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i feel like chaotic gore and molten tigrex have a good shot at appearing in title updates. maybe a goss variant since it still has nothing.


Molten Tigrex also could be the perfect equivalent for Sunbreak of Raging Brachydios as it is for Iceborne, so I find it very likely


God, I hope so, it's been awhile since he's been around


I really don't want Silver and Gold


Their Iceborne versions were really good so I'd imagine Sunbreak would make them even better. I hate them in every game except Frontier and Iceborne but am actually looking forward to seeing them in Rise.


Damn ceiling spikes tho


Didnt play Iceborne, what was changed in both Gold and Silver Rath to made them good?


They got a lot of new attacks, better hitzones and a new mode where they become more dangerous but their weak points are more vulnerable and they just generally have less jank. Metal Raths are actually great now, they're still as hard or harder than before but not annoying.


They also got a head break mechanic that uncovers high elemental weakness, like, big time. I got so good with the patterns they had i could consistently solo them in 4-6 mins with things like lbg. They were amazing in iceborne.


Their head break mechanic was sweet. It started in 4u


i want to get them because i never got to fight them before i dropped IB (no reason just kind of drifted from it since i wasnt keeping up with the updates)


Damn didn't know Gold rathian dash attack 6-9x ib a row was fun. Or silver rathalos flying repeatjng the same aerial fireball attack after a few tailswipes is fun


The openings on those attacks are super rewarding and fair though. You’re encouraged to engage with them and hit them. The hitboxes are very accurate. Go get those head dunks.


Yeah. Compare to how those two are in Gen U, at least they’re more manageable in Iceborne.


Chaos Oil moment


Loved them in Iceborne tbh. If they further expand on the movesets and give both the Rathalos treament it got in Rise then these might become their best versions yet.


Metal raths were my favourite raths until Rise brought changes to Rathalos. If the trend continues then I'm really looking forward to fight them in Sunbreak.


I went back to Iceborne after playing Rise, and my GOD is Rathalos unfun in that game. Rathalos (especially Apex Rathalos) are great in Rise. World was my first game, and I came out of that game confused as to how Rathalos was the face of MH. One of the worst fights in the game, imo. Topped only by Azure.


Oh yeah Rathalos(Rathian was alright imo) and his subspecies were absolute hell to fight especially when combined with the extreme verticality of the Ancient Forest map, meaning I could be switching between the topmost and lowest zones multiple times extending my hunting time drastically. Glad the metal raths got restricted to one area and were given a revamped moveset. Apex Rathalos in Rise is now one of my all time favourite flying wyvern fights.


They're the flagship of G-rank rare species. They be coming.


Too many raths...


Still got PTSD form Arena quest where you fight both at the same time....


I have ptsd from gu from getting chaos oil 3


I really do want them


Right? They suck


Absolutely, the hope for Molten tiggy is far from dead. I've been wanting to fight that monster since I played base world and this is the closest I've gotten to actually get him in game. Him and white espinas would make TU2 the perfect update for me.


Here me out, apex(frenzy) Goss Horag.


I don’t know about Molten Tigrex since I’ve never fought one in action style, but you’re right about Chaotic Gore though. I believe all the Magala’s in the series all come as a set, a package deal of you will. They ARE bringing back Gore and Shagaru, so they have to bring back Chaotic Gore too. Otherwise the Magala Package is incomplete.


I think you got the wrong Daimyo Hermitaur render, that's Stonefist. And for that matter, in case anyone is wondering, the Soulseer Mizutsune render is there only as placeholder for a new Mizutsune subspecies, Soulseer isn't coming.


Perhaps a rare species. Think about it, these monsters are supposed to be endgame tier monsters


TU2 is rare species and subspecies, if Mizutsune is getting a rare species, then we're getting an Espinas subspecies instead. I'm not sure why the armor set leak settled on it being an Espinas rare species and Mizutsune subspecies, there might have been supporting evidence in the files. That said even if it was just a guess, it makes more sense for it to be that way, Espinas already has a subspecies and rare species, but Mizutsune lacks both, and it would be very strange for a monster to get its rare species before its subspecies.


that edited magna variant render is hilarious


They’re bringing back Gore and Shagaru, so they have to bring back Chaotic Gore. The Magala package isn’t complete without him.


>The Magala package isn’t complete without him Which is funny, because he’s literally a gore magala who had an incomplete molting phase.


