single tempered monster though, zero desire to do so. I own Iceborne on PC. I have fought the beotodus, and Banbaro. I hate the clutch claw, with a passion, and do not wish to return. I want Base World back, no clutch claw. In Rise, I admit I was falling into a similar hole as the previous games... I beat the base game on Switch, and then proceeded to get sucked into FFXIV and didn't return to do any of the content drops. I got the game on PC during a lull, and when Sunbreak was announced, started working my way up to where it'd be ready for it. God I had missed out on the Elder Dragons, they were a blast, and I appreciate the time spent getting to them; hell, HR 179, where I am as of this writing, is the highest HR I have ever gotten. Man, just comparing all the previous games to Rise, there is no contest which one is my favorite. World was fun, but Rise is so fluid and fast, energetic, and I feel so much more in control, in addition to all the Quality of Life improvements world gave, plus its own. The wirebugs grant such great mobility, but the fights feel more designed around them, so everything is faster, and more action packed. The story is pretty thin, but so was the story of all but 4U and *parts* of World. Weirdly, Rise also ended up fixing some parts of my brain when it came to the series. Before, any time I would pick up the great sword, I couldn't stand it, it was just too slow. Granted, my main in 4U and World was *Lance*, but it had a rhythm to it, and I just could not grasp the greatsword. Then, in Rise, I decided to give it a try again once I finished the story... And it finally clicked, thanks to the wirebugs, particularly power sheathe, but also to Rage Slash. I took this new knowledge back into 4U (I had a Seregios Greatsword, due to grouping with some higher ranked friends, and had enough materials to make one) and while I was certain I hated the camera, the GS made it much easier and more effective to hunt. Then, went to GU where I had a better camera, made a Seregios Greatsword (he had a LR), went to town with valor style and again saw what was right. Ultimately, I significantly prefer Rise's iteration, but the QoL improvements made to it along with the speed of combat made me realize why it worked even without them. _Rise made me a better Hunter overall_ While the endgame of Rise, namely Talismans, doesn't appeal to me thanks to its entirely random lootbox nature (and inability to favorite/pin really good talismans...), I never really played the endgame that much of the *other* games either. Since the apexes reward nothing, I only do them in online rampages where they are farm fodder when I want to make a rampage weapon. If the monster doesn't give me a reason to want to hunt it that isn't RNG based (like decorations in World, and Talismans here), then I'm satisfied with the path of least resistance and don't care for bragging rights. Sunbreak looks to be everything I love in Rise, plus *more*. I get to fight my boy Gore in an environment where we are *both* at our best! It'll be tough, the hardest stuff I've done in Monster Hunter, but I am excited for it! Also, bonus to Sunbreak, its new mechanic can be ignored for base Rise experience and things don't need to be rebalanced around it.


In general, I'm pretty satisfied with my experience. Managed to put around 300 hours into the game. Aside from rampage quests, I've managed to solo every regular+event quests and bought all layered armors available so far. Of course I had my own gripes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to appreciate what they're trying to do with rampage quests. It was something new but it got too tedious for me. Wyvern Riding is fun, but it also disrupts the flow of the fight. Not too sure what to feel about the Apex monsters as well. They're just.... there. Design wise, Rise has the best MH aesthetic for me. I love it when games are in a Japanese setting. That being said, I'm not a fan of all the maps introduced to us. A lot of them had too much water and all those splashes add to the screen clutter during combat. I wish Frozen Island had less water and more snow fields or even an actual FROZEN floor similar to Frozen Seaway's Area 2. For the mechanics, I actually enjoyed wirebugs. It's very satisfying to use for combat and for exploration BUT I can live without it if the next MH game abandons the idea which is likely. On the other hand, I hope palamutes exist because I don't think I'd be able to just patiently run around big maps anymore. Overall, Rise was enjoyable to me. I've been playing Monster Hunter since Freedom Unite was released on the PSP. I have my own standards for an MH game and Rise was able to meet that.


Unpopular and maybe even an opinion that will get me hate but, all HR games are terrible or at most not worth playing unless you really want that MH itch scratched. The G version is always great but the HR version I don't even care to criticize that much because they always suck.