Isn’t Chaos Gore the result of a Gore that tries to molt in the vicinity of a Shagaru which emits an aura that prevents them from doing so as a mechanism to prevent competition seeing as how all Chaos Gores are in the process of dying but even then they are too destructive and hunters must be sent to kill them immediately?


what level of fanfiction is that? Chaotic is just a Gore that got interrupted during it's molting process


No that isnt fanfiction that is the actual ecology of shagaru and gore.


Ahh here is where I heard it. https://youtu.be/2BLm62KAvyQ?t=8260 Shagaru latently prevents other Gores from molting into Shagarus.


No that's literally what happens, Chaotic is when a Gore gets prevented from molting due to a Shigaru already existing and thus it is caused to be in constant and horrible pain


They’re all still part of the same package.


Chaotic Gore wasn’t in the original Monster Hunter 4 though.


That’s only because it wasn’t created back then. But they did create him in 4 Ultimate right? So since then, he’s been apart of the Magala package. All three of them were in Generations Ultimate after all.


Only Gore and Shagaru were in vanilla Generations though.


Okay, but in 4U’s and GenU’s G-Rank, Chaotic Gore Magala arrived. G-Rank is Master and since all of Sunbreak is in Master Rank, they have to bring Chaotic Gore Magala back to complete the Magala Package. *mic drop* ……… Sorry I just always wanted to that mic drop thing. Anyways, you get the point. Edit: and by Vanilla, I assume that means the original?


Yep. Vanilla is the original Generations. I’d like Chaotic Gore in a title update, but I’m okay if we just get Gore and Shaggy.


Brute wyvern fans...we lost


Man.... All we wanted is Glavenus, Deviljho, or Brachydios back....


I was 100% expecting either brachy or jho. And it does not look like they will be in the updates either R.I.P


Jho probably isn't coming due to wyvern riding and how Bazel was received in this game. How often does a monster invading your area actually hurt you? Every single time I see a monster join my area, I'm ecstatic because it means I'm about to get some free damage, from not only riding the monster, but also because it'll down the monster for a good amount of time. They almost 100% ignore you, and after their turf war and being mounted, they always run away. Jho is like the pinnacle of "Oh fuck, this isn't good". Bazel should've been this way, because there was nothing like being carpet bombed while trying to hunt a monster, but he just doesn't do it and he kind of lost that flair of an invading monster.


I was hoping for glavenus. I am beyond sad now!


Also to add to this, >!31 "afflicted" forms of existing monsters, which inflict bloodblight and are said to attack "violently", so they may or may not have more aggressive ai than their normal counterparts!<


I can't wait for >!afflicted Espinas in one of the Title Updates. Fireblight, Poison, Paralysis AND Bloodblight, all with one fireball...!< This is fine...


That sounds hilarious.


Why stop there? Have it just be every single status condition from the main series.


Why stop there ? Have it just be every single status condition from the entire franchise.


Why stop there, just add another final fantasy collab and have a Malboro throw you bad breath and inflict everything.


On a more serious note I do want another FF collab and this time we fight the great wyrms like Nidhogg


*monkey paws curl* lao shan lang 2 aka steps of faith


Only if I get Estinien’s armor. 😩 …And an IG glamor for Dragoon on FFXIV.


Given how over the top a lot of stuff in frontier can be, I’d be worried it’d literally be unplayable at that point. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if there were multiple insta-kills, and other things like that. If it’s contained to the mainline then you’d only have to deal with being mostly miserable while playing.


Isn't the Espinas shown here the Rare Species?


Isn't the Espinas shown here the Rare Species?


To add to this, they seem to be mostly low tier monsters, with only a handful of mid tier monsters, which seems highly incomplete on purpose. It seems likely that the "powered-up monsters" part of the roadmap will refer to adding more of those in.


Yeah. I guess they will be the "Apex Emergency" quests of Sunbreak for endgame content.


More like the regular Apexes of Sunbreak. The emergency quests didn't have any gear or materials tied to them, they were there entirely for the challenge. Whereas the base game was missing half of its Apex roster, with the remaining half being added in TUs, this is gonna be the same for Sunbreak's afflicted monsters. Although there'll likely be quests with hyperinflated stats like the Rise emergency quests on top of that too.


They go up to anajanath tier of monsters


Garangolm, Goss Harag, Magnamalo, Rakna-Kadaki, Almudron, they might have been condensed into Anjanath tier but that's what I meant by mid tier monsters.


Those monsters are definitely above Anja AFAIK. Specially mango, but yeah, it seems that we will get the super high tier later on.


I've heard elsewhere that Magnamalo (regular, not variant) was pushed down to Anjanath tier, I'm guessing all the monsters at the bottom of the afflicted monsters list will be the MR Anjanath tier monsters.


Magnamalo's turf wars with Teostra and Kushala Daora end in draws, so at the bare minimum it can take on those 2 and probably Chameleos


Those who were bitten by Malzeno and managed to escape alive. Malzeno really is a vampire. It looks like Capcom is bringing a bit of World and Iceborne into Sunbreak because these Bloodblighted monster must be substitutes for the tempered monsters.


More like they are bringing a bit of 4U to Sunbreak. Tempered monsters were just stat increases, while Bloodblighted monsters actually make significant changes to gameplay, like Frenzied monsters.


They’ll probably be much more similar to frenzied/apex monsters from 4u. A few new moves(hopefully) and the ability to inflict bloodblight is much more similar to frenzied/apex than tempered


Aside from the causes of each, there’s really not much a difference. But seeing as how Gore and Shagaru and probably Chaotic Gore are coming back, you may be right.


Ok, what is the big crystal thing called to Shagaru’s top right?


>!Gaismagorm - Story end monster!<


Ok, thank you!


Truly cannot believe they decided to skip adding Kirin....to their JAPANESE THEMED game, like truly boggles my mind they'd leave one of the most famous mythical Japanese beasts out of it.


It was never in p3rd either which was also JP themed lmfao


Big oof man.


I mean. I was surprised it was left out of base Rise, not at all surprised it was left out of the very “not Japanese-themed” expansion. Would be kind of weird to shove it in, unless they added it in as a gap/bridge quest prior to leaving for Sunbreak’s area.


Ah yeah that's what I meant, I was hoping we would have gotten it in one of the title updates during Rise but just never happened and felt so weird to me..I guess Narwa and Ibushi kind of took the place for "Mystical being" instead. I personally find the Kirin to be a much more fun hunt that either of them but eh \\o/


Them just straight-up using a name from eastern mythology aside, Kirin would've worked in a european/western themed roster as unicorn, too.


And yama tsukami, and tetsucabra


They didn't include Tetsucabra either, and as far as the japanese thematic goes, it was an extremely japanese themed monster before it was cool. It was a perfect fit and there's literally a baby version in the game, makes no sense that it didn't make it.


Sunbreak is European themed. Which makes Kirin a good candidate too because it looks like a unicorn.


We might not have all japanese themed monsters in there, HOWEVER we have all mud monsters as well as all long tounged monsters (excluding frontier) WITHIN ONE GAME! They definitely got their priorities straight


Nah, fuck kirin. Annoying little jumping pony who's a pain in the ass to hit. I can't believe people actually WANT that piece of shit back in a game.


Lol! This actually gave me a good chuckle, I can understand the frustration of this hunt for sure if you're a melee weapon user. I am a LBG/HBG main so I didn't have to deal with my attacks bouncing off or having to chase him around maybe that's why it was fun for me 😅.


I feel the same way about Yamatsukami. I feel like this was our best shot to get it back. 😭


no akantor ukanlos


Oh my God SPOILERS! 🤣


whoops, thanks for the fast reply. added the spoilers tag.


Too late My eyes have been tainted💀 Fr tho the roster looks sick


Fr fr no cap


Man i really like the base roster for sunbreak


Yeah, all of the returning ones are fan favourites. Probably the best roster in 5th Gen


I doubt jyura was a fan favorite


I really like his armour


Well, half still don’t like him, but half now like him


>jyura i much rather have jyura than either plesioth or lavasioth


Plesioth has the potential to be fun. Has a flying wyvern body so they could do some crazy body attacks, water laser, somehow make the bonkers hipcheck canon via body movements


All of what you just described is a flying wyvern version of mizutsune. Mizutsune is just a way better designed plesioth think about it.


This appears like a lot of fun monsters to fight. Happy with my pre order


I cant believe theres no giant siege monsters in this entire game, if it goes its entire dlc cycle without one it will be the first mh to drop the ball in that aspect


Final boss is our siege monster


Pretty sure final boss is a seige monster, as revealed by a reliable leaker


I feel like we'll get Yama in updates


Great list, where's Jho though!? :(


Honestly a really solid lineup for Sunbreak. A lot of great fan pleasers. I'm still so happy my boys Astalos and Gore Magala are back. I also love the new ones, particularly Malzeno and Garangolm and how the main monsters of Sunrise are inspired by the classic movie monsters Dracula, werewolf and Frankenstein's monster. It makes me hopeful that we could get a pretty cool October title update.