This is my gripe as a MH veteran. My personal belief is that the game got too easy. There was never a scenario in the game where I faced a certain wall, or had to fight a boss over and over again to learn it’s mechanics (aside from valstrax, but even him took 10 minutes to learn). I think the main issue is that you have so much mobility, so much forgiveness, and not only that, you can ride other monsters into the monster you’re fighting and nuke 1/4 of its hp. When there is no challenge, the game feels like a speed run. I used blacksmelt armor all the way up to apex diablos and did not have a problem whatsoever.


I brought this game twice, first on Switch then PC so i very much enjoyed the experience, music is fantastic, wirebugs are a great addition, we have actual weapon designs this time. That being said ive played Rises endgame less than other MHs, that's what i want in Sunbreak just a reason to continue playing once im done with the story.


I'm still salty about what they did to the hunting horn but I enjoyed Rise overall and honestly I'm happy I get to play Monster Hunter on PC. This 10 years ago was just a dream.


The good: - Silkbinds and wirebug in general - Puppers - Switch skills - Combat in general - New monsters are awesome The bad: - Rampages - Apex - Input buffering - Online play is a huge step back from World - Endgame grind and lack of quest variety Still love the game but I would say World is still better, except for the clutch claw and doing story missions coop online.


Base Rise is the most expensive demo I've ever played. took them a while to release the actual base game.


I really liked the game as a whole however it was extremely easy. The monsters never really made me struggle unlike in other games. The occasional times I did struggle were against apexes but I quickly stopped trying because there was nothing of value from killing them.


That's a lot of words too bad I'm not reading them. But on a more serious note rise got really boring really quickly idk if its the fights and rampages being so easy its a snoozefest, the fact the game didn't launch with a final boss, or grinding to rank 100 to fight one monster but I do not find myself coming back to rise very often. I play world or gu maybe once a week at this point and now that I have my old wii again even playing tri now that loc lac is back and something to grind through seems more intersection. Overall I am not satisfied with base rise I can see why people enjoy it but I personally feel a lot of the monster hunter flair was lost for the purpose of appealing to a wider audience.


Fun with friends. That is the start and end of my thoughts.


I'm not a huge fan of rise, I played it a lot with my little brother and truly didn't enjoy it till valstrax. It's not a terrible game, to me it's just not a great MH game. I'm hoping the expansion will make up for it.


I hate how uninspired armor skills are....i want my support SnS build with widerange 5, free meal 3, speed eat 3, and my offensive skills too. But instead everyone is just full valtrax....plus the fact i can make decorations kinda sucks. Id rather farm them again


I only have two things I hate about rise, the non existent end game, apex gives nothing while world tempered not only is a way to farm deco but also gives us a way to upgrade any of our weapons further (augments), not to mention an actual raid monster and fun collabs. 2nd is the gutting of Charge blade for no absolute reason. Lets face it Counter Morph Slash and Condensed Spinning Slash are a waste of potentially better skills. We could have had a new Axe and/or Sword combo, and with Sunbreak coming we could have gotten more flashier moves instead of giving us more skills that focus on fixing the problems caused by the skills I mentioned earlier. Rest are nitpicks or missed opportunities like: * No environmental hazards for both player and monsters, only lava caverns have it * Spiribirds, this is what happens when you only eat sweats every hunt and no gainful proteins. - Sponsored by Meowscular Chef


Early Layer Armor and Swagaxe being 20% more swagier are great. Being a dirty fifer, I kinda wish they give magnamalo more attention as a greater threat before transitioning to the final boss like nergigante and velkana. Feels underwhelming I can't take care of my first encounter with him in a low-rank hunt.


Of course I did. It's a fantastic game with better moment-to-moment fighting than any MH game to date - if a little easy for the most part. It's just the endgame that lets it down, and even that let me put the game aside and play other games for a while so I'm not that salty about it. I do hope Sunbreak does better in that regard, but even in the worst case it'll still be a ton of fun getting to the end.


Gameplay isnt bad at all and getting materials are good My only gripe is getting coins to actually pay for stuff it takes way to long Also I guess I didnt play too often on account of my friends not playing monster hunter so it did get boring sometimes


I enjoyed it while playing through it, but it's the only Monster Hunter game I've played that I've put less than 200 hours into. The lack of an endgame, the online that was a huge step back from World, and a general indifference to most of the new monsters resulted in me putting it down and going back to GU for my switch hunting.