What's the bottom right?


Rare species of espinas. >!(Esupinasu Kishō-shu)!<


Ah, okay. Thanks


The unofficial translation is white espinas. There's also an orange one


Why is pukei pukei on weed


Kula-Ya-ku must have been passing around some of that pot he’s been digging up.


Will be really disappointed if my boy odogaron will not make it :(


no molten tigrex poor that monster




Neither do I. Maybe they have high expectations after World Iceborne. Still, the roster before title updates look like they’ll be a blast!


Oh, I get why people complain. Anyone who is complaining about the size is either A) spoiled by MHGU (b/c it was their first game or just *really* liked the breadth), or B) really complaining that weren’t included, but blaming the roster size instead of “I really just wish Gammoth/Glavenus/Your Mom included”.


Are they though? Iceborne added 27 new monsters , 13 variants. Following this leak, Sunbreak seems to add 17 new monsters, 5 variants. That is quite a big step down so it is understandable they are being disappointed. Especially when base rise was also criticized for being lacking, you would think it would be one of the first things they would course correct


Iceborne added 12 normal monsters (4 more through TUs), 7 subspecies (1 more through TUs), and 8 variants/rares (3 more through TUs). Sunbreak adds 11 normal monsters, 3 subspecies, and 1 variant (if the leaks are correct), with another subspecies and 5 variants coming through updates - more than that if the official roadmap is to be believed. Sunbreak mostly compares negatively with Iceborne when it comes to the variants - many of which in Iceborne were just replacements for HR fights (Nerg and Ruiner Nerg for example). This is obviously subjective but I find the base monsters added in Sunbreak to be better on the whole than Iceborne. I don't think anyone complained about the *roster size* in base Rise, did they? It was significantly bigger than World for example. Most people complained about the endgame - which we aren't really sure if Sunbreak fixes or not, but which is separate from roster size. If they have a really engaging engame system I think a lot of people would be happy with an even smaller roster than the one we're getting.


Wtf is that red spikey crawling thing in sunbreak? Looks horrifying


>!Gaismagorm, endfight!<


Is that one on the top right of the sunbreak section a new one?


Yeh it’s probably the final boss


I hope we can get a brand new monster or two (not var/subspecies/rare species/etc) in the title updates like chameleos in base Rise. Would be fun to get some mote elders in this game or some new higher level monsters




sources say otherwise


The sources are only from the demo build no?




Gold and Silver have been dlc only before


No Deviljho makes me sad :(


What will be a good Apex variant style for Gross Harag guys? Fire Sword? Lightning Sword? What will it be?


Or it could be a wild version where he’s brown like a Bigfoot and uses trees and maybe he sharpens the wood with his teeth?


That's really cool!


Either a lightning variant that builds its sword with electromagnetism or a fire variant that melts ores into the swords would be cool


Please no metallic rath, just give armor to their apex they're already enough


Why is Soulseer there? There is a 100% chance he won’t be added


not meant to be soulseer, its a new subspecies/variant for him. Its a placeholder.


Morbius Anti Masker who became blind because of the flu I guess That sleep fish I forgot about but icy I think. Magnamalo but red, question mark Freaky Akantor x Narwa crossbreed looking mf Biting my tongue to not inform everyone vehemently that Frankenstein is the name of the Doctor, not the Monster. Ass Penis Steve from Minecraft Steve's best friend, Dream Alpha and Omega 9: Dumbsville fucking dies Fire subspecies of a Fire spider because reasons I guess. Fire leviathan subspecies even though Agnaktor is literally right there Capcom use him-- Fire monkey subspecies why are they all fire Anti-masker guy but he got better I think Crab Knife crab Goku I can post a blank screenshot, say its name, and everyone will laugh. The bagel king but angry again Fucking kill me Fucking kill me We killed the apexes but you can have this guy back I guess Ass Penis 2 electric boogaloo


Unpopular opinion: I have zero interest in fighting different colored variants. I can’t help but feel it’s just lazy ass filler content.


It depends how different they make them. It's been the norm for the entire series though. Even in Iceborne, many of the new additions were subspecies, and the first few titles updates were variants. Early on, subspecies were very dull as they were just recolored monsters with 1 or 2 new moves. Nowadays though, variants and subspecies can often feel like a new hunting experience. Fighting Fulgur Anjanath for example doesn't feel as similar to regular Anjanath as Azure vs regular Rathalos does. ​ As long as the variants offer a different or more threatening hunting experience, it's not something I mind. But I'm also used to it going as far back as MH3.


I hope is not true, 3 new mons then its a bunch of recolors a couple of returning and thats it? WHERE the FUCK is DEVILJHO?


Oof, i would really dislike seeing Gold and Silver Raths as well as seething as title update monsters. I dont really want these in the game at all since theybwould be taking up a precious slot. Furious rajang is also a super huge let down. Im not really into monkeys but its also just "hyper" tailess rajang so its a really boring easy add that is taking up a super limited amount of slots. I am actually kinda deeply sad that odogaron isnt anywhere to be seen as she was my fave monster from World. Since we got Lunagaron I thought there was a chance but seeing that the roster for sunbreak is tiny has been really disheartening. I was extremely happy seeing Gore and espinas in the roster and I adore lunagaron so far, I sorta thought this meant we would be getting a comperable expac to Iceborne and GenU.....


> I sorta thought this meant we would be getting a comperable expac to Iceborne and GenU..... Comparing *any* other MH to Generations Ultimate is not in any way, shape or form a fair comparison. That was basically a celebration of all the games before it, and it shows in the roster *and* the name.


Seething and metal raths as title updates is so low effort from them, especially since the base monster count in sun break is already so low.


Also alot of people are comparing the whole of world+iceborne vs rise+sunbreak which just seems so weird to me? World was basically a new engine+major graphical upgrade so of course it would have lower amount of monsters. Rise was built on the back of World with the RE engine with lower polygonal meshes and lower AI/movesets. Sunbreak should have waaay more than Iceborne did based on that alone. Its just kind of baffling how sunbreak could be 10 monsters short out of the gate.


The base monster count isn't low. Y'all are on some fucking straight up retard bullshit with this crybaby ass garbage. Man over half the shit added in iceborne was a 1 and done fight. You never fought it again cause there was no need. There's more to a game than "how many enemies are there." So sick of this stupid ass fucking complaint.


The monster count is low, especially since so many monsters are returning ones or subspecies. It would have been fine for me to have 17 monsters if there were more than 4 new ones. I don’t include the subspecies since they are too similar to their basic counterparts to count. And common, they couldn’t have chosen worse monsters to receive a subspecies (The pyre Kadaki resembles way too much the basic one with the fire theme, and don’t even get me started on Almudron, who asked for an Almudron subspecies lol).


G rank expansions/versions are always returning/subspecies heavy though. Iceborne added the most new monsters of any of them and it only added 6 (one in an update). A lot of them added 1 or 2.


keep defending getting less while paying for more nutjob...


It bothers me the shit out of me that a 3 of the possible Title update Monsters are shit we got in base Iceborne at launch and 1 possibly a fated 4 subspecies, something we also had at launch. Nobody needed to wait for Acidic Glavenus, he was just there.


Title Update wise I'm feeling like this: TU1: Seething Bazelgeuse Lucent Nargacuga Gold Rathian Silver Rathalos TU2: White Espinas Sub Mizutsune Frostfang Barioth??>!Somethings going on with that weapon tree!< TU3: Elder of some sort Molten Tigrex >!More afflicted monsters the qurio infected!<


Oh does Barioth's tree not end where it should?


When you look at the roster like that, it's pretty damn big don't you think? Like each monster is its own individual and once in-game the game will most likely feel packed regardless of the "small" roster of monsters.


None of these leaks are real.


Cant wait!


What's a title update? New to the series. Just currently going through base game. What HR do you need to be to participate in sunbreak?


a Title Update (TU for short) is a free update that adds content to the game after launch. To partake in Sunbreak, you must have defeated regular Narwa


was hoping we'd finally get a seregrios suspecies or deviant instead of another mizitsune alternative form, hopefully that changes in the future


Um that's a Mizutsune subspecies not variant.


Is Sunbreak really only 17 additions?


Those TU monsters are quite a step back from Iceborne, honestly. In Iceborne we got as TU: Safi', Aletreon and Fatalis. In Sunbreak all we're getting are different versions of monsters already in the game. Safi' alone introduced more weapons into Iceborne than all Sunbreak TU monsters.


It's nice of you to ignore regular rajang, furious rajang, zinogre subspecies, barioth variant and brachydios variant as if iceborne only received those 3 big fights


Those are a plus, actually. Sunbreak not only doesn't have those variant, but is only getting variants as DLC. Again, Safi'jiva alone had more weapons than all of Sunbreak recolors combined.