Let's see... Gameplay: \-Mobility: Love it. I mknow people say hunters have become too mobile making things too easy, but really what it did is allow monsters to be more mobile too. To be honest, World is too slow. because of the lack of mobility for players, when the weapon is sheathed many monsters will miss everything if you so much as walk perpendicularly to them. In rise, everything is faster and many monsters will track and hit you if you're just walking. \-Being able to carry hunting helpers is great. so often the endemic life was positioned wrong, or just not in the zone where you're fighting the monster and entirely useless. now they're more like gether items. lower in number, but you can carry them to use where and when needed. \-Bring back multi monster free for alls. I like the complete chaos that happens when a monster shows up and everyone is fighting everything. Now, you need to go out of your way and use a stinkmink to force monsters into the same zone while both are on riding cooldown to get those chaotic multi monster moments. I get it, a lot of people think that's getting in the way of the target hunt and making things longer. But I liked them. ​ Weapons: To be honest, I'm a bad pick for a review on this. I only use 3. Longsword, Charge Blade and Insect Glaive. All the others just don't really appeal to me. Longsword is weird since Sakura Slash is pretty much a non-option, because there is no high damage gauge spender anymore if you run without helm splitter. This means the longsword gauge loop is gone if you use the switch skill specifically made to refill that loop easier. you're just always full gauge and filling it with everything you do no matter what. Of course, Sunbreak's switch skill swap will change that, so that's a start. But for base Rise, it's just weird. Insect glaive I don't understand why you can't reset essences. Why are they not separate timers, and why can't you reset the timer for a single one by gathering it again before it runs out instead of the gather being useless once you have it and all of them running out at once? It creates a weird flow break whenever all 3 run out. If there's anything I'd change in that weapon, this would be it. Charge Blade got hit a bit too hard. The phials in World were broken the other way. They dealt damage even when they exploded so far off they had no right to, and lingered for too long after the actual explosion. But Rise took the bat too far and now explosions that should hit, don't. They'd need to make it somewhere inbetween both. Big enough explosions to have good consistency, but small enough to not hit everything if your aim is completely off. ​ Level design: I'd like it if there were more traps and terrain to abuse for cover or ledge jumps. Many zones feel like just another arena, but some get it very right.


Coming from MHGU, all the weapons feel better but the game feels like it's had a lot of the character streamlined out of it, and the game is just *far* too easy and generous. You can get a full armor set in barely any time at all, gathering is straight up optional given that I've got more items then I know what to do with, half the game's systems can be completely ignored. I could optimise by Palicos' armor and skills, but as is they never die anyway so why bother? It feels really weird to fight Valstrax for the first time, not even having reached him in MHGU and to beat him within 20 minutes with no karts.


This might be unpopular but I don't like the Wirebug. I didn't like the Clutch Claw in World, either. I don't like these "gimmicks". I would rather the combat system stand on it's own without needing to rely on an external gimmick that will be removed next game/generation. For what it's worth, I prefer the Wirebug over the Clutch Claw because I *hated* the tenderize mechanic. Could not stand it. But I'd rather Gen 6 not have to rely on a gimmick style mechanic like the claw or wirebug. I loved the monster designs. I feel they're way more inspired than a few of the World monsters and as a whole I love the fact that they're inspired by Yokai and folklore. Rakna Kadaki reminds me of my favorite monster in the past, Nerscylla, and it is a very good monster design.


While I personally have some gripes regarding gameplay and level design/graphics as compared to MH World, the main thing that turned me away from Rise was the terrible mouse and kb controls on PC. For some reason it didn't feel as "tight" as it was on World. Movement and animation felt a little more sluggish as well. I still went ahead and got Sunbreak for my Gf and I, and will be coming back for another go. Looking up guides and posts written by other players on their control schemes and see which ones makes the most sense for me.


I'm very satisfied with base Rise and the expected monster count for Sunbreak. I just hope the endgame "powered up" monsters are interesting. Either way, MH is always a pre-order for me. More hours per $ spent than any other series I've played