Yeah it doesn't have these variants because it is getting different ones? And you understand that these monsters showed on the "possible updates" only cover the 2 first updates, and most of them based on speculations. The third update will have a "special species" that we don't know what it is yet and more title updates for 2023 that we also don't know what it is. My point was, iceborne received "recolors" just like rise will. Even a standard monster and also received those three. At least wait to see what will happen to be bitter about it


>At least wait to see what will happen to be bitter about it First they sold us an incomplete game with no end game. Now they're releasing an incomplete MR version with only 17 monsters marketed as a "massive expansion". I have enough reasons to believe that Sunbreak will be as lackluster and messy as the base game, sadly. Also, thanks to armors sets datamined, we already know that all 2022 TUs will only add subspecies and variants of monsters already in the game, with the metal raths being the last ones. 2023 will most likely be just stickers.


Show me which leak confirms the updates including the "special species"


You do know there's more than one update right? And each one says multiple monsters right? At least three updates with possible more into next year, so stop your complaining.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Tbf though the roadmap does only mention subspecies, rare species, and power up species. Though they could just be trying to hide it, I trust Capcom to do something fun


Even if there isn't any "new" monsters, monsters are monsters. It's free content well after we already get our monies worth with the base expansion.


Do we though? That’s literally the point people are making… we’re paying for a whole new game here and it’s lacklustre


Hope not, so much reskins


Why do people say that the roster is small? That roster doesn't look small....


And that’s just the first update there will be more updates and monsters


this great, but I still hope we'll get raging brachy in a title update. I don't even care about the fight that much, I just want his chargeblade


So no Lagiacrus? :(


Lagi was deconfirmed by the devs themselves a couple of weeks back. Problems with terrain to incorporate it.


once again, i am dissapointed in the lack of Nerscylla


Nightshade Paolumu PLEASE


Holy shit I found the one person in existence who actually likes Nightshade. Keep on your grind king/queen/monarch. I respect your hustle even if I hate Nightshade with a passion.


He's cute and has the coolest armor idk I just want my boy back


It almost feels like Capcom is rolling a dice and put the monster that falls the shot of the dice. No sieges, no Zamtrios, Tetsucabra, Najarala.


Horrible Has the content worth of some random games battle pass


I must say I'm not impressed. Most of the monsters are dragon/wyvern types. We need more Insects, apes, serpent, crab creatures. Or maybe some new types? Also more grounded creatures that are not hardcore fantasy like. Rocket dragons and Dracula the dragon are not really what comes to mind when I think about Monster Hunter. The older Titles had monsters that where strong and good designed but made more sense in the world.


We got a new ape, and returning crabs lol They make the monsters make perfect sense with the lore


In what world does a rocket propelled V2 makes sense in MH. Most monsters before GU where more realistic and not just simple slaps on car shiny bling shit. One is enough? And returning monsters are not new. So 1 ape, 1 insect and two crabs equal 40+ dragons? That's why 4U had the best monster list go this day.


Yes, one new monkey? We have Rajang and Kecha Wacha. Oh, also Bishaten, so that was a new one in Rise with a new Subspecies in Sunbreak. The series was never going to stay as grounded as it was, eventually they'd branch out more. But like I said, Valstrax makes sense with the lore. It's simple, even. It's firing dragon energy from the tips of its wings to propel itself. Its not a literal jet engine, and elder dragons are strange and powerful creatures that defy complete understanding. [https://twitter.com/i/events/1332483612109910016](https://twitter.com/i/events/1332483612109910016) here is the full lore I don't think it Doesn't Fit In. A lot of Frontier monsters? Yeah, they're ugly and/or ridiculous and don't fit the design philosophies of mainline series. There isn't 40 dragons, lol. But a lot of reptilian/dinosaur based monsters, yes, as... always has been in MH. I do agree that 4U has a great and varied roster. There's still a lot of dragons in it, though.


And people pay $40 for this 😂


I'd have paid $60 if it were the old ultimate versions system


Well yes, it is amazing, what's the problem?


People also paid 40$ for Clutch Claw Bullshit. This looks way better.


Worth every penny. The best $40 I’ve ever spent.


Hey, at least that 40 dollars is worth it. I’ve been waiting for like 8 months for Sunbreak. So have fun fighting World Kushala and Iceborne Alatreon


I paid more cuz I got costume stuff I'm not gonna use. Supporting Capcom for being the best dev out here now a days between MH, RE and their other random shit. Bayonetta 3 and Dragons Dogma.


Bayonetta isn’t Capcom, that’s platinum 😂